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Project the Future

Helping you discover a solution

Most people have one or multiple mental goals for their future.

Individuals may have different methods to accomplish or obtain their goal.

1. They have a detailed step by step process to meet the goal (3% of the population).

2. They have a sentence or two written on a piece of paper hanging on their bathroom mirror or refrigerator (20-30%)

3. Or they have a mental image or heart desire that has been in existence for years but never acted upon (everyone else).

Okay. So what?

What is holding them back?

1. Lack of belief & skepticism

People don’t believe that they could achieve significantly more than they are currently achieving in their industry, their health and their personal lives just by setting goals.

2. Setting the wrong goals

Some people set goals that they think that they ought to set or they set goals that others want them to set.

3. Previous disappointments

People refuse to do it again for the fear of embarrassment or comparison with others who have succeeded.

Here are 7 reasons why people are unwilling or unable to hit their goals.

(cont):4. Fear!

Fear paralyzes many people into action. Fear paralyzes many people into virtual inaction. Fear paralyzes many people so that they just keep on doing the same harmful or stagnant things that they’ve always done.

5. Comfort Zone

Setting goals will take you outside of your comfort zone. Setting big goals may take you a long way outside of your comfort zone. Setting goals and chasing your dreams could take you on a journey that you could never imagine.

6. Laziness

Goals require energy and without energy you’re not even going to take the first step towards your expected end result.

7. I Want it Now

We are living in an instant gratification, short term culture. If we want something we buy it with credit. Never mind whether we have the money or not, if we want something we borrow the cash and we get it, Now!

So what if you could do it?

How would you approach the attractive mystery of a life long goal?

Well it will take two things:

A weapon and some ammunition!

Project the Future would like to provide the time, encouragement and tools necessary to hit

your goal(s).

With the proper discovery, techniques and research methods we will partner together to form

a sharpened image of your future.

Our Mission1. Help you discover what you do well and how you can do it better.

2. Help you learn about your unique resources and also evaluate what others may see as your

(or your business’) gifting.

3. Determine your areas for improvement, identify lack of resources, and eliminate any

weaknesses that others/customers may view.

4. Knock your doors of opportunity, find trends that apply to you and your business and

evaluate strengths that may lead to opportunities.

5. Assess threats (both from within and outside your sphere of influence), look at the actions of

your competitor, and the lack of protection from such threats.

We will help you with the short term

that will allow you to connect with the far off.

Week by Week

We would like to look at any hidden internal values that could build and

also unlock external success.