Download - ProActive general presentation 2016


About ProActive

!  ProActive’s vision is to sustain clients in going further then looking for personal success and act as social change partners in sustainable social and environmental initiatives and contribute to create a better future for the generations to come.

! All our coaching and training services are carefully selected to support our clients to improve their mental and emotional wellbeing and therefore, the quality of their lives on daily basis.

ProActive Services

!  Professional coaching: one to one, team coaching

!  Creating and delivering customized training and workshops/presentation on themes like: communication (inter-personal, within teams, inter-cultural), prevention and management of stress, decision making in economic environment, diversity, work-life balance, creativity, time management, changing mental attitudes, positive psychology, importance of mental health, dealing with negativity etc

ProActive coaching

ProActive is offering coaching services for organizations interested in improving their communication, creativity, leadership etc. or that go through important changes (growing, merging, transforming etc)

These services are provided under the following forms:

!  Coaching for employees that want to improve their own skills in order to better serve their role in the company (communication, creative thinking, time management)

!  Team coaching

!  Coaching for employees/teams in charge of strategies, going through change or willing to be more efficient

Whatever the needs of your company are in terms of coaching, our relationship will start with meeting(s) to assess the organisation’s current needs, opportunities and challenges, define the scope of the relationship, identify priorities for action, and establish specific desired outcomes.


!  ProActive is the provider of Newolo VirtualCoach: an online self-improvement service* that provides tools to enable the personal change, improve the motivation and reduce work-related stress. It is based on cognitive behavioural methods and has been developed in cooperation with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and other top Finnish experts. The user performs the training anonymously.

!  It is a preventive course certified by German Zentrale Prufstelle Prävention and complies with § 20 Abs. 1 SGB

Training, Workshops, Presentations

ProActive is delivering open and internal training on themes like communication, creative leadership, relationship, personal development, parenting, leadership etc.

All the courses (training or workshops) provided by ProActive are deductible by any person taxed on his/her income in Luxembourg that he/she receives from paid work for professional development expenses from his/her taxable income.

Mastering time

A year from now you will wish to have started today.

! How does our attitude towards time impact our thoughts, our motivation, our behavior and our life? 

! Does our attitude towards time have something to do with happiness, relationships, motivation or success? Is there a difference between places, cultures or generations? 

! How we can reconcile these differences?

Practically you will find out:

!  What is your unique combination of time attitudes

! How your time attitude is influencing your decisions (let’s talk about money, love and happiness)

! How you can make your time matter

! How to focus your energy and do more by doing less

Decisions & priorities

A wise person once said:

‘It is not that we are short of time but that we are short of decisions’. 

!  How true is that?

!  How long do you spend thinking about doing something rather than doing it? 

!  What if you understood the psychology behind our perspectives of time and why we are a species of procrastinators…?  

!   What if you will be able to adapt the way you think and take better decisions?

Practically you will find out:

!  Cognitive biases influencing decisional process

!  How mental attitude can “change” your “luck”

!  What processes helps you to change your habits, develop a discipline and make things happen

!  Reduce your thinking time with a series of questions – to make thinking about what to do more of a process and less of an emotional fight

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

!  The abilities included in the concept of EQ help to improve relationships, to manage stress better and be more resilient in difficult situation as well as being more successful in life

!  “...emotional intelligence accounts for 80 percent of career success.” ― Daniel Goleman

Practically you will find out:

! Understanding the role of the emotions in the cognitive process and decision making

!  Perceive emotions in self &others

! Use emotions to facilitate thinking

! Manage emotions in daily life


This is a broad theme on which several workshops can be delivered on:

!  Intercultural communication (@work)

!  Stereotypes and Thinking biases related to gender, race etc

! Why diversity is important for growing business

! Methods and ways of dealing with diversity


This is a broad theme in which several workshops can be delivered on:

!  Inter personal communication

!  Effective communication

! How stress affects our communication

!  Tools for improving communication

! All is done through practical exercises

Stress EQ Motivation Success

! As humans we are vulnerable to stress in our life, from the moment we are born until the day we die. But stress is also what makes us evolve, change, create, motivate, feel…Stress is a complex subject affecting us all, we cannot ignore it and we should not ignore it. We should understand it, be aware of the positive and negative side of it and learn how to use it in our advantage.

!  To succeed we need to use all our resources and adapt them to our goals but also to situations we cannot always control nor predict.

This interactive session will point out:

! What is stress and how is affecting us

! How you can transform stress into positive action using emotional intelligence (EQ) and communication strategies

! What is the link between stress, creativity and motivation

! What you can do to stay on the positive side of life and succeed

About Dana Moldoveanu

!  Founder of ProActive

!  Facilitator, course designer, trainer coaching psychologist, economic consultant

! Master in Innovation, BSc (Hons) Psychology, BSc Economics

!  Extended experience in training and coaching, human resources, management, sales, marketing


!  ProActive Luxembourg

!  6, Val St André, L-1128 Luxembourg

!  [email protected]


!  +352 621 697 310