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Page 1: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News


On a July Sunday during announcements, I told you that we were not asking

for school supplies this year. As you know, at the Fair each year we are

blessed to give away LOTS of school supplies to children and youth. You are

always so generous, and we are able to help so many with paper, pens,

notebooks, and more.

However, this year, our friends from Walmart weighed in. In the spring, we

received a phone call from friends there who remembered our telling them

about the Fair, back when the new Walmart opened early this year. They had

some “old” school materials that they were not going to be selling, so “Would

you want them?” Well, SURE, we would! They delivered a whole pallet

load of materials and later called to see if we’d like some more. These new

school supplies had been left at the old store when they were cleaning out.

THEN, they called back and said, “We know you give a bicycle away each

year. Would you like three small bikes?” OH, YES, WE WOULD!

What blessings! God calls us into ministry and provides for us to carry out

works of grace and mercy in our Lord’s name. Let us pray for this event and

for all who come on August 8th.

-Pr. Joe


15th Annual Back-to-

School Health & Safety


Endowment Board


Join the Parish Choir!

Celebrate/Build News

New PoP Classes

Final Summer Fun!

Wednesdays Together

PoP MusiCamp!

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

455 Missouri Avenue North

Largo, FL 33770

Tel: 727-585-9969

[email protected]

PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News

Volume 10, Issue 8

9am-1pm in Parish Hall

Get ready for the 2015-2016 school year! Physicals,

haircuts, school supplies & more! See page 6 for details.

Want to be a volunteer? Stop by the next page!

Page 2: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News


You may have seen this odd-looking

imprint in the margin of recent

Sunday bulletins. By scanning this

“QR code” using an app on your

smart phone, you can make gifts to

God at Prince of Peace

electronically. Simple, right?


Would you like to receive

the PoP monthly

newsletter as a digital

e-mail? Simply visit

and enter your email address in the

sidebar to receive monthly and

weekly email communications from




Volunteer for the 15th Annual Health & Safety Fair!


We will need volunteers of

every age in all areas about

the campus – visit us online at to sign up, or look

for the sign-up sheet under the


Volunteers are needed to help

pack 500 packets of school

supplies – we’ll begin at 6:00pm

on Wednesday, August 5th – pizza

will be served!

Here are other ways we’ll need

your service:

Extra hands 9:00am Friday

morning to set up the Hall,

kitchen & medical rooms

A fresh tear-down team

12:30pm Saturday afternoon

to pack up and tear down the


Spanish interpreters and

smiling faces to welcome our

dear friends from the


Face painters & clowns

New and gently used books

for all ages

Prayers for the event day and

all who will attend

Fair day is a great day to wear

your new Prince of Peace shirt!

For more info, contact Faye

Belskey or Jane Corcoran in the

Church Office: 727.585.9969.

Endowment Board Awards

Thanks to all who contributed to the ministry of the Board thus far this year:

Endowment donors, congregation members submitting award requests,

Board members, and above all, our Lord and Savior who provides all of our

treasures. We have been blessed to award seven grants in the name of our

Lord. Here are a few of the award recipients:

Endowment Board Grant to Luther Springs

Pictured: Sue Mendenhall, Pastor Joe, Keith Johnson

An Endowment grant in the amount of $1,500 was

awarded to Luther Springs for the repair and

upgrade of their ropes team building course.

Endowment Board Grant to Red Tent

Pictured: Tish Wold, Linda Greilick, Red Tent Staff

An Endowment grant was awarded for the Red Tent

Initiative. Linda Greilick and Tish Wold of PoP

presented the Endowment grant of $1,500.

Endowment Board Grant to NOPE

Pictured: Laurie, Missy, & Barb

As one of seven Endowment grants, a check in the

amount of $1,000 was awarded to Narcotics

Overdose Prevention Education.


Sharing God’s Love

Come along for the 2015 Health & Safety Fair!

Page 3: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News


PoP Announcements + News You Can Use


10. You’re running out of clean clothes, and the robe saves on laundry.

9. The church is usually crowded, and you want to make sure you always

have a seat.

8. You’ve just been selected for jury duty, and you want to get used to sitting

with a large group of people.

7. The collection basket is never passed to the choir.

6. There’s a clock being installed in the back of the church, and you want to

know when one hour has passed.

5. For years you have wanted to know who sits in the back of the church

but were afraid to turn around and look.

4. You’ve been known to nod off during the service and don’t want others to

see you.

3. The chairs for the choir are padded and are the most comfortable in the


2. Your favorite movie is Sister Act.


1. You have a desire to serve God through music!


No Catchy Slogans!

Don’t be “caught unawares” by the schedule changes for

the summer WELCA circle meetings! Emma Crossen,

WELCA’s former stewardship director, has written a

series called “No Catchy Slogans.” Here’s where you can

find the next series study:

Monday, August 3rd | 10:30am in the Hall

Naomi Circle hosts “God Loves a Cheerful Giver”

If you don’t have access to the July/August issue of Gather, copies of the

materials will be available in the Church Office. Bring your Bible and yourself

– and be ready to share in meaningful study, lively discussion, and

scrumptious snacks. Contact Linda Greilick at 727.595.9623 for questions.


Mobile Collection


A new North County Satellite Site

for hazardous items should be

open by now. North County

residents can drop off hazardous

electronics and chemicals monthly

at the North County Satellite Site

(29582 U.S. 19 North) every

fourth Saturday, from 8:00am to

4:00pm. For specifics on what to

bring or what NOT to bring, visit:

Schedules for mid-county

collections are scheduled for

September 19th at Seminole High

School and October 3rd at the

Largo Recycling Collection Center

on Starkey Road.

And remember: fruits and

vegetables in season are better

quality and healthier – and their

cultivation has a minimum impact

on the environment when

consumed at the right time of the



WELCA Board Meeting August 24th | 4:00pm

Naomi Circle August 3rd | 10:30am

October 5th | 10:30am

Martha Circle September 10th | 10:00am

Elizabeth Circle September 14th | 10:00am

Miriam Circle September 14th | 7:00pm

Rehearsals for the Parish Choir are Wednesday evenings from 7:30pm to

9:00pm. Come for supper, then work it off during choir! You might even

enjoy attending an adult class in between eating and exercising! For more

info, contact Parish Musician Don Rolander: 727.585.9969 or

[email protected]. Welcome aboard!

Page 4: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News


Your Celebrate/Build! News Share


Thankfully, we may have received final approval of plans from the City of

Largo. Code requirements regarding our entire campus have forced us to

resubmit plans multiple times. We had not anticipated changes to our

parking, a new drainage filtering area, additional landscaping, bicycle racks,

additional irrigation – all which have nothing to do with the construction of

our new building.

John Sandeen and Kent Zoller met for an entire afternoon combing through

the latest plans with contractor David Reno of Reno Construction and

reviewing the latest plans and costs. We anticipate final approval from the

City for the site plan by early August and hope for the issuance of a building

permit by mid to late August.

If approvals and permit are granted, we hope to break ground by early

September. When we know dates for certain, we will publicize them through

every channel. We will also send out notices and graphs to the congregation,

showing us how the construction effort will change how we enter the church

grounds and our parking areas.


Each week, we report how the whole congregation continues to give little by

litle each week toward our goals for financing this renewing effort in our

ministries. While the total of “intents” is $911,421, we have been blessed by

gifts that have come from folk who were not able even to present an intent

back in June 2014. But since that time, we have received $709,263.92 (as of

this writing). What a blessing! Thanks be to God for the spirit of generosity

that inspires all our giving in so many ways at Prince of Peace.



Kent Zoller, Co-Chairman

John Sandeen, Co-Chairman

Ausma Mackus

Bobby Cook

Kevin Murphy

Steve Leonard



Kim Adams

Charlie Campbell

Tom Gahan

Ausma Mackus

Again, thank you for your

questions and prayers! We are

blessed by the Lord to carry

out ministry in so many ways

here. A recent visitor

commented that in “checking

us out,” she appreciates how

we are engaged in the

community in so many

different opportunities and

with various ages.

Let us continue in our prayer,

our giving, our dreams and

hopes for our work in Christ

here and where we are each


Page 5: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News



Sundays through September 6th!

10:00am in Parish Hall

At “WE”

Sundays All

Together, you’ll

enjoy an inter-generational

approach to God’s story. A place for

all ages, we’ll gather to experience

music, drama, discussion, and other

activities that all generations can

enjoy. Find out more on page 8!


In lieu of Sunday School, we’ll

gather at 10:00am in Parish Hall to

hear stories from PoP HS youth and

adults who traveled to Detroit for

the ELCA Youth Gathering. See you

then! (More about this on page 8!)


Word | Church | Worship

Watch the newsletter, bulletins and

the website as we make our way

over the next 12 months and ponder

together how we are living

Christian. Come, start this new

year of learning in this WORD


Adult Education


Opening the Book of Faith: The Letter to the Hebrews

Sundays through August 16

The Letter to the Hebrews is one of the more complex New Testament

writings, written in elegant Greek by an unknown author around 70 C.E.

Speaking to people of a particular time and place – a Jewish Christian

audience raised in a Hellenistic culture – the book draws on Hebrew

Scriptures and ritual traditions, as well as Greek philosophy. The study takes

on five big questions posed by the text that are as relevant today as they were

in the First Century.

Sessions Include

1. Who is Jesus, Part 1 4. What is Faith

2. Who is Jesus, Part 2 5. How Shall We Live?

3. What Did Jesus Do? 6. What if Faith Fails?

Living Christian: Word, Church, Worship


“I hesitate to go to that class because other people know more about the

Bible than I do.” “Why do we have the church? Isn’t it all just about

my relationship with God?” “Worship doesn’t do anything for me. Why

should I go to worship?”

All of us may have heard a version of these questions, even among those who

are a part of “church.” And yet WORD, CHURCH and WORSHIP are at the

heart of living Christian. Paul’s marvelous words in Colossians 3:12-17

capture the essence of living Christian – exploring God’s written word, the

only place where we find the story that truly saves; being a part of God’s

people, called and made one in Christ Jesus; and gathering regularly to give

honor to the Holy One who creates, saves and sustains us.

This year on Sundays and Wednesdays, we will spend much time looking at

the bigger picture. We will explore the written WORD, the Bible, its overall

structure. What’s in there – its books and groups of books, letters, wisdom

and much more? We are talking about overviews with an occasional look

deeper. Along the way, we will also consider WORSHIP and CHURCH in

ways that inform and stir us to ask questions. Why do we do the things we do

as God’s people?

Sunday, August 30th | Wednesday, August 26th Throughout the year, we will not be having the same classes on Sundays and

Wednesdays. However, on some occasions we will. On August 26th & 30th,

we will be considering “What is the Bible?” For Christians, what is the

Bible? Some say it is just a collection of various kinds of literature. If that’s

so, then what’s the connection? Why would believers across the ages place so

much emphasis on the Bible?

Informative PoP Classes


Christian Faith & Education

Page 6: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News


Celebrating Baptismal Birthdays!

Do you know when you were baptized? If you know the date, please contact the church office or indicate the date on the

back of the attendance card in worship so we can make sure that our information is complete.


Gabrielle Adams Lynn Conlen Joseph Haraschak Agnes Liska Donald Rolander

Frank Beekman Jennifer Cox Jacquelyn Hartmann Hans Mathre June Rothfuss

Zach Bello Donna Domalske Richard Johnson Michele Mathre Don Simons

Jason Blank Duke Fields Chris Koberna Max Millspaugh Marcy Streicher

Alex Bluett Gloria Gerlach Alessandra Koths Sierra Mitchell Patricia Williams

Janet Brewster Nathan Gray Zachary Koths Lauren Murphy

Michael Brewster Ken Hanke Jason LeBlanc Sherry Paulson

Rick Christie Sue Hanke Maria LeBlanc Franklin Pemberton

More Need-to-Know News


Save the Date! Saturday, August 8th | 9am-1pm

It’s nearly time for PoP’s 15th Annual Back-to-School

Children’s Health and Safety Fair!

Free school physicals (must be accompanied by

parent/legal guardian – sign up by noon), haircuts, school

supplies, and information from over 30 providers! It’s the

perfect time to get revved up and prepped for the new

school year – won’t you join us?!

As the time draws closer, there is so

much more to do! Can you help too?

Volunteers of every age are needed in all

areas about the campus. To become a

volunteer, sign up at or look

for the sign-up sheet under the Portico.

If you have new or gently used books, then

we can use them too! Simply drop them by

the Red Wagon in the Narthex. Questions?

Contact Faye Belskey or Jane Corcoran in

the Church Office: 727.585.9969.

Prince of Peace thanks Walmart, store

#1712 for partnering with us to supply

the bulk of the necessary school

supplies for this year’s fair!



Sunday, August 9th

New this month – insulated travel

mugs for $2.00 each! Keep one in

the car and bring it to church for

the between services coffee hour!

Did you know that the global

coffee and cocoa markets are

valued at more than $175 billion

per year and the majority of this

supply is grown by smallholder

farms? LWR has coffee and cocoa

projects in 11 countries around the

world, reaching more than 42,000

farmers. The LWR partnership

cooperatives help the farmers earn

more by participating in more

parts of the chain from their crop

to your cup of coffee or chocolate

bar. Experts are brought in to

teach improved farming practices,

post-harvest processing and

marketing skills with a goal of

increasing crop quality and

quantity and getting the resources

needed to sell competitively in the

global market.

Free School Physicals

Girl & Boy Scout


Clowns & Face-Painting

After School Programs &

Community Resources

Healthy “Good-for-You”


School Supplies

Page 7: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News


Happenings at Prince of Peace


Summer Reading Fun!

August’s book selection is yours – whatever floats your boat! There will be no

August meeting.

September 17 Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, by

Atul Gawande. Written by a Boston surgeon, this book tackles the true

purpose of medicine.

October 15 The Red Tent, by Anita Diamant. Back by popular demand,

this novel from 1997 recounts the story of Dinah who intersects with the lives

of Esau, Jacob, Joseph, and others from the Old Testament.

November 19 The Road to Charachter, by David Brooks. These

observations provide what one reviewer states is “a humility code that

cautions against living only for happiness and that recognizes we are

ultimately saved by grace.” Where have we heard that before?

Each discussion is held at 7:00pm on the third Thursday of the month and is

open to anyone who has read the book, seen the movie, read the cover of the

book, seen a headline about the author, or wants something sweet to eat on a

Thursday night – in other words, please join us!


August 15th | 5:00pm

Dinner at Untouchables Pasta & Pizza | 1150 Clearwater Largo Road (at the

corner of Largo and Rosery).

August 29th | 5:00pm

Soup and sandwiches at PoP, followed by the movie “Dolphin Tale II.”

Questions? Contact Vivian Fruehling at 727.330.6975 for more information.


Thursday, August 27th | Parish Hall, 6pm

We will go big in our class on Thursday, August

27th! This month’s project will be a small bushel

style basket that can hold your knitting, an

afghan, or even a cat. The basket measures

approximately 9” high at the rim and 13”x15” on

top. The 8”x11¾” base is wood, and the weave is

start and stop. We will utilize a wide maple strip and embellish it with a

double cross weave. The cost for this project will be $30 Questions? Contact

Meredith at 727.501.6424 or [email protected].


Children’s Health & Safety

Fair | August 8 | 9am-1pm

Free school physicals, dental

check-ups, school supplies, and

information from 30 community

agencies. Volunteers needed!

(see page 2 for more!)

Wednesdays in the Park

Through August, 5:30pm

Each week, we’ll gather at Taylor

Park for an informal picnic with

friends, fun, and fellowship. Bring

your favorite meal.

Wednesdays Together

Planning Meeting

August 19 | 4pm

Wednesdays Together will resume

on August 26th, but first we’ll

gather to plan for the year ahead!

Have ideas? Come join us!

PoPTARTS Meeting

August 17 | 10:30am

PoPTARTS is stepping back into

action! We’ll meet up to kick-start

new plans for good old fashioned


Contact Faye Belskey in the

Church office 727.585.9969 if

you’d like additional information.



If you are receiving PoP’s monthly

and weekly email communications

infrequently, please contact Kaye

Brown in the Church Office:

[email protected] or


Page 8: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News



Resumes at 6:15pm on August 13th. We’ll meet in the Education Building.

Youth and Family Ministry


High School Youth on the ELCA Gathering

Join us in Parish Hall at 10:00am Sunday, August

23rd to hear from our high school youth and adults

who recently traveled to Detroit for the ELCA

Youth Gathering.

Hear their stories, see photos, and watch video

clips of their worship, study, service and fun! This

event is often a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the 13

youth and 4 adults who attended in July.

For additional information, contact Randy or Barbara Holm: 727.480.1190

or [email protected].


Friday, August 28th | 6:30pm-8:30pm

The pool is ours for the evening for families and friends of Prince

of Peace. Make a final splash of the summer before heading back

to school! Just meet us at Highland Aquatic Center near East Bay

& Highland Avenue. Friends are invited to join us at this

wonderful new facility!

Don’t forget – bring a snack to share. Drinks will be provided. Contact Faye

Belskey in the Church office at 727.585.9969 if you’d like additional



Come to the Mountain!

Saturday, August 22, 2015 | 9:00am – 3:00pm in Parish Hall

All youth are invited to attend the best camp of the summer! Young and old,

small and tall – kids from kindergarten to high school – come to the

mountain and lift your voice! It’s time for the Prince of Peace MusiCamp!

For more information, contact Rick & Debbie Christie:

[email protected] or call 727.585.9969.


August 23rd | 12:15pm

Join the High School Youth

Planning Session for 2015-2016!

This is your group! Come to lunch

with ideas, plans and service

projects that you would like to do

in the upcoming year.

Meet us in Parish Hall – bring

$3.00 for lunch. Need more info?

Contact Randy or Barbara Holm:

727.480.1190 or [email protected]


Through September | 10am

“WE” Sundays All Together is

running full steam ahead, and

we’d like you, your family, friends

and more to join us as we explore

the story of creation.

Aug 2nd: Joining the Kingdom

Aug 9th: God Moves into the


Aug 16th: Following Jesus

Every Day

Aug 30th: Amazing Love

Meet us each Sunday morning at

10am in Parish Hall to experience

God’s story through music and

drama. We’ll chat and learn

together through activities that

each generation will enjoy. See

page 5 for more details!



Don’t forget! Wednesdays

Together resumes on Wednesday,

August 26th at 5:30pm. We’ll start

with supper – see you in the Hall!

Page 9: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News


Living in Christ – Small Group Ministry


Help plant, trim, cut back, weed, and pick up debris on our church property.

We meet Tuesdays at 7:00am and work until 9:00am. If you are a morning

person who loves the outdoors, please join this co-ed group for a little work,

fun, and fellowship. Call Tom Loesch at 727.244.3373.


Thursday Mornings @ Taylor Park Shelter 1

This is for everyone who likes to take an early morning stroll in the park, walk

at your own pace with a lively group of friends. The walk takes just under an

hour, then we’re off to Panera Bread on West Bay for bagels and coffee! Put

on your walking shoes, and join us!


Mondays at 3:00PM in Parish Hall

Maintain the best habits of proper nutrition and adequate exercise while

developing an attitude of faith and trust in the Lord our God. Join us as we

support each other in our efforts to develop a healthy lifestyle. Call Ursula at



The Homeless Emergency Project serves nearly

100 people 3 meals per day, 7 days a week. HEP also

provides housing for veterans and emergency housing

for the homeless, while additionally offering job oportunities and a free

dental clinic.

Each month, Prince of Peace assists HEP on the 4th Saturday and serves in

the buffet line. No special skills are needed, so come along and serve with us!

Contact Faye in the Church Office or Dorothy Luetzow at 727.223.5534 to get



Available in the Church Office

Crafted with love and prayer, Prayer Shawls are a symbol of peace, bringing

comfort to those who are suffering in grief, disease, depression or other crisis.

Contact the Church Office or stop by so that you may pick one up to deliver to

someone in need: 727.585.9969.


Craft Time will be off for the

summer months. We’ll see you in



will meet at 3:00pm Thursday,

August 20th at Denny’s just north

of PoP. Folks find meaning in this

shared experience of getting

together monthly. All are

welcome. Questions? Talk with

our Parish Nurse, Jane Corcoran.


Mondays & Fridays, 10am

Join our 30-minute strengthening

workout session. Therabands is

the focus of each exercise which is

geared for upper- and lower-body

strengthening. No charge except a

minimal cost of the Theraband.

This is great to help decrease pain

for those having difficulty with

neck or back pain and more.

Questions? Talk with our Parish

Nurse, Jane Corcoran.


The Prayer Shawl Ministry will be

taking a summer break. Have a

wonderful summer; we’ll see you



Like to work with your hands – love to serve? Then consider volunteering

the first Saturday of each month! Contact Charlie Salemi: 727.559.1131.


PoP Game day will

resume in the fall!

Page 10: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News


Prince of Peace Summaries


The call committee for a Faith Formation leader has been hard at work in the

process of calling a rostered leader to serve our children and youth. We are

following the ELCA guidelines, which has 10 steps (refer to the diagram

below for details explaining the process). We are currently at step 3. Our

Ministry Site Profile (MSP) has been completed and recently received

approval from the ELCA. We are now waiting for the Synod to send us a list

of candidates.

In the interim, we remain busy preparing for the interview process and

putting together an onboarding plan to welcome our future leader and

acquaint them with our Prince of Peace family.

We ask for your continued prayers as we enter the next phase of the process

with great anticipation that the Lord will provide a list of qualified


If you are interested in reviewing the MSP, please contact a member of the

call committee and we will graciously send you a copy via e-mail. There will

also be a copy in the church office if you would like to stop by and read it or if

you’d like to make a copy to take home and read.

Steps in the Calling of a Rostered Leader for Faith Formation

Serving on the Call Committee are Terri Carmody, Randy Holm, Caroline Iusi, Jill Lonas,

Bill Silberman, and Margo Walbolt. Pastor Joe also meets with them.


General Fund

June 2015

Receipts Expense Difference Proposed Receipts

June $43,125.30 $54,289.01 ($11,163.71) $48,834.00

YTD $331,533.64 $331,776.02 ($242.38) $348,816.00


Hospital Stays/Surgery

Dottie Tralins

Ruth Frick

Carol Turrell

Madeline Hope Rebori

Marv Kaufmann

Les Majer

Dottie Beggs


Agnes Bethel


The Faith Formation Team

will next meet August 13th.

WELCA Board will next meet

on August 24th.

PoP Game Day will resume in

the fall!

The Prayer Shawl Ministry

will be taking a summer break.

Joyful Singers will be on a

hiatus for the next few months.

Craft Time will be off for the

summer and will resume in


Hunger Task Force will next

meet in September.

Page 11: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News


26 27 28 29 30 31 018:00 Habitat for Humanity

02 03 04 05 06 07 088:25 & 10:40 Summer Singers

8:45 & 11:00 HC

10:00 "WE" Sundays Together

10:00 Strong for Life

10:30am Naomi Circle - All

Women Welcome!

3:00 Healthy Lifestyles

7:00 Commission Meetings

8:00 AA, Alanon

7:00 Gardening Angels

8:00 Fire Inspection

9:00 Staff Planning

9:30 Ruth's Promise

7:00 Call Committee Mtg

5:30 Wednesdays in the Park 8:00 Walking in Faith

7:00 Codependents Anonymous

9:00 Partners in Prayer

9:00 Health & Safety Fair Setup

10:00 Strong for Life

8:00 Men's Bible Study

9:00 Health & Safety Fair!

09 10 11 12 13 14 15

8:25 & 10:40 Summer Singers

8:45 & 11:00 HC

10:00 "WE" Sundays Together

LWR Coffee & Chocolate

7:30 Compassionate Friends

10:00 Strong for Life

3:00 Healthy Lifestyles

6:00 Ruth's Promise Adv. Bd.

8:00 AA, Alanon

7:00 Gardening Angels

9:00 Staff Planning

9:30 Ruth's Promise

5:30 Wednesdays in the Park 8:00 Walking in Faith

6:15 Faith Formation

7:00 Codependents Anonymous

9:00 Partners in Prayer

10:00 Strong for Life

8:00 Men's Prayer Breakfast

9:00 Painting Parish Hall

5:00 Together On Our Own

Dinner at Untouchables

16 17 18 19 20 21 228:25 & 10:40 Summer Singers

8:45 & 11:00 HC

10:00 "WE" Sundays Together

10:00 Strong for Life

10:30 PoPTARTS Meet

3:00 Healthy Lifestyles

6:15 Executive Committee

7:00 Congregation Council

8:00 AA, Alanon

7:00 Gardening Angels

9:00 Staff Planning

9:30 Ruth's Promise

4:00 Wednesdays Together

Planning Meeting

5:30 Wednesdays in the Park

8:00 Walking in Faith

3:00 Grief Support

6:00 Preschool Orientation

7:00 Booked for Dessert

7:00 Codependents Anonymous

9:00 Partners in Prayer

10:00 Strong for Life

6:00 MusiCamp Setup

8:00 Men's Bible Study

9:00 MusiCamp!

11:00 Homeless Emergency

Project Service

23 24 25 26 27 28 298:25 & 10:40 Summer Singers

8:45 & 11:00 HC

10:00 HS Youth Rise Up Wrap-


12:15 HS Youth Planning

10:00 Strong for Life

3:00 Healthy Lifestyles

4:00 WELCA Board

8:00 AA, Alanon

7:00 Gardening Angels

9:00 Staff Planning

9:30 Ruth's Promise

5:30 Wednesdays Together


8:00 Walking in Faith

6:00 Basket Weaving Class

7:00 Codependents Anonymous

9:00 Partners in Prayer

10:00 Strong for Life

6:30 Pool Party!

5:00 Together On Our Own

Dinner & A Movie

30 318:25 & 10:40 Summer Singers

8:45 & 11:00 HC

10:00 "WE" Sundays Together

Installation of Faith Formation


Blessing of Conf. Students

10:00 Strong for Life

3:00 Healthy Lifestyles

8:00 AA, Alanon

Keep up with all Prince of Peace events with your

PoP At-A-Glance Calendar! Questions? Just call the

church office: 727.585.9969.


Page 12: PRINCE OF PEACE | August 2015 News

We celebrate Holy Communion each Sunday at 8:45AM and 11:00AM. We have a fully-staffed childcare center

for infants, toddlers and children under 4 years old available on Sundays from 8:30AM to 12:15PM. Coffee and

fellowship follows 8:45AM worship, with Sunday School from 10-10:50AM.

Worship at Prince of Peace