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Page 1: Prime One School Periodical (Nov 2007 Edition)

Periodical?Independence Day?Graduation Day?Back to School?Monthly Guests?Science Projects?Monthly Compositions

September 2007 Edition

Page 2: Prime One School Periodical (Nov 2007 Edition)

Editorial TeamEditor- in- Chief: Ms. Fauziah Lubis, M. HumEditor: Ms. Sarah Kate Michel, B.A. Hons.Science Editor: Mr. Haoken, MScBahasa Editor: Mr. Andreas, M. HumMandarin Editor: Mr. Ganesha Huang, BAEnglish Editor: Ms. Sarah

Writers: Ms. Ivanawaty, SH, Ms. Sarah, Ms. FauziahMs. Meliana, SE, Ms. Ninie , ST., MBA

Graphic Designer: Mr. Haoken

Photography: Mr. Ganesha Huang, Mr. Andri Leo

Page 3: Prime One School Periodical (Nov 2007 Edition)


1. Forward 1

2. From our Centre Director 2

3. Mr. Amrin Profile 3

4. Graduation Day 7

5. Independence Day 13

6. Note from Ms. Meli 18

7. PG Classes and Photos 19

8. K Photos and Classes 22

9. Note from Ms. Fauziah 27

10. Elementary Classes 28

11. Note from Ms. Ninie 32

12. Junior High Classes 33

13. News in Brief 35

14. Monthly Guest: Basketball Players 37

15. Student Work/ Get Creative 39

16. Science Project of the month 41

17. Composition of the month 47

18. Performance at Pardede Hall 50

19. Fieldtrip to Astra International 52

20. Tips 55

Page 4: Prime One School Periodical (Nov 2007 Edition)

A few words from us …..

How time flies!

June was a tough month for everybody especially E

6 students, when they had to prepare themselves for their final

semestral assessment and national examinations. Passing the

exam is one main goal but more importantly is that E 6 students

have to prepare themselves for more challenges ahead

academically and socially. In this edition we look at the

farewell for Elementary 6 and graduation ceremony for the

Kindergarten students to celebrate their moving to Elementary

and Junior High School respectively.

July, was tiring, but fun and exciting for POS staff.

We moved from our small, familiar, school in KH Dahlan to our

bigger, brighter premises on Jl. Jend. Besar A.H. Nasution No.

88A(d/h Tritura).

In August, POS proved itself by celebrating

Independence day in style.

In this edition you can find out about all that and much,

much more! You can even find out about the man who

started this all- Mr. Amrin Susilo Halim.


Happy Independence Day!

From the Periodical Editorial Team.

Page 5: Prime One School Periodical (Nov 2007 Edition)

Educating is not an easy thing to do. congratulate and thank principals, However, educating plays the most teachers and all staff at POS as all of important role in someone's life. Anyone them have dedicated themselves can become a teacher but not everybody professionally in teaching and educating can become an educator. the students.

“No action, nothing happens. When you Importantly, I have noticed POS take action, miracles happen”. students' marvelous progress as there is a And, they happen at Prime One School. strong and solid support and cooperation

between school, parents and students. Officially POS started to operate on the Thank you, POS parents and students!

th As long as we can maintain this 16 of July, 2004. There were only about commitment, I believe POS students 50 students altogether at that time. Due will get the best education they deserve to solid team work and dedication, POS to get.has kept growing until today there are as

many as 544 students in Pre-School up to In gratitude, Junior High. What an amazing growth!

Mme Dewi, S.Pd, Centre DirectorTherefore, I personally would like to

From our Centre Director, Mme Dewi. S.Pd

IF you don't know POS, you don't know the best


Mme Dewi (Centre) with POS’ teachers


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Mr. Amrin Susilo Halim

Do you know POS' most prominent member?

Do you know how many businesses he handles? - Director of PT. Majaria Kencana Sakti- Main Distributor of electronics ( Sanyo, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Electrolux,

Technogas, Philips, General, LaGermania, Ariston- The Commissioner of WIRA security- The Chairman of PT. Bintang Jaya Sakti Kencana - The Chairman of Saint Andrew- The Chairman of IBBI and Neo Petro School Foundation Wow!!!

He is also involved in some organisations:- Director of Indonesia China Board- Secretary of International Pendidikan Indonesia Tiong Hua ( Inti )

Pak Amrin said, on one occasion: “Since I founded a school in 1996, I held many discussions and talks with

the experts in education, local and foreign experienced teachers who have inspired me a lot to create quality schools in Medan so that it can result in knowledgeable,

If you don't, maybe it's because he prefers to work 'backstage'. Now let's get acquainted with him.Mr. Amrin Susi lo Halim is the chief of the POS Foundation. Since he was a child, he was such an inquisitive boy that he would search for answers to anything relentlessly. That was what makes him what he is now.


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independent, confident, well-mannered, creative, and tough human resources.”For sure, it costs a lot. For a quality education we have to provide a minimum of 3 quality learning resources, namely:

1. Human resources including founder's board, education consultants, principals, subject coordinators, student consultant staff, canteen staff, securities, responsible drivers, cleaning service staff.

2. Quality media resources such as : curriculum, books, language lab, computer lab, science lab, library, internet, art, and music , LCD projector, Audio Visual programme and teaching aids.

3. Environmental resources: representative school building, convenient and comfortable classrooms, sports equipment and playground.

“We have to have a clear school mission and vision, management system, working structure and teaching method based on local culture so we can have local wisdom, but global mind.” he says convincingly. WOW ! ( for the second time ) Don't you see, how big his concern towards education and educating people is?Hmmm , …….. I want to be like him one day…


Profil Bapak Amrin Susilo Halim

Tahukah kamu t en t ang seseorang yang paling penting di Prime One School? Ayo, berkenalan dengan Mr. Amrin Susilo Halim, ketua yayasan POS. Sejak kecil beliau mempunyai rasa ingin tahu yang besar tentang segala hal. Hal tersebutlah yang mungkin menjadikan beliau seperti sekarang ini.

Sekarang ini beliau menangani banyak hal: menjadi direktur PT. Majaria Kencana Sakti, distributor utama Sanyo, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Electrolux, Teknogas, Phillips, General, LaGermania, Ariston, komisaris WIRA Security, ketua PT. Bintang Jaya Sakti Kencana, ketua yayasan pendidikan IBBI, Neo Petro dan Saint Andrew, direktur mesin elektronik lembaga Indonesia China, dan sekretaris pendidikan Indonesia Tionghua (INTI). “Sejak saya mendirikan sekolah pada tahun 1996, saya selalu berdiskusi dengan


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para ahli pendidikan, guru-guru dan musik, LSC, program audio- dalam dan luar negeri yang visual, alat peraga. berpengalaman. Mereka telah 3) Sumber lingkungan: menginspirasi saya untuk bangunan yang representatif, kelas menciptakan sekolah yang yang nyaman, peralatan sport dan berkualitas di Medan yang akan tempat bermain. menghasilkan individu-individu yang berpengetahuan, mandiri, “Kita harus memiliki visi-misi sekolah percaya diri, kreatif, tangguh dan yang jelas, sistim manajemen, struktur berbudi luhur,” katanya dalam suatu dan metode mengajar berdasarkan kesempatan. budaya kita sehingga, kita memiliki

kebijaksanaan yang sesuai dengan akar Tentu saja, pembangunan sekolah dimana kita tumbuh, dengan pemikiran yang berkualitas membutuhkan yang global,” beliau menambahkan. banyak biaya. Menurut beliau Hmmm…. Beliau sangat perhatian dibutuhkan tiga sumber yang terhadap pendidikan dan bagaimana penting untuk pendidikan mendidik dengan cara yang terbaik. berkualitas: Saya ingin menjadi seperti beliau suatu 1) Sumber daya manusia, hari nanti. termasuk yayasan, konsultan (F.L.) pendidikan, direktur, kepala sekolah, koordinator mata pelajaran, staff konsultan untuk siswa, staff kantin, keamanan supir, petugas kebersihan. 2) Sumber media yang berkualitas: kurikulum, buku, laboratorium bahasa dan komputer, perpustakaan, internet, ruang seni


Page 9: Prime One School Periodical (Nov 2007 Edition)


众所皆知林甲大先生除了是甲大国际规范学校的基金会董事长,他也是Majaria股份有限公司的董事长。Majaria 是苏北省 Sanyo、Mitsubishi、Panasonic、Electroluc、Teknogas、Phillips, General 、LaGermania、 Ariston等电器用品总代理。IBBI 经济贸易管理学院和Saint Andrew董事长、Wira保全公司理事长、Neo Petro学校董事长、Indonesia China Board董事长,和苏

北印华总会 ( INTI ) 秘书。

林甲大先生在开场中致词。 “ 我从一九九六年开始创办学校,在这期间我不停地和从事教育的工作者交换意见。从他们的经验中,我不断的创新,



( 1 ) 优秀人才:其中包括 基金会、顾问、校长、学科主任、教师、行政人员等等。

( 2 ) 外围设施:图书馆、视听教室、实验室、礼堂、计算机教室、音乐教室、等等。 ( 3 ) 教学环境:宽敞的教室、新式的器具、游乐场等等。




Page 10: Prime One School Periodical (Nov 2007 Edition)

Kindergarten 2 Graduation and Elementary 6 Farewell Ceremony

Prime One School's Marching Band wait to perform

Upacara wisuda dan perpisahan SD POS

The most lavish event POS has celebrated so far… Teachers, parents and students alike dressed to impress for this event. Performances, speeches and a touching graduation ceremony kept guests entertained through the two and a half hour celebration at Grand Liberty restaurant. Prime One Periodical presents the highlights of this classy event.

Upacara wisuda dan perpisahan SD Prime One School pada hari Sabtu,tanggal 16 Juni 2007 yang baru lalu , Prime One School kembali

menyelenggarakan acara spektakuler dengan topik “ Graduation and Farewell Ceremony” di Grand Liberty Jl. Putri hijau, Medan. Acara ini,

dalam rangka mewisuda murid murid tamatan TK dan

perpisahan dengan siswa/i kelas 6 SD Prime One School

dibawah arahan MC, Ms. Sarah Michel, acara yang berlangsung selama dua

setengah jam itu mengalir cepat memukau hadirin karena

diselingi dengan atraksi-atraksi kreatif siswa/i Prime

One School.


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Kindergarten 2 Graduation and Elementary 6 Farewell Ceremony

Our Graduands (Para Wisudawan/ Wisudawati)


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Kindergarten 2 Graduation and Elementary 6 Farewell Ceremony

E1 and E2 students perform the musical: "The Kingdom of Malawi"Siswa/i kelas 1 dan 2 menampilkan sebuah drama yang berjudul

"Kerajaan Malawi “

The graduation procession enters the hall:Ms. Fauziah, Mr. Lim, Mme. Dewi, Mr. Huang, Ms. Susan (from

left to right)Acara pokok wisuda murid-murid TK diawali dengan prosesi

dipimpin oleh Ms. Susan dengan membawa tongkat prosesi wisudadiikuti oleh barisan bendera merah putih, bendera yayasan danbendera sekolah, yang mendahului guru besar : Dewi, S.Pd, LimQue Seng dan Fauziah, S.S., M.Hum serta anak-anak murid TKyang akan diwisuda dan anak SD yang melakukan perpisahan.


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Kindergarten 2 Graduation and Elementary 6 Farewell Ceremony

K2 graduands enjoy the showWisudawan/ wisudawati menikmati


Mr Amrin Susilo Halim,the founder of POS gives

a speech.Bapak Amrin Susilo Halim,

pendiri POS memberikan pidato.

Speech by Prof. Dr. Amrin Fauzi,POS educational advisor.

Acara ini semakin berkesan dengankata sambutan yang diberikan olehProf.Dr. Amrin Fauzi seorang pakarpendidikan yang merupakan tamu

kehormatan POS.

Speech by Mr. Juswan, POSadvisor

Pak Juswan sebagai penasehatPrime One School tidak ketinggalan

menyampaikan wejangannya.


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Kindergarten 2 Graduation and Elementary 6 Farewell Ceremony

Signing of Contract with I-Tutor, the school's new e- learning programme.

Acara ini ditandai pula dengan penandatanganan naskah kerjasama antara Prime One School dengan I- Tutor Net. yang diikuti presentasi oleh pihak I Tutor Net: Mr. Charlie Halim, Mme Dewi, Mr. Juswan,

Mr. Amrin, Susilo Halim, Mr. Sofyan, Prof. Dr. Amrin Fauzi.

The graduands of Kindergardenwith E6 students and School Choir

(from front to back)

Cowboy dance- YEEEHAAA!


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Kindergarten 2 Graduation and Elementary 6 Farewell Ceremony

A touching moment: students hold lit candles while singing “Aulde Lang Sine”

Ivy ( Elementary 6 ) says thank youto their teachers.

Zesselyn (Elementary 6) presents flowers to her homeroom teacher, Ms. Rosemary.

A sincere thank you to our beautifulHomeroom Teachers:

Ms. Rosemary, Ms. Herlina and Ms. Chelsia



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Pre-school Independence Day


Happy Independence day!!!

The little boys and girls along with their fun-loving, beautiful teachers hadthe time of their lives. Saluting, playing, dancing, eating noodles and winningprizes (!).

Red and White like 213 precious

little flags saluting to their

country's flag

“GOT IT !”. 'Makan

Krupuk', a traditional


Students, teachers and principal alike took part in the games.


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Elementary& Junior High

Independence Day Celebrations

17th of August, 2007

I truly believe that Prime One captured the spirit of '45 in their Independencecelebrations this year.Serious, erect, students dressed immaculately of all different races, skin coloursand religions saluted the flag and prayed together underneath the hot sun,followed by a playful, joyous celebration of the day.Just take a look and you'll be jealous if you didn't join!

Elementary pupils standing to


Junior High Student's Choir and Procession

Just as serious and good-looking asin 1945

(Rizky, Fiona, and Nickent)


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Mummies VS. Teachers 2-1Mothers of POS students, including Mme Yanti, take part in

the festivities. THANK YOU and Congratulations!

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY EVERYBODY! Junior High School Student Council organized this event in cooperation with Mr. Budi, Mr. Fauzi, Ms. Nike, Mr. Doddy, Mr. Huang, Mr. Lim, Ms. Yung-

Yung and all the teachers, parents, staff, principals and founder.Thank you for our best Independence Day EVER.

Without the blood, suffering and struggle of our heroes…we would never

experience the beauty of peace we have today…so thanks to them and let us pray that God will always be with them.

Joined in and got muddy: Security guards, Teachers, Drivers and Parents.

Elementary& Junior High

Independence Day Celebrations


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Elementary& Junior High

Independence Day Celebrations

Seberapa meriahkah 17 Agustus-an di PrimeOne school? Wah…lihat saja baru pukul 7.30-an, beberapa siswa sudah berdatangan kegedung POS yang megah. Semangat 45 ternyata belum luntur juga yah, meskipun sekarang sudah tahun 2007 ….“ Happy Independence Day…” sapa guru-guru yang menyambut kedatangan para siswa dengan senyum yang ramah. POS memang sedang menggalakkan “ SMART “ yaitu : Senyum, Menawan, Antusias, Ramah dan Tanggap kepada semua keluarga besar POS. Hebat yah…Rencana perayaan hari kemerdekaan tahun ini telah diatur para anggota Organisasi Siswa POS yang terdiri dari pelajar-pelajar sekolah menengah pertama di POS. Sesuai dengan visi dan misi POS untuk membentuk siswa-siswa yang mandiri dan kreatif, kegiatan pada hari itu adalah salah satu pengaktualisasiannya.

Kelvin (JH2) leads theprocession seriously

Raising the flagMme Dewi, centre

director, led the ceremony. Winners of Teacher's Yel-yel.Dan selesai upacara…wow..kamu pasti tidak percaya kalau ternyata ada

pertandingan Yel-Yel antar guru, staff dan para murid. Para guru Playgroup dan TK sangat pintar menyanyi dan berjoget. Yel-yel mereka sangat menarik. Para kepala sekolahpun tidak ketinggalan ikut mendukung Yel-yel tersebut. Terlihat

jelas kekompakan tim inti POS ini.


r cu

te a











Page 20: Prime One School Periodical (Nov 2007 Edition)

Elementary& Junior High

Independence Day Celebrations

Mahatma Gandhi's confidentand creative youngsters

Winners of the Junior High Yel-Yel

Dan tibalah show kelas perkelas. Lihatlah..ada yang membawa bambu

runcing pula, ada yang bernyanyi dengan merdu, ada juga yang berjoget ala penyanyi dangdut hehe…yang penting kan kompak

dan bahagia ya..

Let the GAMES BEGIN!!! Setelah itu terjadilah

pertandingan fisik yang seru, seperti sack racing ( lomba karung ), Tug- of

War ( tarik tambang ) yang diikuti bukan saja murid dan guru tapi juga guru dengan para orang tua….wah

serunyaaa..ternyata para mama-mama kuat juga ya…lomba balon dan

banyak lomba-lomba lainnya….wah..wah..wah….Tidak ada

17 Agustus-an seindah di POS yah..Elementary 6's Galactic FreedomFighters


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It is a wonderful start for me as a Pre-School principal to see so many childrenfrom diverse religions, cultures and traditions coming to Prime One School.Their eagerness to learn and play shows that the children have adjusted well. Let this be a challenge for me to mould the children to become independent learners. For that is what education is all about.

Yours Truly,Ms. Meliana, SEPrincipal of Pre-School


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PG MushroomTeachers: Ms. Melda and Ms. Lily

Now our students have settled down and begun to socializewith their friends.What surprises us is that this is their first school and yet they can do a lot of things by themselves.

Thanks for trusting us as your teachers.Thank you children, we love you all.


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PG CactusTeachers: Ms. Yuyu and Ms. Riris

Thankfully, the students of PG cactus have settled down.They like studying and yet, going to the playground as

well. Their favourite songs are “Andai ku jadi kupu-kupu” and “Row-row your boat”.


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Class: PG BonsaiTeachers: Ms. Fenny and Ms. Tetty

“Row, row, row your boat, Gently own the streamIF you see a crocodile,



Do you know which PG classcan scream the loudest?

Yes, we are Bonsai!The most beautiful, smart and

cute class. We love to sing all the time. But

we are good at studying too. Brothers and sisters, be careful if

you are standing beside PG Bonsai students, because we are small, just like our class name

( he, he!)PG Bonsai, YESS!


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K1 SakuraTeachers: Ms. Chelsia and Ms. Elsa

K1 Sakura students are very cute andenergetic. They are able to follow theclass rules well. They can alsosocialize with their friends,classmates and teachers.

K2 WhaleTeacher: Ms. Susan and Ms. Amy

K2 Whale is the biggest of allthe K2 classes. All of ourstudents have big brains. we meanthey are all very smart.Why?Well, because they learnt to writetheir own complete names andthe name of our class “w-h-a-l-e”in only one week. we are veryproud of them.Some of them performed a fundance at Pardede Hall. Theylooked cute and happy.We plan to train them to read andwrite some sentences.It will be a great miracle to see itourselves.


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Dolphin (Kindergarten 2)Teachers: Ms. Silvia and Ms. Sri

K2 Dolphin students interact and socialize easily with teachers andpeers. They are keen on trying to learn new things. K2 Dolphinstudents are known as active, energetic and creative students. Theycan work very well in a team.


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K1 SunflowerTeachers: Ms. Rosemary & Ms. Angela

K1 Sunflower is very settled now.They are very enthusiastic aboutthe lessons. And they also like to play at indoor playground. They like to do colouring. And they won first and second place in the colouring competition held on Independence Day.

K2 OctopusTeachers: Ms. Janice &Ms. Elis

Every student in K2Octopus is very unique.They are cheerful, smart andcreative.We have learnt to socializewith each other as onefamily in the last twomonths. We are so proud tobe in the family.We love you, K2 Octopus.


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K1 TulipTeachers: Ms. Rofina & Ms. Any

Most of the students in this classare very active, but they are

starting to listen and obey theteacher.

During the first days ofschool, some of the

students found it difficultto adapt because it was a

new environment forthem. But after some

time, they can adapt well.They have socialized verywell among students, as

well as with the teachers.Some of them are

independent, which makes us feel very proud. For

us, our students are reallyprecious and we love

teaching them.


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K2 ClownfishTeachers: Ms. Rosmina & Ms. Sri

K2 Clownfish students are very loveable. Like all children, they are playfultoo. Still they understand when to be serious and when to play. What I lovethe most is that they know how to take care of their classroom. Clownfish loves their teachers and for sure we love them too. Once you know them, you will not get enough of them.


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Comments Elementary

Warmest Greetings,It is my pleasure to say hello to you again through our periodical. A specialwelcome to POS' extended family this school year!Seeing the new students fitting in with all of us here at POS is such a joyespecially when I see them trying their best to keep communicating in English.Time has moved so fast, the first monthly assessment in August, first monthlyreports…Principals, Coordinators and teachers wish you good luck!

Best regards,Ms. Fauziah, S.S., M. Hum


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Comments Elementary

Elementary 1: AmazonHomeroom: Ms. Rika

Amazon class is an amazing class where you can see various students withdifferent personalities. On their first day of school, most Amazons could adaptwell, but some were still crying. Come the second week, everything was runningwell. They have learnt to be polite and disciplined, such as: always greets theteacher, position their chairs before they go home, and pray before eating andstarting the lesson.

ThamesHomeroom: Ms. Lena

“River Thames, River Thames!”

English: We learn a lot! Things in theclassroom; At the Park, and Family that goestogether in Social Studies.Their English is getting better they can'tstop talking now (!).

Math: We learnt about addition; NumberBonds; Number Words from one to ten.Science: We learnt about ‘Parts of the Body’and ‘Sense of Order’.

Active, cute, fast-talking, that's Thames!


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Comments Elementary

Sahara (Elementary 4)Homeroom: Mr. Rony

Well-behaved, creative, independent andtalkative!Some students are less confident, so that issomething we will be working on next month.

Loch Ness (Elementary 2)Homeroom: Ms. Rosenni

Having a big newclassroom is reallysomething exciting for E2Loch Ness. They haveadapted to the system of theclass and the school. Theybegin to study morecompetitively and seriouslyas day goes by.


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Comments Elementary

Mediterranean (ElementaryThree)Homeroom: Mr. Andi Dinata

E3 Mediterranean students areintelligent and cooperative.They care about their friends and classmates.Some of them have problems with their spoken English, but they have started to use the new vocabularies they have learnt.

Lake Toba (Elementary Two)Homeroom: Ms. Nike

E2 Lake Toba students enthusiastically went to schoolon their first day. They were surprised with their newbuilding and class. Some of them were still unfamiliarwith the class situation but it was only for a few days.

They love English class. They've learnt about “Thingswe wear” and “Wishes”. Everybody shared theirwishes.In Math, they learnt numbers up to 1000. They enjoyedcounting


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Comments Elementary

Elementary 6: GalaxyHomeroom: Ms. Tuty

My students have begun to enjoy the lessons taught. They enjoy doing exercises as well.

Himalaya (Elementary 5)Homeroom: Ms. Laurent

Having a large size of classroom is such an amazing thing for me. It's really exciting to have many students with different characteristics and creative skills.This month, we have learnt about descriptive poems and how to explain what blue is…“Blue is peace!”“Blue is E5!”“Blue is Himalaya”Active, creative and talented are the perfectwords to describe Himalaya class.WE ARE… WE ARE.. E5 Himalayaaaaa!!!


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Congratulations Junior High Students, All of you did really well during Indonesian Independence Day!

You have proven that you are a solid team. Thank you to Mr. Budi, Mr. Andreas Tan, Mr. Ahmad Fauzi, Ms. Chelsia and Ms. Nike who have trained them so far.

Junior High Students, you have done pretty well and you need to remember to concentrate, keep focusing and revising your lessons as well, because:

“You can have more, be more and do more because you can change the person you are.”

“One enemy is too many, thousands of friends are not enough.”

Always be positive and say the words:

“I like myself”“I can do it!”

You know the best for yourselves. Keep up the good work and good luck!

Warm regards,

Ninie, ST. MBA


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3 Things about my Class, Albert Einstein(Junior High One)Homeroom: Mr. Doddy

1. They have beautiful smiles and eagerfaces, especially in the morning.2. They need to learn to be moreindependent and less spoilt; somethingthey like to show-off by being noisyand talkative. This is something wewill work on.3. They are smart but they need to bemore self-confident.

Thomas Alpha Edison (Junior High One)Homeroom: Mr. Alfian

My class is quite big and full of handsome andbeautiful students (and of course a handsometeacher!?!) Not only that, they also like tocooperate with each other in studying and cleaningtheir class.As a result, they received the tidiest class in August.Until today they are still working hard to achievehighest score for every subject.


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Junior High 2: Mahatma GandhiHomeroom: Ms. Ivanawaty

ulti-characters and behaviour class of 30 students ealthy, creative and self-confident teens you

aregility and Vivacity always fills the air oo concerning though, you …ischievously act without thinking

dvice for your own sake being neglected

row up, grow up, students! bolish your wrong attitudes now!urture kindness, politeness and your

sense of belongingon't blame each other or spoil yourselfonesty, Harmony and Wisdom

….Remember? s what makes a real Mahatma Gandhi

From the bottom of my , Your homeroom teacher.








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The News in Brief

School Prefect

Mr. Doddy, school prefect master inaugurates the new school


School CanteenStudents enjoy

their lunch in the

state of the art

canteen .


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The News in Brief

Star StudentsPOS' best students receive

Star Student of the Year


From left: Mr. Haoken, Ivy,

Tiffany, Bella Maudifa,

Jerry, Rarah, Indriani,

Veronica, Mme Dewi

(Centre Director), Ms. Ninie

(Junior High Principal)

Ms Maria has left for hertraining in Shenzhen, China

Teachers surprised Ms.

Maria, Mandarin

teacher, with a cake and

good wishes for her trip to

China. We wish her good



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April's Monthly Guest: Basketball Players

Inviting Basketball players?Loud hip hop music pumped out of the

soundsystem at Prime One School's MPH.

Our guests gave us a wonderful, exciting show.Principals, teachers and students all fell in love

with our handsome talented guests.


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The students queued up to say goodbye tothe basketball stars.

Some students even asked for theautographs.

The basketball players answered the audience's questions.


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Mandarin Project by Mahatma Gandhi Class (Junior High Two)

Elementary 5 (Himalaya) Maths Project


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Elementary 5 (Himalaya) get ready to fly through the solarsystem.

Earth Venus






Topics: The Solar System and Moon Phases


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My Rebellious Brother

Hi, I am Shioko. I have a brother called Shin. He is now 22 years old. I have a short story about him. It happened 15 years ago when he was only 17 years old. He used to be a very popular student at school. He was handsome, cool and intelligent, but rebellious.

He had a very cool class where all the students were just as rebellious, but even they were afraid of him. Sometimes, they'd go to other schools and fought. They were known as “number 1” in the high-school world, because my brother (the head of the class) was the best student in the school for almost 3 years even though he didn't study. All he did was fighting, skipping and sleeping.

One day, there was a call from school. The school told my father that Shin had fought and hurt the principal's son. So, when my brother arrived home, father immediately hit him with a steel bar. After the punishment was done, he said to his father: “All you know is to hit, have you ever thought why I'm like this? Have you?”

From that day on, they didn't talk or even look at each other. When father came, brother Shin would go away. I couldn't stand this horrible situation, so I asked my brother.“Shin, actually you weren't wrong, were you? I know there must be something that forced you to fight with the principal's son.”“Shioko, thank you for understanding me, but if I tell father he will say that I have a lot of excuses.”


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After we talked for a long time, he finally promised that he would explain to father. So, he told father to come to a café at 7 O' clock. When mother, borther and I had arrived there, father was still on the way. Then father phoned brother, they talked and talked. Mother and I were very curious. Suddenly, brother threw his cell phone and ran away. Mother and I were surprised, so we also ran after him. And what we saw was father. He had crashed and was lying down in the street, covered in blood.

Before he died, he said: “Shin, I've thought about it. You were rebellious because of me. I' was the one that has made this family suffer. From now on, you all will live peacefully without a father like me. I just have one request. Take care of your mother and your sister. Remember! We live not to suffer and we die not to get out of suffering.”

Then he closed his eyes forever. We were very sad and we cried, but it was too late. We would never see him again. So from this accident I understood that no father hates his own children. Now, Shin and I work at our father's company. Shin is the president of the company and I am the director. We live happily with father as our most precious memory.

APPRECIATE EVERYONE BEFORE YOU REGRET! By Veronica, Junior High Two (Mahatma Gandhi)


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What does R. A. Kartini Mean to Me?st Every 21 of April we remember the day R. A. Kartini

was born. Here are the columns for the students who want

to share a few words.

Vivi writes: “R.A. Kartini is a hero. For me, she is a

brave woman. Because of her, I can study many things.

Without her, I think we would still be very stupid. So, I

'm very thankful because of everything she had done for us.”

For Tiffany, Kartini day means all the girls can study

just the same as the boys. The girls not only stay at home

and cook but also get the right so the position between boys

and girls is the same.

Acrostic Poem: ENGLISH English is Ms. Sarah's subject

Natalyn is Ms. Sarah’s student

Gave Ms.Sarah a surprise

Lend me a pencil to do her English penmanship

Interested in English

Singing for the teacher

“Hurry!!! I learn English”

By : Natalyn

JH1 Albert Einstein


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thPerformance at Kreasi Anak on Sunday, the 5 of

August, 2007 at Pardede Hall, Medan.

At 8am on Sunday in August, Prime One School was abuzz with activity, teachers going from child to child applying make-up and helping with costumes, students wearing Batak traditional costume, students wearing funky outfits with hair in a tall ponytail, and small Kindergarten girls and boys, waving pom-poms.

Beautiful, trendy girls and handsome, cool boys from Elementary 5 and 6 strut their stuff to the sounds of Coco Lee. The audience were amazed how well our kids could move - and how fast too! Cool.


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Students of Elementary 5 and Junior High One performed the Tor-Tor, a traditional Batak dance,

wearing traditional costumes.

Kindergarten pupils performed their 'fun- dance'- a cute dance using pom-poms. These small kids from

Kindergarten didn't miss a step and really enjoyed their performance, while wowing the audience with their smart



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Fieldtrip to Astra International

According to Meliana SE, Principal of Pre-School, the purpose of the field trip was to introduce students to the concept of healthy life by creating clean environment starting from early age. So, instead of sitting still and studying theories in the classroom, the students would be given opportunity to explore their learning through outdoor activities.


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At ASTRA International – ISUZU, students were demonstratively trained to dispose rubbish in the rubbish bin through singing. They sang, danced and clapped happily as they moved along with the songs. When it came to ball–sorting game and the host asked for students' participation, all of them voluntarily raised their hands. All Prime One School students were indeed very confident and cheerful.


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That day, all Kindergarten 2 students of Prime One School went home happily. Josh Vincent, one of the students, stated that he was very happy with the field trip. He had learned not to litter and promised to keep his school always clean and tidy. Who says that learning means you have to stick in your classroom all the time?


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TIPS to be everyone's best friend

1. Show your sweetest smile to your new friends.

2. Say hello and mention your name. 3. Learn about him / her, listen patiently

while he/she is talking .4. Keep his/ her secret well.5. Don't lie. 6. Always speak in English.

7. Think systematically like a scientist. ?

Artwork by Meta, Thomas Alva Edison (Junior High 1)


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8 Commitments of POS

• POS is committed to eliminate ignorance, illiteracy and to provide facility to access knowledge by implementing modern and competency-based teaching methodology.

• POS develops both National and International standard of communication competency to ensure the accurate

deliverance of meaning in written and spoken language which is but ethical to avoid misinterpretation.

• POS positions teachers who continuously guide their students so as to build constructive relationship among them

which leads to empathy as well as sympathy.

• POS sets life standard and harmony necessary for the students’ physical, mental, spiritual and moral


• POS enhances understanding, tolerance and friendship in school which is multi ethnic, race and different in social


• POS concerns with and leads to characters building and awareness and respect to human rights.

• POS is committed to develop compassion, laughter, good attitude and to give shelter and peaceful mind as well as

horizon of thinking.

• POS will keep teaching wisdom and humanity and devoting itself more for the entire human life with its quality



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Library SecurityCanteen Multi Purpose HallClinic Swimming PoolGymnasium Basketball CourtScience Lab Valley CourtArt Workshop Badminton CourtIndoor Playgroup Football FieldOutdoor Playgroup Tennis Field


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North Sumatera

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