Download - Production Log for 'RANSOM' Poster

Page 1: Production Log for 'RANSOM' Poster

I began by merging two images of our establishing shots, The London Eye and The Houses of Parliament together to form one image. This was a way of keeping consistency in terms of what is in the film and how it will be marketed through the poster. Nevertheless, I marked out using the ruler tool where my four action images would be placed enabling me to clearly construct the poster.

I also chose to begin thinking of fonts to use for the main title simply as a reference tool that would later be finalised in InDesign.

The four images I chose for my poster were directly taken from the film. This was to ensure that my poster had direct links to the film itself, avoiding a misleading effect on the audience. I used snapshots of the important parts of the film, letting the audience solve the problem in wondering what exactly is occurring in this film, is it controversial? Hard Hitting? Or even a depiction of real life?

Here you can see a clear structure into what was being implemented in the poster, creating layers to prevent confusion and an array of design problems.

Page 2: Production Log for 'RANSOM' Poster

Now I have exported my work into InDesign to begin adding text and refining every minute detail in the poster to successfully promote my film. From this I was able to choose very clear cut and defined fonts to make the poster readable and visible from varied distances.

I have also exported my institutions, Empire Entertainment & Supernova Pictures. I placed them in the far corners of the poster as these will be the last pieces of text the audience will see and as a result will lead to further promotion of the institutions we integrated.

Page 3: Production Log for 'RANSOM' Poster

Now I have reached the stage where I begin to place text and surrounding information on the poster. InDesign proved to be a very useful programme to use as it enabled me to pace images and text in its rightful place effortlessly. Moreover, I began adding the directing text and introductory lines in and around the title following the professional examples such an Inception.

Also, note that I have placed the main character of the film at the very top of the poster, signifying his importance and stance in the film.

Page 4: Production Log for 'RANSOM' Poster

All the actors and characters are now being placed in line with the protagonist ‘Olufemi Coker’ laid out in reference to the Inception trailer I took inspiration from. As you can see all the actors have different coloured boxes indicating them being created in different layers.

I have chosen to stick with a simple font ‘Times New Roman’ at a ’12pt’ font to ensure its both easy to read and effectively integrates simplicity and creativity to produce a quality body of work.

Page 5: Production Log for 'RANSOM' Poster

Here I have removed all rulers and all border lines to enable you to see the current stage I am at. As you can see the image in the background is slightly faded. Initially this was part of the design process in which it would act as a feature to enhance the professionalism of my work, however after extensive research and a redrafted design plan, I chose to change the contrast and brightness of the image, which meant removing the base layer and importing it back into PhotoShop. As I had created several layers to great effect, this was not an issue and limited time was lost.

Furthermore, the institutions placed at the very bottom of the poster are in colour, which was initially part of my design path but after reconsideration I changed them to black and white to fit with the rest of the poster. This was mainly because of the colour text I had chosen.

Page 6: Production Log for 'RANSOM' Poster

STRAP YOURSELVES IN THIS SUMMER IN THEATRES,ODEON AND IMAX. The phrase Strap Yourselves was implemented here as a direct reference to the main turning point in the film, where the protagonist as been captured and strapped to a chair in a undisclosed location.

The poster was drawing to a finish but one or two things had caught my attention and needed redefining and editing in PhotoShop. As you can see, the film strip effect placed on the images is slightly slanted towards one side and because of this I chose to change it rather that overlook it.

Here I open the colour, effects and gradient tool to make a few minute changes to the text such as making the colours somewhat brighter and also make it stand out against the black background.

Page 7: Production Log for 'RANSOM' Poster

As you can see here the institution has been changed to black and white to fit the rest of the posters colour scheme.

The merged background is now a lot brighter and visible for the audience.

A website created for further insight to what is to be the greatest urban drama / action film to be released this year.

Minute details such as the Trademark sign being implemented is what allows this to be considered a profession piece of design.

The film strip effect is now straight and from this, it adds to the professionalism of the poster.