Download - Problem Stament in CN Lab Manual


Week 11. To the given bits add the string 01111110 to both the starting and the end of the string2. To add 0 to each set of 5 ones i.e. after every five consecutive 1s appear a zero1. Program:

#include "stdio.h"#include "conio.h"int main(){int i=0,count=0;char a[100];printf("enter the bits : ");scanf("%s",a); printf("\nAfter bit stuffing \n");printf("01111110"); for(i=0;a[i]; i++){ if(a[i]=='1') count++; else count=0;printf("%c",a[i]);if(count==5) { printf("0"); count=0; }}printf("01111110");getch();return 1;}

C program to convert a decimal number to its equivalent Bits format.2. Program #include #include void main(){unsigned long dec;int a[25],c=0,i;clrscr();printf("\nENTER A DECIMAL NUMBER: ");scanf("%lu",&dec);printf("\n%lu IN BITS FORMAT: ",dec);while(dec>0){a[c]=dec%2;dec=dec/2;c++;}for(i=c-1;i>=0;i--)printf("%d",a[i]);getch();}


Enter a decimal number 44 in bit format : 100Search a key number within n given numbers using pointers3. Program #include #include #include void main(){int n,*p,i,num,flag=0;clrscr();printf("\nHOW MANY NUMBER: ");scanf("%d",&n);p=(int *) malloc(n*2);if(p==NULL){printf("\nMEMORY ALLOCATION UNSUCCESSFUL");exit();}for(i=0;i