Download - Prisoners Analysis




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The actors face is half gradient and therefore the other side is where the light source is coming from. This could mean two sided personality which is often used in Crime movies (Most notably the character Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight Rises.)

Once again you can see the logo reflect a possibly two sided character as it goes from a bright left side to a darker right side.

Black and white is often used in Thriller movies and they give the poster more depth and make it look more meaningful. It was effectively as it also hides Hugh Jackman’s face within the shadows.

There is an element of thriller from the majority of the poster being covered by the darkness and shadows often in thrillers the enemy uses to hide in which indicated that he is the enemy and wants to harm.

“A man who lost everything is capable of anything” – this could be seen as a threat and often lines alike this are used in Dramas and Crime movies. It makes the character sound as if nothing is going to get in his way and will do anything to get it.

Trailer analysisThe trailer begins with a family you know nothing about going doing everyday life. There was an establishing shot at the beginning showing their house in the snow. So clearly it is winter time and some thriller movies are set in this scene. The girls pictured in this shot are going out to play outside.

A loud bass rich sound plays and this is indicating that something is going to go wrong, typical of thriller and crime genre movies. This from early on could be the victims and indicates to us that they are vulnerable.

This full frame shot shows an RV stopping (Brake light pictured) and so leaves curiosity if the girls have been captured. Again typical of thriller movies.

Now the family is looking for their girls and they can’t find them. The predominant obviousness that they have been captured is beginning to sink in.

A close up view of an anonymous object which is extremely typical to crime movies and can be seen throughout many of them. This leaves the viewer with a sense of mystery.

Now, they have found the RV that was last seen with the girls in the mystery that is often built up in all genres of drama, thriller and crime once they located it they soon realised that there is no sign of the girls and soon enough the entire shot if filled with police cars surrounding the RV

A typical thriller shot, it is a close up of the suspected killer/bad guy and the focus is clearly on him due to the light and so leads you to believe he is the kidnapper of the children. Yet still no sign of the girls.

In this shot you can see the known detective interrogating the suspect. Extremely typical of Crime movies because the viewer has a hunch that it wasn’t him due to the darker scenes containing unknown items.

This shot is once again an extreme close up of a drawing that is unknown to the viewer and so creates a sense of mystery to who has taken the girls and why would the have a puzzle like drawing. Once again Thriller and Crime.

The police officer in action here which is typical of Crime but also action movies but often they are linked. This leaves the viewer wondering who he is assaulting and why.

This high angle shot see the suspect being chained to a radiator showing typical of drama movies and also it makes the suspect look very vulnerable and gives the bad view upon the attacker.