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The World’s First PC Power Management Solutionbased on Artificial Intelligence

Internationally acclaimed and recognized as the World’s Only ArtificiallyIntelligent distributed Power Management system, accepted and distributed invarious parts of the Globe, SPARA Power addresses and solves every singleissue which is faced. Using the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence, atechnology which helps machines and computers mimic the thoughtprocesses and intelligence of human beings, this cutting edge productvirtually replicates an ever alert person assigned to do one job - SAVE POWER

“SPARA Power” is developed and maintained by the creators of SPARA Power Management Technology. Allmentions of “SPARA” in this document henceforth would refer to “SPARA Power”


The World, As We See It........................................................................................................1

How much is this Loss?..................................................................................................1

What was stopping a solution?..................................................................................... 2

SPARA Power | The Power Savior.......................................................................................3

How does it Work?..........................................................................................................5

Artificial Intelligence in SPARA..................................................................................... 7

SPARA Power – The Product............................................................................................... 9

Intelligent Wake On LAN (WOL).................................................................................10

SPARA Power v1.8 Architecture................................................................................ 12

Power Savings...............................................................................................................14

Current Track Record...................................................................................................15

The Achievement.......................................................................................................... 15

Page 1

The World, As We See It

One true shortage we see around us is theshortage of Power. It is one resource whichnever seems to catch up with the demand,and that makes it the biggest reason fortoday’s need to save and conserve power.Unlike popular belief, the biggest powerguzzlers are not the manufacturing plants orthe temperature dependant industry. In realitythey would be the IT/ITES companies andother computer-intensive organizations, whichbite up a large chunk of the power painfullygenerated. One could easily blame this on thelarge number of ACs, Computers, peripheralsand other electrical devices compounded bythe sheer number of people involved in thesesegments.

A Lawrence and Berkeley National Labs independent study puts the losses due tocomputers and its peripherals alone at over 26% of the world’s losses just due to thesheer volume and the negligent behaviour of the people who uses these machines.In today’s IT enabled world, there literally is nothing which can’t be run without thehelp of these power guzzlers. The IT departments as well as all the agencies thatuse this, simply bow down to this wastage by considering it a collateral damage. Thehigh maintenance efforts and the brute variations in how each agency works, justmakes it impossible for any hard coded solution to solve the problem. Customizing asolution for each agency is not commercially possible due to the huge number ofagencies present in today’s world.

How much is this Loss?

According to the statistics brought out by the L&B labs, almost 90% of people in anoffice do not power down their PCs when they leave office for their breaks. Againalmost 40% just turn off their monitors when they leave office for the day. Worst ever,around 10% do not even bother to do that. This statistic when averaged out, roughlytranslates to around 25-45% of the power lost per PC in a PC based environment.

Taking the lower figure into consideration, it is quite easily inferable that if this issaved, we get to run a fourth PC with the same power requirement as that of justthree PCs.

The 4 Critical Questions:


Is there anything that we cando to solve the power demand-

supply gap?

Should we explore new ways tosatisfy the power demand by

adding more power generationfacilities?


Should we try to SAVE powerby reducing/eliminating the

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A different view point to this same equation would be that if one needs to increasethe office capacity by around 25%, the power requirement option could be either topull extra resources from the grid amounting to over 31% of the power being usedanyway taking the total power requirement to 131% of the current requirement.Another alternative would be to find a way to save the power from the existingmachines.

The issue does not end here since this figure keeps on increasing almost drasticallyand the only way one can fuel this need is by building more and more powergeneration facilities at much higher costs. But building these facilities and addingmore PCs to the network will ensure an increase in the losses too.

So the question remains,

WHY can’t we plug the hole, through which the power generated keeps leaking?

What was stopping a solution?

Be it an IT company or the Government, there are usually a ton of differentdepartments under them, who would further have sub departments and divisions. Atthe lowest end, there would a load of people of various knowledge, skill set,character and background using the PCs. Looking at this structure and realizing thatevery department, division and person has its own characteristics gives uspotentially an infinite different type of working methodology and timings. All the usualscheduled or pre-defined management systems would simply be overwhelmed bythese variations. The only way to overcome this problem was to rein in the humanfactor into the loop by keeping Humans at each level of variations to command andoversee the power management. But how effective can these solutions be? Howreliable are people when kept in a monotonous job? What would be the overheadsby adopting such a system? Questions like and problems like the later were the mainreason why the wastage of power was forever considered a curse of technology.

Combine this already adamant problem with the seriously high level of attrition intoday’s agencies. Even if a solution was implemented which was painstakinglycustomized for each and every single person, what would happen if one of theperson got replaced? The problem just keeps getting aggravated till there is a totalsystem breakdown.

Does all this mean there is no solution for this pain?

Page 3

SPARA Power | The Power Savior

Internationally acclaimed and recognized as theWorld’s Only Artificially Intelligent distributed PowerManagement system, accepted and distributed invarious parts of the Globe, SPARA Poweraddresses and solves every single issue which isfaced. Using the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence,a technology which helps machines and computersmimic the thought processes and intelligence ofhuman beings, this cutting edge product virtuallyreplicates an ever alert person assigned to do onejob – To Save Power.

The technology developed with funding from theDepartment of Science and Technology,Government of India, uses cutting edge ProprietaryPattern recognition algorithms to try andcharacterize each and every single person usingthe computers, and create customized powermanagement profiles for the person, saving almost91% of the power lost due to negligence.

This technology has won various national andinternational awards including being listed amongstthe Top 50 Innovative technologies having globalimpact by the World Bank; GOLD medal jointly bythe Department of Science and Technology (Govtof India), FICCI, Lockheed Martin Corporation andThe Indo-US Science and Technology Forum toname a few.

The technology’s capability to save power wasrepeatedly proven to various Large MNCs,Government Labs, Private labs, PSUs and otherAgencies by reducing the power consumed by theirPCs between 24 - 47%. The technology was proveneven at government levels and has been acceptedby them.

Note: “SPARA Power” is developed and maintained by the creatorsof SPARA Power Management Technology. All mentions of “SPARA”in this document would henceforth would imply to “SPARA Power”


SPARA Power was built around 4 KEY RULESwhich came to stand as the backbone of the

Technology as well as the consequence of the

technology keeping in consideration only the end



any extra infrastructural changes into the system.

SPARA Power shall work with whatever is present in

the infrastructure and shall adapt if any changes are

brought to it.

NONO DOWNDOWN TIME:TIME:SPARA Power shall in no way become the reason for

loss of productivity either by itself or as a result of

any malfunctioning. SPARA Power is equipped with a

Panic Button, which if activated using just three

Clicks, shall disable every single functionality of the

product across the network thus ensuring that there

be absolutely NO time wasted recovering from any


NONO HIDDHIDDENEN COSTS:COSTS:SPARA Power shall not come with any hidden costs

built into the product. The Product shall not require

any extra human resource, nor will any training be

required to be produced to the users. There shall be

No periodical subscription costs or charges in the

Product. The cost and the AMC is all that will be in

what is spent on SPARA Power by the client.

NONO ROIROI FORMULAS:FORMULAS:Unlike other Products in the market, there will not be

any Formula to calculate the Return of Investment

(ROI) of the product. The returns can be directly

calculated using the reduction of the power

consumed. This can be calculated both using external

means as well as by using the internally provided

reports and graphs.

Page 4

How does it Work?

Artificial Intelligence & Predictive Analytics

The above theory translates into the underlying concept of Artificial Intelligence andin turn of Predictive analytics.

A.I is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especiallyintelligent and adaptive computer programs. It is related to the similar task of usingcomputers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself tomethods that are biologically observable. Predictive Analytics is the branch ofArtificial Intelligence concerned with the prediction of future probabilities and trends.

Predictive analytics are used to determine the probable future outcome of anevent or the likelihood of a situation occurring. It automatically analyse largeamounts of data with different variables; It includes clustering, decision trees, marketbasket analysis, regression modelling, neural nets, genetic algorithms, text mining,hypothesis testing, decision analytics, and more.

Any Event or Action which occurs periodically or continuously over a period oftime results in a pattern which is a function of probability

- Probability Theory

Figure 1:

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Predictive analytics indicates not only what to do, but also how and when todo it, and to explain the what-if scenarios. Figure 1 shows the advantage of asystem coupled with a predictive correction algorithm in the case of a perfectprediction condition. Here the system is expected to have a value which isrepresented by the 0 point in the Y axis, but initially there is a huge irregularity inattaining this value since the available dataset for a prediction is not present. But astime goes on, the probability variation decreases since the predictive system is ableto eliminate the uncertainty in the forward values. This allows for the system toprepare for whatever is the action it is supposed to take in the case of the expectedevent happening.

Unlike what most people believe, the goal of a predictive system is not to predict thefuture or what could happen in the future. The goal is to effectively predict thechance of a particular event to happen. Prediction of this chance does notguarantee the event to happen, it merely tells us how much to expect for that event.It could quite easily be compared to the human instinct or thought process when itcomes to taking a decision. The advantage is that if the event has a higher chance ofoccurrence, then preparing oneself for the consequence of that event would allow fora quicker and more effective solution This mode of operations enhances thecapabilities of the normal sensor by moving it from an action step to data collectionor acquisition equipment for the prediction step.

“The decrease in probability variation also implies elimination of wastages...”

In simple words,

More the confusion, more the wastage…So, eliminate the confusion, to eliminate the wastage!

This is EXACTLY what SPARA Power does…

Page 6

Artificial Intelligence in SPARA

The core principle behind using Predictive modelling in saving power from devicesused by people, lies in the concept of the biological clock inherent within everyone.This theoretical clock regulates every single person and attempts to synchronizethem to their daily routine. Predicting or rigging a system to match this allowsthe system to blend into the person’s characteristics. This is quite a naturalphenomenon in humans and are clearly seen between people who work alongsideeach other only to find striking similarities amidst them in their daily routine. Theconcept behind SPARA Power was to re-create this synchronous symmetrybetween humans and machines to understand the characteristics of theperson and use this data to save power when it is not required.

SPARA Power starts off by working like any other power management solution, bywaiting for the fixed time intervals before taking any power management action. Butduring this time, it takes snapshots of the system calendar when certain events aretriggered. Once a reasonable data set is collected, the AI engine crunches throughthe data to understand if there is any recognizable pattern in the user’s activities.Once found, this pattern is extrapolated forward using a statistical prediction modelto create what we call a prediction chart. This chart which is a function of Probabilitygives the chance of a user to leave the machine in a power wastage mode withrespect to the time of a day. On completion of the chart, the goal of the AI engineshifts from creating a chart towards optimizing it. Further patterns are also added tothis prediction chart.

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Once a prediction chart is available, a detailed power management profile isgenerated corresponding to each user, which dictates how prepared the systemshould be during different times of the day. This along with the predicted powermanagement action together forms the power management profile. Every day, thisprofile is updated to include the corrections made to the charts based on theprevious day’s events. This allows for a continuously varying and self-correctingpower management profile for the user.

The advantage here is the fact that the more assured the system gets of a pattern,the lesser time it takes for before it sends the system into a power controlled state.Moreover, it also eliminates the “irritation factor” wherein which a system which runson other power management mode goes into a power saving mode while in action.SPARA Power is able to understand that the system could still be in use eventhough there is no interaction between the user and the system. Eliminating this canhave a huge impact since statistically, it is the biggest reason most people disablepower management software. Moreover, it also ensures that power cycling does nothappen, preventing long term damages to the hardware.

The system takes into consideration the preferences or policies which are set by theadministrator while finalizing on the power management profile thus allowing for theadministrator to get involved in how the power is managed. Unlike any other systemin the world, this allows the user to create “DO NOT” rules which asks the system notto do something. This is particularly useful when the system has to be kept on,regardless of its usage statistics. In short, SPARA Power’s analytic capabilityindicates not only what to do, but also how and when to do it, and also explainswhat-if scenarios. It even obeys its master, making it the administrator’s best friend.

Page 8

SPARA Power – The Product

SPARA Power Ver 1.8 is a Power ManagementSystem that uses Artificial Intelligence to eliminatewastage of power from computers. Based onprinciples of Artificial intelligence, SPARA Poweraims directly at reducing the carbon footprint in theenvironment and reducing the operational expenseby saving energy. It stretches boundaries inpossibilities of power management and eliminates91% of the regular power losses.

For many years, power management solutions haveclaimed to make huge savings for fiscally challengedIT administrators. Claims of 10 to 15 % energy

savings are regularly made, along with the corresponding CO2 emission reductions.However, in reality, these solutions do nothing more than enabling networkadministrators to enforce policies already available on each machine and force usersto adopt predefined power management settings. These are not always suitable tothe user workflow and hence the settings are often ignored, negating the benefits ofthe system deployed. These traditional solutions often apply only to machines andnot users, limiting them to very basic power management policy enforcement.

It operates by implementing powermanagement profiles for every user.Variations in the user’s behaviouralpattern is recorded and interpretedintelligently by SPARA. Once deployed,it is self-configuring software that savespower as often and as economically aspossible. SPARA Power builds uniquepower management policies for eachuser and facilitates maximum productivity with minimal power usage and CO2emissions. Its adaptive nature provides flexibility on eliminating administrator levelmonitoring and interference.

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Intelligent Wake On LAN (WOL)

A feature devised and implemented for large corporate organizations who may needto turn ON one or more of the computers in non-office hours for the purpose ofinstalling patches, upgrades or updates. SPARA’s Wake On LAN (WOL) is unique inthat it allows the admin to schedule when a particular PC or group of PCs shouldturn on. These systems would automatically turn ON at the designated time.

SPARA WOL also enables the admin to manually switch on each PC or group ofPCs via the Instant Control window.

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SPARA WOL has in built safety feature whereby it would prevent the overloading ofthe UPS with the surge in voltage caused by a large number of PCs turning ON atthe same time. A delay is activated automatically when more number of PCs arescheduled to or manually commanded to turn ON at the same time. This splits thespike in voltage to more manageable levels.

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SPARA Power v1.8 Architecture

SPARA Power is based on a modified Client – Server architecture. The main modification isthe independence of the client to accomplish its critical goals of saving power andperforming the required analysis for prediction purposes. Other than in certain criticalsituations like licensing and configuration alterations, the server module can be eliminatedfrom the architecture thus enabling the system to save the power which is required to run theserver component. The communication is also designed in such a way as not to interferewith the existing intranet, both in terms of infrastructure as well as in traffic/ utilization.

The Software consists of an Admin module which act as the Server, and a Client modulewhich goes onto all the client machines. There exists a Database which holds the key valueand is installed by default in the server module. The server module and the DB module arerequired only when certain operations are being performed like installations, licensing,configurations etc. The Client module which is a small agent which resides on eachworkstation in the network can be installed remotely or directly as per the administrator’srequirements. The client module is responsible for performing the power managementprocedures, as well as, takes into consideration the requests from the admin module. TheClient is also equipped with a critical AI component which enables it to analyze andformulate power management plans for the work station it has been installed in. Themonitoring and adaptability nature of the system is also a component of the client module.

The Admin module on the other hand is designed to be an interaction console between thesystem and the administrator. It allows for the administrator to provide his preferences, setschedules, create groups, view reports as well as do administrative configurations of thesystem. Since all the critical modules are embedded within the client itself, there is norequirement to keep the admin console running thus allowing for the administrator’smachine/ server to be powered down if required after the office hours without affecting thepower management capability of the client workstations.

Installation of the SPARA Power module does not require any major changes in theinfrastructure. Enabling access to the system and intermediate router to allowcommunication to port 40786 for UDP based data communication would probably be theonly alteration being made to the network in case of a intranet installation. Client Installationcan be automated using the Windows domain controller based remote installation or if thenetwork is a non-Active Directory based, provided software can be used to automate theprocess. Server installation is also direct and has minimum values to be entered.

The technology can also use the power of Internet and the Cloud if explicitly required by theclient. This would allow the monitoring officials to view the power usage and statistics in real-time from anywhere in the world using any internet device they might have in their hand.Since this technology is not a part of the core product, the paranoia about InformationSecurity can be left out of the system.

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Power Savings

Power saved is power generated.With the application of ArtificialIntelligence, the elevatedoptimization levels of powermanagement go full throttlealongside a continuous improvementprocess in prediction analytics. Oncetriggered to operation, energywastage and carbon footprintcapitulates as a dogged result ofpersistent learning.

Researches held at the Lawrence & BerkleyLabs on energy wastage from computersrevealed statistics that substantiate the case ofSPARA Power being a quintessentialcomponent towards saving power. A systemwith no power management scheme enforced,drains away close to 43% more than the actualconsumption required. SPARA Power savingsaggregates in the range of 90% - 95% of thewasted power. SPARA Power springs intoaction from the word “GO”. The initial levelfunctioning is based on normal powermanagement schemes and intelligence getsembedded as the learning curve condenses.Profiling of users, usage pattern and behaviouralpredictions enables the power savings mode totune into being artificially intelligent.

Power Consumption Graph

SPARA Power Savings Graph

Page 13

Current Track Record

SPARA Power in its various levels of testing, trials and implementations has shownbrilliant amount of savings and have always surpassed our expectations when itcomes to saving power. Some of the results are shown here (the detailed reports ofsome are attached at the end of this document)

Company Savings(in %)

Tata Power 37%

Piramal Health Care 34%

Fidelity International 47%

Pfizer Inc 24%

Gemini Software Solutions 28%

EMC 35%

WayBeo Technologies 39%

Keltron 30.11%

NMMC 33%

Average 33%

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The Achievement

The goal of having a product like SPARA Power become part of the companypromotion is not just to enable energy savings and thereby save money, but thebeginning of empowering people towards a greener, cleaner tomorrow.

Internationally, the Go Green campaign is gaining momentum amongst corporationsand countries. This has been achieved by enlightening the common man in thoselocations about the necessity of the same. By adopting SPARA Power under itswings, the companies and in turn the governments would become the forerunner inenriching this powerful movement and later spread it to other parts of the othercountry.

Strategically, this would put the company on the international technology map havingsowed the seeds of the Go Green campaign adopting cutting edge technology forthe same.