Download - Progress Report to FRA - 1Q2014

  • FR-HSR-0040-11-01-00

    Knowledge Corridor Restore Vermonter Project Tim Doherty, MassDOT Cherron Riddick

    Period Ending : Start Date:

    End Date:

    $46,334,872.00 $28,715,132.00


    Project will enable Amtrak's Vermonter train to again travel the historic 50-mile Massachusetts "Knowledge Corridor" route between Springfield, MA, East Northfield, MA The Project will utilize a $75 million Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) to undertake rail improvements in the Pioneer Valley in Western Massachusetts. The Project also includes bicycle/pedestrian improvements in City of Northampton, MA with the construction of an underpass that runs under the rail line. An additional benefit of the rail line rehabi litation will be

    freight service for customers along the line and within western Massachusetts.

    improvements to the Knowledge Corridor will occur on the Connecticut River mainline of the Pan Am Southern (PAS) railroad , a joint venture between Am Railways and Norfolk Southern. MassDOT, through its Rail and Transit Division, has designated the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 's

    Design and Construction Department to oversee the implementation of the Project through final design and construction and has entered into a

    DGE CORRIDOR PAN AM- new track materials and grade crossing signal materials continue to arrive at Mass DOT's South Deerfield site. PAS Signal material packages for bids. PAS is constructing new turnouts near where they will be installed. Removal of existing rail and ties at

    I Nrtl,ornollon is underway.

    Project Progress


    0% ' 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 50000

    A 40000

    o; B c 3000C15

    c ::: "' 20000

    D 10000

    E 0


    ; prepare PAS - Construct panels for turnouts at CPR-38, CPR-16, & CPR-9. MASS DOT - Provide additional funding for the project. Continue with procurement of bridge repair contract MBTA- Advertise & Procure Stations and Underpass. Continue material procurement. URS - Continue Program and Construction Management

    Cumulative Financial Trends

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    Oct ngc Jan Feb Mar _,._ Estimated ~Actua l