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Centenary Year Edition

Centenary Saturday wharf jump for all-comers --- Days Bay has never seen such a busy wharf jump.

(copyright Simon Hoyle, Southlight Studios)

Dear Parents PHEW!!! I really can’t thank you all enough for your wonderful support of the Centenary. At times, as the Centenary approached, the committee had too much on their plate and on behalf of us all, I thank them most sincerely for their commitment and enthusiasm. All the events were really well supported and went spectacularly. The two assemblies were so special, with the boys coming up trumps again. They want to do their best and everyone here sets the scene and puts in the support so they can. The performing arts, including the Junior School’s haka was ‘spine tingling’ and caused much emotion amongst us all and of course the visitors. It was special too to hear Graeme Dreadon and Arthur Curtis (two previous Principals) speak on Saturday. ‘Forever Young’ was a personal highlight and I thank the staff and boys for making this song happen as it was absolute quality and raw with emotion, for me at least. So many highlights though!!! Dinner with Mr G - Steve Girvan’s personality shone through as it did at the dinner on Saturday night. It was a top occasion, with our 7 debaters knocking us out with their class. The ‘mother matrons’ serving the food were fantastic and Linda Clark’s leadership, adjudication skills, and presence added much value to the night. The vibe through Friday carried on a high with our visitors buzzing with excitement as they felt the culture of the school and generous spirit of everyone. Old boys were visible with their emotion as they revisited their childhood memories and pleased they found Wellesley secure and blossoming. Many (past staff included) had been looking forward to the occasion for a long time, with a good number coming from afar (UK/Europe/USA/Australia and around NZ)

“A Few Quiets” on Friday night was a huge success, with old friendships being rekindled and new friendships made over a glass or three of Wellington’s finest craft beer (some wine and cider) and lashings of excellent food. Big thanks to Andrew Brown and his willing assistants. The archive display, both physical and digital, told a wonderful story. The work of Paddianne Neely and her trusty helpers (Neela Clinton and Susan Henry) will remain for future events. Our new history book has been very well received and ARTBOURNE100 featuring outstanding Old Boys’ art was the perfect double act. The core organising group of Katy Lethbridge, Marika Williams and Pip Harray did an amazing job! (Thank you to Bryan Ross for the website, Karina Simpson for helping with the hanging, and Helen Cooke for the roster) Our specifically-designed memorabilia sold throughout the weekend. Special thanks to Amanda Mallett for her stunning design work, Andi Shirtcliffe for co-ordination and Hilary Fiennes for systems and controls. We are still

Wellesley College Newsletter # 11 11 November 2014

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taking orders, so if you didn’t get around to acquiring a tie, pen, cufflink set, book or t-shirt on the weekend, head to and place your order! Saturday---what a day!! The sun shone and with a carnival atmosphere the day unravelled spectacularly culminating in a mass wharf jump that will certainly go down in Wellesley’s history books. The wharf was jam packed with eager wharf jumpers and the many helpers, led by Tim Richards and Murray Blandford (who has been a rock throughout the 2.5 years of planning), worked hard to ensure the event happened without incident. This now imbedded Wellesley metaphor of ‘leap into life’ went to another level and no one present will ever forget the joy and goodwill of the occasion. Dinner at TE PAPA was a beautiful and buzzy occasion. Everyone looked stunning and they were in the mood to party. Our guest speaker, old boy Sam Judd, spoke passionately, not only celebrating Wellesley’s influence on his life, but leaving us all in no doubt that the world needs to ‘wake up’ and look after our planet. Phillipa Paviour-Smith has a career waiting for her as an Events organiser if she wants it! Our new 2015 Principal, Brendan Pitman and his wife Christa were introduced and it was clear they will add much value to Wellesley and work with you all to build on what you have achieved to date. The Scholarship launch- Promising Futures, which took place on Saturday had a mention during the night and there was a very positive vibe and reception from our community. Behind the scenes, whether it was with IT (including website/Facebook updates and AV), registrations, coping with the madness in the office, setting up venues or staying on top of the finances, calmness mostly reigned even though the challenges came thick and fast. Special thanks go to Linda Clark for her expert leading of Centenary communications, Timberly Hughes (finance), Grant Symons (project management), Alan Doak for our fantastic Centenary website (ably assisted by Tim Parkes), Ross Hampton (school website and facebook) and Margie Beattie and Laurel Makowen (for being everywhere, always). Thanks also to all our sponsors and supporters. Their generosity and willing support meant a great deal to us.

The boys deserve a huge ‘pat on the back’ as they rose to the occasion beyond the call of duty and I know we are all so very proud of them. Lastly let me once again champion our wonderful Centenary Committee led by Board member, Geof Shirtcliffe -Murray Blandford, Linda Clark, Tim Richards, Andrew Brown, Grant Symons, Margie Beattie, Laurel Makowem, Phillipa Paviour-Smith, Timberly Hughes. They went way beyond the call of duty, dedicating themselves with passion, inspiration and an ever-present sense of fun. To view official photos of the celebrations visit: Portfolios/Events/Graduations. On the next screen there will be Wellesley Folders.

Neela Clinton helping with the archives. Old boy Ben Robinson enjoying the Archives. Old boys enjoying art and catching up.

Old boy Ken Longmore (age 96) with 5 year old Conrad.

The Long family enjoying Centenary Saturday.

Jill Lesh, daughter of W. H. Stevens (Headmaster 1933-1965) and grand-daughter, Margaret.

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A number of stall convenors

(such as deli, field

activities etc)

Whole school community

Old boy Isaac Spedding with his installation. Old boys enjoying a beer at ‘A Few Quiets’. Dinner at Te Papa.

Staff News

The full teaching staff structure will be announced in the next newsletter. The staff team will remain the same apart from Kate Sinclair taking parental leave for a year and my own replacement Brendan Pitman taking over as Principal. Brendan and his wife Christa visited over the Centenary weekend and came to the Centenary Dinner. They met a number of staff and parents. All the feedback has been very positive and I get a very strong feeling that Brendan will lead with distinction.

Our current GAP tutor Seb Morton is proving to be a ‘tower of strength’. Seb is mature, intelligent, shows initiative and has a good sense of humour.

Wellesley Gala 2015

Over the years the Wellesley Gala has become a regular feature on the Wellington calendar and to be totally upfront, it requires excellent organisation and a real team effort. Our last lead conveners did an amazing job in 2013 and will be available for giving historical information feedback. On-going file information is also available. I encourage anyone who would like to consider becoming the lead convener, or who would be prepared to work in partnership with someone else as shared lead convener, to contact me so we can set up a time to meet and go over all of the above in more detail before they make any commitment. I do appeal to anyone who may like to consider the role to come forward (please contact me by phone or email as per contacts below). We are about 12 months away from the Gala so now is a good time to start thinking ahead. I look forward to hearing from you and many thanks for your consideration.

Once we have a lead convener or conveners, in early 2015 we will seek support as shown in the diagram.

Dinner with Mr G. Linda Clark. Lynn Peck, Bruce Levick (History author) Old Boys Conor, Josh and Isaac and Julia Millan. Dinner with Mr G.

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Key Dates This is the penultimate newsletter of the year and as we know from past experience, life will start to speed up as we head towards Christmas.

Arts Report


I cannot overstate how grateful I am to Katy Lethbridge, Marika Batty and Philippa Harray for running Artbourne so

beautifully. The three of them took on the project probably not knowing all it entailed and put together an exhibition which celebrated how our old boys had used their artistic talents. Also included were teacher, Glen Jorna, and our previous Artists in Residence Wayne Youle and Ben Timmins. The exhibition was inspiring for our boys. It showed them the many possibilities open to them, over and above the pleasure art gives where it can take them.

Week 5 Tuesday November 11 Newsletter #11

Tuesday November 11 Battle of the Bands

Friday November 14 Year 4 Speech Final (11.00am)

Sunday November 16 Year 7 West Coast Trip departs

Week 6 Wednesday November 19 Year 5 Speech Final (11am)

Friday November 21 Year 6 Speech Final (11.00am)

Monday November 24 Leavers Parents’ Drinks (6.30pm)

Week 7 Wednesday November 26 School Athletics (9.30am-12.30am) Junior School (pm)

Week 8 Monday December 1 Father/Son Cricket (time TBC)

Monday December 1 Y7+8 Triathlon (10.00am)

Friday December 5 Leavers’ Service St Albans (9.15am)

Friday December 5 Junior Prize Giving (11.00am)

Week 9 Monday December 8 Year 8 Mother/Son Tennis (1.00pm)

Tuesday December 9 Leavers’ Dinner Boat Shed (6.00pm)

Wednesday December 10 Junior Fishing Trip (9.30am)

Thursday December 11 Junior School End of Year

Friday December 12 Y4-8 Prize Giving (9.15am)

Pip, Katy and Marika Past Principal, Graeme Dreadon, son Jonathan and wife Athalie enjoying Artbourne

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On show was film, digital design, 3D animation, 'experience design' (a new thing - emotive and graphic), painting, sculpture, photography architecture a number of NZCA and scholarship portfolios from recent leavers who had been awarded excellences. To have three volunteers manage this by themselves was brilliant. I would also like to acknowledge Linda Kirkland who initiated the Artbourne project some years ago and it is now a valuable part of our programme. It was lovely to see Linda back here for the Centenary.

Eve Owen

Performing Arts

Congratulations to all who performed in the Centennial celebrations, specifically the Senior Choir, Orchestra, Rock Band, the Junior School singing and Maori welcome, the ‘Centenary Song’ which was professionally recorded, and the ‘Forever Young’ singers. It was a wonderful showcase of talent and of course, the result of commitment and hard work behind the scenes by boys and teachers, including the Itinerant music teachers. Special thanks to Murray Blandford and Carolyn Currington for their support for the choir, and to Andre Paris (orchestra conductor) and Bob Keeton (choir accompanist). It was the final performance for the 2014 Choir and Orchestra boys and what a high note to end on. Most of the boys who learn a musical instrument at school performed in the annual Itinerant’s Concert recently. It’s always such a nice atmosphere at these concerts. The high standard of performance, no matter what level, is a reflection of hard work behind the scenes by each boy, their teachers and their parents. They couldn’t have a more encouraging, delighted and supportive audience. The Rock Band will continue as long as the timetable will allow rehearsals to go ahead. The band is working towards performing in the ‘Battle of the Bands’ competition in Lower Hutt soon and they’re sounding good!

Mary-Anne Morgan

Ps There are some spaces for drum lessons. If interested, please email Peter Elliot at [email protected]

West Coast Trip

The Year 7’s are about to head off on Sunday for the mighty week-long legendary outdoor education West Coast trip. We wish them well.

The Christmas Tree is soon to be placed in the foyer

Christmas is coming! It’s a time for excitement and happiness for most, but for some families it can be a time of hardship and stress. Let’s help to brighten Christmas for some of those children less fortunate than us. It would be good if each boy could bring a present to put under the Wellesley College Christmas tree. The Salvation Army will give our gifts to children from needy families in Wellington. The gift can be new or preloved (in good condition) and wrapped, please, with a label attached stating age and gender of the child for which the gift would be most suitable.

Speech Competition Finals

We have a number of these coming up. (see page 4 for dates and times) The Y7+8 final was last Friday with William Stevenson winning the Year 7 Cup and Paul McDonald the Year 8 Cup. Full details to follow. You are all welcome to attend any of these Finals. Year 5 Market day Enviro group with San Antonio and planting out our garden.

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Young Enterprise Trust In Week 2, Year 5 welcomed Sharron and Paul from the Young Enterprise Trust to lead the boys in 3 days of ‘Market Experience’ work. The boys learnt about planning, designing, costing, modifying, making, promoting and selling their own products. They selected items to use from the emporium, then worked together to create saleable items. Their efforts were judged by three invited experts from Xero (Andrew Tokeley- Product Manager, Michael Green- Legal Counsel, and Clare Wall – Technical Writer/Chartered Accountant) who were blown away by the creativity shown by the boys and the way they talked about and promoted their products. During the 3 days we were joined by around 25 parent helpers who did an outstanding job working with the groups of boys. There was an excellent turn-out for the market itself on the Thursday afternoon, and all stalls sold out! The boys thoroughly enjoyed counting their market ‘moolah’. It was an excellent 3 days, full of learning, co-operation and fun, and we thank Sharron and Paul for their enthusiastic leadership and planning.

Chris Parker

Enviro Group

The Wellesley Enviro Group have had another successful year. The aim of the group is to implement environmentally friendly practices around the school and local area. This year we have continued to encourage the use of recycling bins and re-using paper, educating the school about the facts at Chapels and Assemblies and have reduced fruit and vegetable waste through continuing to use the worm farm. We have also planted many vegetables during the year in our Enviro-Group garden. Last week we planted our summer crop. Thank you to Scott Maikin, the school gardener, who has been teaching us about companion planting, fertilising and garden layouts. We have also been creating stronger links with the other Eastbourne School’s Enviro Groups. It has been a great way to learn new ideas and to share what we are proud of. Last term we were asked to help re-plant the beach dunes and we have some other exciting local community projects coming up. Remember Reduce, Reuse. Recycle over the summer break.

Kate Sinclair, Glen Jorna and Michelle Colley

Sports and PE Athletics has been the main component of the PE sessions in the early part of the term. Boys have learnt a range of athletic disciplines and challenged themselves to get the highest standard or grade possible. The majority of Year 4 and 5 boys have compounded these skills in their sport afternoons as well. Some Finals have taken place and others will take place in the next two weeks. The remainder will be decided on the Athletics Day on Wednesday 26 November. The Year 4 to 8 classes start at 9.30am and aim to be finished by 12.30pm. These boys are required for afternoon classes and should have their PE gear with white Wellesley hat. The Juniors start at 2.00pm and can go home with their parents at 3.00pm. Parents and supporters are welcome to watch the Athletics but Year 4 to 8 parents are asked to stay on the outside of the track please!


Thomas bowling fast. Year 6 Colts cricket team v Scots.

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The first main inter-school fixture of the term was against Scots. This was played on a beautiful day which added to the enjoyment of the boys. Scots hosted the Senior teams and Wellesley hosted the Middle School teams. All three cricket games were won by Wellesley with the 1st XI having the most convincing of the victories. There were several close matches in the Senior tennis with the Wellesley boys winning the majority of them in third set super tie-breakers. This contributed to winning 16 matches out of the 24. The Year 5/6 Tennis IV won all of their matches. The Senior softball team was too strong for their opponents and won both games. Several teams were scheduled to play HIBS last week and St Mark’s this week. The 1st XI cricket team travelled to Nelson to play Nelson College Prep and Nelson Intermediate. Wellesley sent a large team of boys to the Hutt Valley Primary Schools’ Tennis tournaments. Oliver Hall and Ben Hyde-Smith were runner-ups in their respective age groups which qualified them for the Central Region Primary Schools’ Tennis tournament held in Palmerston North. Four basketball teams have been playing in the Karori Leagues this term. The majority of boys are playing for their third consecutive term which has contributed to their skill development and performances. A Year 4 touch team is entered in the local Hutt Park Friday night league. The boys were enthusiastic about the competition. There is a wide range of activities taking place before the end of the term. Please email class teachers or myself if you have any questions. Darren Houston

Zach with softball team Jack throwing the shotput Flynn and Aidan

Colts vs Scots

Reuben and Simon Rev Ellie with Paxton and Victor Old boys John Plimmer + Ed Rosenberg

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Finbar, Nikhil and Oliver, Tim, Sam and Oscar enjoying science. Ben making his bird house.

Report Writing

Our staff are busy in the process of writing the end of year reports which will once again include the National Standards. These reports should support what has been discussed at parent teacher interviews and thus provide ‘no surprises’.

History of Wellesley Book Please fill in the attached order form or email the school office if you wish to order one of these. All the boys are represented in this lovely book. (at least via the whole school photo and the 2014 roll call) The story of Wellesley is well told by our author, Bruce Levick, and the text is well illustrated with photographs over the decades.

Last week the Parents’ Association hosted an evening for about 200 parents

and visitors with Celia Lashlie. This is the second time we have hosted

Celia and true to form she had the audience totally engaged for over 90 minutes. She had a big focus on adolescent boys because as Celia says, ‘-they seem to disappear into another world where they barely communicate, and where fast cars, alcohol; and drugs are constant temptations.’ Celia has some of the answers to the big question of; ‘How should parents navigate this difficult time?’ With her background working in prisons, raising a son herself, and through her significant research via the Good Man Project where she talked to 180 classes of boys throughout NZ, Celia is well qualified to give some advice. Two of the big pieces of advice which sits very well with my own observations after 33 years teaching boys, are:

1. Allow your young children to link consequences with actions. E.g. if

they are casual about getting organised for school and leave gear at

home, allow the child to experience whatever consequence happens

at school.

2. Don’t save your children from the small stuff. E.g if your child

misbehaves and gets into strife at school, stay out of it and allow the

child to deal with it at school.

As parents we are not going to be around forever and we need to help prepare our young to independently face up to the tough stuff the world throws at as all from time to time. Our mantra here is: Be Kind, Be Brave and Be Happy. Bravery is not about physical courage but for standing up for what is right, building resilience, determination and ethics. ‘Be happy’ is not about expecting to be happy all the time (not natural) but building the capacity to be optimistic.

Photo left-Sana Year 7 with his mask.

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The Junior Production on Thursday night entitled ‘To Dance the Rhythm of the Earth’ was absolutely stunning and a gift for all the families to experience. Not only was the choreography, costuming, dance, drama and singing of the highest standard but it had a strong thread of cultural and environmental learning which was very powerful for the boys. The boys came away knowing that with focus, hard work and creativity comes intense satisfaction and further motivation to aim high. We all left the show feeling we had experienced something special. Thank you to Alison Garland, her wonderful team, and the boys for their dedication and vision putting this on for us all.

Victorious Underwater Hockey team after winning gold on Saturday.

We had a visit from the Rt. Rev Justin Duckworth, Bishop of Wellington. He spent the day with the boys visiting classrooms and discussing all ‘n sundry. Rev. Ellie joined him for part of the day.

Year 6 playing Scots. Some Junior boys off to the rugby.

Boys emerging from the pipe walk during

Centenary Celebrations.

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At our Special Assembly at the Centenary Day at the Bay, the Mexted Scholarship was launched. Roger Mexted was a long standing teacher of over 25 years at Wellesley and was passionate about the performing arts in particular. Roger tragically died in 2011, aged 49. His legacy to Wellesley is a generous endowment fund. The Mexted Scholarship is offered for the first time to a boy in 2015 and is an integral part of a wider

Scholarship Campaign– called Promising Futures for Boys. The gift of a Wellesley education is truly transformational. This short video shows how Wellesley has changed the lives of three former scholars and their families and enhanced their futures - It is our wish to gift the legacy of a Wellesley education to more boys by providing up to 10 scholarships for boys otherwise unable to attend because of lack of financial means. To do this we will need to raise an endowment fund of $1.75 million. The interest on this money is intended to fund the scholarships in perpetuity. At our special Centenary Assembly, Kit Jackson, the Foundation Chair (pictured), talked about how this could be achieved and where we were so far in achieving this aim. The initial momentum for such an ambitious project has come from monies raised by the Foundation through donations, Parents’ Association fundraising, and pledges by donors and Patrons, as well as two Year 7 and 8 scholarship donations by current parents. But there is much more work to do in order to reach our aim! As part of the Promising Futures campaign, we launched BRICK100- a limited edition of 100 bricks on the outside stage wall of the Centennial Hall. At $2160 each, these bricks when all sold, will provide annual funding for a one half ‘Centenary Scholarship’, in perpetuity. Moreover, one lucky donor will be drawn from the subscribers, and will not only be offered a full reimbursement, but will also be engaged as part of the confidential selection process of the first scholar for this scholarship. For more information on this initiative and other ways to gift or help under Promising Futures, visit or contact Margie Beattie [email protected] or tel 576 2274. There are printed brochures available as well as online information and forms. We hope you can become part of creating a culture of opportunity at this unique school so more deserving young men can receive the transformational legacy of a Wellesley education.

Best wishes Warren Owen Principal

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Supporters of our Centenary

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Please note that notices posted in this section of the Principal’s Pen have not necessarily been vetted by Wellesley College. We therefore advise that if you are interested in any of the services

advertised that you check them out yourself.

School Holiday Computer Classes For ages 5 - 16. Minecraft, Create 3D Video Games, Learn to Program, Web Design, Animations, Video Editing and Build a PC. Free transport from Petone/Upper Hutt. For further information call Ed Brown on 499 2211 or

ONSLOW AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB - Registrations open now. Fun Open Night Monday 20th October Get your children involved in weekly athletics with the Onslow Amateur Athletic Club. Suitable for 5-13 year boys and girls, club members meet every Monday night at Khandallah's Nairnville Park from 5.50 - 7.20pm. Online enrolments - or join us on Monday 20th October to find out more. Eastbourne Junior Swim Club Now Starts Thursday 27 November – Register Now! We’re taking PRE-REGISTRATIONS for junior swim club now. Please sign your child up at the Eastbourne Library or at our registration morning at the Eastbourne Pool 10-midday Saturday 22 November. $30 per child. All children aged 5 and older catered for. Please note the changed dates. Sunday at the Pavilion Our guitar teacher, Rob Joass, will be playing with his band Hobnail ( at The Pavilion Days Bay on Sunday 7th December 6-8pm. This is a great place to take the whole family to hear some excellent folk/celtic/country music.

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Kiwi Kids Holiday Adventures and Travel is now offering a Lower North Island summer camp this January. Kids will step outside of their comfort zones, make new friends, and gain confidence as we travel Wellington Wairarapa and Hawke's Bay having a whole lot of fun. Highlights include Carter Observatory, Zealandia, Parliament, Paua World, Sheep Shearing, Pukaha Mount Bruce, Splash Planet and much more. The five-day/ four night camp fee is $650 covering absolutely everything your child will need on camp such as accommodation, travel, activities, meals and snacks, as well as a Kiwi Khaat t-shirt, backpack, drink bottles and diary. Payment options can be arranged. Enrollments close 30th November. There are limited spaces so contact Olivia on +64 27 347 3001 or [email protected] for more information and save a seat now. Camp dates: Monday 12th - Friday 16th January. Check out past Kiwi Khaat videos at; find us on Facebook at