Download - Primary 5 LLELP 2 nd term A journal Text 1: A BABY IN THE HOUSE.

Page 1: Primary 5 LLELP 2 nd term A journal Text 1: A BABY IN THE HOUSE.

Primary 5 LLELP2nd term

A journal


Page 2: Primary 5 LLELP 2 nd term A journal Text 1: A BABY IN THE HOUSE.

15 September Mum came home from the hospital today. She brought my new baby sister home too. My baby sister is very small and she smells nice. She sleeps a lot. Her name is Karen, but everyone calls her “BB”.

Page 3: Primary 5 LLELP 2 nd term A journal Text 1: A BABY IN THE HOUSE.

19 September

I got to hold the baby today. Mum told me to sit on the sofa first. Mum said to be careful. BB is soft like a puppy but wiggly like a worm.

Page 4: Primary 5 LLELP 2 nd term A journal Text 1: A BABY IN THE HOUSE.

20 September

Lots of people come to give BB presents. They smile at her and say she’s cute. They say I must be good and take care of my sister, but they don’t give me any presents.

Page 5: Primary 5 LLELP 2 nd term A journal Text 1: A BABY IN THE HOUSE.

25 September

A new baby takes up so much time. Mum is always busy with the baby – feeding her, changing her diapers, burping her, carrying her, putting her to sleep. She’s crying again. I hate her crying, especially at night! Today, I was so sleepy at school because her crying woke me up last night. A baby is a lot of trouble!

Page 6: Primary 5 LLELP 2 nd term A journal Text 1: A BABY IN THE HOUSE.

3 October

Today, Dad yelled at me to be quiet. How can I have fun or hear the TV when it is so soft? Why is BB so important? I’m important too! Nobody has time for me. Dad says he can’t help me with my homework because he’s too tired. Mum is always taking care of the baby. I wish they would take BB back to the hospital.

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4 OctoberAaargh! I hate the smell of poopy diapers!

9 OctoberBB likes to watch the musical mobile hanging over her crib. I like winding it up for her. When it moves, BB smiles and waves her hands in the air. I guess she can be cute – sometimes!

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11 October

I helped to hold BB’s bottle today. It’s fun to watch her drink. She gulps very quickly at first because she’s so hungry. Then she drinks more slowly. As her eyes start to close, I have to nudge her to get her to finish drinking.

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17 October

She laughs when I make faces at her. I think she likes me. She tries to talk to me too, but all she can say is “goo goo”. Mum says I am a good big brother. I can’t wait for BB to grow up and play with me. I guess it’s not so bad that she’s in our family. Although she is a lot of trouble, it’s kind of nice to have a baby in the house.

Page 10: Primary 5 LLELP 2 nd term A journal Text 1: A BABY IN THE HOUSE.

soft like a puppy

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feeding a baby

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wiggly like a worm

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carrying a baby

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burping a baby

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taking care of

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putting a baby to bed

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winding it up

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gulp(s) very quickly

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making faces