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Skins ‘ TV Drama’ However targeting good use of expressing the wasted youth culture

Bright colours

Blank facial expression

Messy composition

Image made blk/wht kept headband and shorts in colour. Eye catching symbolising teenager

Imported Fronts

Wild youth partying

Contrasting Text block area against read

Slightly hard to read

Quite like the white against the black and white faded bground however doesn’t show acid generation x culture

Looks a bit like a drama advertisement drama

Text stands out better however still not shocking acid colours like desired

Looks like she's shouting the title

Going to have a look and explore more documentary based adverts

BBC Three Dangerous Pleasers Season

Presenter of documentary is placed within ‘the scene of the crime’

Doesn’t make the reader interested

Half and half showing both sides of the story. Two sides of culture

Could this be used to show two sides of teen culture , with the presenters face

Similar opening to my documentary, presenter walking towards camera.

Cutaway block

Transforming the presenter to documentary target theme in this case ‘plastics’

I Shall be the presenter therefore transformed myself using make up to look grunge from a rough night out

Clean student MESS – been partying

Close up forces the audience to look at the eyes drawn in reader

Using paint , clone and blur removed make up from one side, right side now looks clean cut and Barbie like = moral teenager in compassion to the left trashy side

Title slap across , to the point, Blunt message.