Download - Primary ol 2019 20

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Mrs. R. Soproniuk


Work Hard Aim High

Share and Care

Headteacher / Prif athrawes Mrs L.R. Davies B.A (Hons)

Chair of Governors / Cadeirydd y Llodraethwyr Mrs R. Soproniuk

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PAGE 3 - Welcome Letter

PAGE 4 - Mission Statement PAGE 5 - Teaching Staff PAGES 5 & 6 - Support Staff PAGE 7 - Members of the Governing Body PAGE 8 - School Organisation PAGE 8 - School Times PAGE 9 - Information about Admissions PAGE 9 - Arrangements for Admission of Disabled Pupils PAGE 10 - Pastoral Care PAGE 11 - Pupil Welfare / Administration of Medicines / Security PAGE 11 - Behaviour PAGE 12 - Healthy Schools / School Meals PAGE 12 - Breakfast club / After school club PAGES 13,14 &15 - General School Curriculum PAGE 16 - Arrangements for Religious Education and Collective Worship PAGE 17 - Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs PAGE 17 - Inclusion – Equal Opportunities Policy PAGE 17 - EMLAS - Ethnic Minority Language Achievement Service PAGE 18 - Use of Welsh Language PAGE 18 - Sex Education PAGE 18 - Homework PAGE 19 - International Schools Award PAGE 20 - Rights Respecting Schools PAGE 20 - Ambassadors PAGE 21 - School council / Mediators PAGES 22 & 23 - ECO Schools Award PAGE 24 - Provision for Sport PAGE 25 - Charging and Remissions Policy – School Trips PAGE 26 - Extra Curricular Activities PAGE 27 - School Achievements PAGE 28 - Parent Liaison PAGE 29 - School Uniform

PAGES 30 & 31 - Attendance and Assessment Results PAGE 32 - School Term Dates PAGE 33 - Health and Safety PAGE 34 - Complaints

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WELCOME LETTER Llythyr Croeso Dear Parent/ Annwyl Rhieni, Selecting the appropriate school for your child is one of the most important decisions

you will involve yourself with on their behalf. This prospectus aims to provide you with

the information you need to make an informed choice as well as to provide you with

more of an insight into our shared ethos.

Waunarlwydd Primary is a ‘Rights Respecting School’ and a UNICEF Gold Award

holder. We aim to provide a safe, nurturing environment in which all pupils have the

opportunity to thrive. The school enjoyed an extremely positive Estyn inspection in

July 2019, which reported our provision as being ‘Excellent’. The provision made for

pupil well-being and their attitude to learning gained specific praise as well as the

schools excellent approach to care, support and guidance.

During this exciting time of change in Welsh education, we are committed to learning

plans that challenge and enthuse. The safety and well-being of our children will always

be a priority as well. We believe that all children have an entitlement to an

environment that allows them to feel safe and well cared for, and that this remains a

pre-requisite for any progress and achievement. As our mission statement and school

motto imply, we encourage the pursuit of high standards at all times and encourage

our pupils to “work hard and aim high”. Furthermore, Waunarlwydd Primary School

aims to foster the sort of high quality relationships, essential for this sort of progress

to occur. Pupils learn the value of considering the needs of others and of conducting

themselves in such a way as to ensure they take full advantage of the many excellent

opportunities provided for them during their time with us. As a result, we are able to

pursue high standards too. Our results, which are consistently above those of schools

in similar settings as well as the averages for both Wales and the Local Authority, speak

for themselves. However, as pleased as this makes us, we know that none of it can

occur without the sort of provision described for pupil well-being to underpin it.

I appreciate this opportunity to share a little of our school with you and the

opportunity to celebrate some of the excellence which affords our school, we believe,

its distinct identity.

L. R. Davies,

Head Teacher / Prifathrawes

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MISSION STATEMENT Datganiad Cenhadaeth

As a Rights Respecting School, Waunarlwydd Primary School is a safe and

happy place where everyone is valued and differences are celebrated.

In our school we believe that everyone should work to the best of

their ability, reflect upon their achievements and plan for the next


We will all act in a friendly, polite manner, respect the needs of others,

welcome visitors and care for each other.

We will show respect for the resources we use and the

surroundings we share..


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Waunarlwydd Primary School

Age Range 3 to 11 Years


Staff Ysgol – Medi 2019 Teaching Staff

Mrs Ruth Davies Headteacher

Mr J. Evans Deputy Head

Mrs E. McDonnell Nursery

Mrs B. Melen Reception

Miss T. Tyrrell Year 1 /Reception

Mrs N. Thomas Year 2 (job share)

Mrs A. Evans Year 2 (job share)

Mrs H. Horseman Year 3/4

Mr J. Jenkins Year 3/4

Mrs K Leyshon-Breeze Year 3/4

Mr N. Reid Year 5/6

Ms K. Williams Year 5/6

Mrs S. Wallace Year 5/6

Mrs N. Thomas SENCO

Mixed age classes occur mainly as a result of our Pupil Admission number

being the equivalent to a class and a half. These classes are arranged to

meet the needs of individual pupils. Decisions on groupings will take

account of age, needs and ability, and as far as possible, friendship

groups. All members of the teaching staff have additional responsibilities

and collaborate to lead on developing curriculum areas of

Language Literacy & Communication

Numeracy & Maths

Digital Competence

Expressive Arts

Health & Well-being


Science & Technology

Admin Officer Mrs H Richards

Admin Support Mrs K Lang

Site Manager Mr M Trowbridge


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Teaching Assistants

Carly Eaton Helen Hellier

Rebekah Fletcher-Jones Collette Cornish Beverley Flower

Debbie Schuneman Joanna Hyatt Llinos Field

Karen Lang Karen Treharne Genevieve Price

Gennene Goodwin Sue Howells Helen Fowler

Lunch Time Supervisors:

Sue Howells Senior Supervisory Assistant

Gennene Goodwin Supervisory Assistant

Tina Phillips Supervisory Assistant

Joanna Hyatt Supervisory Assistant

Beverley Flower Supervisory Assistant

Stacey Howells-Harris Supervisory Assistant

Elizabeth Wilton Supervisory Assistant

Cleaning Team: Wioletta Walburg Tina Phillips

Kitchen Staff:

Cheryl Howell Cook in charge

Denise McDonald Assistant

Breakfast Club:

Karen Treharne Breakfast Club Supervisor

Debbie Schuneman Play worker


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GOVERNING BODY Corff Llywodraethu

Name Category End of Term of


Mrs R Soproniuk Chair - LEA 25/01/2021

Mr C Owen COMMUNITY 14/03/2023


Dr I Davies COMMUNITY 16/04/2022

Mrs B Miller COMMUNITY 14/03/2023

Mrs A Evans LEA 31/08/2020

Cllr Wendy Lewis LEA 23/08/2021

Mr A Rees LEA 08/08/2020

Mrs K Head PARENT 04/02/2022

Mrs N Matthews PARENT 10/03/2020

Mrs L Sturgess PARENT 14/10/2023

Mr D Meredith PARENT 05/04/2023

Mrs C Burnes PARENT 29/11/2023

Mrs C Cornish SUPPORT STAFF 19/10/2023

Miss T Tyrrell TEACHER 11/02/2020

Mr N Reid TEACHER 12/05/2023

Headteacher: Mrs. R Davies Chair: Mrs. R Soproniuk Vice-Chair: Clerk to Governors: Mrs K. Lang


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For the 2019/20 Academic Year, the school is organised as follows:

The school consists of Foundation Phase (Nursery, Reception, Year1 and Year 2)

and Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6).

At the beginning of the school year in which they become 5, children are admitted to

Reception (YR), and to KS2 in the September of the school year in which they become


The class structure at present is:

Department Teacher Year Group

Foundation Phase Mrs McDonnell Nursery

Mrs Melen Reception

Miss Tyrrell Year 1/Reception

Miss Thomas /Mrs Evans Year 2

KS2 Mrs Horseman Year 3 / 4

Mrs K Leyshon-Breeze Year 3 / 4

Mr Jenkins Year 3 / 4

Mr Reid Year 5 / 6

Ms Williams Year 5 / 6

Mrs Wallace Year 5 / 6


Morning session / Sesiwn y bore:

8.50 a.m. to 11.50 a.m.

Afternoon session / Sesiwn y prynhawn:

12.50 p.m. to 3.20 p.m. (Infants)

12.45 p.m. to 3.20 p.m. (KS2)

Nursery / Meithrin

Morning session / Sesiwn y bore:

8.50 a.m. to 11.20 a.m.

The school week contains 23½ hours of teaching time including Religious

Education but excluding an act of worship, registration and breaks.


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ADMISSIONS POLICY Polisi Derbyniadau Those requests for admission from parents of children who reside outside

the catchment area will be considered within the LA’s policy for preferred

placements. Children who reside within our catchment area or children

who reside outside will not be offered a place when the school has filled

up to its Published Admission Number. Applications should be submitted

online to the Local Authority.

Prospective parents are welcome to visit the school by prior arrangement.

Children of pre-school age should register with the school. The school's

Toddler Group meets on a Thursday afternoon, from 2 o'clock until 3


Intake of Reception class pupils operates on a staggered basis over the

first two weeks of the Autumn term.

Arrangements for Admission of Disabled Pupils as Outlined in the

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995

The school’s admission arrangements allow for entry of disabled pupils

whose needs can be satisfactorily met within a main school setting.

Access points for children with wheelchairs are in place in all departments.

In addition, purpose built toilets for the disabled are available.


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PASTORAL CARE Gofal Bugeiliol

‘We have the right to be safe’ Every adult has a dual responsibility for teaching and pastoral care. A caring and

compassionate view is taken towards the general well-being of each child. Should a

child be taken ill or have a minor accident, the parent or guardian will be informed.

Emergency services and parents will be contacted for a major accident.

We would ask that where possible, medical or similar appointments should be

arranged out of school hours. Early release from school will only be allowed if the child

is collected by a parent or guardian.

Medical and dental services attend school regularly. Five year olds have their height

and weight measured, and are given a vision and hearing test. Children with sight,

speech or hearing problems are seen regularly. The Education Welfare Service and

the School Psychological Service are called upon when necessary.

In order that children derive the maximum benefit from the opportunities at school,

parents are asked to ensure that their children attend regularly and punctually and

have a good night’s sleep. The school must be informed of the reason for any absence

and parents are requested to telephone the school before 9.30 a.m. on the morning

of the first day of absence and leave a message on the school absence line. If your

child is to be away for over 2 days, parents or carers should inform the school of the

likely length of absence.

Every child has a statutory entitlement to education from the age of 5 and so the taking

of holidays during term times must be avoided.

Please ensure your child arrives at school at the stated times. Parents are reminded

that under the new regulations persistent lateness will be regarded as unexplained

absence. Please help us to keep unauthorised absences to a minimum. Latecomers

must enter the building at the main doors where their presence will be recorded by

the office staff.


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POLICIES OF PUPIL WELFARE/ PASTORAL CARE Polisїau Lles Disgyblion The school aims to provide a secure and caring atmosphere, liaising with other

agencies when necessary. Children are supervised at both morning and afternoon

playtimes by staff. At lunchtimes the children are supervised by adults employed for

this purpose. Pastoral care is also the concern of all adults working within the school,

with the strategic leadership team sharing overall responsibility.

Parents are requested to provide an emergency address and telephone number in

order that they may be contacted. In the event of a minor accident, basic first aid is

administered and parents are informed by telephone or at the close of the school day. If

children become ill, arrangements are made to return them home as soon as possible.

In the event of a major accident, an ambulance will be called and parents informed as

soon as possible. Where necessary, staff will seek advice from the Local Health Clinic

and guidance is given to all concerned.

Administration of Medicines – Rhoi Meddyginiaethau

In general, the school cannot administer medication, prescribed or otherwise.

However, in exceptional circumstances, pupils may be supervised taking medication

prescribed by a GP. In these instances, parents must seek permission from the

Headteacher and complete a medical request form, providing full details of the

medication required and the condition it remedies. Wherever possible, medication

timings need to be managed so that they occur outside of school times. Parents/carers

are welcome to come into school and administer the medication themselves.

Security - Diogeledd

The school takes the responsibility of care for its pupils very seriously and we are

continually aiming to improve our security. Visitors during the school day should enter

via the main entrance where they are greeted by a member of staff. All visitors to the

school are required to sign in at the office and to wear an identity badge.

General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) – as a public authority, we must comply

with all relevant legislation relating to data handling. The Information Commissioner’s Office

(ICO) is the supervisory authority in the United Kingdom established to ensure that your data

rights are upheld. A full explanation of how we use personal information can be viewed

on the ‘documents’ page on our website.

Behaviour - Ymddygiad

The school firmly believes that standards of good behaviour are of paramount

importance from the very moment children start school. The aim is that everyone will

act with courtesy and consideration to others at all times. There are high expectations

of standards of behaviour from everyone within the school. These objectives are

supported by the implementation of a range of positive behaviour strategies.

For more information please see our Behaviour Policy on the school website.

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‘We have the right to be healthy’ The school has been active in the Healthy Schools scheme since 1999.

Pupils’ health and wellbeing is a high priority. A fruit tuck shop operates

during morning play where children can purchase fruit for a small charge.

There is access to water at all times during the school day. In the

Foundation Phase, milk is also made available to all children daily. We

encourage all children to bring to school a healthy school lunch box. If you

would like advice please see Miss Tyrrell, our Healthy Schools co-


School dinners - Cinio Ysgol

Meals are prepared, cooked and

served in school. Dinner money is

£2.40 per day and is paid on online

via sQuid. Children may bring

sandwiches if they wish.

Breakfast Club - Clwb Brecwast

There is a Breakfast Club which runs each morning from 7.50am where

children are provided with breakfast and a range of games and activities.

There is a charge of £1 per day for the club (childcare & breakfast) and

payment for the forthcoming half term must be paid in advance.

If parents do not need the childcare facility before 8:20am then the child can

have a free breakfast between 8:20am-8:30am.The latest time for children to

enter breakfast club is 8.30 am.

For further information, please contact Mrs Karen Treharne,

breakfast club supervisor.

After School Club – Clwb ar ôl Ysgol

This facility is run by Little Cherubs and further details can be obtained from the school office or by emailing them at [email protected]


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GENERAL SCHOOL CURRICULUM Cwricwlwm Cyffredinol yr Ysgol

‘We have the right to learn’

The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum, the content of

which is laid down in the National Curriculum Orders. The subjects studied

in school are:-

English/ Saesneg

Mathematics / Mathemateg

Science/ Gwyddoniaeth,

Welsh / Cymraeg

Geography / Daearyddaeth

History / Hanes

Design and Technology / Dylunio a Thechnoleg

Art, Music and P.E. / Celf, Cerddoriaeth, Ymarfer Corff

Information Technology / Thechnoleg Gwybodaeth

Information Technology is used to support learning in these subjects by

regular use of computers and mobile technology as appropriate.

Children learn best through first-hand experience and every opportunity is

taken to involve children in ‘doing and making’, investigating, asking

questions and solving problems. In this way we believe pupils acquire

skills and confidence as well as knowledge. The curriculum is so designed

that children may return to some topics at a later stage in their

development but at a higher level.


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Staff plan together in order to ensure continuity and progression occurs

within subjects. Children are taught as a whole class, in groups and as

individuals. Classes are broadly arranged by age and within each class

there is a differentiated programme to cater for different abilities which

allow children with additional learning needs, including those who are

more able, to work to their full potential. A number of strategies are used

to identify these children. Curriculum coordinators design schemes of

work collaboratively with colleagues to ensure provision affords

opportunities for continuity and progression.

Subjects are taught via an integrated thematic approach set within contexts

which make sense to the children. We aim for pupils to understand the

relevance of the activities in which they are involved, not only to subjects

but also to themselves and the world in which they live. Some aspects of

their work may not fit easily into the theme currently being studied and

rather than make tenuous connections these will be taught separately.

Our aims and objectives are to encourage and develop:

Oracy, literacy and numeracy via good communication skills

An interest and enjoyment of literature and poetry

A knowledge and understanding of basic mathematical concepts

An awareness of our heritage through geographical, historical and religious studies

Skills in handwriting, creative arts, crafts, music and aesthetic appreciation

Good information technology skills across the curriculum

The participation in physical activities including drama, dance and team sports.

The Foundation Phase provides learning experiences which enable

children to make steady progress appropriate to their stage of

development. All aspects of learning are interlinked and not

compartmentalized into curriculum areas. There are Seven Areas of

Learning which complement each other and during activities children may

be acquiring skills, knowledge and understanding in more than one area.


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The aim in the KS2 is to develop and extend lifelong learning and key skills

within the context of the National Curriculum subjects. In addition, there

are a range of activities and opportunities available which include, for

example, craft and music lessons. Parents are informed of their children’s

topic work at the beginning of the term, copies of which can be found on

our website. Learners and their families are encouraged to make use of

the online tool, J2e as a means of accessing the curriculum from home as


As a Pioneer School, we are exploring opportunities to learn within the

context of the new Successful Futures curriculum. We are building

opportunities for learners to be:

Ambitious and capable

Healthy and confident

Enterprising and creative

Ethical and informed.

Pupils use their literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills to build

competence in:

Expressive Arts

Health and well-being


Languages, literacy and communication

Mathematics and numeracy

Science and technology.

Peripatetic music teachers provide specialist music tuition for guitar and

drums once a week. The school offers this tuition at a small charge to


Personal and Social Education form an integral part of the curriculum as

do spiritual, moral and cultural development.

More detailed information is available at the school or on our website. Assessment Information / Gwybodaeth Asesu

The school carries out teacher assessment at the end of each year which

aids the forward planning of the class teacher. It also forms the basis of

the target setting within the school. Teacher Assessments take place on

a regular basis throughout the school year. Outcomes and levels are

reported upon at the end Foundation Phase (Year 2) and Key Stage

2 (Year 6). Baseline assessment is undertaken in the Nursery and

Reception classes. In addition, pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 take part in

the National Literacy and Numeracy Tests in May of each year. These are

tests that take place in every school in Wales and parents are informed of

the outcomes when they are published.


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‘We have the right to our own beliefs’

Religious Education is a compulsory part of the curriculum. It is taught in

accordance with the Authority’s agreed syllabus. It encourages respect for

religious and moral values, tolerance of other races, religions and cultures.

Assemblies and collective worship sessions, of a broadly Christian nature,

take place. You are entitled to withdraw your child from these assemblies.

If you wish to do so, please contact the school so that alternative provision

may be arranged.


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FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION Trefniadau Cwricwlaidd ar gyfer Addysg Arbennig All children in Waunarlwydd Primary School, whatever their abilities or

needs, have access to the whole curriculum. We have a policy of total

integration and equal opportunities for all. Special Education Needs are

identified and monitored by staff throughout the year from the time of

admission. In addition, the process is supported by the LA Special Needs

Audit which takes place annually. Provision is made for children with

learning difficulties with additional support being provided within the class

as well as beyond it with the assistance of our specialist teacher. For

children with additional needs, a range of agencies are available to provide

support, e.g. the School Psychology Service; speech therapy and

physiotherapy etc. Further information is available in the special

educational needs policy which can be seen at the school.


The school is committed to providing each pupil with equal educational

opportunities, regardless of gender, cultural and social background or

special needs. All pupils will be encouraged to develop their talents to their

full potential and to take advantage of opportunities offered to them.

Further information can be obtained from the Equal Opportunities policy

in school.

EMLAS- Ethnic Minority Language Achievement Service

Gwasanaeth Cyflawniad Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig

Waunarlwydd is a multi-cultural school and a small proportion of our pupils

are from ethnic minority groups. EMLAS support bilingual learners and

encourages them, along with the school, to play a positive role in the

school community and to achieve their full potential as learners.


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Use of the Welsh Language - Defnydd o’r Gymraeg

All subjects are taught in English. Welsh is taught as a second language

as part of the National Curriculum with emphasis on conversational

fluency. An interest in Welsh culture is developed through learning about

its history as well as through songs, hymns and prayers.

Homework - Gwaith Cartref

No formal homework is given in Foundation Phase but parents are

encouraged to read regularly with their children. There is a homework

policy for Key Stage 2 where homework is given once a week. Weekly

homework information can be found on the class pages on our school


Sex and Relationships Education - Addysg Rhyw

This school provides a sex education programme in response to the local

authority's policy. A copy is available for inspection at the school.

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SCHOOLS AWARD Gwobr Ysgolion Rhyngwladol

As part of our plans to build learners as “ethical, informed citizens”, the school has a number of links with other school communities from across the UK as well as around the globe.


This is a British Council funded project which allowed us the opportunity of linking up with schools in order to work collaboratively on a sustainable development project. Pupils share work with pupils in their partner schools and this allows them not just to find out about approaches to sustainable development in other countries but also to learn from real contacts about the geography of those countries too. A by-product of this partnership is also the opportunity to share each other’s' cultures and traditions by regularly exchanging email and 'snail mail' (pupils loved opening up the Christmas parcels sent by their partner classes in Europe!).

Chongqing - Wales Partnership

This project originated as an outcome of a Welsh Assembly Government funded visit to Chongqing in south west China. Wales has a well-established link with the province and many schools in Swansea also enjoy the benefits of a direct link with this fascinating country. This link generated a partnership with the Confucius Institute in Lampeter and through this, pupils find out about culture, traditions and general way of life. Each year we run workshops which introduce them to such features of Chinese lifestyles as Chinese calligraphy and dance.

Erasmus Hosting school leaders from Spain helped us gain an international perspective of school organization. Connecting Classrooms

Another British Council funded project, our Connecting Classrooms project linked

us up with schools in Trinidad and Tobago. Pupils shared projects with each other

explaining and celebrating each other’s country’s histories, cultures and traditions.


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RIGHTS RESPECTING SCHOOL (UNICEF Gold Award 2012 & 2018) Ysgol sy’n Parchu Hawliau Waunarlwydd Primary School is a Rights Respecting School. The universal rights of

children are enshrined in the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

‘A Rights Respecting School teaches children and young people that they have rights under

the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.. From this starting point they also learn their responsibility to respect others’ rights in all relationships in the community

The ethos created demonstrates to children the inclusiveness of a rights respecting school and paves the way to participation in the life of the community. This in turn helps them to learn how to formulate, express and listen to opinions, helping to raise achievement.’


Here at Waunarlwydd, we have 8 core Rights which we view to be at the heart of our school ethos:

1. The right to know our rights. 2. The right to learn. 3. The right to play 4. The right to be safe. 5. The right to be heard. 6. The right to be healthy. 7. The right to our own beliefs. 8. The right to a name.

‘Robbie’, our Rights Respecting Robin, highlights our links to children’s rights in

displays around the school.


The School Ambassadors scheme is run in primary schools across Wales. Two

children are elected by the other children in the school to be ambassadors. The

ambassador’s role is to:

1. Inform children in their school about the Children’s Commissioner for Wales

2. Inform children in their school all about children’s rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

3. Work alongside the school council to find out what children in the school think could be improved and then work with other people in the school to change things.


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‘We have the right to be heard’ Every child in KS2 applies to be part of one of our 10 Senedd groups,

each one relating to an aspect of leadership and management. These

groups meet regularly to discuss ideas for improving their chosen

area of the school. Each Senedd group elects a Chair, who meets with

the Head or Deputy Head, every half term, to update them on their

action plans. These 10 chairpersons then form our school council. The

10 groups include: Learning environment, Safety, Communication,

Digital, Mission, Curriculum, ECO, Criw Cymraeg and Healthy Schools.

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‘We have the right to play’

Each year, our Year 5 children receive mediator training and subsequently have the

opportunity to become playground mediators. They share the year 6 responsibilities

of helping and supporting children at playtimes in both the Foundation Phase and

KS2 playground. Their main role is to help overcome any potential social problems

in the playground. This initiative contributes to the personal and social education for

all our pupils.


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ECO SCHOOLS AWARD Gwobr Eco-Ysgolion

‘We have the right to be safe’

The school is part of the Eco Schools programme. The scheme promotes

environmental awareness in a way that links many curriculum subjects

including Science and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE),

and Education for Sustainable Development (ESDGC). We involve the

whole school: pupils, teachers, support staff and governors, members of

the local community, parents, the local authority, the media and local

businesses. The scheme encourages teamwork. In addition, it helps

create a shared understanding of the sort of behaviour which shows

respect for and which enhances environment. In short, the scheme

develops the school and community as global citizens.

We have established an Eco Committee which meets on a regular basis.

All children are invited to write a simple letter of application stating how

they would make a difference if appointed. Pupils are selected from each

year group, from year two to year six. We have achieved ‘platinum’ status

with regards to the Green Flag Award which is the highest level possible.

This was achieved through the application of sustainable plans aimed at

enhancing our school grounds. For example, the school community

worked together to plant trees, shrubs and seeds as well conduct

environmental surveys.

It is a very exciting venture and the children are very enthusiastic and

committed. In our first meeting the children developed our mission


'We will make our school clean and green, together we are the eco team.'


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OUR WOODLAND WALK Taith Gerdded ein Coetir

‘We have the right to learn’

The school has an outdoor resource of a woodland walk. This has been

developed to provide all classes with high quality first hand cross-

curricular experiences throughout the school year.

The school’s work has been recognised by the presentation of The

Forestry Authority Award of Merit. Waunarlwydd is the only school ever to

have received this award. It was achieved for providing an outstanding

educational resource. Our local A.M. has developed close links with the

school, keeping up to date with our progress.


Our willow dome.


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SPORTS Chwaraeon

‘We have the right to play’

At Waunarlwydd, we place a strong emphasis on the all-round health and

well- being of the child. As a result, physical education and sport play a

significant part in the school day of all pupils from Nursery to the end of

Year 6. From age three to seven, a range of indoor and outdoor

experiences are provided to aid the development of the children’s body

control and co-ordination, fine motor skills, spatial awareness and

balance. This is built upon in KS2, where pupils are taught elements of

dance, athletics, games, gymnastics and outdoor pursuits. Throughout

their primary education, the children’s knowledge and understanding of

health-related exercise and physical well-being is encouraged at all times.

The children at Waunarlwydd experience a wide range of curriculum and

extra-curricular opportunities provided by teachers. Also a comprehensive

range of extra-curricular clubs are run throughout the year. Rugby,

football, Fit Kidz, dance, netball and cross country clubs are run

throughout the autumn and spring term. In the summer term kwik cricket,

‘rounders’ and athletic clubs are introduced. The school aims to provide all

children with the opportunity to develop their sporting abilities through

individual, partner, group and team activities. Opportunities to represent

the school are offered to children from Years Three to Six.

The school has playing fields marked for rugby, cricket and rounders and

one of the yards is marked for netball. The hall is used for gymnastics.

The time allocated to sport, gymnastics and dance in the curriculum is one

to one and a half hours.


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The following sports are played in the school: football, rugby, netball,

rounders, cricket, cross country, short tennis, and athletics.

PE and Coaching Qualifications held by Staff (Summer 2015)

Mr. J. Jenkins Coaching awards in athletics, rugby, football, cricket

and BAGA gymnastics.

Mr J Evans Dragon Sports, rugby and cricket

Miss T Tyrell Dragon sports, coaching for netball.

Mrs. N. Thomas Dragon sports, coaching for hockey

Mrs B Melen Dragon sports, coaching for football

Children also have the opportunity to attend a range of outdoor activities

at centres such as Borfa Outdoor Education Centre, Abernant Outdoor

Education Centre and Llangrannog.

Charging Policy – Polisi Codi tâl

The Governing Body has decided that parents are sometimes asked to

make voluntary contributions to support particular activities which incur a



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‘We have the right to play’

Extra-curricular activities are encouraged at school. They include our

school choir and the opportunity to learn to play the drums or guitar.

There are opportunities for children to take part in a range of clubs such

as Eco club, cookery club, Netball, Football, rugby, cricket, rounders, folk

dancing and Fit Kids clubs, media and animation club as well as a

singing club and coding club. Other extra-curricular provision includes

theatre, concerts and drama presentations, and outdoor pursuits in the

form of field and seashore studies.


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SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENTS Cyflawniadau’r Ysgol

UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools – Gold Award

Self-Evaluating Schools Standard – Gold, Silver & Bronze Awards

Quality Mark Award

International Schools Award

Platinum, silver and bronze Green Flag Eco schools award

Green Flag Eco schools award

Healthy schools Award (level 4)

Dragon Sports Hockey League Award

Welsh Assembly Certificates – Eco Team, Mediators and School Councilors

Forest School Assessor Training Accreditation

Rights Respecting Schools Award Level 1, Level 2 and Gold

Representatives in West Wales Athletics Championships

Individual children achieved in music, karate, buggy racing,

football, rugby, swimming, dance and gymnastic certificates.

Partnership and Science Award to develop the Woodland Walk.

ATTENDANCE - PRESENOLDEB Regular school attendance is vital and missing school can have a significant impact

on achievement over a one year period as illustrated below:



Best chance of


Your child is taking full advantage of every learning




At least 2 weeks of

learning missed

Satisfactory. Your child may have to spend time

catching up with work.



At least 4 weeks of

learning missed

Your child may be at risk of underachieving and may

need extra support from you to catch up with work.



At least 5 ½ weeks

of learning missed

Your child’s poor attendance has a significant impact on


Below 80%


At least 7½ weeks

of learning missed

Your child is missing out on a broad and balanced

education. You are at risk of prosecution.

We tackle any issues of poor attendance or punctuality by working with parents,

sometimes involving the Educational Welfare Officer. Please remember that if there

are reasons why your child is missing school then you can seek support and

guidance from the school.

Every child has an entitlement to an education from the age of 5 and therefore

holidays taken during term time should be avoided at all costs.

The Welsh Government states that penalty notices are one option among a number

of different interventions available to promote better school attendance. The

introduction of these regulations is one part of the Welsh Government strategy to

support improved school attendance across Wales.

The introduction of these regulations mean that parents may now be fined for their

child(ren)’s regular non-attendance at school.


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Family LIASION Cysylltu â Rhieni

Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time to discuss their child’s

progress, preferably by appointment, or at open evenings held at least twice a

year. In addition, an introductory series of “Meet Your New Teacher” evenings

are held in September where families can learn about new routines,

expectations, homework arrangements, etc. Our annual “Celebration Week”

provides a chance for families to find out about the year’s achievements through

a series of pupil-led workshops.

A weekly headteacher blog and termly newsletter provide a snapshot of school

activities, along with weekly updates from class pages on our website and

through our twitter account @waunprimary. Information can also be found on

our school website.

A ‘Family Facilitator’ (Melanie Ford) from the ‘Family Partnership Team’

provides help, support and advice. She is available for contact every Tuesday

at the school.

The school has a ‘Friends of Waunarlwydd’ Association that organise a range of events to help raise funds for the school. This year the Friends of Waunarlwydd have organised cake sales and school discos and have supported the school in their International week by organising the summer fair as a part of the Celebration day. If you would like to join our Friends of Waunarlwydd please contact the school office for details of the next meeting, all are welcome.

TODDLERS Plant Bach Preschool children (aged 2 and over) are invited to join the Nursery class every Thursday 2:00pm-3:00pm in our very popular Toddler sessions. Here, parent/carers and children can meet school staff and enjoy their new indoor and outdoor classroom. At the end of the session, the children sing a nursery rhyme and take it home to share with their family. Parents can chat to our nursery teacher about nursery routines and how to prepare their children for starting school. .


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Girls: grey skirt/trousers/pinafore dress

white/blue blouse/shirt/polo shirt

maroon cardigan/sweater /hoody

or maroon jogging suit and polo shirt

or red gingham dress (for summer)

Boys: grey trousers / shorts

white/blue shirt/polo shirt

maroon sweater/sweatshirt

or maroon jogging suit and polo shirt

All articles are to be clearly marked with children’s names and

sensible footwear is encouraged.

Y6 have the option of purchasing a leavers’ hoody in the summer term

prior to their starting Y6. Details will be sent out by letter to parents.

Our school uniform may be purchased at:

Bergoni Schoolwear, J & S Products

Ferryboat Close 74 Tycoch Road

Llansamlet, Sketty

Swansea Swansea

Tel: 01792 796880 Tel: 01792 206658


Nursery to Y1

On PE days, children should wear ‘easy’ clothes such as joggers or

shorts and T-shirt underneath their school clothes.

Y2 to Y6

Indoor – plain shorts, white T-shirt.

Outdoor – plain shorts, white T-shirt, tracksuit, trainers.

(no heeled shoes or boots)


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Foundation Phase – Cyfnod Sylfaen

Percentage of pupils achieving O5 or above in each area.

School School School School LA Wales

Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019


Phase Indicator 92.6 92.3 95.5 80.7 75.2 80.0


Literacy and

Communication 96.3 92.3 97.7 80.7 76.3 82.0


Development 92.6 92.3 97.7 80.7 80.7 84.7

Personal and



Well-Being and



96.3 94.9 100 96.8

91.1 92.2

Key Stage 2 – Cyfnod Allweddol 2

Percentage of pupils achieving Level 4 or above in each subject at Key Stage 2.

School School School School LA Wales

Title 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019

Core Subject

Indicator 92.1 93.5 97.6 100 86.8 87.8

English 92.1 93.5 97.6 100 88.7 89.7

Mathematics 97.4 93.5 100 100 89.4 90.7

Science 97.4 93.5 100 100 89.7 90.8

Source : National Curriculum Assessments Database


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Attendance percentage of possible sessions for pupils on roll and leavers of compulsory school age only.

Age Date of Birth

Present/Approved Educational Activity (%)

Authorised absences (%)

Unauthorised absences (%)

M F Total M F Total M F Total

10 1/9/08 - 31/8/09

95.1 96.3 95.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.1 0.8 1.3

9 1/9/09 - 31/8/10

94.7 93.9 94.4 3.1 4.3 3.4 2.2 1.9 2.1

8 1/9/10 - 31/8/11

94.7 96.2 95.3 2.9 3.0 2.9 2.4 0.8 1.8

7 1/9/11 - 31/8/12

95.3 95.3 95.3 3.4 3.1 3.2 1.3 1.6 1.5

6 1/9/12 - 31/8/13

95.7 92.8 94.4 2.7 4.0 3.3 1.6 3.2 2.3

5 1/9/13 - 31/8/14

94.9 95.7 95.5 4.1 2.5 3.0 1.0 1.8 1.5

Total of all pupils

95.0 95.3 95.2 3.1 3.2 3.1 1.9 1.6 1.7

Our whole school attendance for 2018/19 was 95.2%.

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SCHOOL TERMS AND HOLIDAY DATES Tymhorau Ysgol a Dyddiadau Gwyliau

School Terms and Holiday Dates Academic Year – 2019-2020

Mid Term














2019 Monday 2


Friday 25





Friday 1


Monday 4


Friday 20



2020 Monday 6


Friday 14





Friday 21


Monday 24


Friday 3




Monday 20


Friday 22



25 May

Friday 29


Monday 1


Monday 20


Bank Holidays

10 April 2020 Good Friday

13 April 2020 Easter Monday

4 May 2020 May Day

25 May 2020 Spring Bank Holiday

School INSET/Staff Preparation Days

The school will be closed to pupils on the following dates:

Day 1 2nd September 2019

Day 2 4th October 2019

Day 3 20th December 2019

Day 4 22nd June 2020

Day 5 20th July 2020


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HEALTH & SAFETY Iechyd a Diogelwch

‘We have the right to be safe’

Smoking / Ysmygu

The school has a no smoking policy. The staff all recognise the damage that smoking

can do to health. Passive smoking is also a risk to the health of pupils and colleagues.

Smoking is prohibited anywhere within the school building or grounds.

Dogs / Cwn

For obvious reasons in protecting pupil health, we request that dogs are not brought

into the school grounds.

Safe Routes to School / Llwybrau Diogel i’r Ysgol

The school participates in the Safe Routes to School Initiative organised by the LA.

The aim of the project is to promote good health by encouraging pupils to take more

exercise including walking to school. Annual data collection forms record the named

adults charged with collecting pupils at the end of the school day. Although some

families prefer pupils to start walking to and from school unaccompanied at KS2, we

ask that all pupils attending Breakfast Club are signed in and that Foundation Phase

pupils are always collected by an adult.

Safety of pupils / Diogelwch Disgyblion

As many pupils no longer walk to school, there is traffic congestion at both school

entrances at the start and end of the school day. Cars irresponsibly parked put pupils

at risk. The school has requested that the police prosecute anyone parking illegally at

our school entrances.

Unfortunately, there are no parking facilities within the school grounds. Parents are

requested not to bring vehicles into the school drive at the beginning or end of

school sessions

i.e. between 8.00 - 9.00, 3.10 - 3.30 and for the nursery 11.15 - 11.30 and 12.40 - 1.00. Parents collecting children who become ill during the school day may use the car park.

We have wonderful school grounds at Waunarlwydd Primary. The PTA very

generously contributed towards the development of our outdoor play equipment and

outdoor learning environment. Children are supervised to use the play equipment

during the school day. However, we ask parents not to allow children to play on the

equipment after school for their own health and safety, as staff are not available to

supervise at this time.

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In the first instance, parents who have concerns are requested to raise

them with their child's class teacher. If this is not appropriate, contact the

head teacher. A copy of the school’s complaints’ policy is displayed on the

school website and paper copies may be obtained from the school office.

Further advice may be obtained from

The Education Department,

Pupil and Parent Support Section,

Civic Centre



Telephone : 01792 636000

This information is correct and up-to date at the time of printing,

Summer 2019.


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HOW TO GET HERE Sut i gyrraedd yma


Waunarlwydd Primary School

Brithwen Road




TEL: (01792) 872431

EMAIL: [email protected]