Download - PROSPECTUS 2016-2017 - Teach Bedford€¦ · PROSPECTUS 2016-2017 “Children are secure, happy and motivated, demonstrating high levels of independence and curiosity.” Graded -

Page 1: PROSPECTUS 2016-2017 - Teach Bedford€¦ · PROSPECTUS 2016-2017 “Children are secure, happy and motivated, demonstrating high levels of independence and curiosity.” Graded -

PROSPECTUS 2016-2017

“Children are secure, happy and motivated, demonstrating high levels of

independence and curiosity.”

Graded - Outstanding in all areas”- OFSTED 2013

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OUR AIMS 1. To provide a happy, secure and stimulating environment where each child is valued as an individual. 2. To offer a tailored curriculum of activities and opportunities where children can play, learn and make friends,

under the guidance of trained adults. 3. To build strong relationships with families and the community, so we can work together to support each other. 4. To ensure the safety of the children at all times and follow Safeguarding & Welfare Policies and Procedures. 5. To offer children and their families a service that promotes equality, diversity and welcomes all faiths and

cultures. 6. Being proud to inspire and develop British Values in our children.

POLICIES All our Policies are compiled with the welfare of the children in mind. They are reviewed annually and are available on the website or upon request. Website—

Dear Parents and Carers Thank you for considering our Preschool/2 year old unit for your child’s early years education. In this prospectus we try to convey the atmosphere of our group and to answer some of the questions that you are likely to ask. Once you have read the Prospectus, if there are any outstanding questions or something you are unsure about, please contact our Manager / Lead Practitioner, Helen Joseph. The Shortstown Preschool and 2 year old unit are committed to providing the highest quality education and standards of childcare. This prospectus outlines the terms and conditions which are essential to ensure the smooth running of the establishment. The Preschool joined the Primary School in September 2012 which provides even stronger community links and smoother transition supporting your child’s learning journey. A recent addition in September 2015 is a 2 year old unit, supporting predominantly funded two year old children, accepting paying two year olds if places and staffing allow. We have strong links with the Local Eastcott’s Children Centre which has proven successful for supporting families through the early stages of their child’s development. We are a happy and thriving Preschool, known for our work on developing children's communication skills, and their understanding of a healthy lifestyle. We look forward to developing our partnership with you. If you would like to visit us please contact us on: 01234 742174 Yours faithfully Helen Joseph

“Practitioners make highly appropriate use of additional initiatives and of information gained from training. This means

that children's language, social and communication skills are exceptionally well promoted.”-OFSTED 2013

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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is how the Government and Early Years professionals describe the time in your child’s life between birth and age 5. This is a very important stage which helps prepare them for their future learning and successes. The Preschool and 2 year old unit endeavours to make these experiences happy, active, exciting, fun and secure and support their development, care and learning needs. The EYFS Framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their healthy development. As a Preschool/2year old unit we work hard to ensure all of the 7 areas of learning and development are provided through a variety of activities and experiences, led by the children’s interests and needs.


3 PRIME AREAS Communication and Language development involves giving children opportunities to experience a rich language environment; to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves and to speak and listen in a range of situations. Physical Development involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity and to make healthy choices in relation to food. Personal, social and emotional development involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviour in groups and to have confidence in their own abilities.

“Practitioners are highly skilled and exceptionally positive. They ensure that the environment is stimulating and children

are offered a wealth of creative play opportunities, which promote their learning in all areas” - OFSTED 2013

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Mathematics involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describe shapes, spaces, and measures.

Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.

Expressive arts and design involves enabling children to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials, as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play, and design. and technology.


ASSESSMENT AND OBSERVATIONS During their time with us, observations are made on your child. We use an online system called 2Simple and manual observation forms to support the assessment of their progress against the EYFS, which identifies expectations called ‘Early Learning Goals (ELGs)’. These are collated by your child’s key person and sent home every half term for you to view, sign and add your own comments. As a Parent/Carer you are entitled to see this information, by making an appointment with the staff. These will be passed on to either the Preschool or Reception class of your choice to ensure prior achievements are built upon.

Literacy development involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children must be given access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems, and other written materials) to ignite their interest.

“Comprehensive assessments of children are informed by information from parents and accurate monitoring of all areas of

development. This enables practitioners to plan highly appropriate activities for each child. Children, therefore, make

exceptional progress in relation to their starting points”-OFSTED 2013

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A TYPICAL SESSION AM: 8.45am-11.45am PM:12.30pm-3.30pm Arrive at setting

Registration and discussion with children

Free learning play—Open door

Group songs / stories and rhymes

Snack time

Home time and collection

Monday — Movers and Shakers morning and afternoon session. Preschool.

Wednesday PM and Friday AM— Transition with Reception Class . Preschool.

Tuesday AM and Thursday PM– Transition with Preschool. 2 year

KEY PERSON Usually within the first two weeks your child will choose an adult staff member to become their Key Person. This person will write an initial ‘settling in’ booklet and introduce themselves to you. Please feel free to speak and discuss anything you feel they need to know concerning your child. They in turn will keep you informed of your child’s progress and discuss any concerns which may arise during the session. They will be responsible for the main observations and recording of evidence to show your child’s progress and learning whilst in our setting. They will work closely with your child, developing a relationship which aims to support emotional wellbeing and attainment. We recognise that parents are the first and most important educators and as a Preschool we aim to support you and hope you feel a valued part of our team.

COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS We believe communication with parents is vital to ensure the safety, happiness and progress of the children. We do this in a number of ways: Through the induction process Through our website Information on our Blog Newsletters Texting service Face to face meetings Parents meetings Sharing children’s learning every half term. Parent questionnaires, your feedback is important and we will endeavour to support

suggestions for improvements Notice boards Having special parent/carer join learning days We encourage parents and carers to talk with us about any concerns they may have, no matter how small. We will always take the issues seriously and deal with them. If we do not hear back from you or your child, we will assume any problems have been resolved. If this is not the case please keep us informed. We want all children to be happy and feel safe, that way they will enjoy their learning. Thank you in advance for your support.

“The excellent use of the key person system means that families and practitioners work in close partnership to promote

children's welfare, learning and development”-OFSTED 2013

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ATTENDANCE STARTING THE 2 YEAR OLD UNIT Children can attend our 2 year old unit as a funded two year old from the term after their second birthday, subject to the availability of spaces. Your child’s place will be confirmed during the half term before they are due to start. STARTING PRESCHOOL Children can attend our Preschool from the term after their third birthday, subject to availability of spaces. Upon receipt of your child’s details, we will add their name (s) to our waiting list. Your child’s place will be confirmed during the half term before they are due to start.

ADMISSION CRITERIA Looked after children Pupils in Catchment with

siblings in Shortstown Primary school.

Other catchment pupils ‘Very exceptional

circumstances’ medical grounds

Outside of catchment with siblings in Shortstown Primary school.

Any other children

SETTLING IN A child who is tense or unhappy will not be able to play or learn properly, it is important for parents and Preschool staff to work together to help your child feel confident and secure in the group. Some children take longer than others to settle in, don’t worry if you child is a little unsure. Our staff members are experienced and will be happy to discuss any concerns with you.

SESSION TIMES Sessions run from Monday to Friday during school term times. Each session lasts for 3 hours and a snack will be provided. Morning session 8.45am—11.45am OR Afternoon session 12.30pm—3.30pm No combinations at this time. ILLNESS AND ABSENCE

The Parent / Carer is duty bound to notify the Preschool/ 2 year unit every absence. We want the children attending Preschool to be fit and healthy, please do not send your child if they are showing signs of illness. The Manager may ask you to collect your child should they become ill. They will contact you or the emergency contact on your registration form. You are required to collect your child as quickly as possible. It is important that you do not let you child attend until 48 hours after any vomiting or diarrhoea, or if they sustain a head injury i.e. (large visible bump) prior to attending Preschool. If your child has a contagious illness, please inform us. Your child should not attend until the infection has cleared. While your child is receiving any medication for symptoms, they should remain at home.

In many cases, it is possible for children’s GP’s to prescribe medicine that can be taken at home in the morning and evening. As far as possible, administering medicines will only be done where it would be detrimental to the child’s health if not given in the setting. If a child has an inoculation of any kind (injection or orally or by inhaling) then they should not attend The Preschool/under 3 unit on the same day as the inoculation. Occasionally children may contract Head Lice. In this instance we ask you to treat them immediately as Head Lice can quickly spread. Should you require advice on the treatment of Head Lice, please speak to a member of staff. Poor attendance may result in a reduction of sessions offered to your child or removal of all sessions. If you are experiencing difficulty, please inform the Preschool Manager for support.

HOLIDAYS AND ABSENCES After 2 days of unexplained absences, staff will contact you with a courtesy call. After 10 days of unexplained absence or

unauthorised holiday, the child's place may be forfeited, this relates to fee paying and funded children. Should the parent wish the child to be re-admitted then any outstanding fees would first need to be cleared and the child placed on the waiting list.

COLLECTING AND DROPPING OFF Please try to arrive a few minutes before the start of your child’s session so that we can start promptly. Similarly, it is important to collect your child on time. You must inform us, in writing or by phone, if anyone other than the child’s Parent or Carer is collecting them. For safeguarding & welfare reasons, we cannot release a child without this permission. Please remember that parents with parental responsibility have the right to collect their child from us, unless there is proof provided in written form, either a current court order or solicitors letter. Anyone who drops off or collects your child must be over 16 years

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SNACKS Each session will have a snack time. Children can choose a drink of milk or water and something to eat. This is an opportunity for children to share the social aspect of eating, develop manners and experiment with different healthy foods. If your child has any dietary or cultural, religious or medical needs we will cater for them. Please advise the staff.

HEALTHY EATING The Preschool has achieved their Healthy Eating Award. Cooking during school time will be sent home to the parents. No cakes or sweets are to be brought into the Preschool. If you wish to celebrate birthdays or special occasions, please supply a healthy alternative such as fresh fruit or party toy.

FESTIVALS Throughout the year we celebrate a number of different festivals from different cultures and religions around the world. If there are

any particular festivals you celebrate as a family, please let us know so we can include them in our planning.

CLOTHING Please send your child to Preschool in old clothes ready for an action packed session. We provide aprons for use during ‘messy’ play; however we cannot accept liability for damaged or stained clothing. When choosing clothing please consider articles which the child can manage. This develops their self-esteem and helps them to become independent. Belts, braces, dungarees, trainers and high laced boots are difficult to master. Open toes sandals are not permitted for Health & Safety reasons. Each child must have a named change of clothes every day. Any clothes loaned by Preschool should be returned as soon as possible, freshly laundered and ironed, otherwise a charge may be applied. Jewellery should not be worn. Earrings will need to be removed completely for our physical activity which is movers and shakers, this is in line with our policies and procedures. Please label your child’s belongings. Lost/misplaced clothing cannot be accountable by the Preschool or 2 year unit.

PULL UPS/ Nappies In the 2 year unit, nappies, wipes and sacks must be provided in a named bag. In Preschool, Pull Ups, not nappies, must be provided for your child, with named wipes and sacks.

OUTSIDE PLAY Children have the opportunity to play and learn outside. Please ensure they have a coat, hat and gloves as appropriate. During the Summer it is essential that suitable footwear is worn, no flip flops, open toed sandals or bare feet. Please supply a named sun hat and apply sun cream prior to the session.

OUTINGS AND TRIPS Outings are organised where possible. Parental permission will be sought before the outings take place. The adult to child ratio will be increased in these instances.

Five to thrive We are running this initiative across the whole school from age 2-11. It is a guide for parents and carers showing how important things you do every day with your child are to help its brain grow and develop to its full potential. Talk, play, relax, cuddle and respond.

“Thoughtful daily practice means that children are secure, happy and motivated, demonstrating high levels of

independence and curiosity. They quickly develop positive attitudes and are, therefore, exceptionally well prepared for

school and future learning”-OFSTED 2013

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Funding 3 YEAR OLD FUNDING Children are eligible for Nursery Education Funding the term after their third birthday i.e.: on admittance to the Preschool. From the term after their third birthday, all children are entitled to five funded sessions of education a week, spaces permitting. Documentation is required to support the funding, this includes proof of your child's ID e.g.: Birth certificate and proof of your child’s address e.g.: Child Benefit letter, Red Health Book.

Two year old Funding Children are eligible for Two year old funding the term after their second birthday, ie, on admittance to the two year old unit. From the term after their second birthday, all funded children are entitled to five funded sessions of education a week, spaces permitting. Documentation is required to support that funding is eligible, your personal funding number . We may have spaces available for paying two year olds, this is currently £15.00 per session. Fees must be paid in advance, per half term, and must be at least two weeks in advance. If your child is absent for any reason, you will still be required to pay the full charge for the session. Nappies, wipes, nappy sacks, formula milk/cows milk will all need to be provided by parents/carers using the unit. Any parent experiencing difficulty paying the fees should speak to a member of staff, in confidence. We will endeavour to offer support where we are able. However, if payments are in arrears, this would affect your child’ place. The Preschool will seek appropriate measures to recover owed and late fees.

NOTICE PERIOD Two weeks written notice must be given if you no longer require a place for your child.

LIBRARY LOAN SCHEME The Preschool operates a Library Book Scheme and it is expected that every child will participate in the scheme. It is necessary to use a book bag in order to protect the books and a charge of £3.00 is payable to cover this cost, which then becomes the property of the owner. Books will not be sent home without a book bag. If the bag is lost, it must be replaced in order for the child to continue with the scheme. Book bags are available from the Preschool.

TRANSITION INTO SCHOOL We are fortunate to be part of Shortstown Primary School and work hard together with the staff in the main school. We work closely with the Foundation Stage Teachers and moderate our judgements on assessment with them. We visit the Reception Classroom every week and participate in their learning. The Pre-school has adopted many of the school Policies and Procedures to ensure a consistent approach as children travel through the school. However, Parents and Carers will have to apply to Bedford Borough for a place in Shortstown Primary School and are not guaranteed a position in the Reception Class. The main school follows the Admissions criteria set by the Authority and spaces are limited to 60 (see Shortstown Primary School website for Admission Policy) All paperwork will be distributed to the children in Preschool who are due to start school in the September and support can be given in the completion of these forms. If you have any concerns we encourage you to speak with the Preschool Manager.

“The Manager and Head Teacher of the school, on which the setting is sited, work exceedingly well together. Their

leadership is inspirational and they support practitioners in striving for the very best practice. Children's welfare, well-

being and overall development are, therefore, exceptionally well promoted”-OFSTED 2013

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POSTAL ADDRESS Shortstown PreSchool Beauvais Square Shortstown Bedford MK42 0GS TELEPHONE 01234 742174 MANAGER Helen Vale CHAIR OF GOVERNORS Lesley Adam Safeguarding & Welfare contacts Helen Vale Denise Cottam Gina Bobbett Mia Howlett Corinne Royden


E-Mail : [email protected] Website :

LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITY (LA) Bedford Borough Council Borough Hall, Bedford Tel: 01234 267422

STAFF Denise Cottam—Head Teacher Helen Joseph—Preschool Manager/2 year old unit / Lead Practitioner Michelle Kovacs—Preschool Deputy Manager / 2 year unit Lead Practitioner Tania Markham—Preschool Assistant Laura Butterfield—Preschool Assistant Nicky Cooper—Preschool Assistant Lisa Smith-Preschool Assistant Joanna Burke—Preschool Assistant (Bank staff)

We are OFSTED registered and members of the Preschool Learning Alliance.

Link to Outstanding OFSTED Report March 2013