Download - Prospectus File 2010

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ckydksa ds fy;s vkoklh; fo|ky;A RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS

( - 07662-254803, 257109

S. No.

PRICE : 400/- (for defence & General), 250/- (for SC & ST)

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- Principal

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1. Introduction. Sainik Schools are residential schools established in differentstates by Ministry of Defence for boys providing them public school educationwith a military bias.These schools are affiliated to the Central Board ofSecondary Education and have a common curriculum, system of selectionand examination.

2. Aim. The aim of Sainik Schools is to prepare boys academically, physicallyand mentally for entry into the National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla andfor other walks of life. Character, team spirit, patriotic outlook and the desireto serve the country with dedication are the qualities sought to be promotedby these Schools.

3. Location. This School is situated at a quiet, pleasant, clean and tidysurroundings of Civil Lines of Rewa, the land of White Tigers. It has acampus sprawling over 260 acres. The climate of Rewa is dry, bracing andwater is sweet and healthy. Rewa is located on the Allahabad-Mumbai highwayat a distance of 125 kms from Allahabad. It is accessible by road and railfrom Satna (W.C.Rly) from where it is 54 kms. The School is 2 kms and 6kms away from Rewa bus stand and railway station, respectively.

4. Sainik Schools in the Country. 24 Sainik Schools have been establishedso far in the country. These are as follows :-(a) Sainik School, Ambikapur (Chattisgarh)(b) Sainik School, Amaravathinagar (Tiruppur Distt.-Tamil Nadu)(c) Sainik School, Balachadi (Jamnagar-Gujrat)(d) Sainik School, Bhubaneshwar (Orissa)(e) Sainik School, Bijapur (Karnataka)(f) Sainik School, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan)(g) Sainik School, Ghorakhal (Uttaranchal)(h) Sainik School, Goalpara (Assam)(j) Sainik School, Imphal (Manipur)(k) Sainik School, Kapurthala (Punjab)(l) Sainik School, Kazhakootam (Thiruvananthapuram-Kerala)(m) Sainik School, Korukonda (Vizianagaram-Andhra Pradesh)(n) Sainik School, Kunjpura (Karnal-Haryana)(o) Sainik School, Nagrota (Jammu & Kashmir)(p) Sainik School, Purulia (West Bengal)

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(q) Sainik School, Rewa (Madhya Pradesh)(r) Sainik School, Rewari (Haryana)(s) Sainik School, Satara (Maharashtra)(t) Sainik School, Sujanpur-Tira (Himachal Pradesh)(u) Sainik School, Tilaiya (Hazaribagh-Jharkhand )(v) Sainik School, Nalanda (Bihar)(w) Sainik School, Gopalganj (Bihar)(x) Sainik School, Kodagu (Karnataka)(y) Sainik School, Punglwa (Nagaland)

5. Administrative Set Up. The administration of Sainik Schools is vested inan autonomous body of the Board of Governors under the Chairmanship ofthe Raksha Rajya Mantri. The Chief Ministers, Education Ministers andEducation Secretaries of the states where the Sainik Schools are located, aremembers of the Board of Governors.

6. There is a Local Board of Administration for each school with a senior defenceservice officer as its Chairman. The Senior Officer Incharge Administration,Central Air Command, Allahabad is the Chairman of the Local Board ofAdministration for Sainik School, Rewa.

7. Staff. The Principal is the administrative and academic head of the School.He is assisted by two other defence service officers, viz., Headmaster andRegistrar. The service officers are specially selected and have tenure postingfrom Ministry of Defence. The School has a well qualified and experiencedstaff. A list of the members of staff is given at Appendix 'A'.


8. School Academic Year. The Academic year is from 1st April to 31stMarch.

9. Capacity and Classes. The maximum planned strength of the School is540. The School has classes from VI to XII.

10. Curriculum. Sainik School, Rewa prepares boys for the followingexaminations:-

(a) Union Public Service Commision Examination for admission to the NationalDefence Academy, Khadakwasla & Naval Academy, Cochin.

(b) All India Secondary School Examination at the end of class X and AllIndia Senior School Certificate Examination at the end of Class XII, conductedby Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

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11. The medium of instruction is English. Subjects taught are English, Hindi,Sanskrit, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Science, ComputerScience and General Studies including work experience and Art & Crafts etcas per the syllabus prescribed by CBSE. CCE system prescribed by CBSE hasbeen fully implemented in the School. The concept, objectives and nature ofsyllabus may be changed at the behest of CBSE/Sainik Schools society.

12. Promotion. The minimum marks required for class promotion are as shownin Appendix ‘B’.

13. Progress Report. Boys are given periodical tests to assess their progressand reports are sent to their parents when necessary. Detailed reports areforwarded to all parents at the end of each term.

14. Private Tuition. Private tuition is not permitted. However, school makesarrangements for extra coaching for the boys found weak in studies.

15. Supervision of Work. Work of each boy is supervised from the day heenters the School. Apart from the Housemasters who keep a watch on hisprogress, he has a Class Teacher who advises and helps him in his academicwork.

16. Library and Reading Room. The school has a well stocked library with areading room and Internet to cater for the varied interests of the students.

17. Audio Visual Aid Centre and TV. The School has well equipped Audio &Visual aids labs. Though every hostel is provided with a colour TV set, onlylimited TV exposure is given to the boys. Movies, major and importanttelecast are occasionally arranged centrally in Manekshaw Auditorium of theSchool.

18. Text Books & Stationary. Text books and stationary items required bythe students during the academic year are normally provided to the studentsby the School.

19. Co-curricular Activities. While greater emphasis is laid on the academicprogress of the boys, the School provides ample scope for the developmentof their creative faculties, skills, public speaking by way of organising quiz,debate, declamation, lecturette etc. The boys are encouraged to take anactive interest in all these activities.

20. Clubs and Societies. Every boy is encouraged to join at least one club /society as per his aptitude and liking. The Clubs and Societies to pursuehobbies and interests of the cadets are as follows:-

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(a) Archery (g) Literary Society(b) Art and Crafts (h) Music Club(c) Band & Orchestra (i) Nature Club(d) Cyber Club (j) Photography(e) Gymnastic (k) Shooting(f) Horse Riding (l) Science and Technology

21. Educational Tours, Hikes and Excursions. The School also arrangeseducational tours under escort to places of military, historical and educationalinterest as a regular feature of cadets training. There is also an ampleopportunity provided for senior boys to go on hikes, mountaineering andorganised outdoor excursions during the course of their stay at the School.

22. National Cadet Corps (NCC). All cadets from classes VII to X becomecadets of the Junior Division of the NCC. Senior Division NCC is compulsoryfor the boys of classes XI & XII. The senior cadets attend Annual TrainingCamps and Special Summer Camps for rock climbing, advanced leadershipand adventure courses, NIC whenever organised under the aegis of NCCDirectorate. The cadets get A, B & C certificates of NCC on successfullycompleting the training.

23. Games, Gymnasium and Swimming Pool. The school provides facilitiesfor major games like Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Badminton, Handball,Baseball, Cricket and Hockey. The School has a well equipped Gymnasium. Anew Gymnasium building and a Swimming pool in School campus are underconstruction. In the interim swimming facility is locally arranged throughMunicipal Corporation, Rewa. Coaching classes are conducted by qualifiedPTIs in most of the major games. Indoor games like TT, Chess, Carrometc. are also available.

24. Physical Training and Cross Country Run. Adequate facilities for physicaltraining are available in the School. P.T. is compulsory and all boys take partin regular physical training which includes cross country runs.

25. Shooting Range. Cadets of classes VIII to XII practice 0.22 bore rifleshooting as part of their NCC training activities. School has a 0.177 bore AirRifle, Pistol shooting range to encourage students to participate in this sport.

26. Obstacle Course. The School has two obstacle courses to test and improvecadets' courage, physical endurance and agility.

27. Auditorium. The school has its own auditorium named Manekshaw Auditorium

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where morning assembly, movies, important School functions and activitiesare conducted.

28. Vacation. A vacation of total 70 days is observed in the form of summervacations in the month of May & June alongwith winter vacation in Dec endto early January.

29. Visit by Parents / Guardians. Parents/Guardians of the cadets arepermitted to visit their sons/wards between 10 am. and 5 pm. on Sundaysand holidays only. Parents/ Guardians of the new entrants are advised not tovisit their sons/ wards during their first two months i.e. in April and July afteradmission so that the boys adjust to the routine and environment of theSchool.

Adminsitratives Aspects

30. Accommodation. All cadets are accommodated in Dormitories/Hostels underdirect supervision of respective Housemasters who act as their guides andguardians. The Housemasters are assisted in their job by Matron/HostelSuperintendents/Ward boys who take care of the cadets’ personal need,hygiene and comforts. At present the School has 10 Hostels/Dormitories,namely Abhimanyu, Bharat, Dhruv, Eklavya, Lav-Kush, Betwa, Chambal,Narmada, Satpura and Vindhya named after important rivers, mountainranges of Madhya Pradesh and heroes of the Mahabharata.

31. Cash and Valuables. Cadets are not permitted to keep cash or valuablearticles in their possession during their stay in the School. Possession ofelectrical and electronic gudget is an offence and heavy penalty is imposedon defaulters.

32. Messing. All cadets dine together in a common dining hall called Cadets’Mess. The cooking arrangements are supervised by Mess Manager. A MessCommittee with representatives of the staff and cadets as members, meetsregularly to improve the menu and the standard of the Mess. Both vegetarianand non-vegetarian meals are prepared and served according to the nutritionalneeds and choice of the cadets.

33. Parents are advised not to send sweets or other eatables to their wards.

34. Medical Attention. The School has a part-time Medical Officer. He isassisted by a qualified Nursing Assistant. No free medical treatment is providedto the boys. Cadets have to pay for drugs, medicines and diagnostic needs.

35. There is a fifteen-bedded Infirmary and a two-bedded Isolation Ward. In

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case of serious illness, boys are transferred to the Government Civil Hospital/Medical College. Cases of serious illness are reported to the parentsimmediately who have the discretion to take their wards with them for medicaltreatment.

36. Cadets have rigid medical examination before their arrival in the School andare given essential prophylactic treatment as required. Medical History Cardsare maintained for each boy and general growth is watched.

37. Canteen Facility. The School has a well stocked CSD canteen whereintoiletries and other basic requirements of the cadets are stocked and sold tothem.

38. Arrangement for Travelling. Parents need to make their ownarrangements for collecting their wards from the School at the time of vacationsand returning them in time to school after vacations.

39. School Fees. During present academic year i.e. 2010-11 total fee on newadmission is Rs. 81,332/- (Gen/Def) and Rs. 79,332/- (SC/ST) per annum ispayable in advance or two half yearly instalments in April and October. Parentswill be required to pay the revised fees and clothing charges as and when therates are increased by the Sainik Schools Society, New Delhi/Principal duringthe subsequent years, till the cadet completes his education in this School.Parents/Guardians, who do not deposit fees within one week fromthe due date are liable to face expulsion of their son/ward from theSchool. New entrants have to pay School fees in one instalment at the timeof admission only. The fee structure is revised every year by the orderissued by Sainik Schools Society. On an average there is a hike of 10% everyyear on the Tuition fee & Dietary charges.

40. Clothing and Diet Charges. Clothing charges of 2500/- are collected fromstudents at the time of admission and Rs. 1000/- per annum for thesubsequent six / three years. List of clothing and other necessary itemswhich are to be brought by the students at the time of their joining theSchool is given at Appendix 'C'. Clothing fee can also be revised by SainikSchools Society at any time based on market variation. Cost of clothingitems supplied to the boys over and above Rs. 2,500/- and Rs. 1,000/- asmentioned above, will be charged from the parents as part of the Schoolfee. An amount of Rs. 15,338/- is charged as diet charges for the wholeyear from each student included in the School fee.

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41. Caution Money (Security Money). Caution Money of Rs. 5,000/- for(General & Defence) or Rs. 3,000/- (SC & ST) is collected from each student.This is a deposit refundable at the time the student leaves the School afterdeducting outstanding dues, if any.

42. Pocket Money. Parents/Guardians are required to deposit incidental chargesat the beginning of each year, an amount of Rs. 6000/- to meet the followingexpenditure of the boy :-

(a) Educational Trip/ Hikes & Excursions, Text books and stationary etc.(b) Hair Cutting / Cloth Wearing Charges.(c) Breakages and losses due to wilful negligence on the part of the boy.(d) Any other charges of private nature to overcome inconvenience to the boy.(e) Expenditure as directed by the Principal.(f) Fine as approved by the Principal.(g) Extra issue of clothing items(h) Medicinal expenses

43. Parents have to replenish the deposit by Demand Draft preferably drawn onPunjab National Bank, Sainik School Campus, Rewa (M.P.) - 486 001 before30 April each year. (Code No. 6293)

44. Scholarships. A scholarship scheme has been instituted by the Governmentof MP for the deserving students of MP domicile on the basis of merit andmerit-cum-means. Central Government also grants scholarships to sons ofserving / Ex-Service personnel up to the rank of Junior Commissioned Officersand Other Ranks of the Army and equivalent ranks in the Navy and the AirForce. Details of scholarships awarded by the Government of M.P as well asthe Central Government are given at Appendix 'D'. The entire scholarshippattern may be changed any time by the Board of Governors, Sainik SchoolSociety / Ministry of Defence making parents bear part of or the entireexpenditure.

45. Withdrawal of Scholarships. It may also be noted that in order to qualifyfor the continuation of scholarship each student is required to obtain marksas per Appendix ‘E’.

46. Execution of Agreement. The Parent / Guardian of every new entrant inthe Sainik School is required to execute an agreement to the effect that hisson/ward will adhere to the rules, regulations and discipline of the school, andtheir acceptance of the fee pattern whenever so modified by the Central/State Govt.

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47. The Parent / Guardian of the recipient of the State or Central Governmentscholarship is required to execute an agreement (Appendix F1 and F2) tothe effect that if his son/ward does not take the competitive examination ofthe Union public Service Commission for admission to National DefenceAcademy (NDA) or having taken the examination does not join the Academyif selected, then he would refund to the Government concerned the value ofscholarship availed by his son/ward during his entire stay in the School. Thesame is also applicable if he leaves the School at any intermediate stagewithout taking the available chances for the Examination of the Union PublicService Commission.

48. Parents/Guardians of the boys who are in receipt of State Governmentscholarship are required to execute a bond on stamp paper of Rs. 50/- tothe effect that they would adhere to the scholarship rules and give personal& other sureties for refund to the Government, in case of any violation ofscholarship rules, the full amount of scholarship received by them during theentire period of stay of their sons/wards in the School will be recovered withdamages, if any. A specimen copy of the bond is given at Appendix 'G'.

49. In the event of the death of the guarantor, the same should beintimated to the School immediately and the legal heir will execute anew agreement bond, surety bond and latest affidavit of income.

50. Entrance Examination. AISSEE is normally conducted on the First Sundayof Janurary every year at selected centres throughout the country. Thewritten tests are conducted at various centres in all the states and UnionTerritories. The centres selected in Madhya Pradesh are Bhopal, Gwalior,Indore, Jabalpur and Rewa. If number of applications for entranceexamination exceeds expected strength then an alternative centre will beallotted which will be mentioned in the admit card. These may be changed ifany administrative problem arises. The centre mentioned in the call-up letterwill be final.

Notes :-

(i) In case the number of candidates registered is less than 25 at any centre,that centre may be cancelled and the candidates directed to report to anothercentre. Similarly, if the candidates registered at a particular centre are toomany then some candidates will be allotted a different centre.

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(ii) Candidates must report at the selected examination centres at 0800 hrs. onthe stipulated date of examination.

(iii) No request for change of centre will be entertained once the centre is allotted.(iv) In case of non-receipt of admit card for sitting in AISSE examination, the

parent may bring applicant alongwith photo Identity Card duly attested byHeadmaster/ Principal of School to the exam centre as confirmed by theSchool.

51. Wide publicity is given in leading newspapers of the State, during Sep to Novevery year about the Entrance Examination and the last date for receipt ofapplications. Parents/Guardians are requested to forward application formsonly when advertisement inviting application appears in the newspapers.

52. Proof of Age. A birth certificate issued by Municipal Corporation or CantonmentBoard or Registrar Birth/Death Office at the time of applying for admission isonly acceptable. Refer to Appendix ‘K’. In case of defence personnel and Ex-servicemen date of birth certificate from the Record Office is only acceptable.Original certificates are required to be produced at the time of admission ofthe ward. In addition to this, Parents/Guardian also need to forward certificateas per Appx ‘K1’ to be submitted alongwith the application form.

53. Date of birth, caste or domicile once declareed by the Parents/Guardiansand accepted by the Sainik School authorities will not be changed. If it isfound at a later date i.e. at the time of entrance examination or afteradmission that the boy had appeared for a second time at the entranceexamination he will not be permitted to sit for the entrance examination andwill immediately be expelled from the School, as the case may be, andparent/guardian will be asked to pay the scholarship amount received fromthe Government. Applications accompanied by proof of age other than thethose mentioned in para-52 will not be entertained.

54. At the time of admission, the Transfer Certificate/ School Leaving Certificatesfrom the School last attended by the student, duly countersigned/ attestedby DEO/BDO/Inspector of Schools/KVS/CBSE authorities from the previousSchool is to be submitted by the parents, if selected.

55. The documents produced by the candidate or his Parent/Guardian at thetime of registration of application as well as at the time of admission aresubject to verification by the authorised agencies at the behest of the Principal.At any stage a candidate found to have produced documents which arefalse or incorrect, or deficient in information of particulars furnished, will make

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his candidature liable for cancellation or result in his withdrawal from theSchool during the academic session in addition to initiation of legal actionagainst him.

56. School authorities reserve the right to verify any document before and anytime after admitting a ward. Any case of fraduleant document will be reportedto the police and admission will be cancelled.

57. Application for Entrance Examination. Application on the prescribed form

given at appendix 'J' (J1/J2/J3 as applicable) to this prospectus completed in

all respects should reach the Principal, Sainik School, Rewa (M.P.) 486 001 by

the specified date. Instructions for Parents/Guardians to fill the application form

are given at appendix 'P'. Parents may send Rs. 100/- by Postal Order/Demand

Draft in favour of Principal, Sainik School, Rewa, alongwith a self addressed

envelope of size 22 cms X 10 cms with postal stamps worth Rs. 5/- (Rs. 25/- if

required by speed post) affixed for obtaining the marks statement which will be

made available only after declaration of the Entrance Examination result in news

papers. Mark sheets will be issued after 31 August only.

58. Three copies of latest coloured passport size photographs of the candidate

are to be forwarded alongwith the application. One copy is to be properly

pasted in the space provided in the right hand top corner of the application

form. The parent/guardian must sign across partly on the photograph and

partly on the form. The second copy is to be firmly pasted on the Identification

certificate vide Appendix 'M' which is to be attested by a Gazetted Officer.

Third copy of the photograph is to be securely pasted on the right hand

corner of the Hall Ticket vide Appendix 'N' is to be forwarded alongwith the

application form. The parent/guardian should write their full correspondence

address on the left hand side of Hall ticket. The Hall ticket and time table of

the written tests will only be sent to the parents/guardians on acceptance of

the application. Any form without proper photographs as mentioned above

will be rejected.

59. Please enclose two self addressed envelopes of size 22 cm x 10 cm one withpostage stamps worth Rs.25/- affixed on it and the other without stamps.

60. Typed or manuscript or photostated application will not be accepted. Applicationreceived after closing date or found incomplete in any respect will not beentertained. Call up Letters/Hall Tickets for the eligible candidates to report atthe Examination Centers will be sent to the parents/guardians at least 10

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days in advance before the due date of the examination. Documents/certificatessent along with the application form will not be returned.

61. Reservation of Seats. 67% of the seats are reserved for boys domicile of

the state of MP. The shortfall, if any, will be open to boys from other states

and Union Territories. (With an undertaking not to seek transfer at any later

date and full fee paying only) 25% of the total admission each year are

reserved as for children of Service Personnel (including Officers, Ex-Servicemen

and Other). However, ex-servicemen who are discharged at their own request

with less than five years of service or on disciplinary grounds will not be

entitled to the reservation quota or scholarship of the Ministry of Defence.

15% seats for Scheduled Caste and 7.5% seats for Scheduled Tribes are

reserved out of the number admitted each year subject to their appearing in

the entrance examination, interview and medical fitness. The reserved seats

will be filled strictly in order of merit in each category.

62. It is incumbent on the serving defence personnel to submit the copy or Part

II Order of Birth Extract from their Record Office stating the date of birth of

their sons. It is also incumbent on the Ex-servicemen to submit this document

from their respective Records Offices. Candidates who fail to submit a copy

of Part II order of birth Extract from the Record Office will be treated as

"General Candidates".

63. Applications from SC/ST candidates should be accompained by CasteCertificates in the prescribed form vide Appendix 'L' duly signed by thecompetent authority authorised to issue such certificates.

64. Qualifying Standard. These are as follows :-

(a) For the General Category and the children of Defence Personnel theminimum qualifying marks are 25% in each paper and 40%aggregate.

(b) For Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes children, there are no minimumqualifying marks but merit amongst SC/ST students against thevacancies will be considered.

(c) Out of qualified candidates, depending on the number of vacancies,candidates in order of merit will be required to appear before aSelection Board for an interview and before a Medical Board forMedical Examination. The interview will carry 50 marks which will beadded to the written test marks and final merit list will be drawn.

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(d) Only medically fit boys will be admitted strictly in order of the final merit list.

65. Admission and Eligibility. Admission is open to boys who are betweenthe age of 10 to 11 year for class VI and are between 13 to 14 years forclass IX on 1st July of the year of admission. The age limits prescribed can inno case be relaxed. Admission is made on the basis of All India Sainik SchoolsEntrance Examination (AISSEE) comprising the papers for each class as perthe details given below :-

Class VI Class IX

(a) Mathematical Knowledge test - 100 Max.Mk. (a) Mathematics - 200 Max. Mk(b) Language Ability test - 100 Max.Mk (b) General Science- 75 Max. Mk(c) Intelligence Test - 100 Max.M (c) Social Sciences - 75 Max. Mk

(d) English - 100 Max. Mk

66. Syllabus for Entrance Examination. The standard of AISSEE for ClassesVI & IX would be equivalent to that of standard V & VIII, respectively as perthe prescribed syllabus of the CBSE/NCERT/State Board. A few questions ofa slightly higher standard may also be included.

67. Students may answer the question papers either in English or Hindi foradmission in Class VI to Sainik School, Rewa. However, question papers foradmission to class IX will be answered in English only. Last minute request forchange of medium will not be entertained and candidate must write all papersin the same medium.

68. Sainik Schools Society reserves the right to change the pattern of examinationand admission criteria.

69. Those boys who qualify AISSEE and are high in merit will be called for interviewand medical examination at a later date depending on the number of vacancies.Number of candidates approximately three times the vacancies are shortlisted category wise, for interview-cum-medical strictly on their performancein the written Examination. Boys who qualify in the Examination are admittedstrictly in the order of merit subject to the availability of vacancies, providedthey are found medically fit.

70. Medical Examination of Boys Seeking Admission. The medicalstandards laid down for boys seeking admission to Sainik School is given atAppendix 'H'. Parents Guardians are advised to get their boys medicallyexamined before applying for admission to ensure that they are free fromsuch constitutional defects/diseases which may render them unfit for thearmed forces.

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71. Medical Examinations of candidates for admission in classes VI & IX of SainikSchool, Rewa are conducted at designated Military Hospitals.

72. Joining Instructions for Admission. Joining Instructions are issued onlyto boys who are finally selected for admission to the School strictly in order ofmerit, prepared on the basis of written and interview marks and subject tomedical fitness. The joining instructions contain the following documents whichare required to be brought to the School duly completed at the time ofadmission:-

(a) School Transfer Certificate duly countersigned by District Education Officer.

(b) Income Certificate of the parents.

(c) Affidavit of Income.

(d) Affidavit of Domicile alongwith domicile certificate.

(e) Bond Form.

(f) Agreement Form.

(g) Medical Certificate.

(h) SC/ST Certificate duly signed by Tehsilder/SDO/Dy collector.

(j) Risk Certificate.

(k) Family details.

(l) Fee Certificate.

(m) Parents Address proforma.

(n) Married/Unmarried Certificate.

(p) Journey Proforma.

(q) Birth Certificate as per para-52.

(r) Serving Certificate from Unit/Discharge Certificate duly countersignedby Sainik Welfare Department, QSA/pay certificate from unit (For Defencecandidates).

73. Withdrawal of Boys. All boys are admitted to the school on theunderstanding that they will remain in the School for the entire course. Incase any of the parents wants to withdraw his son on any account, includingrevision of fees/scholarship he must give notice of withdrawal in writing to thePrincipal at least two months before the commencement of the followingterm. Failure to give this notice will entail forfeiture of caution money. Parentsof boys who are in receipt of scholarships can withdraw them only afterrepayment of total amount of scholarship enjoyed by the boys. In case a

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child is withdrawn by the parent voluntarily during mid-term, fees will becharged for the whole session. There is no provision in Sainik School Rulesand Regulations for re-admission of a boy once he is withdrawn from theSchool.

74. All fees are payable in advance and can be paid for a year or a term. If duesare not received by the 15th of the succeeding month from the beginning ofsession then the student will be struck off from the rolls of the School andsent home.

75. The School will arrange a thorough medical examination of boys every yearto minimise medical rejections at the Services Selection Boards. Even afteradmission, if student is found medically unfit at any stage and in the opinionof the competent medical authority the disability is likely to render him unfitfor entry to the Regular Armed Forces, the scholarship granted tothe student will be withdrawn at once.

76. General Points.

(a) The parents/guardians will intimate the School as and when there is achange in address and mobile numbers for correspondence/communicaton.

(b) Parents/guardians of boys admitted to the School will be deemed tohave read, understood and accepted the contents of this prospectus.(both in English & Hindi)

(c) All disputes arising between School administration and the party shallbe filed and decided by the Civil Court, Rewa (MP) only.

(d) Cadets will not be allowed to use mobile/phones in the School. Therefore,parents are requested not to provide mobile phones to their wards.Possession of mobile phones by cadets is a serious offence and maylead to withdawal of the cadet from the School on disciplinary grounds.

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1-1-1-1-1- lSfud Ldwy jhok ds laj{k.k esa u gh dksbZ dksfpax laLFkku pyjgk gS vkSj u gh fo|ky; esa ços'k fnykus ds fy;s dksbZ O;fä]laLFkku] funsZ'kd vFkok iqLrdsa fu/kkZfjr gSaA

fo|ky; esa ços'k iw.kZr% fyf[kr ijh{kk ,oa lk{kkRdkj ds vk/kkjij cuh çkoh.; lwph ,oa LokLF; ijh{k.k ds vk/kkj ij ghfn;k tkrk gSA

bl fo|ky; esa VI ¼NBoha½ vkSj IX ¼uoehaa½ d{kkvksa esa ços'kdsoy ckydksa dks gh fn;k tkrk gSA

2 -2 -2-2-2- fooj.k&if=dk esa mn~/k`r lwpuk,a dsoy lkekU; tkudkjh dsfy, gSA d`i;k bls fu;e ds :i esa mYys[k u fd;k tk;A

egRoiw.kZ lwpukegRoiw.kZ lwpukegRoiw.kZ lwpukegRoiw.kZ lwpukegRoiw.kZ lwpuk

& çkpk;Z& çkpk;Z& çkpk;Z& çkpk;Z& çkpk;Z

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lkekU; tkudkjhlkekU; tkudkjhlkekU; tkudkjhlkekU; tkudkjhlkekU; tkudkjhlkekU;lkekU;lkekU;lkekU;lkekU;1- Hkwfedk &Hkwfedk &Hkwfedk &Hkwfedk &Hkwfedk & lSfud Ldwy fofHkUu jkT;ksa esa j{kk ea=ky; }kjk LFkkfir vkoklh; fo|ky; gSa] ftuesa

Nk=ksa dks ifCyd Ldwyh; f'k{kk lSfud #>ku ds lkFk çnku dh tkrh gSA ;s Ldwy dsUæh; ek/;fedf'k{kk cksMZ] ubZ fnYyh ls lEc) gSA ns'k ds lHkh lSfud Ldwyksa esa ,d gh ikB~;Øe] p;u çfØ;k,oa ijh{kk ç.kkyh viukbZ tkrh gSA

2- mn~ns’; &mn~ns’; &mn~ns’; &mn~ns’; &mn~ns’; & lSfud Ldwyksa dk mn~ns’; Nk=ksa dks 'kS{kf.kd] 'kkjhfjd ,oa ekufld :i ls l{kecukuk gS] ftlls fd os jk"Vªh; j{kk vdkneh] [kM+xoklyk esa ços'k vkSj thou ds vU; ifj{ks=esa lQyrk çkIr dj ldsa rFkk muds pfj=&fuekZ.k] lkewfgd&Hkkouk ,oa ns'k&çse dks fodflrdjuk gS rkfd os R;kx ,oa leiZ.k dh Hkkouk ls ns'k lsok dj ldsaA

3- fLFkfr &fLFkfr &fLFkfr &fLFkfr &fLFkfr & lSfud Ldwy jhok] lQsn&'ksjksa dh /kjrh jhok ds flfoy&ykbUl bykds ds 'kkar] lqUnj]LoPN ,oa je.khd okrkoj.k esa fLFkr gSA 260 ,dM+ Hkwfe dh] çkd`frd gfj;kyh esa ;g fo|ky;QSyk gSA jhok dh tyok;q 'kq"d] ikuh ehBk ,oa okrkoj.k LokLF;o/kZd gSA lSfud Ldwy jhok]bykgkckn&dU;kdqekjh jk"Vªh; jktekxZ ij bykgkckn ls 125 fd-eh- dh nwjh ij rFkk if’pee/; ds lruk jsyos LVs'ku ls 54 fd-eh- dh nwjh ij fLFkr gSA lSfud Ldwy jhok dh nwjh clLVS.M ls 2 fd-eh- rFkk jsYos LVs'ku ls 6 fd-eh- gSA

4- ns’k esa lSfud Ldwy &ns’k esa lSfud Ldwy &ns’k esa lSfud Ldwy &ns’k esa lSfud Ldwy &ns’k esa lSfud Ldwy & vc rd ns'k esa 24 lSfud Ldwy LFkkfir gSaa] tks fuEu gSa%&¼d½ lSfud Ldwy vfEcdkiqj ¼NÙkhlx<+½¼[k½ lSfud Ldwy vejkorh uxj ¼ftyk&fr:iqj] rfeyukMq½¼x½ lSfud Ldwy ckykp<+h ¼tkeuxj] xqtjkr½¼?k½ lSfud Ldwy Hkqous'oj ¼mM+hlk½¼³½ lSfud Ldwy chtkiqj ¼dukZVd½¼p½ lSfud Ldwy fpÙkkSM+x< ¼jktLFkku½¼N½ lSfud Ldwy ?kksM+k[kky ¼mÙkjkapy½¼t½ lSfud Ldwy Xokyikjk ¼vle½¼>½ lSfud Ldwy bEQky ¼ef.kiqj½¼´½ lSfud Ldwy diwjFkyk ¼iatkc½

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¼V½ lSfud Ldwy dktkdqêe ¼fr#vuUriqje] dsjy½¼B½ lSfud Ldwy dks#dq.Mk ¼foft;kuxje] vka/kz&çns'k½¼M½ lSfud Ldwy dqatiqjk ¼dukZy] gfj;k.kk½¼<½ lSfud Ldwy jhok ¼e/;çns'k½¼.k½ lSfud Ldwy jsokM+h ¼gfj;k.kk½¼r½ lSfud Ldwy uxjksVk ¼tEew&d'ehj½¼Fk½ lSfud Ldwy iq#fy;k ¼if'pe caxky½¼n½ lSfud Ldwy lrkjk ¼egkjk"Vª½¼/k½ lSfud Ldwy lqtkuiqj frgjk ¼fgekpy çns'k½¼u½ lSfud Ldwy fryS;k ¼gtkjhckx] >kj[kaM½¼i½ lSfud Ldwy ukyUnk ¼jktxhj] fcgkj½¼¥Q½ lSfud Ldwy xksikyxat ¼fcgkj½¼c½ lSfud Ldwy dqMXxq ¼dukZVd½¼Hk½ lSfud Ldwy iqaxyok ¼ukxkyS.M½

5- iz’kklu &iz’kklu &iz’kklu &iz’kklu &iz’kklu & lSfud Ldwyksa ds iz’kklu dk dk;Z j{kk ea=ky;] ubZ fnYyh ds v/khu ,d Lo'kklhlapkyu lfefr lSfud LdwYl lkslk;Vh djrh gS ftlds v/;{k ns'k ds j{kk jkT; ea=h gksrs gSAftu jkT;ksa esa ;s fo|ky; fLFkr gS mu jkT;ksa ds eq[;ea=h rFkk f'k{kk ea=h] lapkyu lfefr ds lnL;gksrs gSaA

6- blds vfrfjä çR;sd fo|ky; dh LFkkuh; ç'kklu lfefr ml {ks= ds ofj"B lsuk vf/kdkjh dhv/;{krk esa lapkfyr gksrh gSA lSfud Ldwy jhok ds LFkkuh; ç'kklu lfefr ds v/;{k] dsUæh; ok;qdeku bykgkckn ds vkQhlj&dekafMax&bu&phQ] ,;j ek'kZy jSad ds vf/kdkjh gSaA

7- LVkQ &LVkQ &LVkQ &LVkQ &LVkQ & bl fo|ky; ds 'kS{kf.kd vkSj ç'kklfud ç/kku çkpk;Z gksrs gSA budh lgk;rk ds fy;sç/kkuk/;kid vkSj jftLVªkj gksrs gSaA ;s vf/kdkjhx.k Hkkjrh; j{kk & lsok ds fu;fervf/kdkjh gksrs gSa tks ;gka fuf’pr dk;Zdky ij vkrs gSA fo|ky; esa ;ksX; ,oa vuqHkoh v/;kidgSaA

izf’k{k.k &izf’k{k.k &izf’k{k.k &izf’k{k.k &izf’k{k.k &

8- fo|ky; dk 'kS{kf.kd l= &fo|ky; dk 'kS{kf.kd l= &fo|ky; dk 'kS{kf.kd l= &fo|ky; dk 'kS{kf.kd l= &fo|ky; dk 'kS{kf.kd l= & fo|ky; dk 'kS{kf.kd l= 01 vçSy ls 31 ekpZ rd dk gksrk gSA

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9- Nk=&{kerk ,oa d{kk;sa &Nk=&{kerk ,oa d{kk;sa &Nk=&{kerk ,oa d{kk;sa &Nk=&{kerk ,oa d{kk;sa &Nk=&{kerk ,oa d{kk;sa & fo|ky; esa vf/kdre 540 Nk=ksa dh iBu&ikBu dh O;oLFkk {kerkgS ftlds vUrxZr d{kk 6 ls 12 rd ds Nk= v/;;u djrs gSaA

10- ikB~;Øe &ikB~;Øe &ikB~;Øe &ikB~;Øe &ikB~;Øe & lSfud Ldwy Nk=ksa dks fuEufyf[kr ikB~;Øeksa ds fy;s rS;kj djrk gSA

¼v½ jk"Vªh; j{kk vdkneh [kM+xoklyk ,oa usoy vdkneh esa ços'k ds fy;s vk;ksftr la?k yksdlsok vk;ksx dh ijh{kk ds fy;sA

¼c½ dsUæh; ek/;fed f'k{kk cksMZ] u;h fnYyh }kjk vk;ksftr d{kk 10 vkSj 12 dh cksMZ ijh{kkvksads fy;sA

11- fo|ky; ds f'k{k.k dk ek/;e vaxzsth gSA vaxzsth] fgUnh] laLd`r]] HkkSfrdh] jlk;u]tho&foKku] lekt foKku] dEI;wVj foKku] lkekftd v/;;u] Øk¶V ,oa dyk vkfn egRoiw.kZfo"k;ksa dk v/;kiu lq;ksX; f'k{kdksa }kjk fd;k tkrk gSA o"kZ 2009&2010 ls lh-ch-,l-lh- lr~rewY;kadu iz.kkyh ykxw dj nh xbZ gSA ikB~;Øe ds mn~ns’; ,oa çd`fr esa lh-ch-,l-lh- rFkk lSfudLdwy lkslk;Vh ds fu.kZ;kuqlkj ifjorZu gks ldrk gSA

12- çkséfr &çkséfr &çkséfr &çkséfr &çkséfr & vxyh d{kk esa çkséfr ds fy;s Nk=ksa dks çR;sd fo"k; esa izkIrkadksa dk fooj.k ifjf’k"V^ch* esa fn;k x;k gSA

13- çxfr&çfrosnu &çxfr&çfrosnu &çxfr&çfrosnu &çxfr&çfrosnu &çxfr&çfrosnu & Nk=ksa ds lrr~ ewY;kadu ds fy, le;&le; ij ekfld] =Sekfld]v)Zokf"kZd rFkk okf"kZd ijh{kk,¡ vk;ksftr dh tkrh gS vkSj muds çkIrkadksa dk çxfr çfrosnuvfHkHkkodksa dks Hkstk tkrk gSA

14- izkbosV V~;w’ku &izkbosV V~;w’ku &izkbosV V~;w’ku &izkbosV V~;w’ku &izkbosV V~;w’ku & detksj Nk=ksa ds fy, fo'ks"k d{kkvksa dk vk;kstu fo"k;kuqlkj fu%'kqYd fd;ktkrk gSA V~;w'ku iw.kZ:is.k oftZr gSA

15- dk;Z dh ns[k&js[k &dk;Z dh ns[k&js[k &dk;Z dh ns[k&js[k &dk;Z dh ns[k&js[k &dk;Z dh ns[k&js[k & Nk=ksa ds dk;ksZ] fØ;k&dykiksa dk i;Zos{k.k ços'k ds le; ls gh çkjaHkgks tkrk gSA gkml&ekLVj vkSj d{kk v/;kid Nk=ksa ds 'kS{kf.kd çxfr ij lnSo /;ku nsrs jgrsgSa vkSj vko';drkuqlkj Nk=ksa dks mfpr ijke'kZ rFkk v/;;u esa lgk;rk çnku djrs gSaA

16- iqLrdky; ,oa okpuky;iqLrdky; ,oa okpuky;iqLrdky; ,oa okpuky;iqLrdky; ,oa okpuky;iqLrdky; ,oa okpuky; & fo|ky; esa ,d lqUnj] le`) ,oa lqlfTtr iqLrdky; rFkkokpuky; gS tgk¡ Nk= viuh #fp ,oa vko';drkuqlkj KkuktZu djrs gSaA

17- JO;&n`'; midj.k dsUæ ,oa euksjatu lqfo/kk,a &JO;&n`'; midj.k dsUæ ,oa euksjatu lqfo/kk,a &JO;&n`'; midj.k dsUæ ,oa euksjatu lqfo/kk,a &JO;&n`'; midj.k dsUæ ,oa euksjatu lqfo/kk,a &JO;&n`'; midj.k dsUæ ,oa euksjatu lqfo/kk,a & Ldwy esa ,d le`) ,oa lqlfTtr Hkk"kkç;ksx'kkyk gS] ftlesa fHké&fHké çdkj ds Jo.k&n`'; ;a= gSA fo|ky; ds çR;sd lnuksa esa jaxhu

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Vsyhfotu miyC/k gSA Nk= lhfer le; esa gh Vsyhfotu dk vkuan ys ikrs gSA blds vfrfjäçR;sd lnu esa bu&Mksj xsEl tSls Vscy&Vsful] 'krjat] dSje vkfn [ksyksa dh O;oLFkk gSA

18- ikB~;&iqLrdsa ,oa ys[ku lkexzh &ikB~;&iqLrdsa ,oa ys[ku lkexzh &ikB~;&iqLrdsa ,oa ys[ku lkexzh &ikB~;&iqLrdsa ,oa ys[ku lkexzh &ikB~;&iqLrdsa ,oa ys[ku lkexzh & 'kS{kf.kd l= dh ikB~;&iqLrdsa ,oa ys[ku lkexzh Nk=ksa dksfo|ky; }kjk çnku dh tkrh gSA

19- ikB~; lgxkeh fØ;k&dyki &ikB~; lgxkeh fØ;k&dyki &ikB~; lgxkeh fØ;k&dyki &ikB~; lgxkeh fØ;k&dyki &ikB~; lgxkeh fØ;k&dyki & Nk=ksa ds 'kS{kf.kd fodkl ds lkFk&lkFk O;fäRo ds lokZaxh.kfodkl ds vU; {ks=ksa esa çxfr ds fy;s fo|ky; }kjk vusdkusd fØ;k&dykiksa dk vk;kstu fd;ktkrk gSA fo|ky; esa lkfgfR;d ifj"kn~] foKku ifj"kn~] fp=dyk ifj"kn~ ,oa lkaLd`frd ifj"kn~ dsrRok/kku esa fofHké xfrfof/k;ksa dk vk;kstu çR;sd 'kSf{k.kd l= esa fd;k tkrk gS o Nk=ksa dks bufØ;k&dykiksa esa lfØ; Hkkx ysus ds fy, çksRlkfgr fd;k tkrk gSA

20- Dyc ,oa ifj"knsa &Dyc ,oa ifj"knsa &Dyc ,oa ifj"knsa &Dyc ,oa ifj"knsa &Dyc ,oa ifj"knsa & fo|ky; }kjk fuEukafdr Dyc ,oa ifj"knsa lapkfyr gksrh gS %¼1½ foKku ,oa rduhd Dyc ¼7½ laxhr Dyc¼2½ QksVksxzkQh Dyc ¼8½ cS.M ,oa vkdsZLVªk Dyc¼3½ fp=dyk ,oa gLrdyk Dyc ¼9½ rhjkankth Dyc¼4½ dEI;wVj Dyc ¼10½ fu’kkusckth Dyc¼5½ lkfgfR;d Dyc ¼fgUnh] vaxzsth ,oa laLd`r½ ¼11½ izd`fr Dyc¼6½ O;k;ke Dyc ¼12½ ?kqM+lokjh DycA

21- 'kS{kf.kd i;ZVu &'kS{kf.kd i;ZVu &'kS{kf.kd i;ZVu &'kS{kf.kd i;ZVu &'kS{kf.kd i;ZVu & fo|ky; çR;sd f'k{k.k l= esa ,sfrgkfld ,oa lkaLd`frd egRo ds LFkkuksa dsfy, ;ksX; f'k{kdksa ds funsZ'ku esa 'kS{kf.kd i;ZVu dk vk;kstu djrk gSA fo|ky; ds ofj"B Nk=vius v/;;u dky esa gkbd ij Hkh f'k{kdksa dh ns[k&js[k esa tkrs gSaA

22- ,u-lh-lh- &,u-lh-lh- &,u-lh-lh- &,u-lh-lh- &,u-lh-lh- & fo|ky; esa ,u-lh-lh- dh f'k{kk vfuok;Z gSA d{kk 7 ls ysdj 10 rd ds Nk=twfu;j fMohtu ,u-lh-lh- ,oa d{kk 11 vkSj 12 ds Nk= lhfu;j fMohtu ,u-lh-lh- ds dSMsVgksrs gSA fo|ky; ds dSMsV~l ioZrkjksg.k] ,MokUl yhMjf'ki vkSj ,Mosapj dkslZ ,oa vU; vk;ksftrdSEiksa esa lfEefyr gksdj dq'ky çf'k{k.k çkIr djrs gSaA

23- [ksydwn] O;k;ke ,oa rSjkdh &[ksydwn] O;k;ke ,oa rSjkdh &[ksydwn] O;k;ke ,oa rSjkdh &[ksydwn] O;k;ke ,oa rSjkdh &[ksydwn] O;k;ke ,oa rSjkdh & Ldwy }kjk Nk=ksa dks çk;% lHkh [ksyksa ds fy;s lqfo/kk çnkudh tkrh gS] ftuesa ykWu&Vsful] okWyhcky] ckLdsVcky] QqVcky] cSMfeaVu] gSaMcky] csl&cky]fØdsV ,oa gkWdh çeq[k gSA fo|ky; esa vk/kqfud ,oa lqlfTtr O;k;ke'kkyk gS ¼ubZ O;k;ke’kkyk Hkou

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fuekZ.kk/khu gS½A Ldwy }kjk rSjkdh çf'k{k.k dh lqfo/kk Hkh çnku dh tkrh gS ¼fo|ky; ifjlj esa u;srSjkdh iqy fuekZ.kk/khu gS½A çeq[k [ksyksa dk çf'k{k.k dq'ky çf'kf{kr ih-Vh-vkbZ- }kjk çnku fd;k tkrkgSA fo|ky; esa bu Mksj xsEl tSls Vscy&Vsful] 'krjat] dSje vkfn dh Hkh lqfo/kk,a lqyHk gSA

24- 'kkjhfjd çf'k{k.k ,oa Økl dUVªh nkSM+ &'kkjhfjd çf'k{k.k ,oa Økl dUVªh nkSM+ &'kkjhfjd çf'k{k.k ,oa Økl dUVªh nkSM+ &'kkjhfjd çf'k{k.k ,oa Økl dUVªh nkSM+ &'kkjhfjd çf'k{k.k ,oa Økl dUVªh nkSM+ & fo|ky; esa çR;sd Nk= ds fy;s ih-Vh- ,oa 'kkjhfjdçf'k{k.k vfuok;Z gS ftlesa Økl dUVªh nkSM+ Hkh lfEefyr gSA

25- fu'kkusckth &fu'kkusckth &fu'kkusckth &fu'kkusckth &fu'kkusckth & fo|ky; }kjk d{kk 8 ls ysdj 12 rd ds Nk=ksa dks 22 cksj jkbQy }kjkfu'kkusckth dk çf'k{k.k çnku fd;k tkrk gSA

26- ck/kk nkSM+ &ck/kk nkSM+ &ck/kk nkSM+ &ck/kk nkSM+ &ck/kk nkSM+ & Nk=ksa esa lkgl] 'kkjhfjd {kerk ,oa lqxfBr LokLF; fodkl ds fy;s fo|ky; esack/kk nkSM+ ¼vkOlVsfdy dkslZ½ dh lqfo/kk lqyHk gSA

27- lHkkxkj &lHkkxkj &lHkkxkj &lHkkxkj &lHkkxkj & fo|ky; dk viuk ,d lHkkxkj gS ftldk uke ekusd’kkW lHkkxkj gSA tgk¡ çfrfnuçkr%dkyhu çkFkZuk lHkk rFkk lkfgfR;d ,oa lkaLd`frd dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd;s tkrs gSaA

28- vodk'k &vodk'k &vodk'k &vodk'k &vodk'k & fo|ky; esa xzh"edkyhu vodk’k ,oa 'khrdkyhu vodk’k gksrs gSaA fo|ky; esaxzh"ekodk'k çk;% 8 lIrkgksa dk 01 ebZ ls 30 twu ds e/; gksrk gSA ’khrdkyhu vodk’k 3 lIrkgksadk çk;% fnlEcj&tuojh ds e/; gksrk gSA

29- ikydksa@vfHkHkkodksa }kjk Nk=ksa ls feyus dh vuqefr &ikydksa@vfHkHkkodksa }kjk Nk=ksa ls feyus dh vuqefr &ikydksa@vfHkHkkodksa }kjk Nk=ksa ls feyus dh vuqefr &ikydksa@vfHkHkkodksa }kjk Nk=ksa ls feyus dh vuqefr &ikydksa@vfHkHkkodksa }kjk Nk=ksa ls feyus dh vuqefr & ikydksa ;k vfHkHkkodksa dksfo|ky; esa Nk=ksa ls jfookj ;k fdlh vU; NqV~Vh ds fnu 10 cts ls lk;a 5 cts rd feyus dhvuqefr jgrh gSA d{kk 6 vkSj 9 esa u;s ços'k çkIr Nk=ksa ds ikydksa@vfHkHkkodksa dks lykg nh tkrhgS fd os vius cPpksa ls vizSy] tqykbZ vkSj vxLr ekg esa u feysa ftlls fd cPpksa dks fo|ky;esa O;ofLFkr gksus esa dfBukbZ u gksA vodk’k ds vykok fu;fer fnuksa esa ikydksa dks Nk=ksa ls feyusdh vuqefr ugha gSA

iz’kkldh; foiz’kkldh; foiz’kkldh; foiz’kkldh; foiz’kkldh; fo"k;"k;"k;"k;"k;

30- vkokl & vkokl & vkokl & vkokl & vkokl & Nk= vfHkHkkod ,oa iFk çn'kZd ds :i esa fu;qä gkml ekLVjksa dh ns[k&js[k esavkoklh; lnuksa esa jgrs gSA çR;sd lnu esa gkml ekLVj dks lg;ksx çnku djus ds fy;s nwljsv/;kid rFkk Nk=kokl v/kh{kd ,oa v/khf{kdk gksrs gSa tks Nk=ksa ds jgu&lgu] lq[k&lqfo/kk LokLF;,oa LoPNrk lEcU/kh ckrksa ij fo'ks"k /;ku j[krs gSA orZeku le; esa Nk=ksa ds fy, 8 Nk=koklvfHkeU;q] Hkjr] yodq'k] csrok] pEcy] ueZnk] lriqM+k ,oa foU/;k lnu miyC/k gSa ftuds uke

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egkHkkjr rFkk jkek;.k ds çeq[k ik=ksa ,oa ns'k ;k çns'k ds çfl) ioZrksa ;k ufn;ksa ds uke dsvuq:i gSaA

31- udn jkf'k rFkk dherh lkekuudn jkf'k rFkk dherh lkekuudn jkf'k rFkk dherh lkekuudn jkf'k rFkk dherh lkekuudn jkf'k rFkk dherh lkeku & & & & & Nk=ksa dks vius ikl udn /kujkf'k ;k dherh lkeku tSlsfd dku esa ckfy;k¡] ,-Vh-,e- dkMZ] eksckbZy vkfn j[kuk l[r oftZr gSA

32- Hkkstu&O;oLFkk & Hkkstu&O;oLFkk & Hkkstu&O;oLFkk & Hkkstu&O;oLFkk & Hkkstu&O;oLFkk & lHkh Nk= ,d lkFk dSMsV~l esl esa Hkkstu xzg.k djrs gSaA esl esa eslçcU/kd fu;qDr gSa] ftudh ns[k&js[k esa Hkkstu ,oa [kku&iku dh leqfpr O;oLFkk dh tkrh gSA Nk=ksarFkk v/;kidksa ds çfrfuf/kRo esa cuh esl desVh }kjk çfrfnu çnku fd, tkus okys Hkkstu lkexzhdk fu/kkZj.k fd;k tkrk gS vkSj rn~uqlkj O;oLFkk dh tkrh gSA Nk=ksa dh #fp ds vuqlkj 'kkdkgkjhrFkk ekalkgkjh Hkkstu dh vyx&vyx O;oLFkk lqyHk gSA

33- vfHkHkkodksa dks ijke'kZ fn;k tkrk gS fd os Nk=ksa dks fe"Bké ;k vU; [kk| lkexzh u HkstsaA

34- fpfdRlk O;oLFkk &fpfdRlk O;oLFkk &fpfdRlk O;oLFkk &fpfdRlk O;oLFkk &fpfdRlk O;oLFkk & fo|ky; esa va'kdkfyd 1 fpfdRld gSa ftuds lgk;rkFkZ ;ksX; uflZaxvfLVsUV gSa tks Nk=ksa dks LokLF; lEcU/kh lsok,a miyC/k djkrs gSaA lhfer nk;js rd fu%'kqYdfpfdRlk O;oLFkk gSa ftlds mijkUr Nk=ksa dks ijh{k.kksa] vkS"kf/k;ksa rFkk VkWfud vkfn ds fy, Hkqxrkudjuk iM+rk gSA

35- fo|ky; ds fpfdRlk d{k es 15 jksfx;ksa ds fy, fcLrj rFkk 2 csM vkblksyslu okMZ ds fy, miyC/kgSaA jksxh dh xaHkhj rFkk fo'ks"k fpfdRlk O;oLFkk ds fy, LFkkuh; 'kkldh; fpfdRlky; dh lsokvksadk ykHk mBk;k tkrk gSA xaHkhj :i ls chekj ;k #X.k Nk=ksa ds LokLF; dh tkudkjh o lwpukvfHkHkkodksa dks nh tkrh gSA

36- fo|ky; igq¡pus ij Nk=ksa dk fof/kor~ xgu fpfdRlh; ijh{k.k fd;k tkrk gS vkSj le;kuqlkj mUgsamipkj miyC/k djk;k tkrk gSA çR;sd Nk= ds LokLF; lEcU/kh çxfr dk fooj.k Hkh j[kk tkrk gSA

37- dSUVhu lqfo/kk,¡dSUVhu lqfo/kk,¡dSUVhu lqfo/kk,¡dSUVhu lqfo/kk,¡dSUVhu lqfo/kk,¡ & fo|ky; esa lh-,l-Mh- dSUVhu dh lqfo/kk miyC/k gS tgk¡ ij Nk=ksa dh nSfudvko';d lkefxz;k¡ mfpr ewY; ij lqyHk jgrh gSA

38- ;k=k&çcU/k & ;k=k&çcU/k & ;k=k&çcU/k & ;k=k&çcU/k & ;k=k&çcU/k & vodk'k ds iwoZ rFkk i'pkr~ Nk=ksa dks ysus rFkk igq¡pkus dk mÙkjnkf;RovfHkHkkodksa dk gSA

39- fo|ky; 'kqYd & fo|ky; 'kqYd & fo|ky; 'kqYd & fo|ky; 'kqYd & fo|ky; 'kqYd & fo|ky; 'kqYd* #0 52]494@& okf"kZd ,d eq'r vfxze vFkok #0 26]247@&dh nks fd'rksa vçSy RkFkk vDVwcj esa ns; gSA vkus okys o"kksZ esa lSfud LdwYk lkslkbVh@j{kk ea=ky;

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vFkok çkpk;Z }kjk 'kqYd rFkk ifj/kku 'kqYd esa dh xbZ o`f) ns; gksxh tc rd fd Nk= viuhf'k{kk fo|ky; esa iw.kZ ugha dj ysrkA fu/kkZfjr frfFk ls ,d lIrkg ds vUnj ;fn vfHkHkkodksa }kjk'kqYd tek ugha fd;k tkrk rks muds ikydksa dks fo|ky; ls fu"dkfLkr fd;k tk ldrk gSA*¼gj o"kZ fo|ky; ’kqYd esa lSfud LdwYl lkslkbVh ds funsZ’kkuqlkj c<+ksRrjh gksrh gS½

40- x.kos’k] ifj/kku ¼Dyksfnax½ ,oa Hkkstu 'kqYd &x.kos’k] ifj/kku ¼Dyksfnax½ ,oa Hkkstu 'kqYd &x.kos’k] ifj/kku ¼Dyksfnax½ ,oa Hkkstu 'kqYd &x.kos’k] ifj/kku ¼Dyksfnax½ ,oa Hkkstu 'kqYd &x.kos’k] ifj/kku ¼Dyksfnax½ ,oa Hkkstu 'kqYd & Nk=ksa ls ifj/kku 'kqYd 2]500@& #0 ços'k dsle; rFkk vkus okys o"kksZ esa 1000@& #0 okf"kZd nj ls fy;k tkrk gSA Nk= }kjk fo|ky; esa ços'k dsle; yk, tkus okys oL=ksa@ifj/kkuksa rFkk vU; lkefxz;ksa dk fooj.k fn;k tkrk gSA lSfud LdwYk lkslkbVh}kjk ifj/kku 'kqYd esa fdlh Hkh le; la'kks/ku fd;k tk ldrk gSA Åij of.kZr 'kqYd #0 2]500@& rFkk#0 1000@& ewY; ls vfrfjDr oL= lkexzh ;k Hkkstu O;;*&#- 15]338@& ds vykok vU; [kk| oLrqçnku fd;s tkus ij vfrfjDr 'kqYd ns; gSA*¼Hkkstu O;; esa gj o"kZ lSfud LdwYl lkslkbVh ds funsZ’kkuqlkj c<+ksRrjh gksrh gSA½

41- lqj{kk fuf/k & lqj{kk fuf/k & lqj{kk fuf/k & lqj{kk fuf/k & lqj{kk fuf/k & çR;sd Nk= ls 5000@& #0 /kujkf'k lqj{kk&fuf/k ds :i esa tek djk;k tkrkgSA ;g /kujkf'k Nk= dks fo|ky; NksM+rs le; fdlh Hkh vU; ns; /kujkf'k dks dkVdj@lek;ksftrdj ykSVk nh tkrh gSA vuqlwfpr tkfr rFkk vuqlwfpr tutkfr Nk=ksa ls lqj{kk fuf/k 3]000@& #0ns; gSA

42- tsc [kpZ & tsc [kpZ & tsc [kpZ & tsc [kpZ & tsc [kpZ & ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkodksa dks l=kjaHk ds le; gh 6]000@& #0 dh /kujkf'k Nk= dsO;fäxr O;; ds fy;s ftuesa fuEu O;; lfEefyr gSa] ns; gS %&

¼v½ Mkd O;;] flusek ;k vU; euksjatuA¼c½ 'kS{kf.kd i;ZVu@;k=k@gkbd@dkWih fdrkcsa bR;kfnA¼l½ cky dVkbZ ,oa /kksch oL= /kqykbZ [kpZ¼n½ rksM+&QksM+ ;k Nk= dh vlko/kkuh ls vU; {kfrA¼b½ Nk= dh vlqfo/kk nwj djus ds fy;s ml ij O;fäxr O;;A¼bZ½ çkpk;Z ds funsZ'kkuqlkj Nk= ij vU; O;;A¼,½ çkpk;Z }kjk Lohd`r Nk= ij vFkZ&n.MA¼,s½ ifj/kku 'kqYd ds vfrHkkj dh HkjikbZA¼vks½ nokbZ [kpZ

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43- ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod vius cPpksa ds 'kqYd dh vnk;xh cSad Mªk¶V tks iatkc us'kuy cSad] lSfudLdwy jhok ¼dksM ua- 6293½ ij ns; gks] }kjk çfro"kZ 30 vçSy ds igys tek djsaA

44- Nk=o`fÙk;k¡ &Nk=o`fÙk;k¡ &Nk=o`fÙk;k¡ &Nk=o`fÙk;k¡ &Nk=o`fÙk;k¡ & ;ksX;rk ,oa vkfFkZd vk; ds vk/kkj ij e/;çns'k 'kklu }kjk e/;çns'k fuoklhNk=ksa dks mnkj Nk=o`fÙk;ksa dh ;kstuk O;oLFkk gSA dsUæ 'kklu dsUæ 'kkflr jkT;ksa rFkk HkwriwoZ lSfudksa¼ts0lh0vks jSad rd½ ds cPpksa ds fy, Nk=o`fÙk;k¡ Lohd`r djrh gSA jkT; rFkk dsUæ ljdkj }kjkçnÙk Nk=o`fÙk;ksa dk fooj.k ifjf’k"V ^lh* esa izLrqr gSA cksMZ vkQ xouZlZ lSfud Ldwylkslk;Vh@j{kk ea=ky; }kjk lkjh Nk=o`fRr;ksa dk Lo:i ifjofrZr fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSjvfHkHkkodksa dks vkaf’kd ;k iw.kZ ’kqqYd O;; ogu djuk iM+ ldrk gSA

45- Nk=o`fÙk dh okilh &Nk=o`fÙk dh okilh &Nk=o`fÙk dh okilh &Nk=o`fÙk dh okilh &Nk=o`fÙk dh okilh & çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk feyrh jgs blds fy, vko';d gS fd Nk= çR;sd fo"k;esa de ls de 50 çfr'kr vad rFkk dqy çkIrkdksa dk vkSlr çfr'kr de ls de 55 çfr'krvftZr djsaA blls de vad çkIr gksus ij ml le; esa çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk lqfo/kk okil gks tk;sxh vkSjiw.kZ 'kqYd nsus ij gh Nk= fo|ky; esa v/;;u tkjh j[k ldsxkA vkus okys o"kksZ esa ;fn Nk= iqu%Nk=o`fÙk ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr vadksa dks çkIr djrk gS rks Nk=o`fÙk lqfo/kk iqu% çnku dh tk;sxhA

¼vuqlwfpr tkfr rFkk vuqlwfpr tutkfr Nk=ksa ds fy, de ls de fu/kkZfjr vad çR;sd fo"k;esa 45 çfr'kr rFkk dqy çkIrkdksa dk vkSlr de ls de 50 çfr'kr gSA½

46- vuqcU/k i=vuqcU/k i=vuqcU/k i=vuqcU/k i=vuqcU/k i= & ços'k çkIr Nk= ds ekrk&firk vFkok vfHkHkkod dks bl vk'k; ds vuqca/k i=ij gLrk{kj dj tek djuk gksxk fd mldk iq=@ikY; vuq'kkflr jgdj fo|ky; ds fu;eksa dkikyu djsxk rFkk tc dHkh dsUæ ;k jkT; ljdkj }kjk 'kqYd ds Lo:i esa la'kks/ku gksxk] ekU;gksxkA

47- ekrk&firk vFkok vfHkHkkod ftuds iq=@ikY; jkT; ;k dsUæ ljdkj dh Nk=o`fÙk ds çkIrdrkZ gSa]mUgsa ifjf'k"V & ,Q* esa fn;s x;s vuqca/k ds vuqlkj bl vk'k; dk vuqca/k i= tek djuk gksxkfd mldk iq=@ikY; la?k yksd lsok vk;ksx }kjk jk"Vªh; lqj{kk vdkneh esa ços'k gsrq vk;ksftrijh{kk esa ;fn ugha lfEefyr gksrk vFkok p;u gksus ij ;fn lqj{kk vdkneh esa ços'k ugha ysrkrks fo|ky; esa f'k{kk&çkfIr vof/k rd jkT; ;k dsUæ ljdkj }kjk çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk dh lEiw.kZ jkf'kokil djsxkA ;g 'krZ ml n'kk esa Hkh ykxw gksxk tc Nk= Ldwy NksM+rk gS vkSj la?k yksd lsokvk;ksx dh ,u-Mh-,- esa cSBus ds 'ks"k lHkh voljksa dk YkkHk ugha mBkrkA

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48- ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod ftuds iq=@ikY; jkT; ;k dsUæ ljdkj }kjk çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk dk ykHk ysrsgSa mUgsa LVkEi isij ij gLrk{kj dj tek djuk gksxk tks bl vk'k; dk gksxk fd mUgsa Nk=o`fÙkds fu;e ,oa 'krZ Lohdk;Z gS vkSj os O;fäxr rFkk vU; tekur bl vk'k; dk çLrqr djsaxs fdfo|ky; esa vftZr lEiw.kZ Nk=o`fÙk {kfriwfrZ lfgr okil djsaxs ;fn os Nk=o`fÙk lEcU/kh fu;eksa@'krksZdk mYya?ku djrs gSaA

49- tekurdrkZ dh e`R;q dh n'kk esa bldh lwpuk rqjar fo|ky; dks nsuh pkfg, vkSj oS/kkfudmÙkjkf/kdkjh u, vuqca/k i=] tekur i= vkSj vk; dk gyQukek gLrk{kj dj çLrqr djsxkA

50- ços'k ijh{kk & ços'k ijh{kk & ços'k ijh{kk & ços'k ijh{kk & ços'k ijh{kk & vf[ky Hkkjrh; lSfud Ldwy ços'k ijh{kk iwjs ns'k esa fxus pqus dsUæksa ij çk;%tuojh ekg ds nwljs jfookj dks lEié gksrh gSA fyf[kr ijh{kk çR;sd jkT; ;k la?k 'kkflr çns'kksaesa fofHké dsUæksa ij lEié gksrh gSA e-ç- jkT; ds fy, ijh{kk dsUæ Hkksiky] Xokfy;j] bUnkSj]tcyiqj] jhok fu/kkZfjr gSA ç'kklfud leL;kvksa ds dkj.k dsUæksa esa ifjorZu laHko gSA ços'k i=esa lwfpr dsUæ gh vfUre ,oa ekU; gksxkA ;fn ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k vuqekfur la[;k ls vf/kdgksrh gS rks mUgsa vU; oSdfYid dsUnzksa ij ck¡Vk tk;sxkA ftldh lwpuk muds izos’k i= esa nh tk;sxhA

fVIif.k;k afVIif.k;k afVIif.k;k afVIif.k;k afVIif.k;k a

¼v½ ;fn fdlh dsUæ ij ços'kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k 25 ls de gS rks ml ijh{kk dsUæ dks fujLr djNk=ksa dks nwljs ijh{kk dsUæ ij ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus dk funsZ'k fn;k tk;sxkA blh çdkj;fn fdlh ijh{kk dsUæ ij ços'kkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k cgqr vf/kd gS vkSj O;oLFkk esa dfBukbZgS rks dqN Nk=ksa dks nwljk ijh{kk dsUæ vkcafVr fd;k tk;sxkA

¼c½ Nk= fuf'pr frfFk ij vius ijh{kk dsUæ ij fu/kkZfjr le; ls iwoZ yxHkx izkr% 07%45cts igq¡psaA

¼l½ ,d ckj dsUæ vkcafVr gksus ij blesa ifjorZu laHko ugha gSA

51- ços'k ijh{kk rFkk vfUre frfFk ds lEcU/k esa uoEcj@fnlacj ekg esa lEekfur lekpkj i=ksa esafoLr`r foKkiu çfr o"kZ fn;k tkrk gSA ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod ços'k vkosnu i= dks rHkh vxzlkfjrdjsa tc blds lEcU/k esa lwpuk lekpkj i=ksa esa çdkf'kr gks tkrh gSA

52- vk;q lk{;vk;q lk{;vk;q lk{;vk;q lk{;vk;q lk{; & ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod ços'k vkosnu i= ds lkFk Nk= dk tUe çek.k i= dsvuqlkj tek djsaA uxj fuxe ;k Nkouh cksMZ ;k iath;d tUe ,oa e`R;q }kjk tkjh çek.k i= gh

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Lohdk;Z gSA d`i;k ifjf’k"V&ds ifjf’k"V&ds ifjf’k"V&ds ifjf’k"V&ds ifjf’k"V&ds ns[ksa A j{kk lsok esa dk;Zjr deZpkfj;ksa ds ckydksa ds fy, fjdkMZdk;kZy; }kjk tkjh tUefrfFk çek.k i= gh ekU; gSA izos’k ds le; ckyd dk ewy tUe izek.k&i=izLrqr djuk vfuok;Z gSA vfHkHkkod v/;;ujr Nk=ksa ds fo|ky;ksa ls tkjh tUe frfFk izek.k&i=Hkh ifjf’k"V&ds 1ifjf’k"V&ds 1ifjf’k"V&ds 1ifjf’k"V&ds 1ifjf’k"V&ds 1 ds vuqlkj izLrqr djsaA

53- tUefrfFk] tkfr rFkk fuokl ds lEcU/k esa ikydksa }kjk nh xbZ lwpuk tks fo|ky; }kjk Lohd`r gSmlesa ifjorZu fu"ks/k gSA ços'k ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus ds le; ;k mlds ckn Hkh ;fn ;g ik;kx;k fd Nk= nwljh ckj ços'k ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gqvk gS rks mls ijh{kk esa lfEefyfr ugha gksusfn;k tk;sxk ;k mldk ços'k fujLr dj fn;k tk;sxk vkSj 'kklu }kjk çkIr Nk=o`fÙk dh /kujkf'kmls okil djuk gksxkA iSjk 52 esa n’kkZ;s x;s tUe izek.k i= ds fcuk izkIr vkosnu i= Lohdkjugha fd;s tk;saxsA

54- ços'k ds le; vfUre laLFkk }kjk tkjh LFkkukUrj.k çek.k i= ds lkFk fo|ky; NksM+us dk ç nks çfr esa ftlesa mu laLFkkvksa dk mYys[k gks tgk¡ igyh d{kk ls vc rd v/;;u fd;k gSrFkk tks CykWd@ftyk f'k{kk vf/kdkjh ;k fo|ky; fujh{kd@dsUnzh; fo|ky;@lh-ch-,l-lh-vf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk çfrgLrk{kfjr] gks tek djuk gksxkA

55- Nk= ;k mlds ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod }kjk ukekadu rFkk ços'k ds le; çLrqr lHkh ç{;ksa dk çkpk;Z dh vksj ls fu/kkZfjr çfrfuf/k;ksa }kjk ços'k ds le; iw.kZ :i ls tk¡p fd;ktk;sxkA >wBs] vuqfpr rFkk pkgh x;h lwpuk ds vuqlkj iw.kZ çek.k i= çLrqr u gksus dh n'kk esaços'k fujLr dj fn;k tk;sxk vFkok fdlh Hkh Lrj ij Nk= fo|ky; ls 'kS{kf.kd l= ds chp ghfu"dkflr dj fn;k tk;sxk vkSj mlds fo#} oS/kkfud dk;Zokgh dh tk;sxhA

56- fo|ky; iz’kklu fdlh Hkh nLrkost dk izos’k ;k izos’k ds ckn dHkh&Hkh lR;kiu djkus dk vf/kdkjlqjf{kr j[krk gSA QthZ@xyr nLrkost+ ik;s tkus ij Nk= dk izos’k fujLr dj fn;k tkosxk vkSjvfHkHkkod ij dkuwuh dk;Zokgh dh tkosxhA

ços'k ijh{kk ds fy, vkosnu i=ços'k ijh{kk ds fy, vkosnu i=ços'k ijh{kk ds fy, vkosnu i=ços'k ijh{kk ds fy, vkosnu i=ços'k ijh{kk ds fy, vkosnu i=57- ifjf'k"V ts* tks ços'k ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vkosnu i= bl fooj.k if=dk esa layXu gS dks iw.kZ :i

ls Hkjdj vko';d çek.k i=ksa ds lkFk çkpk;Z lSfud Ldwy jhok ¼e-ç½ 486001 dks vfUre frfFkrd ;k mlds iwoZ tek djsaA ifjf'k"V ^ih* vkosnu i= Hkjus laca/kh funsZ'k fn, x;s gSAekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod :0 100@& dk fMeakM Mªk¶V tks çkpk;Z lSfud Ldwy jhok dks ns; gks dks

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Lo;a dk irk fy[ks 22 lsa-eh- x 10 lsa-eh- lkbt ds fyQkQs ds lkFk ml ij 5@& #0 vkSj ;fnjftLVMZ Mkd ls pkgrs gS rks 25 #i;s dk fVdV yxk gks] Hkstdj lekpkj i= esa ifj.kke çdkf'krgksus ds ckn vius ckyd dh vadlwph çkIr dj ldrs gSaA vadlwph izos’k izfØ;k iw.kZ gksus dsi'pkr~ gh nh tk ldsxhA

58- ços'k QkeZ ds lkFk Nk= dh ikliksVZ lkbt dh uohure QksVks dh 3 çfr;k¡ tek djuk vko';dgSA ,d QksVks vkosnu i= ij nkfgus dksus ij fu/kkZfjr LFkku ij fpidk,¡ ftl ij ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkoddk gLrk{kj bl çdkj gks fd vk/kk gLrk{kj QksVks ij gksA nwljh QksVks ifjf'k"V ,e* ¼igpku i=½ij fu/kkZfjr LFkku ij fpidk,¡ ftls jktif=r vf/kdkjh }kjk vfHkç djkosaA rhljh QksVksifjf'k"V ,u* ¼gky fVdV½ ij fu/kkZfjr LFkku nkfgus dksus ij fpidk,¡A gky fVdV ds ckbZ vksjekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod viuk iwjk irk fy[ksaA vkosnu i= Lohdkj dj fy, tkus ij gky fVdV¼ços'k i=½ rFkk fyf[kr ijh{kk le; ekrk&firk ;k vfHkHkkod ds ikl Hkstk tk;sxkA

59- d`i;k 22 ls-eh- x 10 lsa-eh- lkbt ds nks fyQkQs ftu ij Lo;a dk irk fy[kk gks rFkk ,d ij25 #0 dk fVdV yxk gks rFkk nwljk fcuk fVdV gks layXu djsaA

60- Vkbi fd;k ;k QksVks dkih fd;k vkosnu i= Lohdk;Z ugha gSA viw.kZ rFkk fu/kkZfjr vfUre frfFkds ckn çkIr vkosnu i=ksa ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA ijh{kk dh fu/kkZfjr frfFk ds 10 fnu igysços'k i=@gky fVdV ijh{kk ds ;ksX; Nk=ksa dks çsf"kr dj fn;k tk;sxkA ços'k vkosnu i= ds lkFklayXu@tek fd;s çek.kksa@çek.k i=ksa dks okil ugha fd;k tk;sxkA

lhVks a dk vkj{k.klhVks a dk vkj{k.klhVks a dk vkj{k.klhVks a dk vkj{k.klhVks a dk vkj{k.k61- fo|ky; esa lhVksa dk vkj{k.k fuEukuqlkj gS &

e/;çns'ke/;çns'ke/;çns'ke/;çns'ke/;çns'k vU; jkT;vU; jkT;vU; jkT;vU; jkT;vU; jkT;¼d½ dqy vkj{k.k 67% 33%

¼[k½ oxZokj vkj{k.klkekU; oxZ 52-5% 52-5%vuqlwfpr tkfr 15% 15%

vuqlwfpr tutkfr 7.5% 7.5%

fMQsal 25% 25%

uksVuksVuksVuksVuksV & v- HkwriwoZ lSfud tks vius vki 5 o"kZ dh vof/k ls de lsok ;k vuq'kklu ds vk/kkj ij lsokeqä gS muds iq= fMQsal lhVksa ds çfr vkj{k.k rFkk j{kk ea=ky; }kjk çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk dsvf/kdkjh ugha gksaxsA

c- çR;sd esa vkjf{kr lhVsa esfjV ds vuqlkj gh Hkjh tk;saxhA

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62- fMQsal lhVksa ds fy, vkosnu nsus okys ços'kkfFkZ;ksa ds vfHkHkkodksa dks fjdkMZ vkfQl ds ikVZ&2 vkMZjdk og va'k tek djuk gksxk ftlesa muds iq= ls lEcfU/kr tUe frfFk dk mYys[k gksA HkwriwoZlSfudksa dks Hkh bl nLrkost dks tek djuk gS ;fn mudk iq= muds vodk'k çkIr@fMLpktZ@gksusds iwoZ iSnk gksA ,slk u djus ij muds iq=ksa dks lkekU; esa j[kk tk,xkA

63- vuqlwfpr tkfr rFkk vuq- tutkfr ds Nk=ksa ds vkosnu i= ds lkFk ifjf'k"V ts* ds vuqlkj l{kevf/kdkjh }kjk gLrk{kfjr tkfr çek.k i= layXu gksuk vfuok;Z gSA

;ksX;rk Lrj;ksX;rk Lrj;ksX;rk Lrj;ksX;rk Lrj;ksX;rk Lrj64- ¼v½ lkekU; oxZ rFkk fMQsal oxZ ds Nk=ksa ds fy, U;wure mÙkh.kkZad çR;sd fo"k; esa 25%

rFkk lEiw.kZ ;ksx esa 40% gSA¼c½ vuqlwfpr tkfr rFkk vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds Nk=ksa ds fy, dksbZ U;wure mÙkh.kkZad

fu/kkZfjr ugha gS fdUrq mudk p;u muds gh oxZ esa esfjV ds vuqlkj mruh gh lhVksds fy, fd;k tk,xk ftruh muds fy, lqjf{kr gSA

¼l½ ços'k ijh{kk esa mÙkh.kZ Nk=ksa esa ls çR;sd oxZ ds fy, miyC/k lhVksa ds rhu xquk Nk=ksadks esfjV ds vk/kkj ij lk{kkRdkj rFkk 'kkjhfjd ijh{k.k ds fy, cqyk;k tk,xkAlk{kkRdkj ds fy, 50 vad fu/kkZfjr gS vkSj çkoh.; lwph fyf[kr rFkk lk{kkRdkj nksuksaesa vftZr vadksa ds ;ksx ds vk/kkj ij curh gSA Nk=ksa dks ços'k vafre çkoh.; lwphds vk/kkj ij gh Øekuqlkj feysxkA

65- ços'k ijh{kk vkSj ik=rk & ços'k ijh{kk vkSj ik=rk & ços'k ijh{kk vkSj ik=rk & ços'k ijh{kk vkSj ik=rk & ços'k ijh{kk vkSj ik=rk & ços'k o"kZ esa 1 tqykbZ dks vk;q 10 o"kZ rFkk 11 o"kZ ds chpgksus ij d{kk 6 oha rFkk 13 o"kZ vkSj 14 o"kZ ds chp gksus ij d{kk 9 oha esa ços'k dk volj Nk=ksadks çkIr gSA fu/kkZfjr vk;q esa dksbZ NwV ugha gSA lSfud Ldwy ços'k ijh{kk tks d{kk 6oha rFkk 9ohads fy, vyx&vyx fo"k;ksa rFkk ç'u&i=ksa ds fy, lEié gksrh gS] ds vk/kkj ij ços'k fn;k tkrkgS ftldk foLr`r fooj.k fuEukuqlkj gS %&

d{kk 6 ohad{kk 6 ohad{kk 6 ohad{kk 6 ohad{kk 6 oha d{kk 9 ohad{kk 9 ohad{kk 9 ohad{kk 9 ohad{kk 9 oha¼v½ xf.krh; Kku ijh{kk & 100 vad ¼v½ & 200 vad¼c½ Hkk"kk ;ksX;rk ijh{kk & 100 vad ¼c½ lkekU; foKku & 75 vad¼l½ cqf) ijh{kk & 100 vad ¼l½ lkekftd foKku & 75 vad

¼n½ vaxzsth & 100 vad

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fjä LFkkuksa ds vk/kkj ij vf[ky Hkkjrh; lSfud Ldwy ços'k ijh{kk dh esfjV esa mPp LFkku çkIrdjus okys Nk=ksa dks lk{kkRdkj rFkk 'kkjhfjd LoLFkrk ijh{k.k ds fy, ckn esa cqyk;k tkrk gSAoxkZuqlkj miyC/k lhVksa ds yxHkx rhu xquk Nk=ksa dks ços'k ijh{kk esa çkIr vadksa ds vk/kkj ijgh lk{kkRdkj rFkk 'kkjhfjd ijh{k.k ds fy, cqyk;k tkrk gSA

66- ços'k ijh{kk dk ikB~;Øe & ços'k ijh{kk dk ikB~;Øe & ços'k ijh{kk dk ikB~;Øe & ços'k ijh{kk dk ikB~;Øe & ços'k ijh{kk dk ikB~;Øe & vf[ky Hkkjrh; lSfud Ldwy ços'k ijh{kk dk ikB~;Øe Lrj6 oha d{kk ds fy, 5 oha rFkk 9 oha d{kk ds fy, 8 oha d{kk ds lh-ch-,l-bZ- ds ikB~;Øe dsLrj dk gksxk rFkk dqN ç'u blds mPp Lrj ds Hkh gks ldrs gSA

67- 6 oha d{kk ds ços'kkFkhZ Nk= vius mÙkj fgUnh ;k vaxzsth ek/;e esa fy[k ldrs gSa fdUrq 9 oha d{kkds Nk=ksa dks mÙkj vaxzsth ek/;e ls gh fy[kuk gksxkA Nk= }kjk pqus ek/;e esa ijh{kk ds le;ifjorZu laHko ugha gSA

68- lSfud Ldwy lkslk;Vh dks ijh{kk ds Lo:i rFkk ços'k ds vk/kkj esa ifjorZu dk vf/kdkj gSA

69- os Nk= tks ços'k ijh{kk esa mÙkh.kZ gksrs gSa vkSj 'kkjhfjd :i ls LoLFk gSa mUgsa ços'k esfjV dsvk/kkj ij feyrk gS tks miyC/k lhV ds vuqlkj gh gksrk gSA

70- ços'kkFkhZ Nk=ksa dk LokLF; ijh{k.k & ços'kkFkhZ Nk=ksa dk LokLF; ijh{k.k & ços'kkFkhZ Nk=ksa dk LokLF; ijh{k.k & ços'kkFkhZ Nk=ksa dk LokLF; ijh{k.k & ços'kkFkhZ Nk=ksa dk LokLF; ijh{k.k & ços'k ds fy, vkosnu i= çLrqr djus ds iwoZekrk&firk@vfHkHkkodksa dks vius cPPkksa dk LokLF; ijh{k.k djk dj lqfuf'pr dj ysuk pkfg,fd mldk LokLF; lSfud lsokvksa ds vuqdwy ,oa mi;qä gS rFkk 'kkjhfjd nks"k foghu gSA

71- 6 rFkk 9 d{kkvksa esa ços'kkFkhZ Nk=ksa dk LokLF; ijh{k.k fefyVªh vLirky esa fd;k tkrk gSA72- ços'kços'kços'kços'kços'k ds fy;s funsZ'k & ds fy;s funsZ'k & ds fy;s funsZ'k & ds fy;s funsZ'k & ds fy;s funsZ'k & 'kkjhfjd :i ls LoLFk ,oa fyf[kr rFkk lk{kkRdkj ds vadksa dh izkfo.;

lwph dh esfjV ds vuqlkj mUgha Nk=ksa dks ços'k ds fy;s lwpuk çsf"kr dh tkrh gS ftudk vfUre:i ls ços'k gsrq p;u gks x;k gSA ços'k&lwpuk ds lkFk fuEu nLrkost layXu gksrs gSa ftUgsa ços'kds le; iw.kZ :i ls Hkjdj fo|ky; esa tek djuk gksxk &¼d½ ftyk fo|ky; vf/kdkjh }kjk çfrgLrk{kfjr fo|ky; LFkkukUrj.k çek.k i=¼[k½ vk; çek.k i=¼x½ vk; dk gyQukek¼?k½ fuokl dk gyQukek¼M½ fuokl çek.k i= ds lkFk¼p½ ck.M QkeZ

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¼N½ ,xzhesUV QkeZ¼t½ esfMdy lfVZfQdsV¼>½ rglhynkj ;k ,l-Mh-,e- }kjk gLrk{kfjr tkfr çek.k i=

¼vuqlwfpr tkfr rFkk vuqlwfpr tutkfr½¼´½ fjLd lfVZfQdsV¼V½ ikfjokfjd fooj.k¼B½ 'kqYd çek.k i=¼M½ ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod ds irk dk çksQkekZ¼<½ fookfgr@vfookfgr çek.k i=¼.k½ ;k=k çksQkekZ¼r½ fjdkMZ dk;kZy; }kjk tkjh tUefrfFk çek.k i= ¼fMQsal Nk=ksa ds fy,½¼Fk½ ;wfuV dk lsok çek.k i=@lSfud dY;k.k foHkkx }kjk çfrgLrk{kfjr¼n½ fMLpktZ çek.k i=] =Sekfld osru fooj.k@;wfuV ls osru çek.k i=

73- Nk=ksa dk fo|ky; NksM+uk &Nk=ksa dk fo|ky; NksM+uk &Nk=ksa dk fo|ky; NksM+uk &Nk=ksa dk fo|ky; NksM+uk &Nk=ksa dk fo|ky; NksM+uk & lHkh Nk=ksa dks ços'k bl vk/kkj ij fn;k tkrk gS fd og iwjsdkslZ dh vof/k rd fo|ky; esa jgsxkA ;fn ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod vius iq=@ikyd dks Qhl esala'kks/ku ;k o`f) lfgr fdlh dkj.ko'k fo|ky; ls fudkyuk pkgrk gS rks bldh lwpuk çkpk;Zdks u, l=kjEHk ds 2 ekg iwoZ nsuh gksxhA ,slk u djus ij mldh dk'ku euh ¼lqj{kk fuf/k½ tCrdj yh tk,xhA Nk=o`fÙk çkIr djus okys Nk= fo|ky; dkslZ ds chp esa rHkh NksM+ ldrs gSa tcvftZr Nk=o`fÙk dh /kujkf'k fo|ky; 'kklu dks okil djsaxsaA ;fn dksbZ vfHkHkkod LosPNk ls viusiq=@ikyd dks l= ds e/; esa fudkyuk pkgrk gS rks mls iwjs l= dk 'kqYd tek djuk gksxkA,d ckj okil fudkyus ij fdlh Hkh 'krZ ij iquZços'k dk çko/kku ugha gSA

74- 'kqYd dh /kujkf'k vfxze esa tek djuk gS tks ,d o"kZ ;k l=ka'k ds fy, ,d eq'r tek dh tkuh gSA;fn l=kjEHk dh 15oha rkjh[k rd Qhl tek ugha fd;k tkrk rks Nk= dks ?kj Hkstk tk ldrk gSA

75- lsok p;u cksMZ ds 'kkjhfjd ijh{k.k esa de ls de Nk= vuqi;qä gksa blls cpus ds fy, fo|ky;}kjk Nk=ksa dk xgu 'kkjhfjd ijh{k.k çfro"kZ djk;k tkrk gSA fo|ky; esa ços'k çkIr djus ds cknHkh fdlh Hkh Lrj ij ;fn dksbZ Nk= l{ke fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh }kjk 'kkjhfjd :i ls vuqi;qä ik;kx;k ;k 'kkjhfjd v;ksX;rk ds dkj.k j{kk lsokvksa ds fy, mi;qä ugha le>k x;k rks mldhNk=o`fÙk ij rRdky jksd yx tk;sxhA

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76- lkekU;lkekU;lkekU;lkekU;lkekU;¼d½ i= O;ogkj ds irs esa fdlh Hkh izdkj ds cnyko vkus dh fLFkfr esa vfHkHkkod fo|ky; dks ’kh?kz

lwfpr djsaA

¼[k½ ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod] ckyd dks bl fo|ky; esa izos’k fnykus ds iwoZ foojf.kdk dks fgUnh ,oa vaxzsthek/;e }kjk vPNh rjg ls i<+ ysa] le> ysa vkSj mldks Lohdkj djsaA

¼x½ fo|ky; iz’kklu vkSj ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkodksa ds chp fdlh Hkh rjg dk fookn gksus dh fLFkfr esamldk QSlyk flQZ flfoy U;k;ky;] jhok ¼e-iz-½ ds {ks=kf/kdkj esa gksxkA

¼?k½ dSMsVksa dks fo|ky; esa eksckbZy Qksu iz;ksx djus dh vuqefr ugha gSA blfy, vfHkHkkodksa ls vkxzggS fd mUgsa eksckbZy Qksu u nsosA dSMsV ds ikl eksckbZy Qksu ik;k tkuk ,d vijk/k gSA ,slh fLFkfresa mls vuq’kklughurk ds vijk/k esa Ldwy ls fudkyk tk ldrk gSA

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Appendix 'A'(Refers to para 7)


Col GK Pathak M.Sc (Phy), Dip in English, Dip in IT,ptsc.

HeadmasterWg Cdr RR Lall M.Sc. (Maths), Dip. in Statistics

RegistrarCapt Arpan Dixit BA

Senior MasterShri S.K. Asthana MA, (Geography), B.Ed.


1 Shri G.S. Pandey M.Sc., M.Ed.2. Dr. R.K. Bandiwar M.Sc, B.Ed, Ph.D.3 Shri S.N. Kapoor M.Sc, B.Ed.4 Shri K.K. Shrivastava M.Sc, LT,M.Phil.5 Dr. Dinesh Singh M.Sc, B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D.6 Dr. R.S. Pandey M.Sc, M.Ed, PGDCA, Ph.D, MCA.7 Dr. P.S. Bhadoria MA, B.Ed, Ph.D.8 Shri Navin Kumar Jha M.Sc., B.Ed, PGDCA, LLB.

Assistant Masters

9 Shri B.S. Ahlawat B.A. (Hons), B.Ed.10 Shri R.S. Mishra M.A. (Hindi & Sanskrit), B.Ed.

(President Award Winner)11 Dr. M.K. Roy B.Sc. MA, B.Ed., Ph.D12 Shri R.I. Saunders M.A., LT.13 Shri T.J Jose M.Sc., B.Ed., PGDCA.14 Shri R.K. Gupta M.Sc, B.Ed.15 Shri D.K. Mishra M.A., B.Ed, BET.16 Dr. R.K. Sharma M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D.17 Shri D.V.N. Rao M.Sc., B.Ed.18 Shri A.K.Sharma B.A., B.Ed.19 Shri S.K. Mishra M.A., B.Ed.20. Shri R.M. Singh M.A., B.Ed., PGDPM & IR

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21. Smt. Latika Bajpai M.A., B.Ed.22. Shri Mohit Shrivastava MCA23. Smt. Neha Randeo M.Sc., B.Ed.24. Shri Bhawani Singh Rathore M.A., B.Ed.


21 Shri Nitesh Singh Pawar  (Librarian) M.L.I.Sc., MBA


22 Shri I.B. Singh B.A., I.T.I.23 Hav Ajay Kumar    PTI (Army Physical Training Corps)24 Hav Prakash Boro PTI (Army Physical Training Corps)

Administrative Staff

1 Shri R.B. Pillai, Office Supdt   B.A.2 Shri T.G. Samuel, Accountant B.Com.3 Mess Manager  Vacant4 Sub (Retd) Rajeshwar Singh, QM BA, Quartermaster Course5 Shri B. Tripathi, Hostel Supdt B.Com, B.Ed.6 Miss Manju Roy, Matron M.A.7 Hav (Retd) AN Choudhary, HS Higher Secondary8 Shri V.V. Joseph, UDC  B.A.9 Shri R.K. Tiwari, UDC B.Com.10 Nursing Assistant Vacant11 Shri Santosh Kumar Dwivedi, LDC M.A. (Sociology)12 Shri H.B. Gurung, LDC  MA (Sociology)13 Shri Amit Das,LDC MA (Sociology), PGDCA14 Shri BN Singh, LDC B.Sc.15 Shri Himanshu Pandey, LDC BA, PGDCA, Dip in Comm Practice

NCC  Staff

1 Sub Dharam Singh 4 Rajput2 Hav Hargayan Singh 6 Rajput3 Shri H.L. Vishwakarma, LDC4. Shri Hari Charan Mandrai, LDC

School Doctor (Part-time)

Dr. Ravindra Saxena -   MBBS.

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Appendix 'B'(Refers to para 12)






1. Min ‘D’ grade in allsubject & 30-GP out of60 (Six subjects).

1. Min ‘D’ grade in eachsubject & 25 GP intotal out of 50 (fivesubjects).

1. A cadet has to score min‘D’ grade in all subject topass as per CBSE norms.

1. Min 40% marks ineach subject &50 % in aggregate.

2. In case of E1 or E2grade in any subjectthen cadet has toappear again in Nov/April (within one monthof SA1/SA2) & improveupon.

2. In case of E1 or E2grade then cadet hasto appear again inNov/April (within onemonth of SA1/SA2) &improve upon.

2. If a cadet fails, he will bewithdrawn from school.However, he can appearfor CBSE exam under ownarrangements for fivesubsequent attempts inJul, Mar, July, Mar, July inorder to improve in theexam.

2. In case of failurecadet will bewithdrawn.

3. Cadets not improvingwill still be promotedwith extra / specialtraining in consultationwith parents.

3. If sti l l does notimproves then thecadet will bewithdrawn fromschool on pooracademic grounds.

3. Such cadets will not bepermitted for readmissionin class XI in Sainik Schoolany time later.

4. Cadets planning towithdraw after class Xth

have to appear in CBSEBoard written exam. Theyhave to give their choiceby Sep end.

5. CBSE Board exams areoptional for others.

6. Those appearing in CBSEBoard exam will notappear for school Xth classexam.

7. For admission to Class XIall cadets have to take“Aptitude Test” conductedby CBSE. If cadet fails inAptitude test, he will bewithdrawn.

3. During the yeartwo exams will beconducted Term Iin September with40% weightage &year end in Feb/Mar with 60%weightage.

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(Refers to para 40)

ços'k ds fnu vfHkHkkodksa }kjk fuEufyf[kr lkeku vius lkFk ykuk vfuok;Z gSAços'k ds fnu vfHkHkkodksa }kjk fuEufyf[kr lkeku vius lkFk ykuk vfuok;Z gSAços'k ds fnu vfHkHkkodksa }kjk fuEufyf[kr lkeku vius lkFk ykuk vfuok;Z gSAços'k ds fnu vfHkHkkodksa }kjk fuEufyf[kr lkeku vius lkFk ykuk vfuok;Z gSAços'k ds fnu vfHkHkkodksa }kjk fuEufyf[kr lkeku vius lkFk ykuk vfuok;Z gSAdiM+ sdiM+ sdiM+ sdiM+ sdiM+ s

1- lQsn iwjh cktw dh VsjhdkWV 'kVZ 62- lQsn vk/kh cktw dh VsjhdkWV 'kVZ 63- dkyk Qqy isUV VsjhdkWV ¼fcuk fdlh fMtkbu ds½ 34- lQsn Qqy isUV VsjhdkWV ¼flaxy IysV½ 25- lQsn gkQ isUV VsjhdkWV ¼flaxy IysV½ 36- xgjk uhyk gkQ isUV VsjhdkWV ¼flaxy IysV½ 47- xje iStkeh vkSj buj oh ‘V’ xys okyk 2¼izR;sd½8- LysVh jax dk oh xys okyk Åuh LosVj ¼iwjh cktw½ 19- LysVh jax dk oh xys okyk Åuh LosVj ¼vk/kh cktw½ 110- cfu;ku 611- vUMjfo;j 612- lQsn :eky 613- eksVh Plastic Sheet 6’ x 3’ 114- dkys o lQsn eksts 415- diM+s Vkaxus okys gSaxj 1216- rkSfy;k ¼cM+h lkbt dh½ 2

fffff cLrjcLrjcLrjcLrjcLrj1- 6 QhV x 3 QhV vkdkj dk :bZ okyk xn~nk ¼05 kg½ 12- rfd;k ¼otu 1 fdyks½ 13- jtkbZ ¼otu 3 fdyks½ 14- dEcy 15- lQsn pknj 26- njh 17- 30 bap dh dkys jax dh LVhy isVh ¼Vaªd½ (size 3x½) x 2½ ¼uke lfgr½ 18- 24 bap dk lwV dsl 19- fcLrj can ¼csM gksYMj½

osDlhus’ku ¼Vhdkdj.k½osDlhus’ku ¼Vhdkdj.k½osDlhus’ku ¼Vhdkdj.k½osDlhus’ku ¼Vhdkdj.k½osDlhus’ku ¼Vhdkdj.k½osDlhus’ku izek.k i= rkjh[k ds lkFk(a) Anti Chicken pox.

(b) Hepatitis ‘A’ First Dose / Second Dose.

(c) Hepatitis ‘B’ First Dose / Second Dose / Third Dose / Booster Dose.

(d) Typhoid Vacancies First Dose / Second Dose

(e) First Dose / Second Dose

(f) Injection Tetanus Taxied First Dose / Second Dose / Third Dose / Booster Dose.

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vU;vU;vU;vU;vU;1- usy dVj 12- ,d fMCck ftlesa lqbZ] dkys] uhys] lQsn o [kkdh jax dk /kkxk jhy o cVu gks 13- dSaph 14- 10 ehVj ukM+k5- isu] iSafly] jcM+ lfgr T;ksesaVªh ckDl 16- 4 czkmu jax ds doj jksy isij ¼iqLrd vkfn ij p<+kus ds fy,½

o mu ij fpidkus okys 50 uke fpV~V7- pkch j[kus ds fy, ^dh&fjax* 28- ls¶Vh fiu 129- vksMkseksl ePNj Øhe 210- iksLV dkMZ 1211- Mk;jh 112- Qkbcj dh ikuh dh cksry ¼ikuh BaMk j[kus ds fy,½ 113- LVhy dk fxykl 214- pEep 215- peM+s dk dkyk twrk ¼fcuk fdlh fMtkbu o ghy ds½ vksih ’kw 116- ih Vh djus ds fy, lQsn diM+s ds twrs ,oa Water proof shoe 2 ¼izR;sd½17- rkys o pkch 418- Permanent marker pen (black and red) 219- jsudksV 120- gokbZ pIiy 121- ’kw cz’k 122- lQsn o dkyk ikfy'k 223- gs;j vk;y o da?kk 224- ugkus o diM+s /kksus dk lkcqu o mudks j[kus ds fy, IykfLVd fMCcs 6¼izR;sd½25- VwFk cz'k o isLV 126- VkpZ cSVjh lfgr 127- IykfLVd dh ex o IykfLVd dh ckYVh <+Ddu okyh 1¼izR;sd½28- dkyh peM+s dh csYV NksVs cdy okyk 129- ePNj nkuh ¼lQsn jax esa½ 230- CyM fjiksZV ¼xqzi½31- Lo;a dk dyj ikliksVZ lkbZt QksVks with white background 832- ikmMj] fMVky] Øhe cksjks Iyl] dksYM Øhe 1¼izR;sd½33- dkyk cjlkrh twrk 1

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ifjf’k"V&nifjf’k"V&nifjf’k"V&nifjf’k"V&nifjf’k"V&n(Refers to Para 44)

e/;çns'k ,oa dsUæ ljdkj }kjk çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk;ksa dk;çns'k ,oa dsUæ ljdkj }kjk çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk;ksa dk;çns'k ,oa dsUæ ljdkj }kjk çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk;ksa dk;çns'k ,oa dsUæ ljdkj }kjk çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk;ksa dk;çns'k ,oa dsUæ ljdkj }kjk çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk;ksa dk fooj.k1-1-1-1-1- e-iz- ’kklu }kjk lkekU; fuEu vk; oxZ dk s Nk=o`fÙk dk z- ’kklu }kjk lkekU; fuEu vk; oxZ dk s Nk=o`fÙk dk z- ’kklu }kjk lkekU; fuEu vk; oxZ dk s Nk=o`fÙk dk z- ’kklu }kjk lkekU; fuEu vk; oxZ dk s Nk=o`fÙk dk z- ’kklu }kjk lkekU; fuEu vk; oxZ dk s Nk=o`fÙk dk fooj.k

fuEufyf[kr gS %&fuEufyf[kr gS %&fuEufyf[kr gS %&fuEufyf[kr gS %&fuEufyf[kr gS %&

1- vk; lewgvk; lewgvk; lewgvk; lewgvk; lewg Nk=o`fÙkNk=o`fÙkNk=o`fÙkNk=o`fÙkNk=o`fÙk oL= HkÙkkoL= HkÙkkoL= HkÙkkoL= HkÙkkoL= HkÙkkv- 2750@&:0 ekfld 12000@&:0 okf"kZd 2500@&:0 okf"kZd

çFke o"kZ rFkk 1000@&:-okf"kZd vkxkeh o"kksZ esa

c- 2750@&:0 ekfld dqN ugha dqN ughals vf/kd

uksV &uksV &uksV &uksV &uksV &¼v½ vk; ds vUrxZr osru ikus okys deZpkfj;ksa ds fy;s ewy osru ¼eg¡xkbZ HkÙkk NksM+dj½ rFkk

vU; vk; lfEefyr gSA¼c½ d{kk 6oha esa mu ços'kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy;s 14500@& okf"kZd Nk=o`fÙk ns; gS tks çkoh.; lwph esa

çFke] f}rh; rFkk r`rh; LFkku çkIr djsaxs] pkgs fdruh Hkh muds ekrk@firk dh vk; gksA¼l½ fo|ky; }kjk jkT; ljdkj ls izkIr Nk=o`fÙk o`f) ds iz;kl izxfr ij gSaA

2- vuqlwfpr tkfr o tutkfr oxZ & vuqlwfpr tkfr o tutkfr oxZ & vuqlwfpr tkfr o tutkfr oxZ & vuqlwfpr tkfr o tutkfr oxZ & vuqlwfpr tkfr o tutkfr oxZ & e-iz- esa bl oxZ ds Nk=ksa dks e-iz- ’kklu }kjk iw.kZ Nk=o`fÙkiznku dh tkrh gSA

3- j{kk ea=ky; Nk=o`fÙk & j{kk ea=ky; Nk=o`fÙk & j{kk ea=ky; Nk=o`fÙk & j{kk ea=ky; Nk=o`fÙk & j{kk ea=ky; Nk=o`fÙk & j{kk deZpkfj;ksa ds ckydksa ds fy;s Nk=o`fÙk fuEufyf[kr gS %&

Nk=o`fÙk dkNk=o`fÙk dkNk=o`fÙk dkNk=o`fÙk dkNk=o`fÙk dk lsokjrlsokjrlsokjrlsokjrlsokjr HkwriwoZ lSfudHkwriwoZ lSfudHkwriwoZ lSfudHkwriwoZ lSfudHkwriwoZ lSfud çnÙk Nk=o`fÙkçnÙk Nk=o`fÙkçnÙk Nk=o`fÙkçnÙk Nk=o`fÙkçnÙk Nk=o`fÙki z fr’kri z fr’kri z fr’kri z fr’kri z fr’kr j{kk deZpkjhj{kk deZpkjhj{kk deZpkjhj{kk deZpkjhj{kk deZpkjh100% ,u-lh-vks- vkSj ,u-lh-vks- vkSj :- 32000@&

vU; jSad vU; jSad

50% ts-lh-vks- ts-lh-vks- :- 16000@&

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4- la?k 'kkflr {ks=ksa ds Nk=ksa dks Nk=o`fÙkla?k 'kkflr {ks=ksa ds Nk=ksa dks Nk=o`fÙkla?k 'kkflr {ks=ksa ds Nk=ksa dks Nk=o`fÙkla?k 'kkflr {ks=ksa ds Nk=ksa dks Nk=o`fÙkla?k 'kkflr {ks=ksa ds Nk=ksa dks Nk=o`fÙk

la?k 'kkflr {ks=ksa ds fy, dsUæ ljdkj }kjk vyx mnkj Nk=o`fÙk ;kstuk ykxw dh xbZ gSA

5- Nk=o`fÙk izkfIr dh ;Nk=o`fÙk izkfIr dh ;Nk=o`fÙk izkfIr dh ;Nk=o`fÙk izkfIr dh ;Nk=o`fÙk izkfIr dh ;ksX;rkksX;rkksX;rkksX;rkksX;rk

çR;sd Nk=o`fÙk vkjaHk esa dsoy ,d o"kZ ds fy, Lohd`r dh tk;sxh vkSj Nk= ds vPNs vkpj.k]larks"ktud 'kS{kf.kd çxfr rFkk ekrk&firk dh ekfld vk; ds vk/kkj ij Nk=o`fÙk dk uohuhdj.kçfro"kZ fd;k tk;sxkA

fo|ky; ’kqYd ,oa Hkkstu O;; esa c<+ksRrjh dks vfHkHkkodksa ,oa j{kk ea=ky; ds chpfo|ky; ’kqYd ,oa Hkkstu O;; esa c<+ksRrjh dks vfHkHkkodksa ,oa j{kk ea=ky; ds chpfo|ky; ’kqYd ,oa Hkkstu O;; esa c<+ksRrjh dks vfHkHkkodksa ,oa j{kk ea=ky; ds chpfo|ky; ’kqYd ,oa Hkkstu O;; esa c<+ksRrjh dks vfHkHkkodksa ,oa j{kk ea=ky; ds chpfo|ky; ’kqYd ,oa Hkkstu O;; esa c<+ksRrjh dks vfHkHkkodksa ,oa j{kk ea=ky; ds chpogu djus dh ;kstukogu djus dh ;kstukogu djus dh ;kstukogu djus dh ;kstukogu djus dh ;kstuk

6- ;kstuk esa fu/kkZfjr ekinaMksa ds vuqlkj lu~ 1999&2000 ls 'kqYd rFkk Hkkstu O;; esa c<+h jkf'kdk cks> j{kk ea=ky; rFkk ekrk&firk ds chp ckaVk tk;sxkA bl ;kstuk dk ykHk Nk=ksa dks çfro"kZmiyC/k gksxkA blds vfrfjä ;fn iqu% fdlh Hkh çdkj dh 'kqYd o`f) ;k Hkkstu jkf'k esa o`f) gksrhgS rks og O;; Hkkj ekrk&firk }kjk ogu fd;k tkosxkA

v- bl ;kstuk esa fuEufyf[kr ykHkkfUor gks ldsaxs %&

¼d½ fuf'pr f'k{kk l= ds lHkh Nk= tks lSfud Ldwyksa esa v/;;ujr gSaA¼[k½ os Nk= tks lSfud Ldwyksa esa v/;;ujr jgrs gq, jk"Vªh; j{kk vdkneh esa ços'k çkIr djrs

gSa ;s os Nk= gksxsa] tks 12oha d{kk esa i<+rs gq, la?k yksd lsok vk;ksx }kjk flrEcj rFkkvçSy eghuksa esa vk;ksftr jk"Vªh; j{kk vdkneh esa tqykbZ ,oa tuojh eghuksa esa 12ohad{kk mÙkh.kZ gksus ds mijkUr ços'k çkIr djsaxsA

¼x½ lSfud Ldwy ds os Nk= tks j{kk lsok ds varxZr rduhdh ços'k ;kstuk ds v/khu 12ohad{kk mÙkh.kZ djus ds ckn tuojh ekg esa j{kk lsok esa ços'k çkIr djsaxsA

7- Nk=o`Nk=o`Nk=o`Nk=o`Nk=o`fÙkfÙkfÙkfÙkfÙk ds fy;s vko’;d izek.k i=@nLrkost o ’krsZ %& ds fy;s vko’;d izek.k i=@nLrkost o ’krsZ %& ds fy;s vko’;d izek.k i=@nLrkost o ’krsZ %& ds fy;s vko’;d izek.k i=@nLrkost o ’krsZ %& ds fy;s vko’;d izek.k i=@nLrkost o ’krsZ %&

¼d½ vk; ds vUrxZr ekfld ewy osru ¼eg¡xkbZ rFkk vU; HkÙkk NksM+dj½ rFkk vU; lzksrksa ls ekrk&firkrFkk Nk= dh vk; ;fn dksbZ gks] lfEefyr gSA

¼[k½ mu Nk=ksa ds ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkodksa }kjk 'kklu }kjk okafNr ckW.M Hkjdj nsuk vfuok;Z gS] tksNk=o`fÙk çkIr djrs gSaA ;fn ckW.M çLrqr ugha fd;k tkrk rks Nk=o`fÙk okil ysdj vxys Nk= dkstks esfjV esa gS çnku dj fn;k tk;sxkA

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¼x½ larks"ktud çxfr ,oa vkpj.k jgus ij ,d ckj Nk= dks çnÙk Nk=o`fÙk fo|ky; esa v/;;u iw.kZvof/k rd çnku dh tk;sxhA lqLrh] nqjkpj.k] mifLFkfr esa vfu;ferrk ;k çxfr ds fy;s fu/kkZfjrU;wure vad çkIr u gksus ;k vU; dkj.k tks çkpk;Z dh le> esa Nk=ksfpr ugha gS] dh fLFkfr esaNk=o`fÙk fujLr dj nh tk;sxhA

¼?k½ fo|ky; esa ços'k çkIr djus ds i'pkr~ Nk=ksa ds ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod }kjk Nk=o`fÙk ds fy,fu/kkZfjr çi= ij vkosnu djuk pkfg, vFkkZr~ fo|ky; esa ços'k ds fy, funsZ'k fooj.k çkIr gksusijA Nk=o`fÙk ds vkosnu i= ds lkFk fuEufyf[kr nLrkostksa dks tek djuk vfuok;Z gS &

¼v½ tqfMf'k;y LVkEi isij ij fu/kkZfjr çk:i esa fMfotu ds fjosU;w fMfotuy vkQhlj}kjk çfrgLrk{kfjr fofHkUu L=ksrksa ls vk; lEcU/kh gyQukekA

¼c½ e-ç- fuokl dk 'kiFk i= vkSj ;fn e-ç- ds ewy fuoklh ugha gS rks ;g 'kiFk i=çLrqr djuk fd os foxr 5 o"kksZ ls e-ç- esa lrr~ lsokjr gSA

¼p½ vk; ?kks"k.kk dh vof/k vxys o"kZ esa 01 vçSy ls 31 ekpZ rd gSA ;g vk; ml iw.kZ vof/k rdLohd`r Nk=o`fÙk ds fy, oS/k gksxkA vk; esa dksbZ Hkh o`f) ;k âkl pkgs og U;wu gh D;ksa u gks vkusokys çfr o"kksZ dh Nk=o`fÙk Lohd`r djrs le; fopkjk/khu gksxkA

¼N½ vU; L=ksrksa ls Nk=o`fÙk ;k 'kqYd lgk;rk çkIr gksus dh n'kk esa Nk= bl ;kstuk ds vUrxZr çnÙkNk=o`fÙk dk vf/kdkjh ugha gksxkA

¼{k½ Nk=ofÙk çkIrdrkZ Nk=ksa ds ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkodksa dks mi;qä /kujkf'k ds uku&tqfMf'k;y LVkEi isijij ifjf'k"V ^Mh* vkSj ^b* ds vuqlkj fu/kkZfjr ckW.M tek djus gksaxsA


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(Refers to Para 45)





Class 6th to 8th Class 9th Class 10th Class 11th

(1) Min 33 grade (1) Min 28 grade (1) Min 28 grade (1) Min 45% in

points in total. points in total. points in total. each subject &

55% in aggre.

(2) No in discipline (2) No in discipline (2) No in discipline (2) No in disci-

case. case. case. pline act.

(3) As per income (3) As per income (3) As per income (3) As per pare-slab of parents. slab of parents. slab of parents. nt’s income

(4) For SC/ST, Min (4) For SC/ST, Min (4) Fo SC/ST, Min (4) For SC/ST

30 grade points in 25 grade points in 25 grade points in Min 40%in eachtotal. total. total. subject % 50%

in aggregate.



91-100 A1 10.081-90 A2 9.0

71-80 B1 8.0

61-70 B2 7.0

51-60 C1 6.041-50 C2 5.0

33-40 D 4.0

21-32 E1 -00-20 E2 -

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(Refers to Para 47)




THIS AGREEMENT is made this of ................. ...............................................................................between ................................................................ of ex-pression shall unlessexclude by the context of the meaning thereof be deemed to include his heirs,executors, administrator and legal representative) of the one part and the Boardof Governors, Sainik Schools Society hereinafter called the "Governor" whichexpression shall unless exclude by the context of the meaning thereof be deemedto include the Principal of the Sainik School Rewa of the other part.

WHEREAS .......................................................................................son of ........................................................................ (hereinafter calledthe student) is the son/ward of the guarantor and has at the request of theguarantor been selected for admission to the Sainik School, Rewa (MP) interalia,on the terms and condition hereinafter appearing for the purpose of receivingeducation with a view of making the Regular Armed Forces, his profession in life, ifconsidered by the appropriate authority to be suitable and if there is any vacancyand if he be selected.

NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY and between the parties here to as follows:-

That is consideration of the student being admitted by the Governors to theSainik School for the purpose of the aforesaid education at the request of theguarantor, convenents with Governor that the student will attend the Sainik Schoolregularly and will observe and comply with all the rules and regulations thereof forprescribed period or until he is declared fit for admission to any institution as mayfrom time to time prescribed by the Governors, for training for entry to theRegular Armed Forces and that he, the guarantor shall pay to the Governorsregularly and promptly and whenever called upon to do so all the fees as prescribedif not in receipt of any scholarship.

That if for any reason not beyond the control of either the student or theguarantor the student fails to pursue his studies at the said School before appearingfor selection for entry to any institution as may from time to time be prescribed by

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the Governors for training for entry the Regular Armed Forces or fails to appear forthe said selection or in the event of his not succeeding in the said selection fails toreappear for selection till such time as his age permits him to do so, according to therules and regulations for the time being in force or having been declared successfulat the said selection does not proceed to one of the said institutions to which he maybe directed to proceed for being trained for entry into the Regular Armed Forces forhaving joined the said institutions fails to complete the training there at for the entryinto the Regular Armed Forces or fails to join the Regular Armed Forces aftercompleting the training at the said institution then and in any such case the guarantorshall forthwith pay to the Governors in case the sum, the student has received fromthe School and or the State Government/Central Government the value of thescholarship he has received for the period, the student was at the School.

That if, after admission any of the following viz., proof of Domicile, Certificateof age and statement of income supplied by the guarantor, is found to be false inany way or not in order the guarantor/parent shall forthwith pay to the Governorsin case the sum the student has received from the School and/or the StateGovernment/Central Government for the period the student was of the said School.

That if, after admission, the student is found to be medically unfit in any wayat the time which might, according to the opinion of the appropriate medical authority,render him unfit for his future entry to the Regular Armed Forces, the student will bewithdrawn at once, but it would be open to the guarantor to retain him at the Schoolon payment of the full fee prescribed by the Governors from the date the student isfound medically unfit till the end or the academic session only.

That the Governors will not be liable for any damage/charges on account ofinjuries which may be sustained by the student at any time during the stay in theSchool or while taking part in sport or other extra curricular activities, in the Schoolor NCC activities, Camps and Adventure, Educational Tours, Excursions, Hikes,Cycle hikes, Swimming organised by the School and other courses to which theboy may be sent by the School or during journey from School to home & back orduring booking out or during administration of anaesthesia or surgical operationswhich may be carried out by way of treatment and all expenses that may beincurred in the treatment of such injuries will be borne by the parent/guardian asprovided in the rules of the said School.

That in the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under thisagreement (except as to any matters the decision of which is specially providedfor by this agreement) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of an

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officer appointed by the Secretary, Ministry of Law, Govt. of India, New Delhi, Itwill be no objection that the arbitrator is a Government servant that he had to dealwith matters to which the contract related. In the event of the arbitrator shall befinal and binding on the parties to the contract. In the event of the arbitratorretiring or being unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Secretary tonominate another arbitrator Under Act, 1940 and the rules framed there underand any statutory modification there to etc. shall apply to the arbitration prescribedunder this clause.

IN WITNESS WHERE ........................................................... has sethis hand and order and direction of the Board of Governors has set his hand the day and theyear first above written.


(Name of the father/mother/guardian*) Principal Sainik School, Rewa

For and on behalf of the Board of Governors, Sainik Schools Society

* In the presence of Government Servant of Gazetted status (See Note 'b' below)


(a) The agreement Form is to be duly stamped. The necessary stampedpaper is to be purchased by the guarantor from the Local RevenueOfficer.

(b) The signature of the guarantor is to be witnessed by governmentservant of gazatted status.

(c) The space provided for the date in the 1st para of the AgreementForm should not be filled in by the guarantor. This will be filled in on thedate on which the agreement will be signed by the Prinicpal, SainikSchool on which the agreement will be signed by the Prinicpal,Sainik School Rewa.

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Appendix 'F2'(Refers to Para 47)


THIS AGREEMENT is made of.............2010

between ......................................................... of .................................

......................... (hereinafter called the guarantor, which expression shall unlessexcluded by the context of the meaning thereof the deemed to include his hairs,executors, administrator, and legal representatives) of the one part and the Boardof Governors, Sainik Schools Society (hereinafter) called the ‘Governors’ whichexpression shall unless excluded by the context or the meaning thereof be deemedto include the Principal of the Sainik School, Rewa of the other part.

WHEREAS ............................................................................. son of

................................................................................... (hereinafter calledthe student is the son/ward of the guarantor and has at the request of theguarantor been selected for admission to the Sainik School, Rewa (MP) inter alia,on the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing for the purpose of receivingeducation in a Sainik School.

NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND between the parties hereto as follows:-

That in consideration of the student being admitted by the Governors to theSainik School for the purpose of the aforesaid education at the request of theguarantor, he the guarantor, covenants with Governors that the student will attendthe Sainik School regularly and will observe and comply with all the rules and regulationsthereof for the prescribed period and that he, the guarantor, shall pay to Governors,for training for entry to the Regular Armed Forces and that he, the guarantor shallpay to the Governors regularly and promptly and whenever called upon to do so allthe fees as prescribed for education in Sainik School.

That the Governors will not be liable for any damages/charges on account ofinjuries which may be sustained by the student any time during his stay in theSchool while taking part in sports or other extra curricular activities of the School oron account of any other reason directly or indirectly related to his stay as a studentin the School. All expenses that may be incurred in the treatment of such injurieswill be borne by the Parent/Guardian as provided in the rules of the said School.

(Date of admission)

(Name of father)

(Name of Student)

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And that if there is any dispute as to the effect or meaning of these presentsor in any way touching or arising out of these of presents, the same shall bereferred to the sole arbitration ot the Board of Governors, Sainik Schools, whosedecision shall be final.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF ............................................................. has

set his hand PRINCIPAL, SAINIK SCHOOL, REWA by order and direction of theBoard of Governors has set his hand the day the year first above written.

Signed by (father) Signed by Principal/Headmaster of Sainik School,in the presence Rewa (MP) for and on behalf of the Board ofof (see note (b) below) Governors, Sainik Schools Society

Notes :

(a) The agreement form is to be duly stamped. The necessary stampedpaper for Rs. 20/- or of such values as prescribed for this purpose is tobe purchased by the guarantor from the Local Revenue Officer.

(b) Government Servant of Gazetted status who should sign together withhis seal of Office in token of having witnessed the signature of theguarantor.

(c) The space provided for the date in the 1st para of the AgreementForm should not be filled in by the guarantor. This will be filled in on thedate on which the agreement will be signed by the Principal, SainikSchool.

(Name of Father)

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Appendix 'G'(Refers to Para 48)


Know all men by these presents that we (1) ...........................................................aged.................................son of.............................................

(2) Shri ....................................................................................................(here in after called the bounden) Tehsil ...................................................District ..............and (3) Shri .....................................................................Son of Shri ..........................................................................................(4) ..................................................................... and parent/ guardian of

(5) .......................................... house ....................................... Town/Village..........................................Tehsil ...................... ...........................District .................................................................................................and (6) Shri ...............................................................................Son ofShri ............................................................... .............................. House........................................Town/ Village .................................................Tehsil .....................................District ....................................................and (7) ............................................. ....................... ................... ........Son of Shri .............................................................. House .................................................... Town/ Village ..................................................(hereinafter called he "Sureties do hereby bind ourselves, our heir, executors andadministrators jointly and severally to pay to the Government of Madhya Pradesh(hereinafter called "The Government") on demand Rs. 1000/- (Rupees OneThousand only).

Signed and dated this ................................................................................Day of ...................................... 201 ....................... WHEREAS the boundenhad been granted admission in the Sainik School (Madhya Pradesh) at Rewa.

And WHEREAS the bounden had been granted a scholarship subject to thecondition that :

(i) The bounden shall strictly conform to the rules for the award ofscholarship for studies in the Sainik School issued under Govt. rulesand instructions issued from time to time (hereinafter referred to as'Rules and Regulations').

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(ii) The bounden shall not discontinue the courses, except reasons beyondand with the written permission of the Principal of the School.

(iii) The bounden shall conform to and observe all the rules and conditionsregarding the study, discipline and conduct as may be prescribed bythe authorities of the School from time to time.

(iv) The bounden shall after successfully completing the course of studyat the Sainik School (Madhya Pradesh) within the prescribed period,join the National Defence Academy.

Now the condition of the above written obligation in the event of thebounden not conforming to or observing the rules and instruction and conditionsregarding the studies or discontinuing the course without the prior permission inwriting of the Principal/getting continued adverse report of his conduct or failing tojoin the National Defence Academy on the completion of his studies at School, thebounden the said Parent/Guardian and the sureties shall forthwith pay theGovernement, the total amount of scholarship actually received by the boundenand the amount calculated at one tenth of aggregate value of the scholarshiprounded to the next decimal digit as a damage and upon payment of such sumthe above written obligations shall be avoided and of on effect otherwise this shallbe and remain in full force and effect. Provided that the bounden the parent/guardian and sureties do hereby agree that sums found due to the Govt. under orby virtue of these presents, may be received jointly and severally from them andtheir properties, movable and immovable as if such dues were arrears of LandRevenue Recovery Act for the time being in force in such other manner as theGovernment may deem fit.

The liability to the parent/guardian and the surety under this bond is co-extensive with that of the bounden and shall not be effected by the Governmentgiving time or any other indulgence to the bounden or by the Government varyingany of the terms and conditions herein contained.

in witness thereof the bond

(8) Shri ........................................................................ Parent/Guardian

(9) ........................ on her/his own behalf of the bond and the Sureties

(10) Shri .........................................................................................and

(11) ............................................................... have/has upto se theirthe day of year first above written, Signed by Shri ..................................................................................................................

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In presence of witnesses. (The Bounden boy)1 ...........................................................

.................................................(Name & Address of witness 1) Signature

2 .......................................................... ..................................................(Name & Address of witness 2) Signature

Signed by Shri .................................................................................................

(Name of father/mother/guardian in the presence of witnesses Signature

1 .......................................................... ..................................................(Name & Address of witness 1) Signature

2 .......................................................... ..................................................(Name & Address of witness 2) Signature

Signed by Shri .................................................................................................

(Name & Address of 1st Surety in presence of witnesses Signature

1 ......................................................... ..................................................(Name & Address of witness 1) Signature

2 .............................................................................................................

(Name & Address of witness 2) Signature

Signed by Shri .................................................................................................

(Name & Address of 2nd Surety in presence of witnesses Signature

1 ............................................................. .................................................(Name & Address of witness 1) Signature

2 ............................................................ ..................................................(Name & Address of witness 2) Signature

(Seal to be executed in the presence of FIRST CLASS MAGISTRATE hereunder)

1. Name of boy 7. Name of 2nd Surety2. Name of Parent/Guardian 8. Name of boy3. Name of Parent/Guardian 9. Name of Parent/Guardian4. Name of Parent's/Guardian's Father 10. Name of 1st Surety5. Name of boy 11. Name of 2nd Surety6. Name of 1st Surety

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Appendix 'H'(Refers to Para 70)


1. Candidates for admission to Sainik School should conform to the followingmedical standards.

2. The Medical Examination of candidates for admission to the Sainik School willbe carried out by a Medical Board comprising specialists.

3. It is not possible to lay down precise standards for height, weight and chestmeasurements for these candidates but the medical board will be guided intheir assessment by the physical standards laid down for candidates foradmission to the National Defence Academy as amended from time to time.

4. Height and chest to certain extent and weight are constitutional featureswhich are largely governed by heredity. Therefore, candidates whose parentsare short statured and below normal weight may not eventually attain theminimum standard of height and weight required for the Armed Forces. Thispoint should, therefore be borne in mind by parents/guardians of suchcandidates before they seek admission for their children/wards.

5. Height and weight as per normal medical standards corresponding to age ofcandidate.

6. The minimum acceptable visual standard will be as under:


(a) Visual Ability Better Eye Worse EyeDistant Vision V-6/6 V-V6/9 correctable to 6/6


Distant Vision (Corrected) 6/6 6/9(i) Myopia of not more than 2.5 D including astigmatism.(0.5 D in case of

Navy)(ii) Manifest Hypermetorpia not more than (0+3.5 Di) including astigmatism.(iii) Foundus and media to be healthy and within normal limits.(iv) No undue degenerative signs of vitreous or choriaretina to be present

suggesting progrssive myoretina.(v) Should possess good binocular vision (fusion) faculty and full field of

vision in both eyes. Squint of any type is a definite disqualification.(vi) There should be no organic disease likely to exacerbations or


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(b) Colour VisionCandidates who do not possess the minimum colour perceptionstandard defined below will be declared Unfit.CP-3 (Defective Safe) : Candidates should be able to recognisewhite, signal red and signal green colour correctly as shown on byMartin's Lantern at a distance of 1.5 metres or read the requisiteplates of Ishihara Book/Tokyo Medical College Book.

Note: If the candidate cannot recognise white, red and green colours he will bedeclared unfit.

(c) Binocular VisionMust possess good binocular vision (fusion and stereopsis) with good amplitudeand depth Colour Perception Standard MLT.

7. Flat Foot

(a) Method of Examination :

(i) The candidate will be examined bare footed, standing errect andthe presence or absence of normal arch of the feet should benoted.

(ii) Candidate should be asked to stand on the toes with the feet andknees kept separated and the restoration or otherwise of the archnoted.

(iii) Candidate should be made to skip on forefoot and the supplenessand sprigness of the feet observed. Torsal Joints will be examinedfor suppleness or movements.

(b) Acceptable for admission :

(i) Milder degrees of flat foot where the arches of the feet are restoredon standing on toes, with supple & painless feet should not be a barto acceptance.

(ii) Severe degrees of flat foot where the arch does not re-appear onstanding on toes and where the feet are rigid should be permanentcause for rejection.

8. Knock Knees

(a) Method of Examination :(i) The candidates will be examined standing erect.(ii) The knee joints will be kept fully extended with the feet parallel and

the patellae facing directly forwards.

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(iii) The distance between the medical melleoli will be measured withmedical femoral condyles touching each other.

(iv) Any associated deformity of the feet or hip or ganu recuvatum willbe looked for at the same time.

(b) Acceptable for ADMISSION :

(i) Milder Degrees of Knock knee when the distance between the melleoliis not more then two inches will not be a bar to acceptance, providedthere is no other associated disability. This will be considered a minordisability and recorded as such. The candidates should be able tostand to attention with shoes or boots without flexing or overlappingof either knee.

(ii) Marked degree of knock knee with the distance between the melleolimore than two inches will be unfit of acceptance.

(iii) If a candidate is able to stand to attention without flexion of kneesirrespective of any intermelleolar measurements, such candidatescan safely be declared as fit.

9. Dental Conditions

It should be ensured that sufficient number of natural and sound teeth arepresent for sufficient mastication.

(a) A candidate must have minimum of 14 dental points to be acceptableas fit. In order to assess the dental condition of an individual, pointsare allotted as under for teeth in good apposition with correspondingteeth in other jaw:

(i) Central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, 1st and 2nd premolars andunder developed third molar 1 point each.

(ii) 1st and 2nd molar and fully developed third molar 2 points each,when all 32 teeth are present there will be a total count of 22 points.

(b) The following teeth in the good functional apposition must be presentin each jaw:

(i) Any four of the six anteriors.(ii) Any six of the ten posteriors.

(c) Candidates suffering from severe pyorrhoea will be rejected. Wherethe stage of pyorrhoea is such that in the opinion of the dental officerit can be cured without extracting of teeth, the candidate may beaccepted.

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10. Hearing Standard

Hearing will be tested by speech test. Where required, audiometric recordswill also be taken:

(a) Speech Test : The candidate should be able to hear forced whisperwith each ear separately standing with his back to the examiner at adistance of 610 cm. in a quiet room, the examiner should whisper withthe residual air, that is to say at the end of an ordinary expriation.

(b) Audiometric Tests : Audiometric loss should not be that + 10db. infrequencies between 250 Hz. and 4000 Hz. in evaluating the audiograms,the base line zero of audiometer, the environmental noise conditionsunder which the audiogram has been obtained should be taken intoconsideration and on the recommendations of an ENT Specialist.

11. It will be ensured that :

(a) There is no evidence of weak constitution, imperfect development,serious malformation or obesity.

(b) These is no maldevelopment or impairment of function of the bonesor joints.

Note : A candidate with rudimentary cervical rib in whom there are no signsand symptoms referable to the cervical ribs may be considered fit.However, the defect is to be recorded as a minor disability in themedical board proceeding.

(c) There is no impediment of speech.

(d) There is no malformation of the head, deformity from fracture ordepression of the bones of the skull.

(e) There is no impaired hearing, discharge from or disease in either ear,unhealed perforation of the tympanic membranes or signs or acute orchronic suppurative ottities-media or evidence or radical or modifiedradical mastoid operation.

Note: A small perforation without impairment of the mobility of the drumand without impairment of hearing should not be a bar to acceptanceof a candidate.

(f ) There is no disease of the bones or cartilages or the nose of nosalpolypus or disease nasopharynx and accessory sinuses.

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Notes:(i) A small asymptomatic traumatic perforation of the nasal septum will

not be a cause for outright rejection and such cases would be referredto the advisor in Otology.

(ii) Diagnostic antrum puncture to confirm maxillary sinusitis should beresorted to only in appeal cases and as a routine in the initial examinationwhen a radiological examination if indicated, should be adequate.

(g) There are no enlarged glands due to tuberculosis or due to otherdisease in the neck and other part of the body and that the thyroidgland is normal.

Note: Scars of operation for the removal of Tuberculosis glands are not acause for rejection provided that there has been no active diseasewithin the preceding five years and the chest is clinically and radiologicallyclear.

(h) There is no disease of the throat plate, tonsils, gums or any diseaseor injury affecting the normal function of either mandibular joints.

(j) There is no sign of functional or organic disease of the heart and bloodvessels.

(k) There is no evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis or previous history ofthis disease or any other chronic disease of the lungs.

(l) There is no evidence of any disease of the digestive system includingany abnormality of the liver and spleen and there is no abdominaltenderness or palpitation.

(m) Inguinal hernia (unoperated) or tendency there to will be cause forrejection. In the case of candidates who have been operated forhernia, they may be declared fit provided.

Notes:(i) One year has elapsed since the operation (documentary proof is to be

furnished by the parent).

(ii) General tone of the abdominal masculature is good.

(iii) There has been no recurrence of the hernia or complication connectedwith the operation.

(n) There is no hydrocele or definite vericocele or any other disease ordefect of the genital organs.

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Notes:(i) Candidate who has been operated for a hydrocele will be accepted if

there are no abnormalities of the cord and testicle and there is noevidence of filariasis.

(ii) Undescended intro-abdominal testicle on the one side should not be abar to acceptance of candidates for admission to Sainik School providedthe other testicle is normal and there is no untoward physical orpsychological effect due to the anomaly. Undescended testis retainedin the inguinal canal or at the external abdominal ring is however a barto acceptance unless corrected by operation.

(o) There is no fistula and or fissure of the anus or evicence ofheamorrhoids.

(p) There is no disease of the Kidneys. All cases of glycosuria andalbunminuria will be rejected.

(q) There is no disease of skin unless temporary or trival scars which bytheir extent or position cause or are likely to cause disability or markeddisfigurement are a cause for rejection.

(r) There is no active latent or congenital veneral disease.

(s) There is no history or evidence of mental disease of the candidate orhis family candidates suffering from epliepsy, incontinence or urine orenuresis will not be accepted.

(t) There is no squint, or morbid condition of the eye or of the lids which isliable to a risk of aggravation or recurrence.

(u) There is no active trachoma or its complications and sequelac.

(v) There has not been any case of congenital night blindness in thefamily of the candidate & he does not suffer from it.

(Mild Trachoma stage III or IV with a regressive corneal pannus ornot more than 1 to 2 mm may be accepted provided in the opinion ofthe specialist exacerbation or deterioation are not likely).

Note: Remedial operations, if any, are to be performed prior to admission.No guarantee is given of ultimate acceptance and should be clearlyunderstood by the candidate that the decision whether an operationis desirable or necessary is one to be made by their private medicaladviser. The School authorities will accept no liability regarding theresult of operation or any expense incurred