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Q1)Write a program to sort the array element using

1) Merge Sort2) Bubble Sort

3) Insertion Sort

4) Selection SortDraw the line graph or time comple!ity"






using namespace st$'

(*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4Bubble Sort 0n2)(

.oi$ swapint !p int yp)

  int temp !p'  !p yp'

  yp temp'

5.oi$ bubbleSortint arr67 int n)

  int i ,'

  or i 8' i % n+1' i99)

  or , 8' , % n+i+1' ,99) ((:ast i elements are alrea$y in place  i arr6,7 & arr6,917)

  swap;arr6,7 ;arr6,917)'5

int main)

cloc<=t starten$'

int n'

cout%%>?nter si@e o array>%%en$l'cin&&n'

int a6n7'

orint i8'i%n'i99)


cout%%>Beore Bubble Sort+>%%en$l'

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 2/56


orint i8'i%n'i99)cout%%a6i7%%> >'




cout%%>*ter Bubble Sort+>%%en$l'

orint i8'i%n'i99)cout%%a6i7%%> >'


loat $i loat)en$+loat)start)'

loat secon$s $i ( C:0CS=E?-=S?C'print>FnGime ta<en A>secon$s)' ((C:=GC

return 8'



((*uthor+ *,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4



using namespace st$'

(( Hunction to Merge *rrays : an$ - into *"(( leCount number o elements in :

(( rightCount number o elements in -".oi$ Mergeint *int :int letCountint -int rightCount)

int i,<'

(( i + to mar< the in$e! o let aubarray :)

(( , + to mar< the in$e! o right sub+raay -)(( < + to mar< the in$e! o merge$ subarray *)

i 8' , 8' < 8'

whilei%letCount ;; ,% rightCount)

i:6i7 % -6,7) *6<997 :6i997'else *6<997 -6,997'


whilei % letCount) *6<997 :6i997'while, % rightCount) *6<997 -6,997'


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8/16/2019 Programs Algo 4/56

loat $i loat)en$+loat)start)'

loat secon$s $i ( C:0CS=E?-=S?C'print>FnGime ta<en A>secon$s)'((C:=GC

return 8'5


((*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4




using namespace st$'.oi$ swapint !p int yp)

  int temp !p'

  !p yp'

  yp temp'5

.oi$ selectionSortint arr67 int n)

  int i , min=i$!'

  (( 0ne by one mo.e boun$ary o unsorte$ subarray  or i 8' i % n+1' i99)


  (( Hin$ the minimum element in unsorte$ array  min=i$! i'

  or , i91' , % n' ,99)  i arr6,7 % arr6min=i$!7)

  min=i$! ,'

  (( Swap the oun$ minimum element with the irst element

  swap;arr6min=i$!7 ;arr6i7)'  5


int main)

cloc<=t starten$'

int n'

cout%%>?nter si@e o array>%%en$l'cin&&n'

int a6n7'

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 5/56

orint i8'i%n'i99)a6i7ran$)An'

cout%%>Beore Selection Sort+>%%en$l'((

orint i8'i%n'i99)cout%%a6i7%%> >'




cout%%>*ter Selection Sort+>%%en$l'

orint i8'i%n'i99)

cout%%a6i7%%> >'


loat $i loat)en$+loat)start)'loat secon$s $i ( C:0CS=E?-=S?C'

print>FnGime ta<en A>secon$s)'((C:=GC

return 8'



((*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a



using namespace st$'

.oi$ insertionSortint arr67 int n)

  int i <ey ,'

  or i 1' i % n' i99) 

  <ey arr6i7'  , i+1'

  ( Mo.e elements o arr68""i+17 that are  greater than <ey to one position ahea$

  o their current position (

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 6/56

  while , & 8 ;; arr6,7 & <ey)

    arr6,917 arr6,7'

  , ,+1'

  5  arr6,917 <ey'


int main)

cloc<=t starten$'

int n'

cout%%>?nter si@e o array>%%en$l'cin&&n'

int a6n7'

orint i8'i%n'i99)


cout%%>Beore Insertion Sort+>%%en$l'((

orint i8'i%n'i99)

cout%%a6i7%%> >'




cout%%>*ter Insertion Sort+>%%en$l'

orint i8'i%n'i99)

cout%%a6i7%%> >'


loat $i loat)en$+loat)start)'loat secon$s $i ( C:0CS=E?-=S?C'print>FnGime ta<en A>secon$s)'((C:=GC

return 8'


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Q2)Write a program to sort the array element using

1) Counting Sort 2) Bucket Sort 


((*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4


using namespace st$'int main)

  int nma!+1'((si@e

  cout%%>?nter si@e o array>%%en$l'

  cin&&n'  int a6n7b6n917'

  cout%%>?nter elements or array>%%en$l'

  orint i8'i%n'i99)  cin&&a6i7'

ia6i7&ma!)  ma!a6i7'((range+

  5  ((counting sort

  int c6ma!917'  orint i8'i%ma!91'i99)


  orint i8'i%n'i99)


  orint i1'i%ma!91'i99)c6i79c6i+17'

  orint in+1'i&8'i++)  b6c6a6i777a6i7'


((sorte$ arraycout%%>Sorte$ array is>%%en$l'orint i1'i%n91'i99)

cout%%b6i7%%> >'cout%%en$l'



((*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4#inclu$e%iostream&


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#inclu$e%algorithm&using namespace st$'

int main)

  int n'

  cout%%>?nter si@e o array>%%en$l'  cin&&n'

  loat a6n917'

  cout%%>?nter elements or arrays>%%en$l'

  orint i1'i%n91'i99)  cin&&a6i7'

  .ector% .ector%loat& &.n)'((.ector o .ector%int& o si@e n'

  orint i1'i%n91'i99)


  or int i8' i%n' i99)  sort.6i7"begin).6i7"en$))'

  int in$e! 1'

  or int i 8' i % n' i99)

  or int , 8' , % .6i7"si@e)' ,99)  a6in$e!997 .6i76,7'

  orint i1'i%n91'i99)

  cout%%a6i7%%> >'


return 8'5

Q2-1. Given an array S of unsorte elements. !esign an

algorithm an implement that to fin a pair "# y suchthat "$y from S that minimi%es &"-y&. 'he (orst case

running time of the algorithm shoul e * +nlgn).

((*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4




using namespace st$'

.oi$ Mergeint *int :int letCountint -int rightCount) int i,<'

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 9/56


i 8' , 8' < 8'

whilei%letCount ;; ,% rightCount)

i:6i7 % -6,7) *6<997 :6i997'else *6<997 -6,997'

5whilei % letCount) *6<997 :6i997'

while, % rightCount) *6<997 -6,997'


(( -ecursi.e unction to sort an array o integers".oi$ MergeSortint *int n)

int mi$i : -'

in % 2) return' (( base con$ition

mi$ n(2'

: int)mallocmi$si@eoint))'- int)mallocn+ mi$)si@eoint))'

ori 8'i%mi$'i99) :6i7 *6i7'

ori mi$'i%n'i99) -6i+mi$7 *6i7'





int main)

int n'

cout%%>?nter si@e o array>%%en$l'


int a6n7'

orint i8'i%n'i99)a6i7ran$)An'((generates ran$om number can be same also

cout%%>-an$omnly generate$ array>%%en$l'

orint i8'i%n'i99)

cout%%a6i7%%> >'cout%%en$l%%en$l'



8/16/2019 Programs Algo 10/56

orint i1'i%n+1'i99)


$i"push=bac<a6i7+a6i+17)' ((calculating $ierence


int min18888888'

orint i8'i%$i"si@e)'i99) ((min $ierence



orint i1'i%n+1'i99)

ia6i7a6i+17 ;; a6i7+a6i+17min)

cout%%>pairs are >%%a6i7%%> an$ >%%a6i+17%%en$l'brea<'5




return 8'


Q2-2). Given t(o arrays , 1 # , 2 of si%e n an a numer "#esign an algorithm to fin (hether there e"ists a pair

of elements one from , 1 an other from , 2 (hose sumis eual to ". ,lso fin the inices of those elements.

((*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4#inclu$e%iostream&


using namespace st$'int main)

cout%%>?nter si@es o arrays> %%en$l'int n'


int a16n7a26n7'

cout%%>?nter $ata or array 1>%%en$l'orint i8'i%n'i99)


cout%%>?nter $ata or array 2>%%en$l'

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 11/56

orint i8'i%n'i99)


int !'

cout%%>?nter .alue o !>%%en$l'cin&&!'

int lag+1'

orint i8'i%n'i99)

orint ,8',%n',99)



cout%%>Jeswith i1>%%i%%>an$ i2>%%,%%en$l'5





return 8'5

Q2-. !evelop an algorithm to solve the ma"imum

 segment sum prolem.

#inclu$e%iostream&using namespace st$'

int main)

((*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4

((a$aneLs *lgorithm use$ or ma!imum segment sumint ma!=so=ar8ma!=en$ing=here8'

int n'cout%%>?nter si@e o array>%%en$l'cin&&n'

int a6n7'cout%%>?nter elements or array>%%en$l'

orint i8'i%n'i99)


orint i8'i%n'i99)


ima!=en$ing=here%8)  ma!=en$ing=here8'


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cout%%>Ma!imum segment sum >%%ma!=so=ar%%en$l'

return 8'5

Q-1)Buil a /a"-0eap 'ree for any array. ,naly%e theoperation in terms of running time an fin the time

comple"ity of the algorithm.

((*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4#inclu$e%iostream&

using namespace st$'

.oi$ ma!=heapiyint aint iint n)

  int largesttemp'

  int l2i'  int rl91'

  il%n ;; a6l7&a6i7)

  largestl'  else

  largesti'  ir%n ;; a6r7&a6largest7)



  tempa6i7'  a6i7a6largest7'


  ma!=heapiyalargestn)'  5


int main)  int ni'

  cout%%>?nter si@e o array>%%en$l'  cin&&n'

  cout%%>?nter elements o array>%%en$l'

  int a6n917'  ori1'i%n91'i99 )


  cout%%>Ma! heapiy+>

  orin(2'i&1'i++)  ma!=heapiyain)'

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 13/56

  ori1'i%n91'i99 )

  cout%%a6i7%%> >'  cout%%en$l'

return 8'


Q-2). mplement an algorithm to uil a /in-0eap 'reefor any array. ,naly%e the operation in terms of

running time an fin the time comple"ity of the


((*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4!#inclu$e%iostream&

using namespace st$'

.oi$ min=heapiyint aint iint n)

  int smallesttemp'  int l2i'

  int rl91'  il%n ;; a6l7%a6i7)

  smallestl'  else


  ir%n ;; a6r7%a6smallest7)  smallestr'



  a6i7a6smallest7'  a6smallest7temp'

  min=heapiyasmallestn)'  5

5int main)

  int ni'

  cout%%>?nter si@e o array>%%en$l'  cin&&n'  cout%%>?nter elements o array>%%en$l'

  int a6n917'  ori1'i%n91'i99 )


  cout%%>Min heapiy+>%%en$l'

  orin(2'i&1'i++)  min=heapiyain)'

  ori1'i%n91'i99 )  cout%%a6i7%%> >'


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return 8'


Q-)Q2. !esign an implement an algorithm to fin the th

largest elements of an unsorte array in *+n3klgn)time.

((*uthor+*,ay -a, Sri.asta.a 1411/4


using namespace st$'.oi$ ma!=heapiyint aint iint n)

  int largesttemp'

  int l2i'

  int rl91'  il%n ;; a6l7&a6i7)


  else  largesti'

  ir%n ;; a6r7&a6largest7)  largestr'



  a6i7a6largest7'  a6largest7temp'

  ma!=heapiyalargestn)'  5


.oi$ buil$=heapint aint n)

int i'

orin(2'i&1'i++)  ma!=heapiyain)'


int e!tract<thint aint <int n)int <th'

while<++)  <tha617'


  buil$=heapan)'  5

return <th'


int main)

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  int ni<'

  cout%%>?nter si@e o array>%%en$l'  cin&&n'

  cout%%>?nter elements o array>%%en$l'

  int a6n917'  ori1'i%n91'i99 )



  cout%%>?nter < to in$ <th largest element in gi.en unsorte$ array>%%en$l'  cin&&<'


return 8'


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Implement an algorithm of Max-Priority-Queue for any array of elements havingINSERT, EXTR!T-MX, IN!RESE-"E# operations$ naly%e its operations interms of running time an& 'n& the time (omplexity of the algorithm$Algorithm-MX-)EP-INSERT*, +ey, n

$ heap-si%e./ 0 n 1 2$ .n 1 / 0 -3$ )EP-IN!RESE-"E#*, n 1 , +ey

)EP-IN!RESE-"E#*, i, +ey$ if +ey 4 .i/2$ then error 5ne6 +ey is smaller than (urrent +ey73$ .i/ 0 +ey8$ while i 9 an& .PRENT*i/ 4 .i/:$ do ex(hange .i/ ; .PRENT*i/<$ i 0 PRENT*i

)EP-EXTR!T-MX*, n$ if n 4 2$ then error 5heap un&er=o67

3$ max 0 ./8$ ./ 0 .n/:$ MX-)EPI>#*, , n- rema+es heap<$ return max

MX-)EPI>#*, i, n$ l 0 ?E>T*i2$ r 0 RI@)T*i3$ if  l A n an& .l/ 9 .i/8$ then largest 0l:$ else largest 0i<$ if  r A n an& .r/ 9 .largest/B$ then largest 0rC$ if  largest i

D$ then ex(hange .i/ ; .largest/$ MX-)EPI>#*, largest, n

Program-Fin(lu&e4iostream9Fin(lu&e4st&liG$h9Fin(lu&e4math$h9using namespa(e st&Hint arr./Hvoi& input*int n

int Ja K arrHfor*int i K H i 4 nH i11

    J*a1i K ran&*H  LLint left*int i

return *2Ji1HLint right*int i

return *2Ji12HLint parent*int i

return *i-2HLvoi& maxheapify*int Ja, int i, int n

int l, r, largest, tempH  l K left*iH

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  r K right*iH  if* * l4n OO * J*a1l 9 J*a1i     largest K lH  L  else    largest K iH

  L  if* * r4n OO * J*a1r 9 J*a1largest     largest K rH  L  if* largest K i     temp K J*a1iH  J*a1i K J*a1largestH  J*a1largest K tempH  maxheapify*a, largest, nH  LLvoi& &isplay*int Ja, int n

for*int i K H i 4 nH i11    (out44*J*a1i44 H  L  (out44en&lHLvoi& Guil&maxheap*int Ja, int n

for*int i K =oor**n-2H i 9K H i--    maxheapify*a, i, nH  LLvoi& heapsort*int Ja, int n  int i, tempH  Guil&maxheap*a, nH  for *i K n-H i 9 H i--    temp K JaH  Ja K J*a1iH  J*a1i K tempH  maxheapify*a, , iH  LLint heapmaximum*int Ja, int n

if*n KK     return -H  L  else    return J*a1H  LLint heapextra(tmax*int Ja, int Jn

int maxHif*nKK

    return -H

  L  else    Guil&maxheap*a,JnH

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 18/56

  max K JaH  Ja K J*a1*Jn-H  *Jn--H  maxheapify*a, , JnH  L  return maxHLvoi& heapin(rease+ey*int Ja, int i, int +ey

int tempHi--H

  if*+ey 4 J*a1i    (out44nNe6 +ey is smaller than (urrent +eyH  goto xH  L  J*a1i K +eyH  6hile*i9 OO J*a1parent*i 4 J*a1i 

temp K J*a1parent*iH  J*a1parent*i K J*a1iH  J*a1i K tempH

  i K parent*i H  L  x

HLvoi& maxheapinsert*int Ja, int +ey, int Jn  *Jn11H  J*a1*Jn- K -H  heapin(rease+ey*a,Jn,+eyHLint main*

int Jarr K arr, si%e, (hoi(e, max, in&ex, ne6+eyH

  &o    (out44n$ !reate )eapn2$ Maximum )eapifyn3$ uil& Maximum )eapn8$ )eap Sortn:$ )eapExtra(t Maximumn<$ )eap MaximumnB$ )eap In(rease "eynC$ Maximum )eap InsertnD$ ExitnH  (out44nENter your (hoi(e H  (in99(hoi(eH  s6it(h*(hoi(e    (ase     (out44nEnter si%e of heap to (reate H

  (in99si%eH  input*si%eH  (out44n)eap (reate&$nH  &isplay*arr,si%eH  (out44en&lH  Grea+H  L  (ase 2     (out44nEnter in&ex of element to perform Max )eapify on H  (in99in&exH  maxheapify*arr,in&ex,si%eH  (out44nfter Maximum )eapify H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H  L  (ase 3

    Guil&maxheap*arr, si%eH

(out44nfter uil& Maximum )eap H  &isplay*arr, si%eH

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 19/56

  Grea+H  L  (ase 8     heapsort*arr, si%eH  (out44nfter )eap Sort H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H

  L  (ase :     max K heapextra(tmax*arr, Osi%eH  (out44nMaximum element from heap 44max44en&lH  (out44fter )eap Extra(t Maximum, ne6 )eap H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H  L  (ase <     max K heapmaximum*arr, si%eH  (out44nMaximum element from heap 44max44en&lH  Grea+H

L  (ase B     (out44nEnter in&ex of element to in(rese +ey H  (in99in&exH  (out44Enter ne6 value of +ey H  (in99ne6+eyH  heapin(rease+ey*arr, in&ex, ne6+eyH  (out44nNe6 heap after (hanges H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H  L  (ase C     (out44nEnter the value of ne6 +ey to insert H  (in99ne6+eyH  maxheapinsert*arr, ne6+ey, Osi%eH  (out44nNe6 heap after a&&ing a ne6 +ey H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H  L  (ase D     exit*H  L

  &efault     (out44nEnter vali& (hoi(e H  Grea+H  L  L  L6hile*(hoi(e K DH  return HL

Q$ Implement an algorithm of Min-Priority-Queue for any array of elementshaving INSERT, EXTR!TMIN, UE!RESE-"E# operations$ naly%e its operationsin terms of running time an& 'n& the time (omplexity of the algorithm$Algorithm-MIN-)EP-INSERT*, +ey, n

$ heap-si%e./ 0 n 1 2$ .n 1 / 0 -3$ )EP-UE!RESE-"E#*, n 1 , +ey

)EP-UE!RESE-"E#*, i, +ey

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 20/56

$ if +ey 9.i/2$ then error 5ne6 +ey is larger than (urrent +ey73$ .i/ 0 +ey8$ while i 9 an& .PRENT*i/ 9 .i/:$ do ex(hange .i/ ; .PRENT*i/<$ i 0 PRENT*i


$ if n 4 2$ then error 5heap un&er=o673$ min 0 .s/8$ .s/ 0 .n/:$ MIN-)EPI>#*, , n- rema+es heap<$  return min








if((r<=A.heapsize)%%(A!s$all"&A!r"))  s$all=r 



  eha*+e A!i" i-h A!s$all"



Program-Fin(lu&e4iostream9Fin(lu&e4st&liG$h9Fin(lu&e4math$h9using namespa(e st&Hint arr./H

voi& input*int n

int Ja K arrHfor*int i K H i 4 nH i11

    J*a1i K ran&*H  LLint left*int i

return *2Ji1HLint right*int i

return *2Ji12HLint parent*int i

return *i-2HLvoi& minheapify*int Ja, int i, int n

int l, r, smallest, tempH  l K left*iH  r K right*iH  if* * l4n OO * J*a1l 4 J*a1i     smallest K lH

  L  else    smallest K iH

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  L  if* * r4n OO * J*a1r 4 J*a1smallest     smallest K rH  L  if* smallest K i     temp K J*a1iH

  J*a1i K J*a1smallestH  J*a1smallest K tempH  minheapify*a, smallest, nH  LLvoi& Guil&minheap*int Ja, int n

for*int i K =oor**n-2H i 9K H i--    minheapify*a, i, nH  LLvoi& heapsortmin*int Ja, int n

  int i, tempH  Guil&minheap*a, nH  for *i K n-H i 9 H i--    temp K JaH  Ja K J*a1iH  J*a1i K tempH  minheapify*a, , iH  LLvoi& &isplay*int Ja, int n

for*int i K H i 4 nH i11    (out44*J*a1i44 H  L  (out44en&lHLint heapminimum*int Ja, int n

if*n KK     return -H  L  else    return J*a1H  LLint heapextra(tmin*int Ja, int Jn

int minHif*nKK

    return -H  L  else    Guil&minheap*a,JnH  min K JaH  Ja K J*a1*Jn-H  *Jn--H  minheapify*a, , JnH

  L  return minHLvoi& heap&e(rease+ey*int Ja, int i, int +ey

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int tempHi--H

  if*+ey 9 J*a1i    (out44nNe6 +ey is greater than (urrent +eyH  goto xH  L

  J*a1i K +eyH  6hile*i9 OO J*a1parent*i 9 J*a1i 

temp K J*a1parent*iH  J*a1parent*i K J*a1iH  J*a1i K tempH  i K parent*i H  L  x

HLvoi& minheapinsert*int Ja, int +ey, int Jn  *Jn11H

  J*a1*Jn- K -H  heap&e(rease+ey*a,Jn,+eyHLint main*

int Jarr K arr, si%e, (hoi(e, min, in&ex, ne6+eyH

  &o    (out44n$ !reate )eapn2$ Minimum )eapifyn3$ uil& Minimum )eapn8$ )eap Sortn:$ )eapExtra(t Minimumn<$ )eap MinimumnB$ )eap Ue(rease "eynC$ Minimum )eap InsertnD$ ExitnH  (out44nEnter your (hoi(e H  (in99(hoi(eH  s6it(h*(hoi(e    (ase     (out44nEnter si%e of heap to (reate H

  (in99si%eH  input*si%eH  (out44n)eap (reate&$nH  &isplay*arr,si%eH  (out44en&lH  Grea+H  L  (ase 2     (out44nEnter in&ex of element to perform Min )eapify on H  (in99in&exH  minheapify*arr,in&ex,si%eH  (out44nfter Minimum )eapify H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H  L  (ase 3     Guil&minheap*arr, si%eH

(out44nfter uil& Minimum )eap H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H  L  (ase 8  

  heapsortmin*arr, si%eH  (out44nfter )eap Sort H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H

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  L  (ase :     min K heapextra(tmin*arr, Osi%eH  (out44nMinimum element from heap 44min44en&lH  (out44fter )eap Extra(t Minimum, ne6 )eap H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H

  L  (ase <     min K heapminimum*arr, si%eH  (out44nMinimum element from heap 44min44en&lH  Grea+H

L  (ase B     (out44nEnter in&ex of element to &e(rease +ey H  (in99in&exH  (out44Enter ne6 value of +ey H  (in99ne6+eyH  heap&e(rease+ey*arr, in&ex, ne6+eyH

  (out44nNe6 heap after (hanges H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H  L  (ase C     (out44nEnter the value of ne6 +ey to insert H  (in99ne6+eyH  minheapinsert*arr, ne6+ey, Osi%eH  (out44nNe6 heap after a&&ing a ne6 +ey H  &isplay*arr, si%eH  Grea+H  L  (ase D     exit*H  L  &efault     (out44nEnter vali& (hoi(e H  Grea+H  L  L  L6hile*(hoi(e K DH  return HL

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Vrite a menu &riven program sho6ing follo6ing operations in a Ginary sear(htree through$ Inor&er Traversal2$ Preor&er Traversal3$ Postor&er Traversal

* Insertion* Ueletion*! Sear(hingnaly%e the operation in terms of running time an& 'n& the time (omplexity ofthe algorithm$


B$ if x NI?

C$ then INWRUER-TREE-V?" * left .x/ D$ print +ey .x/$ INWRUER-TREE-V?" * right .x/

Preorder(root): Traverse a Ginary tree in no&e-left-right seuen(e$B$ If *root is not nullC$ pro(ess *rootD$ Preor&er *leftSuGtree$ Preor&er *rightSuGtree

Postorder(root): Traverse a Ginary tree in left-right-no&e seuen(e$$ If *root is not null2$ Postor&er *leftSuGtree3$ Postor&er *rightSuGtree

8$ pro(ess *root TREE-SER!)*x, +8$ if x K NI? or + K +ey .x/:$ then return x<$ if + 4 +ey .x/B$ then return TREE-SER!)*left .x/, +

  else return TREE-SER!)*right .x/, +

TREE-INSERT(T, z)B$ y 0 NI?C$ x 0 root .T/

D$ while x Y NI?$ do y 0 x$ if +ey .%/ 4 +ey .x/2$ then x 0 left .x/3$ else x 0 right .x/8$ p.%/ 0 y:$ if y K NI?<$ then root .T/ 0 % Tree T 6as emptyB$ else if +ey .%/ 4 +ey .y/C$ then left .y/ 0 %

  else right .y/ 0 % TREE-UE?ETE*T, %

B$ if left.%/ K NI? or right.%/ K NI?C$ then y 0 %

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D$ else y 0 TREE-SZ!!ESSWR*%$ if left.y/ NI?

$ then x 0 left.y/2$ else x 0 right.y/3$ if x NI?

8$ then p.x/ 0 p.y/

:$ if p.y/ K NI?<$ then root.T/ 0 xB$ else if y K left.p.y//C$ then left.p.y// 0 xD$ else right.p.y// 0 x2$ if y %2$ then +ey.%/ 0 +ey.y/22$ (opy y[s satellite &ata into %23$ return y

Program-Fin(lu&e 4st&io$h9Fin(lu&e 4st&liG$h9stru(t Gtno&e  int valueH  stru(t Gtno&e JlH  stru(t Gtno&e JrHLJroot K NZ??, Jtemp K NZ??, Jt2, JtHvoi& &elete*Hvoi& insert*Hvoi& &elete*Hvoi& inor&er*stru(t Gtno&e JtHvoi& (reate*Hvoi& sear(h*stru(t Gtno&e JtH

voi& preor&er*stru(t Gtno&e JtHvoi& postor&er*stru(t Gtno&e JtHvoi& sear(h*stru(t Gtno&e Jt,int &ataHint =ag K Hvoi& main*  int (hH  printf*nWPERTIWNS ---H  printf*n - Insert an element into treenH  printf*2 - Uelete an element from the treenH  printf*3 - Inor&er TraversalnH  printf*8 - Preor&er TraversalnH  printf*: - Postor&er TraversalnH  printf*< - ExitnH

  6hile*    printf*nEnter your (hoi(e H  s(anf*\&, O(hH  s6it(h *(h    (ase

insert*H  Grea+H  (ase 2

&elete*H  Grea+H  (ase 3


  Grea+H  (ase 8

preor&er*rootH  Grea+H

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 26/56

  (ase :postor&er*rootH

  Grea+H  (ase <

exit*H  &efault

printf*Vrong (hoi(e, Please enter (orre(t (hoi(e H  Grea+H

L  LLJ To insert a no&e in the tree Jvoi& insert*  (reate*H  if *root KK NZ??

root K tempH  else

sear(h*rootHLJ To (reate a no&e Jvoi& (reate*

  int &ataH  printf*Enter &ata of no&e to Ge inserte& H  s(anf*\&, O&ataH  temp K *stru(t Gtno&e Jmallo(*Jsi%eof*stru(t Gtno&eH  temp-9value K &ataH  temp-9l K temp-9r K NZ??HLJ >un(tion to sear(h the appropriate position to insert the ne6 no&e Jvoi& sear(h*stru(t Gtno&e Jt  if **temp-9value 9 t-9value OO *t-9r K NZ?? J value more than root no&e value insert at right J  sear(h*t-9rH  else if **temp-9value 9 t-9value OO *t-9r KK NZ??  t-9r K tempH  else if **temp-9value 4 t-9value OO *t-9l K NZ?? J value less than root no&e value insert at left J  sear(h*t-9lH  else if **temp-9value 4 t-9value OO *t-9l KK NZ??  t-9l K tempHLJ re(ursive fun(tion to perform inor&er traversal of tree Jvoi& inor&er*stru(t Gtno&e Jt  if *root KK NZ??    printf*No elements in a tree to &isplayH  returnH  L  if *t-9l K NZ??

inor&er*t-9lH  printf*\& -9 , t-9valueH  if *t-9r K NZ??

inor&er*t-9rHLJ To (he(+ for the &elete& no&e Jvoi& &elete*  int &ataH  if *root KK NZ??    printf*No elements in a tree to &eleteH  returnH  L

  printf*Enter the &ata to Ge &elete& H  s(anf*\&, O&ataH  t K rootH  t2 K rootH

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 27/56

  sear(h*root, &ataHLJ To 'n& the preor&er traversal Jvoi& preor&er*stru(t Gtno&e Jt  if *root KK NZ??    printf*No elements in a tree to &isplayH

  returnH  L  printf*\& -9 , t-9valueH  if *t-9l K NZ??

preor&er*t-9lH  if *t-9r K NZ??

preor&er*t-9rHLJ To 'n& the postor&er traversal Jvoi& postor&er*stru(t Gtno&e Jt  if *root KK NZ??    printf*No elements in a tree to &isplay H

  returnH  L  if *t-9l K NZ??

postor&er*t-9lH  if *t-9r K NZ??

postor&er*t-9rH  printf*\& -9 , t-9valueHLvoi& sear(h*stru(t Gtno&e Jt, int &ata  if **&ata9t-9value    t K tH  sear(h*t-9r, &ataH  L  else if **&ata 4 t-9value    t K tH  sear(h*t-9l, &ataH  L  else if **&ataKKt-9value    &elete*tH  LLJ To &elete a no&e Jvoi& &elete*stru(t Gtno&e Jt  int +H

 J To &elete leaf no&e J

  if **t-9l KK NZ?? OO *t-9r KK NZ??    if *t-9l KK t    t-9l K NZ??H  L  else    t-9r K NZ??H  L  t K NZ??H  free*tH  returnH  L  J To &elete no&e having one left han& (hil& J  else if **t-9r KK NZ??

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    if *t KK t    root K t-9lH  t K rootH  L  else if *t-9l KK t 

  t-9l K t-9lH  L  else    t-9r K t-9lH  L  t K NZ??H  free*tH  returnH  L  J To &elete no&e having right han& (hil& J  else if *t-9l KK NZ??    if *t KK t

    root K t-9rH  t K rootH  L  else if *t-9r KK t  t-9r K t-9rH  else  t-9l K t-9rH  t KK NZ??H  free*tH  returnH  L  J To &elete no&e having t6o (hil& J  else if **t-9l K NZ?? OO *t-9r K NZ??

  t2 K rootH  if *t-9r K NZ??    + K smallest*t-9rH  =ag K H  L  else    + Klargest*t-9lH  =ag K 2H  L  sear(h*root, +H  t-9value K +H  LL

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Q$ Uesign an& implement an algorithm to perform ?E>T-RWTTE operation ona Ginary sear(h tree$Algorithm-?E>T-RWTTE*T, x

8$ y 0 right.x/ ]Set y

:$ right.x/ 0 left.y/ ] y[s left suGtree Ge(omes x[s right suGtree<$ if left.y/ NI?

B$   then p.left.y// 0 x ] Set the parent relation from left.y/ to xC$ p.y/ 0 p.x/ ] The parent of x Ge(omes the parent of yD$ if p.x/ K NI?$   then root.T/ 0 y$   else if x K left.p.x//2$   then left.p.x// 0 y3$   else right.p.x// 0 y8$ left.y/ 0 x ] Put x on y[s left:$ p.x/ 0 y ] y Ge(omes x[s parent

Program-  #include<stdio.h>  #include<conio.h>  unsigned int leftrot(unsigned int x, unsigned int n);  void main()  { unsigned int x,n,l;  clrscr();  printf("Enter the value of x and nn");  scanf("!u!u",x,n);  lleftrot(x,n);  printf("x!u,n!u,r!un",x,n,r);  getch();

  $  unsigned int rightrot(unsigned int x, unsigned int n)  { unsigned int %,&,a;  ax<<n;  &x>>('n);  %a*&;  return %;  $

Q2$ Uesign an& implement an algorithm to perform right rotate operation on aGinary sear(h tree$

Algorithm-RI@)T-RWTTE*T, x

  y K x$left set y  x$left K y$right turn y[s right suG tree into x[s left suG tree  if y$right Y NZ??  y$right$parent K x  y$parent K x$parent lin+ x[s parent to y  if x$parent KK NZ??  T$root K y  else if x KK x$parent$left  x$parent$left K y  else

  x$parent$right K y  y$right K x put x on y[s right  x$parent K yProgram-

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#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>unsigned int rightrot(unsigned int x, unsigned int n);void main(){ unsigned int x,n,r; clrscr(); printf("Enter the value of x and nn"); scanf("!u!u",x,n);

 rrightrot(x,n); printf("x!u,n!u,r!un",x,n,r); getch();$unsigned int rightrot(unsigned int x, unsigned int n){ unsigned int %,&,a; ax>>n; &x<<('n); %a*&; return %;$

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Uesign an& implement an algorithm to insert any numGer of elements in REU-?!" Tree$ Zse the appropriate te(hniues to sho6 the (olor of no&es alsoan& analy%e its time (omplexity Gase& on !PZ utili%ation$Algorithm-R-INSERT*T, %

:$ y 0 NI?<$ x 0 root.T/B$  while x NI?

C$   do y 0 xD$   if +ey.%/ 4 +ey.x/2$   then x 0 left.x/2$   else x 0 right.x/22$ p.%/ 0 yC$ if y K NI?D$   then root.T/ 0 %$   else if +ey.%/ 4 +ey.y/$   then left.y/ 0 %2$   else right.y/ 0 %3$ left.%/ 0 NI?8$ right.%/ 0 NI?:$ (olor.%/ 0 REU<$ R-INSERT->IXZP*T, %

R-INSERT->IXZP*T, %<$ while (olor.p.%// K REUB$   do if p.%/ K left.p.p.%///C$   then y 0 right.p.p.%///

D$   if (olor.y/ K REU!" then #ase$2$ else if % K right.p.%//" then #ase%"   #ase%28$   else *same as then (lause 6ith 5right7 an& 5left7

ex(hange&2:$ (olor.root.T// 0 ?!" 

R-INSERT->IXZP ^ !ase   *% is a right (hil&

$ !olor p.%/ Gla(+

2$ !olor y Gla(+3$ !olor p.p.%// re&8$ %Kp.p.%//*% is a left (hil&$ !olor p.%/0Gla(+2$ !olor y0Gla(+3$ !olor p.p.%//0re&8$ %Kp.p.%//

R-INSERT->IXZP ^ !ase 3$&" %[s 5un(le7 *y is 'la 

2$ % is a left (hil&28$ (olor p.%/ 0Gla(+2:$ (olor p.p.%// 0re&

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 32/56

2<$ RI@)T-RWTTE*T,p.p.%//

R-INSERT->IXZP ^ !ase 2• %[s 5un(le7 *y is 'la / % is a right (hil&$ %0p.%/

2$ ?E>T-RWTTE*T,%Program-Fin(lu&e 4(st&io9Fin(lu&e 4st&liG$h9using namespa(e st&Henum no&e!olor  REU,  ?!" LH  stru(t rGNo&e

  int &ata, (olorH  stru(t rGNo&e Jlin+.2/H  LH  stru(t rGNo&e Jroot K NZ??H  stru(t rGNo&e J(reateNo&e*int &ata    stru(t rGNo&e Jne6no&eH  ne6no&e K *stru(t rGNo&e Jmallo(*si%eof*stru(t rGNo&eH  ne6no&e-9&ata K &ataH  ne6no&e-9(olor K REUH  ne6no&e-9lin+./ K ne6no&e-9lin+./ K NZ??H  return ne6no&eH  L  voi& insertion*int &ata    stru(t rGNo&e Jsta(+.DC/, Jptr, Jne6no&e, JxPtr, JyPtrH  int &ir.DC/, ht K , in&exH  ptr K rootH  if *root   root K (reateNo&e*&ataH  returnH  L  sta( K rootH  &ir.ht11/ K H  6hile *ptr K NZ??

  if *ptr-9&ata KK &ata

  printf*Uupli(ates Not llo6e&nH  returnH

  L  in&ex K *&ata - ptr-9&ata 9 _ H  sta( K ptrH  ptr K  &ir.ht11/ K in&exH  L  sta( - / K ne6no&e K (reateNo&e*&ataH  6hile **ht 9K 3 OO *sta( - /-9(olor KK REU

  if *& - 2/ KK

  yPtr K sta( - 2/-9lin+./H  if *yPtr K NZ?? OO yPtr-9(olor KK REU

  sta( - 2/-9(olor K REUH  sta( - /-9(olor K yPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  ht K ht -2H  L else

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  if *& - / KK

  yPtr K sta( - /H  L


xPtr K sta( - /H

  yPtr K xPtr-9lin+./H  xPtr-9lin+./ K yPtr-9lin+./H  yPtr-9lin+./ K xPtrH  sta( - 2/-9lin+./ K yPtrH  L  xPtr K sta( - 2/H  xPtr-9(olor K REUH  yPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  xPtr-9lin+./ K yPtr-9lin+./H  yPtr-9lin+./ K xPtrH  if *xPtr KK root

  root K yPtrH  L

else  sta( - 3/-9lin+.& - 3// K yPtrH  L  Grea+H  L  L


  yPtr K sta( - 2/-9lin+./H  if **yPtr K NZ?? OO *yPtr-9(olor KK REU

  sta( - 2/-9(olor K REUH  sta( - /-9(olor K yPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  ht K ht - 2H  L


  if *& - / KK

  yPtr K sta( - /H  L else

xPtr K sta( - /H

  yPtr K xPtr-9lin+./H  xPtr-9lin+./ K yPtr-9lin+./H  yPtr-9lin+./ K xPtrH  sta( - 2/-9lin+./ K yPtrH  L  xPtr K sta( - 2/H  yPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  xPtr-9(olor K REUH  xPtr-9lin+./ K yPtr-9lin+./H  yPtr-9lin+./ K xPtrH  if *xPtr KK root   root K yPtrH  L


  sta( - 3/-9lin+.& - 3// K yPtrH  L  Grea+H  L

  L  L  root-9(olor K ?!"H  L

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int main*int &ataHprintf*nEnter the &ata to insert Hs(anf*\&, O&ataHinsertion*&ataHget(h*H

return HL

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 35/56


Uesign an& implement an algorithm to &elete any numGer of elements in REU-?!" Tree$ Zse theappropriate te(hniues to sho6 the (olor of no&es also an& analy%e its time(omplexity on the Gasis of !PZ utili%ation$Algorithm-

R-UE?ETE*T, %  if left.%/ K nil.T/ or right.%/ K nil.T/  2 then y 0 %  3 else y 0 TREE-SZ!!ESSWR*%  8 if left.y/ Y nil.T/  : then x 0 left.y/  < else x 0 right.y/  B p.x/ 0 p.y/  C if p.y/ K nil.T/  D then root.T/ 0 x  else if y K left.p.y//  then left.p.y// 0 x  2 else right.p.y// 0 x  3 if y K %

  8 then +ey.%/ 0 +ey.y/  : (opy y`s satellite &ata into %  < if (olor.y/ K ?!"   B then R-UE?ETE->IXZP*T, x  C return y

 TREE-SZ!!ESSWR*x if right.x/ Y NI?2 then return TREE-MINIMZM *right.x/3 y 0 p.x/8 6hile y Y NI? an& x K right.y/: &o x 0 y< y 0 p.y/B return yR-UE?ETE->IXZP*T, x  6hile x Y root.T/ an& (olor.x/ K ?!"  2 &o if x K left.p.x// 3 then 6 0 right.p.x// 8 if (olor.6/ K REU : then (olor.6/ 0 ?!" ▹  !ase  < (olor.p.x// 0 REU ▹  !ase  B ?E>T-RWTTE*T, p.x/ ▹  !ase  C 6 0 right.p.x// ▹  !ase  D if (olor.left.6// K ?!" an& (olor.right.6// K ?!"  then (olor.6/ 0 REU ▹  !ase 2 x p.x/ ▹  !ase 22 else if (olor.right.6// K ?!" 3 then (olor.left.6// 0 ?!" ▹  !ase 38 (olor.6/ 0 REU ▹  !ase 3: RI@)T-RWTTE*T, 6 ▹  !ase 3< 6 0 right.p.x// ▹  !ase 3B (olor.6/ 0 (olor.p.x// ▹  !ase 8C (olor.p.x// 0 ?!" ▹  !ase 8D (olor.right.6// 0 ?!" ▹  !ase 82 ?E>T-RWTTE*T, p.x/ ▹  !ase 82 x 0 root.T/ ▹  !ase 822 else *same as then (lause 6ith right an& left ex(hange&23 (olor.x/ 0 ?!" 

Program-Fin(lu&e 4(st&io9Fin(lu&e 4st&liG$h9using namespa(e st&Henum no&e!olor  REU,  ?!" LH  stru(t rGNo&e

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    int &ata, (olorH  stru(t rGNo&e Jlin+.2/H  LH  stru(t rGNo&e Jroot K NZ??H

  stru(t rGNo&e J(reateNo&e*int &ata 

  stru(t rGNo&e Jne6no&eH  ne6no&e K *stru(t rGNo&e Jmallo(*si%eof*stru(t rGNo&eH  ne6no&e-9&ata K &ataH  ne6no&e-9(olor K REUH  ne6no&e-9lin+./ K ne6no&e-9lin+./ K NZ??H  return ne6no&eH  Lvoi& &eletion*int &ata

  stru(t rGNo&e Jsta(+.DC/, Jptr, JxPtr, JyPtrH  stru(t rGNo&e JpPtr, JPtr, JrPtrH  int &ir.DC/, ht K , &i, iH  int (olorH  if *root

  printf*Tree not availaGlenH  returnH  L  ptr K rootH  6hile *ptr K NZ??

  if **&ata - ptr-9&ata KK   Grea+H  &i K *&ata - ptr-9&ata 9 _ H  sta( K ptrH  &ir.ht11/ K &iH  ptr K ptr-9lin+.&i/H  L  if *ptr-9lin+./ KK NZ??

  if **ptr KK root OO *ptr-9lin+./ KK NZ??

  free*ptrH  root K NZ??H  L else if *ptr KK root

  root K ptr-9lin+./H  free*ptrH  L else

  sta( - /-9lin+.& - // K ptr-9lin+./H  L  L


  xPtr K ptr-9lin+./H  if *xPtr-9lin+./ KK NZ??

  xPtr-9lin+./ K ptr-9lin+./H  (olor K xPtr-9(olorH  xPtr-9(olor K ptr-9(olorH  ptr-9(olor K (olorH  if *ptr KK root

  root K xPtrH  L


  sta( - /-9lin+.& - // K xPtrH  L  & K H

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 37/56

  sta(+.ht11/ K xPtrH  L


  i K ht11H  6hile *

  & K H

  sta(+.ht11/ K xPtrH  yPtr K xPtr-9lin+./H  if *yPtr-9lin+./  Grea+H  xPtr K yPtrH  L  &ir.i/ K H  sta(+.i/ K yPtrH  if *i 9   sta(+.i - /-9lin+.&ir.i - // K yPtrH  yPtr-9lin+./ K ptr-9lin+./H  xPtr-9lin+./ K yPtr-9lin+./H  yPtr-9lin+./ K ptr-9lin+./H  if *ptr KK root

  root K yPtrH  L

  (olor K yPtr-9(olorH  yPtr-9(olor K ptr-9(olorH  ptr-9(olor K (olorH  L  L  if *ht 4   returnH  if *ptr-9(olor KK ?!"

  6hile *

  pPtr K sta( - /-9lin+.& - //H  if *pPtr OO pPtr-9(olor KK REU

  pPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  Grea+H  L  if *ht 4 2  Grea+H  if *& - 2/ KK

  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./H  if *rPtr  Grea+H  if *rPtr-9(olor KK REU

sta( - /-9(olor K REUH

  rPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  sta( - /-9lin+./ K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9lin+./ K sta( - /H  if *sta( - / KK root

  root K rPtrH  L


  sta( - 2/-9lin+.& - 2// K rPtrH  L  & K H

  sta( K sta( - /H  sta( - / K rPtrH  ht11H  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./H

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 38/56

  L  if * *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!" OO  *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!"

rPtr-9(olor K REUH


  if *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!"Ptr K rPtr-9lin+./H

  rPtr-9(olor K REUH  Ptr-9(olor K ?!"H  rPtr-9lin+./ K Ptr-9lin+./H  Ptr-9lin+./ K rPtrH  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./ K PtrH  L

rPtr-9(olor K sta( - /-9(olorH  sta( - /-9(olor K ?!"H  rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor K ?!"H  sta( - /-9lin+./ K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9lin+./ K sta( - /H

  if *sta( - / KK root  root K rPtrH  L


  sta( - 2/-9lin+.& - 2// K rPtrH  L  Grea+H  L  L


  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./H  if *rPtr  Grea+H  if *rPtr-9(olor KK REU

  sta( - /-9(olor K REUH  rPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  sta( - /-9lin+./ K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9lin+./ K sta( - /H  if *sta( - / KK root

  root K rPtrH  L


  sta( - 2/-9lin+.& - 2// K rPtrH  L  & K H  sta( K sta( - /H  sta( - / K rPtrH  ht11H  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./H  L  if * *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!" OO *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!"

  rPtr-9(olor K REUH  L


  if *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!"

  Ptr K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9(olor K REUH

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 39/56

  Ptr-9(olor K ?!"H  rPtr-9lin+./ K Ptr-9lin+./H  Ptr-9lin+./ K rPtrH  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./ K PtrH  L  rPtr-9(olor K sta( - /-9(olorH  sta( - /-9(olor K ?!"H  rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor K ?!"H

  sta( - /-9lin+./ K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9lin+./ K sta( - /H  if *sta( - / KK root

  root K rPtrH  L else

  sta( - 2/-9lin+.& - 2// K rPtrH  L  Grea+H  L  L  ht--H  L

  L  Lint main*int &ataHprintf*nEnter the element to Ge &elete& Hs(anf*\&, O&ataH&eletion*&ataHget(h*H

return H

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 40/56


Q$ Uesign an& implement (o&es for Gasi( operations for re& Gla(+ trees arein(lu&e& in the Goo+$ && to the (o&e the follo6ing metho&sa$ Uelete a no&e from the re& Gla(+ tree$G$ !ount the numGer of leaves in a tree$($ Return the height of a tree$

&$ Return a list of all +eys in a tree Get6een a an& G$naly%e the &ieren(e of time (omplexities on the Gasis of !PZ utili%ation$Algorithm-R-INSERT*T, %

23$ y 0 NI?28$ x 0 root.T/2:$  while x NI?

2<$   do y 0 x2B$   if +ey.%/ 4 +ey.x/2C$   then x 0 left.x/2D$   else x 0 right.x/3$ p.%/ 0 yB$ if y K NI?

C$   then root.T/ 0 %D$   else if +ey.%/ 4 +ey.y/2$   then left.y/ 0 %2$   else right.y/ 0 %22$ left.%/ 0 NI?23$ right.%/ 0 NI?28$ (olor.%/ 0 REU2:$ R-INSERT->IXZP*T, %

R-INSERT->IXZP*T, %2<$ while (olor.p.%// K REU2B$   do if p.%/ K left.p.p.%///2C$   then y 0 right.p.p.%///2D$   if (olor.y/ K REU%!" then #ase$3$ else if % K right.p.%//%" then #ase%%"   #ase%38$   else *same as then (lause 6ith 5right7 an& 5left7 ex(hange&3:$ (olor.root.T// 0 ?!" 

R-INSERT->IXZP ^ !ase   *% is a right (hil&

:$ !olor p.%/ Gla(+<$ !olor y Gla(+B$ !olor p.p.%// re&C$ %Kp.p.%//*% is a left (hil&:$ !olor p.%/0Gla(+<$ !olor y0Gla(+B$ !olor p.p.%//0re&C$ %Kp.p.%//

R-INSERT->IXZP ^ !ase 3$" %[s 5un(le7 *y is 'la 22$ % is a left (hil&2B$ (olor p.%/ 0Gla(+2C$ (olor p.p.%// 0re&2D$ RI@)T-RWTTE*T,p.p.%//

R-INSERT->IXZP ^ !ase 2• %[s 5un(le7 *y is 'la / % is a right (hil&3$ %0p.%/8$ ?E>T-RWTTE*T,%

*aR-UE?ETE*T, %  if left.%/ K nil.T/ or right.%/ K nil.T/  2 then y 0 %

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 41/56

  3 else y 0 TREE-SZ!!ESSWR*%  8 if left.y/ Y nil.T/  : then x 0 left.y/  < else x 0 right.y/  B p.x/ 0 p.y/  C if p.y/ K nil.T/  D then root.T/ 0 x  else if y K left.p.y//

  then left.p.y// 0 x  2 else right.p.y// 0 x  3 if y K %  8 then +ey.%/ 0 +ey.y/  : (opy y`s satellite &ata into %  < if (olor.y/ K ?!"   B then R-UE?ETE->IXZP*T, x  C return y

 TREE-SZ!!ESSWR*x if right.x/ Y NI?2 then return TREE-MINIMZM *right.x/3 y 0 p.x/8 6hile y Y NI? an& x K right.y/: &o x 0 y

< y 0 p.y/B return yR-UE?ETE->IXZP*T, x  6hile x Y root.T/ an& (olor.x/ K ?!"  2 &o if x K left.p.x// 3 then 6 0 right.p.x// 8 if (olor.6/ K REU : then (olor.6/ 0 ?!" ▹  !ase  < (olor.p.x// 0 REU ▹  !ase  B ?E>T-RWTTE*T, p.x/ ▹  !ase  C 6 0 right.p.x// ▹  !ase  D if (olor.left.6// K ?!" an& (olor.right.6// K ?!"  then (olor.6/ 0 REU ▹  !ase 2 x p.x/ ▹  !ase 22 else if (olor.right.6// K ?!" 3 then (olor.left.6// 0 ?!" ▹  !ase 38 (olor.6/ 0 REU ▹  !ase 3: RI@)T-RWTTE*T, 6 ▹  !ase 3< 6 0 right.p.x// ▹  !ase 3B (olor.6/ 0 (olor.p.x// ▹  !ase 8C (olor.p.x// 0 ?!" ▹  !ase 8D (olor.right.6// 0 ?!" ▹  !ase 82 ?E>T-RWTTE*T, p.x/ ▹  !ase 82 x 0 root.T/ ▹  !ase 822 else *same as then (lause 6ith right an& left ex(hange&23 (olor.x/ 0 ?!" 

Program-Fin(lu&e 4(st&io9

Fin(lu&e 4st&liG$h9

using namespa(e st&H

enum no&e!olor  REU,  ?!" LH

  stru(t rGNo&e

  int &ata, (olorH  stru(t rGNo&e Jlin+.2/H  LH

  stru(t rGNo&e Jroot K NZ??H

  stru(t rGNo&e J(reateNo&e*int &ata

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 42/56

    stru(t rGNo&e Jne6no&eH  ne6no&e K *stru(t rGNo&e Jmallo(*si%eof*stru(t rGNo&eH  ne6no&e-9&ata K &ataH  ne6no&e-9(olor K REUH  ne6no&e-9lin+./ K ne6no&e-9lin+./ K NZ??H  return ne6no&eH  L

  voi& insertion*int &ata    stru(t rGNo&e Jsta(+.DC/, Jptr, Jne6no&e, JxPtr, JyPtrH  int &ir.DC/, ht K , in&exH  ptr K rootH  if *root

  root K (reateNo&e*&ataH  returnH  L  sta( K rootH  &ir.ht11/ K H  6hile *ptr K NZ??

  if *ptr-9&ata KK &ata

  printf*Uupli(ates Not llo6e&nH  returnH  L  in&ex K *&ata - ptr-9&ata 9 _ H  sta( K ptrH  ptr K  &ir.ht11/ K in&exH  L  sta( - / K ne6no&e K (reateNo&e*&ataH  6hile **ht 9K 3 OO *sta( - /-9(olor KK REU

  if *& - 2/ KK

  yPtr K sta( - 2/-9lin+./H  if *yPtr K NZ?? OO yPtr-9(olor KK REU

 sta( - 2/-9(olor K REUH

  sta( - /-9(olor K yPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  ht K ht -2H  L else

  if *& - / KK

  yPtr K sta( - /H

  L else

 xPtr K sta( - /H

  yPtr K xPtr-9lin+./H  xPtr-9lin+./ K yPtr-9lin+./H  yPtr-9lin+./ K xPtrH  sta( - 2/-9lin+./ K yPtrH  L

 xPtr K sta( - 2/H

  xPtr-9(olor K REUH  yPtr-9(olor K ?!"H

  xPtr-9lin+./ K yPtr-9lin+./H  yPtr-9lin+./ K xPtrH  if *xPtr KK root

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 43/56

  root K yPtrH  L


  sta( - 3/-9lin+.& - 3// K yPtrH  L  Grea+H  L

  L else

  yPtr K sta( - 2/-9lin+./H  if **yPtr K NZ?? OO *yPtr-9(olor KK REU

 sta( - 2/-9(olor K REUH

  sta( - /-9(olor K yPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  ht K ht - 2H  L


  if *& - / KK

  yPtr K sta( - /H  L else

 xPtr K sta( - /H

  yPtr K xPtr-9lin+./H  xPtr-9lin+./ K yPtr-9lin+./H  yPtr-9lin+./ K xPtrH  sta( - 2/-9lin+./ K yPtrH  L

 xPtr K sta( - 2/H

  yPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  xPtr-9(olor K REUH  xPtr-9lin+./ K yPtr-9lin+./H  yPtr-9lin+./ K xPtrH  if *xPtr KK root   root K yPtrH  L


  sta( - 3/-9lin+.& - 3// K yPtrH  L  Grea+H  L  L  L

  root-9(olor K ?!"H  L

  voi& &eletion*int &ata

  stru(t rGNo&e Jsta(+.DC/, Jptr, JxPtr, JyPtrH  stru(t rGNo&e JpPtr, JPtr, JrPtrH  int &ir.DC/, ht K , &i, iH  int (olorH

  if *root

  printf*Tree not availaGlenH  returnH


  ptr K rootH  6hile *ptr K NZ??

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 44/56

  if **&ata - ptr-9&ata KK   Grea+H  &i K *&ata - ptr-9&ata 9 _ H  sta( K ptrH  &ir.ht11/ K &iH  ptr K ptr-9lin+.&i/H  L

  if *ptr-9lin+./ KK NZ??

  if **ptr KK root OO *ptr-9lin+./ KK NZ??

  free*ptrH  root K NZ??H  L else if *ptr KK root

  root K ptr-9lin+./H  free*ptrH  L else

  sta( - /-9lin+.& - // K ptr-9lin+./H

  L  Lelse

  xPtr K ptr-9lin+./H  if *xPtr-9lin+./ KK NZ??

  xPtr-9lin+./ K ptr-9lin+./H  (olor K xPtr-9(olorH  xPtr-9(olor K ptr-9(olorH  ptr-9(olor K (olorH

  if *ptr KK root

  root K xPtrH  L


  sta( - /-9lin+.& - // K xPtrH  L

  & K H  sta(+.ht11/ K xPtrH  L


  i K ht11H  6hile *

  & K H  sta(+.ht11/ K xPtrH  yPtr K xPtr-9lin+./H  if *yPtr-9lin+./  Grea+H  xPtr K yPtrH  L

  &ir.i/ K H  sta(+.i/ K yPtrH  if *i 9   sta(+.i - /-9lin+.&ir.i - // K yPtrH

  yPtr-9lin+./ K ptr-9lin+./H

  xPtr-9lin+./ K yPtr-9lin+./H  yPtr-9lin+./ K ptr-9lin+./H

  if *ptr KK root

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 45/56

  root K yPtrH  L

  (olor K yPtr-9(olorH  yPtr-9(olor K ptr-9(olorH  ptr-9(olor K (olorH  L

  L  if *ht 4   returnH  if *ptr-9(olor KK ?!"

  6hile *

  pPtr K sta( - /-9lin+.& - //H  if *pPtr OO pPtr-9(olor KK REU

  pPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  Grea+H  L

  if *ht 4 2  Grea+H

  if *& - 2/ KK

  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./H

  if *rPtr  Grea+H

  if *rPtr-9(olor KK REU

 sta( - /-9(olor K REUH

  rPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  sta( - /-9lin+./ K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9lin+./ K sta( - /H

  if *sta( - / KK root

  root K rPtrH  L


  sta( - 2/-9lin+.& - 2// K rPtrH  L  & K H  sta( K sta( - /H

  sta( - / K rPtrH  ht11H

  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./H  L

  if * *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!" OO  *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!"

 rPtr-9(olor K REUH


  if *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!"


8/16/2019 Programs Algo 46/56

  Ptr K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9(olor K REUH  Ptr-9(olor K ?!"H  rPtr-9lin+./ K Ptr-9lin+./H  Ptr-9lin+./ K rPtrH  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./ K PtrH  L


rPtr-9(olor K sta( - /-9(olorH  sta( - /-9(olor K ?!"H  rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor K ?!"H  sta( - /-9lin+./ K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9lin+./ K sta( - /H  if *sta( - / KK root

  root K rPtrH  L


  sta( - 2/-9lin+.& - 2// K rPtrH  L  Grea+H

  L  L


  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./H  if *rPtr  Grea+H

  if *rPtr-9(olor KK REU

  sta( - /-9(olor K REUH  rPtr-9(olor K ?!"H  sta( - /-9lin+./ K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9lin+./ K sta( - /H

  if *sta( - / KK root

  root K rPtrH  L


  sta( - 2/-9lin+.& - 2// K rPtrH  L  & K H  sta( K sta( - /H  sta( - / K rPtrH  ht11H

  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./H  L  if * *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!" OO *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!"

  rPtr-9(olor K REUH  L


  if *rPtr-9lin+./ bb rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor KK ?!"

  Ptr K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9(olor K REUH  Ptr-9(olor K ?!"H  rPtr-9lin+./ K Ptr-9lin+./H  Ptr-9lin+./ K rPtrH  rPtr K sta( - /-9lin+./ K PtrH  L  rPtr-9(olor K sta( - /-9(olorH

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 47/56

  sta( - /-9(olor K ?!"H  rPtr-9lin+./-9(olor K ?!"H  sta( - /-9lin+./ K rPtr-9lin+./H  rPtr-9lin+./ K sta( - /H  if *sta( - / KK root

  root K rPtrH  L else

  sta( - 2/-9lin+.& - 2// K rPtrH  L  Grea+H  L  L  ht--H  L  L  Lint main*

  int (h, &ataH  6hile *

  printf*$ Insert a ne6 elementn2$ Uelete an elementnH  s(anf*\&, O(hH  s6it(h *(h


  printf*nEnter the &ata to insert H  s(anf*\&, O&ataH  insertion*&ataH  Grea+H


  (ase 2

  printf*nEnter the element to Ge &elete& H  s(anf*\&, O&ataH  &eletion*&ataH  Grea+H

LL  printf*nH  L  return H  L


get?eaf!ount*stru(t no&eJ no&e

 $ if*no&eKNZ??

2$ return

 3$ if*no&e-9leftKNZ?? an& no&e-9rightKNZ??

8$ return

:$ else

<$ return get?eaf!ount*no&e-9left1get?eaf!ount*no&e-9right


Fin(lu&e 4st&io$h9

Fin(lu&e 4st&liG$h9

stru(t no&e

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 48/56

  int &ataH

  stru(t no&eJ leftH

  stru(t no&eJ rightH


unsigne& int get?eaf!ount*stru(t no&eJ no&e

  if*no&e KK NZ??

return H

  if*no&e-9left KK NZ?? OO no&e-9rightKKNZ??

return H


return get?eaf!ount*no&e-9left1get?eaf!ount*no&e-9rightH


int main*

  stru(t no&e Jroot K ne6No&e*H

  root-9left K ne6No&e*2H

  root-9right K ne6No&e*3H

  root-9left-9left K ne6No&e*8H

  root-9left-9right K ne6No&e*:H

printf*?eaf (ount of the tree is \&, get?eaf!ount*rootH


  return H


8/16/2019 Programs Algo 49/56


Q$ Uesign an& implement (o&es for the (onstru(tion of c? tree having anynumGer of no&es given Gy user an& perform single an& &ouGle rotation as perthe reuirement of c? tree$ naly%e its time (omplexity on the Gasis of !PZutili%ation$Program-

Fin(lu&e4st&io$h9Fin(lu&e4st&liG$h9 n c? tree no&estru(t no&e  int +eyH  stru(t no&e JleftH  stru(t no&e JrightH  int heightHLH utility fun(tion to get maximum of t6o integersint max*int a, int GH utility fun(tion to get height of the treeint height*stru(t no&e JN

  if *N KK NZ??  return H  return N-9heightHL utility fun(tion to get maximum of t6o integersint max*int a, int G  return *a 9 G_ a GHLJ )elper fun(tion that allo(ates a ne6 no&e 6ith the given +ey an&  NZ?? left an& right pointers$ Jstru(t no&eJ ne6No&e*int +ey  stru(t no&eJ no&e K *stru(t no&eJ  mallo(*si%eof*stru(t no&eH  no&e-9+ey K +eyH  no&e-9left K NZ??H  no&e-9right K NZ??H  no&e-9height K H ne6 no&e is initially a&&e& at leaf   return*no&eHL utility fun(tion to right rotate suGtree roote& 6ith y See the &iagram given aGove$stru(t no&e JrightRotate*stru(t no&e Jy  stru(t no&e Jx K y-9leftH  stru(t no&e JT2 K x-9rightH  Perform rotation  x-9right K yH  y-9left K T2H  Zp&ate heights  y-9height K max*height*y-9left, height*y-9right1H  x-9height K max*height*x-9left, height*x-9right1H  Return ne6 root  return xHL utility fun(tion to left rotate suGtree roote& 6ith x See the &iagram given aGove$stru(t no&e JleftRotate*stru(t no&e Jx  stru(t no&e Jy K x-9rightH  stru(t no&e JT2 K y-9leftH

  Perform rotation  y-9left K xH  x-9right K T2H  Zp&ate heights

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 50/56

  x-9height K max*height*x-9left, height*x-9right1H  y-9height K max*height*y-9left, height*y-9right1H  Return ne6 root  return yHL @et alan(e fa(tor of no&e Nint getalan(e*stru(t no&e JN

  if *N KK NZ??  return H  return height*N-9left - height*N-9rightHLstru(t no&eJ insert*stru(t no&eJ no&e, int +ey  J $ Perform the normal ST rotation J  if *no&e KK NZ??  return*ne6No&e*+eyH  if *+ey 4 no&e-9+ey  no&e-9left K insert*no&e-9left, +eyH  else  no&e-9right K insert*no&e-9right, +eyH  J 2$ Zp&ate height of this an(estor no&e J

  no&e-9height K max*height*no&e-9left, height*no&e-9right 1 H  J 3$ @et the Galan(e fa(tor of this an(estor no&e to (he(+ 6hether  this no&e Ge(ame unGalan(e& J  int Galan(e K getalan(e*no&eH  If this no&e Ge(omes unGalan(e&, then there are 8 (ases  ?eft ?eft !ase  if *Galan(e 9 OO +ey 4 no&e-9left-9+ey  return rightRotate*no&eH  Right Right !ase  if *Galan(e 4 - OO +ey 9 no&e-9right-9+ey  return leftRotate*no&eH  ?eft Right !ase  if *Galan(e 9 OO +ey 9 no&e-9left-9+ey    no&e-9left K leftRotate*no&e-9leftH  return rightRotate*no&eH  L  Right ?eft !ase  if *Galan(e 4 - OO +ey 4 no&e-9right-9+ey    no&e-9right K rightRotate*no&e-9rightH  return leftRotate*no&eH  L  J return the *un(hange& no&e pointer J  return no&eHL utility fun(tion to print preor&er traversal of the tree$ The fun(tion also prints height of every no&evoi& preWr&er*stru(t no&e Jroot  if*root K NZ??    printf*\& , root-9+eyH  preWr&er*root-9leftH  preWr&er*root-9rightH  LLJ Uriver program to test aGove fun(tionJint main*  stru(t no&e Jroot K NZ??H  J !onstru(ting tree given in the aGove 'gure J  root K insert*root, H

  root K insert*root, 2H  root K insert*root, 3H  root K insert*root, 8H  root K insert*root, :H

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 51/56

  root K insert*root, 2:H  J The (onstru(te& c? Tree 6oul& Ge  3    2 8    2: :  J

  printf*Pre or&er traversal of the (onstru(te& c? tree is nH  preWr&er*rootH  return H


8/16/2019 Programs Algo 52/56

*A+ EER#ISE-$$Uesign an& implement algorithm for -Tree 6ith t*minimum &egree of tree K3for follo6ingoperations(A) -Tree Sear(h(+) -Tree !reate

(#) -Tree Insertnaly%e its time (omplexities on the Gasis of !PZ utili%ation an& dustify it$Program-  Fin(lu&e 4st&io$h9  Fin(lu&e 4st&liG$h9  F&e'ne MX 8  F&e'ne MIN 2  stru(t GtreeNo&e   int val.MX 1 /, (ountH  stru(t GtreeNo&e Jlin+.MX 1 /H  LH  stru(t GtreeNo&e JrootH  J (reating ne6 no&e J

  stru(t GtreeNo&e J (reateNo&e*int val, stru(t GtreeNo&e J(hil&   stru(t GtreeNo&e Jne6No&eH  ne6No&e K *stru(t GtreeNo&e Jmallo(*si%eof*stru(t GtreeNo&eH  ne6No&e-9val./ K valH  ne6No&e-9(ount K H  ne6No&e-9lin+./ K rootH  ne6No&e-9lin+./ K (hil&H  return ne6No&eH  L  J Pla(es the value in appropriate position J  voi& a&&calToNo&e*int val, int pos, stru(t GtreeNo&e Jno&e,  stru(t GtreeNo&e J(hil&   int d K no&e-9(ountH  6hile *d 9 pos   no&e-9val.d 1 / K no&e-9val.d/H  no&e-9lin+.d 1 / K no&e-9lin+.d/H  d--H  L  no&e-9val.d 1 / K valH  no&e-9lin+.d 1 / K (hil&H  no&e-9(ount11H  L  J split the no&e J  voi& splitNo&e *int val, int Jpval, int pos, stru(t GtreeNo&e Jno&e,  stru(t GtreeNo&e J(hil&, stru(t GtreeNo&e JJne6No&e   int me&ian, dH  if *pos 9 MIN  me&ian K MIN 1 H  else  me&ian K MINH  Jne6No&e K *stru(t GtreeNo&e Jmallo(*si%eof*stru(t GtreeNo&eH  d K me&ian 1 H  6hile *d 4K MX   *Jne6No&e-9val.d - me&ian/ K no&e-9val.d/H  *Jne6No&e-9lin+.d - me&ian/ K no&e-9lin+.d/H  d11H  L  no&e-9(ount K me&ianH  *Jne6No&e-9(ount K MX - me&ianH  if *pos 4K MIN   a&&calToNo&e*val, pos, no&e, (hil&H  L else   a&&calToNo&e*val, pos - me&ian, Jne6No&e, (hil&H

  L  Jpval K no&  *Jne6No&e-9lin+./ K no&  no&e-9(ount--H

8/16/2019 Programs Algo 53/56

  L  J sets the value val in the no&e J  int setcalueInNo&e*int val, int Jpval,  stru(t GtreeNo&e Jno&e, stru(t GtreeNo&e JJ(hil&   int posH  if *no&e   Jpval K valH  J(hil& K NZ??H

  return H  L  if *val 4 no&e-9val./   pos K H  L else   for *pos K no&e-9(ountH  *val 4 no&e-9val.pos/ OO pos 9 H pos--H  if *val KK no&e-9val.pos/   printf*Uupli(ates not allo6e&nH  return H  L  L  if *setcalueInNo&e*val, pval, no&e-9lin+.pos/, (hil&   if *no&e-9(ount 4 MX

  a&&calToNo&e*Jpval, pos, no&e, J(hil&H  L else   splitNo&e*Jpval, pval, pos, no&e, J(hil&, (hil&H  return H  L  L  return H  L  J insert val in -Tree J  voi& insertion*int val   int =ag, iH  stru(t GtreeNo&e J(hil&H  =ag K setcalueInNo&e*val, Oi, root, O(hil&H  if *=ag  root K (reateNo&e*i, (hil&H  L  J (opy su((essor for the value to Ge &elete& J  voi& (opySu((essor*stru(t GtreeNo&e JmyNo&e, int pos   stru(t GtreeNo&e J&ummyH  &ummy K myNo&e-9lin+.pos/H  for *H&ummy-9lin+./ K NZ??H  &ummy K &ummy-9lin+./H  myNo&e-9val.pos/ K &ummy-9val./H

  L  J removes the value from the given no&e an& rearrange values J  voi& removecal*stru(t GtreeNo&e JmyNo&e, int pos   int i K pos 1 H  6hile *i 4K myNo&e-9(ount   myNo&e-9val.i - / K myNo&e-9val.i/H  myNo&e-9lin+.i - / K myNo&e-9lin+.i/H  i11H  L  myNo&e-9(ount--H  L  J shifts value from parent to right (hil& J  voi& &oRightShift*stru(t GtreeNo&e JmyNo&e, int pos   stru(t GtreeNo&e Jx K myNo&e-9lin+.pos/H  int d K x-9(ountH  6hile *d 9   x-9val.d 1 / K x-9val.d/H  x-9lin+.d 1 / K x-9lin+.d/H  L

  x-9val./ K myNo&e-9val.pos/H  x-9lin+./ K x-9lin+./H  x-9(ount11H  x K myNo&e-9lin+.pos - /H

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  myNo&e-9val.pos/ K x-9val.x-9(ount/H  myNo&e-9lin+.pos/ K x-9lin+.x-9(ount/H  x-9(ount--H  returnH  L  J shifts value from parent to left (hil& J  voi& &o?eftShift*stru(t GtreeNo&e JmyNo&e, int pos   int d K H

  stru(t GtreeNo&e Jx K myNo&e-9lin+.pos - /H  x-9(ount11H  x-9val.x-9(ount/ K myNo&e-9val.pos/H  x-9lin+.x-9(ount/ K myNo&e-9lin+.pos/-9lin+./H  x K myNo&e-9lin+.pos/H  myNo&e-9val.pos/ K x-9val./H  x-9lin+./ K x-9lin+./H  x-9(ount--H  6hile *d 4K x-9(ount   x-9val.d/ K x-9val.d 1 /H  x-9lin+.d/ K x-9lin+.d 1 /H  d11H  L  returnH

  L  J merge no&es J  voi& mergeNo&es*stru(t GtreeNo&e JmyNo&e, int pos   int d K H  stru(t GtreeNo&e Jx K myNo&e-9lin+.pos/, Jx2 K myNo&e-9lin+.pos - /H  x2-9(ount11H  x2-9val.x2-9(ount/ K myNo&e-9val.pos/H  x2-9lin+.x2-9(ount/ K myNo&e-9lin+./H  6hile *d 4K x-9(ount   x2-9(ount11H  x2-9val.x2-9(ount/ K x-9val.d/H  x2-9lin+.x2-9(ount/ K x-9lin+.d/H  d11H  L  d K posH  6hile *d 4 myNo&e-9(ount   myNo&e-9val.d/ K myNo&e-9val.d 1 /H  myNo&e-9lin+.d/ K myNo&e-9lin+.d 1 /H  d11H  L  myNo&e-9(ount--H  free*xH  L  J a&dusts the given no&e J  voi& a&dustNo&e*stru(t GtreeNo&e JmyNo&e, int pos   if *pos   if *myNo&e-9lin+./-9(ount 9 MIN   &o?eftShift*myNo&e, H  L else   mergeNo&es*myNo&e, H  L  L else   if *myNo&e-9(ount K pos   if*myNo&e-9lin+.pos - /-9(ount 9 MIN   &oRightShift*myNo&e, posH  L else   if *myNo&e-9lin+.pos 1 /-9(ount 9 MIN   &o?eftShift*myNo&e, pos 1 H  L else   mergeNo&es*myNo&e, posH  L  L  L else

  if *myNo&e-9lin+.pos - /-9(ount 9 MIN  &oRightShift*myNo&e, posH  else  mergeNo&es*myNo&e, posH

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  L  L  L  J &elete val from the no&e J  int &elcal>romNo&e*int val, stru(t GtreeNo&e JmyNo&e   int pos, =ag K H  if *myNo&e   if *val 4 myNo&e-9val./

  pos K H  =ag K H  L else   for *pos K myNo&e-9(ountH  *val 4 myNo&e-9val.pos/ OO pos 9 H pos--H  if *val KK myNo&e-9val.pos/   =ag K H  L else   =ag K H  L  L  if *=ag   if *myNo&e-9lin+.pos - /   (opySu((essor*myNo&e, posH

  =ag K &elcal>romNo&e*myNo&e-9val.pos/, myNo&e-9lin+.pos/H  if *=ag KK   printf*@iven &ata is not present in -TreenH  L  L else   removecal*myNo&e, posH  L  L else   =ag K &elcal>romNo&e*val, myNo&e-9lin+.pos/H  L  if *myNo&e-9lin+.pos/   if *myNo&e-9lin+.pos/-9(ount 4 MIN  a&dustNo&e*myNo&e, posH  L  L  return =agH  L  J &elete val from -tree J  voi& &eletion*int val, stru(t GtreeNo&e JmyNo&e   stru(t GtreeNo&e JtmpH  if *&elcal>romNo&e*val, myNo&e   printf*@iven value is not present in -TreenH  returnH  L else   if *myNo&e-9(ount KK   tmp K myNo&eH  myNo&e K myNo&e-9lin+./H  free*tmpH  L  L  root K myNo&eH  returnH  L  J sear(h val in -Tree J  voi& sear(hing*int val, int Jpos, stru(t GtreeNo&e JmyNo&e   if *myNo&e   returnH  L  if *val 4 myNo&e-9val./   Jpos K H  L else   for *Jpos K myNo&e-9(ountH  *val 4 myNo&e-9val.Jpos/ OO Jpos 9 H *Jpos--H

  if *val KK myNo&e-9val.Jpos/   printf*@iven &ata \& is present in -Tree, valH  returnH  L

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  L  sear(hing*val, pos, myNo&e-9lin+.Jpos/H  returnH  L  J -Tree Traversal J  voi& traversal*stru(t GtreeNo&e JmyNo&e   int iH  if *myNo&e

  for *i K H i 4 myNo&e-9(ountH i11   traversal*myNo&e-9lin+.i/H  printf*\& , myNo&e-9val.i 1 /H  L  traversal*myNo&e-9lin+.i/H  L  L  int main*   int val, (hH  6hile *   printf*$ Insertiont2$ UeletionnH  printf*3$ Sear(hingt8$ TraversalnH  printf*:$ ExitnEnter your (hoi(eH  s(anf*\&, O(hH

  s6it(h *(h   (ase   printf*Enter your inputH  s(anf*\&, OvalH  insertion*valH  Grea+H  (ase 2  printf*Enter the element to &eleteH  s(anf*\&, OvalH  &eletion*val, rootH  Grea+H  (ase 3  printf*Enter the element to sear(hH  s(anf*\&, OvalH  sear(hing*val, O(h, rootH  Grea+H  (ase 8  traversal*rootH  Grea+H  (ase :  exit*H  &efault  printf*Z have entere& 6rong optionnH  Grea+H  L  printf*nH  L
