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Primary Research Reflections

Name: Lucas Kirkland Candidate Number: 1159 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135

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Questionnaire Results

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From this questions results I can gather that the target audience for my music magazine is mainly the age group 16-17. However the age group 18-24 is the section largest segment suggesting that this group also buy magazines. The 45-54 age group hardly buy magazines but it still suggests that there is still small target audience to keep in mind.

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This pie chart denotes that the image of the star is very important to my target audience. This could be because of Richard Dyers theory of “star appeal”. A main image of a current artist that is popular will always draw in the readers to buy magazines.

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Question 3- What is the most important information on the front of a magazine?

From this pie chart I can gather that the headline and the price of the magazine are the most important areas on the front cover of a magazine. I will use this information by making sure my magazine has an eye catching masthead and a good magazine which is cheap yet quality in its content.

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This pie chart denotes that I should aim to price my magazine between £3-£4 in order to satisfy my target audience.

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This pie chart proves to me that I have chosen the right release times for my magazine. I had previously planned to release my magazine once a month. These results further tell me that this is the write decision to make.

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This pie chart denotes the fact that my target audience are heavily into the music I am writing about in my magazine of creation. Rock and Indie are bigger sectors compared to Hip-hop and other genres, so therefore I know I have chosen the write music magazine sub genre to create.

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From this pie chart I can gather that reading a musical magazine really does help the viewer to understand more about musical culture. Therefore I should feature a section in my magazine which will focus on the culture of music.

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This pie chart denotes that the pictures are one of the most important things in a music magazine. Therefore I need to make sure that my magazine has the highest of quality pictures which will catch the readers eye as they browse for magazines. Tour dates and free posters are also important as they are close to the amount of votes to pictures.

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This pie chart denotes that music magazines are interesting and are not a dying art. Therefore I need to create a high quality magazines that is going to keep the market alive.

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From this last pie chart I can see that TV has influenced a lot of my target audience into buying music magazine. Therefore I need to have a page that covers artists in the Tv shows that my audience watch.

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Survey Monkey

From these Survey Monkey results I can obtain the information that my target audience is the age gap 16-17. This informs me that I need to include content in my magazine which is relevant to this target audience.

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From question 3 of my survey monkey I can denote that a catchy headline and strapline is important as well as images of a popular artist.

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From these results I can make a decision as to how much I should sell my musicmagazine for. A big 42.86% of people would equally like the amount of money to be between £3-4 and £5-6. Consequently I will make a decision as to price mymagazine at £5.00.

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From the graphs survey monkey has provided me with, I can see that Most people buy a magazine more than once a month (57.54%). Closely followed by people who buy magazines more than once a week (28.57).I will therefore take this information and try to release my magazine more than once a month if I can.

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The graph created by survey monkey denotes that most people in my target audience prefer rock as genre of magazine (57.14%) to read. This is a good result as my magazines sub-genre is indie rock.

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From these results I can denote that 85.71% of people I sent the questionnaire to are helped to understand musical culture by reading a musical magazine. Therefore my magazine needs to heavily include detail about musical culture.

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This result from my survey monkey questionnaire tells me that I need to include sections which cover music on the television. Furthermore I need to include a cover that is eye catching which will make my readers want to buy another issue of magazine.

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I can denote from this set of results that the content is very important in order to keep the pages turning. Furthermore finding out about new music should be included in this content.

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From these set of results I can denote that the there is an equal amount of people who are on the 2,3, and 5 scale of interest to magazines. This tells me that most people do generally have an interest in music magazines.

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Evidence of someone filling in survey

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Completed questionnaire

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