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Professional Education Reviewer

Direction: Highlight the letter of the best answer.

1. According to Talcott Parsons, how are the structural functionalism and symbolic interactionism related to education?a. Structural functionalism is dealing with the cultural, social, personality and actions system of every society.b. Symbolic interaction, particular in language and human behavior depends on views and ideas that can be used in classroom setting.c. Structural functionalism eliminates inequality between the males and females.d. Structural functionalism and symbolic interactionism are the basis for curriculum development for most of the public schools. 2. What is the origin of the structure part of the structural functional approach?a. Socio-economicalb. macro-sociologicalc. Pscyho-sociald. Role dependency3. The following are the influences on the consensus theory in the work as a teacherEXCEPT.a. Order, stability and teaching regulation within the class premise.b. Personal interest.c. Agreement among students, parents and other faculties in the school.d. Maintenance and continuation of strategically, technically and high-quality teaching.4. Which one of the following is an influence on the conflict theory in the work as a teacher?a. Emotional control.b. Peer-pressurec. Shared norms and values as fundamental to school practices.d. Resistance of students.5. What philosophy in education sees the world as as one personal subjectivity, where goodness, truth, and reality are individually defined?a. Existentialismb. Perennialismc. Idealismd. Experimentalism6. Instead of establishing schools as places where a fixed base of knowledge is passed from teachers to students, these philosophies encourage cooperation between students and teachers in order to find the best answers to questions facing modern-day learners.a. Student-centered philosophies of educationb. Subject-centered philosophies of educationc. Curriculum-based d. Institution development7. Teacher A does not just focus on what childs developmental level is at the time, but also what skills and concepts will develop next.Teacher A used?a. Multiple Intelligencesb. Psycho-Analytic Theory of Learningc. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)d. Cognitive Constructivism

8. Who among the following puts more emphasis on core requirements, longer school day, longer academic year and more challenging textbooks?a. Existentialistb. Behavioristc. Essentialistd. Progressivist

9. If your Licensure Examination Test (LET) items sample adequately the competencies listed in the syllabi, it can be said that the LET possesses __________ validity.a. Constructb. Contentc. Predictived. concurrent10. Republic Act No. 10627 plays an important role in molding childs psychological being. R. A 10627 is also known as ___.a. Anti-punishment act of 2010b. Anti-Bullying Act of 2013c. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013d. Governance of Basic Education Act of 200111. It refers to any deliberate, repetitive and aggressive social behavior intended to hurt others or to belittle another individual or group.a. Gender-based bullyingb. Social bullyingc. Cyber- bullyingd. Personal-bullying

12. A sixth grade twelve-year old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has been abused and neglected. He has been to two orphanages and three different elementary schools. The student can decode on the second grade level, but he can comprehend orally material at the fourth or fifth grade level. The most probable cause/s of this student's reading problem is/are __________.a. emotional factorsb. poor teachingc. neurological factorsd. immaturity13. Are percentile ranks the same as percentage correct?a. It cannot be determined unless scores are given.b. It cannot be determined unless the number of examinees is given.c. Nod. Yes14. In Krathwohl's affective domain of objectives, which of the following is the lowest level of affective behavior?a. Valuingb. Characterizationc. Respondingd. Organization15. On the opeing of the class Teacher A prepared activities which will make her Grade IV children sing, play, talk, learn and introduce themselves to the class. What process did the teacher emphasize?a. Enculturationb. Indoctrinationc. Socializationd. Acculturation16. When a certain culture is acceptable to one group and questionable to others, it shows that:a. culture is borrowed b. culture is variedc. culture is a shared productd. culture is relative17. Teacher A observes that one of his students kept on asking cosmic questions that is not related to the topic. Teacher A concludes that his student has a _____ intelligence.a. Cosmic-Abilityb. Verbal-linguisticc. Existentiald. Intrapersonal18. How will K to 12 affect the college curriculum?a. It will have fewer units with the removal of unnecessary remediation as K to 12 graduates adhere to the College Readiness Standards.b. It will have more units with the addition of the 2 years in high school also called as Senior High Schoolc. Graduates of k to 12 wil not be forced to go to college as they will take units of college on their first year in Senior High school.d. The standard of the assessment of college students will be based on the enchanced curriculum set by the program.19. Teacher A set a date for his students to have a camping to be held in a forest near their municipality. Camping is a kind of ____.a. Participatoryb. Case studyc. Simulationd. Field trip20. This policy aims to protect and improve the socio-economic condition of public school teachers and the state recognized the essential contribution of teachers in nation building so this act serve as controlling agent in maintaining the proper qualification for the professions.a. Republic Act No. 8545b. Republic Act no. 6728c. Republic Act no. 10612d. Republic Act no. 467021. This act is known as the Plhilippne Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994a. Republic Act no. 4670b. Republic Act no. 6728c. Republic Act no. 7836d. Republic Act no. 1061222. A stage where children begin to explore romantic relationships. a. Phallic stageb. Latent Stagec. Genital Staged. Adulthood23. In the Stages of Psychosocial Developemtn by Erikson, in this stage children develop a sense of competence by mastering new skills.a. Initiative vs. Guiltb. Industry vs Inferiorityc. Identity vs Role Confusiond. Intimacy vs Isolation24. Teacher A wants to teach his students by creating a friendly-setting classroom. Also he is also making some activities that involves simulation and problem solving. Teacher A uses what philosohpy in education?a. Existentialismb. Behaviorismc. Constructivismd. Progressivism25. The following guidelines should be obeserve in making powerpoint presentations, EXCEPT.a. Use at least 24-point font for body text for it to be seen by students at the back.b. Dont use ALL CAPS, italics or underline text these types of formatting can be difficult to read and understand once projected on a screenc. Use colorful backgrounf to catch the attention of the students]d. Very simple backgrounds are best

26. Principal C shares this thought with his teachers:"Subject matter should help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions."From which philosophy is this thought based?a. Perennialismb. Essentialismc. Existentialismd. Progressivism27. To come closer to the truth we need to"go back to the things themselves."This is the advice of thea. Behavioristsb. Phenomenologistsc. Idealistsd. Pragmatists28. Student B claims:"I cannot see perfection but I long for it. So it must be real."Under which group can he be classified?a. Idealistb. Empiridstc. Realistd. Pragmatist29. Which of the following prepositions is attributed to Plato?a. Truth is relative to a particular time and place.b. Human beings create their own truths.c. Learning is the discovery of truth as Iatent ideas are brought to consciousness.d. Sense perception is the most accurate guide to knowledge.30. On whose philosophy was A. S. Neil's Summerhill, one of the most experimental schools, based?a. Rousseaub. Pestalozzic. Montessorid. John Locke31. As a teacher, you are a rationalist. Which among these will be your guiding principle?a. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything.b. I must teAch the child to develop his mental powers to the full.c. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.d. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better future.32. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good. Teacher's teaching is against what philosophy?a. Realismb. Hedonismc. Epicureanismd. Empiricism33. Which is/are the sources of man's intellectual drives, according to Freud?a. Idb. Super Egoc. Id and Egod. Ego34. Soc exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrateda. Generalizationb. Extinctionc. Acquisitiond. Discrimination35. The concepts of trust vs. maturity, autonomy vs. self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are most closely related with the works of __________.a. Eriksonb. Piagetc. Freudd. Jung36. In a social studies class, Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks his students what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I's technique based?a. Kohlbergb. Bandurac. Piagetd. Bruner37. Which does Naom Chomsky, assert about language learning for children?I. Young children learn and apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to them.II. Begin formal teaching of grammatical rules to children as early as possible.III. Do not require initial formal language teaching for children.a. I and IIIb. II onlyc. I onlyd. I and II38. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's Social Learning Theory?a. Lecturingb. Modelingc. Questioningd. Inductive Reasoning39. Behavior followed by pleasant consequences will be be strengthened and will be more likely to occur in the future. Behavior followed by unpleasant consequences will be weakened and will be less likely to be repeated in the future. Which one is explained?a. Freud's Psychoanalytic Theoryb. Thorndike's Law of Effectc. B. F. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theoryd. Bandura's Social Learning Theory40. Bruner's theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. In which stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?a. Enactive and iconicb. Symbolicc. Symbolic and enactived. Iconic41. In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then made to ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell of alcohol and stopped drinking alcohol. Which theory explains this?a. Operant conditioningb. Social Learning Theoryc. Associative Learningd. Attribution Theory42. A mother gives his boy his favorite snack everytime the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards, the boy cleaned his room everyday in anticipation of the snack. Which theory is illustrated?a. Associative Learningb. Classical Conditioningc. Operant Conditioningd. Pavlonina Conditoning43. Researches conducted show that teacher's expectations of students become. Do not require initial formal language teaching for children self-fulfilling prophecies. What is this phenomenon called?a. Halo Effectb. Pygmalion Effectc. Ripple Effectd. Hawthorne effect44. What does extreme authoritarianism in the home reinforce in learners?a. Doing things on their own initiativeb. Ability to direct themselves.c. Dependence on others for directiond. Creativity in work.45. Theft of school equipment like tv, computer, etc. by teenagers in the community itself is becoming a common phenomenon. What does this incident signify?a. Prevalence of poverty in the community.b. Inability of school to hire security guards.c. Deprivation of Filipino schools.d. Community's lack of sense of co-ownership.46. A student passes a research report poorly written but ornately presented in a folder to make up for the poor quality of the book report content. Which Filipino trait does this practice prove? Emphasis on __________.a. art over academicsb. substance over "porma"c. art over scienced. "porma" over substance47. All subjects in Philippine elementary and secondary schools are expected to be taught using the integrated approach. This came about as a result of the implementation of _________. a. Program for Decentralized Educationb. School-Based Managementc. Basic Education Curriculumd. Schools First Initiative48. What was the most prominent educational issue of the mid 1980s?a. Bilingual Educationb. Values Educationc. Accountabilityd. Mainstreaming49. Availment of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT) for adults and out-of-school youths is in support of the goverriment'S educational program towards __________.a. equitable accessb. qualityc. quality and relevanced. relevance50. The main purpose of compulsory study of the Constitution is to __________a. develop students into responsible, thinking citizensb. acquaint students with the historical development of the Philippine Constitutionc. make constitutional experts of the studentsd. prepare students for law-makinig

Don't run from a challenge. Instead run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet. -Nadia Comaneci

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