Download - Project-Based Learning Activity


Project-Based Learning

Essential Elements of Project-Based

Learning Some of the various elements of project-based learning (PBL) this particular project design will implement includes the following:

To focus on significant content

To develop 21st century competencies

Engage Students in in-depth inquiry

To organize tasks around a driving question

To establish a need to know

To encourage voice and choice

To incorporate critique and revision

To include a public audience

Sample PBL Activity Description:

Students in my 10th grade Humanities will be learning about current issues in Africa, such as: Poverty, HIV/AIDS, Genocide, Gender Inequality, Healthcare, Education, War/Conflict, and Environmental destruction through project-based learning (PBL). Students will conduct research on their topics and then prepare and present presentations to the class.

Sample PBL Activity Learning Objectives:

For students to achieve a deeper level of understanding of the major current issues in Africa today.

For them to think critically about and design solutions to combat these problems in their groups.

For students to develop their 21st century skills (communication, collaboration, creative thinking, and critical thinking skills) through the various elements of the project design.

Sample PBL Activity

Report Requirements:

Students will work in groups of 4 to 5.

They will use technology devices to conduct research from multiple sources.

Students will be required to create multimedia presentations that incorporate images, videos, and text.

Students will present their projects to the class and will formulate critical questions to help lead classroom discussion at the end of their presentation.

At the end of this assignments each student will write a self and group evaluation on how their project went and to asses their own work. Students will need to think critically about strengths, weaknesses, and future improvements as they complete their evaluations.

Sample PBL Activity

Once students decide on a current issue of their choice they will devise driving questions for their research. They will then answer their questions through research and group collaboration and then present their findings to the class through multimedia resources.

Students will also prepare statistical information on their issue, come up with strategic solutions as to how to combat their issue, and then come up with a few discussion questions to lead classroom debate on their topic.

Project Design Choice

I chose this specific project design for a few reasons. The first is because I will be living and teaching in Uganda, therefore, I think it’s important for high school students here to know and think critically about major issues in this continent. Secondly, I chose this project design because students will be using many 21st century skills as they learn more about the subject material, including:

Collaboration Skills

Communication Skills

Creativity Skills

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Technology Literacy Skills

Collaboration Skills

Through the group work aspect of this project, students will develop their collaboration skills by learning how to effectively work with one another.

They will need to set group goals, decide on their desired outcome, and will need to work together collectively to achieve their goal.

Also through the collaborative element of this project students will learn other meaningful skills, such as time management, decision-making, task delegation, allocation, and how to resolve conflicts when and if they arise

Communication Skills

In this activity students will develop their communication skills by learning how to listen actively to their peers and other members of their group.

They will learn how to take turns as they switch between receiving and providing ideas with members of their group.

This project will also help students develop their public speaking skills because there will be a presentation component to this activity.

Critical Thinking Skills

In this activity students will develop their critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating the topic chosen by their group. They will then break their topic down into smaller parts and will need to examine it piece by piece.

Students will also by utilizing their critical thinking skills when they give themselves group and self evaluations and asses the output of their group.

Creative Thinking Skills

In this project students will develop their creative thinking skills as they work together to design practical and realistic solutions to help alleviate the issue before them.

Students will be encouraged to be innovative and curious throughout this activity as they explore and conduct research online.

Achieving Deeper Learning

This assignment will engage students to be active participants in their own learning. They will not be able to just sit and passively learn and do work only to keep them busy, but rather they will need to work effectively with members of their team and think critically about their topic.

In order to measure their learning, students will also need to write group and self evaluations regarding their performance as an individual and as a group to complete their assignment.


Bellis, Mary. (2014). Creativity and Creative Thinking. Retrieved from:

Larmer, John. (2012). 8 Essentials for Project0Based Learning. Buck Institute for Education (BIE). Retrieved from:

Thoughtful Learning. (2014). What are 21st Century Learning Skills? Retrieved from: