Download - Professional Communications. The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

Page 1: Professional Communications.  The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

ENGL211-1203B-17 P3IPColorado Technical

University Connie Hutson

09 September 2012

Professional Communications

Page 2: Professional Communications.  The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation seeks to discuss cross-cultural communication and some of the communication problems in companies.

Thesis Communication has always being vital to the progress of any

firm, therefore, communication problems need to be addressed as soon as they come up in order to ensure company progress.

Communication is important to any organization Effective communication helps firms to achieve their goals

faster and with much ease Business managers have the responsibility of identifying

communication needs, and strategizing on how to improve the communication between all relevant stakeholders


Page 3: Professional Communications.  The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

Failure of delegation of duties Lack of a common code of conduct Lack of an effective channel of communication Lack of adequate information technology systems (Gopal, 2009).strategies and ways to improve cross cultural

communication Usage of modern technology and particularly the internet. For

example, through use of Facebook and Twitter Use of video conferencing to promote communication among

people of different cultures (Lussier, 2012). Understanding cultural diversity. This entails tolerating and

accepting people from other diverse cultures Promoting cultural awareness among people Demanding for people to be culturally tolerant in the workplace

(Smith, 2002).

Communication problems in firms

Page 4: Professional Communications.  The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

The commonly used non verbal cues include; posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and appearance

Physical appearance is a nonverbal cue used to judge the confidence of a person.

Eye contact improves engagement in people and tunes them into their communication with each other

Facial expressions often portray emotions Managers need to understand the power of non verbal

cues Managers also need to align non verbal cues with verbal

communication in order to be effective Universal non verbal cues should be used to promote

understanding by people of all cultures

Use of non-verbal communication

Page 5: Professional Communications.  The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

Are hard to convey Use of indirect form of communication

(Ober, 2008). An example: Non approval of a request for

promotion Indirect way of communication is easier and

more appropriate for communicating bad news (Ober, 2008).

Bad news

Page 6: Professional Communications.  The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

An explanation should be given Explanation may lead to better

understanding Should be conveyed in a positive way Positive conveyance may create a better

feeling (Guffey& Loewy, 2012).

Bad news

Page 7: Professional Communications.  The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

The most appropriate way of communicating them direct form of communication

The rationale for this is to ensure precision and clarity.

Explanations are necessary Easier to communicate Relationships may be strengthened through

these messages. An example is; when informing employees of a

pay rise or a bonus program (Lehman & DuFrene, 2011).

Good News

Page 8: Professional Communications.  The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

Are often short and precise. Conveyer passes the message directly Few Words are used May be conveyed through emails Require polite language An example of this is a message informing

the supplier to deliver some products (Guffey& Loewy, 2012).


Routine-request messages

Page 9: Professional Communications.  The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

Communication has always being vital to the progress of any firm, therefore, communication problems need to be addressed as soon as they come up in order to ensure company progress.

Without communication, all the functional areas of a firm can be ineffective

Essential communication tools need to be adopted by managers in order to boost understanding by people of diverse cultures and to increase general motivation in the workplace. To achieve this, problems in communication must be identified and strategies to deal with them structured.

Verbal and non verbal cues should also be used wisely by managers to promote effective communication if the firm.

In order to know whether communication is effective in your firm, ask yourself this simple question; How long does it take for you to know of a scheduled meeting?


Page 10: Professional Communications.  The impact and importance of effective communication in an organization is one that cannot go unmentioned. This presentation.

  Gopal, N. (2009). Business communication. New Delhi: New Age International Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2010). Essentials of business communication. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2012). Essentials of business communication. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Lehman, C. M., & DuFrene, D. D. (2011). Business communication. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning Lussier, R. N. (2012). Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, Skill Development Mason. Ohio: Southwestern Ober, S. (2008). Fundamentals of contemporary business communication. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Smith, J. C. (2002). Stress Management: A Comprehensive Handbook of Techniques and Strategies. New York: Springer Publishers
