Download - Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

Page 1: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc

University of Agriculture in Krakow

Faculty of Food Technology,

Department of Biotechnology and General Technology of Food

Address: Balicka 122, 30-149 Krakow, Room 0.123

Tel: +4812 6624751

Email: [email protected]

Consultation hours: Tuesdays, 10-12 a.m.

Research interest:

food refrigeration technology.

chemical and technological aspects of the production, preservation and storage of food,

quality and safety of food products,

relationships between the composition and structure of food and its physicochemical properties,

application of enzymatic hydrolysis to modify the functional properties of biopolymers contained in the plant- and animal-derived food,

Research experience:

Titular Professor: 2007: academic title of professor granted by the President of the Republic

of Poland

DSc (Habilitation): 1998: Faculty of Food Technology, University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland),

title: Effect of components of soy flour on the physicochemical properties of soy protein

Page 2: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General


PostDoc: 1988 - 1989: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), Department of Food


PhD: 1987: Faculty of Food Technology, University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland), title: The use of

poultry processing by-products to obtain food protein concentrates.

MSc Eng in food technology: 1982: Faculty of Food Technology, University of Agriculture in Krakow

(Poland), title: Changes in fat fractions during the storage of frozen ducks.

MSc in chemistry: 1980: Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Jagiellonian University,

Krakow (Poland), title: Properties of sulfoxides and their preparation from organic sulphides.

Professional profiles:


List of publications:

1. Witek Magdalena, Maciejaszek Ireneusz, Surówka Krzysztof: Impact of enrichment with egg constituents on water status in gluten-free rice pasta – nuclear magnetic resonance and thermogravimetric approach. Food Chemistry, (2020), 304: 1-10. DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125417

2. Banaś Joanna., Maciejaszek Ireneusz, Surówka Krzysztof et al. Temperature-induced storage quality changes in pumpkin and safflower cold-pressed oils. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization (2020) 14:1213–1222, DOI: org/10.1007/s11694-019-00370-7

3. Fiutak Grzegorz, Michalczyk Magdalena, Filipczak-Fiutak Magda, Surówka Krzysztof et al.: The impact of LED lighting on the yield, morphological structure and some bioactive components in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) sprouts. Food Chemistry, (2019), 285: 53-58. DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.01.086

4. Surówka Krzysztof, Maciejaszek Ireneusz, Walczak Kamila et al. : Chemical composition, safety and quality attributes of traditional cottage sausage. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, (2019), 37 (5): 1-7, DOI:10.17221/135/2019-CJFS

5. Majcherczyk Jagoda, Surówka Krzysztof: Effects of onion or caraway on the formation of biogenic amines during sauerkraut fermentation and refrigerated storage. Food Chemistry, (2019), 298: 1-8, DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125083

6. Surówka Krzysztof, Krokosz Danuta, Rychlicka-Rybska Joanna et al.: Molecular mobility changes during hydration of carrageenan studied by NMR relaxation , in: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Polysaccharides - Glycoscience : 7-9 November 2018, Prague, Czech Republic / Řápková Radmila, Hinková Andrea , Čopíková Jana ( red. ), 2018, Czech Chemical Society, ISBN 978-80-86238-80-7, ss. 377-379

7. Durmus ̧Mustafa, Surówka Krzysztof, Özoğul Fatih et al.: The impact of gravading process on the quality of carp fillets (Cyprinus carpio ): sensory, microbiological, protein profiles and textural changes. Journal fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit-Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, vol. 12, nr 2, 2017, ss. 147-155, DOI:10.1007/s00003-017-1106-0

Page 3: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

8. Surówka Krzysztof, Rzepka Magdalena , Maciejaszek Ireneusz et al.: Jakość i bezpieczeństwo serków wędzonych wytwarzanych w regionie Podhala, w: ŻYWNOŚĆ - Nauka Technologia Jakość, vol. 107, nr 4, 2016, ss. 102-114, DOI:10.15193/zntj/2016/107/141

9. Rzepka Magdalena., Ozogul Fatih., Surówka Krzysztof. & Michalczyk Magdalena.: Freshness and quality attributes of cold stored Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) gravad. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2013, 48, 1318-1326.

10. Michalczyk Magdalena., Surówka Krzysztof.: Microstructure and instrumentally measured textural changes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) gravads during production and storage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2009, 89 1942-1949.

11. Surówka Krzysztof., Żmudziński Daniel., Surówka Józefa.: Enzymic modification of extruded soy protein concentrates as a method of obtaining new functional food components. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2004, 15, 153-160.

12. Surówka Krzysztof., Żmudziński Daniel., Fik Mirosław., Macura Ryszard., Łasocha Wiesław: New protein preparations from soy flour obtained by limited enzymic hydrolysis of extrudates. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 2004, 5/2, 225-234.

Dr Joanna Banaś

University of Agriculture in Krakow

Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General Technology of Food

Address: Balicka 122, 30-149 Krakow , Room 0.128

Tel: (+48 12) 662 47 60

Email: [email protected]

Consultation hours: Monday 10-14

Research interest:

- storage changes in food, especially in cold-pressed oils

- spectrofluorimetrical analysis of food

- pro- and antioxidant activity of food components

PI in current projects:

Page 4: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General




Research experience:

PhD 2005, Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University

MSc, 2000, Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, MSc dissertation: Nitric oxide conversion

over V2O5-WO3 catalyst (Konwersja tleknu azotu na katalizatorze V2O5-WO3)

Professional profiles:


List of publications:

1. Banaś J., Maciejaszek I., Surówka K., Zawiślak A. (2020). Temperature-induced storage quality changes in pumpkin and safflower cold-pressed oils. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, in press

2. Banaś J. (2019). Analysis of the chemical composition changes in cold-pressed walnut oil during storage at various temperatures (Analiza zmian składu chemicznego oleju z orzechów włoskich tłoczonego na zimno w trakcie przechowywania w różnych temperaturach). Przemysł Chemiczny, 98/12, 1978-1982.

3. Surówka K., Maciejaszek I., Walczak K., Walczycka M., Surówka B., Rzepka M., Banaś J. (2019). Chemical composition, safety and quality attributes of traditional cottage sausage. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 37(5), 325-331.

4. Kurańska M., Banaś J., Polaczek K., Banaś M., Prociak A., Kuc J., Uram K., Lubera T. (2019). Evaluation of application potential of used cooking oils in the synthesis of polyol compounds. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7(6), 103506.

5. Surówka K., Rzepka M., Maciejaszek I., Tesarowicz I., Zawiślak A., Banaś J. (2016). Quality and safety of smoked cheeses manufactured in the Podhale region (Jakość i bezpieczeństwo serków wędzonych wytwarzanych w regionie Podhala). Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość/Food. Science Technology. Quality, 4(107), 102-114.

6. Michalczyk M., Macura R., Banaś J., Tesarowicz I., Maciejaszek I. (2015). Effect of adding oregano essential oil, garlic and tomato preparations separately and in combination on the stability of vacuum-packed minced pork during storage. Annals of Animal Science, 15(1), 221-235.

7. Ptaszek P., Kabziński M., Kruk J., Kaczmarczyk K., Żmudziński D., Liszka-Skoczylas M., Mickowska B., Łukasiewicz M., Banaś J. (2015). The effect of pectins and xanthan gum on physicochemical properties of egg white protein foams. Journal of Food Engineering, 144, 129-137.

8. Michalczyk M., Banaś J. (2014). Effect of essential oils from common herbs on oxidative stability of stored lard (Wpływ olejków eterycznych z wybranych roślin przyprawowych na stabilność oksydacyjną przechowywanego smalcu wieprzowego).

Page 5: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość/Food. Science Technology. Quality, 21(2), 110-122.

9. Michalczyk M., Macura R., Tesarowicz I., Banaś J. (2012). Effect of adding essential oils of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) and hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) on the shelf life of ground beef. Meat Science, 90(3), 842-850.

10. Macura R., Michalczyk M., Banaś J. (2011). Effect of essential oils of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) on quality of stored ground veal (Wpływ olejków eterycznych kolendry siewnej (Coriandrum sativum L.) i melisy (Melissa officinalis L.) na jakość przechowywanego mielonego miesa cielecego). Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość/Food. Science Technology. Quality, 18(4), 127-137.

11. Surówka K., Żudziński D., Banaś J. (2009). Extrusion and enzymic proteolysis as ecological methods of soy flour modification. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 18(3A), 424-430.

12. Banaś J., Surówka K. (2009). Fluorescence investigation of the lipids in frozen fish. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 18(3A), 32-37.

13. Banaś J., Najbar M., Tomašić V. (2008). Kinetic investigation of the NO decomposition over V-O-W/Ti(Sn)O2 catalyst. Catalysis Today, 137(2-4), 267-272.

14. Banaś J., Surówka K. (2008). Using accelerate shelf life test to investigate of ready-to-use oil-based marinades stability. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 17(3A), 49-51.

15. Banaś J., Tomašić V., Wesełucha-Birczyńska A., Najbar M. (2007). Structural sensitivity of NO decomposition over a V-O-W/Ti(Sn)O2 catalyst. Catalysis Today, 119(1-4), 199-203.

16. Banaś J., Wesełucha-Birczyńska A., Camra J., Borzęcka-Prokop B., Najbar M. (2006). Reconstruction of the surface structure of V-O-W/Ti(Sn)O2 catalyst as a result of redox processes. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 15(6A), 7-10.,

17. Najbar M., Mizukami F., Kornelak P., Wesełucha-Birczyńska A., Borzęcka-Prokop B., Bielańska E., Białas A., Banaś J., Su D. (2004). Studies of processes occurring during alkoxide derived V-O-W unsupported catalyst formation. Catalysis Today, 90(1-2), 93-102.

18. Korchowiec J., Banaś J., Najbar M. (2003). The influence of external potential perturbation and cluster reduction on catalytic activity of vanadium pentoxide. Chemical Physics Letters, 371(3-4), 253-259.

19. Najbar M., Banaś J., Korchowiec J., Białas A. (2002). Competition between NO reduction and NO decomposition over reduced V-W-O catalysts. Catalysis Today, 73(3-4), 249-254.

Dr Jagoda Majcherczyk

Page 6: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

University of Agriculture in Krakow

Faculty of Food Technology

Address: 122 Balicka Street , Room …0.121

Tel: …12 662 4758

Email: [email protected]

Consultation hours: Wednesday (9-11)

Research interest:

- biogenic amines


- fermentation

Research experience:

Visiting Scholar

PhD: 2011 Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Title of

PhD thesis: “Influence of tobacco smoke on the pharmacokinetics of citalopram’s enantiomers”

MSc: 2007 Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Title of

Msc thesis: “Determination of antidepressant drugs in the blood using a derivatizing reagent by


Professional profiles:


Research Gate

Page 7: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

Dr Eng. …Magdalena Michalczyk…………………….

University of Agriculture in Krakow

Faculty ... Faculty of Food Technology

Address: Balicka 122, 30-149 Krakow, Poland … , Room …

Tel: …12 662 48 23

Email: …[email protected]

Consultation hours: …

Research interest:

- food refrigeration and food storage

- minimally processed food


PI in current projects:




Research experience:

Visiting Scholar

DSc, (Habilitation) ………



MSc, …………., MSc dissertation: ……

Page 8: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

Professional profiles:


Research ID:


Research Gate:


Google Scholar:


List of publications:

Fiutak G., Michalczyk M., Filipczak-Fiutak M., Fiedor L., Surówka K. 2019. The impact of LED lighting

on the yield, morphological structure and some bioactive components in alfalfa( Medicago sativa L.)

sprouts. Food Chemistry, 285, 53-58.

Zawiślak A., Michalczyk M. 2018.Changes in quality indicators of minimally processed wrinkled rose

(Rosa rugosa Thunb.) petals during storage. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus, 17 (5),


Michalczyk M., Macura R., Banaś J., Tesarowicz I., Maciejaszek I. 2015. Effect of adding oregano

essential oil, garlic and tomato preparations separately and in combination on the stability of

vacuum-packed minced pork during storage. Annals of Animal Science, 15(1), 221-235.

Dr Iwona Tesarowicz

University of Agriculture in Krakow

Faculty of Food Technology

Address: ul. Balicka 122, 30-149 Kraków, Room 0.127

Tel: +48 12 662 48 09

Email: [email protected]

Consultation hours: Wednesday 10:00-12:00

Page 9: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

Research interest:

- enzymatic processing of raw food material

- protein hydrolysates

- snail meat processing

Research experience:

PhD in 2007 (Jagiellonian University) “Conformation and intermolecular interaction studies of

selected crystalline Cinchona alkaloid complexes in the context of their biological activity”

MSc 2000 (Jagiellonian University), MSc dissertation: ……

Professional profiles:


Research Gate:

Dr Magdalena Witek

University of Agriculture in Krakow

Faculty of Food Technology,

Department of Biotechnology and General Technology of Food

Address: Balicka 122, 30-149 Krakow, Room 0.122

Tel: +4812 6624758

Email: [email protected]

Consultation hours: Fridays, 10-12 a.m.

Page 10: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

Research interest:

- nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation in food systems, - food processing and engineering, - water sorption properties of polysaccharide - protein systems, - interaction of polysaccharides and proteins with water in foods, - thermal analysis in foods. Research experience: PostDoc:

2005 - 2009: post doc at Wageningen University, Agrotechnology and Food Science, Laboratory of

Biophysics, Wageningen, Holand.

PhD in physics: Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Informatics,

Jagiellonian University, Krakow 1998-2001, title: ” Study of nuclear magnetic relaxation in amorphous

biological systems”, defended in 2006.

MSc in physics: Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Informatics,

Jagiellonian University, Krakow 1998-2001, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University, 1996-1998.

MSc dissertation: title: „Investigation of on anti-cancer drugs by 19F NMR methods" ,defended in


Professional profiles:



List of publications:

M. Witek, H. Peemoeller, J. Szymońska, B. Blicharska. Investigation of starch hydration by 2-D time

domain NMR. Acta Physica Polonica A, 2006, 109, 359-364.

B. Blicharska, M. Witek, M. Fornal, A. L. MacKay. Estimation of free copper ion concentrations in

blood serum using T1 relaxation rates. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2008, 194(1), 41-45.

M. Witek, W.P. Węglarz, L. de Jong, G. van Dalen, J.C.G. Blonk, P. Heussen, E. Van Velzen, H. Van As, J.

van Duynhoven. The structural and hydration properties of heat-treated rice studied at multiple

length scales. Food Chemistry, 2010, 120, 1031-1040.

J. van Duynhoven, A. Voda, M. Witek and H. Van As. Time-Domain NMR Applied to Food Products.

Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, Chapter 3, 2010, 69, 145-197.

B. Blicharska, H. Peemoeller, M. Witek. Hydration water dynamics in biopolymers from NMR

relaxation in the rotating frame. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2010, 207(2), 287-293.

Page 11: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

D.C. Esveld, R.G.M. van der Sman, M.M. Witek, C.W. Windt, H. van As, J.P.M. van Duynhoven, M.B.J.

Meinders. Effect of morphology on water sorption in cellular solid foods. Part II: Sorption in cereal

crackers. Journal of Food Engineering, 2012,109(2), 311-320.

A. Voda, N. Homan, M. Witek, A. Duijster, G. van Dalen, R. van der Sman, J. Nijsse, L. van Vliet, H. Van

As, J. van Duynhoven. The impact of freeze-drying on microstructure and rehydration properties of

carrot. Food Research International, 2012, 49(2), 687-693.

Wierzuchowska D., Witek Magdalena, Blicharska B.: Observation of Antioxidants Activity using NMR

Relaxation Measurements , w: Acta Physica Polonica A, vol. 133, nr 2, 2018, ss. 289-291

Witek Magdalena, Maciejaszek Ireneusz, Surówka Krzysztof: Impact of enrichment with egg

constituents on water status in gluten-free rice pasta – nuclear magnetic resonance and

thermogravimetric approach, w: Food Chemistry, vol. 304, 2020, ss. 1-10, Numer artykułu:125417.

Dr Eng. Agnieszka Zawiślak

University of Agriculture in Krakow

Faculty of Food Technology

Balicka 122, 30-149 Kraków, Poland , Room 0.127

Tel: 12 6624809

Email: [email protected]

Consultation hours:

Wednesdays 10-12

Research interest:

- antioxidants

- plants’ pigments

Page 12: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

- anthocyanins

- copigmentation

Research experience:

PhD: 2008, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Antioxidant properties of low-processed wrinkled

rose petals (Rosa rugosa) and their changes during storage.

MSc: 1995, University of Agriculture in Krakow

MSc dissertation: Heavy metals contamination of the crust, yolks and egg whites.

Professional profiles:


Research Gate:

List of publications:

1. Banaś Joanna, Maciejaszek Ireneusz, Surówka Krzysztof, Zawiślak Agnieszka: Temperature-induced

storage quality changes in pumpkin and safflower cold-pressed oils, in: Journal of Food Measurement

and Characterization, 2020,

2. Zawiślak Agnieszka, Michalczyk Magdalena: Changes in quality indicators of minimally processed

wrinkled rose (Rosa rugosa Thunb.) petals during storage, in: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum

Cultus , vol. 17, nr 5, 2018, pp. 167-178.

3. Fiutak Grzegorz, Michalczyk Magdalena, Macura Ryszard [i in.]: Wpływ naświetlania lampami LED

na wybrane wyróżniki jakości kiełków słonecznika, in: EPISTEME: Czasopismo Naukowo-Kulturalne,

vol. II, nr 30, 2016, pp. 35-45.

4. Surówka Krzysztof, Rzepka Magdalena, Maciejaszek Ireneusz [i in.]: Jakość i bezpieczeństwo

serków wędzonych wytwarzanych w regionie Podhala, in: ŻYWNOŚĆ - Nauka Technologia Jakość, vol.

107, nr 4, 2016, pp. 102-114.

5. Zawiślak Agnieszka, Michalczyk Magdalena: Właściwości przeciwutleniające niskoprzetworzonych

płatków róży pomarszczonej (Rosa rugosa), in: ŻYWNOSC-Nauka Technologia Jakość, vol. 22, nr 1

(98), 2015, pp. 155-169 .

Page 13: Professor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DScProfessor Krzysztof Surówka, PhD, DSc University of Agriculture in Krakow Faculty of Food Technology, Department of Biotechnology and General

6. Zawiślak Agnieszka, Michalczyk Magdalena: Changes in polyphenol and anthocyanin content and

antioxidant activity in methanol and water extracts prepared from stored dried wrinkled rose (Rosa

rugosa thunb.) petals, in: Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universties, vol. 17, nr 4, 2014, pp.
