Download - Production plan mugs and mats


Production Plan

BriefTo help promote Nanna Mexico as a brand, while relating to their target audience e.g. teenagers and tourist.

ObjectiveThe objective is to cultivate a trend within our target audience to help promote Nanna Mexico. By using Mugs and Mats we aim to spread the name of the store around Cambridge to advertise the brand as well as the store.Media ChannelThis will be done through print based products such as Mugs and Place Mats, which are visible in everyone, homes.

Campaign Schedule

Week One Talk to client about idea and develop Develop ideas with client and plan out where to make mugs ad place mats Talk with client and finalise idea

Week Two Start on graphic designs for Mugs and place Mats Work on gathering the cost of print based product Show Client Rough Mugs and Place Mats

Week Three Complete final Mug and Place Mat designs Send the designs to Nanna Mexico Print the designs onto the mugs.

Budget PlanBudget Plan (Over all income from Louis and Josh)8 hours X 3 a week = 2424 X 3 = 7272 X 5.13= 369.36369.36X2 = 738.72Three Ideas:Nanna Mexico Merchandise - £10 per Mug and Place Mat (An hour to order, 3-5 business days to arrive)£200 - £738.72 = £538.72

Risk Assessment

Mugs and Mats

Location Scout Report

Legal and Ethical

When creating the poster will make sure that no offence is made towards any Mexicans. No racial or discriminating content will be used on our poster. The use of cliché Mexican symbols won’t be used within the making of the poster. We will aim not be stepping over the line over any words of phrases that will offend people.

Mugs and Place MatsAnother form of advertising is to create your own products and sell them, for example phone cases, T-Shirts, coaters, mugs and many other creative forms. To create a phone case would be a good way to promote the store, as it would look stylish for the customer and beneficial to the company. There are many different phone cases out there, the only problem (money cost). You could also create Nanna Mexico T-Shirts for customers. If stylish enough, they could be warn around Cambridge as a new trend, but more importantly to promote Nanna Mexico. Cost of T-Shirt is around £10. Times this by the number of shirts you want to sell. The amount of money spent would be a lot but overall it could, would promote the company a lot. Mugs and Coaster cost around £5 each, times this by the amount the item had been brought. The use of mugs and coaters would be an excellent way of advertising the store, as it will clearly show the brand in customers home, which will be seen by other potential customers.