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Presentation OUR COUNTRY,




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Where we are

We are in the north of Italy. We are in the plain near the river Piave

(that it is an important river for the First World War). We are near the Montains (Dolomiti) and near the see

too (Adriatic see - Venice)

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•The name of our region is Veneto.

•The Veneto is rich of history and culture.

•In our region there are castles and many natural signes

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Venezia isn’t far from Montebelluna and Castelfranco: only 40 Km

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Only 60 Km from Montebelluna, there are the mountains too.

The Dolomites: in Italian language DOLOMITI

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Education and our Constitution

According to the Italian

Constitution education is a fundamental right

for all the people.  

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Constitution of the Italian Republic (Artt. 10,30,31,34 Cost.)

Basic principles include:• the freedom of education and teaching • the duty of the state to provide a school open to

everyone with no discrimination of any type • the rights and duties of parents to provide

education for their children • the education and vocational training of

disabled citizens

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Ministry of Education, University and Research is responsible for school

education (MIUR)

It is represented at local level by regional and

provincial education offices

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Special educational support

• In Italy, disabled students have been integrated in ordinary schools

• there is not a separate education system for these students

• specialist support and auxiliary help is provided.

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  Materna Elementare Media Inferiore Media superiore UniversitàNursery school Primary school Lower secondary school Upper secondary school University (Middle school) Età 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19Age


Il sistema italiano di istruzione e formazione

The Italian system of education and vocational training

Durata 3 anni 5 anni 3 anni 5 anni 3-6 anni Duration: 3 years 5 years 3 years 5 years 3-6 years

Obbligo scolastico: 6-15 anni (Legge n.9/1999)

Da assolvere nel sistema dell’istruzione scolastica


Compulsory education:

from 6 to 15 years of age ( Law n. 9/ 1999)

To be carried out in the school system.

Obbligo Formativo: fino al 18° anno d’età

(Art.68, legge n.144/1999)

Da assolvere mediante la frequenza:

•Nel sistema dell’istruzione scolastica;

•Nella formazione professionale regionale;

•Nell’esercizio dell’apprendistato _______________

Compulsory training:Until the age of 18(Art.68, Law n.144/1999)

To be carried out through

-attendance at school

-attendance at regional vocational courses


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All’interno di un contesto sociale ed educativo orienta alla progressiva costruzione delle prime conoscenze e competenze e ad un processo graduale di alfabetizzazione al fine di: esprimere la propria soggettività, interagire con gli altri, sviluppare capacità sensoriali, percettive, motorie, linguistiche, intellettive,ecc._________________

Features: In a social and educational context nursery school leads to a progressive building-up of preliminary notions and competence as well as to a gradual approach to literacy, in order to enable children to express their own individuality, to interact with others, to develop their own sensory perception, motor skills, linguistic and intellectual capacities,etc.


Non compulsory

Durata:3 anni

___________Duration :

3 years

Finalità:Organizzazione dei vissuti e delle prime

esperienze dei bambini in

prospettiva evolutiva._____________

Aims: To organise

children’s early experiences of life and learning in a developmental perspective.


Scuola Materna  (Nursery school )

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Finalità:Alfabetizzazione di base con graduale passaggio dai campi

di esperienza agli ambiti disciplinari._________

Aims:To develop literacy with

gradual shift from children’s own experiences to subject


Obbligatoria e unica per tutti


and thesame for all


Durata:5 anni


5 years

Caratteristiche:Sollecita l’apprendimento di conoscenze e abilità più complesse. Favorisce lo sviluppo di capacità linguistico-espressive e logico-concettuali. Stabilisce forme di raccordo e continuità con gli ordini di scuola precedente e successivo. L’apprendimento nei primi anni segue un andamento predisciplinare per diventare, poi, disciplinare.


It promotes the acquisition of more complex notions and skills. It fosters the development

of expressive and conceptual abilitiesand establishes connections both with the

previous and with the followinglevel of school. In the first years learning is

based on an introductoryscheme to the subjects that are studied later.

Scuola Elementare (Primary school )

Obbligo scolastico (Compulsory education )

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Apprendimento disci-plinare con attribu-

zione, sia pure senza rigida delimitazione, di

concetti, linguaggi e procedure a settori


Aims: To learn the contents of

various subjects and apply concepts, terms

and procedures to specific

sectors, without overstrict differences.

Obbligatoria e unica per tutti


and thesame for all


Durata:3 anni _____

Duration:3 years

Caratteristiche:Presenta continuità nei processi di formazione e realizzazione di un ambiente di apprendimento che, in coerenza con il graduale sviluppo cognitivo e culturale degli allievi, consenta di: accrescere e potenziare le abilità di base; approfondire le conoscenze e competenze trasversali (personali, sociali, comunicative e metodologiche); favorire la progettualità personale, la capacità decisionale, l’orientamento.


Features: It carries on the learning processes established in primary school and creates a learning context which, in keeping

with the gradual cognitiveand cultural development of the learner, enables pupils to

develop basic skills, to improve knowledge and competences common to all disciplines(personal growth,

relational competence, communicative and methodological competence),to promote personal planning skills, decision-

making capacity and sense of direction.

Dal II anno, con sempre maggiore incidenza, attività di orientamento verso la scelta della scuola superiore. (From the second year and especially in the third year, the focus is more and more on activities guiding

students in the choice of the type of secondary school )

Scuola Media Inferiore - Lower secondary school (or middle school)  

Obbligo scolastico (Compulsory education )

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The Italian Parliament has recently changed the educational system with a vast

reform.  Its main objectives are:

Decentralization Autonomy

New flexible curricula withFewer hours of lesson

Institution of a national service to monitor educational quality standards

Prevention of drop-outs 

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Second cycle of education

Admissions criteria• Holders of the certificate of the first cycle of

education may enter the second cycle of education Curriculum control and content• Central Government determines basic curricula for

each branch of upper secondary education • Core subjects common to all institutions are Italian,

history, a modern foreign language, mathematics and physical education

• The final examination, at the end of upper secondary education, is the upper secondary school leaving examination

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5 years (14 – 17 or 19)At the age of 14, families and students must choose what type of high school to attend. They are free to choose the kind of schoolthey want to send their children

Classical education• Liceo (more academic): classic, scientific, artistico, linguistic…Professional education• 2 AREAS – 6 study coursesTechnical education• 2 AREAS – 11 study courses

Upper secondary school

Compulsory education is required until 16!!

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• Upper secondary school, made up of different kinds of schools and, generally, for students from 14 to 19 years of age

Access to both university and non-university higher education is reserved for students after passing the State exam at the end of upper secondary school

• Vocational training courses are run by local authorities and can be attended by people who have reached 15 years of age.

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• Classical studies (liceo) (5 Years)

• Technical studies (istituti tecnici) (5 Years)

• Vocational studies (istituti professionali) (5 Years)

• Vocational studies (IEFP –CFP)

(3 years)



Upper secondary schools

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A) Lyceum

• Liceo Classico

• Liceo scientifico

• Liceo linguistico

• Liceo artistico

• Liceo delle scienze sociali

• Liceo cororeutico

senior high school specialicing in: classical studies, science education, modern languages, didactics and education, technical education, artistic education

27-30 hours in a week

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B) Technical schools

Settore economico1. Amministrazione, finanza e

marketing2. Turismo

Settore tecnologico1. Meccanica2. Trasporti e logistica3. Elettronica4. Informatica e

telecomunicazioni5. Grafica e comunicazione6. Chimica e materiali7. Sistema moda8. Agraria9. Costruzioni ambiente e


technical high school specialising in: electronic, electrotechnic, mechanic, building surveyor.

32 hours in a week, laboratories, stages…

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C) Professional schools

• Settore dei servizi1. Agricoltura e sviluppo rurale

2. Enogastronomia e ospitalità alberghiera

3. Commerci

4. Socio-sanitario

• Settore industria e artigianato

1. Produzioni industriali e artigianali

2. Manutenzione e assistenza tecnica

vocational school specialicing in theoretical and practical preparation either for skilled tasks or for manual work and artistic production in various sectors, with particular attention to the requirements of the local labour market.

32 hours in a week, stages in farms or factories …ALTERNANZA SCUOLA-LAVORO

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Higher education

• There are two main types of higher education: university and non-university higher education

• the degree university sector is now based on two main cycles (a three-year Laurea, followed by a two-year Laurea specialistica corresponding to a 3+2 framework)

• higher technology education (IFTS)

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Each teacher has a second cycle degree

(laurea specialistica) to teach at every school


- Primary school teachers can teach all subjects (are generalist teachers), but are responsible for a specific subject area.

- Secondary school teachers are specialist teachers

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There are:

• Permanent teachers (FULL TEACHERS)

• Temporary teachers

There is no in - service evaluation for permanent teachers

However a new law of 2009 introduced a system of evaluation and awards to encourage excellence. We wait the implementing rules.

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Technical - Professional-Vocational school

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School ISISS Sartor

The agriculture school “D. Sartor” was funded in 1957ISISS 'D. Sartor' has worked in the region Veneto for

over 50 yearsDuring this period the School has always met with young

people to prepare them for the following specializations:  


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The central school is in Castelfranco

The branch is in Montebelluna

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The area of reference of this school is big (Padova, Asolo)Densely populated Castelfranco and Montebelluna are the most important centers (Castelfranco counts alone 30.000 inhabitants). The whole area, in the past it was completely an agricultural area, now is interested from processes of transformation of economy.

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•Montebelluna is recognized in whole world for the shoes factories (sport shoes).•In our agricolture area you can find typical agricultural products as red chicor, asparragus, cherries ... we have also red wines and white wine (Prosecco). From mais we produce the “polenta” a typical veneto plate.

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The school is surrounded by fields, gardens, greenhouses, hen-pens, nests for rabbits and plants and small garden

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The professional Institute for the agriculture of Castelfranco Veneto was born in 1954, as school coordinated of the IPSA "S.Benedetto from Norcia" of Padua, inside a project animated by Mr. Domenico Sartor and from a group of his collaborators.The aim of school was the formation of the popular classes and farmers of the country in Treviso.

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In the first years there was courses for education to young people and women (mechanics and domestic

economy, notions of general culture). Immediately the Institute, equipped at the same time

with a firm and then of regular courses of professional formation, it becomes an institutional and formative reference for the whole rural world and a strong agent of development for the whole


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Today the agrarian and environmental school Domenico Sartor offers new

possibilities of formation to the students of the territory.

Today the institute has one central school, in Castelfranco Veneto, and one branch,


St. Gaetano of Montebelluna.

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Inside these contexts the agricultural sector has had to find new important sectors of specialization in the field of animals, food, flowers horticulture, environment.

Thanks… by Paola