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President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy Wiliam Ruto during the unveiling of Cabinet Secretary nominees at President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy Wiliam Ruto during the unveiling of Cabinet Secretary nominees at State House Nairobi.

Focus on Inaugration


By Bernard Ifeza

President Uhuru Keny-atta and his Deputy William Ruto have released names of six-

teen proposed nominees to the position of Cabinet Secretaries asking Kenyans to be patient as they deliberate on the other re-maining two slots. Announcing the names at State House, Nairobi, Kenyatta assured Kenyans of his dedica-

tion and commitment to deliver the promises he made to them.He stated that they are widely consulting to ensure they come up with people who will spear-head development. Among the nominees unveiled by the President are Dr. Fred Okengo Matiangi for the position of Cabinet Secretary in the Min-istry of Information, Commu-nication and Technology (ICT), Mr. Henry K. Rotich as Cabi-Mr. Henry K. Rotich as Cabi-

net Secretary in the National Treasury Ministry, former legislators Najib Balala for the position of Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Mining and Charity Ngilu- Land, Housing and Urban development. Eng. Michael Kamau is the Trans-port and Infrastructure Cabi-net Secretary nominee.

Others are Ann Waiguru Cabinet Secretary for Devo-lution and Planning, Amb.

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CONTENTS Editorial Team

ContributorsBernard Ifeza Patrick Kalu

Alice Mwikali Charity Kimani

Mercy Nzomo- Dorcus Mary

Welcome NoteHello and welcome to the second edition of our magazine/newspaper.

It has been a busy month in the country’s history especially after the General Elections.We want to take this oopportunity to than Kenyans for em-bracing peace and unity and for moving on after the Elections.

Indeed it has been a prosperous month and we want to thank God for it. The month has seen various activities especially on governance, the latest being the naming of Cabinet Secretary nominess by President Kenyatta.This ediiton will focus on activities sorrounding county givern-ance and the general development in our country.

Our writers have captured various news makers and human interest activities that will leave you satisfied. Apart from that, we want take this opportunity and condole with the family and friends of the late Makueni County Senator Hon. Mutula Kilonzo who is dead. Indeed he was a great democrat and reformer. The country will really miss him.

This publication is run by young media professionals who aspire to make a significant contribution to the media industry in Kenya and beyond. Bernard Ifeza Editor-In-Chief/DesignerFor more information please contactBernard Ifeza-Editor In-Chief- 0711180400 or visist come to Karen/Langata-at Royale estate opposite Kenya School of Law.

Bernard Ifeza DesignerlEditor In-Chief

Photo Editor

Entertainment Editor

News Editor Feature Editor

Business Editor

Political Editor

Kenyatta unveils Cabinet nominees

Ngilu, Balala Makes It To Kenyatta Cabinet nominees

1.6 Billion Set Aside To Mitigate Floods

Curtain Falls For Makueni Senator

Security, Health, Sanitation Tops Kidero’s Develop-ment Agenda


Focus on Inaguration

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Feature: Why Kenyans soccer fans pre-fer foreign fer foreign Leagues

Pg 11-12


Page 3: President Uhuru Kenyatta nominates  Cabinet Secretaries

Balala, Ngilu Makes A Come Back To Cabinet

Histrory In the MakiingHistrory In the MakiingHistr News

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Raychelle Omamo –Defense, Prof Jacob Kaimenyi – Education, Prof Judy Wakhungu- Environment, Water and Natural resources, Dr. Hassan Wario- Sports, Culture and Arts and Mrs. Phyllis Chep-kosgey Kandie– East African Af-fairs, Commerce and Tourism, James Wainaina Macharia for the position of Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Amb. Amina Mohamed as Cabinet Sec-retary in the Ministry of Foreign

Also named were, Mr. Davis Chirchir - Ministry of Energy

and Petroleum, Mr. Felix Kosgey - Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Mr. Adan Abdala Mohammed – Ministry of Indus-trialization and Enterprise Devel-opment.President Kenyatta also proposed current Head of Public Service Mr Francis Kimemia as Secretary to Cabinet and former Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands Permanent Secretary Law-rence Lenayapa as State House Comptroller. The President stated that the selection was guided by the con-stitutional requirements saying he has faith in the nominated candi-dates. “I have faith that these individ-uals have the capability to deliver and take Kenya to the next level in terms of development,” he said. The President asked the Parlia-mentary Committee to kick start vetting of the four nominated can-didates. He said the remaining nominees will be announced as time goes by, saying they are consulting widely. Speaking at the same event,

Deputy President reiterated their commitment to fulfilling the promises they made to Ken-yans. He observed that they will only go for the best candidates who will spearhead their agen-da.At the same time, Ruto Said the East African Community mat-ters will be addressed under the Ministry of Commerce and Tourism. The Parliamentary Commit-tee formed to vet the nominated candidates is expected to begin its work waiting the remaining two cabinet slots.Meanwhile the Public Service Commission (PSC) has short-listed candidates for the Perma-nent Secretaries positions before kickstarting interviews.

18 No. of Ministries under the Kenyatta Government

President Uhuru Kenyatta congrat-ulates nominated Cabiner Secretaryulates nominated Cabiner Secretaryof DefennseAmb. Rachell Omamo at State House Nairobi.

Former Ministers Najib Balala and Charity Ngilu will have to quit their politi-cal ambitions and commit

themselves to serve Kenyans after they were appointed Cabinet Sec-retaries for the position of Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Mining and Charity Ngilu- Land, Housing and Charity Ngilu- Land, Housing and Charity Ngilu- Land, Housing and Charity Ngilu- Land, Housing and Urban development respec- and Urban development respec- tively. Speaking during their appoint-

ment, President Uhuru Keny-atta said the duo will have to put aside their political affiliations and interests. He stated that they have held consultations with the two and agreed they will have to quit their political affiliations. Deputy President William Ruto had earlier intimated that their government will be exclu-sive of politicians, saying Presi- sive of politicians, saying Presi- sive of politicians, saying Presi- dent Kenyatta and him will be the only politicians. However, Kenyatta stated

that they reached an agreement to have the two included in their Cabinet since they were part of the team that crafted the Jubilee team and manifestos. Apart from that, Kenyatta stated the Balala and Ngilu have a good development records es-pecially in the ministry they had served in the previous govern-ment.“Balala and Ngilu have a good development record and that is the major reason we decided to nominate them,” he said.


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Government Sets Aside 1.6 Billion To Mitigate Floods

Curtain Falls For Makueni Senator

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The government has set aside 1.6 billion to mitigate floods across the country as heavy rains con-tinue to cause havoc.

According to Deputy President Wil-liam Ruto, the money will cater for food, shelter, medicine and help in rescue op-erations for affected victims. He said that the money will further be used to repair roads and bridges that have been swept away by raging floods. The Deputy President, who spoke af-ter flagging off food stuff to flood affected areas, said the government together with other stakeholders will make sure no Ken-yan loses life or property as a result of

“We are committed to address the issue of floods which is a perennial problem in this country,” he said.

Ruto was speaking, as a nine member committee comprising of Permanent Secretaries from various ministries was appoint-ed to prepare a report on flood menace. The committee is expected to present a report to the govern-ment establishing measures of how to mitigate floods. This comes as heavy rains continue to pound in most parts of the country resulting to floods hence loss of lives, property and

destruction of infrastruc-destruction of infrastruc-destruction of infrastruc-ture. Statistics from the Red Cross shows that many Kenyans in the affected areas have lost their lives, properties and rendered homeless.

Among the most affected Among the most affected areas are; Turkana, Sam-areas are; Turkana, Sam-buru, Tana River, Nairobi, buru, Tana River, Nairobi, parts of Nyanza, Narok parts of Nyanza, Narok parts of Nyanza, Narok among others. The Weatherman has The Weatherman has warned that the rains will warned that the rains will continue until May, urg-continue until May, urg-ing Kenyans living in areas ing Kenyans living in areas prone to floods to vacate to prone to floods to vacate to safer places.

A house that has submerged in mud by floods in Nyanza. 1.6 Billion has been set aside to cater for floods victims

A government official distributing food to victims hit by floods in Nyanzavictims hit by floods in Nyanza “We are committed to ad-

dress flood menace in this country...” D. President Wil-liam Ruto


Kenyatta observed he has faith in the nominated Cabinet Secre-taries asking them to spearhead development once they assume duties. The nominated candidates will be vetted by a parliamentary committee before they are finally sworn to office by the President.sworn to office by the President.sworn to office by the President.

Kenyatta and Ruto opted to have eighteen ministries; the constitution required them to have between twenty-four and fourteen Cabinet slots.

...Parliament to vet nominees......

By Bernard Ifeza

Hon. Najib Balala, nominated candidate Ministry of mining.

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Curtain Falls For Makueni Senator


Histrory In the MakiingHistrory In the MakiingHistr News

The Late Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo. He was found dead at his Maanzoni ranch

The sudden death of Makueni Senator Mu-tula Kilonzo has left the family, Makueni residents and Kenyans in general ponder-ing to what might have caused his mysteri-

ous demise even as a team of pathologists and inves-tigators probe the death. Mutula was found dead in his bedroom at his Maanzoni home in Machakos on 27th April. He is said to have retired to bed after taking his favourite dish of ‘Githeri’ and ‘Nyama Choma and he never woke up. Before encountering his death, the Senator is said to have arrived at his Maanzoni ranch in good health and was the one driving himself. The Senator later toured his ranch before chant-ing with some of his workers on the farm and later going in to have his dinner. But that was the last time he was seen according to his workers. According to the workers, Mutula usually wakes up at around 10 in the morning for his breakfast, but on this fateful day, he never woke up, prompting his workers to enquire what was a mess with the expe-rienced and long serving counsel. as he was fondly known. On enquiring, the workers found the senator lying on the bed with foam oozing from his mouth. They later informed friends and relatives on the demise of the Senator and the news about his death demise of the Senator and the news about his death


was received in shock by Kenyans. According to close friends and allies of Kilonzo, he was in good health 48 hours before being found dead.Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga termed the death of Kilonzo as sudden and shocking. He ob-served that a day before his death, they had lunch with him and that he was in good health and mood. “We had lunch with Mutula 24 hours ago, I am shocked that the man is no more,” he said.Odinga called for thorough investigations to establish the cause of Mutula’s death. In his condolence message to the family, President Uhuru Kenyatta termed Kilonzo as a brave and hard-working leader who fought for the implementation of the constitution. He added that the country has lost someone who was passionate about his work in each position he served in the government. Former Attorney General and Busia Senator Amos Wako was shocked and saddened on learning about the demise of Kilonzo. Wako recounted his last moments with Senator, saying he appeared bothered and withdrawn. He stated that the last time he saw Mutula was in the Senate, adding that late Kilonzo sat lonely on the far end of the Senate. Wako said he was prompted to find out what was disturbing his long time friend and associate in the legal profession. However, Wako said that Mutula did not dis-close what was bothering him, but opted to talk about their families. “If only I knew, I could have prompted him to talk more and may be he would have opened up to me,” regretted Wako. Many will remember Mutula for his stand on the implementation of the constitution and rule of law.

“If only I knew, I could have prompted him

to talk talk talk ” Busia Senator Amos Wako Wako W

By Bernard Ifeza By Bernard Ifeza

Page 6: President Uhuru Kenyatta nominates  Cabinet Secretaries

COTU Backs Demands By MPs, Senators Pay Hike Calls for Disbandment of SRC

I Was Not Bribed To Upheld Kenyatta’s Election, Refutes Mutunga

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Chief Justice Willy Mutunga has dismissed Refutes Mutunga

hief Justice Willy Mutunga has dismissed Refutes Mutunga

claims that he together with other Supreme Court judges were bribed to uphold the election of Uhuru Kenyatta as the country’s

fourth President. On information posted on his official twitter page, Mutunga stated that he or Supreme Court judges were not bribed or influenced by anybody to validate the election of Kenyatta. He stated that those spreading such malicious ru-mours want to taint the image of the judiciary especially the Supreme Court. The CJ observed such malicious accusations can destroy the reforms the judiciary has made since the promulgation of the new constitution.

Chief Justice Willy Mutunga, he has refuted claims of being bribed in uphelding Kenyatta’s election

Central Organization Trade Unions (Cotu) has backed the move by MPs and Senators

to demand for a salary hike. Through its Secretary General, Francis Atwoli, Cotu termed the MPs to have their salaries increased as genuine. Mr. Atwoli stated that it was wrong for the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) cut MPs salaries without involving them in the reviews. He said they will be seeking a referendum to have SRC dis-banded saying it has no pow-ers to cut civil servants salary without involving them. Atwoli added that SRC broke international laws since it did not involve civil servants in reviewing their salaries. A section of Mps are push-ing for their salaries top be in-

creased terming the reviewed salary as peanuts.

COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli

...MPs seek amendment to dis-band SRC....


The move MPs and Senators to demand salary increment

one month after the election is uncalled for and unconstitu-tional.

The honourable members have not yet properly started work-ing yet they are on the frontline to demand salary hike.Further, their threat to disband the Salary and Remunreation Commission (SRC) is an act of impunity and should be condemned by every Kenyan.

If the MPs knew that the salary allocated to them was not suffi-cient, they should not have vied for office in the first place.

Kenyans should unite and protect the constitution they voted for in the referendum from being manipulated by the so called honourable members! By Bernard Ifeza

Page 7: President Uhuru Kenyatta nominates  Cabinet Secretaries

COTU Backs Demands By MPs, Senators Pay Hike Calls for Disbandment of SRC

I Was Not Bribed To Upheld Kenyatta’s Election, Refutes Mutunga

Security, Health, Sanitation Tops Nairobi Governor’s Development Agenda

Be Vocal In Allocation ,Utilization of County Resources, Senators Told

Histrory In the MakiingHistrory In the MakiingHistr News


Nairobi County gov-ernor Dr. Evans Ki-dero has promised to address secu-

rity which has been a perennial problem for city dwellers for a long time. Speaking during the open-ing of County Assembly at City Hall, Kidero said he has in place stringent measures to address insecurity. Dr. Kidero stated that city residents have a right to security, saying he will work extra hard to ensure safety of dwellers. “My major agenda is to im-prove and boost security in our city and environs,” he said. Kidero revealed that he will consult the national government to have a special metropolitan police unit in the city. He observed that the move will boost security and allow Kenyans in the city conduct their business without fear or their business without fear or

intimidation. Kidero further pledged to Kidero further pledged to ensure residents have access to quality and affordable services.

He noted that improving health conditions for city residents was among his top agenda during the campaigns. Kidero said each county ward will have an operational and equipped health center. On sanitation, Kidero promised to promote cleanliness of the city.

The governor added that he will move an amendment to the county assembly to have some of the council by-laws amended. He observed that some of the by-laws do not conform with the new constitution. Concerning corruption, the governor vowed to ruthlessly deal with perpetrators of the vice. He said corruption remains a major grave issue not only in Nairobi but across other coun-ties. “We continue to lose billions to corruption, the money that could have been channeled to other development projects,” he said. The former Mumias Sugar Company Managing Direc-tor urged County Ward Rep-resentatives to focus on issues that will aid in development. He pledged to work with all elected leaders in the county in spite of their different political affiliations.

Nairobi County Governor Dr. Evans Kidero, he has promised to improve city’s security, heath and sanitation

“My main agenda is to make the city safe..” Evans Kidero

By Bernard Ifeza

County Senators, Wom-en and Ward Repre-sentatives have been

urged to remain vocal in the utilization of county resourc-es especially funds. Speaking in Nairobi dur-ing a county workshop fo-

rum, County Transition Author-ity (CTA) chairman Kinuthia Wa Mwangi said senators have a great role to play towards realization of development. He observed that apart from their main role which is to draft county laws and policies, senators will have to work with governors

and other staff to spearhead develop-ment. Mr. Kinuthia asked governors to continue working in the allocated of-fices as plans to have proper working conditions is underway. He stated that service delivery should be the first priority for county officials as they embark on their du-

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CCK Set To Remodel Frequency Allocation Plan


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ties.Kinuthia said that they will work closely with county governments to ensure Ken-yans reap fruits of devolu-tion. CTA is a constitution-al body that was set aside to oversee the running of devolution. It has eight commis-sioners appointed as per the constitution requires and will serve for a term of three years. Already devolution has begun, with establishment of County Assemblies and of County Assemblies and other related organs of ad-ministration in all the 47

Counties across the country.

The Communica-tion Commission of Kenya (CCK) has started remodeling

of the frequency allocation scheme so as to improve on their competence and also to fairly distribute the spectrum. According to the com-mission’s Managing Director, Francis Wangusi, the remod-eling of the frequencies is as a result of the increasing de-mand of the broadband. “Through the years, we have, increasingly received surplus demands of frequency from different applicants all over the country, hence the need to remodel the frequen-cies,” he said. Wangusi stated that the remodeling of the scheme through a software upgrade

will help in planning and optimizing the spectrum. The Director General added that they will distribute frequencies that are not in use to new applicants since they have been given one year to activate or sur-render them. On the same note, Wangusi observed that the frequency will only be allocated to non-broadcasting services that will have migrated from Analog to Digital TV platform starting in September this year.

In Feb CCK shut down 17 transmitters that were put up illegally by Royal Media Serv-ices (RMS) without a license from the regulatory body thus causing interference to other critical services including Avia-tion. CCK is charged with the responsibility to allocate spectrum to various users both private and public including aviation, mobile, TVs, Radios and marine.

CCK headquarters in Nairobi. The Com-mission is set to remodel its frequency allocation plan

By Christine Munyasia

Mutunga said in his life he has never taken a bribe from anyone, saying he would be the first to take action against persons offering bribes. “In my entire life I have never received a bribed, and I will be the first one to take legal action against anyone of-fering a bribe,” he said. The Supreme Court Presi-dent has vowed to take legal action against the individuals who are spreading such mali-cious information. He asked anyone who has evidence that they were bribed to provide it to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) for appropriate action.

“Through the year’s we received surplus demands of frequency allocation”


CTA Chairman Kinuthia Wamwangi during a press briefing in Nairobi.

CTA is a constitutional body mandated to oversee devolution in the country

Page 9: President Uhuru Kenyatta nominates  Cabinet Secretaries

Engage Us In Development Projects, PLWD Urge Government

MCK Journalism Awards Set For May 4 >>>

Histrory In the MakiingHistrory In the MakiingHistr News


People Living With Dis-abilities (PLWD) in the city wants the govern-

ment to involve them in run-ning of its activities and other development projects. Through their representa-tive, Phitalis Were, they ob-served that the constitution guarantees them an opportu-nity to take part in develop-ment matters. He noted that time has come for them to come out and explore their rights and freedoms especially on gov-ernance. Mr. Were accused the previ-ous government for sidelining and denying them their con-stitutional rights. “We want to ask the new government to engage us in development and other na-tional opportunities,” said

tional opportunities,” said

Were. Speaking to journalists at a Nairobi hotel, the rights activ-

ist urged the government to make Urge Government

ist urged the government to make Urge Government

sure they are considered for vari-ous job opportunities especially in county governments. He observed that they have the same rights just like other citizens, saying there should be no discrimi-

nation in allocation of jobs. On the same note, Mr. Were al-leged that there are people who are working hard to ensure their rights are infringed. are infringed. He, however, stated that they will remain firm, saying the constitu- remain firm, saying the constitu- tion is the only weapon they aim to use in fighting for their rights. At the same time, Were, took is-sue with the government for failing

to include PLWD in the usage of the Sh6 billion that was meant for presidential run-off. The activist said the money should have been allocated to them to cater for their needs es-pecially medical care. During his inauguration cere-mony, President Uhuru Kenyatta noted that the 6 billion shillings will be channeled to formation of new women and youth enter-prise fund.

In efforts to promote professionalism in the practice of journalism in Kenya, the Media

Council of Kenya (MCK) will hold its second Media Excellence Awards on 4th May 2013. According to information posted on its official website, the Annual Awards will be

held as part of the celebrations to mark this year’s World Press Freedom Day. The Awards also seek to encourage Development Jour-nalism in Kenya in respect to Vision 2030.The Council has placed a call welcoming Kenyan journalists to submit work published or broadcast in the local media within the last year, including

up to 29th March 2013. The 17 Awards categories to be com-peted for will be; the ICT and Telecom-munications’ Reporting Award, the Children and Youth Affairs Reporting Award, the Gender Reporting Award, the Environment Reporting Award, the Sports Reporting Award, the Tourism Reporting Award, the Photographer of the Year Award, the Cartoonist of the Year Award, the Business Reporting

6 BillionEarlier meant for re-run of elections to be channeled to youths and women shemes

Page 10: President Uhuru Kenyatta nominates  Cabinet Secretaries



Why Kenyan Soccer Fans Prefer Foreign Leagues

Is Playing Hard To Get Just A Game Or Tactics For Those Lookig For Love, Affection?

Our reporter Bernard Ifeza went out to find out more about ‘playing hard tacticts’ in Love relationships

10 10

Award, the Good Govern-ance Reporting Award and the the Young Journalist of the Year Award. Others include; the Reporter of the Year Award, the Cam-eraman of the Year Award, the Health Reporting Award, the Digital Journalism Award, the Free Press Kenya Award, the Television and News Bul-letin Award and the Journal-ist of the Year Award. A new category has been introduced in line with the Council’s mandate of promot-ing press freedom. The Free Press Kenya Award will seek to recognize efforts made by journalists to promote, con-

tribute and propagate press freedom in the country. Other new categories introduced by the council are; The Tourism Reporting Award, the Digital Journal-ism Award and the Television and News Bulletin Award which will replace last year’s Best News Anchor of the Year – Television Award. The Council has also intro-duced the Digital Journalism Award in recognition that new and emerging technol-ogy has greatly impacted on modern day journalism.

The award will recognize journalists who show the ability to creatively use new media or online platforms

to package and present powerful stories to package and present powerful stories that affect peoples’ lives.

There will be two entry categories for the awards namely: Individual and Group news production (Producers and Camera-men). Only journalists accredited by the Me-dia Council of Kenya are eligible to submit entries for the awards. Entry forms can be obtained at the Media Council of Kenya of-fices.

As the curtain falls for the 2012/2013 English Premier League(EPL) and other lucrative leagues in the

world and preparations in progress for the next season, it has dawn on us that most Kenyans prefer foreign football teams to local teams. Most Kenyans if not all prefer foreign football teams to local teams. A person would spend a whole night watching teams such as Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal and the like play rather than spectate for such teams as AFC Leopards, Ulinzi Stars, Gor Mahia and the rest. Our stadiums are almost empty during Kenyan League games a fact that has seen many soccer fanatics wonder whether our teams does not perform to the best or is it a matter of not being patriotic?not being patriotic?not being patriotic?

Players of English Premier League clubs. Many socce fans prefer foreign leagues.foreign leagues. The English Premier League, officially known as the Barclays Premier League, is the most popular sports league in the world com-

manding a fan base of over 600 million. Recognized as “the best show on earth” it has a huge following in every continent including Africa,

“The Awards will be heldto commemorate this year’s World Press Freedom Day..”

Page 11: President Uhuru Kenyatta nominates  Cabinet Secretaries



Why Kenyan Soccer Fans Prefer Foreign Leagues

Is Playing Hard To Get Just A Game Or Tactics For Those Lookig For Love, Affection? Our reporter Bernard Ifeza went out to find out more about ‘playing hard tacticts’ in Love relationships

Leisure Korner


Avery close friend of mine recently confided in me that every time she

meets a guy and she plays hard to get, the guy disappears, and whenever she welcomes guys without much chase, the rela-tionship stays. As a result of playing hard to get, she ends up losing guys who she loves and adore much.She sadly narrates on how she lost her childhood boyfriend who had proposed to tie the knot with her but unfortunately as a result of playing hard tac-tics, the man disappeared once he realized that the woman he loved was applying had chase

tactics. “I applied the play hard tactics, I could ignore the invita-tions dates, shopping’s and before I knew it, the man had already moved on with his life and mar-ried another woman,” says Naomi. After listening to the predica-ment that had befallen my friend Naomi, I sought to get to the bot-tom of this issue ‘playing hard to get, tactics’. Different people have differ-ent views; some people would want to find the love of their lives and be accepted without putting too much to get. Others believe in playing hard to get in attempt to create mystery and unfamiliar-ity, they lose it and end up either driving away the people they are

in love with or hurting their feel-ings. I decided to go out and get views on this matter. My first destination was at Multimedia University where I heard views of different students bearing in mind that young peo-ple or teenagers in colleges often fall victims of playing hard to get tactics. My interaction with the stu-dents finally leads me to pose a question. Is playing hard to get a partner a good or bad thing? John, 19: Says that he like it when a girl plays hard to get be-cause the ‘thrill’ of chasing is often interesting but on the other hand he has to be convinced that the girl is ‘worth’ the chase. According to John; the girl should be hot, sexy and of good character. Grace; 21: says if a man suc-cessfully dated every girl he has ever made advances on, he will have such a fat ego and would not know how to appreciate a good woman who comes his way. Besides; mak-ing a man more around his living room wondering why you have not returned his calls makes dating more interesting and fun. Mark; 22: says he does not have time to waste chasing a woman who is obviously interested in him. “I have a lot on my plate, the last thing I need is to play games with a mature woman in the name of the so-called thrill of the chase. Anne; 28: says that she once thought playing hard to get will make one look ‘worth it’ but she was never warned of the dangers of over-doing it. She now feels bad that all the guys who loved her have started families with other women. Mercy; 24: says playing hard to get is a reasonable tactic if han-dled well. It makes the relationship spicier.spicier.spicier.

Two couples in love (Picture courtesy of Agencies) article to be continued in next issue......

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not to forget Kenya that tops the lead in East and central Africa for its support of the EPL.

The fact that Kenya contributes to this large following is with the number of people clued to the screens every time there is an EPL game airing especially when our favorite club is playing. Most Kenyan die- hard fans of the EPL sup-port one of the ‘big four’; Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United.In the streets it’s common to find people wear-ing jerseys of their respective clubs with Arse-nal and Manchester United probably being the most popular.During the weekend, sports bar and other entertainment spots are full with football fans watching the glamorous game and cheering on their favorite clubs.The scenario was different during the 1970’s, 80’s and early 90’s when football fans used to stream to stadiums and entertainment joints to watch their favorite local Kenyan teams as they battled for the league and other cups. Little was known about the so coveted foreign teams.The most popular clubs at the time were com-munity based with the like s of AFC Leopards, Gor Mahia, Shabana and Bandari, with Gor and AFC being the giants in the league.But it was in the late 90’s when Kenyan foot-ball fans slowly shifted from the local league to the English Premier League and other foreign based leagues, a question many soccer analysts wonder what could have led to the shift.According to our sources the shift is attrib-uted to the fact the local league was increas-ingly marked by hooliganism and violence in the stadiums as rival fans, besides cheering for their favorite teams would fight each other, or throw missiles, causing bloodshed, injuries and even loss of life.It is such scenes that have kept away fans and most of them gradually stopped attending matches in the stadiums but this has however, never stopped them from loving the foot ball game.The introduction of pay TV in the late 1990s and shrewd marketing by the British Media, the EPL was able to capture not only the atten-

tion of Kenyan football fans tion of Kenyan football fans but their souls too as local football was getting worse thanks to violent acts and poor administration that has continued to be experi-enced in the country.

However, there are those fanatics who fill that the KPL is unpopular because it’s dominated by institu-tional clubs. A glance at the top five clubs in the stand-ings shows that the lead-ing pack is dominated by teams named after brands or companies. Under such circumstances, it becomes impossible to generate a fanatical support base, due to the absence of any social or emotional ties to most of these institutional clubs.Others feel the fact that our stadiums are usually empty during local matches, it is not a question of being patriotic or not but Kenyan football is just not good, not as captivating as foreign based football.Yet to others, poor man-agement, wrangles and the

poor performance by the poor performance by the National football team has always had a bearing to what they want to see and support hence preferring the foreign based leagues.To revive the lost glory in

the Kenyan football, soccer analysts and fanatics want the government to take charge of the game by appointing individuals who will take the mantle and fight for the sake of reviving the local football.Though some pundits feel that progress is being done, others are blaming impunity and ethnicity that has led to fighting in stadiums espe-cially when the so called ‘big clubs’ like AFC Leopards and Gor Mahia play.Charity begins at home, let the Kenyan football manage-ment restore the lost glory in football arena, and believe you me once everything has been put in order, the fans will come back and sup-port their local teams. After all, the saying goes, home is home.