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Hannah, Hayley, Bree, Georgia, Leena, Mary

Sustainability Reflective Unit




Table of Contents

Code of Conduct 2

Unit Proposals 4

Lesson Plan Templates 14

Miscellaneous Notes 28

Meeting Minutes 37

Facebook Communication 56

Emails 93


Code of Conduct


Name 1: Mary Jarvis Signed:

Name 2: Bree Neal Signed:

Name 3: Hayley Gibbons Signed:

Name 4: Georgia Blanch Signed:

Name 5: Leena Alhovirta Signed:

Name 6: Hannah McGarry Signed:


1. We treat each other with respect, value all thoughts and opinions,

and maintain a supportive learning environment. (Mary)

2. We discuss the assessment task on the facebook group page where

all participants can benefit from questions and responses. (Mary)

3. We agree to only meet up if 80% (⅚) or more of the group is in

attendance. (Mary)

4. Whilst on PEX we will make sure we still communicate with one

another either via FB or email and continue to add ideas and share

resources (bree)

5. If we or a member of the group is not 100% keen on an idea then we

try to work out a way to make sure we all agree and are happy (bree)


6. The work for this unit must be distributed fairly and evenly to each

member of the group (bree)

7. Where a unanimous decision cannot be made, a majority vote will

decide the outcome. If all members are still not satisfied, we will try

our best to come up with a compromise. (Hannah)

8. We will try to set our own deadlines for portions of the task in order to

keep on track. These deadlines must be agreed upon by ALL

members (Hannah)

9. We will make sure each member is clear about what has been

agreed on, and encourage each member to clarify information when

needed. (Leena)

10. During PEX it is important to remember that we will all have

different schedules and will all be very busy, and be understanding of

this (Georgia).

11. We should come up with a week-week rough schedule of what

should be completed by each week, in order to keep on top of things

and not be left till the last minute (Georgia)

12. Come prepared to all meetings to ensure the required content

is covered. (Hayley)

13. If there are any problems or concerns with the assignment,

discuss as a group to try and resolve the issues. (Hayley)




As a part of our planning stage, each team member was required to put forward a unit proposal.

These proposals contained a brief overview of the content and resources which could be used

within our reflective unit. From these proposals, we discovered a theme of sustainability. We

also deduced that we all had an acute understanding of the contemporary need for education of

sustainability in the 21st Century. As you will see in our unit proposals, each proposal included

an element of environmental learning experiences.


Reflective Unit Proposal: Casual Teaching (Mary Jarvis)

Stage: 1

Purpose: Casual teachers to use. Many of us will begin as casual teachers and

therefore would greatly benefit from a document filled with lesson plans and resources

from a range of key learning areas.

Aim: A usable, practical unit for any teacher to utilise; though targeted specifically for

casual, primary school teachers.

Proposal: As many of us will begin our careers as casual teachers, I believe it would be

most beneficial to compile lessons and resources from a range of key learning areas

(KLA). This would ensure versatility and range in what is compiled together.

Furthermore, each member of the group will have different interests and strengths in a

variety of fields. A casual teaching document would cater for these individual interests

and accumulate the variation of strengths within the whole group.

The case study participant Amy is a new teacher herself, and although has been

positioned to a class on a full time basis, could still very much benefit from a unit

assembled with a variety of lessons from each KLA.

I personally would like to focus on English, History/Geography, and Creative Arts as I

have a particular interest in each of these KLAs. I am also currently undertaking a tafe

course which specifically addresses how teachers can effectively incorporate

sustainability into their teaching. My internship school is where I am undertaking my

practical hours for the tafe course and they have generously loaned me their ‘Stephanie

Alexander Kitchen Garden’ books until Wednesday 3rd of August. I will be able to base

my 5 lesson plans of some fantastic ideas from these books. The tafe teacher (Paddy)

has also posted a huge range of excellent resources into our Facebook group which I

will be able to add to our teachers handbook document of great resources.

Finally, my internship teacher has asked me to teach a unit on water pollution for the

teaching period. She has provided some great resources for me to do this. I will also be

creating a whole unit of work on this which I can also add to our assessment.

Reflective unit proposal -Stage 1 (Leena)


Main idea: As beginning teachers, the majority of us will start out as casuals.

Having a resource folder with 6 different mini units will be of benefit for casual

days, and allow us to select from a variety of units for the different situations we

will undoubtedly come across.

Goal: 6 mini units within the area of sustainability, which are easily accessed and


· The reflective unit will be a casual day folder divided into 6 mini units, comprising of

different topics. These topics will be selected from within a broader topic, which I

suggest to be sustainability, as we have all done quite a bit of work on this. Also, it will

be a wonderful topic to implement ideas we have gathered over the past four years.

· Each member will choose a topic around sustainability that interests them the most.

· Each of the 5 lessons will be from a mixture of KLA's. I suggest a focus on Geography

Creative Arts as it will allow students many opportunities for fun hands on activities, and

experiences within their environment.

Reasons for proposal:

· Having a casual resource folder allows for an array of topics to be included and will

cater for a range of situations.

· Doing one whole unit/topic (rather than 6 mini units) may pose as a challenge for six

group members to do, as the unit will have to flow/be sequential. This means that one

group member will have to know what the previous group members lessons are before

starting theirs.

· We all have knowledge about sustainability and lessons ideas from EDSD401. Also,

many of us will have taught sustainability lessons from previous pracs, giving us more


· Having each individual chose their mini unit topic will allow them to demonstrate their

strengths in their chosen interest topic. The mini units will be easy for us to expand on if

necessary when in a teaching situation.

· It will decrease the likelihood of overlapping material (compared to doing 1 topic).


Reflective Unit Proposal (Hannah McGarry)

Stage One

Unit Focus: This unit will focus on an Australian children’s book, “My Place”, and engage

students in activities on environment (sustainability), Australian history and place across all

different Key Learning Areas. The unit will be designed in such a way that a casual teacher may

select one aspect/KLA and teach it without the others as prerequisites. “My Place” a dozen or

so two page unique stories, so this is easily used in a time-poor classroom. I have dozens of

excellent resources to use for this unit and it is quite simple for casual teachers as there is a

whole website based on teaching tools for Australian primary school teachers on the text. The

webpage also includes clips and some whole episodes of the ABC television adaption of the


Summary of Ideas: In my second year Professional Experience, I was lucky enough to be

introduced to the text “My Place” and allowed the freedom to design a unit entirely based on this

text. The text centres around a particular geographical location in Australia and a ‘big tree’

which is the commonality between each story (decade). Below is a summary on how this may

be used within each KLA. These KLA’s could be designed each by a different team member

without too much hassle in worrying about the content of each other’s KLA’s.

English: Literary unit focusing on the language conventions of a narrative (each story is told in

first person) – spelling – sentence structure

HSIE: Historical exploration of Australia through the decades

Maths: Timelines (decades), place value, counting on and back

PDHPE: Who am I? (again narrative and perspective)

Creative Arts: Drama situations based on the book, getting into character (they loved this one!).

Music – looking at instruments of different cultures within the text. Digital/Visual Art – creating a

digital portrait representing ‘Their Place’

Science & Technology: Inventions, toys etc. of the different time periods

Alternatively: These ideas can easily be adapted as one part of a mini-unit within a larger unit

on sustainability. As previously mentioned in our communication, sustainability is a topic which

we all have numerous resources and knowledge about. This is also a topic which is imperative,

yet often lost amongst the curriculum. Having a portfolio purely based on sustainability with six,

separate, interesting and innovative ideas would be an invaluable resource for a casual teacher.


Project Proposal (Georgia Blanch)

Aim of the Resource: As pre-service teachers, the majority of us will be beginning our careers

as casual teachers. Due to this fact, I think it would be most beneficial for us to construct a

casual teaching program, which will not only just be suitable for casual teachers, but permanent

teachers also. I would like to jointly create a resource which will consist of 6 individual mini unit

of work. I believe that they should be from a variety of KLA's, but link in overall themes/topics.

Structure of Resource

This resource will require each team member to individually create their own mini lesson from a

specific KLA.

I think it would be beneficial if only 2 or 3 KLA's are chosen.

I believe that a theme should be chosen, and should be linked across each of the different


For example: English, HSIE and Creative arts are chosen. The theme chosen could be recycling

or pollution etc.

Creative arts is a KLA which most teachers push off to the side and do not have quality lessons

to teach. I think that through linking it with major KLA's such as English and HSIE, we can make

a really good quality mini unit plan for creative arts, that has meaning on student learning.

Reasoning for Structure

- Relevant for us all, as we will all be going out next year as casual teachers

- Allows for each team member to chose a topic of their choice

- Doing a whole unit plan will be challenging due to the fact that we will need to work

extremely closely together to ensure that the unit flows and is sequential. This will be difficult

given the circumstances (all on our internship and live far distances away)

- No material that overlaps

Collection of Resources

I am going to be completing my internship at Wollongong Public School, which has a high

percentage of ESL students. I will aim to collect a variety of different resources relating to

teaching students from an EALD background. I will consult with the EALD teachers specifically

for this.

I have a student I my class who has OCD, and I will also collect resources relating to this.


Reflective Unit Proposal Bree Neal This reflective unit for Stage 1 could be approached by incorporating a theme throughout.

Incorporation of a theme allows the teacher to teach a range of skills and content by integrating

curriculum areas around a topic. By building on student’s interest and life experiences, young

people’s attitudes, skills and knowledge are developed in meaningful ways. Inquiry and

communication are activated by a desire to know more, resulting in enthusiastic participation in

the learning process.

The theme I have thought of would be Sustainability as this is a Curriculum Priority in the


The focus of the unit would consist of opportunities to explore the ideas that:

- It is essential to recycle and reuse in order to sustain the Earth’s resources

- Global warming is impacting negatively within our world

- We share a responsibility to work together to make our world a better place

- We are different but in many ways we are all the same

-We need to work together to reduce our impact on the environments

- We are global citizens and, as such we need to understand each other’s cultures

- Create a garden or worm farm to show students how little things can lead to big results

- Implement audits of the school regarding usage, waste and recycling

- Implement action to reduce, reuse and recycle at a classroom level and then at a whole school


-The unit would link with English, HSIE, Maths, Creative Arts, Science and Tech and

Geography. ICT would also be integrated throughout

-General capabilities that would be met are:

- Literacy, ICT, Critical + Creative Thinking, Ethical Behaviour and Intercultural


- This unit could be used as a casual book to assist all teachers and more importantly us

during our first years of teaching as it will most likely be on a casual basis. This means that

we can just pick up a topic and a KLA and teach it.

-The content could be changed ever so slightly to meet other stages

- It would not need to be sequential

- Each person within the group could have a mini topic such as Pollution and they create 5

lessons on that

- Each person will have to create a lesson plan on the following KLAs

- English

- Mathematics

- Creative arts

- Science and Tech

- Geography

- Some websites that I found useful are :

- Cool Australia

- Eco Kids








- Whole school activities that can be conducted each year include (dates would be changed

for schools as most of these fall on the weekend):

- World Wildlife Day (March 3rd)

- Clean up Australia Day (March 5th)

- Earth Hour (March 19th)

- World Water Day (March 22nd)

- Earth Day (April 22nd)

- National Tree Day (July 31st)

- Keep Australia Beautiful Week (August 22nd-28th)


Reflective Unit Proposal - Hayley Gibbons

Stage: 1

Proposal: In approach to assessment task four, I feel it would be extremely beneficial

for all group members to plan and compile a range of teacher tips, varying assessment

tasks, resources and learning strategies from a range of KLA’s that are going to assist

in the teaching, no matter what stage it may be. Considering we are about to embark on

our own teaching career; I think by providing a resource that is valuable and user

friendly for all teachers, specifically casual primary school teachers, will provide a huge

advantage for us.

Here is a breakdown of my thoughts:

Ø A reflective unit designed for casual teachers

Ø Theme: Sustainability (a range of topics)

Ø KLA areas: Literacy, Numeracy, Geography, Creative Arts and Science &


Reasons for the sustainability theme and particular KLA areas, are purely based on my

personal interests and areas that I have taught previously.

I have had the opportunity to plan and teach a few lessons on different aspects of

sustainability, across several KLA areas, particularly in ES1. The main ideas from these

lessons could be changed and modified to suit the needs of stage one students.

I am also the coordinator of a before and after school care service, and we are slowly

working on developing ideas and resources on sustainability and how we can

implement this into our everyday practice, to ensure all children are involved. I strongly

feel this would be of beneficial use for the assessment.

Lastly, given that we have all completed EDSD401, I think all group members could

provide valuable knowledge and ideas on this particular area and the suggested KLA


areas would make a great starting point for incorporating the sustainability theme in our

reflection unit.

Thank you, Hayley.


Lesson Plan


To find the most effective lesson plan, we each uploaded one template. We reviewed

each template and selected Leena’s as it was the most user-friendly, concise plan we

could find. Through discussions, we altered several factors including the headings for

‘indicators’ to ‘content’ to be more current with the new syllabus. We also added a

‘reflection’ heading to reflect our understanding of the importance of professional

development and align with the purpose of this reflective unit.


LESSON PLAN K-6 (Georgia)

Teacher’s name:

Stage /Class: (Yr / )


Lesson number: Time:



Guiding Questions.

Teaching and Learning


How are they going to learn

about it?

What is the order of learning?


How will I

structure their

learning and


Key Teaching Points

What do I want them to

learn and understand?



What will I


Introduction ( mins)

Body ( mins)


Teaching and Learning


How are they going to learn

about it?

What is the order of learning?


How will I

structure their

learning and


Key Teaching Points

What do I want them to

learn and understand?



What will I


Conclusion ( mins)

(Consider: what do you want

students to have learned &

understood today? Select 3-4

key questions)

Observational Focus: (What am I observing to indicate students have achieved the

outcomes, make a judgment on learning and understanding)

Reflection Questions; Student / Staff – Why was the lesson successful, what could change


Lesson Plan Template (Leena)

Stage Lesson number Time Focus

KLA/S Lesson Description



Resources Key language

Teaching and learning





Modifications Teaching considerations




Hannah’s Lesson Proforma: Note: Extremely simple, though easily read by a casual teacher at a glance

Stage/Class: KLA/Topic:



What students will learn:



Resources: Teaching Strategies:

Evaluation: Reflection:


Mary’s Lesson plan format proposal This is what i have been using for the internship so far. It is working really well, really simply to use and not too time consuming. So a unit overview like this (this one is incomplete but you get the jist hopefully)

Unit Overview: Marine Debris

Stage: 1/2 Class: 2/3 Weeks: 6 (5-10)

Outcomes: Stage 1

Science and Technology

- ST1-2VA: demonstrates a

willingness to engage responsibly

with local, national and global issues

relevant to their lives, and to shaping

sustainable futures.

- ST1-4WS: investigates questions

and predictions by collecting and

recording data, sharing and reflecting

on their experiences and comparing

what they and others know.

-ST1-3VA: develops informed

attitudes about the current and future

use and influence of science and

technology based on reason.


- EN1-9B: uses basic grammatical

features, punctuation conventions and

vocabulary appropriate to the type of

text when responding to and

composing texts.

- EN1-10C: thinks imaginatively and

creatively about familiar topics, ideas

and texts when responding to and

composing texts.



Outcomes: Stage 2

Science and Technology

- ST2-2VA: demonstrates a willingness to

engage responsibly with local, national and

global issues relevant to their lives, and to

shaping sustainable futures.

- ST2-4WS: investigates their questions

and predictions by analysing collected

data, suggesting explanations for their

findings, and communicating and

reflecting on the processes undertaken.


- EN2-9B: uses effective and accurate

sentence structure, grammatical features,

punctuation conventions and vocabulary

relevant to the type of text when

responding to and composing texts.

- EN2-10C: thinks imaginatively,

creatively and interpretively about

information, ideas and texts when

responding to and composing texts.



Then the lesson plan format i have been using is quite similar to the one Alyson had showed us in the tute. (the formatting is slightly out as this is meant for a horizontal document not vertical). I think it is simple, yet very effective and easy to refer to when teaching if required.















Resources Assessm


Tuning In: Is there an issue? What is it? Duration: 50 minutes




EN Stage








1. Turn













2. Story

of the



3. Letter



4. Image



5. Watch


be clip

6. Class

-Write at

least 2


-FF: work




Note: Take

photo of

clean water

and dirty


-story of the river: story, rubbish,

fish tank, numbered cards


-example worksheet

-student worksheet

-YouTube clip -marking rubric

Eg Q:

-How long does it take for plastic

to break down?

-What is made out of plastic?

-How is this relevant to my life?





ns in


(4 or

so on






7. Read



e letter




8. Studen

ts reply














-Write at

least 3


-FF: work




*as above Rubric



Lesson Plan Template

1.Bree Neal

KLA: Class: Date: Time:

Outcomes Indicators

Teaching and Learning Actions

Purpose of the lesson Why are you teaching this lesson to the children in your class at this time?

Content What am I teaching? Concepts

Time How long will each step take?

Guided Discovery

What is my explicit teaching action? -explain, role play, demonstrate, model What questions will support learning? -how? What? Where? Why? When? Exploration What activities will allow learning to construct their own understanding of the concept? Extension How will I extend the lesson focus for advanced learners?

Group Structure

How do I organise the learners to maximise teaching and learning effectiveness?

Assessment Resources

At each teaching step: What do I need to support teaching? What do the learners need to complete the task?


How will I differentiate the learning t each step?

What am I assessing


How am I assessing


Context Describe what happened in the lesson, referring back to the strategies considered in your presentation

Reflection What positive and negative feelings do you have about the lesson? To what extent were the children successful in achieving the learning outcomes? How do you know? (Consider individual differences and the children’s learning in the light of initial considerations.) Did you achieve what you set out to in the purpose of the lesson? Why? Why not? How do you know?


What were the strengths and weaknesses of: the activities; the resources; your teaching (communication, presentation, management strategies)? Why did the lesson proceed as it did? What factors affected its implementation? What were your main learnings from this lesson?

Action How might you teach the lesson differently if you were to teach it again? Consider ongoing planning-what are you going to do next?


Unit overview: Growth and Change

Stage: Duration:

1 10 weeks


This unit has been designed with two main key learning areas (KLAs) at the forefront of

planning; English and Science and Technology. Students will learn about growth and change of

natural, living things within our environment. Other KLAs integrated into the unit include:

Creative arts, Mathematics, History, and PDHPE.

Prior knowledge:

The school has an established garden that is maintained by all classes and teacher as well as a

number of community helpers. Students have not yet had the opportunity as a class to engage

with the garden. This unit will act as an introduction to gardens and develop students

understanding of growth and change in natural and living things.

Most students within the class a familiar with the use of technology integration into lessons and

enjoy lessons which enable this. Therefore using tablets (photography), computers, windows live

movie maker, and audacity will not be new concepts to these students.



Lesson one provides an introduction to the unit. The verbal and written responses given by

students will provide the teacher with the vital information to ensure the unit content is

appropriate. The written work within this lesson will be assessed using a marking rubric.


Students will be assessed throughout the unit both formally and informally to ensure they are on

track with the knowledge and skills. Each student must also assess their own progress using a

writing journal. This allows students to reflect of their own learning and take ownership of what

they have done/learnt and what they still need to do.


This form of assessment will take place during a number of lessons which require students to

produce a piece of work which demonstrates the knowledge they have learnt throughout the unit

of work. The major lesson which requires this form of assessment is the final lesson where

students create a movie using photographs they have taken and sound they have recorded.



This is the most important component of this unit for both teachers and students. At the end of

each lesson, the teacher is to reflect using the reflection questions within each lesson plan.

Students must take control of their own learning and understand where they are, how they are

doing, and where they need to go. The student reflection process will also take place throughout

the whole unit.

Mary designed a unit overview template for all members to use. This consistency

was selected to ensure that the units would all be easy to follow.


Miscellaneous Notes from


The following pages contain a myriad of miscellaneous notes which we wrote during our

meetings, tutorials and lecture. These notes are separate from our minute meetings

and include references to: The Amy Case Studies, advice from Alyson and many other

quick notes we used for reference during meetings.


Collaborated Notes on Amy part 2

Jargon throughout Story

Cross stage – knowing that this term means that it’s two different stages

within the one classroom, and knowing how to teach for this and cater for

these students

DOCS, separation, custody – knowing about these family situations are

important. Some parents do not have custody to their children and are not

allowed to come and pick them up and this is your responsibility.

How to deal with trauma and emotions within our students as a result of

these? Do we need to get some counselling support and how can we help

them out emotionally and academically

Mother who says her daughter is gifted – firstly you would do

observations to see whether or not they are showing signs of whether or

not they are gifted and what situations they are identified in. You should

then do some assessments on this student. How do you tell the parent that

they are not gifted, but doing well.

Sam with Asperger’s – Amy will need to do some research, meet and

greet with parents. Develop an ILP for this child, which involves the

student, support workers, counsellor, principle, parent etc.

Anti-Racism person, gender equity officer and staff contact officer –

each school needs these people, and they are trained in this. They are to

run whole school programs.


First day of Term – get to know them, set the scene (expectations and

rules/codes) what is the teacher’s role, what is the students role?

Consistency is important (you may be the only safe consistent place in this

child’s life).

Katie – Teachers pet, one in every class, her relationship with the teacher

will be different, Amy shouldn’t accept that she wont have the same

relationship with her

Sally – never talks, withdrawn, à can you look further into this child’s

emotions and what is actually going on?


Advice you would give to Amy?

Believe in her abilities and strengths and don’t underestimate her self

Talk with the experts and other colleagues about teaching strategies and

classroom management and programming

Talk to mentor

Talk to friend

Acknowledge your emotions - work out a list of priorities and

Build a support network (potentially out side of the school – be careful who

you talk to within the school)

Supervisor isn’t very helpful

Needs to find a mentor both in school and outside of school (you have to

have someone at school who you can confide in)

Friends she did her course with


Maintain her own wellbeing – exercise, sleeping, eating etc.

Not forming expectations, based on what the teachers said, but be

prepared for if they were right

Structure of Assignment

Title page


3 – 4 page introduction (approx. 1000 words)

Describe and justify collection of lessons based on reflections from PEX

and AMY

This is where we should reflect– list all of the things you need to be aware

of when programming and planning

E.g. When I was on PEX the diversity I seen was… this is how I included

them into my lessons

Link to academic literature (min 5)

Casual teachers (5 mini units)

Contents list (Microsoft word will do this)

Website – menu selection

Lesson plans

* Put your names on each lesson *

(I.e. each member must develop TWO series of 5 lesson plans - ONE must

be based on literacy or numeracy plus ONE other KLA)


Format of lessons

Weeks à KLA à Content à Learning activities à Resources à Assessment à


Weeks KLA Conten













Mini unit on witches by Roald Dahl

Needs to demonstrate scaffolding

Topics of our Unit

Energy - Hannah

Biodiversity - Leena

Water - Georgia

Gardening – Mary

Food – Hayley

Waste – Bree



Guide to help you when you start teaching

Link of websites and teaching tools for teaching

Maths games – write a little blurb on what they are

Places for professional learning and professional development

When on PEX find out where do the teachers go to extend their

knowledge? Is there a network meeting for ICT held once a month for the


Tips for differentiation

What is it and what are the ways that you do it in the classroom?

Reflect on previous teachings and learning’s

Working with ESL, gifted and talented, OCD, Down syndrome etc.

Tips for dealing with parents and carers

Teamwork within a diverse staff

Classroom management strategies

Abbreviations and acronym – go to the department website they have a list


Reference List

Use footnotes

Collaborated notes of Amy Part 3

EDPD402 Week 3 Tutorial


Process Diary: record what is occurring

Rationale: Refer to Amy and PEX experiences


Amy Part 3


§ Noticing/Reflecting on what is wrong

§ Sticking to her teaching philosophies e.g. student centred learning (when is

enough, enough and you have to change your teaching ways)


§ Needs to try harder with her mentor to form a relationship and form her own


§ One of the students hasn’t written anything in 2 weeks and she hasn’t

noticed (meaning she isn’t collecting any work or assessment and she

hasn’t noticed)

§ Only just realised one of her students has a reading age of 6.2 years

§ Separate the naughty boys (know your students!) Seat selection/group

selection and justification of why you have placed them where you have

§ Talk to the racial discrimination officer about interventions and plans and ask

what she should be doing in the classroom (before talking to the parents)

§ Document every phone call you make (acknowledge what the parents are

saying, you do not have to agree with them)

§ Should have taught them how to do group work initially (give them roles and

name badges)

§ She needs to be aware of policies and procedures (Behaviour, illness,

homework, sun safety, hygiene, fire evacuation, lock down policies and

procedures, sanitary pads, asthma, epi pen, excursions, medicines etc.)

refer back to them



How could she get this class under control? How could she get the troublemakers to

conform? How could she encourage Prisca? How could she help Zara gain confidence

and feel good about herself? How could she determine what discipline techniques

would work best with those who were not doing their work and with those who were

acting out in class? How could she get the students to work better in groups? Had she

started off on the wrong foot? What was she doing wrong? Could the problem be due to

the student-centered approach she was using? Perhaps the other teachers were right?

What could she do at the school assembly that would prove to the staff at PHPS that

she was a competent teacher? Would getting to know each individual child as a whole,

help? Would knowing their academic, social and emotional needs, assist Amy in finding

strategies to help manage the classrooms behaviours, reward their good work, make

each student own their behaviour and take responsibility for it?


Talk to the children and get to know them. Figure out what they are

interested in. Reset the class. Have a fresh start. Begin with some team

building activities and icebreakers. Set rules and expectations. Reflect on

current rules. Reward kids for what they are doing well. Put a reward

system in place e.g. class dojo. Be more flexible and ask for support with

her program – see another persons program (programming policy)

Adjusting seating plan – consequence for action. Assembly item – find out

what they are interested in and do something around that – integrate it into

KLA’s e.g. writing into a play or a video


Meeting Minutes

Mary designed a thorough template for our meeting minutes to ensure that each

member of the group understood their roles and tasks following each meeting. We took

turns writing the minutes each time so ensure equity and uploaded the minutes within

24 hours of meeting.


Meeting Minutes: 1

Thursday 28th July, 2016

Attendees: Mary Jarvis, Bree Neal, Hayley Gibbons, Georgia Blanch, Leena

Alhovirta, Hannah McGarry Scribe: Mary Jarvis Agenda:

● Old Business

○ None ● New Business

○ Means of group communication

○ Code of conduct ○ Reflective unit proposal

New Business

● Means of communication: Each group member to share their facebook details, mobile number and email address. Create a facebook group for active and frequent communication.

● Code of Conduct: Each group member is to add a principle to the document and sign to acknowledge that they agree to each principle stated.

● Reflective unit proposal: Each group member is to develop and electronically submit their unit proposal to the group before Thursday morning to ensure the group has enough time to select which proposal the group will use. The group has agreed that a 1 page proposal will suffice.

Next Meeting

Wednesday 3rd August, 2016

Note: Mary Jarvis will not be able to attend. Group agreed to fill her in via facebook after the meeting finishes.

Next Meeting Agenda Items

● Make a draft week by week plan of what we would all like to achieve within the assessment. Create deadlines for sections of the assessment.

● Develop a lesson plan template that all group members are satisfied with for


presentation of lesson plans.


● Bree: Create a facebook group ● Mary: Start a google docs document for the code of conduct ● Leena: Create a facebook account for group communication ● All members: - Join facebook group once created - Add one or more principles to the code of conduct document - Develop unit proposal - Determine next member for minute taking (Wednesday 3rd August meeting)


Meeting Minutes: 2

Wednesday 3rd August, 2016

Attendees: Bree Neal, Hayley Gibbons, Georgia Blanch, Leena Alhovirta, Hannah

McGarry Absent: Mary Jarvis (Reason: Mandatory school visit)

Scribe: Hannah McGarry Agenda:

● Old Business

○ ● New Business

○ Individual unit ideas

Old Business

● Bree: Create a facebook group ● Mary: Start a google docs document for the code of conduct ● Leena: Create a facebook account for group communication ● All members: - Join facebook group once created - Add one or more principles to the code of conduct document - Develop unit proposal - Determine next member for minute taking (Wednesday 3rd August meeting)

Unattended Actions:

New Business

● Clarify the details of the assessment - What are the requirements of each person? (i.e. how many lesson plans each?) ● Review proposals and discuss which would be most suitable (Chosen - Leena’s) ● Complete code of conduct

Next Meeting

Thursday 11th August following our EDPD402 Tutorial - all members have indicated they are able to attend Next Meeting Agenda Items


● Decide on individual areas of interest for teacher’s handbook ● Identify individual topics within unit (Sustainability)


● Bree: Investigate if there are any simple, free web-design pages ● ALL: Find and share a lesson plan template ● ALL: Write down 3 areas you are interested in investigating for the Teacher’s



Meeting Minutes: 3

Thursday 4th August, 2016

Attendees: Bree Neal, Georgia Blanch, Leena Alhovirta, Hannah McGarry, Mary

Jarvis Absent: Hayley Gibbons (Reason: Attended a Wednesday tutorial)

Scribe: Leena Alhovirta Agenda:

● Old Business

○ Clarification of assessment details ● New Business

○ Individual unit topic final decision

○ Lesson plan format

Old Business

- Clarified details of assessment (Now 10 lesson plans each, initially thought to be

5) - Decision on which proposal to follow (leena) Note: Proposals were written when

unit was thought to be 5 lesson plans each) Unattended Actions:

New Business

● Which lesson plan format are we using? ● Confirm topic choices (Leena: Biodiversity, Mary: Garden, Georgia: Water,

Hannah:Energy, Bree: Waste, Hayley: ??) ● Hayley deciding on topic ● Finalising decision on how to present unit ● Final decision on doing 5 literacy or 5 numeracy lessons

Next Meeting

Thursday 11th August following our EDPD402 Tutorial - all members have indicated they are able to attend


Next Meeting Agenda Items

● Lesson plan discussion (E.g. deciding on how much detail to go into, make it cohesive across the lesson plans)

● Finalising how we are going to combine gathered resources (E.g. on a Google Docs?)


● Bree: Investigate if there are any simple, free web-design pages ● ALL: Finalise decision for your topic ● ALL: Search for quality lesson plan layout ● Hayley: Decide on topic


Meeting Minutes: 4

Thursday 11th August, 2016

12:30pm -1:30pm

Attendees: Bree Neal, Georgia Blanch, Leena Alhovirta, Hayley Gibbons, Mary

Jarvis Absent: Hannah McGarry (Reason: Had to meet with her Internship teacher @ Sans Souci public at 2pm so had to leave to make it there on timel)

Scribe: Bree Neal Agenda: Communication whilst on Internship and allocating weekly lesson plans

● Old Business

○ What KLA we will focus on as our 5 main lesson plans either literacy or numeracy

○ What Hayley will pick as her mini unit topic

○ Both Bree and Mary found webpages but they cost money so discussed if we could use Facebook Page, Leena to provide link of a previous webpage assignment

● New Business

○ How we will work on this assignment whilst on Internship for 6 weeks: 1 lesson plan per week

○ Uploading and then picking the best Lesson plan format ○ Weebly Webpage as a tool for our webpage

○ Layout of Assignment: how and what we want our lessons

○ Resource Pack: Sharing all our resources we get from our Internship related to the topic of Sustainability

○ Blog: for webpage to update teachers of new and up to date things, also motivational

○ Bree to have a blog for her lessons (edmodo)

Old Business

- Clarified details of the main focus of lessons:

Bree = Maths x 5 Pdhpe x 1 English x 1 Art x 1 History x 1 Science + Tech x 1 Geography x 1

Mary = Literacy x 5 (other KLAS x 5)

Georgia = Maths x 5 (other KLAS x 5)


Hayley = Literacy x 5 (other KLAS x 5)

Hannah = Maths x 5 (other KLAS x 5)

- Clarification of Hayley’s mini topic = Food with a link to plants and garden Unattended Actions:

New Business

● We will each upload our chosen format of Lesson Plan onto Google Docs, then once they are all uploaded we will select the one we like the best

● Confirm topic choices (Leena: Biodiversity, Mary: Garden, Georgia: Water, Hannah:Energy, Bree: Waste, Hayley: ??)

● Hayley deciding on topic ● Finalising decision on how to present unit. We will have a TOTAL unit overview

then each mini unit will have their own unit overview ● Confirmation that our mini unit has to have sequential lessons between the 10

lesson plans ● Final decision on doing 5 literacy or 5 numeracy lessons

Next Meeting

TBA it will be during our Study Week (Hayley can only do middle of the day as she works at a before and after school day care and will be working in morning and arvo) We put down Mon-Wed so need to decide so we can book a room in library

Next Meeting Agenda Items

● We will bring all the work we have done (min of 6 lesson plans, if you have more than you can bring them)


● Leena: Put up her assignment using Weebly (webpage design) ● ALL: Whilst on Pex we are to upload 1 x Lesson Plan per week onto Google

Docs (New Google Docs page per person so it doesn’t get too confusing) ● ALL: Upload and pick a Lesson plan by Wednesday 17th August ●


Meeting Minutes: 5

Wednesday 5th October 2016

10:30 – 11:20

Attendees: Bree Neal, Georgia Blanch, Leena Alhovirta, Hayley Gibbons, Mary

Jarvis, Hannah McGarry

Scribe: Georgia Blanch

Agenda: Communication whilst on Internship and allocating weekly lesson plans

· Old Business

○ All lesson plans are finished and uploaded via Facebook ○ Uploading and then picking the best Lesson plan format ○ Weebly Webpage as a tool for our webpage ○ Layout of Assignment: how and what we want our lessons ○ Resource Pack: Sharing all our resources we get from our Internship

related to the topic of Sustainability ○ Blog: for webpage to update teachers of new and up to date things, also

motivational ○ Bree to have a blog for her lessons (edmodo)

· New Business

· We are all going to go and write 250 words each about what our unit is about with supporting literature

· Work out our order of units with appendices after

· Make appendixes

· Do individual unit overview – use Mary’s template

· Overall unit overview of the whole unit together

· Individual references for lessons

· Casual teaching

· One person to create a Google doc for each individual handbook subheading


Old Business

● Everyone uploaded there completed 10 lesson plans onto Facebook Bree = Maths x 5 Pdhpe x 1 English x 1 Art x 1 History x 1 Science + Tech x 1 Geography x 1

Mary = Literacy x 5 (other KLAS x 5)

Georgia = Maths x 5 (other KLAS x 5)

Hayley = Literacy x 5 (other KLAS x 5)

Hannah = Maths x 5 (other KLAS x 5)

New Business

What we need to do

We are all going to go and write 250 words each about what our unit is about with supporting literature

Work out our order of units with appendices after

Make appendixes

Do individual unit overview – use Mary’s template

Overall unit overview of the whole unit together

Individual references for lessons

Casual teaching

One person to create a Google doc for each individual handbook subheading

Who is doing what?

- Title page – Bree

- 3 – 4 page introduction/justification of lessons everyone writes their own individual 200 words each with academic literature – linking it to prac and Amy (done by next week – dot point form)


- Make Google docs for the handbook headings – Georgia

- Contents page

- Lesson plans – finalised

- Mini overview for each unit plan

- Itemised collection of resources (everyone)

- Reference list (everyone will combine theirs)

- Everyone – this needs to be done by next week

o Links for websites/learning tools

o Places to go for Professional Learning/Development

o Tips for differentiating

- Tips for working with Aboriginal students, students with diverse needs and Non-English speaking background

o Itemised collection of resources

o CV and casual work

- Reference list

Questions to ask tomorrow

Process diary – group or individual

Reference list – do we need a whole one at the end

Appendices – do we need them or not

Next Meeting

Next Thursday after out tutorial (12:30pm)

Next Meeting Agenda Items


· Everyone is to bring their completed 250 word justification

· Everyone is to have finished their collection of resources and have their information uploaded onto the appropriate Google Docs Document.


Meeting Minutes: 6

Thursday 6th October 2016

Tutorial 10:30 – 12:30

Attendees: Bree Neal, Georgia Blanch, Leena Alhovirta, Hayley Gibbons, Mary

Jarvis, Hannah McGarry

Scribe: Hayley Gibbons


Old Business

· Title page – Bree (don’t need a title page as we are creating a website now)

· 3 – 4 page introduction/justification of lessons everyone writes their own individual 200 words each with academic literature – linking it to prac and Amy (done by next week – dot point form) Mary is completing this individually, however all members are to bring ideas to the next meeting to contribute to the introduction

· Make Google docs for the handbook headings – Georgia

· Contents page? (don’t need this now)

· Lesson plans – finalised

· Itemised collection of resources (everyone)

· Reference list (everyone will combine theirs)

· Links for websites/learning tools

· Places to go for Professional Learning/Development

· Tips for differentiating

· Tips for working with Aboriginal students, students with diverse needs and Non-English speaking background

· Itemised collection of resources

· CV and casual work

· Reference list combined


New Business


· All 10 lesson plans are to be finalised with all appendices and references included.

· All group members to have completed their mini overview of lessons.

· All group members to have finished their collection of resources and have their information uploaded onto the appropriate Google Docs Document.

· All group members are to research ideas and references for the introduction in point form.

Who is doing what?

· Introduction – Mary (as well as whole group contribution)

· Get a start on creating the website – Georgia & Leena

· Upload an example of a CV – Hannah

· Lesson plans finalised - everyone

· Mini overview for each unit plan – everyone

· Itemised collection of resources – everyone

· Individual reference lists completed – everyone

Questions: follow up

Turn it in: Will this be used or not?

Next Meeting

Wednesday 12th October (Afternoon)

Note: Hayley will not be attending next meeting due to work commitments

Next Meeting Agenda Items

· Create overall unit as a whole


· Work out the order of our mini units

· Combine the entire groups reference list

· All group members bring ideas and references to contribute to the introduction of the unit

· Start to finalise the introduction

· Begin adding all completed information into the website

· Work on the structure of our presentation


Meeting Minutes: 7

Thursday 13th

October 2016

Tutorial 11:30 – 12:30

Plus 12:30-1:30

Plus Mary, Bree, Leena and Georgia stayed until 3pm

Attendees: Bree Neal, Georgia Blanch, Leena Alhovirta, Hayley Gibbons, Mary

Jarvis, Hannah McGarry

Scribe: Bree Neal


Old Business

· Went through into. Proofread and made changes

Lesson Plans-Everyone needs to add their references and save as a different document as we will put

them all together.

Went through what we need to do before we can start the web page and assigned roles

New Business

Actions: And Who is doing what?

All for the web page:

Georgia, Leena, Mary and Bree stayed and worked on the webpage. All the headings are there but if we want to add more we can.

Georgia created a hotmail and password for our group to use for the webpage on Weebly.

- Hannah and Hayley to add their parts to the Google Docs as they have not added much. If one is lacking in quantity they can add to that one

· We need to write Amy’s scenario under each subheading (little paragraph, 3-4

sentences) about her issues and how these meets the subheading (need to assign this or we may have to do 3 each or something)


- Assembly items: This will be a subheading and needs to give Amy ideas to create assembly items within her school: Mary

- Subheading: Child protection: Leena - Subheading:Collaborative Learning: Leena/Hayley - - Website home page: About us (can’t be called that, maybe our guide) This is just

a few sentences outlining our unit: Hayley - Subheading:Mandatory Reporting: Hayley - Strategies to build relationships: Hayley - Heading under Professional Knowledge: Resilience: Subheadings under this:

- Bounce Back - BRiTE - Coping Strategies (these are written out so just need to find them within

the Google Docs) - Well-Being - Create Prezi Presentation for next week - Hayley to do all this

- Duty of Care: Bree - Anti-Racism Bree - Find/write professional standards and add to webpage: Bree - Explicit Teaching: Bree

- Gifted and Talented: Hannah - Accelerated Literacy: Hannah - Process Diary: Hannah What do we need to have in our program? Hannah to create this information such


● How to write a program ● What do you include ● Class profile ● Program template

Questions: follow up

Do we need to refer to Amy specifically in the introduction: Hannah emailed Alyson so just waiting on a reply.


Next Meeting

Tuesday: 18th October 11am (Hannah cannot come as she is working and Mary is finding out if she can make it)

Next Meeting Agenda Items

-Finish webpage

If we have time go over presentation


Facebook Communication

The majority of our group communication was on the social media platform Facebook.

Bree created a private group and added all members of our group. We utilised this

group to post updates, ask questions, upload files and keep any other necessary files.




































The image above shows a conversation between Mary and Bree from the 9th

of October. Mary

was working on the group’s introduction and asked for any contribution from the other group

members. Bree sent through a document which had articles and information on sustainability, as

well as her individual mini unit. Parts of this document were used to create the introduction.


This is a conversation between Mary and Hannah which occurred on the 10th

of October. Mary

was working on the group’s introduction and asked for any contribution from the other group

members. Hannah sent through a document which had articles and information on sustainability,

as well as her individual mini unit. Parts of this document were used to create the introduction.









In our first meeting, we all obtained each other’s emails. We predominantly used our

emails to share ‘Google Docs’ invitations.




The image above shows an email that Leena sent to Mary on the 9th

of October. Mary was

working on the group’s introduction and asked for any contribution from the other group

members. Leena sent through a document which had articles and information on sustainability,

as well as her individual mini unit. Parts of this document were used to create the introduction.