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Project Plan

Paul, Janet, Joseline & Nick


Table of content

Table of content 2Introduction 3Phase Model 3

Initiative phase 4Preparation phase 4Development phase 4Production phase 4Performance phase 4Evaluation phase 4

Project Content 5Theme 5Programme 5

Ice Skating 5Team Building 6Lunch at Wagamama 7Dinner at Casa Mexicana 7

Management Aspect 8Organisation 8Time 9Money 9Information 10

Scenario 11Sources 12


IntroductionIn this document, we are going to introduce our Project Plan to our commissioner Mr. van As – the dean of the Jeanne d’Arc college Maastricht. We are going to inform, explain and describe how we are going to execute this assignment, especially given to us.

On the 5th of November 2009 we received the assignment to write a project plan. This project plan needs to include how we are going to organise a programme for a pleasant day for 100 (former) teachers of the Jean d’Arc College of Maastricht, the school is celebrating its 100 th

birthday. Everything in this Project Plan should be described very detailed. This Project Plan is therefore not only going to be focussed on the content of the activities but also on the partialities and the organisational aspects.

Our event management organisation is called Super Events. The philosophy behind that name is that we feel like Superman. This means we want to help everyone connected to us by giving them the best possible service and information. We work close with the constituent and therefore our goal is the best possible end result. Our main strength is everyone’s awareness of the fact that the success of one is dependent and contingent upon the success of another. Every member has the willingness to work as a part of the team suppressing individual needs and desires. To summarize: Super Events is focused on creating the best possible end product by working hard and serious, together. This is how we will reach our goal.

Phase ModelIn our project we have had the choice to base our project on the model from Verhaar or Grit. We chose to work with the Verhaar model as its focus is based on events, whereas the Grit model is more focused on project based management in general. We also believe that the Verhaar model gives us more opportunities as it’s more advanced.This is an overall model of the Verhaar phase model used in our project. Below that is a more detailed version to describe each point. This will make it clear to everyone to understand. Phase Explanation Where is this discussed

Initiative A problem to solve, we are asked for help


Preparation How do we solve this problem? Course of ActionDevelopment Research; start solving the problems Project Plan – Phase ModelProduction More detailed step of the

developmentProject Plan – Project Content

Performance Executing the ‘Pleasant day’ for the former and current teachers

Project Plan – Information - Scenario

Evaluation What went good/bad? How did it work out?

Last meeting (after execution)


Initiative phaseThe initiative has been taken by Mr. van As; he came up with the idea of organizing a pleasant day for Jeanne d’Arc’s former and current teachers. This phase is the first one and utmost important. In the initiative phase we become aware of the problem. From this point on we can start thinking of a right solution to the problem. In this phase, the assignment is handed over to us; we now are able to start researching while getting to know the problem.

Preparation phaseThe preparation phase is obviously about preparing. We are now able to start working out the problem and we do this by making a Course of Actions. The Course of Action is our guideline to the Project Plan. In the Course of Action we will discuss how we come to certain decisions and why we came to these decisions. Preparing in this way is of big importance because without the Course of Action we have no guideline on how to start and finish the Project Plan.

Development phaseIt is possible for us to work on the best intended end result when we start thinking on activities. These activities should be interesting, acceptable and interactive. It is important that the restaurants for lunch and dinner are suitable. There are specific needs and we have to find the appropriate spot where the participants can enjoy their meal. In this phase we start to investigate where particular activities can be done. We also have to check if these activities are suitable for the programme’s theme. We have to consider the participants; they have to be satisfied with the activities because we want them to have an excellent time. We want them to still talk about it with joy after the programme is over.

Production phaseBy finishing up and putting together all our end results we will have completed the needed Project Plan. When this aspect is covered and the Project plan is finished we can start working it out. We are now able to reach our goal by making reservations and execute the second day of the Edinburgh trip. This is the most crucial phase because everything has to be perfect when it comes to handing in the Project Plan, if not; the day will not be as successful as we would like it to be.

Performance phaseOn the 19th of January the actual day takes place. The 100 participants will be picked up at their hotel and we will guide them on this programme day. Four staff members of Super Events will also be present on this day in Edinburgh. On this day we have to keep in mind that it is all about having fun and the ability to talk and share memories.

Evaluation phaseWe will have an evaluation meeting after the welcome day. In this meeting we will receive and give feedback. We will open our ears for comments and the participants will be asked to share their thoughts about their perceptions. If problems arose or mistakes were made, we will hear what went wrong and why. We need this feedback to improve ourselves so we can have a better end result next time.


Project ContentFor this project we were asked to make up a theme for the whole day. This is a good thing because everything the participants will do on the 19th of January will be linked to another. The lunch and the dinner are also related to the theme which makes it more fun for the new employees to participate.

ThemeVery carefully we picked the theme “Past & Present”. When we think about this theme, we think about old and new. This theme relates to the past of the Jeanne d’Arc College and to its 100th birthday. The participants will be aged between 28 and 72, this shows a great distinction; all participants grew up in a different moment in time. Another reason why we chose this theme is that Edinburgh is known for its Old Town and New Town. This city shows a great distinction between old and new which relates again to the Past and Present. We would like to take the former and current teachers back in time to show how the city evolved. We want to ‘teach the teachers’ something about Edinburgh’s colourful history.We found a lot of nice things to do with a group as big as this one. We managed to pick the best two activities. In our opinion these two were the best because they are fun and informative. Besides that, the activities connect to the chosen theme “Past & Present”.

ProgrammeWe made up an interesting programme which connects to the theme perfectly. Taking this theme into consideration it seemed us appropriate to have activities which are related to both the past of Edinburgh and the present. We also found two restaurants which we think are also adding value to the theme of this day. The group will be guided by foot from one point to another by members of Super Events.

Ice skating

DescriptionThe Ice skating is about helping each other. Some people can skate and others cannot. By bringing these people together they will help each other by telling how to do it; his is team building. It is necessary that the more experienced Ice Skaters help the non-experienced. In this way those non-experienced will learn how to stand on their feet and how to go forward, make curves etc.

The participants will get the skates in the right format and after that everyone will gather at the spot where it is possible to Ice Skate. Every person is free to do what they want. An idea to have some more fun is to make challenges. For example they could compete who the fastest is or who makes the best move/trick. This is all up to the group and this should be discussed.


GoalThe main goal of this activity is to give the new employees a good time. An underlying goal is to get them to help each other so they will bond. To get to know someone you need to talk; in this case people will make contact by helping the other. The participants can also compete in a challenge, this is always fun because they will laugh together and they can show what their qualities are.

ExplanationThe reason why we picked this particular activity was because we saw it fitted in the theme. Ice Skating is done all over the world but it represents coldness, which is from the North and South Pole.


DescriptionIn this activity the participants will work together and learn together. They will do different kind of smaller activities which are taken care of by the company Bristol Activities Centre. This teambuilding is really interactive and the course is based on the principle of experiential learning. Teams will complete a number of tasks that in order for them to succeed will require them to put into practice the elements of good teamwork. These tasks will be done in an outdoor environment to provide a unique opportunity for new employees to work and learn together.

GoalThe main goal of this activity is to let the new employees learn and work together by the means of completing tasks in an outdoor environment. In this way they will be a stronger team and they will find out weaknesses and strengths about each other. They will get to know the other in a fun and safe way.

ExplanationThe reason for this activity is because we want the group to work together and to get to know each other. This Teambuilding is the best way of putting them together and they will have to discuss options and find the right way to complete these tasks. Another reason for this activity is the relation to the theme. The whole world must work together as a team, if not; we will not survive. It is important to be able to work in a team to reach an intended end result.


Lunch at Wagamama

DescriptionThe lunch will take place in the Wagamama restaurant in Bristol. A buffet will be set up by the restaurant’s staff. The Japanese food will be deliciously prepared by the cook who is a well known excellent cook in the area of Bristol. The group will take place in the benches or chairs which are already set up for them by the employees of the restaurant.

GoalThe goal of this lunch is to get the bellies of the new employees filled. Another reason why we planned this lunch is to get them to taste the typical Japanese divineness cooking culture. By sitting together and tasting a different kind of food the participants will talk about the food and discuss it, this way they will have contact and they will find out things about one another.

ExplanationThe reason for choosing this restaurant is because it is Japanese. Japan is a country in Asia and because of the theme we wanted to have the activities, including lunch and dinner, to have its origins from different parts of the globe.

Dinner at Casa Mexicana

DescriptionDinner will take place in Casa Mexicana, a Mexican restaurant in Bristol. The waiters in this restaurant will take care of the set up and they will also take care of the food. Everything will be taken care of by the restaurant itself; the group will enjoy themselves while having a delicious Mexican supper.

GoalThe goal of the dinner is about the same as the goal for the lunch. We want to bring the group of new employees to a restaurant where they serve foreign food. In this case they at least have one thing to talk about if there is a problem in making contact. Another goal is to let them have a great time and we want them to enjoy their dinner before going back to the hotel again.

ExplanationThe reason why we picked this restaurant is because it is Mexican; we already have the Asian restaurant for lunch so for dinner we wanted a restaurant with their culinary methods origin from a part of the world which is about the opposite of Asia.


Management aspectThis part of the project plan contains information about how to deal with the four main aspects in Management. These four aspects are Organisation, Time, Money and Information. By detailed describing and filling in these aspects we increase the chance of a successful project. These aspects are part of the well known management abbreviation TOQFIM. The two unmentioned aspects are Quality and Facilities. We do not use these aspects because they are not necessary in this project.

OrganisationWe get our assignment from a commissioner. When this assignment is handed over we will study it and start thinking of solutions. Wish Events’ organization works like this:

To organize this project, we need to arrange everything with the companies of which we need help for the activities, lunch and dinner.We need to phone these parties a few weeks before the actual execution day. The welcome day is on the 20th of January so the best time to call them is in December; the best is to call them a month in advance.Transport needs to be arranged, two coaches in this case because the capacity per coach is about 40 persons. We are with 60 new employees, five staff members and three members from Wish Events. This makes a total of 68 persons so we divide this into about 34 per coach. The reservations for these coaches will be made on the 20th of December. We need to reserve the Ice skating track because we can´t go there with 70 persons without any reservations. We will call this the company of JNLL also on the 20 th of December so we have a definite agreement on what time we will be there. When we are on time with our reservations there will be no problems with overbooking or a full JNLL. The Bristol Activities Centre will be sent an e-mail with our demands before the 15 th of December, in this case we have enough time to discuss and agree on everything. Both the Wagamama and the Casa Mexicana will be phoned up front to make a reservation for about 70 persons. We will discuss about what kind of food they will serve; a buffet or just


plate service. We will inform these two restaurants before the 20 th of November as well because these kind of restaurants are mostly fully booked if we don’t make reservations.

TimeThe project started on the 11th of November 2008; the date we received the assignment. The Course of Action and the Project Plan will be handed in on the 13th of November 2008 and the actual welcome day is on the 20th of January 2009. We arranged an evaluation meeting after the welcome day to talk about how it went and how to improve ourselves for the next project. This evaluation day is planned about two weeks after the welcome day for the new employees, on Monday the 2st of February 2009.

MoneyBefore starting to think of all kind of nice and interactive activities and also before finding the most expensive restaurants we took a look at the budget for the project. The budget for the programme is €150, exclusive of VAT, per participant. All the 60 new employees participate so this makes a total of (60X€150) €9000. After we knew this budget we started looking for exciting activities and good restaurants. The costs of the whole programme are shown below:

What Price in £ Price in € Quantity Total in €Ice Skating (including skates) £ 4,40 € 5,34 60 € 320,36 Teambuilding £ 20,00 € 24,28 65 € 1.578,24 Lunch (all in) £ 19,00 € 23,07 68 € 1.568,66 Dinner (all in) £ 30,00 € 36,40 68 € 2.474,96 Coach bus £ 750,00 € 908,78 2 € 1.817,55 Wish Events Salary (all in) € 750,00 1 € 750,00

Total € 8.509,77

As shown in this table the whole programme will cost € 8.509,77. We have a budget of €9000 so about €500 will be left over for emergencies.


InformationOur assignment is to organize a nice and joyful welcome day for 60 new employees of T-solution. We will keep contact with Mrs. Van Dijk, our commissioner, through the use of telephone and e-mail. We will update her every week starting in the week where we start to make the first necessary reservations. This will be in the week of 15 December. We will keep our commissioner updated with information on the subject; how we have planned the coming weeks, which reservations are made, if there are any problems with the budget, etc. If Mrs. Van Dijk has any problems she can always call us. We will call her is there are any problems or if we need more information about the project.

Some information about Wish Events is written below:

Wish Events208 Elmwise StreetWalivern LinkBristolGreat Britain

Office phone* 0116 924 6492 [email protected] 06-10293846 [email protected] 06-29651430 [email protected] 06-65248091 [email protected] 06-97835412 [email protected] 06-53291049 [email protected]

* available from Monday till Friday 09:30 – 17:00

We will always be of service if you might have questions or problems. We can be called night and day in case of emergencies.

We have to make reservations for the welcome day and this will be done by the use of a phone or by the use of e-mail. The phone numbers and nessecary e-mail addresses of the companies we need to call are listed below:

“Bugler Coaches”Phone 01225 444422 E-mail [email protected] Website

“JNLL Ice Skating”Phone 01179 292148Website

“Bristol Activities Centre”Phone 0117 353 2299 E-mail [email protected]

“Wagamama Restaurant” “Casa Mexicana Restaurant”


Phone 0117 922 1188 Phone 0117 924 3901Website / Website

ScenarioTime What Whom Where Notes

09:00 Have Breakfast Everyone from T-solutions

The Menzies Waterside Hotel in Bath

Finish before 09:45

09:30 Meeting up with group Wish Events The Menzies Waterside Hotel in Bath

Meet up with staff members

09:50 Gather in front of hotel Everyone Front of Hotel(Bath)

Watch out for traffic

10:00 Coach bus Pick up Everyone Front of Hotel(Bath)

Count how many people

10:30 Arrival Ice Skating Everyone JNLL Centre Bristol10:40 Arrange everything with staff

Ice SkatingWish Events JNLL Centre Bristol

10:45 Get Skates Everyone from T-solutions

JNLL Centre Help each other with problems

11:00 Start Skating Everyone from T-solutions

JNLL Centre Have Fun!

11:15 Start first challenge The one who likes it

JNLL Centre Who’s fastest to the other side?

11:45 Start second challenge The one who likes

JNLL Centre Who can make the best move?

12:15 Finishing up and take skates back

Everyone JNLL Centre

12:40 Coach bus Pick up and drive to Wagamama

Everyone Front of JNLL Centre and through Bristol

13:00 Arrival lunch atWagamama. Everyone Restaurant Wagamama Arrange last things with staff

13:10 Lunch Everyone Restaurant Wagamama Everyone start conversation

14:15 Finish lunch and go to coach bus

Everyone Close to the restaurant Watch out for traffic

14:30 By coach bus to Bristol Activities Centre

Everyone Through Bristol

15:00 Arrival at Bristol Activities Centre

Everyone Bristol Activities Centre

15:10 Instructions from Bristol Activities Centre

T-solutions employees

Bristol Activities Centre

15:30 Start Teambuilding Programme

T-solutions employees

Bristol Activities Centre

Let them enjoy and cooperate

17:00 Finish Teambuilding Programme

T-solutions Employees

Bristol Activities Centre

17:15 By coach bus to Casa Mexicana

Everyone Through Bristol Evaluate teambuilding

17:30 Arrival at Casa Mexico Everyone Casa Mexico Bristol Arrange last things with staff

17:45 Have a drink at Casa Mexico Everyone Casa Mexico Bristol18:00 Start having first course Everyone Casa Mexico Bristol Evaluate the day20:00 Finish dinner and go to coach

busEveryone Casa Mexico Bristol Watch out for

traffic21:00 Arrival in Bath Everyone The Menzies Waterside

Hotel in BathWish Events thanks everyone


21:30 Go home Wish Events

* 09:00 - 10:00 Build up* 10:00 - 21:00 Execution* 21:00 – 21:30 Aftercare (evaluation with the group and staff members)


Photo’sIce Skating ( Building ( ( ( Page (

Activities, lunch and dinnerIce skating ( Building ( ( (

Random informationProject Management, Jan Verhaar, Boom Onderwijs.Course of Action and Project Plan, Next Xperience.UK Restaurant Guide (’s On Bristol ( Converter (