Download - Presentation the use of disruptive net-based tools to re-imagine


The Use of Disruptive Net-Based Tools to Re-imagine

The Teaching of Business Communication: Emerged and Emerging Opportunities

Dr. James (Skip) WardAssistant Professor of Management and Marketing

Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas

Educational institutions are preparing learners for employment opportunities which do not yet exist, using digital tools not yet invented.

•The printing press forced society to re-imagine how knowledge was disseminated and eventually ushered in vast societal and political change.

•Emerged and emerging tools of the Digital Age require a re-imagining of higher education

Three Digital Tools

•Student-generated YouTube videos

•Student generate Linoit sites

•Faculty-generated smart phone apps to support courses

Lessons Learned: Student-Generated YouTubes

•How tos not an issue•Camera/Sound advice•Dress advice•Ahaa for students- virtual teams exist!•Set up of a team presentation

•Team member A introduces him or herself, provides the names of the other team members as well as the title of the topics, and then address the information they are presenting. At the conclusion, they are introduce the next team member and what they will address.

•Team member B provides an introduction and presents their information, and at the conclusion of the segment introduces the next speaker.

•The final speaker ends with a brief summary of what they have shared as a whole.

Linoit Sites- “Sticky Note” Canvass

Lessons Learned: Linoit Sites

What have been your ahaaa moments thus far in this class?

Student-generated communication materials to support on campus NextGen speakers

Other Potential Uses

•Team presentation of information to support an Executive Summary- Reinforces team skills- charter, R&R, OTIF

•Pre-reads for courses in the flipped classroom mode

Instructor Generated Smart Phone Apps

•Native and mobile web apps

•I am in V3 of my NextGen Business Communication App., (Google Mobile- out three weeks! Moving from

Smart Phone Apps: What’s next?