Download - Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Page 1: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas

Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working GroupCenter for Magnetic Self Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas

• Basic properties of magnetoturbulence not understood; they affect many processes (dynamo, ion heating, reconnection, transport)

• There are issues which experiments could help clarify• Relating present measurements to astrophysical plasmas difficult

• Relevant measurements can be doneImprovements in diagnostic sensitivitySpecialized analysis techniquesAppropriate experimental design (scans, parameters, diagnostic)

• Advances in simulation, theory also needed

Page 2: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.


1. Introduction

2. Issues in basic workings of magnetoturbulence • Turbulent decorrelation

• Turbulent spectrum• Fluctuation anisotropy• Cascade physics• Transport, alignment, dissipation, driving

(“basic” = likely to impact any turbulent process, i.e., dynamo, ion heating, etc.)

3. Current laboratory plasma results (drawn from MST experiment)

4. Proposed laboratory plasma turbulence studies

5. Proposed theory and simulation studies

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Can lab experiments tell us about astrophysical b-turbulence?


• MHD: equilibrium, global scale fluctuations • MHD: model of choice• Evidence for inertial range (high freq) • Evidence for inertial range• Easier to probe • Harder to probe• Knobs available • What you see is what you get

Low k driving sourceB0 strength

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Laboratory and astrophysical plasmas can have very different parameter values

ICM ISMwm ion







1 - 20 ~ 0.1 1 -


10-4 -


~ 1 0.1 0.1

S 1027 < 109 1012 -


105 -


102 -



> 3 ~ 3 ~ 1 10-2 ~ 5 10-2

few 10-2

% Ion-

ization99% Vari-



able100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

˜ b B0

astrophysical plasmas laboratory plasmas

Page 5: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Nature of plasma confinement affects fluctuation properties

Laboratory plasmas: Plasma confined by external magnetic field • Low

• B, J strong• Fusion plasmas: n, T, P strong

• Instabilities driven by inhomogeneities• Global scale fluctuation properties governed by instabilities• Sources, sinks on multiple scales

Example: electrostatic potentialfluctuation spectrum in tokamak

So, what is possible basis for comparison?• RFP: one instability dominates Inertial range can develop at small scales

Small fluctuations reflect NL inertial force, not instability• Shear Alfvén waves as paradigm for interstellar turbulence• Isolate, study nonlinear forces (common to all types of mag turb)

Page 6: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Turbulent Decorrelation Controversy: Does mean or large scale B field affect decorrelation in magnetic turbulence?

Turbulent decorrelation is fundamentally important

• Mediates rate of spectral transfer affects spectrum shape

• Responsible for introducing wave-induced anistropy in cascade dynamics

• Mediates cascade direction changes associated with symmetry breaking

• Quantity where wave physics and turbulent motions interface

• Directly affects transport rates

Given its importance, it is noteworthy that it is not understood

Basic Issues in Astrophysical Turbulence

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Two views on turbulent decorrelation in magnetic turbulence

1. Alfvénic motions (along large scale B) decorrelate turbulence

• Small scale fluctuations propagate as Alfvén waves along large scale B

• Large scale B is big fast propagation decorrelation set by propagation speed along large scale B

t = VAk|| ~ Bk||

2. Eddy motions (perpendicular to B) decorrelate turbulence• Eddy turnover rate independent of B• Proportional to smaller flow vk at small scale k

• Smaller than Alfvénic decorrelation rate, unless anisotropy develops with k|| reduced until eddy turnover governs decorrelation

t = vkk


Page 8: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Conventional wisdom on turbulent decorrelation has problems

CW: Isotropic turbulence Alfvénic decorrelation

Anisotropic turbulence Fluid straining decorrelation

Probs: 1) Equipartition of v and b requires Alfvénic motion

Equipartition and no Alfvénic decorrelation are inconsistent

2) Geostrophic turbulence: Development of anisotropy requires

dominance of wave rate over fluid straining rate, not reverse

3) Reduced MHD turbulence with maximal anisotropy (k|| = 0): Alfvénic decorrelation still dominates

Origin of effect:


+ B0k|| + bk0

k0⊥ + bkk⊥

zero under anisotropy

Large scale turbulent field

Small scale fluct prop along it not eliminated by anisotropy because it has components to B0

small scale turb field

Fernandez and Terry, PoP ‘97

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Turbulent decorrelation governs spectrum falloff

Balance of energy transfer rate and energy input rate:

If turbulent decorrelation governed by fluid straining (t = vkk = bkk)

• No dependence on large scale b-field• Kolmogorov spectrum• nk

2/k ~ k-5/3 (advected electron density)

If turbulence decorrelation governed by Alfvénic time

• Turb level depends on large scale field

• Iroshnikov-Kraichnan Spectrum

• nk2/k ~ k-7/4

• gentler slope faster decorrelation

Both indices reported in simulation literature

Energy input rate Turbulent decorrelation rate

Em(k) ≡ bk


k =

B01 2ε1 2

k 3 2

ε = k2bk



Em(k) = bk


k =

ε1 3

k5 3

Page 10: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

MHD turbulence is anisotropic, but what is its nature?

•Universal criterion (many systems with anisotropic wave physics): Anisotropy set by balance of isotropic nonlinearity and anisotropic wave term

B0k| | = bk (parallel scales coarsen until balance achieved)

•Conventional interpretation: balance sets k| | eddy aspect ratio

(using Kolmogorov spectrum bk2/k = ε2/3k-5/3)

•Alternate interpretation: sets width of k| | spectrum

k|| = bk⊥


= ε1 3k2 3


Page 11: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Turbulence occupies available scales conventional interpretation is too simple

MHD similar to quasigeostrophic (Rossby-wave) turbulence

Balance of wave term with nonlinearity defines k-space boundary (Rhines)

• Separates regions where wave term important, unimportant

• Turbulence populates scales on both sides of boundaryOnly seen in very long time numerical integration

• Spectrum is modified to maintain balance

Strong excitation of zonal modes (k| |=0) by anisotropic transfer

Correct interpretation:

Eddy aspect ratio set by where spectrum is sampled in k-space

Eddy probability, mean wavenumbers set by spectrum shape

Must know Em(k| |, k) in all regions of k-space

Computation limited by resolution

Page 12: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Cascade Physics: is MHD like other systems with waves?

Wave/turbulence systems with documented similarities

Rotating turbulence, rotating stratified turbulence, quasi geostrophic turbulence, collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence

• Wave-induced inverse energy cascade

• Highly anisotropic wavenumber space transfer to k| | = 0 structure - tied to = 0

• Associated with balanced excitation of all wave eigenmodes

Is MHD member of this class of systems?How large does mean field have to be?

How is k| | defined if mean B is weak?

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Current Laboratory Plasma Turbulence Results

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Mean field dependence in spectrum may indicate mean field dependence in decorrelation rate

Decorrelation rate inferred from correlation time, spectrum

• Single mode time history indicates correlation time Scan mean current to see mean field dependence

• Dependence of spectrum on mean current Reminiscent of IK spectrum: Em ~ B0


• Problem: What part of dependence from decorrelation, what from tearing mode drive?

Time [ms]


Page 15: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Small scale spectrum has two decay subranges

Measured by probes at edge and FIR polarimetry (Faraday rot) in core

Large scales dominated by tearing mode drive

Intermediate scales have power law consistent with k-3/2 or k-5/3 (higher J)

Smallest scale subrange may have exponential falloff

If this range has power law, steeper slope is not understood

(e– dynamics at k~-1, diamagnetic freq. in decorr., alignment, etc.?)

Intermediate scales probably inertial, but carry imprint of tearing instability

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Spectrum may have multiple driving sources

• Large scale drive by trearing instability is well established

• Small scales excited by cascade from large scales or by small scale instability ?

• To probe, modify tearing drive with current gradient control (PPCD)

• Decreased tearing drive flatter spectrum in high frequencies-Above noise level-Slope consistent with ultraviolet catastrophe independent small scale source

• Nature of small scale source not understood (absent in edge?)

• b-flucts likely related to measured small scale electrostatic fluctuations






P(f) [Gs



806040200f [kHz]

standard 400ka ppcd 400ka

magnetic turbulence

Tearing Modes

Page 17: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Large scale anisotropy is dominated by geometry and tearing instability

• k| | is fixed by B0, geometry, and fluctuation extent

For RFP, B0 lies on torus; k: n=kR, m=–kr

• On resonant torus (m=nBr/BR), k| | = 0

• Shear in B0: k| | increases from resonant surface

• k| | limited by finite extent of fluctuation m, n

• Magnetic fluctuation spectrum dominated by global scale tearing fluctuations anisotropy set by shear and geometry

Can RFP yield any useful information on anisotropyin astrophysical magnetic turbulence?

–10–50510024681012k||, m–1×10−6=0m=1m=15n=6n

˜ B r2(k||)Bo


k|| = Bφ (r)kφ + Bθ (r)kθ



Page 18: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Need to understand more about laboratory turbulence

Knobs: Driving strength (PPCD to reduce tearing instability drive)Mean magnetic field strength (discharge current)Dissipation strength (plasma temperature)

Q: 1) Is there an inertial range? (Key for validating comparisons) Scale transition of (NL force/linear force) under drive variation

2) What is origin of dual spectrum ranges? Vary dissipation - track transition wavenumber, falloff rate Vary i - track transition wavenumber Measure partitions (v, b, n ) as function of wavenumber

3) What is origin of br b b? Track changes through transition to inertial range Related to spatial anisotropy? Determine role of plasma boundary

4) What is origin of fluctuation differences between core and edge?

Ideas for laboratory studies

Page 19: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Anisotropy measurements of relevance to astrophysics

• Determine if experiment has range in which anisotropy is independent of tearing instability

Measure anisotropy for k in driving range, power law decay range

• If transition observed, relate k| | to k and compare to critical balance hypothesis k| | ~ k


• To measure k| |:

Measure br as function of n and m for various radii

Calculate k| |(m,n,r) from equilibrium field profiles


k|| = dr k||(m,n,r) ˜ b r∫

dr ˜ b r∫

Page 20: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Making turbulent decorrelation measurements of relevance to astrophysics

Small scale decorrelation in time histories, spectrum affected by tearing

Certain analysis techniques yield pure decorrelation rate:

1) From bispectrum


if statistics close to Gaussian; form appropriate for v b

2) Turbulent response function – Perturb plasma with source localized to small scale – Measure relaxation of b to steady state level – From ensemble, extract t as exponent of decay – Method used in simulations

Both techniques must be applied to inertial scales

Both extract decorrelation rate free of driving and other effects

s(n1,n2 ,n3) = b*(n1)b*(n2 )b(n3)


b(n2 )2


[ ]1 2

t (n1) = −n2

R s(n1,n2 ,n3)

b(n2 )2



2 ⎡

⎢ ⎢

⎥ ⎥

1 2

Page 21: Proposals for Probing Basic Magnetofluid Turbulence of Relevance to Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas Magnetic Chaos and Transport Working Group Center.

Proposed tasks for simulation and theory

• Properties of turbulence under variation of mean field strength in spectra that peak at low k, and high k

• Measurement of spectral energy transfer

Correlation to wave physics

• Effect of collisionless damping on spectrum; effect of anisotropy on dissipation

• Analytic theory for anisotropic spectrum in RMHD (a la quasi geo turb)

• Inverse cascade analysis closure theory - do Alfvénic interactions induce inverse energy cascade?

(Analytic theory crucial: extremely high Reynolds numbers of astrophysical turbulence simulation cannot resolve all relevant physics)

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Basic properties of magnetoturbulence not understood; they affect many processes (dynamo, ion heating, reconnection, transport)

There are issues which experiments could help clarify

Relating current measurements to astrophysical plasmas difficult

Relevant measurements could be done Improvements in diagnostic sensitivity Specialized analysis techniques Appropriate experimental design (scans, parameters, diagnostic)

Also need work in simulation, theory