Download - Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Page 1: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 1 Assignment

Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties,

courses given in Fall 2012 or Spring2012.

Steps for Project Implementation:

Step 1: Set up your Oracle account at:

1. Course Management System for the College of Computing Informatics (CCI)

Page 2: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 1

Step 2: Obtain the attributes and schemas for each entity set in this mini-

database from:

Step 3: Schema for entity sets:

Faculties (name, phone number, office room, title, email, research areas)

Departments (name, number of faculties, main office)

Courses (name, course ID, class room, professor’s name, class time)

Students (name, ID, phone, age, address) (virtual information for students)

Page 3: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 1

Step 4: Relationship sets and their attributes

faculties courses




work_in since



Page 4: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 1

Step 5: use SQL to generate tables for these entity sets and relationship sets

Step 6: support basic search in your implementation

If you can build interface for your implementation, you can get benefit on your final grade!

Step 7: use JDBC to build interface

Requirements: (1) all courses should be included; (2) all faculties in CCI should be included; (3) all departments in CCI should be included; (4) the number of virtual students in student table should be above 200.

Page 5: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Samples of Test Questions

• Give me ``entering year” for the professor who teach ITCS 3160 at Spring 2012?

• Give me ``office number” for the department of CS?

• Give me ``office number” for the instructor of ITCS 3160 at Spring 2012?

• Give me ``course name” taught by Prof. Wang at Spring 2012?

Page 6: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 2. Internet Store

See text book, page 49-50

Books Customersorders






cid cname address

qty Order_day cardnum Ship_day

Page 7: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 2 Assignment

Step 1: Set up your Oracle account at:

Step 2: Obtain the attributes and schemas for each entity set in this mini- database from text book or the given E-R model

Page 8: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 2

Step 3: use SQL to generate tables for these entity sets and relationship sets

Step 4: support basic search in your implementation

If you can build interface for your implementation, you can get benefit on your final grade!

Step 5: use JDBC to build interface

Requirements: (1) at least 1000 books in table books; (2) at least 1000 customers in table customer.

Page 9: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 3 Assignment

• Project 3: construct KD-tree indexing for given data sets

Step 1: read the papers or online documents for KD-tree and discuss this with your instructor

Step 2: find some online source code for KD-tree implementation and compile in your computer

Step 3: obtain data sets from

Step 4: test your KD-tree implementation on these data sets and assess whether your implementation can support nearest-neighbor search

Page 10: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 3 Assignment

• Requirements: interface for loading data sets and visualization of KD-tree structure for the data sets

• Evaluations: Loading Data sets

Computing for tree construction

Tree Visualization

Nearest Neighbor Search

Page 11: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 4 Assignment

• Project 4: Design an external sorting system for image ranking

• Implementation: (a) download 10,000 images from Google Images, or Facebook

Page 12: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 4 Assignment

• Implementation: (b) Extract visual features for image representation

Page 13: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 4 Assignment

• Implementation: (c) Similarity function for image similarity measurement; (d) image sorting according to their similarity function; (e) external sorting according to image similarity function by considering memory limitation

• Evaluation: Given a query result ( a set of images), provide rank list.

Page 14: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

Project 5 Assignment

• Project 5: Hot person determination from a social network

• Implementation: (a) crawling social connection from Facebook, LikedIN or other social sites; (b) constructing social network among persons: persons and their connection strengths; © identifying the hot persons which have most connections or the hubs for information distribution

Page 15: Project 1 Assignment Building a mini-database for CCI in UNCC which includes entity sets: departments (CS,SIS, bioinformatics), faculties, courses given.

a. You can pick up one of these projects and implement it!

b. Project due day: April 23 and April 25, 2012, Computer Lab 335!