Download - PS51 - 20 Dec 2012

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Commonwealth of Australiaelectronic APS Employment Gazette

    PS51 - 20 Dec 2012 Published by Commonwealth of Australia

    The electronic APS Employment Gazette (Gazette) contains notification of certainemployment decisions required to be azetted under the Public Service Act 1999and subordinate leislation! "otices include employment opportunities and theoutcomes (includin staff mo#ements$ enaements and promotions)!

    The Gazette may also contain employment opportunities a#ailable in the AustralianParliamentary Ser#ice$ includin mo#ements made under the Parliamentary Service Act1999.As well$ it may contain employment opportunities a#ailable in non%APSAustralian Go#ernment aencies!

    The date of publication of this Gazette is PS&' % *ec '! This date is to be used todetermine prescribed days in relation to promotions and mo#ements notified in this issueof the Gazette and related re#iew periods and dates of effect!

    Gazette o!"ement #n$uiries


    () - .&&/() - .&-0

    12P34TA"T 1",342AT13"5 Commonwealth of Australia 'This wor6 is copyriht! 7ou may download display print and reproduce this material inunaltered form only (retainin this notice) for your personal non%commercial use or usewithin your oranisation Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyriht Act '/-8 allother rihts are reser#ed 4equests and inquiries concernin reproduction and rihtsshould be addressed to Commonwealth Copyriht Administration Attorney General9s*epartment 4obert Garran 3ffices "ational Circuit :arton ACT - or posted at


    ,or more information on the terms and conditions of use of the APS


  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Australian Public Ser#ice Gazette"o! PS&' % *ec '

    Pae+ ' of &-

    %e&iewin" Promotion Decisions

    The office of the2erit Protection Commissioner is an independent office within the Australian Public Ser#ice Commission! Animportant part of the Commissioner9s role is to pro#ide a fair system for re#iew of decisions for all APS employees!

    3noin APS employees$ who are unsuccessful applicants for promotion$ may apply to the 2erit Protection Commissioner to

    ha#e the promotion decision re#iewed by a Promotion 4e#iew Committee ! Successful applicants whose promotion has notta6en effect can also apply for a promotion re#iew!

    Bnder the Public Ser#ice 4eulations '///$ Parliamentary Ser#ice employees =oinin an APS aency are considered to ha#ebeen enaed by the APS aency! 3noin Parliamentary Ser#ice employees who ha#e applied for a =ob in the APS at ahiher classification le#el can also apply for a promotion re#iew or may be sub=ect to an application for promotion re#iew froman APS employee!

    A promotion re#iew can only be conducted for promotions to APS e#el ' to APS e#el - (or equi#alent) classifications! APromotion 4e#iew Committee cannot re#iew promotions to =obs at the E>ecuti#e e#el ' and E>ecuti#e e#el (or hiher)classifications!

    Promotion decisions cannot be re#iewed if they are based on the recommendation of an 1ndependent Selection Ad#isoryCommittee or a decision of a Promotion 4e#iew Committee!

    'ow to lo!"e a promotion re&iew applicationApplications for re#iew of promotion decisions notified in the Gazette must be made in writin! Applications may be loded bysubmittin an online form a#ailable on the Australian Public Ser#ice Commission website at www!apsc!o#!au;merit or byemail$ facsimile or by mail to the address below+

    4e#iew TeamAustralian Public Ser#ice CommissionP3 :o> -.-Dorld Square Post 3fficeSydney "SD Phone+ () 8./ &..,acsimile+ () --0 /Email+ re#iewapsc!o#!au

    Closin" !ate for applications (%e"ulation 5)* specifie! perio!+

    Applications for re#iew of promotion decisions must be recei#ed by the 2erit Protection Commissioner$ at the address abo#eby &pm local time on the 'th day after the date of notification of the promotion in the Gazette!

    :y local time is meant &pm in the State or Territory in which the application is made! Applications made o#erseas must berecei#ed by the 2erit Protection Commissioner by &pm Australian Eastern Standard time!

    Applications for re#iew of decisions not loded at the rele#ant address by the closin date and time be considered to be out oftime and will not be accepted!

    Applicants for re#iew are responsible for ensurin that their applications reach the 3ffice of the 2erit ProtectionCommissioner by the closin date and time should contact the 3ffice at the address abo#e to confirm receipt!

    1f you ha#e any queries about the closin date for applications you can contact the address abo#e!

    Special arran"ements for Christmas,ew .ear

    Applications for re#iew of promotion decisions notified in the rele#ant Gazette may be loded in accordance with the followinschedule+

    PS / of - *ecember ' % up until & pm local time on .

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Employment /pportunities

    A"riculture isheries an! orestry Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/--

    Department of A"riculture isheries an! orestry Closin date+ Thursday$ . ecuti#e e#el '

    Position "o+ '%''

    Aency Debsite+ http+;;www!daff!o#!au;

    o3 Description http+;;www!daff!o#!au;about;=obs

    DutiesThe *epartment is see6in a suitably qualified person to pro#ide hih le#el policy ad#ice and technical analysis pertainin tosecurity within the department9s 1CT Architecture and strateic pro=ects!

    The Stratey$ Architecture and Strateic Pro=ects :ranch requires the ser#ices of an e>perienced 1T Security 3fficer able tocontribute positi#ely towards ensurin the confidentiality$ interity and a#ailability of the *epartment9s 1CT systems$ electronicinformation and business operations!

    The 1T Security 3fficer9s role will be$ under limited direction$ to primarily+

    '! Conduct 1CT system assessments as a pre%requisite to systems accreditation! Ensure the technical security of systemscomply with the controls in the *efence Sinals *irectorate (*S*) 1nformation Security 2anual (1S2)

    ! Pro#ide ad#ice to 1CT Pro=ects on the selection of Technical Security 2easures to ensure security compliance and ris6mitiation is consistent with the *epartment9s strateic direction on security architecture!.! Pro#ide Technical Assessment of chanes within the departments 1CT en#ironment$ throuh the departments chanemanaement process!! Pro#ide sound and accurate security ad#ice at all le#els to the *epartment9s sta6eholders with a focus on enablin business!&! Assist the 1TS2 in the de#elopment and maintenance of the *epartment9s security policies$ practices and security framewor6!

    otesThe successful applicant will be required to undero a security assessment and maintain an onoin "eati#e Iettin securityclearance!

    4o Apply

    Position Contact+ ea Juntley$ () -0 &'

    Apply+ http+;;www!daff!o#!au;about;=obs

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!daff!o#!au;

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    A"riculture isheries an! orestry Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/-8

    Department of A"riculture isheries an! orestry Closin date+ Thursday$ .

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/./-'

    Attorney-Generals Department Closin date+ Dednesday$ ecuti#e e#el

    Position "o+ Se#eral Positions

    o3 Description http+;;ad!na!net!au;fntM=obsMlist!cfm

    DutiesPlease quote =ob reference .'.;*A4T!

    The Go#ernment has established an independent *efence Abuse 4esponse Tas6force$ which will ta6e forward the resolution ofcomplaints of se>ual and other abuse in the *efence ,orce! The role of the Tas6force is to wor6 with those who ha#e madecomplaints$ and other 6ey sta6eholders$ to implement appropriate options for indi#idual cases! This may include the pro#ision ofcounsellin$ ac6nowledement payments$ restorati#e =ustice and referral of matters to police or military =ustice authorities!

    The Tas6force has been established for ' months initially$ with the Jon en 4oberts%Smith 4,* LC as the Tas6force chair!

    De are currently see6in applications to fill a number of 6ey positions for a non%onoin basis!

    De are see6in applications for #arious positions in areas includin litiation$ compensation$ leal counsel$ social wor6$assessment and in#estiati#e leal bac6round$ #ictim support$ restorati#e =ustice e>perience$ psycholoists$ as well as recordsand secretariat support!

    De are also see6in candidates for administrati#e roles includin transcribin$ quality assurance$ report writin$ data entry andanalysis as well as #arious Principal eal 3fficer and Senior eal 3fficer roles!

    ,or more information about these #acancies please #isit our website or contact Glynis Jarwood on () -'' .'8!

    otes"on%onoin opportunity will be offered for a specified tas6

    These Employment 3pportunities will be filled on a non%onoin basis for -$ ' or '8 months!

    A3out Attorney-Generals DepartmentThe Attorney%General9s *epartment ser#es the people of Australia by wor6in to achie#e a =ust and secure society! The*epartment pro#ides e>pert ad#ice and support to the Australian Go#ernment to maintain and impro#e AustraliaNs system of lawand =ustice and its national security and emerency manaement systems! The *epartment9s wor6 co#ers a broad array ofpolicy and proram initiati#es$ includin protectin human rihts$ combatin oranised crime$ enhancin our counter%terrorismarranements$ and impro#in access to =ustice!

    The *epartment is the central policy and coordinatin element of the Attorney%GeneralNs portfolio$ for which the Attorney%General and 2inister for Jome Affairs are responsible! De encourae and #alue a di#erse wor6force and offer a wide rane ofchallenin and e>citin career opportunities!

    To find out more$ #isit our website at www!a!o#!au or email J4!Assista!o#!au

    4o Apply

    Selection *ocumentation+ J4 Assist$ () -'' ....$ J4!Assista!o#!au

    Position Contact+ Glynis Jarwood$ () -'' .'8

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!a!o#!au;

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission![email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/'/

    Australian Customs an! 6or!er Protection Ser&ice Closin date+ Thursday$ '0

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/'&'

    Australian Customs an! 6or!er Protection Ser&ice Closin date+ Thursday$ ' perience in financial accountin!O 4ele#ant tertiary qualifications and proression towards CA ; CPA qualifications!O 2ust be able to build stron wor6in relationships$ be effecti#e team players and ma6e positi#e contributions to team outcomes

    and ha#e a stron client focus!The role may require the indi#idual and team to wor6 outside the normal rane of wor6in hours! The role requires theindi#idual to wor6 in a dynamic en#ironment to meet tiht deadlines! The successful candidate will therefore be required to be aself%starter and demonstrate a hih deree of initiati#e to be able to meet tiht deadlines within a chanin en#ironment

    4o Apply

    Position Contact+ ucy iu$ () -0&-'.

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!customs!o#!au;

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/'&

    Australian Customs an! 6or!er Protection Ser&ice Closin date+ Thursday$ '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/'&.

    Australian Customs an! 6or!er Protection Ser&ice Closin date+ Thursday$ '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/'&&

    Australian Customs an! 6or!er Protection Ser&ice Closin date+ Thursday$ ' cellence9 and Q"ational eads9!*ue to the #ariety of :ranch acti#ity underta6en and the chanin nature of priorities a fle>ible approach to ser#ice deli#ery andresource allocation is maintained! The acti#ities actually underta6en by indi#idual officers in different locations #aryconsiderably$ dri#en by a rane of factors includin wor6load and priorities$ eoraphy$ industry demands and ris6! As required$Enforcement 3perations staff underta6es responsibilities incorporatin the core functions of :order 3perations includinco#erae and ris6 based acti#ities as outlined in the 2aritime 1nter#ention Stratey '%'&!

    "ational Centres of E>cellence may require officers to de#elop and utilise specialist e>pertise across wor6 areas and reions!3fficers must be fle>ible in adaptin their s6ills and abilities to meet any requirements of the wor6 area and in ser#in the

    interests of the Customs and :order Protection nationally!

    Dith the e>ception of #ariations in some roles$ Enforcement 3perations staff wor6 standard hours supplemented by shift ando#ertime as required

    3JS considerations are an essential part of the wor6in en#ironment! Situations faced can includeFO Embar6in and disembar6in #essels at berths and at seaFO 3peratin on #essels includin machinery rooms and confined spacesFO adders and heihtsFO 2anual handlin considerationsFO "oise hazardsFO *ealin with hazardous substancesFO Employin narcotic testin equipmentFO Jandlin;employin firearms personal defensi#e equipment (P*E)FO *ri#in #ehicles on whar#esF andO Dor6in in close pro>imity to aircraft!

    7or6e Peninsula *istrict 3ffice is responsible for facilitatin the leitimate mo#ements of trade and people into the ports of PortPirie$ Dallaroo$ Ardrossan and Port Giles$ whilst protectin the community and maintainin compliance with Australian law!This is a non%shift position! The occupant may be required to wor6 after hours and wee6ends and may also be required to tra#elto Adelaide$ 1nterstate and remote areas on occasions!These positions are sub=ect to Term Tenure pro#isions! At the end of the term tenure (fi>ed term assinment) the occupantwould return to the home port of Adelaide!

    4o Apply

    Position Contact+ Rym Parry$ (8) 888'0

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!customs!o#!au;

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#ice

    Commission!Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware that

    the names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/0

    Australian 'uman %i"hts Commission Closin date+ Thursday$ .'

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&//.

    e!eral Court of Australia Closin date+ ,riday$ ''

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/...8

    e!eral Court of Australia Closin date+ ,riday$ ''

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.0-8

    e!eral Court of Australia Closin date+ ,riday$ '' ecuti#e Assistant to support a

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.0

    e!eral 7a"istrates Court of Australia Closin date+ Thursday$ '0

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Attorney-General Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/'-

    #nsol&ency an! 4rustee Ser&ice Australia Closin date+ Tuesday$ 8 ercise! Therefore$ applications should address theselection criteria comprehensi#ely and include the name and telephone number of two referees! 4ecruitment Aencies are

    ad#ised that this process is bein completed by internal staff only!

    4o Apply

    Position Contact+ 2atthew Iictor$ () -0 .&

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!itsa!o#!au

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    6roa!3an! Communications an! the Di"italEconomy

    Department of 6roa!3an! Communications an! theDi"ital EconomyTelecommunications *i#isionPolicy *e#elopment :ranch$ Policy and Prorams Section

    Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/'/&

    Closin date+ Thursday$ 0 *ecember '

    '&$ CA":E44A ACT -'Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!dbcde!o#!au

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette![email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Climate Chan"e an! Ener"y Efficiency Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/''

    Department of Climate Chan"e an! Ener"y Efficiency Closin date+ Dednesday$ /

    DutiesAs the *irector of the 2edia Ad#ice and Content *e#elopment section you will play a 6ey leadership role and be responsible forpro#idin authoritati#e communications ad#ice on comple> and sensiti#e issues! The position requires e>tensi#e public affairs6nowlede and issues manaement e>pertise at a senior le#el as well as demonstrated e>perience in the deli#ery of content%focused strateies desined to enae with the Australian community!

    1n '. you will lead the de#elopment of communications content co#erin the breadth of climate chane policy and proramissues and tareted to broad and niche audiences ali6e! This content will be founded in research insihts and your 6nowledeof community attitudes! 1t will need to be applicable across a rane of communications channels and also able to be used byour partner aencies and oranisations in their own communications acti#ities!

    To be successful in this role you will ha#e stron interpersonal s6ills and sta6eholder manaement capability toether with apramatic approach to achie#in outcomes within a fast paced en#ironment! Dhilst the process matters$ the deli#ery of taniblecommunications outcomes is imperati#e! 7ou will also be adept at leadin a team with di#erse responsibilities and differins6illsets$ leadin them in their own professional de#elopment and dri#in an inno#ati#e$ proacti#e$ can%do culture at all le#els!

    As one of three team leaders within the Communications Public Affairs :ranch you will ha#e a hih le#el of understandin ofpolicy$ proram and departmental line areas$ a hih le#el of #isibility with the Senior E>ecuti#e and you will ma6e an acti#econtribution to the :ranch9s strateic direction!

    As the *irector of the 2edia Ad#ice and Content Team you will+

    O ead and direct the de#elopment and implementation of communications strateies (includin media and issues manaement)in support of the *epartment9s public enaement ob=ecti#es and the Go#ernment9s climate chane aenda!O Pro#ide strateic communications ad#ice to the *epartment9s e>ecuti#e and line areas on the inter%relationship between policyand communication$ and the most appropriate communication approaches$ includin editorial opportunities$ channelmanaement and content deli#eryO 2onitor the comple> media and political en#ironment % analysin information a#ailable and usin it to de#elop$ implement ande#aluate communication strateies!O Bse your creati#ity$ inno#ation$ and 6nowlede of the Go#ernment9s climate chane and enery efficiency aenda to identify$de#elop and implement community enaement initiati#es that enable the Go#ernment to effecti#ely communicate with theAustralian community!O 1dentify opportunities for rele#ant and timely content to be de#eloped and utilised across all media platforms$ includin throuhthe Clean Enery ,uture website and other diital media channels!O :uild effecti#e internal and e>ternal wor6in relationships with the Climate Chane 2inister and Parliamentary Secretary9s3ffice and the *epartment9s Senior E>ecuti#e throuh the pro#ision of strateic communication ad#ice!O Contribute to achie#in :ranch oals by settin the team9s wor6 priorities$ supportin team de#elopment$ monitorin qualityprocesses to facilitate consistency in practice and procedure$ and contributin to business plannin!O Support staff to manae sensiti#e issues in the media and to de#elop comprehensi#e issues manaement handlin strateies!O As an e>ecuti#e le#el officer$ establish and manae budets and resources throuh e>ercisin responsible financial andoperational deleations

    Eli"i3ilityLualifications;E>perience+'! A deree or diploma$ or post raduate diploma from an Australian tertiary institution or a comparable o#erseas qualification$with a ma=or in =ournalism$ communications$ public relations or mar6etin$ or equi#alent demonstrated career e>perience!! Senior and #aried communication%related and issues manaement e>perience!.! At least eiht years9 e>perience in a public affairs en#ironment is preferred


    This position is a security assessed position! The successful applicant will be required to undero a security assessment toobtain a :aseline security clearance!

    A3out Department of Climate Chan"e an! Ener"y Efficiency
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Climate chane is one of the most comple> policy challenes facin o#ernments today! The *epartment of Climate Chaneand Enery Efficiency is a new and dynamic oranisation at the forefront of de#elopin and deli#erin the AustralianGo#ernment9s response to this critical lobal issue!

    The *epartment of Climate Chane and Enery Efficiency respects and #alues the di#ersity of its wor6force! The *epartmentacti#ely supports the careers and cultural needs of all employees and particularly Aboriinal and Torres Strait 1slander

    employees and those employees with disability!4o Apply

    Position Contact+ Sarah Cruic6shan6$ -'&/ 0-&

    Apply+ http+;;climatechane=obs!na!net!au;cp;UaudiencetypecodeVe>t

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!climatechane!o#!au

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Climate Chan"e an! Ener"y Efficiency Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/''0

    Department of Climate Chan"e an! Ener"y Efficiency Closin date+ Dednesday$ / ecuti#e e#el '

    Position "o+ I4" /;'

    o3 Description http+;;www!climatechane!o#!au;about;employment!asp>

    DutiesAs the 2anaer *iital Enaement within the Debsites Publishin team of the Communications Public Affairs :ranch$ youwill play a pi#otal role in proressin the *epartment9s diital enaement stratey in '.$ in a manner consistent with the*epartment9s o#erarchin business priorities!The position requires e>tensi#e 6nowlede of the diital media en#ironment and the opportunities and ris6s it presents$ as wellas an understandin of the current treatment of climate chane issues within social media! This 6nowlede will inform how youde#ise and deli#er an effecti#e diital enaement stratey that is appropriate for the *epartment!

    7ou will directly manae at least one dedicated diital media staff member and you will contribute to the manaement andprofessional de#elopment of se#eral other team members across the :ranch! The role will require you to be adept at leadinthis small team with differin s6illsets and dri#in an inno#ati#e$ proacti#e$ can%do approach to achie#in diital mediaoutcomes!

    To be successful in this role you will ha#e stron interpersonal s6ills and sta6eholder manaement capability toether with apramatic approach to achie#in outcomes within a fast paced en#ironment! 7ou will be able to effecti#ely manae a specificdiital media wor6 proram but you will also proacti#ely contribute to the breadth of community enaement acti#ities ta6in

    place across the :ranch!

    As a senior member of the Debsites Publishin team you will also contribute to that team9s onoin business plannin andwor6 flow manaement!

    As the 2anaer *iital Enaement you will+

    O ead the *epartment9s strateic approach to diital enaement across a rane of internal and e>ternal audiences andconsistent with the *epartment9s business prioritiesFO :e a source of up to date 6nowlede and ad#ice around best practice diital enaement as it pertains to both taretedsta6eholder enaement and broader audience enaementFO :e responsible for the onoin refinement of the *epartment9s diital enaement and content de#elopment policies andraisin awareness of these policies and their opportunities and implications across the *epartment9s line areasFO Dhere necessary$ de#ise and deli#er appropriate education modules for other :ranch and *epartmental personnel to ensureeffecti#e and DCAG ! appro#ed content creationFO *irect a small$ multi%s6illed team with #aryin le#els of diital media e>pertise and proressi#ely build that team9s capacity tohelp deli#er effecti#e diital enaement across the Communications Public Affairs :ranchFO 3#ersee the compilation of reular diital media analytics emerin from the *epartment9s 6ey diital assets$ analyse theimplications of this data and apply the rele#ant insihts to onoin diital enaement acti#itiesFO Bse your creati#ity$ inno#ation$ and 6nowlede of the Go#ernment9s climate chane and enery efficiency aenda to identify$de#elop and implement diital enaement initiati#es that enable the Go#ernment to effecti#ely communicate with theAustralian community!O Dor6 alonside your Team colleaues with responsibility for web manaement$ web publishin and raphic desin$ and wherepossible use your transferable s6ills to complement and support their acti#ities if the need arises!O Contribute to achie#in Team and :ranch oals by settin the diital team9s wor6 priorities$ supportin team de#elopment$monitorin quality processes to facilitate consistency in practice and procedure$ and contributin to business plannin!O As an e>ecuti#e le#el officer$ establish and manae budets and resources throuh e>ercisin responsible financial andoperational deleations!

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Lualifications;E>perience+'! A deree or diploma$ or post raduate diploma from an Australian tertiary institution or a comparable o#erseas qualification$with a ma=or in =ournalism$ communications$ diital communications$ public relations or mar6etin$ or equi#alent demonstratedcareer e>perience!! Senior and #aried communication%related and issues manaement e>perience!.! At least eiht years9 e>perience in a public affairs or online en#ironment is preferred!

    ! :road 6nowlede of online and traditional communications approaches$ includin 6nowlede of the diital mediaen#ironment$ o#ernment use of social media$ and the latest trends in social media applications$ monitorin and reportin isdesirable!

    otesThis position is a security assessed position! The successful applicant will be required to undero a security assessment toobtain a :aseline security clearance!

    A3out Department of Climate Chan"e an! Ener"y EfficiencyClimate chane is one of the most comple> policy challenes facin o#ernments today! The *epartment of Climate Chaneand Enery Efficiency is a new and dynamic oranisation at the forefront of de#elopin and deli#erin the AustralianGo#ernment9s response to this critical lobal issue!

    The *epartment of Climate Chane and Enery Efficiency respects and #alues the di#ersity of its wor6force! The *epartmentacti#ely supports the careers and cultural needs of all employees and particularly Aboriinal and Torres Strait 1slanderemployees and those employees with disability!

    4o ApplyPosition Contact+ :ronwyn Polloc6$ -'&/ -/

    Apply+ http+;;climatechane=obs!na!net!au;cp;UaudiencetypecodeVe>t

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!climatechane!o#!au

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Climate Chan"e an! Ener"y Efficiency Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/''

    Department of Climate Chan"e an! Ener"y Efficiency Closin date+ Dednesday$ / ecuti#e e#el

    Position "o+ I4" /';'

    o3 Description http+;;www!climatechane!o#!au;about;employment!asp>

    DutiesAs the 2edia 2anaer you are the :ranch9s primary interface with the 2inisterial office;s and the first point of contact for allmedia inquiries! 7ou will lead a small team of professionals and uide them in the de#elopment of media%ready content$ but withultimate responsibility for quality assurance residin with you!

    Dor6in closely with the *irector of 2edia Ad#ice Content *e#elopment$ you will play a 6ey leadership role in pro#idinauthoritati#e communications ad#ice on comple> and sensiti#e issues! The position requires practical media and issuesmanaement e>pertise as well as a demonstrated 6nowlede of the public affairs en#ironment within which the *epartment9spolicy and proram areas operate!

    To be successful in this role you will ha#e stron interpersonal s6ills and sta6eholder manaement capability toether with apramatic approach to achie#in outcomes within a fast paced en#ironment! Careful consideration of the media issues andopportunities$ e>cellent #erbal and written s6ills and a commitment to always ensurin factual accuracy$ as well as the ability todeli#er in a timely manner and under pressure$ are all critical qualities for this role!7ou will ha#e a hih le#el of #isibility with the 2inisterial office;s and the Senior E>ecuti#e and you will ma6e an acti#econtribution to the 2edia Content Team9s strateic direction!

    7ou will also be adept at leadin a team with di#erse responsibilities and differin s6illsets$ leadin them in their ownprofessional de#elopment and dri#in an inno#ati#e$ proacti#e$ can%do culture at all le#els!

    As the 2anaer of the 2edia Team you will+

    O ead the Communication Public Affairs :ranch9s daily interaction with the 2inisterial office;s and pro#ide timely ad#ice torele#ant :ranch and *epartmental sta6eholders on the nature of that enaementFO *e#elop stron relationships with the 2edia Ad#isers within 2inisterial office;s to ensure effecti#e co%ordination of responsesfrom the *epartment to the mediaFO ,oster effecti#e internal and e>ternal wor6in relationships with clients$ sta6eholders and the media to support the effecti#e co%ordination of responses from the *epartment to the mediaFO Ja#e the ability to prioritise 6ey tas6s$ manae wor6 flow and ensure prompt deli#ery of media materials in a fast%paceden#ironment where competin priorities will typically emereFO Strateically contribute to the de#elopment of appropriate proacti#e and reacti#e media and issues manaement strateiesFO Strateically contribute to the de#elopment of media%ready content reconisin the differences between policy and proramcommunications content and the type of content required for media useFO 2anae =unior staff with #aryin le#els of e>pertise and acti#ely facilitate their professional de#elopment so as to continuallybuild the *epartment9s media manaement ser#ices and capacityFO Proacti#ely identify media opportunities (includin the preparation$ clearance and distribution of materials) which support the:ranch9s broader community enaement acti#itiesFO :e able to effecti#ely pitch to national$ reional and industry media to ensure positi#e co#erae of the *epartment9s 6eyacti#ities$ prorams and policies!O 3#ersee the manaement of the *epartment9s media monitorin arranements (both internal resources and e>ternalpro#iders) so as to ensure media monitorin is pro#ided to sta6eholders in a timely$ accessible and #alue for money mannerFO Pro#ide media trainin and handlin ad#ice to *epartmental staff where requiredFO :e able to return to wor6 at short notice$ includin after core business hours and on the wee6end if ser#icin of the 2inister;sor Senior E>ecuti#e requires itFO Contribute to achie#in :ranch oals by settin the team9s wor6 priorities$ supportin team de#elopment$ monitorin qualityprocesses to facilitate consistency in practice and procedure$ and contributin to business plannin!


    '! A deree or diploma$ or post raduate diploma from an Australian tertiary institution or a comparable o#erseas qualification$with a ma=or in =ournalism$ communications$ public relations or mar6etin$ or equi#alent demonstrated career e>perience!! Senior and #aried communication%related and issues manaement e>perience!.! At least eiht years9 e>perience in a public affairs en#ironment is preferred
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    otesThis position is a security assessed position! The successful applicant will be required to undero a security assessment toobtain a :aseline security clearance! The successful applicant will be employed as a *CCEE Public Affairs 3fficer Grade .(PA3 .)! This is a departmental desination$ please refer to our enterprise areement for further details!

    A3out Department of Climate Chan"e an! Ener"y Efficiency

    Climate chane is one of the most comple> policy challenes facin o#ernments today! The *epartment of Climate Chaneand Enery Efficiency is a new and dynamic oranisation at the forefront of de#elopin and deli#erin the AustralianGo#ernment9s response to this critical lobal issue!

    The *epartment of Climate Chane and Enery Efficiency respects and #alues the di#ersity of its wor6force! The *epartmentacti#ely supports the careers and cultural needs of all employees and particularly Aboriinal and Torres Strait 1slanderemployees and those employees with disability!

    4o Apply

    Position Contact+ Trish

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Defence Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/0.

    Defence 'ousin" Australia Closin date+ Thursday$ .

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Defence Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/0&0

    Defence 'ousin" Australia Closin date+ Thursday$ .

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Defence Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.'--

    Defence 7ateriel /r"anisation (D7/+ Closin date+ 2onday$ '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Defence Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.&/

    Department of Defence Closin date+ 2onday$ '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Defence Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.&&

    Department of Defence Closin date+ Thursday$ '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Defence Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.&/

    Department of Defence Closin date+ Sunday$ '. t

    Duties*13 is see6in 1ntellience Assessment 2anaers to lead$ manae and direct analytical teams in researchin and assessinissues of strateic and defence interest to Australia!

    As part of the *13 manaement team you will acti#ely contribute to corporate responsibilities and the de#elopment of our ne>teneration leaders and intellience professionals!

    otesPrior to commencement successful applicants will be required to undero an e>tensi#e security clearance process! As a T3PSEC4ET (Positi#e Iet) clearance is required$ applicants must be Australian citizensF be able to account for their personalbac6round for the past ' yearsF and be able to demonstrate suitability to wor6 in a hih security intellience en#ironment!

    4o Apply

    Position Contact+ () -'0 &''Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!defence!o#!au;apscareers

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Defence Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.&8&

    Department of Defence Closin date+ ,riday$ &

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Defence Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.8.-

    Department of Defence Closin date+ Dednesday$ /

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    E!ucation Employment an! 8or9place%elations

    Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.&'

    Comcare Closin date+ Thursday$ ' pressions of interest are souht for the position of General 2anaer$ Policy and Enaement Group!

    The General 2anaer$ Policy and Enaement Group is responsible for settin the policy framewor6 and authorisinen#ironment for Comcare decision ma6ers$ pro#idin secretariat ser#ices$ supportin the Seacare scheme$ education$communications and re#iew ser#ices!

    The Policy and Enaement Group comprises+

    O DJS Policy and SeacareO Compensation PolicyO EducationO Communications and RnowledeO 4e#iews CathO iaison

    As a senior member of Comcare9s leadership team$ you will acti#ely participate in and pro#ide strateic leadership for the Policy

    and Enaement Group!

    7ou will ha#e hihly de#eloped leadership and manaement s6ills as well as e>cellent analytical s6ills and the ability to loicallywor6 throuh comple> issues in order to achie#e outcomes! Also important is the capacity to acquire e>pertise in Comcareoperations$ and to assess emerin issues$ pro#ide strateic ad#ice and e>ercise =udement! ,urther$ you will be required towor6 independently and coordinate a rane of acti#ities whilst bein committed to manain and wor6in within a teamen#ironment

    ,or more information please contact Cathy S6ippinton$ *eputy CE3 on -0& -&0 or emails6ippinton!cathycomcare!o#!au!

    Submittin your E31

    To apply please submit a brief e>pression of interest consistin of+O 3ne pae co#erin WDhat 1 brin to this =ob and how 1 would ma6e a differenceU9 :y outlinin your s6ills$ e>periences$6nowlede and how this role will help your career pathway and aspirationsF and

    O A Current C!I!

    Please email your E31 to eoicomcare!o#!au by close of business '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    E!ucation Employment an! 8or9place%elations

    Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/..

    air 8or9 Australia Closin date+ 2onday$ .' *ecember 'Corporate Ser#ices$ 4eportin$ Plannin and eal


    Duties,air Dor6 Australia (,DA) is loo6in to fill the role of ,reedom of 1nformation and 1nformation Pri#acy 3fficer! The pupose of thisrole is to support the General 2anaer in discharin ,DANs obliations under the ,reedom of 1nformation Act '/8 (Cth) (,o1Act) and the Pri#acy Act '/88 (Cth)! As the ,reedom of 1nformation and 1nformation Pri#acy 3fficer you will be responsible forthe followin duties+

    O manae and process requests for access to documents made under the ,o1 Act within statutory timeframesFO conduct third party consultations in order to ascertain the #iews of those parties whose interests may be affected by releasindocumentsFO liaise with staff$ manaers and o#ernment aencies about the manaement of ,o1 requests includin the timely identificationof documents and informal consultations about specific documentsFO in#estiate and assess ,DA9s information holdins (electronic and paper%based) to ensure that the General 2anaer isbriefed and robust and defensible ,o1 decisions are madeFO prepare e#idence%based chronoloies and summaries for decision%ma6ers on issues rele#ant to an ,o1 request or litiationF

    O prepare correspondence in relation to ,o1 requests$ prepare and maintain up%to%date files and statisticsFO coordinate the implementation;maintenance of ,DA9s 1nformation Publication SchemeFO prepare documents$ correspondence and submissions on behalf of ,DA where an ,o1 decision is the sub=ect of e>ternalre#iewFO collect$ manae$ use and disclose personal information in accordance with the 1nformation Pri#acy PrinciplesFO manae information pri#acy audits and ma6e recommendations to enhance compliance with rele#ant leislationFO promote awareness of ,o1 processes and obliations and ood information pri#acy practicesFO ad#ise staff about pri#acy compliant solutions to information manaement questionsFO contribute to the onoin re#ision and de#elopment of business processes that assist ,DA to manae its ,o1 and informationpri#acy obliations and to assist in the implementation of new processesFO wor6 closely with the Plannin Coordinator and senior manaement in the coordination$ de#elopment and preparation ofplannin documents$ at the corporate$ branch and wor6force le#elsFO wor6 with the Plannin Coordinator to collate$ analyse$ interpret and present data for ,DA9s annual report and SenateEstimates submissions$ in line with leislati#e requirements and prescribed timeframesF andO other duties as directed by the 2anaer$ 4eportin$ Plannin and eal!

    Eli"i3ilityO demonstrated wor6in 6nowlede (or ability to acquire it) of the ,o1 decision ma6in process$ information pri#acy requirementsand ,DA9s reulatory framewor6 and business practices!O rele#ant tertiary qualification and;or rele#ant e>perienceF qualifications in law desirable!

    4o Apply

    Selection *ocumentation+ recruitmentfwa!o#!au

    Position Contact+ inton *uffin$ . 8--' 08/&

    Apply+ recruitmentfwa!o#!au

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!fwa!o#!au;

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#ice

    Commission!Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware that

    the names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette![email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    E!ucation Employment an! 8or9place%elations

    Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/&0

    air 8or9 /m3u!sman Closin date+ Sunday$ -

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette![email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    E!ucation Employment an! 8or9place%elations

    Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.88'

    Safe 8or9 Australia Closin date+ Thursday$ ' cellent communications s6illsO hih le#el of oranisational and analytical s6illsO pro#en ability to meet deadlines$ andO ability to manae a number of tas6s simultaneously!

    To applyApplications should include your application co#er sheet$ curriculum #itae and response to the selection criteria! 1nter#iews maynot be conducted and the successful applicant could be enaed based on application and referees reports only!

    Dhere can you et more informationUIisit www!safewor6australia!o#!au$ call 1nrid Rimber on -'' /.08 or email us at opportunitiessafewor6australia!o#!au!

    Eli"i3ility[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Bnder section (8) of the Public Ser#ice Act '///$ employees must be Australian citizens to be enaed in the APS unless theAency deleate has areed in writin! Applicants are to indicate their citizenship when applyin!

    4o Apply

    Selection *ocumentation+ opportunitessafewor6australia!o#!auPosition Contact+ 1nrid Rimber$ -''/.08

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!safewor6australia!o#!au

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    amilies 'ousin" Community Ser&ices an!#n!i"enous Affairs

    Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.0//

    A3ori"inal 'ostels imite! Closin date+ ,riday$ !phpUoptionVcomMcontent#iewVarticleidV&1temidV0

    Duties,ull%time$ .0!& hours per wee6!

    This position is responsible for assistin in the preparation of the budet build and forecastin processes$ handlin all C:2Srequirements includin$ annual estimates$ annual actuals$ monthly estimates and estimate memorandums! Prepare monthlycost centre reports$ assistin with preparation of monthly board papers$ dash board reports and any ad%hoc internal or e>ternalreports! This position requires liaison with internal and e>ternal sta6eholders reardin budets and financial statements$Commbiz authorisations as necessary$ data recordin in ,21S to meet AJ reportin needs! Collate information used in thepreparation of the annual ,:T return which includes AJ leased #ehicles and salary pac6ain!

    Eli"i3ilityThis is an identified position$ therefore the successful applicant will need to demonstrate a 6nowlede and understandin ofAboriinal and Torres Strait 1slander societies!

    Conditions of EnaementApplicants must be an Australian citizen! Satisfactory completion of a Police 4ecords Chec6 and 2edical Assessment durinthe si> month probationary period will also be required

    otes1ndienous =obsee6ers are encouraed to apply for this employment opportunity! 1f the =ob is N1dentifiedN$ then part or all of theduties impact on 1ndienous Australian people and;or in#ol#e interaction with 1ndienous Australian communities or theirrepresentati#es!

    4o Apply

    Selection *ocumentation+ Guolin 2ah$ -' .8

    Position Contact+ Guolin 2ah$ -' .8

    Apply+ 4ecruitment 3fficer$ Aboriinal Jostels imited$ P3 :o> .$ D3*E" ACT -- or emailto recruitmentahl!o#!au

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!ahl!o#!au;

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette![email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    inance an! Dere"ulation Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.&8.

    Australian Electoral Commission Closin date+ Thursday$ .

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    orei"n Affairs an! 4ra!e Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/./'

    Austra!e Closin date+ Sunday$ - ecuti#e e#el

    Aency Debsite+ http+;;www!austrade!o#!au;

    o3 Description http+;;www!austrade!o#!au;Employment;default!asp>

    DutiesThe Partnerships 2anaer leads Austrade9s approach to collaboratin and partnerin! A 6ey function of the Partnerships Bnit isto implement Austrade9s Partnership Pro=ect findins includin the de#elopment of collaboratin and partnerin businesspractices$ capability and empower a culture of collaboration across Austrade!

    This enablin unit will support other Austrade business units in identifyin and de#elopin effecti#e collaboratin and partnerinarranements with other aencies and oranisations that ha#e shared ob=ecti#es and mutual interests with Austrade! ThePartnerships 2anaer will also manae the implementation of the 4eferrals Pro=ect chanes$ and transition this pro=ect intomainstream business practices!

    7ou will need hihly de#eloped leadership$ strateic thin6in$ research and analytical s6ills as well as a stron understandin of,ederal$ State and Territory trade$ in#estment and education promotion! The successful indi#idual will be able to influencecultural chane within a comple> oranisation!

    Eli"i3ilityTo be successful$ candidates must be Australian citizens and aree to be sub=ect to a national security assessment forclearance at "eati#e Iettin e#el '(Secret)!

    4o Apply

    Selection *ocumentation+ See austrade Debsite

    Position Contact+ See austrade Debsite

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!austrade!o#!au;

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    orei"n Affairs an! 4ra!e Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/./

    Austra!e Closin date+ Sunday$ - ecuti#e e#el

    Position "o+ /'

    Aency Debsite+ http+;;www!austrade!o#!au;

    o3 Descriptionhttp+;;www!austrade!o#!au;Employment;default!asp>

    Duties4eportin to the General 2anaer 1n#estment$ the State and Territory 2anaer 1n#estment will wor6 with the General 2anaer1n#estment to de#elop the 2ulti%State and Territory 1n#estment Priorities and will monitor the achie#ement of the Priorities9ob=ecti#es!

    The State and Territory 2anaer 1n#estment will lead the plannin$ resourcin and performance for a small team manainin#estment pro=ects in the priority areas and liaise with State and Territory o#ernments to de#elop and implement priorities!This will also in#ol#e wor6in closely with the Senior 3fficials Trade and 1n#estment Group (S3T1G); "ational 1n#estmentAd#isory :oard ("1A:) secretariat and contributin to ministerial submissions!

    7ou will need stron leadership$ analytical and interpersonal s6ills and the ability to contribute to policy and strateyde#elopment! A Jih le#el of understandin of the ,ederal Go#ernment9s broader trade$ in#estment and industry policies is

    required$ specifically 6nowlede of economic and reulatory policies relatin to forein in#estment!

    Eli"i3ilityTo be successful$ candidates must be Australian citizens and aree to be sub=ect to a national security assessment forclearance at "eati#e Iettin e#el ' (Secret)!

    4o Apply

    Selection *ocumentation+ See austrade Debsite

    Position Contact+ See austrade Debsite

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!austrade!o#!au;

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    orei"n Affairs an! 4ra!e Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/./-0

    Austra!e Closin date+ Sunday$

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    orei"n Affairs an! 4ra!e

    Australian A"ency for #nternational De&elopment

    (AusA#D+Go#ernment ,inance 1nformation Ser#ices *i#ision:udet :ranch$ Iarious

    Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/./-

    Closin date+ Tuesday$ '&

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'ealth an! A"ein" Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.8

    Cancer Australia Closin date+ Thursday$ ' "on onoin and '> 3noin S e#eral Positions

    Aency Debsite+ http+;;www!canceraustralia!o#!au

    o3 Description

    DutiesThe Pro=ect 3fficer will wor6 across the oranisation on a number if pro=ects focusin on the de#elopment and conduct ofnational prorams in cancer$ which may include$ de#elopment of new models of care$ e#idence%based resources$ healthser#ices$ research$ analysis of pro=ects data and e#aluation !

    Eli"i3ilityTo be successful in this position the candidate will ha#e e>perience on health%related pro=ect wor6 and be able to effecti#elyenae with sta6eholders! Tertiary qualifications in a health$ science$ social science or related discipline are considereddesirable! The successful candidate will also be technically proficient in 2S Pro=ect $ 3ffice $ 3utloo6 and E>plorer and befamiliar with SPSS or similar statistical pac6aes!

    Aboriinal and;or Torres Strait 1slander people are encouraed to apply!

    otesPlease be ad#ised that the onoin position is an anticipated #acancy!

    "on%onoin opportunity will be offered for a specified tas6

    ' months

    4o Apply

    Selection *ocumentation+

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'ealth an! A"ein" Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.&0.

    Department of 'ealth an! A"ein" Closin date+ Thursday$ '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'ealth an! A"ein" Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.0-

    ational 'ealth Performance Authority Closin date+ Dednesday$ ecuti#e e#el '

    Position "o+ -'

    Aency Debsite+ http+;;www!nhpa!o#!au

    o3 Description nhparecruitmentnhpa!o#!au

    DutiesThe incumbent+Owill conduct analyses in SAS that pro#ide data for indicators and other information reported in the Performance Authority9sreports of healthcare performanceOis accountable for the accuracy and quality of performance information pro#ided by them and the analytic team$ and for thesuccessful completion of pro=ects underta6en!Oidentifies and conducts appropriate statistical methods such as ad#anced multi#ariate$ hierarchical and trend analyses ofpopulation%based data that supports the Performance Authority9s wor6 to monitor$ and report on local health care oranisations!Oassists in the desin and onoin support of web%based analytic tools that enable users to profile local health careoranisations and systems!Oassists with the desin and application of information manaement and operational plans$ policies and protocols that contributeto effecti#e and appropriate pro#ision of performance information by the Performance Authority!

    4o Apply

    Selection *ocumentation+ 4ecruitment 2anaer$ -8//.0.$ nhparecruitmentnhpa!o#!au

    Position Contact+ 4ecruitment 2anaer$ -8//.0.

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!nhpa!o#!au

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette![email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'ealth an! A"ein" Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/0&

    4herapeutic Goo!s A!ministration Closin date+ Sunday$ -

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.-

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ Thursday$ .

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.''0

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ ,riday$ 8 *ecember '

    4emote 4eionXone Destern Australia


    DutiesBnderta6e a broad rane of administrati#e and processin acti#ities to pro#ide a hih le#el of customer ser#ice to specificcustomer issues!Bnderstand and respond to customer enquiries with empathy and professionalism and in accordance with CSA9s CustomerSer#ice Principles!Bnderta6e rostered phone and;or counter shifts!Ensure a customer9s circumstances are accurately reflected in their child support assessments!Collect child support payments$ discuss arrears$ neotiate payment arranements and enforce outstandin payments!2a6e correct decisions in accordance with leislation and procedures!Customer education$ pro#ide options and tailored solutions to meet customer needs!4efer customers appropriately to other internal ser#ice options and e>ternal oranisations!2anae indi#idual wor6 load in accordance with team tarets that alin to oranisational oals!E>ercise appropriate deleations!Participate effecti#ely in a team en#ironment!


    Some tra#el may be required! 1nter#iews may be conducted! A preferred candidate list will be established for future #acancies!3ne #acancy a#ailable! A #alid Australian dri#erNs licence is mandatory

    A3out Department of 'uman Ser&ices3n '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.'/

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ ,riday$ ' *ecember '

    Corporate 3perationsCustomer Ser#ice Property $ Property ,inance and Contracts

    pected employment opportunity)


    DutiesThe Property 3fficer is to assist the :usiness 2anaer (E ) and Senior Property 3fficer (E ') in the manaement of thecontract for the deli#ery of property related ser#ices by the outsourced property manaement ser#ices pro#ider$

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.'.

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ ,riday$ ' *ecember '

    Corporate 3perationsCustomer Ser#ice Property $ "etwor6 Property 2anaement$ Property and ,acilities Group

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.''

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ ,riday$ ' *ecember '

    Corporate 3perationsCustomer Ser#ice Property $ Property ,inance and Contracts

    pected employment opportunity)


    DutiesThe Property 3fficer is to assist the :usiness 2anaer (E ) and Senior Property 3fficer (E ') in the manaement of thecontract for the deli#ery of property related ser#ices by the outsourced property manaement ser#ices pro#ider$

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.'

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ ,riday$ ' *ecember '

    Corporate 3perationsCustomer Ser#ice Property $ "etwor6 Property 2anaement % Property and ,acilities Group

    pected employment opportunity)

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.'&-

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ ,riday$ ' *ecember '

    Corporate 3perationsCustomer Ser#ice Property $ "etwor6 Property 2anaement % Property and ,acilities Group

    pected employment opportunity)


    DutiesSenior Property and ,acilities 3fficers are part of a #irtual team within the Customer Ser#ice Property :ranch!

    As a Senior Property and ,acilities 3fficer$ you will be responsible for but not limited toF manain lare to medium scalepro=ects$ includin manaement of staff$ de#elopers and fitout contractors$ and chairin of rele#ant committees and meetins!

    7ou will be responsible for buildin effecti#e relationships with 6ey sta6eholders reardin property facilities matters within theeoraphic area of responsibility$ and may ha#e a super#isory role with staff at a lower classification within the team!

    Eli"i3ilityLualificationsO *emonstrated e>perience and;or qualification in property ; facilities manaement or related discipline is desirable$ includinapplication of Australian Standards :uildin Code of Australia (:CA) and other rele#ant leislati#e requirement e *isability*iscrimination Act (premises)O Lualifications or equi#alent e>perience in pro=ect manaement and;or contract manaement is hihly desirable!O Current dri#ers licence


    Some tra#el may be required!

    A3out Department of 'uman Ser&ices3n '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.-

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ ,riday$ ' *ecember '

    Corporate 3perationsCustomer Ser#ice Property$ Property ,inance and Contracts Section

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/./

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ ,riday$ ' *ecember '

    Corporate 3perationsCustomer Ser#ice Property :ranch$ Property ,inance and Contracts Section

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.''

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ ,riday$ ' *ecember '

    Corporate 3perationsCustomer Ser#ice Property$ "etwor6 Property *esin and 1mplementation

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.'.

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ ,riday$ ' *ecember '

    Corporate 3perationsCustomer Ser#ice Property :ranch$ Property ,inance and Contracts Section

    pected employment opportunity)


    DutiesThe Property 3fficer is to assist the :usiness 2anaer (E ) and Senior Property 3fficer (E ') in the financial manaement ofthe contract for the deli#ery of property related ser#ices by the outsourced property manaement ser#ices pro#ider$

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.&

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ Thursday$ .

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.&&.

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ Dednesday$ UutmMsourceVaps=obsutmMmediumVwebsiteutmMca

    DutiesPro#ide fair$ equitable$ courteous and sensiti#e ser#ice to customers within leislati#e and policy framewor6s and to specifiedstandards!"eotiate or re#iew appropriate ser#ice offers based on up%to%date information and consistent with entitlement!4efer customers with comple> enquiries to ser#ices$ lin6in them with appropriate *epartment of Juman Ser#ices ( *JS) orcommunity support!Bsin effecti#e wor6place communication$ liaise and neotiate with members of the team$ other *JS employees$ customers ande>ternal aencies;ser#ice pro#iders to support the implementation of policy and the outcomes intended for the wor6 area!Contribute to achie#ement of results throuh de#elopment and implementation of indi#idual and team wor6place plans!Contribute to the eneration of new ideas$ includin the identification of opportunities to impro#e the efficiency of wor6 practices$and implementation of chane in the wor6place!2aintain currency of own 6nowlede and 6eep s6ills!

    otes3ne #acancy a#ailable!Some tra#el may be required! Ialid Australian dri#erNs licence mandatory! Candidates will be assessedfrom their written applications and referee comments only! 1nter#iews may be conducted! A preferred candidate list will be

    established for future #acancies!

    A3out Department of 'uman Ser&ices3n '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.&0&

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ Tuesday$ ' UutmMsourceVaps=obsutmMmediumVwebsiteutmMca

    DutiesPro#ide a ser#ice to a di#erse rane of customers who may be in need or facin difficult personal circumstances! Protect theinterity of records and ensure correct payments ha#e been made! Bsin computer%based assessment and information tools$achie#e appropriate customer outcomes in accordance with Go#ernment policy and a rane of quality standards andperformance measures! 3perate as a member of a team$ contributin to the achie#ement of the team9s business outcomes!Dor6 with other *epartment of Juman Ser#ices9 teams and;or community oranisations and business in ma6in appropriatecustomer referrals! *uties includeF pro#ide fair$ equitable$ courteous and sensiti#e ser#ice to customers within leislati#e andpolicy framewor6s and to specified standardsF neotiate or re#iew appropriate ser#ice offers based on up%to%date informationand consistent with entitlementF refer customers with comple> enquiries to ser#ices$ lin6in them with appropriate *epartment ofJuman Ser#ices (*JS) or community supportF usin effecti#e wor6place communication$ liaise and neotiate with members ofthe team$ other *JS employees$ customers and e>ternal aencies;ser#ice pro#iders to support the implementation of policyand the outcomes intended for the wor6 areaF contribute to achie#ement of results throuh de#elopment and implementation ofindi#idual and team wor6place plansF contribute to the eneration of new ideas$ includin the identification of opportunities toimpro#e the efficiency of wor6 practices$ and implementation of chane in the wor6placeF maintain currency of own 6nowledeand 6eep s6ills!

    otes3ne #acancy! Some tra#el may be required! A current dri#ers licence would be desirable! Candidates will be assessed fromtheir written application and referee comments only! 1nter#iews may be conducted! A preferred candidate list will be establishedfor future #acancies! Please note that accommodation is not pro#ided in onreach by the *epartment of Juman Ser#ices!

    A3out Department of 'uman Ser&ices3n '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    'uman Ser&ices Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/.-&

    Department of 'uman Ser&ices Closin date+ Tuesday$ '

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    #mmi"ration an! Citizenship Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/..0

    Department of #mmi"ration an! Citizenship Closin date+ Thursday$ ' !htm

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Applications Close+ Thursday ' $ messain and hosted middleware systems!To support this initiati#e$ a number of new 1T Gateway Analyst roles are bein established! These positions are responsible fordeli#erin support and pro=ect results$ in#ol#in wor6 that is comple>$ sensiti#e$ specialised and hihly s6illed!The successful candidates will require well de#eloped 6nowlede of the ma=or acti#ities related to operatin a secure ateway ina o#ernment department and;or hih le#el technical;specialist 6nowlede! Positions at this le#el are required to be hihlyresponsi#e to the needs of clients and the deli#ery of timely$ hih quality ser#ice!To be successful in this role$ the 1T Gateway Analyst will ha#e a demonstrated ability to manae and oranise wor6 andbalance competin priorities and conflictin interests and$ also ha#e a demonstrated ability to culti#ate producti#e wor6inrelationships and demonstrate professional and technical proficiency in 1T security!Rey E>perience;S6ills required include+

    2andatoryO E>perience and achie#ement in administerin 1nternet ateways in a lare oranisationO Dell%de#eloped analytical$ fault dianosis and problem%sol#in s6illsO E>perience and ability to apply technical administration in ateways such as Cisco$ ,&$ Citri>$ :luecoat and ArcSiht!O E>perience with the followin technoloieso ,irewallso ,orward and 4e#erse Pro>ieso 2ailo 4outers and Switcheso Secure ,ile Transfero Deb Ser#ices Securityo Security 1ncident and E#ent 2anaementO Dell%de#eloped communication s6illsO Trac6 record of successful deli#ery on interation pro=ect outcomes!O Good documentation s6ills$ includin documentin standard operatin procedures and build and confiuration uidesO Ability to wor6 as a producti#e$ dilient and supporti#e member of a small team$ or independently$ includin pro#en ability tode#elop and maintain producti#e wor6in relationships and wor6 under pressure to meet deadlines and maintain ser#ices

    Jihly *esirableO Certification in one or more of the followin areas+o ,irewall Certificationso Cisco Certificationo Bni> Certifications such as 4ed Jat or Solariso 2icrosoft Certificationso Citri> Certificationswill be hihly rearded! 1t is anticipated that the successful applicant will be pro#ided with the ability to de#elop further6nowlede on telecommunications infrastructure technoloies!

    Specific *uties+The 1T Gateway Analyst will be responsible for+O Assist the team establish and maintain documentation required for the maintenance of *S* 1nternet ateway requirementsO Bnder limited direction$ pro#idin technical ad#ice and assistance to the *epartment for security issues which includes specificad#ice for 1nternet ateway infrastructure and operations

    O 2aintainin the 1nternet ateway9s documentation in respect to standards$ policies and procedures which enable the*epartment to achie#e and maintain *S* certificationO 1mplementin pro=ects for the 1nternet ateway that relate to technoloy uprades and enhancement of the 1nternet ateway9sfunctionalityO iaisin with e>ternal and internal ser#ice pro#iders as requiredO Ability to wor6 out of hours and be on%call when necessaryO Adherin to the APS Ialues and Code of Conduct

    Eli"i3ilityThese are desinated security assessed positions! The successful applicants will be required to undero a security clearance!ate applications will not be considered!

    otes4emuneration+ The successful applicants will be offered an attracti#e remuneration pac6ae$ includin salary$ superannuationbenefits and fle>ible wor6in conditions appropriate to the le#el of the position! Selection documentation for these positions$information about employment in the *epartment of 1mmiration and Citizenship$ and ad#ice on how to apply for the #acanciescan be obtained from the department9s website at http+;;www!immi!o#!au;about;careers;inde>!htm

    A3out Department of #mmi"ration an! Citizenship
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    De are an oranisation offerin challenin and di#erse careers in a hih profile and comple> en#ironment! De are committedto ensurin Australia has the best possible ser#ices in immiration$ border security$ and citizenship! De are loo6in for people to=oin us to help build an oranisation that is open$ client focussed and supports our staff to achie#e e>cellence! 3ur 0employees wor6 in more than ' locations in Australia and o#erseas$ across a rane of interestin sub=ect areas influenced byinternational and domestic de#elopments!

    The department supports equity in employment$ has a wor6force from culturally di#erse bac6rounds$ and selects employees onthe basis of merit$ measured aainst specified =ob criteria! 1t is therefore in the interest of all applicants to obtain selectiondocumentation for ad#ertised #acancies from the department9s website http+;;www!immi!o#!au;about;careers;inde>!htm

    After readin this documentation$ applicants may contact the desinated contact officer if they ha#e any questions about therecruitment process or they require any other special arranements! 1nformation about employment in the department and howto apply for department #acancies is also a#ailable from the department9s website www!immi!o#!au

    4o Apply

    Selection *ocumentation+ http+;;www!immi!o#!au;about;careers;inde>!htm

    Position Contact+ Andrew :roo6s$ () -- 08

    Apply+ All applications should be loded on%line in accordance with the instructions set out onthe department9s website at http+;;www!immi!o#!au;about;careers;inde>!htm

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!immi!o#!au;

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    #mmi"ration an! Citizenship Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/..8

    Department of #mmi"ration an! Citizenship Closin date+ Thursday$ ' perience in A1Z$ inu> or Solaris system administration in an enterprise en#ironment!Positions at this le#el are responsible for deli#ery of :AB system support and may be required to pro#ide pro=ect support

    includin uprades or the installation of new ser#ers!To be successful in this role you will ha#e demonstrated ability to manae and oranise wor6 and balance competin prioritiesand conflictin interests and$ ability to culti#ate producti#e wor6in relationships and demonstrate professional and technicalproficiency in 1T security!Rey E>perience;S6ills required include+2andatoryO E>perience and achie#ement administerin A1Z$ inu> or Solaris in a lare oranisation!O Dell%de#eloped analytical$ fault dianosis and problem%sol#in s6illsO Dell%de#eloped communication s6illsO Good documentation s6ills$ includin documentin standard operatin procedures and build and confiuration uidesO Ability to wor6 as a producti#e$ dilient and supporti#e member of a small team$ or independently$ includin pro#en ability tode#elop andO maintain producti#e wor6in relationships and wor6 under pressure to meet deadlines and maintain ser#icesJihly *esirableO An understandin of other software products includin 1:2 DebSphere$ 1:2 Portal Ser#er$ Tomcat$ *:$and 3racleO 1ndustry reconised certification in competency areas will be hihly rearded! 1t is anticipated that the successful applicant willbe pro#ided with the ability to de#elop further 6nowlede on telecommunications infrastructure technoloies!O E>perience in the followin+o Iirtualisationo Performance manaement and tunino Scriptino 3peratin system uprades and installationso 1mplementation of Jih a#ailability solutions

    Specific *uties+As part of the Bni> system support team$ the System Administrator will be responsible for+O System administration and manaement of *1AC9s A1Z$ inu> or Solaris systems$ includin administration$ health chec6s$monitorin$ fault dianosis and problem resolutionO 2aintainin the system support teams documentation in respect to standard operatin procedures$ build and confiurationuidesO Bnder direction$ implementin pro=ect based deli#erables includin system uprades and the creation of new #irtual andphysical ser#ersO *emonstratin astute =udement and responsi#eness in escalatin issues where required

    O iaisin with e>ternal and internal ser#ice pro#iders as requiredO Ability to wor6 out of hours and be on%call when necessaryO Adherin to the APS Ialues and Code of Conduct

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    These are desinated security assessed positions! The successful applicants will be required to undero a security clearance!ate applications will not be considered!

    otes4emuneration+ The successful applicants will be offered an attracti#e remuneration pac6ae$ includin salary$ superannuationbenefits and fle>ible wor6in conditions appropriate to the le#el of the position! Selection documentation for these positions$information about employment in the *epartment of 1mmiration and Citizenship$ and ad#ice on how to apply for the #acancies

    can be obtained from the department9s website at http+;;www!immi!o#!au;about;careers;inde>!htm

    A3out Department of #mmi"ration an! CitizenshipDe are an oranisation offerin challenin and di#erse careers in a hih profile and comple> en#ironment! De are committedto ensurin Australia has the best possible ser#ices in immiration$ border security$ and citizenship! De are loo6in for people to=oin us to help build an oranisation that is open$ client focussed and supports our staff to achie#e e>cellence! 3ur 0employees wor6 in more than ' locations in Australia and o#erseas$ across a rane of interestin sub=ect areas influenced byinternational and domestic de#elopments!

    The department supports equity in employment$ has a wor6force from culturally di#erse bac6rounds$ and selects employees onthe basis of merit$ measured aainst specified =ob criteria! 1t is therefore in the interest of all applicants to obtain selectiondocumentation for ad#ertised #acancies from the department9s website http+;;www!immi!o#!au;about;careers;inde>!htm

    After readin this documentation$ applicants may contact the desinated contact officer if they ha#e any questions about therecruitment process or they require any other special arranements! 1nformation about employment in the department and howto apply for department #acancies is also a#ailable from the department9s website www!immi!o#!au

    4o Apply

    Selection *ocumentation+ http+;;www!immi!o#!au;about;careers;inde>!htm

    Position Contact+ 2ire6 Ruc6a$ () -- .0'

    Apply+ All applications should be loded on%line in accordance with the instructions set out onthe department9s website at http+;;www!immi!o#!au;about;careers;inde>!htm

    Aency 4ecruitment Site+ http+;;www!immi!o#!au;

    This notice is part of the electronic APS employment Gazette PS&' % *ec ' Published by Australian Public Ser#iceCommission!

    Applicants to employment opportunities notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette should be aware thatthe names of successful applicants will also be notified in all formats of the electronic APS Employment Gazette!
  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    #mmi"ration an! Citizenship Employment 3pportunity "!"! '&/../

    Department of #mmi"ration an! Citizenship Closin date+ Thursday$ ' !htm

  • 7/25/2019 PS51 - 20 Dec 2012


    Applications Close+ Thursday ' $ Solaris$ messain and hosted middleware systems!

    To support this initiati#e$ a number of new Dindows system administration roles are bein established across a number of 6eycompetencies! These include+O Dindows Ser#er 3peratin Systems Acti#e *irectoryO I2DareO Citri>O 2icrosoft SharePointO 2icrosoft SCC2O 2icrosoft SC32O 2icrosoft E>chane$ 2icrosoft ync and Symantec Enterprise Iault

    O 2icrosoft Application Iirtualisation (App%I)O 2icrosoft SL

    The successful candidates will require e>perience in system administration and manaement in an enterprise en#ironment!Positions at this le#el are responsible for deli#ery of :AB system support and may be required to pro#ide pro=ect supportincludin uprades or the installation of new ser#ers!

    To be successful in this role you will ha#e demonstrated ability to manae and oranise wor6 and balance competin prioritiesand conflictin interests and$ ability to culti#ate producti#e wor6in relationships and demonstrate professional and technicalproficiency in 1T security!

    Rey E>perience;S6ills required include+

    2andatoryO E>perience and achie#ement administerin 2icrosoft Dindows in a lare oranisation in one or more of the followincompetencieso Dindows Ser#er 3peratin Systems Acti#e *irectoryo I2Dareo Citri>o 2icrosoft SharePointo 2icrosoft SCC2o 2icrosoft SC32o 2icrosoft E>chane$ 2icrosoft ync and Symantec Enterprise Iaulto 2icrosoft Application Iirtualisation (App%I)o 2icrosoft SLO Dell%de#eloped analytical$ fault dianosis and problem%sol#in s6illsO Solid documentation s6ills$ includin documentin standard operatin procedures and build and confiuration uidesO Ability to wor6 as a producti#e$ dilient and supporti#e member of a small team$ or independently$ includin pro#en ability tode#elop and maintain producti#e wor6in relationships and wor6 under pressure to meet deadlines and maintain ser#icesJihly *esirableO 1ndustry reconised certification in competency areas will be hihly rearded! 1t is anticipated that the successful applicant willbe pro#ided with the ability to de#elop further 6nowlede on telecommunications infrastructure technoloies!O E>perience in the followin

    o Iirtualisationo Performance manaement and tunino Scriptino 3peratin system uprades and installationso 1mplementation of Jih a#ailability sol