Download - (PROBLEMS AND SOLUTION ) · Penimbunan kembali lahan bekas tambang d. Pengendalian erosi dan pengelolaan air b. Penanaman b. Pemeliharaan Revegetasi




Dr. Yadi Setiadi

Dr. Yadi Setiadi Mined Land Rehabilitation Specialist Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University Kampus IPB, Darmaga, Bogor [email protected]. 08111102302

Tropical Rain Forest Function

Conserve soil and water Supporting biodiversity Natural resources Control climatic conditions Water cycle processes Carbon sequestration Genetic resources Habitat for flora and fauna

Illegal logging Forest fires Agriculture

development Timber plantations Estate crops

plantations Shifting cultivation Transmigration Mining Operations

Character Degraded Mined Land

Loss of vegetation Disturbed ecosystem Erosion and run-off (sedimentation,

contamination) Reduce native species biodiversity Damages to wildlife habitat Damages of watershed area Changes natural landscape


Loss of root and crown function No vegetation

Loss of supporting biodiversity No top soil and sub-soil

Loss of land productivity Land stability

Land slides and erosion Poor soil

poor survival and poor growth performance

Government Regulation for Mined Land Reclamation and Revegetation


NO change the structure and function of the forest Conduct reclamation and reforestation Protect the forest from illegal logging, and land occupancy

ENVIRONMENTAL DEPT Conduct mitigation measures for the significant impacts :

(contamination of heavy metals, aggressive occupation of alien species) Minimize forest destruction (foot print) Conduct Biological conservation

ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES DEPT Land stability and Erosion control Develop planning for reclamation and mine closure

Successful Standard Criteria for Reclamation and Revegetation

No. Kegiatan Reklamasi / Obyek Kegiatan Parameter Rencana Standar Keberhasilan Pelaksanaan

1. Luas area yang ditata (Ha) > 80 %2. Stabilitas timbunan (%) tidak ada longsoran1. Luas area yang ditimbun (Ha) > 80 %2. Stabilitas timbunan (%) tidak ada longsoran1. Luas area yang ditebar (Ha) > 75 %2. pH tanah 5 - 6 1. Saluran drainase (%) tidak terjadi erosi2. Bangunan pengendali erosi (%) tidak terjadi alur erosi3. Kolam pengendap sedimen (%) sesuai BML

1. Pengelolaan material (% Volume) sesuai rencana2. Pengelolaan AAT (%) sesuai BML1. Luas area penanaman (Ha) > 80 %2. Jenis tanaman sesuai rencana - Cover crop sesuai rencana - Fast growing sesuai rencana - Tanaman lokal sesuai rencana3. Pertumbuhan tanaman (%) > 80 %

a. Penutupan tajuk > 80 %1. Pemupukan sesuai kebutuhan2. Pengendalian gulam, hama&penyakit sesuai kebutuhan3. Penyulaman sesuai kebutuhan

b. Penimbunan kembali lahan bekas tambang

d. Pengendalian erosi dan pengelolaan air

b. Penanaman

b. Pemeliharaan

Revegetasi dan Pekerjaan Sipil

Penyelesaian Akhir




c. Penebaran tanah zona pengakaran

a. Pengelolaan material pembangkit AAT

a. Penataan permukaan lahan

Penatagunaan Lahan

Acuan PerMenESDM No.07 Tahun 2014

Standard Criteria for Revegetation success

a. Pengisian kembali lubang bekas tambang > 80% sesuai rencana sesuai document b. Luas areal yang ditata > 80% sesuai rencana sesuai document

c. Kestabilan longsor (< 5%) tidak ada longsoran presentase kejadian longsor

d. Penaburan tanah pucuk > 80% > 75% sesuai document e. pH Tanah - - - > 5-6 sesuai analisis tanah

a. Bangunan konservasi tanah ≥ 90% tidak terjadi erosi - Jumlah fisik bangunan sesuai document - - - - Kondisi bangunan berfungsi - - - b. Penanaman cover crop > 80% sesuai rencana sesuai document c. Erosi dan sedimentasi erosi ≤ 5% tidak terjadi erosi persentase luas erosi d. Pengelolaan Material Pembangkit AAT - - - - - - - - Pengelolaan Material - - - sesuai rencana sesuai document - Kolam Pengendap Sedimen - - - kualitas air sesuai BML pH, TSS, Al, Fe, Mn

a. Luas penanaman > 80 % > 80 % sesuai document b. Persentase tumbuh > 80 % > 80% secara sampling c. Jumlah tanaman ≥ 625 phn/Ha sesuai document sesuai document d. Komposisi jenis jenis lokal ≥ 40% Tanaman lokal ≥ 40% sesuai document - Tanaman fast growing - - - sesuai rencana Model 1 {hanya Pioner (Lokal Potensial)} - Tanaman lokal - - - sesuai rencana Model 2 {Pioneer dan Primer (lokal)} e. Kesehatan tanaman > 80 % > 80% secara sampling f. Penutupan tajuk - - - > 80% secara sampling

g. Pemeliharaan - - - sesuai kebutuhanpemupukan ; pengendalian gulma,

hama&penyakit ; penyulaman

Penataaan Permukaan Lahan

Pengendalian Erosi dan Sedimentasi


No.PerMenESDM N0. 07 Tahun 2014

Standar keberhasilan M TM

Checklist : M = Memenuhi ; TM = Tidak Memenuhi1

Saluran drainase, checkdam, beronjong, turap, dll. (Kesesuaian dalam jumlah

dan spesifikasi) & fungsi



Keterangan TMStandar keberhasilan

Kriteria / Indikator / ParameterPerMenHut No. 60 Tahun 2009


Planning Consideration

Land conditions

(derelict) Status of forest function (Forestry or APL )

Government regulations (Revegetation Planning, Guide line, Criteria)

Post mining land use (multi stakeholde, AMDAL)

Planting strategies Setiadi.Yadi. 2012


Trees species selection and propagation • Suitable, potential local

species, regulasi

Nursery and Planting stock • Planting size, seedling

quality, compacted and activated root

Land-reconstruction and site preparation • Land stabilization, leveling , top

soiling, and prevent erosion,

Soil amendments • Balance nutrients,

improve CEC, Bio-organic, control toxic

Planting techniques • Timing , root ball

position • Planting Model

Maintenance • Re-panting, re-

fertilizer, weeding, Lateral root manipulation

Monitoring and Evaluation • Schedule, data collection, reporting, frequency

and improvement • Practical-Guideline and SOP

Setiadi.Yadi. 2012

01) Species Selection

Complying Regulation

• Composition : Shaded trees, Main tress, MPTS, Conservation tress and endanger (protected tress)

Planting Design • To minimize the competition effect • To arrange for beauty performance

Adapted on soil and environmental Conditions • Approved can be survive on certain condition

The planting stocks • The number of species are available • Seedling planting stock available

02) Nursery, Seedling Quality and Transportation

Nursery conditions affected on seedling quality :

• Light intensity • Temperature , Humidity, and air

circulation • Water quality

Seedling quality • Medium composition • Healthy performance • Root ball compaction

Seedling Transportation • Transfer from nursery to field • Seedling placement in the field

• Planting operation

Nursery 03) Potential Gully Erosion and Exposed OB

Potential Impact :

Exposed OB and Generated AMD Physically destroying plants

Control gully erosion :

• Filled up top soil • Establish trenching • Planting LCC

Nursery 04). Soil Compaction and Water Log

Content silt and clay Water permeability Root not well develop Tress performance :

Yellowish, stagnant

Solution : Pre-soil analysis Vertical ripping, LRM (Lateral Root Manipulation) Select adaptive species

05)Top Soiling Problems

Top soil thickness <10cm

Soil compacted Eroded

• Accelerate gully development • Exposed to compacted clay

and toxic materials • Plant performances

– Stagnant – Dying – Costly for repairing – Can not meet standard

Nursery 06) Over Shaded Condition

Effect over shaded : Main tress meranti are dying Condition is not condusive for

natural colonization Lack for biodiversity development

Improvement : Improve light condition by teres


5) Better Shading Condition for Shorea

6) Species Selection

Complying Regulation

• Composition : Shaded trees, Main tress, MPTS, Conservation tress and endanger (protected tress)

Planting Design • To minimize the competition effect • To arrange for beauty performance

Adapted on soil and environmental Conditions • Approved can be survive on certain condition

The planting stocks • The number of species are available • Seedling planting stock available

8) Soil Problems

Soil compaction Water log Low in pH and Soil toxic

• (Al and Phyrite)

Lack of soil macro and micro

Un-balance nutrients ( Ca and Mg)

9) Planting Operation and Maitenance

Seedling transportation • Sources of plant failure • Temporary seedling nurse

Planting operation • Ensure seedling healthy • Step Planting operation

– Planting hole – Based fertilizer – Planting

– Maintenance

10) Tress Maintenance and Monitoring

Maintenance • Re-planting • Weeding • Fertilizer • Pest-control

Monitoring • Evaluate plant survival • Evaluate plant performance

Thank you !!

Good and Responsible Mine Closure

PT. Akar Langitbumi Cyber 2 Tower, 18th Floor JL.H.R Rasuna Said Blok x-5 kav 13 Jakarta 12950 Indonesia EMAIL : [email protected] Phone : +62-2170521925, 08111102302