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Problem-Solving with Industrial Drawings: Supporting

Formal Graphics Language Development for Malaysian

Engineering Graduates*

COLIN BURVILL1, BRUCE FIELD1, ZULKEFLEE ABDULLAH2 and MAIZAM ALIAS31Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] of Manufacturing Design, Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia.

E-mail: [email protected] of Technical and Vocational Education, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia. E-mail [email protected]

The globalisation ofmanufacture has forcedmany developing countries inAsia to respond to the exacting requirements of

quality and interchangeability that involve complex and diverse conventions for graphical and geometrical product

specifications. Competing pressure for international recognition of engineering qualifications has reduced the time

available in Malaysian universities to teach a range of practical skills, including those of reading and interpreting

engineering drawings (RIED), although Malaysian industry has identified inadequacies in the RIED skills of recent

graduates. This paper reports the deliberate use of incidental learning to increase RIED skills in groups of undergraduate

engineering students by replacing the familiar line illustrations of parts andmachines in the learning tasks of a conventional

analytical subject with sets of formal engineering drawings. Participants who were engaged for 14 hours of practical

problem solving work in the subject and a parallel CAD-modelling subject, gained measurable skills in RIED. Since the

increase inparticipants’RIEDskill did not require alterations to the existing educational objectives of the subjects, the time

allocated to problem-solving within those subjects or additional RIED teaching expertise, an expansion of the approach is


Keywords: incidental learning; graphics education; engineering drawings; problem based learning

1. Introduction

Malaysia is ideally placed to participate in south-

east Asia’s manufacturing boom.With a well estab-

lished western-style education system, ready access

to international transport routes, a stable economy,

widespread use of the English language, yet lowlabour costs, Malaysian industry is able to attract

manufacturing contracts from well beyond the

region [1]. Modern manufacturing demands high

quality, facilitating component interchangeability

and multi-site co-ordinated construction. The

detailed specifications for component geometry

and assembly are most commonly contained in

formal engineering drawings, typically preparedby the design originator and passed onto the man-

ufacturer. Consequently,Malaysian industry has to

respond to the demands of complex manufacturing

specifications that arise from diverse geographical

and geo-political locations.

While most of the graphical conventions for

manufacturing drawings are universal, there are

important local differences that must be accommo-dated by contract manufacturers. For example,

while ISO 128 (commonly used throughout

Europe and in most of Asia, including Malaysia)

is based on first angle projections, alternative stan-

dards such as the British BS888, United States

ASME Y14.3M, Japanese JIS B 0001 and Austra-

lian AS/NZS1100 use third angle projections. Most

education and training programs understandably

focus on their local standard. Nevertheless, it is

sometimes possible tomisread an engineering draw-

ing based on an unfamiliar projection system, and

thereby manufacture a ‘‘left hand version’’ of theintended product.

Evenwithin otherwise similar projection systems,

differences in the conventions used to simplify and

communicate complex shapes can give rise to errors.

The conventions for representing screw threads, for

example, involve the use of uniform width, full and

dashed lines in ASME Y14.3M, but alternating

width full lines in BS8888.It is apparent that in some countries, such as

Malaysia, there is a greater requirement for manu-

facturing engineers to be familiar with the drawing

conventions from elsewhere. This places additional

demands on the engineering education and accred-

itation process since a lack of familiarity with the

alternative conventions gives rise to potentially

costly errors.In this paper we identify the shortcomings in

graduate skill in reading and interpreting engineer-

ing drawings (RIED) that Malaysian industry has

raised and find that the existing undergraduate

manufacturing engineering program at a typical

* Accepted 15 May 2016.2172

International Journal of Engineering Education Vol. 32, No. 5(B), pp. 2172–2183, 2016 0949-149X/91 $3.00+0.00Printed in Great Britain # 2016 TEMPUS Publications.

Malaysian university does not develop RIED skill

much beyond that of an introductory drafting

course. We then show that a subtle adjustment to

the way otherwise conventional analytical subjects

are presented can improve undergraduates’ RIED

skill without altering the established curriculum,increasing student workload, or requiring any new

RIED teaching skills.

2. Research background and context: Theindustrial problem

2.1 Malaysian industry survey

After a small group of Malaysian engineers

expressed concern to the Universiti Teknikal

Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) about graduate engi-

neers’ capability in reading and interpreting engi-

neering drawings, the authors constructed an on-

line survey, exploring local industry’s requirementsin RIED skill and the deficits in those skills. The

survey questions were checked for validity with the

pilot group of engineers who raised the issue.

The survey comprised twelve pairs of questions,

seeking responses on a Likert scale. For example, a

question ‘‘My graduate engineers understand the

concept of third angle projection’’ was followed by

the question ‘‘I require my graduate engineers tounderstand the concept of third angle projection’’.

After sending the survey to 100 Malaysian com-

panies, we received 34 responses from supervisors

who averaged more than four years overseeing

engineering graduates. The Cronbach’s alpha

score for the questionnaire responses was 0.92,

indicating high consistency. While some of the

issues raised were not regarded as being especiallyimportant for all graduate manufacturing engineers

(such as an ability to read pipework diagrams), all

twelve desired graduate capabilities raised in the

survey were reported as being inadequate [2].

The three issuesofmost concern,withdeficitsofat

least 1.0 on thefive-pointLikert scalewere perceived

shortcomings in graduate ability to: (a) visualise the

3D form of an object represented in an orthogonalmulti-view drawing, (b) interpret orthogonal assem-

bly drawings, and (c) identify design faults from

drawings. There were real, but lesser concerns (in

excess of 0.6 deficit) about convention- and applica-

tion-specific shortcomings. The survey indicated

that the authors’ initial perception that the special

demands of Malaysian manufacturing industry for

advanced RIED skill may have been the root causeof its concern was incorrect. Graduates were per-

ceived to lack someof themost fundamental abilities

to read and interpret generic orthogonal drawings,

and especially to understand the three dimensional

relationships depicted in those drawings.

2.2 Malaysian undergraduate abilities in RIED

Following the industry survey, the authors sought

to discover if the principal perceived shortcomings

in graduate RIED skill existed during a typical

undergraduate engineering course. The Australian

authors had utilised an established RIED exercise[3] to explore learning and psychological issues in

the development of RIED skill, and made this test

[4] available to the Malaysian authors. The ten-

minute RIED test comprised a third angle dimen-

sioned drawing of a gear pump (Fig. 1) and 12

associated questions. This test was selected because

questions required interpretations of the 3D form

(five questions), the analysis of the assembled com-ponents (five questions), and practical issues (four

questions); questions that corresponded to the three

most critical issues raised in the industry survey.

After the RIED test was approved by the profes-

sional engineers who helped structure the industry

survey, and completed by a pilot group of volun-

teers at UTeM, it was undertaken by 252 engineer-

ing students from all year levels at UTeM. Theresults of this study [5] yielded three key findings.

First, RIED skill increased between the second

and third year levels at UTeM (t = 3.07, p < 0.002)

(Table 1). The investigation was not a longitudinal

study, so it is possible that this increase arose from

annual changes in matriculants’ general skill levels

or to teaching practices at UTeM during the pre-

vious years.However, all students had undertaken aformal studyof engineering drawing in thefirst year,

and most had engaged with engineering drawings

during a CAD/CAM subject in their third year. It

seemed plausible that the increase in RIED skill for

the last two years arose from activities during this

CAD/CAM subject.

Second, it was apparent that the UTeM students,

as a group, had performed significantly worse(t = 5.40, p < 0.0001) than third year students at

the University of Melbourne, who averaged 5.64

(SD 2.04, N = 180) [4] on the same test, but had

never been enrolled in a self-contained subject in

engineering drawing.

Third, four questions on the test were very poorly

answered at all year levels. Three of those questions

had a common theme in that they each required anunderstanding of the technology depicted in the

drawing. For example, no student was able to

nominate ‘the spacing for bolt holes for mounting

the pump’, apparently because they did not realise

that the slotted holes in the base were for mounting

purposes. Similarly, after determining the vertical

distance from the bottom of the pulley to the

mounting surface, very few students were able toappreciate that this feature would have important

consequences for mounting the pump on a base.

Students were also unable to find the clearance at

Problem-Solving with Industrial Drawings 2173

the tips of the gears, suggesting that the concept, orthe way dimensions were depicted, were not under-


Since student performance on this RIED test was

lower than that achieved byAustralian students, for

whom there were no universally poorly answered

questions, it was determined that RIED testing at

UTeM, aimed at measuring changes in RIED skill

following experimental interventions, should belimited to issues of spatial and representational

conventions, and should avoid technology-based


2.3 Trends in graphics education in Malaysia

Malaysian universities have signed the Washington

Accord [6]. Consequently, engineering courses

throughout the country fulfil requirements for arange of skills, principally analytical and knowl-

edge-based. In common with many Western uni-

versities, the demands for 21st century engineering

know-how have suppressed the more traditional

‘hands-on’ practical skills formerly mastered by

undergraduates, and have limited the time available

to develop deep familiarity with even one of the

drawing standards used in Malaysia.

Internationally, the requirements for graduateengineers to be competent at RIED have remained.

The abilities to create drawings, and to read and

interpret drawings, are separate competencies in

Europe [7] and in the USA [8]. Nevertheless, there

is a trend away from the undergraduate production

of hand-created engineering drawings, as firstly 2D

computer drawing software, then more recently 3D

modelling software have automated many of theactions needed to create engineering drawings since

2000 [9]. This automation alters the way in which

students learn RIED, with a decline both in psy-

chomotor demands and in opportunities for learn-

ing, as graphics studies decline from two or more

subjects to one or less [9]. At some universities (such

as at the Universities of Melbourne and Monash,

Australia), subjects for the formal preparation ofengineering drawings have been absorbed into other

studies, have been largely replaced with 3D CAD

modelling, and exist as lecture topics without sig-

nificant practical reinforcement.

With similar pressures on the graphics studies at

UTeM, where there remained one introductory

subject in engineering drawing, based on CAD

software, there did not appear to be any opportu-nity to address industry’s concerns about engineer-

ing graduates’ inadequate RIED skill through

Colin Burvill et al.2174

Fig. 1. Drawing of gear pump used in the RIED test to explore undergraduate skill at UTeM.

Table 1.Results from the RIED skill survey of four year levels ofengineering students at UTeM

Year level N Mean score/12 S.D.

1 70 3.20 1.542 78 3.19 1.543 44 3.95 0.744 60 3.78 1.40

adjustments to the formal content of engineering


2.4 Incidental learning in the development of RIED

skills: Australian experience

Even though formal graphics education and draft-

ing skills had declined at the Australian authors’

universities, it was apparent that their undergradu-

ate students developed reasonable RIED abilities[4]. At the University of Melbourne, mechanical

engineering students engaged with engineering

drawings sourced from local industry in projects

aimed at re-designingmajor assemblies. AtMonash

University, a whole year of engineering design

studies at the second year of the program utilised

semi-formal assembly drawings of increasing com-

plexity as the basis for a range of analytical tasks.The assembly drawing in Fig. 2, for example, was

used in an end-of-year formal examination to

supply data for separate questions of load analysis,

the selection of ball bearings, fatigue analysis,

welded joint design, bolted joint analysis and the

allocation of geometric and linear tolerances.

A separate technician-training program to

develop their understanding of the terminology

and flaws in injection moulding processes (a task

that involves complex assembly drawings) foundthat their RIED skills developed along with their

technical understanding, even though they were not

instructed in any aspects of formal engineering

drawing. Their learning was enhanced by the pre-

sence of the physical artefacts that were represented

in the formal drawings [10]. This gave further

indication that RIED skills might well develop

significantly if engineering students regularlyengaged with formal drawings during their non-

graphics studies.

Learning that occurs without formal engagement

with the discipline, while undertaking studies in

other areas has long been referred to as incidental

learning [11]. The term is also used to describe

learning that is a by-product of another activity,

Problem-Solving with Industrial Drawings 2175

Fig. 2. Semi-formal pump assembly drawing used at Monash University to set multiple analytical questions.

and learners are not always conscious of their

learning [12]. Most of the published research on

incidental learning arises from observations in the

workplace, since institutionalised learning (such as

at universities) is typically seen as being entirely

formal (ibid). Even though incidental learning isnow widely recognised, it is not clearly defined,

with definitions including ‘unexpected’ and

‘unplanned’ learning [13] contrasting with sugges-

tions that incidental learning can be ‘enhanced’ by

careful planning [14]. No formal studies appear to

indicate the types and extent of outcomes that can

arise from incidental learning, althoughmany of the

observers identify the development of affective [15]and interpersonal skills [16] in the workplace.

To the authors it appeared that the relatively

good RIED skills of the Australian undergraduates

may have arisen from their ongoing purposeful

exposures to formal engineering drawings while

they were undertaking unrelated (largely analytical)

learning tasks, and that such improvements in

RIED skill were due to incidental learning. Thisobservation led to the suggestion that useful gains in

RIED skillmight be forthcoming inUTeMstudents

if they, too, had a greater exposure to formal

engineering drawings. It might not be necessary

for their Professors to be especially skilled in

either producing or reading engineering drawings

as long as those drawings were professionally pro-

duced, sincemany of the conventions in engineeringdrawings are intuitive or easily deduced from their


3. Research aim and hypothesis

The UTeM author was scheduled to teach a

machine element design subject to students at hisuniversity. Itwas hypothesised that if the students in

that subject were required to engage with formal

engineering drawings in order to extract informa-

tion needed to solve tutorial problems (in much the

same way as was required atMonash University, as

indicated in Fig. 2), they should gain a measurable

amount of RIED skill. Some of the UTeM students

were also undertaking a parallel study in CAD/CAM. In that subject, formal engineering drawings

were used to supply data to several learning and

assessment tasks, so it seemed plausible that some

RIED skill development might arise from this

experience as well. Taking both studies together,

students could be engaged with formal engineering

drawings for half of their formal contact time for a

four-week period during the semester, and it washypothesised that this exposure, amounting to some

14 hours in the classroom (only part of which would

be directly associated with drawings) would be

enough to develop additional, measurable RIED

skill by incidental learning. The aim of this investi-

gation was to test this hypothesis.

4. Methodology

4.1 Research design

Apre and post test quasi-experimental designwith a

control group was used in the study. A quasi-

experimental design is most suitable when the

research intent is to establish causal relationships

and a true experimental design is not appropriate. Atrue experimental design would have required

random selection and assignment of participants,

but mixing participants in unfamiliar company

could have posed a threat to the internal validity

of this study.

4.1.1 Participants

At UTeM, one group of 43 students (Treatment

group A) was enrolled in the machine element

design subject and in the CAD/CAM subject, for a

total of 14 contact hours with formal drawings. A

second group of 52 students (Treatment group B)was only enrolled in the machine element subject,

and engagedwith its formal drawings for a total of 8

contact hours. A third group of 59 engineering

students (the control group) was undertaking sepa-

rate studies for the duration of the research period,

but were not required to engage with any formal

engineering drawings for that period. All three

groups had otherwise similar university experiencesin the Manufacturing Engineering program at

UTeM, including the formal study of engineering

drawing in the first year of their program, and had

previously participated in the earlier RIED survey

(section 2.2).

4.2 Intervention

4.2.1 Machine elements design

The UTeM author developed new tutorial material

for a subject in machine element design, incorporat-

ing seven sets of formal A3 engineering drawings,including ten assembly drawings and 78 detail

drawings, with a total of 161 separate orthogonal

views. Tutorial problems in topics such as: joint

design, spring design and contact stresswere devised

to draw upon the dimensional, assembly and geo-

metric information contained in those drawings.

A conventional introductory problem in the

stress analysis of a shear joint is shown in Fig. 3.When solving this problem, a student needs to

realise that the diameter of the screw at the pin (10

mm) must be used to find the shearing force at the

Pin, and the Pin experiences ‘single shear’ across the

3 mm diameter. All of the information required to

Colin Burvill et al.2176

solve the problem, and no other data, is presented in

the text or on the drawing.

Fig. 4 shows the replacement drawings used for

the same problem during the experiment. A sheet of

detail drawings contains the dimensional and othermanufacturing information for the five parts of the

assembly, and a single-view assembly drawing

shows how the parts fit together. We have super-

imposed on those two sheets, one of the strategies

that students could use when solving the problem.

The Handle is identified by name on the upper

drawing and its role in the assembly is then

sought. The interaction between the Pin, ScrewandHandle is seen in the assembly, and the relevant

distances (two diameters) are identified. Then the

separate detail drawings of the Screw and Pin are

searched for the appropriate dimensions. The dia-

meter of the Screw is found from the hole in the

Handle, and the diameter of the Pin is found on its

drawing, and checked against the hole in the

Handle. The tolerances on the Pin’s diameterdemand a closer inspection and a decision to be

made (based on size range and an appreciation of

significant figures).

Sixteen tutorial problems, demanding increas-

ingly complex interpretations of the sets of draw-

ings, were set across four topics, to be attempted

during four sessions of 1.5 hours each. Participants

were observed during these problem-solving ses-sions and their progress was noted. It was estimated

that participants engaged with 106 of the 161

separate views during their tutorials, although an

unknown number of additional views would have

been scanned and rejected during participants’

searches for data. The sets of drawings were col-

lected at the end of each session, and were not made

available at other times.

4.2.2 CAD/CAM

The CAD/CAM subject that ran in parallel with the

machine elements design subject incorporated a

series of 15 exercises undertaken during eight

hours of supervised laboratory time, including the

task shown in Fig. 5. Students were required to read

orthogonal drawings and create 2D reproductions

and 3DCADmodels. For the exercise shown inFig.

5, students had to recognise the internal and exter-

nal cylindrical forms of the piston, its internal cones,and the cylindrical cut-out on the skirt. There were

several ways in which the model could be con-

structed, including the use of 3D primitives, and

the use of revolved sections. Other exercises

included the assembly of 3Dmodels, but, in general,

the engineering drawings in this subject were less

complex than those used in the machine element

design subject.

4.3 Research tools

The change in RIED skill of the participants was

measured by a combination of pre- and post tests.

There were two reasons why the original RIED test

(section 2.2) was not suitable for this study.

First, since many, but not all of the participantshad already been part of the original (anonymous)

survey ofRIED skill atUTeM, the re-use of this test

could have produced different, but unidentifiable

learning effects [17] for the proposed pre- and post

testing. The learning effect would have invalidated

the apparent gains.

Second, students at UTeM could not adequately

answer four of the questions on the original RIEDtest because they could not interpret the technology

associatedwith the question, so only eight questions

(of the 12) remained as useful diagnostic measures.

In view of the relatively short time period (four

weeks) during which the experiment was to be

conducted, it was estimated that at least 12 useful

questions would be required if subtle improvements

in RIED skill were to be identified.Two different, but similar RIED tests were devel-

oped for pre- and post testing. The use of different

pre- and post tests was intended to avoid superficial

inflation of learning gain. It is known that if some

standard tests are administered twice, before and

after a treatment, in order to measure gains in skill

or knowledge, the apparent increase in performance

may be inflated by a learning phenomenon for thetest itself [17].

The REID pre test was based on an established

RIED tutorial exercise [18] involving a single com-

ponent in a multi-view drawing (Fig. 6), in which

respondents only had to interpret the geometrical

characteristics of the drawing. The choice of test

questions was partly determined by lessons learnt

from the preliminaryREID study atUTeM (section2.2), and were selected from a list of 100 published

questions associated with the drawing. The pre test

comprised 15 diagnostic questions, with a further

10, mainly easier questions interspersed. The ques-

Problem-Solving with Industrial Drawings 2177

Fig. 3. Conventional tutorial problem in stress analysis.

Colin Burvill et al.2178

Fig. 4. Annotated set of drawings used during the experiment for the tutorial problem described in Fig. 3.

tions (refer Appendix) were approved by the indus-

try-based engineers who assisted in the earlier

survey, refined with a voluntary group of ten under-graduate students (when a suitable test duration of

10 minutes was determined), required participants

to calculate dimensions by combining sizes across

different views (11 questions), associate lines and

shapes across views (5 questions), ascertain 2D

shapes (3 questions), identify edges (3 questions)

and other (3 questions).

The 10-minute RIED post test used in theresearch was a modified version of the RIED pre

test, with extra (but flawed) parts added to the

image, turning it into a dimensioned assembly

drawing (Fig. 7). The same 15 diagnostic questions

were retained, and a further five new questions

based on the assemblywere added (referAppendix).

The five additional questions were devised to throw

light on students’ abilities to interpret the assemblyand in particular to identify flaws in the design,

seeking to explore the three important issues raised

during the earlier industry survey (section 2.1).

4.3.1 Data gathering procedure

The RIED pre test was administered to the treat-

ment groups before they began the problem tasks

and to the control group. The UTeM author deliv-

ered the subject in machine element design for fourweeks, during which period the treatment groups

had access to the set of engineering drawings for

solving the tutorial problems. Due to the individua-

lised seating arrangement in the tutorial room,

participants in the treatment groups sometimes

found it awkward handling the A3 booklet of

drawings, although these participants nevertheless

appeared motivated by the challenge of interactingwith real engineering drawings. The treatment and

control groups completed the RIED post test six

weeks after they had taken the pre test.

5. Results and discussion

Analysis of the RIED pre test results found its

Cronbach’s Alpha to be 0.715, indicating good

internal consistency [19]. Item analysis determined

Problem-Solving with Industrial Drawings 2179

Fig. 5. Solid modelling task associated with the CAD/CAM subject.

Colin Burvill et al.2180

Fig. 7. Assembly drawing used in the RIED post-test.

Fig. 6. Component drawing used in the RIED pre-test.

the Difficulty and Discrimination Indices [20] for

each of the 15 questions in the pre test. The

Difficulty Index ranged from 0.25 to 0.75 for 14 of

the questions, indicating that most questions had

intermediate difficulty. No Discrimination Index

was negative, with all but two questions being

good discriminators (D > 0.2). A similar analysis

for the same 15 diagnostic questions in the RIEDpost test found that theDifficulty Index now ranged

from 0.26 to 0.79, and the Discrimination Indices

from 0.18 to 0.80. Students did not cope well with

the five assembly-based questions in the post test,

with Difficulty Indices between 0.11 and 0.32 and

Discrimination Indices from –0.04 to 0.33 (two

Indices were negative).

The three groups’ results are shown in Table 2.The control group participants’ mean RIED gain

was –0.03 (SD2.4, p> 0.9). This indicated that there

was no significant learning effect for the pair of

RIED tests, meaning that the measured difference

between an individual’s RIED pre- and post test

scores, when testing is separated by at least six

weeks, does not require an adjustment to accom-

modate a learning effect. Treatment groupA’smeanRIED gain (2.42) was very significant (p<0.001).

The Cohen’s effect size value (d = 0.84) suggested a

high practical significance [21]. Treatment groupB’s

mean gain was not significant.

A multiple regression determined the relation-


RIED Gain = –0.03 + 0.19 MED + 0.16 CAD...(1)

The regression R = 0.32 is significant (ANOVA

F(2, 151) = 8.57, p < 0.0003), and the coefficients of

the treatment types are meaningful (t = 2.03, p <0.044 and t = 2.15, p < 0.032 respectively). The

similarity of the coefficients (0.19 and 0.16) indicates

that the separate studies ofMachineElementDesign

and CAD/CAM contributed similar gains in RIED

skill per hour of purposeful exposure to engineering

drawings (approximately 5 to 6 hours exposure per

point gain). Incidental learning in previous years of

the CAD/CAM subject now appeared to be respon-sible for the increased RIED performance of levels 3

and 4 of the survey group (section 2.2).

Within the treatment groups, male participants

gained a mean of 1.95 (N = 53, SD = 3.20), while

females gained ameanof 1.63 (N=42, SD=2.87).A

t-test indicated that the gender difference was not

significant (t = 0.51, p = 0.70).

Treatment group A’s performance on the addi-

tional five assembly-based questions was encoura-

ging, but scattered, with a mean of 1.6 (SD = 1.06),

and somewhat better than Treatment group B’s

mean score, at 0.74 (SD = 0.59). Nevertheless, the

level of performance was consistent with the obser-vation, made during the original RIED survey of

students at UTeM, that students had difficulty

interpreting the implications of the technology

represented in a RIED test.

5.1 Observations and expansion

The additional RIED skill was developed without

increasing students’ workload, and was achieved

economically since drawings were readily obtained

from external sources and the UTeM author simply

used his time to set normal learning tasks that

accessed those drawings. Students showed extraenthusiasm while they engaged with the formal

drawings, and it appears likely that motivation

would be continued in subjects, including funda-

mental studies, that included exposure to relevant

contemporary engineering practice. Since there are

many analytical (engineering science) subjects scat-

tered throughout the BE program at UTeM (in

common with conventional study programs deliv-ered elsewhere), it will be possible to apply this

approach to at least one subject per semester,

using the same set of engineering drawings

throughout. Alternatively, drawings from different

industrial sources may be selected to expose stu-

dents to the different graphics standards.

Throughout the investigation, care was taken to

avoid any suggestion to students that the approachwas intended to increase RIED, so the outcomes

could be fully attributed to incidental learning.

Unprompted feedback from some students indi-

cated that they became progressively more comfor-

table with their engagement with the drawings.

Since the principal task in the CAD study was to

construct alternative images and models from the

formal drawings supplied, it could not be deter-mined whether alternative CAD software might be

more efficient or beneficial in developing RIED

skill. It appeared to the authors that the benefit

arose from relating 3Dmodels to their 2Ddrawings,

Problem-Solving with Industrial Drawings 2181

Table 2. Statistics for the experiment


MachineDesign(MED) hrs


RIEDPre-test(25 Q) N

MeanRIED Gain


Comparisonwith control-Tukey HSD

Treatment A 6 8 12.7 43 2.42 3.59 p < 0.001Treatment B 6 0 13.4 52 1.11 2.94 p < 0.15Control 0 0 8.78 59 -0.03 2.40 –

as with our earlier work with technicians [10], and

not the use of particular CAD software per-se. The

authors are aware that most of the drawings used in

the study presented both contemporary terminol-

ogy and basic mechanics of devices, and it seems

plausible that students would have gained addi-tional appreciation of these aspects via incidental

learning. Further work is needed in order to

quantify this possibility, and to determine if other

tools, such as computer simulations can contribute

in similar ways.

6. Conclusion and recommendation

When Malaysian undergraduate engineering stu-

dents were purposefully engaged with formal engi-neering drawings in order to extract data for solving


measurableRIEDskill without requiring additional

graphics instruction. Since teachers do not need

special skills in RIED when they create learning

tasks from industrial drawings, an expansion of the

approachdemonstrated inour research, throughout

and across appropriate subjects in undergraduateengineering programs, is recommended.


1. G. Felker, Southeast Asian industrialism and the changingglobal production system, In K. Jayasuriya: Asian RegionalGovernance: Crisis and Change, London and New York,Routledge Curzon, 2004, p. 84.

2. Z. Abdullah, C. Burvill and B. Field, Identifying andquantifying industry perceptions of engineering drawingskills in novice Malaysian engineers, Proceedings of theInternational Conference on Engineering Design, ICED11,Copenhagen, 15–19 August 2011, pp. 1–12.

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ColinBurvill is a SeniorLecturer in theDepartment ofMechanicalEngineering atTheUniversity ofMelbourne (Australia)

with an earlier career as a practicing project and design engineer. Dr Burvill is coordinator and lecturer of all engineering

design subjects and final year (capstone) project. Dr. Burvill’s research interests include issues associated with ‘‘design for

innovation’’, encompassing aspects ranging from human cognition and creativity to mechanical systems design, bio-

mechanical design and environmental design. He has successfully integrated research outcomes with company needs on a

series of post-graduate and post-doctoral research and development projects.

Bruce Field is a consulting mechanical and forensic engineer who advises Australian industry and legal representatives on

aspects of machine design. Dr Field was formerly an Associate Professor inmechanical engineering atMonashUniversity

(Australia), with principal responsibilities in undergraduate professional education, including engineering design,

engineering drawing, and innovation processes, and has published widely on these topics. He is an honorary Associate

Professor at the University of Melbourne, where he co-supervises undergraduate and postgraduate projects.

Colin Burvill et al.2182

Zulkeflee Abdullah is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Technical University Malaysia

Melaka (UTeM), and recently graduated in PhD at theUniversity ofMelbourne. He joined academia after an early career

as a process engineer in a multinational company in Malaysia. His research interests are principally associated with

engineering design, ergonomics design, and design for manufacturing.

Maizam Alias is a professor of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) in the Universiti Tun Hussein OnnMalaysia.

She obtained her PhD from the University of Surrey, UK and her Master’s degree in Structures from the National

University ofMalaysia. Professor Alias has more than fifteen years of teaching experience in civil engineering and TVE as

well as in supervising graduate students at the doctoral level. She publisheswidely in engineering education andTVEand is

on the editorial board member for several international journals including the Asean Journal of Engineering Education

and the Journal of Technical Education and Training. Her research interest includes teaching and learning in engineering

and inclusive education.

Problem-Solving with Industrial Drawings 2183

Appendix. RIED pre- and post test questions. Diagnostic question numbers bold italic

Pre test Q No Post test Q No Question

1 Determine height A2 What is the basic dimension C?3 1 What is the shape of the surface represented by the line Y?4 2 What line in VIEW III (top view) represents the surface G?5 What line in VIEW III (top view) represents the line H?6 3 What does the line E in the VIEW II (front view) represent? (an edge, a surface, or both)?7 What is the outside diameter of the BOSS?8 How deep is the DOVETAIL machined?9 What is the angle to the horizontal at which the DOVETAIL is machined?10 4 Is W an edge, a surface, or both?11 What surface in VIEW I (side view) is represented by line E?12 5 Determine dimension B13 6 How wide is the opening in the DOVETAIL?14 7 What is the shape of the region labelled Z?15 Is J an edge, a surface, or both?16 8 Is line J above, below, or at the same level as line K?17 9 How many BOSSES are shown?18 E corresponds to which line(s) in VIEW III?19 10 What lines in the VIEW III (top view) represent the DOVETAIL slot?20 How far off the centre of the SLIDING SUPPORT in VIEW III is the centre of the two holes in the

BOSSES of the uprights?21 11 Give the diameter of the largest hole(s) in VIEW III (top view)22 12 Give the diameter of the stepped (counterbored) holes23 13 What are the dimensions of the holes with the conical (countersunk) edges?24 14 Do the holes with the countersunk edges go right through?25 15 What is the shape of the region labelled X?

16 Find two design flaws with the rotating ROLLER17 Find the incorrect dimension in VIEW II18 How many parts are there in the assembly?19 What is the diameter of Hole R?20 What is the length ‘Q’ of the SCREW (excluding the head)?