Download - PROCEEDINGS THE NUCLEAR · 2008-07-15 · -11 ~ L&tiice Parameter and Electrical Relativityof UraniumCat-tideto 120 KBAR: Rita Kapoor, /, Saukara SaotryandK. GovindaRajan OnCertain

Page 1: PROCEEDINGS THE NUCLEAR · 2008-07-15 · -11 ~ L&tiice Parameter and Electrical Relativityof UraniumCat-tideto 120 KBAR: Rita Kapoor, /, Saukara SaotryandK. GovindaRajan OnCertain



PUNE, DECEMBER 26-30, 1977









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Orbital Precession in Superfluid He-A : P. Bhattacharyya 1

Coherence Factors in Excitonlc Insulators : R. E, Amrltkar

and N. Kumar 4

Coupling of the Martensitic Transformation with the Super¬

conducting Transition : B. K, Chakrabarti, B. P. Barua and

S.K. Sinha > 7

Effect of Transverse dC Injection on the I-V Characteristici

of Superconducting Microbridges : G. Dharmadurai and

B. A, Ratnam 11


Positron Angular Correlation Studies in Iron-Nickel

Alloys : T. Nagarajan, A. Narayanasamy, S..Ramasamyand V. Manohar 15

Cluster Model Studies of LiCl In Water s A. Seth,E.J. Baerends and T. Paakkari



Temperature Dependence of Positron Annihilation in

Vanadium Hydrides : S. MantI and R. M. Singru 21

Electron Momentum Distribution and Compton Profiles in

Vanadiums K.R.K. Gandhi and R. M. Singru 23

Two-dimensional Positron Angular Correlation Curves in

Copper : R. M. Singru and P. E. Mijnarends

Theoretical Compton Profiles in Vanadium and Palladium

Hydrides : K. R.K. Gandhi, R. M. Singru and D. G. Kanhere

Temperature-Dependent Electronic Contribution to Shock

Hugoniot Equation of State of Aluminium : B.K. Godwal,

S.K. Sikka and R. Chidambaram



Positron Annihilation Calculation for High 2 Metals Using

RAPW Functions : K. lyakutti and V. Devanathan 32



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-11 ~

L&tiice Parameter and Electrical Relativity of

Uranium Cat-tide to 120 KBAR : Rita Kapoor,

/, Saukara Saotry and K. Govinda Rajan

On Certain Functional Analytical Aspects of Band-

Edg» States j R. Subramanian and K. V. Bhagwat

Effect of Correlation on the Band-Structure of

Magnesium : R. Asokamani, R, S. Rao, K. Iyakuttiand V. Devanathatt

ATA and the Complex Energy Bands of Binary Alloys s

N, C. Debnath and S. Chatterjee

An Ablnltlo Study of Plasma Oscillations in free ElectrGas : R. K. Kher and M, G. Bhide

Donor Energy States in GaP ; M. Robert Singh andS. Balasubramanian

On the Polaraalc Stata s T. K, Mitra

Dynamical Correlations in a Classical One ComponentPlasma ;*H. B, Singh, Aruna Sharma and K. N. Pathak

Frequency Dependence of the Local Field Factor of an

Electron Liquid i B.K. Rao, S.8, Mandal and D. N.Tripafehy

Electron-Electron Umklapy Scattering Processes inSodium j O.'N, Awasthi and S. Sail eh

Bound State of Two Collective Excitations in an

Electron Gas s D. N, Tripathy and P. Deo

Plasmon Dispersion in H Metal for Large WaveVectors : R.K. Pal and D, N. Tripathy

New Trends in ESCA Shifts : M. N. Ghatikar andB. D, Padalia

Metal Non-Metal Transition in Oxides of TransitionMetals - A Theoretical Study : M. L. Kalra and

U, N. Upadhyaya

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The Impurity Dependent Intrinsic Resistivity of Indium :

S. M. Sharma 75


Stopping Power of Solids for Energetic Ions in Planar

Channeling : Anand P. Pathak

Low Temperature Electrical Resistivity of Potassium, s

N. C. Mohapatra and P. K. Misra83

Evaluation of Overlap Integrals in SjC : Manikarnika Lagu 87

Electronic Energy States of Films and Surfaces :

M. Nandi and S. Chatterjee go

Determination of Colloidal Size by Positron AngularCorrelation : T. Nagarajaa, S. Ramasamy,.Y. V. G. S. Murti and N. Sucheta 89

Effect of Pressure on the Electrical Resistance of the

Charge Transfer Complex Benzidine-DDQ : A. V. Nalini,

S, Chatterjee, S. V. Subramanyam and S. N. Vaidya 90

Electrical Resistivity due to Dislocation only :

Debadideb Bhattacharya aad A. S. Ghosh 94

Recovery in Neutron Irradiated Tungsten '. M. Sf Anand,

a. M. Pande and R. P. Agarwala 98

Electrical Conductivity Measurements in Ammonium

Sulphate : N. Hariharan and Georgina Mary Rani 101

Comparative I-V Studies on Thin Films of Copper Oxide,

Ferric Oxide and Copper Ferrite : S. A. Patll, A. U. Patil,

A. Y. Khot, R.N. Patll and B. G. Brahmecha 102

Electrical Conductivity and Microhardnesa of Single

Crystals of Potassium Chloride : J. R. Pandya and R. T. Shah 104

Decay and Recovery of Internal Voltage in MIM Sandwich

Structures Using Organic Molecular Films as Dielectric • 105

A.K. Kapil and V.K. Srivastava

Dielectric Constant Measurement of Copper Ferrite Thick

Films at Microwave Frequency : A. U. Patll, S. R. Sawant,

J. I. PawarandR. N. Patil 106

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Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Loss in OrganicMolecular Films : A. K. KapiL S. K. Gupta and

V„K. Srivastava 108

Electrical Conductivity and Dielectric Properties, of Some

Cobalt-Zinc and Barium Ferrites : V. R. K. Murthy and

J, Sobhanadri 10q

Current-Voltage Characteristics of Lead Zirconate~

Lead Titanate SolidlSolutions : C. P. De, P. S. Prasad

and Ramji La 210

Variation of Surface Space Charge Layer and

Potential with Temperature in Silver Bromide Crystals :

Mahendra Singh and O. P. Khandelwai 111

Sensitization of Selenium Photoreceptors by PhthalocyantnePigments : P. C. Meaendru, S„ Radbakrishnan and

N. L. Pathak UZ

Avalanche Breakdown in Ferroelectric BaT10_ and KNbO

Single Crystals : V. G. Kher, K. R. Bagree and

D. A. Deshpande 113

Photodielectric Effect (PDE) in Pbl, Single Crystal :

P.K. C. Pillai, R.G. Mendiratta, C. K. Pillai and

R. Nath 117

Annealing Behaviour and Hall Effect in Thin LayeredCu-Sn Films : K. Narayandas, M. Radhakrishnan and

C. Balasubramanian 121

Conductivity of Thin Bismuth Films at Microwave

Frequency ; S. A, Gangal and R. N. Karekar 124

Field Dependence of Resistance and Grain Size Variation

with Substrate Temperature in Discontinuous Sn Films :

M. S. Jagadeesh and Damodara V, Das*


Preparation of Alloys Cu. Se2 Sn and Study of Their

Electrical Conductivities : ueetha Subramanian and

S. Srinlvasan 130

The Klfect of Temperature an Evaporated Stearic Acid Film

Capacitors : R. KasUingam, C. Balasubramanian and

M. Radhakrishnan - 133

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Distribution of Dipoles in VC : VAc Copolymer Films :

N. P. Gupta, Kamlesh Jain and P. C. Mehendru 136

Charge Transport Mechanism in Polyvinyl Fluoride Films :

P. C. Mehendru, N. L. Pathak and Suresh Chand 139

Electronic Conduction in Eosin Doped Polyvinyl Alcohol :

P. C. Mehendru, N. L. Pathak and S. Radhakrishnan 142

Electrical Properties of Poiyferrocene Films :

Shireesh D, Phadke, R. N. Karekar and

K. Sathianandan 146

Thermally Stimulated Current Studies in DopedPolystyrene t P. K. C. Pillai and Rashmi 150

Adiabatic Hall-Effect : B. S.'V. Gopalam 153

Temperature Dependence of the Extra-Ordinary Hall

Constant of Copper Ferrite Thin Films : S, R, Sawant,A. U, Patil, S.A, Patil, A. Y. Knot and R. N. Patil 157

Electrical Transitions in CuSO,. 5H O Single Crystals ;

D.A. Deshpande, P.N. Nandi and VTG. Kher 159

Space-Charge Limited Currents in Ferric Oxide : D. K. Jain

and J, C. Garg 161

Electrocaloric Effect in Ferroelectric KNbO, SingleCrystal: A. G. Katpatal and K. G. Deshmukh 162

Electrical Properties of Ferroelectric-Glass Compositions :

A. G. Katpatal and L. J'. Raibagkar 164

Green's Function Theory of Ferroelectric Phase Transitions

in Hydrogen-Bonded System : S. Ganguli and B. K. Chaudhuri 165

On the Ideality Factor of a Schottky Contact :

A.N. Daw, A.K. Datta and S. B. Roy 168

Temperature Dependent Oxide Charge in MOS Structures

with. ULtrathin Oxide : Vikram Kumar and Walter E. Dahlke 171

Barrier Lowering in Metal -N+(Thln)-N Diode in InP :

G. S. Visweswaran, R. Sharan and C. N. Krishnan 174

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A Study of Interface States in MOS Structure by Field

Effect, C-V andl-V Characteristics Measurements :

J, Majhi and M, S. Jagadeesh 177

Energetic Ion Backscattering and I-V Characteristics

of Schottky Barrier Contacts on InSb : A. Agrawal, 180

A. K„ Majumdar and R. Sharan

Photocapacitance Studies In Metal Oxide Semiconductor

Structures s M„ Mohan Chandra and G. Suryaa 183

Behavirol Characteristics of Glassy As-Ge-Te and Se-

Ge-Te Alloy-Systems : A, Kumar, O. S. Panwar, .D. R. Goyal,K.N. Lakshminarayan and K. K. Srivastava .187

Photo-Voltaic Spectrum of Polycrystaliine Silicon

Schottky Barrier Diode : P. Caleb Dhanasekaran

and B. S. V„ Gopalam 190

Effect of Thermal Annealing in Hydrogen Atmosphereon the Interface States of Gallium Arsenide and,"ttsNative Oxide :fi,M, Arora and A. M, Narsale 193

A Study of Photo Dielectric Effect in Tin Doped Gallium

Arsenide at High Frequencies : V. K. Farkya and

N. L. Porwa) 196

Pseudopotential Theory and the Impurity States in Ge :

E„ Palaniyandi and S. Balasubramanian,


Ton Implantation in Amorphous Germanium and Silicon :

P. Sekhar, M. C. Joshi, S. Guha and K. L. Narasimhan 1.98

Studies of Silicon Implanted with High Doses of NitrogenIons : A. D. Yadav and M. C. Joshi 200

Electron Irradiation in Amorphous Silicon s R. S. Deshmukh,

S. Guha and K. L. Narasimhan 203

Electron-Transport Through Neutron-Irradiated

In-CdS-In Structure : P,C. Srivastaya 206

Effect of Electrodes on Thin Films of CdS : A„ K. Tewari,

M. Datta and D. L. Bhattacharya 209

Electrical Conductivity, Thermoelectric Power, Optical

Absorption ^nd Structure of Thin Ge and GaSb Films :

B. S. Naidu,1 S. Mohan and P. Jayarama Reddy 212

Electrical Conductivity and Optical Absorption Studies in

InAs and InTe Thin Films : A. K. Sharma, D. V. K. Sastryand P. Jayarama Reddy 215

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Effect of Anisotropic Energy Surfaces and the SpatialDispersion of Dielectric on the Hubbard Model :

P. L. Geetha and S. Balasubramanian 218

Semiempirical CNDO Methods and the Binding Energy of

Group (III-V) and (II-VI) Compounds : K. S. Kulkami,J. S, Murthy and C. R. Sarma 221

Pressure Gradients of Energy Gaps of DegenerateSemiconductors • D. K. Roy and R. Y. Thakur 225

Behaviour of Mixed P- and N-Semiconducting Oxides :

R. K. Ponde, H. V. Keer and A. B. Biswas 229

Positron Life-Time Measurements in Gallium Arsenide

Single Crystals : K. P. Gopinathan, C. S. Sundar,V. Swaminathan and B. Viswanathan 232

Surface Structures of Semiconductors ': John Ridgway 236

Field Enhancement of Photoemission in an Alkali

Antimonide Photocathode : C. Ghosh and B. P. Varma 240



Rotational Dynamics of Ammonium Ions in Octahedral

Surroundings : B. A. Dasannacharya, P. S. Goyal,S. K. Sinha and C. L. Thaper 243

Rotational Form Factor of NH4I : B. A. Dasannacharya

and-P. S. Goyal 247

Coexisting Phases in NH^I : P. S. Goyal and

B. A. Dasannacharya 250

Ultrasonic Attenuation and Velocity in Transformation

Products of Steel : G. Chengalrayan and

V. Padma Nabha Sarma 253

Lattice Dynamics of oC -Potassium Nitrate :

S. L. Chaplot, K. R, Rao, A.H. Venkatesh and

P. R, Vijayaraghavan 257

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Infrared Study of Optical Phonons in

CsMnCl,. 2H O Crystal j Bhagwan Siagh, Y. S. Jain

and B.N. KnWa 262

Neutron Inelastic Scattering from Glycine and

Dl- 0^ -Alanine : C. L. Thaper, S. K. Sinha and

B. A. Dasannacharya 266

An Irreversible Structural Phase Transformation in

Nickel Sulphate Hexahydrate s A, K. Upadhyaya and

H. D. Bist 269

Effects of the Nonlocality and Depletion Hole in the

Lattice Dynamics of d-Barid Metals ; J, Kumar and

J. C. Upadhyaya 270

Normal Modes of Oscillations of Lattices with

Arbitrary Boundary Conditions : R.N. Chaudhurl and

R. K. Kar 274

Phonon Dispersion in Rare Gas Solids Derived from a

New Many Body Potential : S. Lehri and M. P. Verma Z77

A Model Approach to a Consistant Calculation of

Lattice Dynamics of Alkali Metals s D, Sen,S. K. Sarkar and D. Roy 280

Three-Body Interaction and Lattice Dynamics of

Metals : S.K. Das, S. K. Sarkar and D. Roy 284

The Expression for Lundqvist Three-Body Interaction

in Shell Model s S.K. Sarkar and S. Sengupta 287

Coherent Potential Approximation for a Diatomic

Linear Chain having Mass and Force Constant Changes :

P. Nayak and S.N. Behera 290

Temperature Dependence of Specific Heat and OrdeB

Parameter of p-n Heptyloxy Benzylidene-p-Amino-benzoic Acid : C, Manohar, V. K. Kelkar and

J. V. Yakhmi 293

Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Lithium Fluoride at

Low Temperatures : V. Radhakrishnan and

P. C. Sharma, 296

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Temperature Variation of Thermal Expansion of

KF by X-ray Diffraction and Energy of Vacancy-

Pair Formation ; N. M. Pandya and N. P. Shah 299

Evaluation of the Third Order Elastic Constants and

the Pressure Derivatives of the Second Order Elastic

Constants of T1C1 and TIBr : V.K. Garg, D. S. Puri

and M, P. Verms 301

Third-Order Elastic Constants of Gold : B. P. Barua and

S. K. Sinha 304

Lattice Theory of the Elastic Dielectric and Its

Application to Centro Symmetric Cubic Structuased

Solids : S. C. Goyal, O. P. Sharma, Vinod Kumar

and Jai Shanker 305

Temperature Dependence of Absorption Peak in Ionic

Crystals: M. R. Monga, V.K. Jindal and K. N. Pathak 306

Mean Square Displacement of an Atom in an Anharmonic

Crystal : V.K. Jindal, M. R. Monga and K. N. Pathak :("

Lattice Relaxations near a Vacancy in Copper :

S.K. Sen and M. B. Dutt ,ra

A Modified Force Constant Approach : S.K. Sarkar

and S. Sengupta 311

Space Group Change Accompanying Order - Disorder

Transition in (NH4), CuCl4> 2^0 : M. L. Bansal,

V. C. Sahni and A. P. Roy 312

Polar Mode Softening and Elastic Anomaly Temperatures

of Partially Deuterated KDP : G. K. Roy and

B.K. Chakrabarti3I6

Far-Infrared Transmission in Pb-Ge-S Amorphous

Semiconductors ; K. L. Bhatia and S. C. Katyal 320

On Woodcock Potential : K.P. Thakur and B.N. Jha 323

Pressure Dependence of the Critical Coexistence Curve

in Three Binary Liquid Mixture : A. Sivaraman,

A.K. Bandyopadyay, V. C. Padaki and E. S. R. Gopal 327

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Detection of the Gravity Effect cm Critical Binary

Liquid Systems : Anil Kumar, M. K, Tiwari,S„ Jyothi and E. S. R. Gopal 330

Frequency Dependence of Critical Resistivity in BinaryLiquids ; Anil Kumar and E. S. R, Gopal 333

A New Statistical Mechanics s G. Suryan 336

Thermal Variation of Specific Heat of Chromium

Potassium Akmi in the Temperature Range 77 to 300K :

S.S. Mitra, &v"k. Ghorai and S. K. Dutta Roy 340

Temperature Dependence of the Density, Volume'ExpansionCoefficient and Tilt Angle of HxBPA for 250 K«CT^.340K :

K. Usha Deniz, A, I. Mehta, U. R. K. Rao,P. S. Farvathanaihaa and A. S, Paranjpe 344

Electron-Phonon Interaction in Doubly Doped Germanium

at Low Temperatures : Surendra Sindh and G. S, Verma 347

Thermal Expansioa of CoSi F^6H20 near its Phase

Transition Temperature : A. N. Das, N. Chatterjee,B. Ghosh and S. Nath 348

Scattering of Long Wave Phonons by Dislocations in

Plastically Deformed Germanium : S. Singh and K, C, Sood 349

Semiconductor-to-Metal Transition in Pure and V-DopadTi Oj : A, M. Shaikh, M. A. Vis-wamitra and C. N. R. Rao 352

Quantum Mechanical Formulation of Phonon Attenuation

in N-Type Semiconductors -with ZB Structure :

Mahiradhwaj Singh 356

Electron-Phonon Interaction in N~Type HI-V Semiconductor :

Mahiradhwaj Singh 359

Phases and Phase Transitions in the Compound p-n-

Alkoxybenzylidene-p-Aminobenzoic Acids :

K. Usha Deniz, A. S. Paranjpe, P. S. Parvathanathan,

E. B, Mirza, A.I. Mehta and K. S. Patel 362

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Refractive Indices and Orientational Order of Nematic

N-(4-Hexyloxybenzylidene)-p-Toluldine :

R. Somashekar and D. Krishnamurti 366

Electron Microscope Observation of Damage in Heavy

Ion Irradiated Silicon : L. E. Thailamanl and M. C. Joshi 369

Blistering by Helium Ion Bombardment s D.K. Sood,

M. Sundararaman and R. Krishnan 373

Empirical Rules for Substitutionality in Metastable

Surface Alloys Produced by Ion Implantation : D.K. Sood 376

Structure Investigation of Different Varieties of Indian

Silk by X-Ray Diffraction : N. V. Bhat and G. S. Nadiger 380

Infrared and X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Preswollen

Polymers : Nylon 6 : L. P. Singh and N. K. Chaudhuri 384

Small-Angle X-ray Investigation of Macromolecular

Deformation of Cellulose-I in Sisal Fiber : A. Patel 387

Collective Motions in Liquid Aluminium : G. S. Dubey,

D. K. Chaturvedi and K. N. Pathak 390

Backflow Effect in Classical Systems, IIOne-Component

Plasma : G. S. Dubey, P. K. Kahol and D. K. Chaturvedi 393

Backflow Effect in Classical Systems I. Liquid Rubidium :

P.K. Kahol, D.K. Chaturvedi andK. N. Pathak 396

Rotational Correlation in Cyclohexane by Raman Scattering :

M. L. Bansal and A. P. Roy 399

Radial Distribution Function of Pure Borate Glass :

B. Jayaswal and S. C. Sen 403

Orthoboric Acid : An Unsisual Ferroelastic : V. K. Wadhawan 404

Surface Segregation in Allays t Vijay Kumar, Deepak Kumar

and S.K. Joshi408

Localisation of Electrons in Disordered Systems :

A. Mookerjee and V. Choudhry 411

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Coercive Force and Perpendicular Anisotropy of

Electro-Deposited Nickel Films : V. Jayaraman and

S.K. Dutta Roy 415

Susceptibility Critical Point Exponents for Some Mixed

Garnets: C. Srinivasan, Om Prakash and R. Aiyer 418

Effect of External Electric Field on Anomalous

Mossbauer Llneshapes ; R, Nagarajan and J.K. Srivastava 421

Low Temperature Susceptibilities of BIS (Dithlocarbamates)Iron Chloride : S. N. Bhatia and R. L. Carlin 424

Super-Exchange Interaction In Spinel Ferrimagnetics :

C. M. Srivastava, N. G. Nanadikar and G. Srinivasan 427

Magnetic Properties of Rare-Earth Ions in a Tetragonal

Crystalline Field of Zircon Structure Systems : Vlnod Kumar

and K. Chandra 430

Effect of An Electric Field on the De Haas-Van AlphenOscillations : Sudheer M. Phatak and Abbas A. Rangwala 433

Magnetic Properties of Ni,-Fe-Cr Alloys : A. Sinha and

A. K. Majumdar 436

Orbital Magnetic Susceptibility of Divalent HCP Metals :

S. P. Mohanty and P. K. Misra 437

Spin Susceptibility of Interacting Electrons in Metals :

S.K. Misra and P.K. Misra 438

Isotropic Ferromagnets with Biquadratic Interactions :

G. Chaddha 439

An Anisotropic Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Using theSecond-Order Green's Function Theory : R. Brahmachariand S. B. Bhattacharya 441

A Uni-Axial Heisenberg Ferromagnet : R. Brahmachariand K. G. Chakraborty 444

Itinerant Actiferromagnetism in Hubbard Model ;

K. Eapen and D. K. Ghosh 448

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Spin Correlation Functions in Magnetic Polymers :

Mustansir 'Barma 452

Solution of the Three Magnon Bound State Equation :

C.K. Majumdar and Indrani Bose 456

Theory of Magnetic Susceptibility of Tetrahedral

Semiconductors : T. Sahu and P. K. Misra 459

Quantum Effects on Coupled Transitions :

B.K. Chakrabarti 463

Magnetoresistance in Spin Glasses : A. K. Nigam and

A.K, Majumdar 467

Magnetic Contribution to the Electrical Conductivity in

Spin Glasses : Abhijit Mookerjee 470

Two Approaches to Spin-Glass Phase Transitions :

S.G. Satyanarayana,: N. Devaraj and N. Kumar 473

Excitations in Spin Glasses : Renu Bhargava and D.Kumar 476

Thermodynamics of a Simple Site Quenched MagneticMixture : N. K. Jaggi and K. R. P. M. Rao 480

Cobalt-Gallium Alloys : A Cluster Spin-Glass System? :

R. Vijayaraghavan, A. K. Grover, L. C. Gupta, K, Asayama,M. Matsumura, M. Nakano and K. Ueno . 483

Antiferromagnetism in Mixed Heusler Alloy (Cu, Pd),Mn Al : S. K. Paranjpe, Wathik N. A. Raazak and

R. J. Begum 486

Moment Distributions in Nickel-Ruthenium Alloys :

R. Chakravarthy, L. Madhav Rao, Z. Jirak and

N. S. Satya Murthy 489

Magnetic Properties of the System Znj^COgCr^Se^ :

S. G. Gokarn, H. V. Kiran, A. L. Shashimohan,

D.K. Chakrabarty andA B. Biswas 492

Study of Phase Transition in Ferrous Fluoborate

Hexahydrate at 274 K : B. K. Chaudhuri and K. Das 496

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• Studies on Paramagnetic Defects and Weiss Constant

in CaSO s By end CaSO : Bi Phosphors : S. H. Pawar,M, R. Mulla and S. G. Saftais

Hyperfine Field Studies in Magnetically Ordered

Samarium Alloys ; R. Vijayaraghavan

Transferred Hyperfine Effects in the 3iP NMR of Rare •

Earth Phosphates : M. Bose, M. Bhattacharya and

S. Ganguli

3• Co NMR Studies of the Spin-State Equilibria in Rare

Earth Cobaltates ; M, Bose, A. Ghoshray, A. Basu,S. Kollall and C. N. R. Rao

NMR in Ferromagnetic Cobalt Heusier Alloys s

V. Nagarajan

Hyperfine Field Studies in Gold Based Heusier Alloys ;

A. K. Graver, LVDang Khoi and P. Veillet

Mossbauer Study of Epidotes and Pyroxyenes of Indian

Origin : R. P. Tripathi, Usha Chandra, A, Krishnamurthy

am' .-', Lokanathan

A Mossbauer Spectroscopy Study of Natural Alteration of

Tlmenites : N. K. Jaggi, K. R. P M. Rao and

N. P, Subramanyam

Calculation of Second Order Doppler Shift for a Lattice

Containing Point Defect : S. K. Roy, K, Momon Singh and

D. L. Bhattacharya

Lithium NMR in Single Crystal of Lithium CopperChloride

, ZH-jO s V. Nagarajan and N. C. Vissia

Zero-Field NMR Studies in Ferrlmagnetic'Mn2Sb :

K. V. S. Rama Rao, S. L. Pinjare and C, Ramasastry

. '2+Ground State Wave Function and &* g of Cu loa :

B. N. Misra, Faujdar and Ram Kripal

NMR Determination of Hydrogen Atom Positions in

Crystalline Hydrates : V. Nagarajan and T. F. Sunderraj

Mossbauer Effect Study of 83Kr in Rubidium Halides :

D. C. Gupta, N. D, Sharma and Jahan Singh

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Magnetic Susceptibility of ZnMn.O -MgAl O

CdMn204-MgAl204 Systems : M^G. Bodaff,

H. V. Keer and A. B. Biswas 536

Magnetic Behaviour of Transition Ion Complexes with

Different Llgands : B. N. Misra and Ram Kripal 539

Effect of Spontaneous Polarization on D-Tensor of

Mn - Doped in Ferroelectric NaN02 : Akhilesh Kumar

Jain and G. C. Upreti542

Temperature and Angular Variation of Line Widths and

Spin Hamiltonian Parameters of EPR Spectra of Mn

in Sodium Nitrite : Akhilesh Kumar Jain and G. C. Upreti 546

ESR Study of Cr Centre in the Ferroelectric Ammonium

Sulphate.: C. V. Manjunath and R. Srinivasan 549

Low Temperature Phase Transitions in Lanthanide Double

Sulphates : V. M. Malhotra and H. D. Bist552

Observation and Study of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

of Vanadyl Ions Doped in Some Paramagnetic Tuttcm Salts :

R. S. Saraswat and G. C. Upreti 555

2+ESR Study of Mn - Doped Dicalcium Barium Propionate ;

V. Dhar, N. C. Mishra and R. Srinivasan 558

Optical and E. S. R. Studies of X-Irradiated Potassium

Zinc Sulphate Hexa Hydrate Doped with Nickel: S. Madhu

and B. S. V. S. R. Acharyulu

Electron Spin Resonance Studies of 31 Electron Oxides :

N. Hariharan 563


ESR Study of rj -Irradiated Cd(BrO ),. 2H20 : D. L. Sastry

and K. V. S. Rama Rao 566

Temperature Dependent EPR of Mn2+ in TMCC and T MCC :

K. K. Surendran, K. V. Lingam, M.J. Rao and

B.N. Bhattacharya567

Jahn Teller Effect of Cu2+ Ion: An EPR Study :

K. K. Surendran, K. V. Lingam, M. J. Rao and

B.N. Bhattacharya 570

Jahn-Teller Effect in Copper Doped Zinc Tris

(Ethylenediamine) Chloride : S. G. Sastry, M. J. Rao,

K. V. Lingam and B. N. Bhattacharya 573

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E. S. R. Study of Cu++ Doped CdIm3S04H20 :

R.K. Sharma, K, V. Lingam, M.J. Rao and

B.N. Bhattacharya 576

ESR Study of NO Radical in Rb2 Th (N03)6 :

T. K. Gundu Rao, K. V. Lingam and B. N. Bhattacharya 579

Nof+ Radical in K2(U02) (N©3)4 : An ESR Study :

T.K. Gundu Rao, K. V. Lingam and B.N. Bhattacharya 582

Rotary Modes In the Molecule 2-Amino~5-ChloropyridineUsing NQR Data : S. P. Basavaraju and N. Devaraj 585

Zeeman Effect of Chlorine NQR and Intramolecular

Hydrogen Bonding in 2, 5-Dichlorophenol :

R. Chandramani, N. Devaraj, K. R. Sridharan and

J, Ramakrishna 589

Nuclear Quadrupote Resonance Investigations in Phaspha-zenes n : Study of Ethylene Diamino Tetrachloro Trimeric

Cyciophosphazene : K. R. Sridharan, J. Ramakrishna and

S. S. Krishmamurthy 590


Pure and Rare Earth Doped ZnO Electroluminors :

S. Bhushan, A.N. Pandey and Balakrishna Rao Kaza 591

2+Optical and Transport Properties of RoI:Sn Crystals :

S. B. S. Sastry, K. Balasubramanyam, S. Madhu and

B. S. V. S. R. Acharyulu 596

Ultra-Violet Absorption Produced by Phosphorus Ion

Implantation of Fused Silica : J. M. Luthra, P. K. Bhattacharyaand N. Sarma 599

Nature of Defects in NaF:LiF : S. V. Moharil and

B. T. Deshmukh 603

Fluorescence and Excitation Spectra of NH4Br+TlBr Mixed

Phosphor : V, B. Sharan, D. N. S. Srivastwa and S. C. Sen 606

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AC Electroluminescence in ZnS Thin Films :

John Sebastian and R. N. Karekar 610

Pure Crystal Phosphorescence of 1-NaphthoI audits

Mechanism : N. S. Gangakhedkar and N. K. Chaudhuri 611

Anomalous Effect of Low Doping on Vibrational Exciton

Splitting in Benzoic Acid Single Crystals : A. V,. Namjoshi and

N.K. Chaudhuri 615

Triplet Exciton Traps in Pure Acetanilide Crystals :

A. V. Namjoshi and N. K. Chaudhuri 619

Photoconduction in Benzanthrone Thin Film : M. R. Padhye,

T. S. Varadarajan and L. N. Chaturvedi 622

Two-Phonon Resonant Raman Scattering in Silicon :

K. P. Jain and C. S. Jayanthi 626

The Valence Band Anomaly In GaSe : Rita Gupta 629

Photoconductivity of Alkali Doped CdS Thin Films :

S. H. Pawar, A. G. Shikalgar and B. B. Bargale 633

Infrared Laser by Proton Tunnelling r Pradip N. Ghosh and

D. L. Bhattacharya 637

Electronic Dielectric Constant Versus Interatomic

Distance ln'AN B8 Compounds : K. C. Rustagi 640

Laser Excited Raman Spectrum and Vibrational Dynamics

of MnCl ,

2H O : B. K. Srivastava, D. P. Khandelwal and

H.D. Bi2st L644

A Tunable Coherent Source at 16 nm Using Nonlinear

Optical Mixing in Solids : P. K. Gupta and K. C. Rustagi 648

Resonant Modes due to H -D Pair Impurity in KC1 r

R.K. Gupta, A.K. Singh and P. Mathur 651

Resonant Modes due to H Ions in Alkali Halides

Containing Additive Cation Impurity : R. K. Gupta and

A.K. Singh652

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Anisotropy of Folarlsabilitles and Internal Field in

Crystals s D. Revannasiddaiah and D. Krishmamurti 653


Design and Construction of a Solid State Pulsed NMR

Spectrometer ; R. K. Shenoy and J. Ramakrishna 655

A High Speed Digital Signal Averager for Pulsed NMR:

R, Srinivaaan, J. Ramakrishna and S. R, Rajagopalan 659

Minimisation oi Phase Distortion in Pulsed NMR

Studies s R.N. Roy 662

Deposition and TEM Studies of Aged YF3 and TbF

Thin Films : U. Kumar, P.N. Singh, S.K. Agarwal;A. K. Nigam and S. P. Singh 665

Thickness Measurement of Thin Films by XRF Analysis

and its Comparison with Quartz Crystal Oscillator

Technique : D.K. Kauahik, S. Priyokumar Singh,S.K. Chattopadhyaya and N. Nath 667

An I. C. Pulse Interference Technique for Measurement

of Ultrasonic Velocities in Solids : V. Kesava Raju and

P. Jayarama Reddy 669

A He-Cd Laser for Raman Studies : M, L, Bansal 672

A 3 - Sample, 6 - Lead Brldgman Anvil Assembly for

Resistivity Measurements to 100 KBAR : V. Sankara

astry, Rita Kapoor and K. Govinda Rajan 675

A 30KeV Ion Implantation System with a Velocity Filter

for Mass Separation s G. S. Vlrdi, M. D. Agarwal,

S. K. Chattopadhyaya, V. K. Mathur and N. Nath 679

Temperature Controller for Magnetic SusceptibilityMeasurement : A. Khan and C.K. Majumdar 680

Electrical Conductivity of a Vacuum Evaporated Germanium

Films Using a New Type of Sample Holder : K. K. Bhale and

S. S. Shah 682

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Simple Resistance Technique to Measure the

Activation Energy and Mobility of Electromigration in

Amorphous Semiconductors : O. S. Panwar, D. R. Goyal,A. Kumar, K. K. Srivastava and K. N, Lakshminarayan 683

Design of an Indigenous Light Scattering Dust Particle

Counter : Chatar Singh, S.K. Chattopadhyaya,V. K. Mathur and N. Nath 686