Download - Prismotube domain flipping formula

  • 1. Copyright 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright owner. Every precaution has been taken to ensure that the information presented in this guide is accurate. However, neither the author nor Alurian shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained within this work. The information is presented on an as is basis, there is no warranty. Email : [email protected] Website URL: Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 2
  • 2. INTRODUCTION This guide is only one of the strategies that you can use to flip a domain or a site REALLY QUICKLY with a video site. Although it is a very good strategy, it is not the end-all-be-all strategy. There are still other good strategies out there on how to flip a domain with a video site. The 2 pillars that make this strategy possible are: 1. You can build a full-blown video site very quickly with Prismotube 2. High perceived value of niche video sites Video sites are by themselves both popular and have high perceived values. Just like anything in life, the more niche a product is, the higher the price is. The value of a niche video site is even higher in the eye of people in that particular niche. Exploiting these 2 facts can potentially put a lot of money in your pocket. Although we use our own product, the Prismotube video script, as an example throughout this guide , you can also apply the same strategy with other cheaper video scripts, nothing is stopping you from doing that. We wanted you to focus on the strategy, the big picture, and run with it instead of focusing too much on the platform. But in case you wanted to check out Prismotube, you can read about it on this page: Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 3
  • 3. I know you might be thinking is this for real??? This strategy works! It is tried and tested in the real world. Check out the real life auction listings by real domain flippers below. Video Site sold for $79: Video Site sold for $199: Video Site sold for $199: Video Site sold for $420: The time required to complete the steps should be less than 24 hours if you really go at it and if you have 2 cups of espresso ready. As you get better, it will take less time. Are you ready?! The fact that you are reading this means that you belong to a privileged few who are savvy enough to know about video site scripts. The thing is majority of people don't! You know that you can create a video site for cheap and very quickly. But to others, it seems complicated, time-consuming to build and requires a lot of software engineers to make happen. Hence the high perceived value! You should exploit this to the max. Just like a magic show, only the magician knows how simple it actually is to pull off something that is seemingly difficult or impossible. And another fact is that, video site has HIGH PERCEIVED VALUE with or without traffic! Here are the 4 steps to the strategy: Step 1: Identify a niche Step 2: Register a domain related to that niche Step 3: Install Prismotube and assign keywords related to your niche to the categories Step 4: Finding Your Prospects & Monetize Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 4
  • 4. Step 1: Identify a niche There are many guides on niche research. We are not going to go through how to perform a niche research & analysis because it is beyond the scope of our guide. Fortunately, you don't have to go for "the perfect niche". There is no such thing as the holy-grail niche where upon you tapping on it will result in a major windfall and you retiring with millions in the bank. Anyway, chances is, you probably already know a couple of niches. e.g. Star Craft II , Harley Davidson , cloud hosting, Christian online dating, weight loss, Guitar Heroes, Justin Bieber, government grants, etc Step 2: Register a domain related to that niche If you type in a domain, it will suggest related domains (both unregistered domains and premium registered domains) e.g. I type in It is already taken, so you can go for the suggested domains that are still available on that page. By the way, always go for a .com , not a .net or a .org Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 5
  • 5. There are also related premium domains that were taken but for sale: $1,800 $888 $1,188 $1,588 $1,888 $2,688 $3,188 $1,888 $688 $1,088 Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 6
  • 6. Yes they are expensive, but if you exercise a little creativity, you will stumble upon goldmines. e.g. let's take the domain that is going for $1,088. Tip #1: Synonyms Ive replaced the word 'dog' with 'puppy' : I then check if it's available. Walaa! It is! Tip #2: Singular & Plurals Tactic So let's try switching the word dog to its plural form: Lets go ahead and check it. Guess what, it is available too! Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 7
  • 7. And this is only for one domain, you can apply the same tactics for the other "premium domains". There you have it. With a little creativity, you can have $1000 domains at cost price (for less than $10/yr). You can also go to to enter the keywords 'dog' and 'training'. You will see related domains that are going for cheap because they have been dropped by the registrars . These are domains that people have either abandoned or forgot to renew. You can register these domains as if they have not been taken/registered at all. Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 8
  • 8. Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 9
  • 9. I have snatched couple of domains from JustDropped that people have offered me hundreds of dollars for. This is for domains that dont already have Prismotube installed yet. Step 3: Install Prismotube and assign keywords related to your niche to the categories Come up with a bunch of keywords and enter them into Prismotube. Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 10
  • 10. Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 11
  • 11. Prismotube will automatically create thousands of video pages filled with videos, descriptions, thumbnails, tags and comments based on your keywords. By now you should've created a full blown video site that is based on a niche. This step should take less than 2 hours. Congratulations! If you have completed this step, you have already INSTANTLY increased the value of your domain from $8-15 range to the $50-$200 range! Just like that! (Optional Step) Design & Customize You might also want to design a logo or a wide header graphic to customize the design of the niche video site to correspond with that niche (optional). You dont have to go too crazy about this. If you can, just customize the header graphic, great.Otherwise, just spend 2 minutes to create a logo on The website below is good example of customization for the gaming niche, albeit a little extreme: Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 12
  • 12. Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 13
  • 13. The first thing you should do after youre done adding keywords is to submit your sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools. This, I believe, will speed up the process of Google indexing your video pages, and thus delivering free targeted traffic to it. URL: (Optional Step) : Wait for the next avalance Generally, Prismotubes traffic comes in a few waves. The first wave is when Google first indexed your site. Your traffic can go up to 20-400+ visitors/day. The subsequent wave is going to take a little longer but the traffic can swell up to thousands of visitors/day. You could wait till the first wave of traffic hits before putting the site up for sale. The traffic will increase the value of the site in the mind of the prospect. Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 14
  • 14. Example of Customers website hitting critical mass. We dont really recommend that you wait out till it hits this level before you flip the domain. Once you hit over 100 visitors/day, flip it ! Slap on some ads You can also slap on some Adsense on the site to earn some ad revenue. The benefit is two-fold, you will earn ad revenue - which obviously is a good thing - and the ad revenue further increases the value of the site. I have a site that Ive held for more than 1 yr. The traffic has already matured to the point that I would have no problem selling it for thousands of dollars. The fact Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 15
  • 15. that it makes $200-$300+/mth in ad revenue definitely plays a part. But the maturity takes time. If you are a true blue domain flipper, you would quickly sell the site either right off the bat or wait till the first wave of traffic hits. You would want to move as many video sites as quickly as possible. Step 4: Finding Your Prospects & Monetize Now its time to cash in! Were now going to actually perform the actual flipping! Its the moment of truth! For some of you, the reflex response is to simply list it on auction sites like or Chances is, you will still make money off the auction, but here is why you are leaving a lot of money on the table if you leave out the extra steps. If you passively rely on the auction site to draw traffic to your auction, you will get the untargeted visitors who are most probably not from the niche you are targeting. Chances is, they will not be as interested in your niche video site as people in that specific niche. You can sell water to random strangers or you can sell to a thirsty crowd. Its your choice. I would highly suggest that you let as many people in the niche know that you are having your niche video site up for sale. Generally, the more bidders there are, the higher the price that your site is going to fetch. Search for forums or user groups where your target market congregates. It can be a forum or a Yahoo Group. Make a simple announcement. You can even compile a list of sites that are related to your niche and email the owners directly to offer to sell them your niche video site or to ask them to bid on the auction that youve listed for your video site. Let them know that the video site will be a great addition to their existing sites. Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 16
  • 16. JUST DO IT! This formula is very straight forward and short, that is the beauty and elegance of it. It is not a 400-page technical bible that requires a team of rocket scientists to work together in a secret underground lab to execute. But do not undermine its effectiveness, do not judge a book by its short length and simplicity. By now, it should be obvious how you can profit from this loophole. Exploit it at your will and exploit it to the max! The most important thing is to take action! For the lack of it will render this strategy as nothing but a pipe dream. When youve flipped your first domain, youd be on cloud nine. Be sure to write back to us at [email protected] to share the joy! If you have the time, do check out our Video Script at Domain Flipping Formula for Video Sites Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved. Visit 17