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Ons is baie opgewonde oor hierdie uitgawe van AWSUM!Ons het onlangs het `n facebook-blad spesifiek vir elkeen van ons elf areas geloods. Ons kry gereeld versoeke van ouers wat nie die koerant ontvang nie, en daarom wil ons dit deur sosiale media meer toeganklik vir die leerders, ouers en oud-studente maak. (Meer inligting hieroor op bladsy 3)

MEER OR WAT JY KAN WEN... Om hierdie projek af te skop wil ons graag die skool met die meeste likes per blad beloon. Ouers,onderwysers en leerders se likes sal vir die skool tel en groot kontantpryse kan gewen word

• Die skool met die meeste likes wen R10 000, asook 1 volblad in sy AWSUM-streekskoerant

• Een gelukkige leerder wen R2 500.• Een gelukkige onderwyser wen R2 500.• Een gelukkige ouer wen R2 500.

OM IN TE SKRYF IS MAKLIK!Stap 1: Like die AWSUM Facebook-blad in jou streek: AWSUM Pretoria

Stap 2: Elke leerder, onderwyser, ouer of skool moet dan die volgende hashtags gebruik om vir die kompetisie in te skryf en op die spesifieke blad saam met die skool te post:

Leerder: #awsumlearner(skool se naam) Bv. #awsumlearnerpaulroosOnderwyser: #awsumteacher(skool se naam) Bv. #awsumteacherpaarlgimOuer: #awsumparent (skool se naam) Bv. #awsumparentdirkieuysSkool: #awsumschool(skool se naam) Bv.#awsumschoolbloemhof

Die kompetisie eindig 16 Oktober 2015.Die wenners sal nie later as 30 Oktober aangewys word nie.

Tot later!Tenille en die AWSUM-span

Pretoria #LIKE die AWSUM Facebook-blad in

jou streek: AWSUM Pretoria

Hashtag om vir die kompetisie in te skryf #awsumlearner

OF #awsumparent gevolg deur jou skool se naam.

PRO ARTE ALPHEN PARK(t) 012 460 6221 (e) [email protected]

Team EditorTenille Swanepoel | 021 872 [email protected]

DesignersRowan Engledoe | [email protected] Bushby | [email protected]

Editorial co-ordinatorRyno Wolfaardt | 021 872 [email protected]

To advertiseLindi [email protected] 600 8259

Schools insideAWSUM News is distributed to the following schools in Pretoria: Pro Arte Alphen Park, Hoërskool Waterkloof, Hoërskool Garsfontein, Laerskool Monumentpark, Laerskool Lynnwood, Curro Hazeldean Primary, Glenstantia Primary School

Printed by Paarl Coldset






Mr Jacques du Rand is Pro Arte Alphen Park’s new Deputy Principal. This talented and dynamic man matriculated in 1983 at Witbank High School and completed a Higher Diploma in Education for Secondary Schools at the University of the Witwatersrand in 1988. He was appointed at The Glen High School in 1989 as a teacher and was promoted to Head of Department (Mathematics) in 2006. Jacques completed his B Ed (Hons) with distinction at the end of 2012 and his M Ed at the end of 2014. He specialised in Educational Technology as he is keen to see digital technology being implemented and used in schools to a much greater extent than what is currently being done.Jacques says: “I like a school that functions seamlessly where teachers and learners have a common goal. It gives me great satisfaction to produce well-mannered, well-groomed young men and women at the end of their 12 years at school. To see them going out into the world with a well-rounded education gives me hope for the future of this country. Young leaders, entrepreneurs and performers in their various fields are what is going to make the next twenty to thirty years exciting and worthwhile.Schools that adopt technology and make it work for them have been able to bridge the digital divide that appears to exist between South Africa and other developed nations. I need to stress that digital technology with tablets, e-books and interactive whiteboards is not going to replace the teacher; the teacher is going to be that

much more important to be able to facilitate the amount of information the children will be bombarded with. Being able to find information on the Internet is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg; the child also needs to decide what is important and what is irrelevant.I would like to see Pro Arte Alphen Park become a leader in all spheres of academic and cultural life in Pretoria. I would like to see teachers who can use digital technology skilfully so as to enhance their specific subject knowledge. I would like to see learners who are proud to be at Pro Arte Alphen Park and who go on to do great things with their lives. It is always possible to dream, but it is important to realise that you need to work hard to fulfil those dreams.”

Jacques du Rand is Pro arte Alphen Park se nuwe Adjunkhoof en het in 1983 aan die Witbank High School gematrikuleer. Hierdie dinamiese en talentvolle man het in 1988 ‘n Hoër Onderwys Diploma aan die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand verwerf. In 1989, het Jacques ‘n onderwyspos by The Glen High School gekry en in 2006 is hy tot Departmentshoof van Wiskunde bevorder. Hy het sy B Ed (Hons) met onderskeiding aan die einde van 2012 behaal en sy M Ed aan die einde van 2014. Jacques het in Opvoedkundige Tegnologie gespesialiseer, omdat hy wil toesien dat digitale tegnologie veel meer as tans in skole geïmplementeer en gebruik word.Jacques sê: “Ek hou van ‘n skool wat op goed ge-oliede wiele loop, waar onderwysers en leerders ‘n gemeenskaplike doelwit nastreef. Dit verskaf my groot genot om goedgemanierde, goedversorgde jong mans en dames aan die einde van hul 12-jaarlange skoolloopbaan, die volwasse wêreld in te stuur. Dit gee my hoop vir die toekoms van ons land, om hulle met ‘n deeglike afgeronde opvoeding die wêreld te sien ingaan. Jong leiers, entrepreneurs en kunstenaars in hul onderskeie velde, is wat die volgende twintig tot dertig jaar opwindend en die moeite werd sal maak.Skole wat tegnologie hul eie maak en ten volle benut sal die oëenskynlike digitale kloof wat tussen Suid-Afrika en ander ontwikkelde lande bestaan, oorbrug. Ek moet beklemtoon dat digitale tegnologie met tablette, e-boeke en interaktiewe witborde nie die onderwyser gaan vervang nie; die rol van die onderwyser gaan juis

belangriker wees om kinders in staat stel om die hordes inligting waarmee hul gebombardeer word, te fasiliteer. Om inligting op die internet te vind, is net die top van die spreekwoordelike ysberg; die kind moet ook bemagtig word om te besluit wat is belangrik en wat is nie noodsaaklik nie.Ek sou graag wou sien dat Pro Arte Alphen Park die leier in alle sfere van die akademiese en kulturele lewe in Pretoria word. Ek wil onderwysers hê wat digitale tegnologie met groot vaardigheid kan gebruik om hul spesifieke vakkennis beter oor te dra. Ek wil leerders sien wat trots is om by Pro Arte Alphen Park te wees en wat groot dinge in hul lewens gaan bereik. Dit is altyd moontlik om te droom, maar dit is noodsaaklik om te besef dat jy hard moet werk om daardie drome te vervul.”



Om hierdie projek af te skop wil ons graag die skool met die meeste likes per blad beloon. Ouers, onderwysers en leerders se likes sal vir die skool tel.

Die volgende groot kontantpryse kan gewen word:

• Een gelukkige skool wen R10 000.00 PLUS Die skool per streek met die meeste likes kry 1 volblad in die AWSUM-streekskoerant!

• Een gelukkige ouer wen R2500.00• Een gelukkige onderwyser wen R2500.00• Een gelukkige leerder wen R2500.00

Dit is maklik en eenvoudig om in te skryf:

STAP 1: Like die AWSUM- facebookblad in jou streek: AWSUM Pretoria

STAP 2: Elke leerder, onderwyser, ouer of skool moet dan die volgende hashtags gebruik om vir die kompetisie in te skryf en op die spesifieke blad saam met die skool post:- Leerder: #awsumlearner(skool se naam) Bv. #awsumlearnerpaulroos- Onderwyser: #awsumteacher(skool se naam) Bv. #awsumteacherpaarlgim- Ouer: #awsumparent(skool se naam) Bv. #awsumparentdirkieuys- Skool: #awsumschool(skool se naam) Bv.#awsumschoolbloemhof

Die kompetisie sluit 16 Oktober 2015. Die wenners sal nie later as 30 Oktober aangewys word nie.

Geagte Ouer

Die AWSUM-koerant het ‘n facebook-blad vir elke area geloods. Hier plaas ons eksklusiewe inhoud wat met jou streek te make het, asook foto’s wat nie in die koerant gepubliseer is nie. Jy kan ook op dié bladsy met jou skool spog, jy kan ons vertel wat aangaan – ag, en sommer net met ons gesels. Daar sal ook ’n skakel na die nuutste uitgawe wees sodat jy dit aanlyn kan lees.

Brakes are not the sexiest part of the car, but one of the most crucial.While driving merrily down the road at 120kph and suddenly need to stop, this could take up to 97m or the length of a rugby field and that’s if your brakes are well maintained.

We need to check our brakes regularly and this is done by from the most obvious, a warning light on a dash board, to other indications like taking longer to stop than normal, pulling to one side, a rumble or squealing sound. Most cars are fitted with disc brakes, a hydraulic system known as callipers which squeeze together a set of brake pads and this resulting friction slows the rotation of the disc and wheel.

The disc and pads. Fortunately checking the disc thickness is pretty easy and these should be at least 3mm thicker than the wear indicators. Between the callipers, you’ll see brake pads which should have at least 2mm of braking material on them, Anything thinner and you will need to attend to these. Look for deep grooves or pits on the disc, this will also affect

the effective braking distances.

Strange Sounds. Your mother always told you that load music was bad for your ears, well, this applies to brakes as well. Any rumbling, squeal, or grinding noise is not good and needs urgent attention.

Pulling to one side while driving or braking. This could be a stuck calliper, dirty brake fluid or simply badly maintained tyre pressure or tyres. Maybe uneven wheel alignment. Old brake fluid could allow air bubbles to form. Air is compressible, the brake fluid is not. Compress the air bubbles and nothing will happen at the calliper.

Brake Fluid Reservoir. Levels should be fairly constant. A drop could indicate a leak.

A ten minute break check could save your life.Supa Quick is able to check your brakes, analyse your tyres, see the resulting indications of worn shocks, brakes, wheel alignment, suspension problems and other general safety issues.

Seared ostrich fillet with a blackcurrant sauceServes 4

Ostrich is low in fat, healthy and tasty – just don’t overcook it. INGREDIENTS:• Splash of olive oil• 4 ostrich fillet steaks• Salt and freshly ground black pepper• 1 cloves garlic, crushed• 1 tsp finely chopped fresh ginger,• 1 red chilli, sliced (optional)• ½ cup dry red wine• 2 Tbsp. blackcurrant jam• 4 tbls Wellington’s Steakhouse Sauce• 4 spring onions with tops, roughly chopped METHOD:Season steaks with salt and pepper.

Heat the olive oil to high heat in heavy-based

frying pan.

Sear ostrich fillets in batches for 1 minute per side, and set aside.

To the same pan add a drop more olive oil and gently fry ginger, garlic and chillies, stirring for 1 minute.

Add the wine, blackcurrant jam and Wellingtons. Steakhouse Sauce, and simmer until slightly reduced.

Return the fillets and spring onions to the sauce. Gently heat through – don’t overcook.

Serve on a pile crushed potatoes with steamed greens.

© Jenny Morris 2014 -2015

By Jenny MorrisFollow Jenny @jennymorrischef

Win a year’s supply of Wellington’s sauces for you and your family!

To enter, simply tell us what’s your favourite Wellington’s sauce flavour? Send your answer,

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GARSIE-KULTUUR SKITTER IN DIE ATTERBURY TEATERHoërskool Garsfontein hou Slipperday en samel R5 387 in vir Reach for a Dream. Hulle is ‘n liefdadigheidsorganisasie wat geld insamel om kinders tussen die ouderdom van 3-18 jaar te help om hulle drome te bereik. Elk van hierdie kinders is gediagnoseer met ernstige siektes soos kanker. Hulle streef daarna om kinders altyd hoop te gee. Slipperdag in Garsieland was weereens ‘n groot sukses, want Garsies gee om.

Die jaarlikse Hoërskool Garsfontein Kunste- en Kultuurweek bereik ‘n hoogtepunt op Saterdag, 29 Augustus, met die week se Prestige-aand en Pryswennerskonsert in die Atterbury Teater. Hierdie week bou voort op die ryk tradisie van Kultuur en Kunste by die skool en die fokus is daarop om nuwe talent te ontdek en optree-geleedheid aan leerders te gee in ‘n druk-vrye omgewing. Prestige-toekennings is aan afdeling wenners gemaak en spesiale toekennings is as volg toegeken: “Mees vermaaklike item” aan Amoré Rossouw, Anlu Huyser en Kari van der Walt, “Beste nuwelinge”aan

Chanél van Aswegen gedeel met Mariné Moffet en die week se toptoekenning “Beste optrede van die week” gaan aan Janelle Swanepoel in graad 12 wat in die Solo-sang Afdeling deelgeneem het. Die aand is afgesluit met ‘n optrede deur ons skool se toneelgroep. Hierdie leerders o.l.v. me Cloete en mnr Geldenhuys het gedurende Augustus verskeie toekennings vir die stuk “Ek soek jou”- geskryf deur Marhette van Huyssteen, ontvang. Die groep het ook met die stuk deur gedring na die Johannseburg Streeksfinaal van die ATKV-Tienertoneel.

Ek soek jou: Wayne en Steinmann.

Voor: Megan Lombard(Sosiaal), Stephani Crous (Waardes en Dissipline), Lisa van der Westhuizen (Presidente), Rozanne du Plessis (Sekretaresse) en Mila Bezuidenhout (Bemarking)

Agter: Archibald Rohde (Kultuur), Herman Erasmus (Personeel en Akademie), Kevin Coetzee (President), Heinrich Kuyler (Sport en Gees), Delano Venter (Geestelik en Liefdadigheid)

Ek soek jou: Nisha-Marie Heyns.

HOËRSKOOL GARSFONTEIN(t) 012 998 6096/8200/8210 (e) [email protected]


SANESA 2015 KATEGORIE-C WENNERS!Die perderuiters van Curro Hazeldean Laerskool is die wenners van SANESA kategorie C (skole met 21-27 perd/ruiter kombinasies) se Gauteng Tshwane streek.

Van links: Amor Le Roux, Mari-Elen Sonderling, Carla Petersen, Mika Theron en Reinhardt Lubbe. Voor: Monique Janse van Rensburg. Baie geluk aan elke ruiter wat die jaar deel was van die span!

LES CULTIVÉS A LA CURRO 2015There was an atmosphere of excitement in Curro Hazeldean at the beginning of August as the Curro students were preparing for the Les Cultivés a la Curro. The whimsical Cinderella coach and the colourful art exhibition in the school’s foyer set the tone for the fun week of culture. The standard was very high and the participants enjoyed taking part. Everyone went to a lot of trouble to ensure that their items were well rounded off and well presented. A number of fellow pupils had hidden talents that we weren’t aware of!The gala evening was a special event.

The hall was beautifully decorated and the participants put on an excellent show. The excited audience enjoyed the dancing, singing, drama and instrumental pieces and showed their appreciation with loud clapping.On behalf of all the participants I would like to thank all the teachers and parents who made the festival possible, especially Mrs Mills who made the culture week a huge success.We are all looking forward to the next festival! Curro Hazeldean really does have talent!


1. Verhit die olie in ’n potjie en braai die helfte van die vleis vir ’n minuutof twee. Jy wil regtig net elke stukkie effens seël. Jy hoef nie die vleis te gaar te maak nie en jy hoef dit ook nie aan al die kante te seël nie. Haaldie vleis uit die potjie en herhaal die proses met die ander helfte. Wanneer die tweede sarsie klaar is, kan jy al die vleis in ’n bak of bord sit en bedek, waar dit dan kan wag om later weer by die pot gegooi te word.2. Roerbraai die uie in die potjie vir omtrent 4 minute totdat hulle sag raak en gooi dan die knoffel by. Uie neem langer as knoffel, so braai altyd eers die uie voordat jy die knoffel bygooi. Dit is algemene raad wat nie net op hierdie resep van toepassing is nie.3. Voeg al die geseëlde beesvleisblokkies van stap 1 by. Gooi ook die paprika, brandrissiepoeier, sout en peper by. Wikkel die spulletjie vir ’n minuutlank rond.4. Gooi nou die tamaties, tamatiepasta, Coke en rooiwyn by en roer dat hulle lekker meng. Sit die deksel op, kry aan die kook en laat dan prut oor lae hitte. Jy wil hê die pot moet net baie rustig prut.5. Ideaal wil jy hom vir ’n uur rustig laat borrel – dan haal jy die deksel af en laat verder prut tot jy tevrede is dat die sous dik genoeg is. Dit kan solank as 30 minute neem, maar dalk korter. As jy haastig is, gee


Sang Juniorwenner Celicia Niemandt

Seniorwenner Jan-Albert en Anriëtte Botha

Afdelingswenner Jan-Albert Botha

Instrumentaal Juniorwenner Viool Emma Stiff

Seniorwenner Viool Gerhard Van den Bergh

Juniorwenner Klavier Celicia Niemandt en Gabriella Erlank

Seniorwenner Klavier Daniella Fernandes

Juniorwenner Kitaar Henré Mills

Seniorwenner Kitaar Kyle Wannenburgh

Wenner Dromme Aiden Pretorius

Afdelingswenner Catherine Stiff

Dans Juniorwenner Akrobate Molebageng Mmpulane

Ballet Hylie en Carli Dippenaar

Modern, Disco & Jazz

Hip-hop Marcelo Wessels

Seniorwenner Akrobate Ellé Gottfried en Jemma Cornelissen

Ballet Lumé Prinsloo

Modern, Disco & Jazz Stella Botha

Hip-hop Stella Botha

Afdelingswenner Mea de Wet

Drama Juniorwenner Chelsea Henderson

Seniorwenner Anriëtte Botha

Afdelingswenner René Geyser

Kuns Graad R-inkleurwenner Mieke Muller

Handwerkwenner Danae vd Merwe

Stokperdjie Henko Höll

Juniorwenner Beeldendekuns Celicia Niemandt

Seniorwenner Beeldendekuns Melene Badenhorst

Afdelingswenner Kyra Kruger

Skryfkuns Afdelingswenner René Geyser

Algehele wenner Kultuurster René Geyser

CURRO HAZELDEAN PRIMARY(t) 012 809 0714/6 (e) [email protected]

CELEBRATE & WIN! BRAAI DAY - 24 SEPTEMBER 2015!To celebrate Braai month, AWSUM News is giving away 2 copies of Die Demokratiese Republiek van Braai (published by Human & Rousseau) and 2 copies of The Democratic Republic of Braai (published by Bookstorm), by Jan Braai.

To enter, simply LIKE us on facebook and leave a post #Braai followed by Afrikaans or English. E.g. #Braai EnglishCOMPETITION CLOSES 30 SEPTEMBER

KATEMBAPOTJIE (Uittreksel uit Demokratiese Republiek van Braai)

In Suider-Afrika, veral in ons buurland Namibië, is daar die vreemde maar algemene gewoonte om rooiwyn en Coke te meng en dit dan vir plesier te drink. Jy noem hom ’n katemba en hy kom ook voor in ander lande met ’n soortgelyke klimaat aan Namibië, soos Spanje waar jy hom ’n kalimotxo noem. Jy dink dalk nie veel hiervan nie, maar die waarheid is dat dit ’n geurkombinasie is wat baie lekker werk, veral in ’n potjie met die vleis waarvoor Namibië bekend is – bees! Vir hierdie resep glo ek werk dikribskyf (chuck steak) die beste. Hy kom uit die voorkwart, so hy is vol smaak. Sy tekstuur en die stukkies vet in die vleis maak ook dat hy goed vaar met so ’n lang, stadige prutproses. Koop sommer skywe by die supermark en ontbeen dit self.


1 sopie olyfolie1,5 kg ontbeende dikribskyf (chuck steak, in blokkies gesny)2 uie (opgekap)2 huisies knoffel (opgekap)1 sopie paprika1 teelepel brandrissiepoeier1 teelepel sout1 teelepel swartpeper2 tamaties (opgekap)1 sopie tamatiepasta1 koppie Coke1 koppie rooiwynvars brood (om mee te bedien)suurroom (opsioneel, om mee te bedien; ’n houer of koppie is meer as genoeg)varsgekapte kruie (vir garnering; basiliekruid, pietersielie, roketblare of koljander sal almal die ding doen)

die pot meer hitte van onder om vinniger te borrel en dat die vloeistof gouer wegkook.6. Sodra jy tevrede is met die sous, haal die pot van die vuur af en laat hom staan vir ’n paar minute. Bedien met stukke vars brood wat jy op die vuur gerooster het en lepels suurroom.7. As daar dinge soos vars pietersielie, basiliekruid, roketblare of koljander in jou tuin groei, garneer daarmee.en ... Ek geniet ’n glas rooiwyn saam met die ete, maar natuurlik kan jy die potjie ook bedien met rooiwyn ... en Coke!







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Sun Sep, 27 - Villa Park - 20:00Australia VS Uruguay

Thu Oct, 1 - 16:45Wales VS Fiji

Sat Oct, 3 - 20:00 England VS Australia

Thu Oct, 6 - 20:00Fiji VS Uruguay

Sat Oct, 10 - 16:45 Australia VS Wales

Sat Oct, 10 - 20:00 England VS Uruguay




Sat Sep, 19 - 16:45 South Africa VS Japan

Sun Sep, 20 - 12:00 Samoa VS USA

Wed Sep, 23 - 14:30 Scotland VS Japan

Sat Sep, 26 - 16:45 South Africa VS Samoa

Sun Sep, 27 - 14:30 Scotland VS USA

Sat Oct, 3 - 14:30Samoa VS Japan

Sat Oct, 3 - 16:45 South Africa VS Scotland

Wed Oct, 7 - 16:45 South Africa VS USA

Sat Oct, 10 - 14:30Samoa VS Scotland

Sun Oct, 11 - 20:00USA VS Japan



Winner Pool BRunner-up Pool A



Winner Pool DRunner-up Pool C



Winner Pool CRunner-up Pool D



Winner Pool ARunner-up Pool B


16:00Winner QF1 VS Winner QF2


20:00Runner-up SF1 VS Runner-up SF2




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2015 SPRINGBOK SQUADFORWARDSWillem Alberts Schalk Brits Schalk Burger Lood de Jager Bismarck du Plessis Jannie du Plessis Pieter-Steph du Toit Eben Etzebeth Siya Kolisi Francois Louw Frans Malherbe Victor Matfield

Tendai Mtawarira Trevor NyakaneCoenie Oosthuizen Adriaan Strauss Duane Vermeulen

BACKSJean de Villiers (c) Damian de Allende Fourie du Preez Bryan Habana Zane Kirchner Jesse Kriel

Pat Lambie Willie le Roux Lwazi Mvovo Rudy Paige Ruan Pienaar JP Pietersen Handre Pollard Morne Steyn

COACH - Heyneke Meyer




Sat Sep, 19 - 12:00Tonga v Georgia

Sun Sep, 20 - 16:45New Zealand v Argentina

Thu Sep, 24 - 20:00New Zealand v Namibia

Fri Sep, 25 - 16:45 Argentina v Georgia

Tue Sep, 29 - 16:45 Tonga v Namibia

Fri Oct, 2 - 20:00 New Zealand v Georgia

Sun Oct, 4 - 14:30 Argentina v Tonga

Wed Oct, 7 - 20:00Namibia v Georgia

Fri Oct, 9 - 20:00 New Zealand v Tonga

Sun Oct, 11 - 12:00Argentina v Namibia



Sat Sep, 19 - 14:30Ireland v Canada

Sat Sep, 19 - 20:00France v Italy

Wed Sep, 23 - 20:00France v Romania

Sat Sep, 26 - 14:30 Italy v Canada

Sun Sep, 27 - 16:45 Ireland v Romania

Thu Oct, 1 - 20:00France v Canada

Sun Sep, 4 - 16:45Ireland v Italy

Tue Oct, 6 - 16:45 Canada v Romania

Sun Oct, 11 - 14:30 Italy v Romania

Sun Oct, 11 - 16:45 France v Ireland


16:00Winner QF1 VS Winner QF2


20:00Runner-up SF1 VS Runner-up SF2


16:00Winner QF3 VS Winner QF4


16:00Winner SF1 VS Winner SF2


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Look oh-so-hippie-chic with this black suedette

at Zara, R 399.

Best buy for any occasion. Fringes instantly turn a simple sundress into a hot number. Printed fringed dress, R599, Forever 21.

FRINGE BENEFITSFashion Editor Pepe

Sofianos is all a-twirl in fringes. Wild West meets

Boho Babe.

Fringes are fantastic! They add instant heat

to any look and fringed accessories transform a plain T and jeans into a style statement with

just one swish.

FRINGE FACTSDid you know? Fringes originated from the Native American tribes who created garments with fringes to repel rainwater from soaking them as they rode across the prairies. Then in 1920 the Flapper Era made fringes an fashion icon with those famous fringed dance dresses. Finally the hippie era snapped up this fabulous fringe craze and made it their own. Now you can have fun with fringes!

The latest look for spring is inspired by those magnificent mega music festivals that shook the

Seventies, so get out there and rock some fringes. Check out living life on the fringe in everything from swishy kimono jackets dripping in flighty fringes to high-flying fringed bags and fabulous fringed boots

and sandals.




FLYING FEET. You can add some sway to your stomp in fringed sandals or ankle boots.

Fringed heels, R259, Fashion Express.

Blue pouchy suedette fringed bag, R399, Cotton On.

White floral print fringed Kimono, R650, Woolworths.

Fringed suede ankle boots, R899, Zara.

Fringed flatties, R199.99, Mr Price.

AFRIKAANSE HOËR MEISIESKOOL(t) 012 344 3811 (e) [email protected]

SWEMKAPTEIN VIR 2016 Baie geluk aan die nuut verkose swemkaptein vir 2016 Euné Odendaal onder kapteine is, Mareli Joubert en Suné du Plooy.

KOORLEIERS VIR 2015-2016 Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool se Koorleiers vir 2015-2016 is verkies.

Voor: Natalie Comrie, Miri-Joan de Wet, Leandi Bruyns. Middel: Marle Botha, Mareli Joubert, juffrou Marguerite Swanepoel, Juve Scheepers (voorsitter), Naomi Pretorius. Agter: Janilna Purchase (onder-voorsitter).

WATERKLOOF HOËRSKOOL(t) 012 347 0277/8 (e) [email protected]

NUWE KLOFIE LEIERS VIR 2016Maandag 7 September 2015: Die nuwe hoofleiers van Hoërskool Waterkloof is die naweek aangewys. Janu Buys en Elana Marais is tydens die leierskamp eenparig tot hoofseun en hoofdogter vir 2016 verkies.

Albei leerders is gebore en getoë Pretorianers en is passievol oor hul skool. Beide wil graag ‘n blywende verskil in die lewens van elke Klofie maak en die skool inspireer om as ‘n eenheid ‘n bydrae tot die samelewing waarin hulle funksioneer, te maak.

Benewens hulle vol akademiese en buitemuurse programme waaronder redenaars, debat, hokkie, waterhokkie, atletiek en skaak tel, is dié twee leerders ook volbloed Suid-Afrikaners wat hou van braaivleis en rolmodelle soos Rolene Strauss en Nelson Mandela aanhang.

Elana hou daarvan om in haar vrye tyd te verf, kitaar te speel en te dans - ‘n liefde wat sy met Janu deel. Haar gunstelingboek is The Hunger Games en enige fliek met ‘n goeie storielyn of animasie trek haar aan. Sy luister graag na enige musiek, maar Taylor Swift en Megan Trainer is twee van haar gunstelingkunstenaars.

Janu lees graag avontuur-fiksie en speel klavier wanneer hy nie met skoolwerk of sport besig is nie. Sy gunstelingboek is The Great Gatsby en hy was meegevoer deur die fliek, The Gladiator. Jeremy Loops is sy gunstelingsanger en hy geniet koffie, selfs as ‘n melkskommel.

Janu glo in wonderwerke omdat hy as klein seuntjie baie erge brandwonde aan sy hande opgedoen het en die dokters daarvan oortuig was dat hy na erge senuweeskade nie weer die volle gebruik daarvan sou herwin nie. Danksy die gebede van vele gelowiges dartel sy hande vandag sonder enige moeite oor die klavierklawers.

Elana beken dat sy somtyds ongeduldig kan wees, maar dat sy vriendelik is en probeer om soveel as moontlik vir ander te doen. Janu se beste eienskap is sy positiwiteit in alle omstandighede, maar hy reken dat sy manier om mense reg te help, hom al dikwels in die pekel laat beland het.

Dié twee leerders neem die leisels by Mericia Els en Stedman Gans oor.


A single blood donation can equal three gifts of life, as nearly every blood donation is separated into red blood cells, plasma and platelets.

The majority of transfusions are given to: Women who hemorrhage as a complication of pregnancy;Children with severe anemia; Accident victims; and surgical and cancer patients.By donating blood you make a difference.

WHY IS THERE SUCH A DEMAND FOR DONOR BLOOD? The huge number of traffic accidents over the holidays creates a high demand for donor blood. Right? Wrong. the interesting thing is that traffic accidents have little impact on the demand for donor blood. While there is only a slight increase in demand for donor blood over holidays, there is also a corresponding decrease in elective surgery during these times. So the demand for donated blood remains pretty steady all-year round. Blood usage in South Africa is more or less at a plateau, but slight increases are visible as the population increases.

WHO CAN DONATE BLOOD?Anyone who is over 17, weighs at least 50 kilograms and who has not donated blood in the preceding 56 days, who is healthy, not anemic, not on certain types of medication, or whose social behavior does not place them at an increased risk of transmitting the HI-virus or a hepatitis virus. People who have recently travelled to malaria areas are usually also excluded.

THE DONATION PROCESS Donating blood is a safe and simple procedure that takes about 30 minutes. All needles are new, sterile, used only once and incinerated after use.But many people are still uncertain as to exactly what happens when you donate blood. This is how the actual donation process works:• You will complete a donor questionnaire that

includes your personal details;• You will answer questions regarding your

health and social behavior;• You will undergo a one-on-one interview with a staff

member following the questions you answered on the donor questionnaire;

• Your iron (hemoglobin) level will be checked and your blood pressure and pulse rate will be taken;

• During the donation process you will donate one unit of blood (480ml), which your body will quickly replace; and

• You will receive refreshments to aid in replacing lost fluid.

• After donating, eat well and increase your fluid intake for the next four to six hours.

• Do not smoke for at least 30 minutes. Also avoid strenuous physical exertion and lifting heavy objects with the arm used for making the donation for at least two hours afterwards.

WHERE YOU CAN DONATE BLOOD You’ve decided you want to donate blood, but you don’t know where to go. The South African National Blood Service can be contacted at or by phoning the toll free number 0800 11 9031 for a list of locations in your area.

SIX TOP EXCUSES FOR NOT DONATING BLOODHere are the top six excuses people give for not being a blood donor.• I am afraid of the needle. This is quite

understandable, but after you make that first donation, you will wonder why you ever hesitated.

• Other people are giving enough blood. Unfortunately, less than one percent of the population give blood, which means that the majority of South Africans do not donate and there is always a need to recruit donors.

• My blood isn’t the right type. Regular donations of all blood types are needed.

• I had an illness. Discuss this with the trained clinic staff who will give you the right advice.

• I don’t have enough

blood to spare.; The average

adult body contains approximately five litres of blood and a donation is only 480ml.

• It will hurt and I will faint. A slight pinch on the inside of your arm is all that you will feel and if you have had something substantial to eat in the four hours prior to donating, you should be fine.

TOP 10 BLOOD FACTS You hardly ever see your blood, yet it is the very thing that keeps you going. Here are some interesting facts on blood: The average adult man has about five to six litres of blood in his body, while the average woman has about four. Your blood makes up about 7% of your total body weight. About 95% of the body’s blood cells are made in bone marrow.There are approximately 1 billion red blood cells in two to three drops of blood. There are three types of blood cells: Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, all of which float around in plasma. The blood that you donate can be separated into these constituent parts.Your body usually replaces the volume of the blood you donate within 24 hours. Restoring red blood cell levels to normal can take up to two months though.Whole blood has a shelf-life of 35 days. Red blood cells last 42 days, platelets only five days and plasma up to one year.The most common blood type is O positive, while AB negative is the rarest. People with AB blood can receive any kind of blood from a donor, while O negative blood can be given to anyone.Scientists recently managed to change type A and B blood into type O. If this process can one day be done on a large scale, it would go a long way to alleviating the persistent shortage of blood. If you are healthy, you will be eligible to donate blood up to 330 times in your life.

Safe blood saves lives. Every day thousands of people would die if others did not donate their blood. By donating blood, you are

giving a patient something money cannot buy.

(Source: South African National Blood Service, DONATION


JY BENODIG:• Glasflesse• Gom• ‘n plastiekdiertjie• Spuitverf (wenk: wat van wit, goud of

silwer vir die grootmense?)• Lekkers of speelgoed om die flesse te vul

WAT OM TE DOEN:• Verwyder enige papier of gom wat dalk

op die fles is• Plak die plastiekdiertjie op die deksel vas• Wanneer dit droog is, spuit die deksel en

diertjie met spuitverf. Laat dit dan goed droog word en herhaal nog twee keer.

• Vul jou flesse en voila!

VROLIKE FLESSEDie somer is hier en buitelug-onthaal is (uiteindelik) aan die orde van die dag. Probeer gerus hierdie oulike idee wanneer jy vir jou gaste (of die kinders) iets soet en speels wil voorsit.

GLENSTANTIA PRIMARY SCHOOL(t) 012 998 6116 (e) [email protected]

LAERSKOOL MONUMENTPARK(t) 012 460 6607 (e) [email protected]

Link your brand to a schoolEmail - [email protected] or phone - 021 872 3880

HIGH TEA SPRING DAYCELEBRATED ARBOUR WEEKGlenstantia Primary School hosted their annual High Tea on Friday, 11 September 2015, for interested Grade 6 and 7 girls. The theme was Blossoming into Beauty where guest speakers discussed inner and outer beauty. The girls were also taught a few basic tips on how to be a lady.

Our Spring Day celebrations on 1 September boasted some innovative civvies day ideas from the learners. Like Yanula Elenis (Grade RDD) on the right who was dressed like a bee.

On Spring Day, 1 September, 2 little doves were born in Mrs Bhatt’s (Grade 1 C) Class. They had set up nest during the building of the new classroom block. As the learners were thrilled to have them in their classroom, they were not disturbed.

We celebrated Arbour Week from 1 - 5 September and each Grade planted a special Iceberg Rose Bush. Mr Pretorius (Principal) was on hand to assist.



With the end of the 2015 schoolboy rugby season we take a look at the Final First XV and combined (First XV, U16, U15 & U14) Rankings for the season.


11 ELDORAIGNE 17 4,45323 GARSFONTEIN 18 3,81733 WATERKLOOF 15 3,540




PRETORIA BOYS HIGH SCHOOL(t) 012 460 2246 (e) [email protected]

LAERSKOOL LYNNWOOD(t) 012 348 8894/1306 (e) [email protected]


LYNNIES PRE-PRIMÊR PAPPADAG11 September 2015 was ‘n groot dag vir pappa en sy kleuter. By ons jaarlikse Pre-primêr Pappadag, besef ons pappas hoe oulik hulle kleuters werklik is en klein kleuter beleef

pappa weer as ‘n held, veral tydens die Warrior Race. Die tent opslaan saam met pappa, asook warm koffie en soet beskuit, het elke pa se hart weer warm vir sy kleuter laat klop.

More than ten years ago, the Pretoria Boys High School’s Governing Body and Executive had a dream. This dream included a state-of-the-art school hall, library and facilities for the music department. A fundraising campaign was launched in 2010 under the auspices of the Pretorian Trust and managed by the recently retired headmaster, Mr. Bill Schroder, targeting the alumni of PBHS. An amount of over R26 million was raised towards the building projects.The first phase of construction was directed at converting the existing hall in such a way as to allow all staff and boys to be seated for assemblies and other functions. This was achieved through the addition of new east and west wings that extend into two of the quads and which feature tiered seating at both ground floor and upper floor levels. Further seating was also provided in an extended gallery section. One of the main objectives was to have all boys seated in a manner that would allow them to have a clear view of the stage and this has been achieved in the design.The architectural design for the conversion of the existing Abernethy Hall into a facility better suited to the needs of the school, had been undertaken with a view to preserving some of the key features, but at the same time increasing the seating capacity and greatly enhancing its flexibility.

The proscenium arch of the stage was unaltered as this design harks back to the first school hall. It was reincorporated into the existing hall (with the original badge) when the present hall was constructed in the 1960s. The current design also retains much of the original structure and layout, including a gallery.The east and west wings, both double-storey, are entirely new structures and allow for the addition of over five hundred additional seats. Each section of the two wings lends itself to be used as a team-teaching venue. The ground-level sections of these wings have the facility to open up onto the adjacent quads and with the seating reversed would make them part of those two open-air venues.On Friday 24th July 2015, the official opening and re-dedication of the Abernethy Hall was held. Boys, staff and guests enjoyed an audio-visual presentation showing the hall from 1909 till the present day. The unveiling of the foundation stone was done by Mr. Rundle Chairman of the Old Boys Association and speeches were made by the Headmaster Mr. Reeler, Head Boy Mashao Mukhari and Second Master Mr. Illsley. Canon O’Brien lead the devotional side of the assembly and to end proceedings

the choir and orchestra performed a song especially written for the occasion by Mr. L Reyburn called Brothers let us Rise!

Waarop sit ’n kabouter?

Op sy kaboutjies.

1. Selena’s full name is Selena Marie Gomez.

2. She was born in Texas on July 22, 1992.

3. Selena is an only child.4. Her name ‘Selena’ means Moon in

Greek.5. Selena’s favourite color is green.6. Some of her nicknames include:

Sel, Selly, Selenita and Conchita.7. The first concert she ever attended

was a Britney Spears show. She recalled, "I just remember it being the highlight of my life! I felt like I was on cloud nine!"

8. Selena made her television debut at age 7, on Barney and Friends, where she met her best friend, Demi Lovato.

9. She loves eating pizza crust - it's her favorite part of the pizza.

10. Her singing idols include Bruno Mars, Britney Spears, Rihanna, and Skrillex.

11. She owns five rescue dogs. Their names are Baylor, Chip, Willy, Fina and Wallace.

12. Selena’s favorite movie genre is horror.

13. Her favorite sport is basketball.14. Her shoe size is 7.15. Selena’s favourite fruit is mango.

15 things you probably didn’t

know about SELENA GOMEZ

THE DRAC PACK IS BACK Hotel Transylvania 2, the adorable and funny sequel starring Adam Sandler

and Selena Gomes, releases in SA on 2 October 2015.

Now that Dracula has opened the Hotel Transylvania’s doors to humans, things are changing for the better; however, Drac is secretly worried that his half-human grandson, Dennis, isn’t showing his vampire side. So, while Mavis and Johnny are away, Drac enlists his friends to help him put the boy

through a “monster-in-training” boot camp. But things really get batty when Drac’s cantankerous, old-school dad pays an unexpected visit.

FUN FACT Frankenstein’s

birthday is 11 March 1818

when he rose to fame!

Hotel Transylvania 2 2 October 2015

WIN! Get ready for Hotel Transylvania! You could win

one of four movie hampers filled with movie merchandise to the value of R1 200 each!

Simply LIKE us (AWSUM XXX) on Facebook. And post on our wall: The Drac pack is back. Entries

close 30 October 2015.

WEN! 11 gelukkige AWSUM-Lesers

kan elk ‘n boekpakkie wat bestaan uit Pieter van der Lugt se grapboeke Slim vang... Die

Grap! en Hoe meer haas... Hoe minder wortels! wen

met die komplimente van NB Uitgewers.

Slim vang... Die Grap! is die nuutste grapboek van Pieter van der Lugt. Die

sowat 100 nuwe grappies is in 10 kategorieë ingedeel (kosgrappe, sportgrappe,

eksamenflaters, ens.), met illustrasies deur die bekroonde Maja Sereda. Inhoud is gemik op 8 - 11 jariges en sal veral

seuns aan die lees kry.


Wat kan ’n spook nie doen terwyl hy

hardloop nie?Spore maak.

’n Olifant kyk af en sien ’n mier

reg voor hom staan.

“Haai, hoekom hardloop jy nie

weg nie?” vra die olifant. “Is jy nie

bang vir my nie?”“Dis nie dit nie,” sê die mier, “jy staan

op my voet!”

Hoekom gesels niemand met die hoenderhen nie?

Want sy is ’n regte kekkelbek.

Watter soort vis teken op alles?’n Krabbeljou.

Wat is ’n lektor?’n Gogga wat nie meer kan knyp


Wat die mond van vol is . . .

Is die bord van leeg.

Hoekom is die boemerang nie

bekommerdas haar kinders weg is

nie? Sy weet hulle kom altyd terug.

Wat noem jy ’n valskerm wat nie oopgaan nie? ’n Val.