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Page 1: Progressive Era Labor Reforms

Progressive EraLabor Reforms

Jasmine, Sammi, Tommy's.jpg

Page 2: Progressive Era Labor Reforms

Bad conditions

Low wages

Kids working instead of school

Long hours


Page 3: Progressive Era Labor Reforms

Better wages

Limit on amount of hours

Better conditions

Specific age for kids to begin work


Page 4: Progressive Era Labor Reforms

April 17th, 1905 case

An overworked employer at a baker filed a complaint

Lochner - $50 fine or 50 nights in jail Attempted to appeal

Gov’t used this case as an example to all future cases.

Lochner vs. New York

Page 5: Progressive Era Labor Reforms

September 4, 1905 Curt Muller required Mrs. E. Gotcher to work

more than 10 hours Went against state law Muller was indicted, convicted, and fined

$10.00 Appealed to Supreme Court Used Lochner decision in this case Conviction was upheld

Muller vs. Oregon

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Traveled the nation speaking for coal miners

and textile industry Speeches easily disturbed people

1913 Colorado coal mine strike – Joined the strike in early fall, December,

January Arrested, smuggled a letter out to the public

Mother Jones

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Another leader in the work and labor reform Joined Jane Adams hull house and in 1891 The new law also limited working hours for women. The governor put Kelly in charge of enforcing the law. She earned a law degree so shecould take action on

prosecute for people in need. Became general secretary of the national consumers

league in 1899. Founded the national child labor committee. Founded national child labor committee

Florence Kelley

Page 8: Progressive Era Labor Reforms

Children started work in factories at ages as

young as 5 Since ancient times children have worked to

support there families In 1802 the British parliament passed the first

law regulating child labor In 1836 Massachusetts passed the first child

labor laws in USA The first federal child labor law Passed in 1916

by U.S Congress the keating-owen child labor act

Child labor laws

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1913 Woodrow Wilson creates separate

Department of Labor Led to Keating-Owen Act being passed Adamson Act Workmen’s Compensation Act Enforcement of new laws was responsibility of

Dept. of Labor Aided workers along with businesses

Dept. of Labor

Page 10: Progressive Era Labor Reforms

Min. wage per hour $7.25

Specific amount of hours you can work depending on a job.

Overtime must be paid

Starting age to work – 16-18 (depending on the job)

Present day conditions





















Page 11: Progressive Era Labor Reforms

Beaubouef, Bruce A. "Creation of the U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor." Great Events from

History: The Twentieth Century. Ipswich, MA: Salem, 2007. N. pag. Salem History. Web. 2 Oct. 2014. Brody, David. "Brody, David. "child Labor." World Book Student. World Book,2014 Web. 2 October

2014." N.p.: n.p., n.d. Web. Brody, David. "Brody, David. "child Labor." World Book Student. World Book,2014 Web. 2 October

2014." N.p.: n.p., n.d. Web. Brody, David. "Child labor." World Book Student. World Book, 2014. Web. 2 Oct. 2014. Cassanello, Robert. "Muller v. State of Oregon." St. James Encyclopedia of Labor History Worldwide.

Ed. Neil Schlager. Vol. 1. Detroit: St. James, 2004. 650-54. Gale. Web. 2 Oct. 2014. "Florence Kelly." Merriam Webster's Biographical Dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster,

1995. Biography in Context. Web. 7 Oct. 2014. Ivers, Gregg. "Lochner v. New York." World Book Student. World Book, 2014. Web. 2 Oct. 2014. "Lochner v. New York 1905." Supreme Court Drama: Cases That Changed America. Ed. A Walton

Litz, et al. Vol. 4: Business Law/Federal Powers and Seperation of Powers/Federalism & State Powers/Labor & Labor Practices/Military Law/Native Americans/Taxation. Detroit: UXL, 2001. 1003-1009. U.S. History In Context. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.

Maggard, Sally Ward. "Mother Jones." Great Lives from History: The Twentieth Century. Ed. F. Gorman Robert. 10 vols. Salem Press, 2008. Salem History Web. 06 Oct. 2014.

""Mother Jones." Contemporary Heroes and Heroines. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1992. Biography in Context. Web. 6 Oct. 2014." N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Web.

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