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Written By:DYAH AYU KUSUMA WARDANIA 320 120 170

Submitted to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta to Fulfill One of the Requirements for the Seminar on Linguistics Assignment




Written By:DYAH AYU KUSUMA WARDANIA 320 120 170

Approved to be examined by Consultant



Drs. Sigit Haryanto, M. Hum


A. Background of the StudyGrammar is the essential component in language use. According to Richards (1990: 97), grammar is a description of the structure of a language and the way in which linguistic units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the language. Grammar is still regarded as the most difficult part in a language use. One reason why the analysis of grammar has been difficult and subject to many errors and controversies is the fact that the same forms operate simultaneously at several levels of structure. For example: these. It is a part of speech, and a word. It can make the problem for the speakers either the non-native speaker or even the native speaker if they are asked to determine what class of these belongs to although it is known that they are as native speakers of the language but they themselves still regard it as a hard problem and they still tend to make errors in their conversation. Considering about the error, Chomsky (1965) in Tarigan (1988: 143) says that Errors that are caused by the lack of knowledge about the language rules that is called as a competent factor by Chomsky is systematic errors that are caused by the lack of knowledge of the students about the language that is being learned. While Dulay (1982) in Tarigan (1988: 139) says that the use of error term refers to each of the errors and norms of the language performance without caring about the cause of those errors.In this research, the writer wants to analyze the grammatical errors, so the writer can conclude that grammatical errors are the patterns of arrangement of words in sentences and the pattern of arrangement of parts of words into words that are not appropriate with the pattern and rules that have been determined in a language that is being used. Based on the title of this research, the subject of the analysis is Campus English Magazine. Here is a brief description of Campus English Magazine. Campus English Magazine is an academic and information media in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. It is one of student activity units engaged in the publication of the English language. It is issued by LPM Campus. It is located in Jl. Ahmad Yani, Pabelan, Kartasura, Tromol Pos 1 Surakarta 57102. Campus allows us to participate by sending our own writing such as article, short story, poetry, and anecdote. Campus also serves Trial and Lucky part that we can fill up and if we are lucky there is a special reward for us. It is so possible for us to give comments and suggestions. It will very welcome us.The edition of Campus English Magazine that will be the subject analysis is Vol.55/VI/2014. In this 55th volume, Campus takes Solo an Inclusive City as the topic with the title Inclusive City of Solo: It is time for them to be seen. In this volume, we will find some different rubric.In this volume, the writer founds many grammatical errors that made by the Editorial Team. Grammatical errors of linguistic form production happened in several conditions. The condition is not only occurs at directly speech but also in the indirectly speech. Campus English Magazine is one of the examples that speeches indirectly with English. Many grammatical errors may be found in this indirectly speech. To analyze the errors in this volume in short time is not easy. It takes much time, money, and requires a high ability of an analyst. Therefore, the writer decided to analyze the grammatical errors in this volume. It should be questioned, why did the editorial team still made such of errors. This case may be caused by misunderstanding. For example the errors that found in this volume are: 1. Subject Verb AgreementThe verb and subject must agree with each other. If the subject is singular, then the verb must be singular.a. If the subject is plural, then the verb must be plural.Ex:Human were created by God almighty with advantages and disadvantages. (Incorrect)Humans were created by God almighty with advantages and disadvantages. (Correct)b. Collective nouns, such as family, majority, audience, and committee are singular when they act as one group. They are plural when they act as individuals.Ex:Government also make an effort to give education for disabled children. (Incorrect)Government also makes an effort to give education for disabled children. (Correct)2. Pronoun AgreementIt is similar to subject verb agreement rule. Pronoun that is used should agree with its subject. The following is the list of pronouns used in subject and object positions.a. Pronoun Subject/ObjectDepending on pronouns position in a sentence, its form should also be changed.Ex:The aspiration of the leaders both regents and mayors can be seen in their programs and what he wants for their city. (Incorrect)The aspiration of the leaders both regents and mayors can be seen in their programs and what they want for their city. (Correct)b. A pronouns agreement of its SubjectEx:Its cities are a legacy. (Incorrect)Those cities are a legacy. (Correct)According to the above explanation, the writer is interested in conducting the research entitled: An Analysis of Grammatical Errors found in Campus English Magazine of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

B. Previous StudyThe previous researches that the writer uses are: 1. The first related research is Wiyati (2012), student of English Departments of Education Faculty State Institute of Islamic Studies, which conducted a research, entitled The Analysis of Grammatical Errors Made by English Departments Students of STAIN Salatiga in Writing Introduction of Graduating Paper. The purpose of this research is to analyze the grammatical errors in writing introduction of graduating paper. The writer selects the study because most of English Department students still made mistakes or errors in English. This study found there are 11 types of errors: Singular or Plural Noun Form), Verb Tense, Subject-Verb Agreement, Preposition, Article or Determiner, Word Choice, Word Order), Pronouns, Misspelling word, Sentence Construction and Conjunction. Error in grammar were really occurred and experienced by English Department students in the use of Singular or Plural Noun Form (15.3%), Verb Tense (13.8%), Subject-Verb Agreement (12.2%) and Preposition (12.2%), as the frequent and dominant errors.2. The second review is Wahyudi (2012), student of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Sebelas Maret University, who did a research, entitled Grammatical Error Analysis in Students Reported Speech. The research is aimed at describing the errors varieties in constructing reported speech of eleventh grade students in SMA Negeri Gondangrejo Karanganyar, finding out the highest error frequency students made in constructing reported speech, and describing the factors influencing the students error in constructing reported speech. The research finding of the thesis shows that: (1) there are five error classifications (misformation, addition, misordering, omission, and combination error); (2) there are two sources of error (interlingual and intralingual error); (3) the total of error classification is 2897; (4) the errors frequency on each classification is 1.66 percent of addition error, 1.07 percent of misordering error, 50.5 percent of misformation error, 1.97 percent of omission error, and 44.48 percent of combination error; (5)the total of the sources of error is 2178; (6) the frequency om intralingua; error is 97.15 percent and 2.85 percent of interlingual error; (7) the connector addition belongs to the highest error in addition error (60.42 percent); (8) the misformation of tense belongs to the highest frequency of the misformation error (17.7 percent); the past tense belongs to the highest frequency of misformation error (50.96 percent); (9) omission of connector belongs to the highest frequency of error (28.08 percent) in omission error classification.3. Abushihab (2014) has been done a research about An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Writing Made by Turkish Learners of English as a Foreign Language. He is from Alzaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan. This research investigates and classifies grammatical errors in writing made by twenty second-year students at the Department of English Language learning English as a foreign language in Gazi University of Turkey. He states that the students are enrolled in a writing course in the first semester of the academic year 2011 - 2012. They were asked to write about the difficulties they face while learning English. The errors committed by the subjects are classified under five categories. They are errors in tenses, in the use of prepositions, in the use of articles, in the use of active and passive, and morphological errors. The results show that the participants made 179 grammatical errors of which 27 errors are in tenses, 50 errors in the use of prepositions, 52 errors in the use of articles, 17 errors in the use of passive and active voice and 33 were morphological errors.4. The fourth research is from Mardijono (2003). The purpose of the study is to reveal the grammatical errors and to find out the types of errors and their frequency of occurrence in the students' written work. The errors collected are identified and classified using Linguistic Category Taxonomy as a guideline. The findings of this study show that some proposals have few errors, which implies a considerably good mastery of the English Grammar. On the other hand, some proposals show relatively more frequent occurrence of errors, which are mostly related to changes made to the English inflections, by being omitted, added, or misformed.

C. Limitation of the StudyIn this research, the writer limits the discussion of error analysis found in Campus English Magazine because the writer is interested in the errors found in it. Then, because the writer has very limited time to do the research, the writer would like to focus the discussion on the grammatical errors. The edition of Campus English Magazine that will be the data source is Vol.55/VI/2014. In this 55th volume, Campus takes Solo an Inclusive City as the topic with the title Inclusive City of Solo: It is time for them to be seen. The grammatical errors that will be identified in the study are the grammatical errors in general. The classification will be defined based on S Pit Corder as written on his book entitled Error Analysis and Interlanguage in 1981.

D. Problem StatementsFor reaching the objectives of the study, the writer formulates the problems that are going to be discussed later, as follows:1. What are the types of grammatical errors found in Campus English Magazine?2. How much is the percentage of each grammatical error?

E. Objectives of the StudyBased on the problem statements above, the writer intends to:1. Classify the types of grammatical errors found in Campus English Magazine.2. Find out the percentage of each grammatical error.

F. Benefit of the StudyThe writer has divided the benefit of study into two types: theoretically and practically;1. Theoretical Benefita. The writer hopes that the study of grammatical error can give a clear understanding about grammatical error analysis and enrich the linguistics studies. The writer also gets deep understanding of grammar in the process of analyzing data.b. The findings of this research can give some contribution to foreign language learning. They have given us clear pictures of the common phenomena usually occur in foreign language learning. The answers to the questions of what types of errors occur, how and why the errors exist have shown us to a deeper understanding of the process of second or foreign language learning. 2. Practical Benefita. This research can be used to decrease the grammatical errors made by Editorial Team of Campus English Magazine in the future.b. This research is expected to be one of the references for other researchers who are interested in conducting the research in the same area of study.

G. Underlying TheoryIn this chapter, the writer would like to explore the underlying theories that are relevant to the research objectives. It is important for the writer and the reader to know the meaning of the title of the study in order to make them easy in understanding about grammatical error analysis. The basic theories cover about the definition of grammar, the definition of grammatical error, the notion of error analysis, the types of grammatical error.1. GrammarThe essential component in written and spoken communication is grammar, whenever they have different rules. Mastering grammar in four aspects skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing) is the requirement for English students. Grammar in spoken and written English is different. In adult education or academic studies, acceptable grammar in spoken English cannot be considered acceptable in written English. According to Richards (1990: 97), grammar is a description of the structure of a language and the way in which linguistic units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentences in the language. It usually takes into account the meanings and functions these sentences have in the overall system of the language. Besides, he also clarifies that a phrase, clause, or sentence which is acceptable because it follows the rules of a grammar is described as a grammatical. For example, the English sentence They walk to school would be a grammatical sentence according to a grammar of Standard English, but the sentence They walks to school would be considered ungrammatical according to such grammar. Grammar explains the way and how language. We learn it because we just cannot do without it. Meanwhile, Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary (2005: 187) says that grammar is the rules for forming words and making sentences. Earlier in this literary review, the writer will give definitions of grammar as follows: Grammar is a description of the structure of a language and the way in which units such as words and phrases are combined to produces sentences in the language. (Richards, Platt and Weber cited in Nunan, 2005: 2) 2. Grammatical ErrorThe study of grammar enables the learner to say whether an utterance is acceptable or not. Moreover, grammar also helps the learner to communicate more effectively. Simply, if one masters how a language works, it will enable him to construct the sentences better. Ur adds that there is no doubt that knowledge implicit or explicit- of grammatical rules is essential for the mastery of a language. You cannot use words unless you know how they should put together. It means that the knowledge of grammar supports the learner to evaluate the choices during the process of composing the sentences.Conditionally, the errors and ambiguity, which result from poor construction, possibly can be eliminated if the learner understands the rule of relation between the parts of a sentence.Therefore, based on the definition in the paragraphs above, it can be concluded that grammar is used as the way to arrange and combine words into grammatical and meaningful structures. Thus, any structure in language that follows the rules within grammar is called grammatical. Further, any grammatical construction that deviates from the rules of language grammar is called grammatical error.A grammatical error commonly occurs when the learner may omit some necessary linguistics items such as an article; or the learner may add unnecessary linguistic component for instance the plural marker s; or and arrange the words into a sentence in the wrong or inappropriate construction.Example:a. *She has ^ book instead of She has a bookb. *The childs are playing instead of The children are playingc. *We do not know who is she instead of We dont know who she isThe construction of word or sentence can be judged whether it is grammatical or ungrammatical when an error is compared with the correct form.3. The Difference between Error and MistakeAll learners make mistakes both native and second-language learner. In order to analyze learners errors, it is important to make a distinction between mistakes and error. A mistake refers to performances of failure in using the known system. Everybody both native or second language learner often make mistakes. Certainly, their mistakes are different each other. It is not the result of competence, but it caused by imperfection in the process of producing speech (Brown, 1987 cited in Sanal, 2007: 599). Error is a part of conversation or a composition that differs from some selected norm of mature language performance. The reflection of lacking competence is not self correct. They are not systematic and ready to be correct by their self. There are two judgments of error: He tends to assume that one can equate a poor pronunciation with a general lack of the knowledge and that a halting speech is confined to those who do not know the language.(Corder, 1973: 256) In the second language literature performance, errors have been called as mistakes while the term of errors was reserved for the systematic deviation due to learners who are still developing knowledge of the random guess or a slip. Such of failure because not knowing the language system correctly. Mistakes made by native-speaker that make them different with others. Errors made by second-language learner are the slips of their language produce unacceptable utterances. The acceptable utterances are well-formed and relevant with context. Error may acceptable in the mother-tongue, but it was not effective for native-speaker. As an example given: I want to know the English (Unacceptable) I want to know English (Acceptable) Indonesian learners commonly make errors in writing and speaking English. Practice irregularly is one of the factors of their errors. They still familiar with mother-tongue when constructing the utterances. The learners do not know the rule of speaking and writing English well. There are two ways suggested to distinguish between an error and mistake. The first one is to check the consistency of learners performance. If he sometimes uses the correct form and sometimes the wrong one, it is a mistake. However, if he always uses it incorrectly, it is then an error. The second way is to ask learner to try to correct his own utterance. Where he is unable to, the deviations are errors; where he is successful, they are mistakes (Ellis, 1997: cited in Erdoan, 2005: 263).4. Error AnalysisIn studying error analysis there are two approaches namely contrastive analysis and error analysis. In this study, the writer uses error analysis approach to identify the learners errors. Error analysis involves studying samples of learners spoken and written language to identify the grammatical errors they make, Nunan (2005: 31). It is related with the second-language learners ability in balancing the meaning of the utterances with good structured grammar. The ability to interpret meaning also depends on semantic structure as happened in the poems writing. Not only for foreign-language learners, the native speaker may also have trouble in grammar, do the same mistakes, and then guides them into error. Errors show us that it is a symbol of the influences of mother-tongue or other language possessed by learners. One language can be said in another. Errors described about what learners did, compare with the native-speaker would have done in the same conditions by some utterances. People should note that not all of errors are the result of learning process related to the nature mother-tongue. People sometimes produce errors based on the analogy types. In giving example: Child says: I seed him. It is incorrect sentences. The analogy happened based on the sentences caused by the child understanding of past tense in constructing every verb is added by ed as suffixes; look-looked, walk-walked, etc. It cannot be called as error because by not knowing the rules of grammar structures it just called as erroneous. Corder (1973: 289)5. Types of Grammatical ErrorThe errors that have been identified then can be described whether it included into the number of categories. In this way, errors fall into four categories (Corder, 1973 cited in Erdoan, 2005: 264). a. Omission Omission is defined as an absence or omitted of some required element that must appear in well-formed structured (Dulay, 1981: 154 cited in Mucholimi, 2011: 29). Such of grammatical omission are: the use of determiner, preposition, noun, etc. It may carry a meaning for the utterances, if the morpheme are omitted the utterance may not meaningful. For example: my father civil servant. The morphemes omitted in the utterance are: is and a. b. Addition Addition is the opposites of omission; the character is appearance of some unnecessary or incorrect element (Dulay, 1981: 154 cited in Mucholimi, 2011: 30). There are two categories of addition: 1) Double markings Double marking happened when the learners failed to delete some unnecessary item that identified as error. For example, as in: Did you went there? In the example, there are two tenses marker: did and went. The used of auxiliary and verb seem as such phenomena that be common errors in constructing utterances. 2) Regulation Regulation occurs when learners confuse to decide the use of regular and irregular form. For example: cutted and sheeps. These kind of errors happened when learners use the tense marker ed in irregular verb or when putting the suffix s in the noun that do not have the addition s form. c. Misformation Misformation is the third type of error that refers to the use of the wrong form of the morpheme or structure (Dulay et al. 1981: 158 cited in Mucholimi, 2011: 31). In misformation, learner supplies something although it is incorrect. Example: All the childs go to the zoo. From the case, learner supplied to use plural form: childs that identified as error. d. Disordering Disordering related with the translation from the source language into target language. It is the results as word-by-word translation. Usually, incorrect morpheme is wrongly placed. Example: I wake up at 5 oclock always. Here, the word always, is disordered.

H. Research MethodThe type of this study is qualitative research. According to Marshall (1999: 2-3) Qualitative research is an approach to the study of social phenomena; its various genres are naturalistic and interpretative, and they draw on multiple methods of inquiry. Some characteristics of qualitative research are: take places in the natural world, uses multiple methods that are interactive and humanistic, it is emergent rather than prefigured and fundamentally interpretative. The object of this research is finding and analyzing all English words, phrases, or sentences which contain grammatical error in Campus English Magazine. The source of data of this research is Campus English Magazine of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Vol.55/VI/2014. The data of this research are collected using documentation method. The technique of the data analysis is using descriptive qualitative.

I. Type of the ResearchThis research also can be called as qualitative research type descriptive. According to Arikunto (2007: 234) Descriptive research has not purpose to test the certain hypothesis, but just describes some variable and condition naturally. Thus, descriptive qualitative method in this research has purpose to describe about the grammatical errors in Campus English Magazine of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta systematically and accurately based on the reality.

J. Data SourceThe object of this research is finding and analyzing all English words, phrases, or sentences which contain grammatical error. The source of data of this research is Campus English Magazine of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The edition of Campus English Magazine is Vol.55/VI/2014. In this 55th volume, Campus takes Solo an Inclusive City as the topic with the title Inclusive City of Solo: It is time for them to be seen.

K. Technique of Collecting DataThe data of this research are collected using documentation method. According to Sugiyono (2008: 240) Documentation is the past event note. Document usually written note, picture, or monumental creation from someone. By this method, the writer seeks the data about the grammatical errors of Campus English Magazine of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

L. Technique of Analyzing DataAccording to Marshall (1999: 150) Data analysis can be defined as the process of bringing the order, structure, and interpretation to the mass of collected data. In this research, the writer will use qualitative data analysis. According to Anne (2010: 106) Qualitative data are analysis without using number. We get the qualitative information from data such as journal / diary entries, interviews, classroom recording of interaction among ourselves and/or the students and observation notes.


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