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Production Log.

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13th September: First media lesson back, watch a variety of short films on YouTube, gain an understanding of how each film is effective and how genre specific elements need to be majorly researched. If it’s a silent or non silent film which we find most effective? Black or white?

15th September: Between me and my partner we discussed some story ideas and some possible genres we would like to apply to our short film, what element of the other short films we watched could we apply to our own. Started to draft ideas down.

17th September: We then choose 14 short films and watched them again to pick up on any little detail we may have missed and then started to screen grab still shots.

20th September: split the films so we each had 7 to annotate. Start the PowerPoint presentation for short film analysis.

22nd September: Carry on with the analysis for the 14 short films, using screen grabs of still shots.

24th September: Choose 14 film posters to analyse and evaluate. Collect pictures for them all and again divide them into two sections which we shared out.


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27th September: we put together a PowerPoint of the analysis of 14 film posters again using images and arrows to highlight certain factors of the poster which we noticed and which we considered important.

29th September: Find 12 magazine reviews and scan the images into the computer. Analyse and evaluate each on a PowerPoint.

1st October: RESEARCH DEADLINE, We had to hand in all the research we had produced in the lead up to our final product.

4th October: Start the planning part of our A2 coursework, No role distribution was needed anymore as it was only me carrying on the rest of the coursework. Look back at the story idea and alter it slightly.

6th October: find the best possible places to shoot the film and the do a do a location recce, fill out the calendar in order to make sure time management is appropriate.

8th October: Start thinking about the actor, who to use and the costumes that would best suit the representation of the character. Think of suitable props that I will need in the film e.g. clock to show time.

11th October: Sketch the sets of the two locations and scan them in, Finalised the actor and arrange dates to film, sorted out costumes, props and characterization.

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13th October: Done the shot list, this helped to guide me when I actually started to film and also to use effective shots and a variety of them to consider movements and angles. Started to research into sound and what would represent the narrative in a silent film.

15th October: PLANNING DEADLINE. Scanned in storyboards and then inserted the drafts for the ancillary tasks.

18th October: Got a camera and then took a few practise shots, experimented with angles etc…

20th October: Went to the first location which was the white room which was actually a white warehouse and started to film the begging sequence.

22nd October: Looked thorough the shots already taken to make sure that I had filmed everything I needed to for the white room shots.

25th October: HALF TERM STARTS

1st November: HALF TERM ENDS Made sure that there were enough rushes and everything that needed to be filmed had been.

3rd November: Went through the shots taken over half term the in the city location.

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5th November: Filming Deadline. Everything was shot and ready to edit for next week.

8th November: Watch everything shot to double check that the shots filmed were suitable .

10th November: Start to capture everything off the camera on to the computer in Adobe Premiere CS4.

12th November: Start to cut up the captured clips and follow the storyboard of piecing them together. Started with the begging sequence.

15th November: Start to experiment with effect and transitions to see which would make the short film more effective e.g. putting the majority of the clips in black and white.

17th November: Started with the middle sequence, again following the storyboard.

19th November: Finish of the end sequence adding in titles and credits.

22nd November: Add the music right at the end and razor it so it last for the whole of the film.

24th November: watch the film and see if the representation and narrative is clear for the audience to understand.

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26th November: Finalize the film and save it, had troubles doing this as the computer were not working so had to leave it to the next lesson.

29th November: still having troubles finalizing the film but start on the evaluation for the whole project.

1 December: finished up the evaluation making sure that I answered all the questions.

3rd December: DEADLINE FOR ALL MEDIA, I uploaded the work to my blogger.