Download - Producing a Highly Effective Corporate Video


Advancements in technology have resulted in high-quality video cameras, editing equipment, and distribution resources becoming highly accessible to the masses.

Small businesses are no longer at a financial disadvantage when it comes to making highly effective corporate videos for training and marketing purposes.

The rise of the Internet has also made video dissemination easier, as an efficient, convenient, and comprehensive tool.

Videos today can easily be viewed on company websites, increasing their availability and usefulness for both employees and consumers worldwide.

When making a corporate or commercial video, it’s important to keep it direct, concise, and universal.

Choose the quality, tone, and message that will most effectively reflect the company’s character and personality.

Optimize your video to match your website’s capacity to deliver the video content smoothly.

• Nothing is more discouraging to a customer than a video that won’t start or inhibits the site from working well.

Choose whether an “autoplay” or “press play” video function best suits your company’s style and objectives.

Include a call to action within your video to keep customers interested and wanting more.

The goal of corporate or commercial videos is to inform your clientele and enhance your marketing.

Enforce multiple checks and balances to guarantee that your video content does not alienate customers.

Always keep in mind that once a video is released, it will be difficult to retract.

It’s important that a video relay all necessary information, but not at the expense of brevity.

• Get to the point.

• State the facts.

• Keep it interesting.

If videos become too wordy or too long, consumers may get distracted or lose patience before they get all the information.

According to Invodo (2013), the inclusion of video increases the likelihood that a consumer will investigate your product or services further.

Why is video media such an effective tool?

• It’s easily accessible and sharable through multiple media.

• It appeals to multiple senses, resulting in a higher retention rate.

Displaying your video on your site is a wonderful resource for your consumers; however, disseminating the video into the depths of social media will increase notice and give you the greatest opportunity for traffic to your site.

Here are just a few of the most effective resources for getting your company’s video into the public eye:

• Facebook

• Twitter

• Vimeo

• YouTube

ROF Industries, Inc. has the right blend of vision and technical skills to create videos that fit the personality of your company and the specific purpose of your video content.

For more information, visit