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  • 8/10/2019 Proctored Mock CAT-5 2011 Analysis


    MBATest PrepMBATest Prep

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    Proctored Mock CAT-5 2011 Analysis

    The test had 60 questions. These questions were divided equally among the three sections that were clearly defined in the instructions (as in CAT 2010).


    This section of the test was of moderate level of difficulty. The section consisted of:

    5 questions on Number System 5 questions on Algebra 3 questions on Arithmetic 4 questions on Geometry

    3 questions on Modern Math (Misc.)

    The section covered all the topics as shown above. The distribution of questions was almostuniform. Some of the questions asked were very tough but at the same time some sitters werealso present in the test, mostly towards the end of the section. Thus a good selection of questionswas very important in this section. A good number of questions required in-depth understandingof concepts. There were several questions in this section (Q. 3, 4, 9, 14 etc.) that could be solvedby value substitution/option elimination and would have been time-consuming if solved byconventional methods.

    Given below is the question-wise analysis for this section:

    QuestionS. No.

    Key Concepts and Brief Description TopicOverall levelof Difficulty

    3, 7, 8, 11, 18Surds, Perfect Squares, Factorials, Integersolutions etc.

    Numbers Moderate

    1, 4, 9, 15 & 16Polynomial Equations, Logarithms, Exponentials,Functions etc.

    Algebra Moderate

    5, 10 & 14Profit & Loss, Time, Speed & Distance, Mixturesetc.

    ArithmeticModerate to


    2, 12, 19 & 20Polygons, CirclesTangents, Pythagoras theorem,

    Area of a circle, Cubes etc.Geometry Moderate

    6, 13 & 17 Probability, Distribution, Straight lines etc. Modern Math(Misc.) Easy toModerate

    VERBAL (Q.21 Q.40)

    The VA section of the test had an easy to moderate level of difficulty. There was equalemphasis on Reading Comprehension and English Usage. The section consisted of:

    4 RC Passages (Total 10 questions) 2 questions on Incorrect Usage

  • 8/10/2019 Proctored Mock CAT-5 2011 Analysis


    MBATest PrepMBATest Prep

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    1 question on Para Jumbles 3 questions on Para Completion

    2 questions on Grammar 2 questions on Common Confusables

    The English Usage part of this section was of moderate difficulty and had a couple of easyquestions.

    The various questions are now described in detail:

    QuestionS. No.

    Brief Descript ionOverallLevel ofDifficulty


    21 to 23ReadingComprehension(Bernie Madoff)

    Moderate Q.22 and 23 should have been attempted.

    24 & 25ReadingComprehension(Ireland)

    ModerateBoth the questions should have been attempted.Most of the correct answer choices were takendirectly from the passage. Q.24 was easy.

    26 to 29ReadingComprehension(Dickens)

    Moderate 2 out of 4 questions should have been attempted.

    30 & 31Incorrect Usage Moderate -


    Q.29 was of moderate difficulty level and shouldhave been attempted. Q.30 was tough and couldhave been left.

    32 & 33 Grammar ModerateAt least 1 out of 2 questions should have beenattempted.

    34 & 35 Common Confusables Easy Both the questions should have been attempted.

    36 to 38 Para Completion Easy-Moderate

    Questions were of moderate difficulty level. Q.37could have been left.

    39 Para Jumble EasyThe question was easy and should have beenattempted.


    Tough A careful reading of the paragraph was required.

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    MBATest PrepMBATest Prep

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    This section of the test was of moderate to tough level of difficulty. The section consisted of:

    2 sets on Logical Reasoning (3 questions each) 3 individual questions on Logical Reasoning 2 individual questions on Data Sufficiency 1 Line Chart based set: Calculation based set DI (2 questions) 1 Table based set:Analytical(2 questions) 1 Scatter graph based set: Calculation based set DI (3 questions) 1 Bar graph based set DI (2 questions)

    A careful selection of questions in this section was very important. Some of the sets/questionswere very difficult to understand and solve. The individual questions and smaller sets in this testhad lengthy statements and could have been attempted a little later in the exam. There weresome sets (pure DI based) that could be solved by mere analysis.

    The problem sets in this section can be classified as:

    QuestionS. No.

    Key Concepts and Brief Description TypeOveralllevel of


    41 to 43&

    48 to 50

    Two sets on Logical Reasoning. In both the sets thecorrect distribution/arrangement was to bedetermined on the basis of the information given.

    Logical ReasoningModerateto Tough

    47, 57 &


    Individual Logical Reasoning questions where the

    concepts involved were of Logical Deduction,Distribution, Arrangement etc. Logical Reasoning Moderate

    45 & 46

    A table based set which mainly involved analyticsand very few calculations. Some instructions weregiven in a passage above the table that governed theentire data.

    Table based Calculation+ Analytics


    44 & 53

    Individual questions on Data Sufficiency. Onequestion was Logical Reasoning based and the otherwas based on Geometry and involved concepts ofcyclic quadrilaterals.

    Data Sufficiency Moderate

    51 & 52

    A set based on stocks in which data was giventhrough a line chart.

    Line Chart Based -Calculations


    54 to 56 A scatter graph based set involving calculations. Scatter graph - DI Moderate

    59 to 60A bar graph based set, which was easy tounderstand but involved a good amount ofcalculations.

    Calculation based Moderate