Download - Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

Page 1: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

sonalkiss Primordial Sounds of Creation

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A Supplemental Guide to Solfeggio Tones and Binaural Beats Downloadable products mentioned in this guide are available on the Storyteller Store

( and/or available on the iOS AppStore. Books are available on and through most major book retailers.

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Page 2: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

Imagine... …having the tools to heal, to help overcome physical ailments, to cleanse the mental, emotional, and spiritual layers of the human experience, to find heightened levels of

concentration and peaceful meditative bliss – all through sound and light. And, what if you were to find out that the technology has been sitting in plain sight since the dawn of

mankind, just tucked away from obvious view?

It isn't just a fictitious story or wishful hippie theory. It is quite the beautiful Truth. But before any judgements are made or preconceived notions bubble up to the surface as you are reading this, it should be said that the knowledge written about herein just touches the surface of a greater iceberg of science, philosophy, and math.

Others have written about the holistic technology involved in the Sonalkiss series of apps and virtual instruments, but let it be known that much of what has been spoken and written about by others are just unique, individual perspectives to a much deeper wisdom... a wisdom partially founded upon the knowledge shared within this guide.

In this guide you will find the "how to" answers for using the Sonalkiss iOS apps and Kontakt Virtual Instrument, but – more importantly – you will find a foundation of knowledge that can be used to further your own explorations and be applied to your own journey through life.

That story – your story – is the one waiting to be written; the story that everyone has been patiently waiting to read.


Where this guide begins... It is in the name.Very simply, "Sonalkiss" means "to be kissed by sound." There is not a more appropriate term that could be used to describe how music, sound, and tones can affect human beings – whether it affects a person consciously or subconsciously. And a kiss? Well, that is the very expression of Love – and Love is kinda what this trip on this little blue marble is all about.

Where do I start to understand how to use this technology?The best place to start before using the apps is to understand two basic principles – one of which has been intentionally hidden from humans for most of the modern age. (Note:

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Page 3: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

It will soon become obvious why it has been tucked away from view once the gravity of the knowledge shared herein is fully digested).

THE FIRST PRINCIPLE Everything visible/tangible in the human experience is built upon tiny subatomic particles spinning very quickly, forming atoms, forming molecules, etc. We measure this concept through the term vibration. The super complex level of subatomic particle vibrations interacting with one another causes some atoms to stick together. This bonding of atoms creates the matter visible to the human eyes. Yes, more principles are involved (such as electrons, protons, neutrons and such), but this is the most basic way it can be described. It is also the basic principle behind magnetism as well. Essentially, if matter wasn’t bonded together by the motion of subatomic particles spinning and vibrating, it would all fall apart, dissolving into non–existence.

THE SECOND PRINCIPLE It may be difficult to think about, but the human experience is like observing oneself in a wavy, distorted mirror. This mirror stretches out certain parts of the visible and audible spectrum so that humans can see and hear it, while bending other parts out of view... as in completely out of view to human observation. It is not measurable nor found in physicality in the third density of Earth. Science calls this hidden substance dark matter. It isn't. It is actually full of light, Love, and healing. But, more on that in a minute… For now, just understand that the linear way humans measure everything is not actually as it seems. Human math is relative to the wavy mirror… meaning measurements appear linear and concrete, but actually bend with the surface of the wavy mirror without any observable proof it is doing so. Einstein proved this theory. It is essentially the philosophy behind gravitational fields.

Now that the basic principles are out of the way…

The overall idea being presented here is that all “things” are risen from the aether of infinite possibility in a mathematical way. The eventual formation of third density existence (what humans call “life”) is based on this same principle, but because our existence is a measurable subset of a subset of a subset of a subset (etc) of All That Is, our density features limitations to measurement and observation.

This limitation is what causes the divide between those of faith from the non. Essentially, the faithful believe in something more than is observable, knowing existence is a subset of something greater. The non-faithful believe in only what is observable and measurable within the limitations of their own physical existence. Let’s not discuss differences in religious practices. That is another story. Here, let’s keep it simple.

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Page 4: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

Why can’t everyone agree on this idea of being a subset of something greater? It seems so simple…

It does, but ego is the primary reason. To my knowledge, prior to the completion of my books Welcome to Being Human: An Instruction Book for Every Soul and Secrets (Book 8 from the series The Nine), there was no literature that could offer concrete, mathematical and philosophical proofs to these ideas. Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Einstein, and Tesla all wrote about parts of the mathematical and philosophical concepts, but there was more to be written. Secret societies and eclectic faiths have retained additional hidden knowledge, while there is more to be found by combing the historical record of difficult-to-find books. I humbly must say there will eventually be much more written by others than what I have been blessed to be able to share thus far through my writing.

If you so choose to dive further into understanding the architecture of All That Is, how thought came into form, how language began and evolved into our modern variations – and how all of this is provable through spherical math, these books offer a very easy-to-understand explanation. There are even three children’s stories in Welcome to Being Human (It is a reversible book) that express how basic the principle is to the architecture of All That Is. In short, it is founded on Love (with a capital L), which is the One Source of All – God.

But I digress. Let’s address the fundamentals of the Sonalkiss apps for iOS and the Kontakt Virtual Instrument. We are going to discuss Solfeggio Tones as well as the concept of Binaural Beats.

PART 1 SOLFEGGIO TONES By understanding the two fundamental principles of vibration (written about earlier), it should be understood that all life exists simultaneously in higher dimensional states as well as the subset of the dimensional existence we call life on Earth. There are doorways between here and there… the doorways that are hidden from measurable observation. Our present existence on Earth is experienced with limitation. The doorway to higher dimensional states, however, offers unlimited abundance, perfection, perfect wellness, health, and bliss without limitation.

About these doorways… The doorways are not only hidden from immediate observation, but are also more deeply hidden from science due to the crazy state of vibrational dissonance

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Page 5: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

experienced in our present lifetimes. Think of how a singer can sing a bad note causing a whole performance seem less emotionally impacting while a perfect performance could offer a much more satisfying emotional response. The human mind/body/soul connection is like that. The body and mind are exposed to constant “bad notes” in life preventing most people from finding the doorways to the higher states of existence (the perfect state of the soul – an existence in abundance, perfection, bliss, etc). These doorways allow the transference of energy back and forth across dimensional planes of existence. You do not have to believe in these concepts for the results to manifest in your world through Solfeggio tones and binaural beats, but eventually research will lead you back to this conclusion.

It may help to think of the atomic structures of most humans as being like a twisted hairball or knot, or even a plate of spaghetti rather than existing in a perfect crystalline state. This is what the vibrational dissonance of life does to our biological geometry.

Crystalline? Do you mean that our bodies should be made out of rock?

Oh no! I mean crystalline as in perfect geometry. Think of how a snowflake exhibits geometric perfection. Can you create a perfectly formed snowflake by freezing water? The answer is no… not without some type of vibrational help. Subjecting water to freezing temperature produces frozen chaos and mush. Seriously. Just look through a microscope.

But, did you know that subjecting water to specific vibrations can cause the water to freeze in perfect, geometric patters? It is true! And did you know that the vibrations that create these patterns are very specific frequencies (or tones)? Yep! Now you see where this is going. The tones used follow a very basic mathematical principle… the one written about in the books mentioned above as well as written about by great philosophers and mathematicians of antiquity. You can also research the term cymatics to see this same principle in action without having to use a microscope.

Now it should becoming clear where this is going. The tones in the Sonalkiss apps are called solfeggio tones. These tones are created by using the numeric representation of base–9 mathematics – the math that proves the wavy mirror principle of existence.You don’t need to know much else beyond this, but there is a lot more that can be learned if you choose to take a deeper dive into these waters outside of this guide.

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Page 6: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

For now, here are the basics:

Solfeggio tones are based on a bundle of three numbers excluding the number zero (e.g. the increment of 10 beyond 9) from traditional math functions. The numbers can be added together and will always sum to 3, 6 or 9. What does this mean? Example:417 is a solfeggio number because it sums to 3. See how 4 + 1 + 7 = 12? Then, 1 + 2 = 3? This is how base–9 math works. So 417 hertz is the audible vibrational frequency of this number. This isn’t weird numerology. In fact, this is a basic mathematical principle of trinities and triangles. Nikola Tesla is often quoted as saying, "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” Starting to get it yet?

And now here are four important concepts to remember about solfeggio tones

Solfeggio tones are built around scales, skeins, and fractals.A scale is a group of nine tones that are divided equidistantly and in divine ratio to each other.All of the tones in sequential order must be 111 hertz apart when using base–9 math.Example: The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999.

A skein is a group nine scales. There are three skeins (essentially bundles of 81 different number combinations) that serve as metaphorical sides to a Solfeggio Harmonic Triangle. This topic is not covered further in this writing. The important point to know is that the Sonalkiss apps deal with the most unique and powerful skein of the three skeins available. The skein used in the Sonalkiss apps is referred to as a Pythagorean Skein. It consists of the following properties:

Each scale within the skein must be 12 hertz apart from its adjoining scale using base–9 math.Adding any two or more frequencies in base–9 math will always yield another solfeggio frequency.The base–9 sum of the nine frequencies in a single scale will always add up to 999.The horizontal base–9 sum of all frequencies across all nine scales will always add up to 999. See example below:

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Page 7: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

The Pythagorean Solfeggio Skein

A fractal is like an octave in music. In traditional music theory, each note on a keyboard cycles over and over again when it doubles in pitch. For example, the note of C above middle C is exactly twice the vibrational speed. This is traditionally calculated using standard base–10 math. But in base–9 math with solfeggio tones, a fractal is the next repeat of the numbers. In this case, a zero is used merely as a holding place to represent the next octave. The zero is used in conjunction with the three non-zero numbers of a solfeggio number. Example: 417 hertz is the primary fractal for this solfeggio tone. 4170 hertz is the representation of “the next fractal above.” 41700 hertz would be the next sequential fractal above. This last frequency falls outside the audible spectrum since humans can only hear up to 20,000 hertz, but falls in a frequency range used in ultrasound technology to produce images through matter (e,g, a baby in a mother’s womb). By adding more zeros additional fractals are created. Eventually, you will reach a very interesting number that follows the same ratio of 12 hertz that is used to separate scales in the Pythagorean skein. But this time, we are separating fractals by a magnitude of a multiple of 1012 power. If you are not a mathematician, don’t be worried. Just add 12 zeros to the solfeggio number 417.417000000000000. This is also recognized as 417x1012 which is actually the pure vibrational frequency that (when converted to the way light is measured in nanometers rather than hertz) falls in the visible spectrum of light… the color red to be exact at 718.93 nanometers. You might think this is just a coincidence, but I assure you it is most certainly not. Rather, solfeggio numbers are the anchors to

Frequency Name Angelic Scale

The 2nd Scale

The 3rd Scale

The 4th Scale

Universal Scale

The 6th Scale

Earthly Scale

Divine Scale

Natural Scale

Karmic Freqs 111 123 135 147 159 162 174 186 198

Remembering 222 234 246 258 261 273 285 297 219

Opening 333 345 357 369 372 384 396 318 321

Change 444 456 468 471 483 495 417 429 432

DNA related 555 567 579 582 594 516 528 531 543

Connection 666 678 681 693 615 627 639 642 654

Awareness 777 789 792 714 726 738 741 753 765Spiritual Journey 888 891 813 825 837 849 852 864 876

Unity 999 912 924 936 948 951 963 975 987

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Page 8: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

humans relative understanding of the universe. The actual math behind all of light, sound, traditional music scales, and colors is all well laid out in Secrets and Welcome To Being Human. But here is a quick overview (for the curious). When using 417 as an anchor frequency in light/sound/etc, you will discover that the visible colors of the traditionally understood light spectrum will be as follows:

Tacking on some additional math and philosophical concepts that take hundreds of pages in my books to describe in full detail, you will get the following chart:

You have now been given more information in this chart than has EVER been disclosed before. In short you are understanding this shape :

417 ANCHOR Red Orange Yellow Green Hidden Cyan Blue Indigo Violet

Hidden Midnight Red


Nanometers 718.93 640.49 570.61 508.36 493.68 479.83 427.48 403.48 730.6 718.93

Frequency 417.00 468.07 525.39 589.73 607.26 312.40 350.65 371.50 410.34 417.00

417 ANCHOR Red Orange Yellow Green Hidden Cyan Blue Indigo Violet

Hidden Midnight Red


Nanometers 718.93 640.49 570.61 508.36 493.68 479.83 427.48 403.48 730.6 718.93

Frequency 417.00 468.07 525.39 589.73 607.26 312.40 350.65 371.50 410.34 417.00

Tonal Representation A B C# D#

Creates Tonal Sound of Suspension in Sus4 Chords

E F# G#

Creates Magic Sound in Major 7 Chords


Musical Steps to Next Note Whole Whole Whole Half - Whole Whole Half - WholeThe Universe’s Base-9 Spherical Architecture Overlay

1st Sphere

2nd Sphere

3rd Sphere

4th Sphere

5th Sphere

6th Sphere

7th Sphere

8th Sphere

9th Sphere


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Page 9: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

And yes, there is an order to the creation of these spheres. The fifth (center) and ninth (rear) spheres are hidden from view hence the wavy mirror phenomenon discussed earlier. We aren’t going to discuss that concept in detail here. Save that research for the books. However, you have been given more than you know.What you have now been shown in the previous chart and illustration is genuinely the key to everything. I want to emphasize this statement as much as I can. The key to everything. All of it. No exaggeration. Some information is to be inferred from the charts. Other information is to be applied from what has been shared herein to other facets of math, science, healthcare, cryptography, and even daily life. This is the key that will unlock every great discovery ahead. It is the pattern to All That Is. This information unlocks the knowledge of how thought became language, the origins of the earliest written language, the math of the pyramids and the ancients, how base-9 and base-10 work and how they should be used together for future advancement for humanity. But let’s not get too sidetracked here.This knowledge can all be found in the two books I mentioned earlier– Welcome to Being Human: An Instruction Book for Every Soul and Secrets (Book 8 from the series The Nine). Now, returning to the fractals…Likewise, 41.7 Hz is a fractal below the primary fractal. 4.17 hertz is the next fractal below that. This particular frequency is also inaudible because it is below the lowest sound a human can hear (which is 20 hertz). But do you know what? This number from the second fractal below falls in the vibrational frequency in which the brain operates during R.E.M. state. Essentially, it means that the various fractals of base–9 solfeggio mathematics fall in divine proportion and ratio to all of the sensory fields of the human experience. You are beginning to see this great divine architecture through this math.

The Pythagorean Solfeggio Skein was most recently brought back to public attention by G.W. Hardin (, a renown researcher & author who has made tremendous strides in the field of study for the Solfeggio system. He also introduced a slightly different subset of this skein referred to as the Masculine/Metatron Skein. The fractal and harmonic tones he included in this skein are not included in the initial releases of the Sonalkiss apps, but will likely be added in future updates. Details of this skein are provided in the following chart:

The Masculine/Metatron Solfeggio Skein Subset Name Angelic

ScaleThe 2nd Scale

The 3rd Scale

The 4th Scale

Universal Scale

The 6th Scale

Earthly Scale

Divine Scale

Natural Scale

Karmic Freqs 111 123 135 147 159 162 174 186 198

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Page 10: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

So here is the take away about solfeggio tones… The idea is that by subjecting the body to these divine ratios and proportions through the senses (sound and/or light are most common), the atomic structure of the body will become geometrically aligned in a crystalline structure which then will enable the alignment of the mind/body/soul trinity to occur in such a way that the doorway for higher dimensional healing can more easily take place.

PART 2 BINAURAL BEATS Taking it one step further, by inducing meditation through binaural tones the mind can be placed into an awakened, natural meditative state which also will place the whole body into a blissful state of existence on the same vibratory level as R.E.M. (the time during sleep when dreams occur). In this state of existence, doorways and pathways to higher dimensional thought, healing, and communication are opened up… all without having to go to sleep.

The brain operates a lot like a car engine. During active states of existence, the brain operates north of 60 Hz. This is like a car engine spinning fast while driving. But when a person goes to sleep, the brain slows down its vibratory patterns similar to how a car idles at rest. This state of idle in the brain is known as Delta state and reflects an operating range of anything less than 4Hz… basically just above the threshold of the brain ceasing to run at all.

Dream states occur in the Theta range (4–7 Hz). Deep contemplative states exist in the Alpha (7–13 Hz) and Beta (13–39 Hz) ranges. The latter range is perhaps best understood when a person is studying and unexposed to an outside environment. It may sound counterintuitive, but when the brain slows down, productivity increases. The brain operates in the following vibrational frequency ranges:

Remembering 222 234 246 258 261 273 285 297 219

Change 444 456 468 471 483 495 417 429 432

Connection 666 678 681 693 615 627 639 642 654

Unity 999 912 924 936 948 951 963 975 987

Fractal Tone 1011 1023 1035 1047 1059 1062 1074 1086 1098

Harmonic Tone 1455 1428 1482 1455 1428 1482 1455 1428 1482

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Page 11: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

Binaural Frequency Chart

The Binaural Technique The basic principle of the binaural technique is that through the use of pitch and/or time shifting the left and right channels of a stereo audio track, the brain can sense an inaudible pulse and sync itself up to it. It is akin to hearing a ticking clock and moving in synchronicity to it. Or, maybe a better illustration is in how women who become close friends tend to synchronize their menstrual cycles. This isn't an intentional biological action, but rather a reaction to nature.

When you think of the synchronicity of the human body to nature, it is important to think of the brain as the regulator of these processes. In terms of audio frequencies, the human ear can hear a range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. This means that the brain can operate in sync to an actual audible range. However, the meditative ranges of the brain operate below the audible range, so the binaural technique basically creates an inaudible pulse that the brain subconsciously detects and, with which, finds synchronicity.

What is a meditative frequency?

The brain has five identifiable operating ranges. Delta range is the operating range of a brain in a deep, dreamless sleep. This occurs between 0.5 Hz and 4 Hz. Theta range is the operating range identified as R.E.M. It occurs between 4Hz and 8 Hz and is the operating frequency when the brain is dreaming. But don't just think of a "dream" as the imagination running wild. No. This is actually where the soul unlatches from the human body and travels to other states of existence. It is akin to a doorway for the soul.

Dreams are often not understood for what they truly are... but that is another story. For now, just know that reaching R.E.M. state is like plugging in a phone for a quick charge. Many studies have been had regarding R.E.M. states. In all cases, the resulting studies indicate that the only portion of sleep required to function as a human is R.E.M. Any other portion only serves to help rest the body, not rejuvenate or heal.

Frequencies Name> 40 Hz Gamma waves

13–39 Hz Beta waves

7–13 Hz Alpha waves

8–12 Hz Mu waves

4–7 Hz Theta waves

< 4 Hz Delta waves

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Page 12: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

But more on R.E.M....This particular operating frequency is the single state the brain reaches that opens a doorway to a perfect bliss. There are many words for what the experience feels like. Some people simply call it "dreaming." Some people may call it "traveling to the heavens." Some may use the term "Astral Projection." Others may identify this state as simply "prayer" or "meditation." Still others may identify it with terms such as Love, bliss, and even intra–dimensional travel. The terms all vary because what each human does beyond the door is relative to their own abilities, capacities, and acquired skillsets.

It is also important to know that every person's frequency to the R.E.M. doorway will be slightly different and there will be many factors affecting how easily each person can find and access that doorway. But the goal is to guide the brain to find it. From there, the possibilities are endless.

In scientific terms, R.E.M. is an operating frequency of the brain that causes a certain neuro–chemical soup to be created. Dopamine and serotonin are released during this time. The pineal gland will also release DMT (dimethyltryptamine). This is the same chemical that is released heavily at the point of death in a human body and is related to out-of-body experiences and near death experiences where stories are told of traveling to an afterlife. It is the same chemical reproduced in the Ayahuasca drinks discovered by Shamans and Native American Indians as a vehicle to spirit walk.

Ironically, while DMT occurs naturally in every part of nature and biology (including the human brain), governments around the world have deemed possessing this chemical (or plants that produce it in high enough content) as one of the most severe criminal drug offenses possible. But more on that in a minute...

For now, it is important to understand that all stimulants (alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.) create small bursts of dopamine, serotonin, and DMT. Even yoga, mediation, and sports provide the same outlet for creating this same neuro–chemical soup. This chemical reaction in the brain is specifically how the term "runner's high" came about... However, no stimulant produces enough of it to maintain a state of bliss – only glimmers. Most humans identify the glimmer as something to strive toward and reach again, so they continue using whatever tool is at their disposal to experience that glimmer of bliss again. For example, one sip of alcohol produces the same amount of dopamine (a reward chemical) in the brain that a whole night of drinking will produce. Now it makes sense why a night of drinking starts out with a flash of bliss before it goes downhill.

But back to DMT...

It is often called "The Spirit Molecule" due to its relationship to R.E.M. In actuality, the desire to create a synthetic way of reaching R.E.M. led the the US government to create LSD… which led to the hippie/peace/Love movement. It is essentially a synthetic version of DMT although offering an altered experience of the biological perfection the

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neuro–chemical soup creates during R.E.M. Ironically, the US government owns a patent on LSD... then subsequently added it to the list of banned substances.

If you are wondering why DMT and LSD are being mentioned, there is a purpose… It is important to understand that all psychoactive drugs are human creations made with the intention to reproduce a natural phenomenon in the human body. Essentially, psychoactive pharmaceuticals attempt to place the brain into a state of euphoria so that it can release the external world long enough to travel through the doorways to the other side.

This is exactly why science is at odds with medical marijuana. Scientifically, there is no chemical proof it does anything for the human body to heal. And truthfully, it does't heal. But what it does is place the brain/body/soul alignment in a close enough state to R.E.M. that the body finds a way to the door to help heal itself.

Humans have been healing themselves since the dawn of creation. It is only during the modern ages of external chemicals and toxins polluting nature, food supplies, and water resources that gave rise to a pharmaceutical industry built upon creating “pharmaceutical drill sergeants” that could shout at the human biology louder than the toxins were doing.

It is truly a self–created disaster in slow motion. The perpetuators of this evil (maybe even unknowingly) drove the creation of other controlling financial industries that created narratives to squash any possibility that humans could regain their sovereignty from the toxic oppression. It sounds political... it is. But it is greater. This is about returning to Oneness – the ability to experience the abundance from behind the doorways, the ability to be healed instantly, to achieve an awareness of self beyond the human body.

So enough of the backstory, let's return to binaural techniques.Now you can see why some people have proclaimed "binaural beats" to be a euphoric drug. After all, it is attempting to help guide the human brain to the same R.E.M. state that is experienced every night during sleep. But if you are expecting to experience a high, you may be disappointed. Binaural techniques are more akin to muscle exercises for the brain which can potentially lead to this type of high/experience. Once the brain can consistently (and more intimately) become "in–tune" with its natural operating ranges (and what occurs during the different frequency states), the true purpose of the binaural technique will be understood.

You see, when a human is more aware of the doorway, he can heal himself with greater efficiency. He can expand awareness and remove the noise, chaos, and toxins of the

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outside world. It may sound like a hippie concept, but the goal here is to be able to find a state of bliss within, after which will transcend and translate into the outside world.

So while the binaural technique is intended to help a person reach R.E.M. state during waking moments, it is more importantly intended to help a person become more aware of these doorways without the need for assistance of binaural techniques.

What to expect with binaural tones? There are numerous factors that will require specific frequencies (or combinations thereof) to be used in lieu of others. The Earth has a heartbeat (The Schumann Resonance). The sun has a heartbeat. The human body has a heartbeat. These are all moving metrics (among others). So, binaural tones should be viewed similar to a pendulum swinging between extremes until the listener finds equilibrium.

Know that it is entirely possible to have lucid experiences the first time binaural tones are used. Personally (and my experience may be a bit different from others, but it is truly my story), I experienced an out–of–body experience that took me to another part of the globe while (in reality) I was sitting in a blacked-out room with headphones on – all within 10 minutes of listening to my very first binaural tones. Prior to this I had never tried meditation. Other people’s results will vary. Just remember, it will take the best–trained humans somewhere between 7 and 11 minutes to reach a pure meditative state. I was lucky perhaps, but it is possible for anyone on the first attempts. Patience, silence, and a darkened, peaceful environment are critical to the process.

About the Sonalkiss Approach to Binaural Beats Sonalkiss uses the root concept and does not follow the popularized concepts of "binaural" plugins. The Sonalkiss series of apps and virtual instruments only use sine waves since they are the most pure and geometrically perfect type of vibration able to be expressed in human form. There is a simplicity to them because it is a tone with a perfect rotation around an axis. In effect, sound is not a wave, but a spherical movement of vibration through air. Sine waves are akin to moving the air in perfect spiritual and spherical symmetry.The idea of using simplistic, geometric patterns is most important because the technique used to create a binaural pulse is a calculated, mathematical distance of a tonal shift between the left and right channels of a stereo sound. This shift may only be barely noticeable to the most trained ears, but is detected very easily by the brain when wearing headphones and the tones are not hidden behind other music and sounds.

While nature sounds and other tonal palettes can create beautiful meditative pieces, the idea of the Sonalkiss apps is to provide the purest, most refined tool available to the end users. It also provides a never-before-offered tool that enables music creators and sound designers an easy way to implement solfeggio tones and binaural shifts into their music. This is a first in the industry!

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Page 15: Primordial Sounds of Creation - · The first solfeggio scale is composed of the following numbers: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. A skein is a group nine

PART 3 USEFUL TIPS & TRICKS FOR BINAURAL MUSIC PRODUCTION Unless the binaural technique is performed with single sine waves through the same math employed in the Sonalkiss apps, it will not mathematically produce the desired subliminal pulse required for the brain to detect and find synchronicity. While there are tools that market themselves as being able to create a “binaural effect” upon existing audio tracks, this particular “binaural effect” is explicitly different in meaning, context, and results from the binaural technique written about in this guide.

BPMSNothing can be more important in creating healing sound than by ensuring all effects and tempos are in sync with biology. Did you know that the average BPM of a heartbeat of someone at peace is the same BPM used in most love songs? By triggering this thought, it can be easy to see why music listened to during aerobic workouts tends to be at a faster BPM. The body and mind naturally want to be in sync with its surroundings. This can be used in a music creation state to ensure that an active mind can be brought down to a state of meditation and trance, and then return to an awakened state in a very peaceful and gradual manner.

Mixing SoundsIn the production of a meditative track, the introduction of various instruments can serve as an accent to the audible journey. But it is also important to see how they can serve as a murky mixture of frequencies to an otherwise pristine sine–wave journey. Be careful in your choosing of sounds and frequencies. Make sure they accent the sine wave frequencies and do not draw the listener away. This is generally why a lot of meditative music uses atonal instruments such as percussion, chimes, rain sticks, singing bowls, glass, bells, and gongs, etc. These atonal instruments serve as accents rather than serving as a melodic focal point.

Simple is betterAdding instrumental complexity to a meditative track can be done with great effectiveness, but generally a simplistic approach is much more effective. The approach is dependent on the intention. If ego becomes the driver in the composition, then keep in mind the listener will be hearing an ego and may not reach the meditative state intended when the production was first approached.

Swing them like a pendulumBinaural tones will swing a person into a lower more focused state. Guiding a person to theta state (R.E.M.) is a bit more of a challenge, but sometimes it takes a process of swinging lower, then back up, then even lower, then higher, etc. This technique is how a

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person leads a person without force. The brain will automatically follow naturally, but it will reject force. So be gentle when using it.

Don't just use solfeggio sounds on people…Seriously! Blast your drinking water with solfeggio sounds. It creates a geometric symmetry to the atomic structure. If you are drinking non–solfeggio–infused water, you are consuming knotted–up atomic structures. If the idea is for the body to become crystalline based in form, would it not make sense that a body composed of 80% water should be nourished with the most crystalline atomic structures possible? If water has been scientifically proven to create snowflake patterns when subjected to solfeggio frequencies before freezing, then it could easily be understood how the structure is important for optimal biological structure.

Water is the greatest absorbent material on Earth. It only makes sense that it carries with it the intention placed into it. If you have any questions or doubts about this, watch the movie "What the Bleep" on Netflix. You will soon learn why water has been shown to carry "blessings" with it and used as a symbol within spiritual practices since the dawn of mankind. Regardless of your stance regarding religion, it becomes easy to see that water itself is one of the greatest conduits for delivering intentions to others.


The bottom line. Using solfeggio numbers as frequencies can result in great effectiveness in helping the body remember where those energetic doorways are located beyond the wavy mirror reflection it perceives in human form. These divine proportions anchor vibratory locations in the visual and audible spectrum to which the body intuitively responds in kind. The scales and skeins represent a further type of proportion between the spheres as ratios and doorways to different "dimensions." But do not be dissuaded by the sci–fi theme here. The idea of dimensions is more akin to higher vibratory levels of existence beyond the rate at which earthly biology vibrates. The same could be said for alternative timelines and string theory. But let's not go down this rabbit hole too much here. For now, just assume that using different scales can evoke the ability for the soul to remember beyond just the hidden energetic doorways on Earth (Pythagorean Scale 7). These other scales can be understood as a way to further re–calibrate the body to remembering the roadmap beyond the Earthly veil.

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Did you know that Tibetan singing bowls are tuned to solfeggio tones due to their healing and meditative properties?

Did you know that the original Do–Re–Fa–So–La–Ti–Do scale used solfeggio frequencies rather than the now standardized major music scale?

Did you know that many orchestras prefer to tune their instruments to a central frequency of 432 Hz or 441 Hz (both solfeggio numbers) rather than the traditional frequency where the note A = 440 Hz? This is their “anchor” discussed earlier.

Did you know that 528 Hz is used in scientific laboratories to help repair damaged DNA? This particular solfeggio tone is special for many reasons, but the light frequency that converts over to this color will also stimulate healing as well.

Remember how the 5th solfeggio number (528) from the charts and illustrations earlier in the guide also represents the hidden central sphere of that three-dimensional cube shape? It wasn’t discussed in detail, but this part of the light spectrum is referred to as the azure colored Ninth Ray in the book/movie John Carter. It is said to be a mythological ray of light that harnesses all of the power of the Universe. This, too, exists and is not just some Hollywood fantasy plot.

Did you know that the governments of the world explicitly prohibit building lasers above a certain threshold of power? Could it be that the technology has long existed to open physical, dimensional-space-time doorways through the use of lasers tuned to specific solfeggio ratios when used with a certain threshold of power? This is more than a theory. It is very true and will also single-handedly dismantle the current healthcare/pharmaceutical industry when it becomes accepted in the mainstream.

Did you know that regulations and laws exist that prohibit the use of power sources capable of creating enough energy to bring all of this science and technology together in such a way where devices of this divine magnitude can be created? Again, it is more than a theory. This is mathematical and scientific fact.

If you are having trouble wrapping your mind around the solfeggio-as-hidden-knowledge concept, look no further than a map of the United States. The names of the highways and interstates around much of the USA, but specifically Cape Canaveral (known for NASA) are named after solfeggio numbers.

Why was Cape Canaveral chosen by NASA? Could it be due to a natural energy grid of the Earth could be harnessed to advance space flight? There exists an

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invisible map of frequencies overlaying the Earth where certain "energies" can be tapped for further use in the Earthly world. They are called ley lines.

If the idea of ley lines interests you, look up Ed Leedskalnin and his Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida, USA. Also look up the locations of every ancient monolithic structure on the planet. Nearly all of them fall within a narrow band that circles the globe. Humans wonder how they came to be? It has just been forgotten! These locations are all based on solfeggio points of resonance. If the ley lines continue interest you, there is a Google Earth overlay file that is available for download from the website.

Did you know that the math of the pyramids is based on solfeggio ratios converted into earthly base-10 numbers? This is why their monolithic structures have withstood the test of time.

Ever wonder how certain aircrafts receive numbers associated with the make and model of the craft? Look no further than the F–117 Nighthawk Stealth fighter. Guess what? 117 is a solfeggio number (7 + 1 + 1 = 9). A plane built on sonic stealth technology using a solfeggio number as its model? This is not a coincidence. The minds at NASA know. The list goes on...

The nine solfeggio scales containing nine trinities of numbers represent the first nine spheres of creation. It is a trinity of trinities! If you watch movies, this is the same concept discussed in the movie Thor when he speaks of the Nine Realms. It isn't just movie imagination either... this is all evident in ancient mythology which is often chalked up as fantasy rather than fact. Perhaps knowledge was being covered up?

Particular locations in the lower RF spectrum where solfeggio ratios exist are blocked from global use by none other than NASA. Surprised? Now why would NASA block these portions of the spectrum from public and global use? Ah, now you can see why there is so much speculation about certain echelons and controller groups. Propaganda efforts would try to strike this out as just a conspiracy. But…?

Ever wonder why so many dreams are said to have surreal colors and why so much fantasy art seems to use deep shades of magenta/purple and bright shades of cyan? Simply, this artwork is the outward expression of something impossible to observe in the third density of Earth... or maybe a better way of saying it is that humans have become desensitized to these portions of the measurable spectrum, but our dreams help us remember these non-reproducible colors.

There is so much more to discover! Much more can be learned through the book Secrets as well as Welcome to Being Human: An Instruction Book for Every Soul. These books are available through Amazon and major book retailers and are also linked to from this guide. We invite you to explore as much as possible of this particular subject area and enjoy using the iOS apps and Kontakt Virtual Instruments that we have created.  In truth, the original iOS apps were created seven years ago to assist in our own research, but were made publicly available (with widespread success!) to anyone else that was interested in solfeggio and binaural research as well. Now, 2019 brings a dawn of new releases, including v2.0 of the iOS apps and the new Kontakt Instrument.

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