Download - Proposed boundary for the Gladstone port master planned ... · boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area as an early step in the ... GRC, Aurizon, RTA and a number of State


Report on consultation Proposed boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area

Draft guideline for determining a port master planned area boundary

September 2015

1 Report on consultation | Proposed boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area and draft guideline for determining a port master planned area boundary

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1 Report on consultation | Proposed boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area and draft guideline for determining a port master planned area boundary

Purpose of the report The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of key issues raised

during public consultation on the proposed Boundary for the Gladstone port

master planned area and associated draft guideline for determining a master

planned area boundary, conducted from 6 June 2015 to 20 July 2015.

The opinions expressed in this report reflect those provided in the


Background The Queensland Government is leading master planning for the Port of

Gladstone, working with the Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) and other

key stakeholders.

Port master planning for the priority ports of Gladstone, Abbot Point, Hay

Point/Mackay and Townsville is a port-related action of the Reef 2050 Long-

Term Sustainability Plan and will be mandated under the Sustainable Ports

Development Bill 2015, if passed.

The Queensland Government sought public comment on the proposed

boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area as an early step in the

master planning process for Gladstone.

The Department of State Development (DSD) prepared a draft guideline for

determining a master planned area to assist in identifying the proposed

area. The guideline was also notified and any feedback will inform the

preparation of a master planning guideline for priority ports which is

proposed to become a non-statutory tool to assist master planning

processes and preparation of associated documentation.

Objective The consultation process for the proposed boundary will inform decision

making on the area to be the subject of port master planning processes for


Communication and engagement During the consultation period, the Queensland Government conducted

communication and engagement activities to raise awareness of the

proposed Boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area and

associated draft guideline for determining a master planned area boundary,

and provide an opportunity for public comment.

The communications and engagement actions included:

Consultation web page: and link to

consultation web page through Gladstone Ports Corporation web


Fact sheets (electronic and hard copy)

Public notices indicating how to make a submission and advising of

public information session

Display points at the DSD Gladstone regional office and Gladstone

Regional Council library.

2 Report on consultation | Proposed boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area and draft guideline for determining a port master planned area boundary

Public information session A public information session was held at the Gladstone Regional Council

Library between 6:00pm and 7:30pm on Tuesday 14 July 2015. The

following people attended the session:

two individuals

a representative from Agriforce

a representative from Queensland Alumina Limited

Key stakeholder meetings GPC attended a number of briefings and meetings alongside DSD with key

agencies involved in the master planning process.

Submissions A total of 23 submissions were received from the following:


Department of Agriculture and Forestry (DAF)

Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG)

Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM)

Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR)

Environmental Defenders Office Qld (EDO Qld)

Euroa Steel Plant Project (ESPP)

Gladstone Regional Council (GRC)

North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP)

Public Safety Business Agency (PSBA)

Queensland Alumina Limited (QAL)

Queensland Energy Resources Limited (QERL)

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services (QPWS)

Queensland Ports Association (QPA)

Queensland Resource Council (QRC)

Rio Tinto Alcan (RTA)

Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal (WICET)

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

five individual submissions

2 Report on consultation | Proposed boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area and draft guideline for determining a port master planned area boundary

Key themes of consultation

Sustainable Ports Development Bill 2015

Issue Response

QRC, NQBP and QPA submissions raised Bill specific issues. No response necessary. There is a separate review process being undertaken

for the Bill. Submissions are being considered in this context.

Desire to be involved early

Issue Response

GRC, Aurizon, RTA and a number of State agencies expressed a desire to be

involved early in the port master planning process.

All relevant stakeholders including government and private sector

representatives will have an opportunity to be involved during the preparation

of documentation required in master planning processes. DSD is currently

preparing an evidence base and draft master planning guideline that will

undergo further consultation. DSD has held initial discussions with a number of

State agencies and key stakeholders.


Issue Response

One individual submitter expressed concerned that the guideline may be

amended at any time without any community input.

In accordance with the Bill, any guideline is proposed to be a non-statutory

document and therefore will not be subject to mandatory consultation

requirements. It is intended any guideline will be made available to the public.

3 Report on consultation | Proposed boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area and draft guideline for determining a port master planned area boundary

The submitter also questioned how much consultation will be undertaken on the

master plan.

If the Minister proposes to make or amend a master plan for a priority port, the

Minister must give notice to the relevant port authority and each relevant local

government and provide those entities within a stated period of at least 20

business days in which to make a submission. Once a draft master plan has

been prepared the Minister must publish a public notice and allow submissions

to be made within a stated period of at least 30 business days. Once a draft

master plan amendment has been prepared the Minister must publish a public

notice and allow submissions to be made within a stated period of at least 20

business days.

NQBP recommended some specific amendments to the guideline in relation to

recognition of existing studies and relevant legislation.

DSD will consider the comments in preparing the final guideline.

Finalisation of proposed boundary

Issue Response

WWF and RTA indicated support for identifying a port master planned area but

are concerned that further input and review is required before any proposed

boundary is finalised.

DSD is preparing a guideline for master planning for priority ports that will be

made available to the public. The guideline will outline the components of

master planning and associated documentation preparation processes.

DSD is currently finalising an evidence base that will inform decision on the

proposed master planned area boundary. The evidence base will include

identification of OUV relevant to the area.

DSD will continue to liaise with relevant stakeholders to determine if any

changes to the proposed boundary are required.

The boundary cannot be formalised until the Sustainable Ports Development

Bill is enacted.

4 Report on consultation | Proposed boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area and draft guideline for determining a port master planned area boundary

Environmental values

Issue Response

GRC, EDO Qld, WWF and individual submitters expressed concern about the

ongoing protection of the area of Curtis Island that is currently included in the

Curtis Island Environmental Management Precinct (CIEMP) within the

Development Scheme for the Gladstone State Development Area (GSDA).

The proposed boundary of the Gladstone port master planned area on Curtis

Island is intended to be consistent with the boundary of the GSDA. Areas of

the CIEMP within the proposed master planned area, and contained within the

GSDA, will continue to be retained for environmental purposes.

Submitters have been advised of the tenure status of the CIEMP, including

areas to be protected from development, and management responsibilities of

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. An area on the southern end of Curtis

Island adjacent to the proposed master planned area is to be protected partly

through designation as national park and partly through designation as

conservation park.

EDO Qld and WWF expressed concern about the identification and protection of

areas of environmental value. EDO Qld does not support the inclusion of

Facing Island within the proposed boundary as it provides turtle nesting sites

and significant coastal wetlands and vegetation species. EDO Qld considers

Facing Island to be a fragile island ecosystem within the GBRWHA and adjacent

to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

Facing Island has been included as it is mostly strategic port land and included

within the GPC Land Use Plan (LUP). Facing Island is designated

‘Environment Precinct’ in the LUP. The intent for the locality of Facing Island

within the LUP recognises the ecological value of the area. Inclusion of Facing

Island and adjoining wetlands within the master planned area will ensure its

ongoing protection over the long term.

The master plan will enable environmental areas to be identified and protected

from development. Inclusion of these areas will allow specific consideration of

potential impacts from proposed development within the master planned area.

DAF recommend amendment to the proposed boundary to exclude a large

mangrove delta north east of Compigne Island, south of Curtis Island and

wetlands at South Trees Island and Facing Island.

The wetlands north east of Compigne Island and south of Curtis Island are

located adjacent to proposed national park and conservation park and should

be included in the master planned area to ensure ongoing protection.

Inclusion of Facing Island and adjoining wetlands and areas of wetlands

between South Trees and Boyne Island will allow specific consideration of

potential impacts from proposed development within the master planned area

and ensure their protection over the long term.

5 Report on consultation | Proposed boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area and draft guideline for determining a port master planned area boundary

WWF suggested a constraints analysis is required for the entire area within the

proposed boundary. A range of recent planning studies have been undertaken

to inform review and update of existing planning instruments within the

proposed master planned area. These planning instruments (the GRC Planning

Scheme, the Development Scheme for the GSDA and the GPC Land Use Plan)

apply to a large part of the proposed port master planned area, however there is

a large extent of marine area that is not currently regulated by a planning


DSD is preparing an evidence base to inform master planning processes

which will identify environmental values, including OUV, within the entire

proposed master planned area. The evidence base will identify any

information gaps (for example marine areas) to be addressed and inform

future master planning processes including identification of areas that require

protection from development.

In accordance with the Bill, the Minister must be satisfied that the master plan

adequately considers the principles of ecologically sustainable development.


Issue Response

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services has identified bushfire prone areas

within the proposed master planned area and suggested that master planning

processes should address the State Planning Policy as it relates to bushfire


Natural hazards, including bushfire, will be a consideration of future master

planning processes.

The Hazardous Industries and Chemicals Branch within DJAG had no specific

requirements relating to the proposed boundary or associated draft guideline but

did indicate there are existing and potential major hazard facilities within the

proposed boundary. DJAG advised DSD to ensure only compatible uses are

allowed within the potential off-site impact areas around these facilities.

Major hazard facilities will be a consideration of future master planning


Specific landholder interests

Issue Response

Discussions with QAL indicate it will request amendment of the proposed

boundary to include the full extent of its land interests.

DSD has amended the proposed Gladstone port master planned area

boundary to include the full extent of QAL’s land interests.

6 Report on consultation | Proposed boundary for the Gladstone port master planned area and draft guideline for determining a port master planned area boundary

Aurizon indicated its support for port master planning but expressed its desire to

continue to be involved in master planning processes and its disappointment in

not being involved in determination of the proposed boundary.

Aurizon met with DSD on 23 July 2015 to discuss issues raised in its


DSD will continue to liaise with Aurizon to determine if any changes to the

proposed boundary are required.

WICET has requested amendment of the proposed boundary to include the full

extent of the future development of the rail receival infrastructure associated

with the terminal.

DSD has amended the proposed Gladstone port master planned area

boundary to include the full extent of land required for future WICET


ESSP provided an overview of its proposed project but did not raise any

concerns or issues regarding master planning.

No response necessary.

Regulated vegetation management

Issue Response

DNRM did not raise any concerns with the proposed boundary, however it did

identify requirements relating to regulated vegetation management within the

area. Such requirements will be considered during future master planning


Vegetation management requirements will be considered during future master

planning processes.

Changes to the proposed master planned area boundary As a result of public consultation, DSD has made minor amendments to the proposed Gladstone port master planned area boundary. Figure 1 illustrates the

proposed boundary of the master planned area that was released for public consultation. Figure 2 illustrates the new proposed boundary, and highlights the

minor amendments that were made.

The master planned area boundary may continue to be refined throughout the master planning process, and can only be finalised if the Sustainable Ports

Development Bill 2015 is enacted, the master plan for the area is developed and made, and the area is set by regulation.

Figure 1 Proposed Gladstone port master planned area boundary released for public consultation

Figure 2 Proposed Gladstone port master planned area boundary as revised following public consultation

Minor amendments

Department of State Development PO Box 15009, City East, Queensland, 4002 tel 13 QGOV (13 74 68) [email protected]