Download - Pruvan Downloader User Guide · Requesting photos for [Pruvan Master Username]-The Pruvan Downloader is communicating with the Pruvan Servers to check for any published photos that


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Pruvan Downloader User Guide

Table of Contents Version History .............................................................................................................................................. 2

Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 3

Adobe AIR Framework .............................................................................................................................. 3

Pruvan Downloader Desktop Application ................................................................................................. 3

Main Screen .................................................................................................................................................. 5

Log window ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Transaction Messages ........................................................................................................................... 5

Recent Download window ........................................................................................................................ 5

Photo Thumbnails (not photos) ............................................................................................................ 5

Survey Icon ............................................................................................................................................ 6

CSR Icon ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Settings/Help/Exit Buttons ........................................................................................................................... 7

Setting->User Account .............................................................................................................................. 7

Setting->Download Folder ........................................................................................................................ 8

Settings->Options .................................................................................................................................... 12

Help->Request Support ........................................................................................................................... 13

Help->Log ................................................................................................................................................ 14

Exit->Yes,Exit ........................................................................................................................................... 15

Exit->Minimize ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Exit->No ................................................................................................................................................... 16

Retry/Browse Buttons ................................................................................................................................. 16

About Retry ............................................................................................................................................. 16

About Browse Photos ............................................................................................................................. 16

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Version History Version Release Date Release Notes


3.11.1 More Options for downloading photos

Overview The downloader is a tool that transfers your Pruvan photos from the Pruvan Servers. The photos will

transfer to a specified Save Location that you choose and will be organized in sub-folders that you set

up. Photos are not saved to the downloader but just transferred through to your saved location.

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Adobe AIR Framework The downloader requires the current version of Adobe Air to run. Make sure to download Adobe Air

before installing the Pruvan Downloader (Desktop App).

Pruvan Downloader Desktop Application

Download the Pruvan Downloader by clicking this link here:

You will need to have a Pruvan username and password to view this page.

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Main Screen

Log window The log window will allow you to see every transaction that is happening between the Pruvan Servers

and the Pruvan Downloader. You will also be able to see any errors that may occur during this

transaction which may be preventing photos from transferring.

Transaction Messages

Requesting photos for [Pruvan Master Username]- The Pruvan Downloader is communicating

with the Pruvan Servers to check for any published photos that are ready for download

Retrieving # photos for-The Pruvan Downloader has found photos that are ready to be

downloaded to your Save Location and is currently downloading the photos

No new published photos found. Will retry in # minutes- The downloader has not found any

photos on our servers that are ready for the Pruvan Downloader

Recent Download window

Watch as your photos and surveys transfer from the Pruvan Servers to your saved location.

Photo Thumbnails (not photos)

These photos thumbnails allow you to watch your photos transfer from the Pruvan Servers to your

saved location. These are not your actual photos just thumbnails to let you know that the photos are


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Survey Icon

Surveys that are filled out on the devices will be pulled from the Pruvan Servers and stored on your

computer just like photos.

CSR Icon

This map is generated on the Pruvan Servers when project is published. You can use this map to verify

that the photos were taken at the correct property as well as determine how long your contractors are

at the property.

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Settings/Help/Exit Buttons

Setting->User Account You will log into the downloader with your Master Username and password only. Multiple Master

Usernames can be entered into the downloader if you have multiple Pruvan accounts. Add, Edit and

Remove Master Usernames as needed.

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Setting->Download Folder

The Download Folder is where you can set your Path Configuration to where your photos will be saved

as well as the Sub-folders you would like to use to organize your Pruvan Photos. The downloader can be

pointed to a local folder on your computer, to a file sharing tool or to a personal server.

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Change what information is saved by the Pruvan Downloader. You can also change the Retry Interval to

pull your photos from the Pruvan Servers faster!

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Help->Request Support

If you ever have any question about the Pruvan Downloader or if you have any problems with the

downloader you can click the Request Support button under Help and that will send Pruvan a log of

what the downloader has been doing. This will allow us to diagnose the problem faster and get back to

you with an answer.

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The Pruvan Downloader log allows you to see any error messages as well as transaction that happen

between the Pruvan Servers and the Pruvan Downloader. View Transaction Messages and Error

Messages to better understand what the logs mean.

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You can exit the Pruvan Downloader at the end of the day.


Open the Minimized Pruvan Downloader from the bottom right corner of your desktop.

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Retry/Browse Buttons

About Retry

The Pruvan Downloader automatically pulls Published photos from the Pruvan servers at a designated

interval. You can have the Pruvan Downloader pull photos faster by manually clicking the retry button.

About Browse Photos The Browse Photos button will immediately take you to the save location for your photos. You will see

all of your projects saved to that location without having to manually go to that location using your

Windows Explorer.