Download - Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Page 1: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Presented by:Aashish BariSandesh DhanawadeDeepak JainSiddharth jain Rashmi R. BokolialKanhaiya L.Gupta

Page 2: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Agenda 1. Transactional Analysis.

2. Interpersonal Communication.

3. Self monitoring Activity.

4. Issues influencing interpersonal communication.

5. Case Study: Implication of T.A. & I.C. for conflict resolution.

Page 3: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Transactional AnalysisTransactional Analysis is a theory developed by Dr. Eric Berne

in the 1950s.

Originally trained in psychoanalysis, Berne wanted a theory which could be understood and available to everyone.

Transactional Analysis is a social psychology and a method to improve communication.

The theory outlines how we have developed and treat ourselves, how we relate and communicate with others, and offers suggestions and interventions which will enable us to change and grow.

TA includes 3 major areas that are –Ego States, Transaction, and Strokes & Games.

Page 4: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Ego StatesA. Parent Ego State – characterized by

domineering, over protective & loving, stern and critical. It is illustrated by those who establish standard and rule for other.

B. Adult Ego State – In this people attack problems in a cool minded rational manner. In adult state information is gathered, carefully analyze it, generate alternative, and make logical choices.

C. Child Ego State – submissive & conforming, insubordinate, emotional, joyful, or rebellious. Characterize by very immature behaviors.

Page 5: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Transaction between ego states A. Complimentary transaction: It shows 3 possible

complementary. Transactions are complimentary if the message sent or behavior exhibited by 1 person ego state receive the appropriate and expected response from the other person ego state.















Page 6: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

B. Crossed Transaction: It is occurs when message sent the behavior exhibited by the 1 person’s ego state is reacted to by an incompatible and unexpected ego state on the part of the other person.

Page 7: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

C. Ulterior Transaction: They are very damaging to interpersonal relation because it always involve at least two ego state on the part of 1 person. Individual may say one thing but mean quite another.

Page 8: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Strokes and Games Strokes: It means simply that beginning in infancy and

continuing throughout their lives, people need cuddling, affection, recognition, and praise. People don’t get positive strokes when they will seek out negative strokes. The strokes is divided in to two categories:-

Positive Negative

Games: Games are set or pattern of transactions that have surface logic but hidden meaning and attempt to drawing in an unsuspecting participant. The outcome of the games is always a win - lose proposition.

Page 9: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication deals

with relationships between people, usually in face-to-face private settings.

Interpersonal communication is the primary way through which relationships are created, maintained, and changed.

Page 10: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Uses of Interpersonal Communication

Give and collect information.Influence the attitudes and behavior of

others.Give and receive emotional support.Form contacts and maintain relationships.Make sense of the world and our experiences

in it.Make decisions and solve problems.

Page 11: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Self Monitoring ActivityCommunication ability assessment specially listening, conversation-orientation & approach while communicating with others.

Make sure to be honest about your assessment.

Yes or No?

Page 12: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Results 1. No2. No3. Yes4. No 5. No6. No7. No8. No9. No10.No

8 – 10 marks- good enough.

6 – 8 marks- significant room for improvement.

Below 6- are poor in proper communication, needs to work hard to improve listening & other communication skills.

Page 13: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Issues influencing Interpersonal Communication

Personality conflict:

Each of us has a unique way of interacting with others.

Personal opposition always based on :personal dislikes,personal Ego states, personal disagreements, different personality styles.

Page 14: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Example: Imagine the potential for a top level personality conflict at EMC corp.., a leading maker of data storage equipment.M.C. Ruegggers was CEO for 9yrs.

J.M. Tucci was working under him.

Gave up his position in 2001,due to personality conflict.

Become new CEO in 2001.

In 2002, interview he gave ‘A’ grade to Tucci for innovation & Strategic mgmt. but ‘F’ in fin. Mgmt. because of loss.

Tucci wanted to move faster to cut cost, make acquisitions & introduce new software's.

He is not interested one to one relation.

He ‘ld like to make one-to-one relation.

Make tough decisions slowly. Make tough decisions quickly.

He thinks thank-you is a sign of weakness.

Tucci praises & thanks his troops regularly.

Page 15: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Gender Differences


Page 16: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Communication Barriers between men & women:

Difference in style of conversation.Both have different mind set, priorities and

principles.Ways of dealing with the same situation are

very different.A research shows that Men use to talk to

emphasize status whereas women use it to create connection.

Page 17: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Cultural Differences


Page 18: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Cross Cultural CommunicationBarriers caused by differences among

perception.Barriers caused by tone difference.Barriers caused by semantics.Same word mean different things to different

people.Barriers caused by word connotations. Words

imply different things in different languages.

Page 19: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

‘Politically Correct’ Communication:

How do you describe a person who is ‘wheelchair bound’ (as handicapped or physically challenged)

Similarly, a blind or visually impaired,Elderly or senior,We must be sensitive of others feelings.Should choose politically correct word.Words might have the same meaning but

politically correctness refers either words are soothing or hurting someone.

Page 20: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

CASE STUDYHeading off a Permanent Misunderstanding

Mindy Martin, Al Sharp, Walter Murdoch are working together in an organization.

Mindy Martin and Al Sharp were good friends and all three had very healthy competition between them as they all were at the same level.

Martin was very hard working, ambitious and responsible employee. Because of their hard work and good efforts, Martin’s division had become the leader in the company and the upper management had praised her lavishly.

She believed that with a good recommendation from Sharp, she would get that promotion.

Page 21: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

But unfortunately Murdoch received the promotion and moved to Topeka.

Martin was shocked. It was bad enough that she did not get the promotion, but she could not stand the fact that Murdoch had been chosen.

She and Al Sharp had taken to calling Murdoch ‘Mr. Intolerable’, because neither of them could stand his pompous arrogance.

She felt that his being chosen was an insult to her.

When the grapevine confirmed her suspicion that Al Sharp had strongly influenced the decision, she determined to reduce her interaction with Sharp to a bare minimum.

Page 22: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Relations in the office were very chilly for almost a month. Sharp soon gave up trying to get that in Martin’s favor and they began communicating only in short.

Finally William Attridge, their immediate boss, called the two for a meeting. William said, “we’re going to sit here until you two become friends again.

Martin resisted for a few minutes, denying that anything had changed in their relationship, but when she saw that Attridge was serious, she finally said, “Sharp seems more interested in dealing with Walter Murdoch.”

Sharp could not say anything. Attridge came to the rescue.

Page 23: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Attridge said that, Martin if you’re upset about that promotion, you'd know that Sharp had nothing but praised for you and kept pointing out how this division would suffer if we buried you in Topeka.

With your bonuses you are making as much as

Murdoch and if you work here continues to be outstanding, you’ll be headed for much better place than Topeka.

Embarrassed, Martin looked up at Sharp and apologized for treating him unfairly.

The next day office was almost back to normal. Martin and Sharp use to take a coffee break together every day as earlier.

Page 24: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

Stages/ periods

Ego States

Strokes Games InterpersonalCommunication

Before Promotion

Adult Ego

Expecting promotion.

Friendly, giving time to each other, trust & enjoy free time together.

informal & formal, face-to-face communication.

Promotion takes place

Parent Ego

Did not get the promotion.

Chilly environment in office, not listening to Sharp.

No interpersonal communication.

Cold war period

Child Ego Felt that was betrayed by Sharp.

Cold war, avoidance & escape from confrontations.

Only work related short communication.

Meeting and thereafter

Adult Ego

Came to know the truth, realized her mistake & apologized.

New relation have been established, more healthy & strong.

Healthy Communicationre-established.

Page 25: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

ConclusionNow with the help of Psychoanalytical theory

i.e. Transactional Analysis, Martin can understand her different behavior in different situation and can improve those behavior which are not fruitful in those situation.

She can also use Interpersonal communication as to understand the person, real situation/conflicts better.

She can apply both to understand other’s behavior so that she can negotiate with them easily and effectively.

Page 26: Presented by: Aashish Bari Sandesh Dhanawade Deepak Jain Siddharth jain Rashmi R. Bokolial Kanhaiya L.Gupta.

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