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Short Hills Aviation • 18 Airport Road, Morristown, NJ 07960 | Tel: 877.880.1836 • Fax: 866.880.1836 •

Most people already know of the famous first flight of Orville and Wilbur Wright on December 17, 1903; a momentous occasion that changed transportation and travel as we know it. It wasn’t until 1950, however, that the very first documented charter flight took place. Vladimir Raitz designed and organized holiday flights from Gatwick airport in Crawley, West Sussex to a small island west of Italy called Corsica. By combining and subsidizing the costs of travel, transfer, and accommodation, a new and unique method of travel was formed. The idea was a massive success, drawing

History of Private Jet Chartering

several patrons and adventure seeking passengers that otherwise may never have afforded such a luxury. The trend of mass package holiday flights continued nearly each year thereafter, with flights to Palma in 1952, Lourdes in 1953, and the Costa Brava and Sardinia in 1954. The popularity of charter flights climbed until the 1970’s, due to the collapse of many large airline corporations. Chartered flights saw an upswing in the early 2000’s, however, and have continued to be a favored means of air travel to this date.

The Benefits of Chartering a Private Jet

In the 21st century, there is no greater means of reaching your destination than by the calm, secure method of air travel. Unfortunately, as the number of people seeking commercial flights increases, so too do the number of problems or inconveniences one can expect when entering an airport. Chartering a private jet, however, allows for all of the conveniences of flight without the expected troubles. The most notable example is the ability to fly out of a smaller general aviation hub and avoid dealing with a commercial airport all together. Likewise, those who charter private

flights are free to come and go as they please, making it possible to create a vacation that best fits one’s schedule. Also, chartered flights are the most secure and private way to travel. Since the only passengers within the jet will be those that are personally invited, conferences or meetings can be held midflight just as if they were in an office building. Consider the difference chartering a private jet could make for your next trip before choosing commercial, and experience the improvement first hand.

Aircraft Management

Owning a personal jet might be a grand experience in and of itself, but such an elaborate vehicle needs a special level of attention to remain in perfect shape. Many times, owners are too busy running a business or balancing other investments to give their jet the proper care. Thankfully, aircraft management services are available to assist with any and every need that arises. A reputable and top class company, such as Short Hills Aviation Services, will offer several thousand square feet of space for your jet to rest, and a comfortable lounge area for owners. Maintenance

should always be monitored by nothing less than the best equipment and most recently developed computers. You can rest assured knowing that, with Short Hill Aviation Services, each procedure will be overseen by a top quality aircraft management team that always complies by FAA inspection requirements. Best of all, at Short Hills Aviation Services, all operational and non-operational decisions regarding your aircraft are made with the owner’s best interest in mind. Owning a personal jet should be a matter of convenience, not an additional chore.