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Profiles with High Influence

High Influence

Influence is the factor of communication. A profile like that on the left, showing high Influence with no otherbalancing factors, is very closely linked with those styles that communicate easily and fluently with others. It isfor this reason that profiles of this kind are often referred to as 'Communicator' profiles - they describeconfident, outgoing and gregarious individuals who value contact with other people and the development of positive relations.

Relating to Others

Relating to others is what a High-I (highly Influential person) does best. They are open to others and confidentin their own social abilities, allowing them to interact positively in almost any situation. Their strong and evidentconfidence, coupled with their genuine interest in the ideas and especially feelings of other people, are oftenfound charming by those around them.

Common Abilities

From the above, it will be no surprise that a High-I's most distinct abilities lie in the area of communication.They are strong communicators, possessing the assertiveness to drive home a point of view, but also theintuitive qualities to understand others' perspectives and adapt to meet new situations.

Motivating Factors

Highly Influential individuals are motivated by relations with others. Specifically, they need to feel accepted bythose around them, and react badly if they perceive themselves to be rejected or disliked. Praise and approvalmake a strong impression on them, and they will sometimes go to great lengths to achieve this kind of reactionfrom other people.

Especially important to this type of person are the opinions and reactions of their particularly close circle. Whena High-I develops very close ties with somebody, that person becomes part of their 'Influence Group', as it isknown. Their actions will often be designed to improve and extend relations within this group, even to the extentof alienating people who are not part of this circle. This factor can make highly Influential characters appearunpredictable at times.


The sub-traits of this type are Friendliness , Enthusiasm and Self-confidence .

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High Dominance and Influence

A profile of this type represents a highly assertive person, capable of both direct, dynamic action or charmingsociability as a situation demands. In combination, these factors describe a person with clear goals in life withthe determination and commitment to achieve them. This style of person will seek to maintain a position of dominance, both in terms of personal authority and control, but also in a social sense - they like to feel that theyare not only respected by those working with them, but also genuinely liked.

Relating to Others

This type is characterised by strong social skills and a persuasive communication style. They are capable of greatcharm, but will sometimes adopt a more demanding, overbearing style of behaviour, especially if they feelthemselves to be under pressure. The outgoing and quickly-paced approach of this kind of person can be difficultto deal with for less assertive or direct types, especially as they have no fear of confrontation and will addressissues directly rather than prevaricate or evade.

Common Abilities

Challenge is a keyword for this type of person - they thrive in situations that others would find impossiblystressful and difficult to deal with. Their need for achievement means that they are willing to undertake almostany task to achieve success or recognition, and this driving, motivated approach lends them an urgency and

energy rarely seen in other types.Regular DISC users will recognize this profile shape as the classic ideal for direct sales work. This type of occupation typifies the characteristics of this style, the ability to think and react quickly, adapt to challengingsituations and use powers of both assertiveness and persuasion to motivate others to accept their ownproposals.

Motivating Factors

Challenge is a keyword for this type of person - they thrive in situations that others would find impossiblystressful and difficult to deal with. Their need for achievement means that they are willing to undertake almostany task to achieve success or recognition, and this driving, motivated approach lends them an urgency andenergy rarely seen in other types.

Regular DISC users will recognize this profile shape as the classic ideal for direct sales work. This type of occupation typifies the characteristics of this style, the ability to think and react quickly, adapt to challengingsituations and use powers of both assertiveness and persuasion to motivate others to accept their ownproposals.


The sub-traits of this type are Self-motivation , Independence , Enthusiasm and Self-confidence .

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High Influence and Steadiness

Influence and Steadiness are both communicative factors more oriented towards feelings and emotions thanhard fact and practicalities. In combination, they describe a person oriented towards personal matters and theunderstanding of other people. The behaviour of such a person is confident, warm and friendly, but nonethelessincorporates a sympathetic ear for others and a readiness to help with others' problems where possible. Theseare the reasons why a DISC profile with this characteristic inverted 'U' shape is often described as a 'Counsellor'Profile.

Relating to Others

Of all DISC profiles, those following this general pattern are probably the most effective at relating to otherpeople, in an all round sense. They are able to socialise easily and their gregarious natures allow them to feel atease with people they do not know. They are often persuasive and charming, but the Steadiness in this profilemeans that they are also able to adopt a more open, relaxed approach when a situation demands, becoming lessdirectly active and more passively receptive to the ideas and feelings of other people.

Common Abilities

The strengths of a High-I profile relate to their abilities in the areas of communication and understanding. In thiscase, the high Influence is shared with Steadiness, allowing them to fulfil supportive roles well, beingunderstanding and sympathetic, but their more outgoing side means that they are also able to operateeffectively in a social or persuasive sense. It should be noted, however, that people of this kind place lessemphasis on matters of practicality than a purely High-S profile style, as this element is balanced by the lessmethodical Influence factor.

Motivating Factors

Antagonism, rejection and confrontation are all situations that this type of person will try to avoid. To use theirconsiderable communicative powers, they will need to feel that they are operating in a favourable environment,and that those around them are sympathetic and approving. To feel completely motivated, individuals with aCounsellor Profile need to feel that they are appreciated, respected and liked by the people around them, andwill sometimes go to unusual lengths to attract positive attention of this kind.


The sub-traits of this type are Friendliness , Self-confidence , Patience and Persistence .

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High Dominance, Influence and Steadiness

The lack of Compliance in this profile indicates that independence is the key element in understanding this style.People of this kind have a clear idea of their aims in life, and the strength of will to achieve their aims. It isunusual to find high Steadiness in a profile of this type, and this lends the individual concerned a sense of persistence and a willingness to work steadfastly and diligently in pursuit of their ends.

There is a sociable, open aspect to this type, but the presence of Dominance means that they also have anunderlying sense of determination and assertiveness that will come to the fore, especially if they find themselvesin difficult or demanding situations.

Relating to Others

Influence and Steadiness are both social factors, suggesting that this type will interact easily and skilfully withother people, and that they possess the personal self-confidence to mix relatively easily with strangers, or inunusual situations. They do have a strong sense of independence, however, and are prepared to go toconsiderable lengths to maintain their own sense of identity, and to protect and defend their own viewpoint.

Common Abilities

This is a solid and dependable style with strong social abilities, and with an assertiveness and willingness to takethe initiative that is rare in such types. They have a strong sense of personal responsibility and an inherent self-reliance that make them especially effective as facilitators. Their combination of patience and assertivenessresults in a rare and valuable behavioural style, capable of achieving results, but equally able to consider theiroptions carefully before reaching a final decision.

Motivating Factors

Because of their independent style, this type of person will seek to hold a degree of control over their owncircumstances, and will look for opportunities to drive towards their own ambitions. While success is important tothem, however, they also value positive relationships with other people, and under some circumstances they willbe prepared to delay achievement of their goals if this conflicts with others' needs.


The sub-traits of this type are Independence , Self-confidence and Persistence .

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High Dominance, Influence and Compliance

Speed of response and a sense of urgency are the defining characteristics of this behavioural type. Their lowSteadiness score suggests that their approach will be rooted in a dynamic, impatient style. This is a relativelyself-controlled and ambitious style, but they also possess effective social abilities that can be expected to cometo the fore in informal, open situations.

While ambition and assertiveness are important elements of this style, the type of person to whom it refers willalso have an awareness of the needs of others and a sense of order that make them far less impulsive andunpredictable than many similarly extrovert types. While they will wish to achieve success in their own right,they also understand that the needs of an organisation will from time to time require that they suppress theirown ambitions for the good of the team.

Relating to Others

The ways in which this type relates to other people will tend to vary according to their social situation,depending on the relative formality of their surroundings. In more social, casual circumstances, they will projecta friendly and animated style, being open and enthusiastic in general approach.

If their situation is more formal or closely regulated, however, a more direct and determined side to thepersonality will develop, being both assertive and self-controlled, and showing far less of the sociable,gregarious side associated with favourable situations. It is in formal situations of this kind that the moreambitious and driving elements of the personality will come to the fore, and it is likely that they will also adopt asomewhat plain-speaking, blunt aspect.

Common Abilities

From the above, it will be clear that an individual of this kind will display different abilities in different situations;they can be charming and enthusiastic, or direct and forthright, depending on their particular circumstances.From a manager's perspective, it will clearly be productive to adapt such a person's working environment, so faras is possible, to bring out the particular style that is most appropriate.

Motivating Factors

Profiles with three high factors, such as this, have complex sets of motivating factors that may sometimesconflict with one another. In this case, motivation stems from the achievement of personal ambition, theacceptance and approval of other people, and certainty of their position. Where these are incompatible, as forexample if the fulfilment of a goal requires a risk to be taken, the relative values of the three factors relative toone another will give some indication of the person's likely course of action.


The sub-traits of this type are Self-motivation , Enthusiasm and Sensitivity .

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High Influence, Steadiness and Compliance

This combination of three high factors represents a behavioural style with a number of divergent elements. Onecommon theme of the style, however, is represented by the low level of Dominance, meaning that overtlyassertive or direct behaviour will rarely be seen. Instead, individuals of this kind will try to achieve their endsthrough communication, using their persuasive abilities or their powers of rational discussion.

This is not an ambitious type of person; profiles of this kind reflect people who rarely set distinct goals forthemselves in life, but prefer instead simply to build strong relationships with others and pursue their personalinterests or pastimes. They work particularly well as part of a team or group, being both friendly and co-operative in style, and ready to accept others' ideas.

Relating to Others

Influence, Steadiness and Compliance, the three important factors in this profile, all confer certaincommunicative strengths on this type of person. In combination, these three elements give styles of this kind anumber of strengths in the field of relations with other people. Influence is the factor that relates to an outgoing,friendly personality style, while Steadiness confers capable listening skills and patience with others. Finally,Compliance gives a rational aspect to such an individual's personal approach, helping them to present cogentand coherent arguments when necessary.

Common Abilities

As we saw above, many of this style's abilities lie in the fie ld of personal communication and relationshipmanagement. They are good team players who work well with other people, and appreciate their input intodiscussions. While they have the confidence to maintain a pro-active role, this does not equate to the directassertiveness of certain other types. They are capable of being outgoing and extrovert, they are also receptiveto other people and sympathetic to other points of view.

Motivating Factors

This type of person is not ambitious by nature, and rarely has a specific set of goals or aims in life. Motivationfor this person is more a matter of a general sense of happiness or contentment, and specifically this means thedevelopment of positive, warm relations with other people, time to adapt to changes in circumstance, and asense of sureness about their position, especially (but not exclusively) in social terms.

Sub-traitsThe sub-traits of this type are Friendliness , Patience and Co-operativeness .