Download - PrestaShop Help Desk Module


Version: 1.0

Help Desk


This module requires PrestaShop 1.5 or newer version.

To upload Module:

1. Go to Back office >> Modules >> Click upload module and select ZIP module file to upload.

2. After uploading module you can find it under “Front office features Tab”.

3. Click install button and you are done.

4. Links to view/reply Tickets should be created on Main menu >> Help Desk.

5. Link to Help Desk is to

Basic ConfigurationFor basic configuration go to Modules >> Find Help Desk and Click configure.

1. Allowed File extension will ensure any dangerous files are not uploaded to server.

2. Fill First reply message once user create a new ticket.

3. Enable Google Recaptcha to fight spammers,

4. If you want to be notified once a ticket is created or reply is posted by user than enable

option and fill in your email.

Additional Help

For further assistance, please send message through PrestaShop
