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Page 1: Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005 1 1, Presence : Sensing, Presencing, Realizing. 2, Stories of organizational learning, and analysis.

Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


1, Presence : Sensing, Presencing,

Realizing. 2, Stories of organizational learning, and analysis of reality 3, The benefits of the shared knowledge.4, Team building and leadership.5, Process of the change, and synchronicity.6, Verification of the “presence”

Head Line:

Creating a Government Organizational Learning using the Presence Process

Conference; Leveraging Complexity to Create Knowledge and Confidence

Page 2: Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005 1 1, Presence : Sensing, Presencing, Realizing. 2, Stories of organizational learning, and analysis.

Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


Creating a Government Organizational Learning using the Presence Process

Page 3: Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005 1 1, Presence : Sensing, Presencing, Realizing. 2, Stories of organizational learning, and analysis.

Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


• Perng - Cheng Shih ( Know as Percy) • Graduated from B.S. in Math of Taiwan Normal

University. MS in Engineering of Transportation University. E.D.D. Candidate of Education and Leadership in

Montana University U.S.A. • Serving in Postal Training Institute ( Taiwan ROC)• Serving as : The Executive Secretary of Hybrid Mail Center. Director of Sub Post Office.• Director of the Society of Organizational Learning in ROC.• Specialized in Transportation, Education and

Leadership. • Tel: (02)28948100-324 ROC• E-mail: [email protected]


Creating a Government Organizational Learning using the Presence Process

Page 4: Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005 1 1, Presence : Sensing, Presencing, Realizing. 2, Stories of organizational learning, and analysis.

Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


New Perspectives for Organizational Learning:

Creating a Government Organizational Learning

Using the Presence Process

Organizational learning developed from the Five Disciplines, the Fieldbook, the Dance of Change, to associated “Presence” research, has advanced to reveal a broader and higher sprit of leadership. Inspirationally, it is leading human beings to embrace the future and nature. In the Republic of China, organizational learning has been promoted in government agencies during the past four years. Through the distribution of action plans and shared vision manuals, gradually some results and experiences have been gained.

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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


New Perspectives for Organizational Learning:

Creating a Government Organizational Learning

Using the Presence Process

Chung Hwa Post is a state-run agency with 30,000 employees and 1,300 branch offices throughout the state. With the status of government employees, its employees were relatively passive. The goals of organizational learning in this study are to form consensus, improve service, benefit the society, and advance operations. After three years of endeavor, the postal service has turned from a government agency into a corporate organization.

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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


New Perspectives for Organizational Learning:

Creating a Government Organizational Learning

Using the Presence Process

Adopting the five disciplines and its fieldbook strategies to improve its quality of service, while applying concepts and tools in the Dance of Change to change its organizational structure, the organization has peacefully transformed its bureaucratic culture into enterprising culture. Customer-based management principles are implemented, along with changes such as taking into account of the bigger picture, encouraging dedication by each and every employee, and promoting self-development and learning. The chairman leader is a vegetarian and Buddhist, as he demonstrate his belief in his own actions and devote employees to team building.

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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


Presence 1

• It’s a common idea that trees come from seeds. But how can a seed become a huge tree? The seed is a gateway through which the possibility of the tree emerges.

• Of Parts and Wholes:The inventor Buckminster Fuller often raised his hand and asked people, “What is this?” Invariably, they would respond, “It’s a hand.” Then he pointed that the hand was made of cells, which were continually dying and regenerating. But, most important, the theory started to come to life as we found ourselves drawn into a web of synchronous events that were difficult to explain. It seemed as though we too were becoming a emerging part of the future .

• As Bortoft said, “The part is a place for the presencing of the whole.”

• The flow of idea more or less traces the flow of our conversations and experiences. this theory or the way of seeing gradually emerged from those conversations. However, they had been kept over a year and a half. After they were over, we four people also spent two years writing this book.

• This book is about a theory and a journey that leads us to know the theory. On the middle way of the journey, we began to understand the theory more clearly.

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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


1. A change begins with the Corporate Identification System. S.﹝ ﹞

2, As mental models are changed, structure is also changed. S.﹝ ﹞ 3, Combining with the whole of society and searching for the

perpetual business. S.﹝ ﹞4, Promoting the servant leadership and embracing an evolutional

future. P.﹝ ﹞5, Developing a change in the organization. P.﹝ ﹞6, Making everyone participate passionately. R.﹝ ﹞7, Sharing knowledge and learning together. R.﹝ ﹞

8, Evaluating the performance and Inspiring employees. R.﹝ ﹞

Sensing, Presencing, Realizing. S. P. R.﹝ ﹞

Creating a Government Organizational Learning using the Presence Process

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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


Culture of ChangeDr. Fullan

The Fifth Discipline & Dance of Change

Dr. Senge

O. L. From Th. To PracticeDr. Schwandt

Good Events Happen( Commitment)

Dr. Senge “Presence”


O. L. PracticeO. L. Evaluation

Creating a Government Organizational Learning using the Presence Process

Framework of S.P.R.﹝ ﹞

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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


Culture of Change: Dr. Fullan• Understanding the Change• Communication• Moral Purpose• Coherence Making• Shared Vision

• The Fifth Discipline: Dr. Senge• Shared Vision• Mental Models• Team Learning• Personal Mastery• System Thinking

From Th. to Practice in O.L. : Dr. Schwandt

• System /Interface

• Memory/Meaning

• Dissemination/ Diffusion

• Reflection/Action

Creating a Government Organizational Learning using the Presence Process


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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


Personal Mastery





Thinking men




Shared VisionTeam Learning

Five Disciplines

How to develop the O.L. in you organization?


Dance of Change

Field book

Structure of O. L.

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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


Presence 2• The Emergence of Living Institutions:A

living system continually re-creates itself. But how this occurs in social systems such as global institutions depends on our level of awareness, both individually and collectively.

• New Ways of Thinking About Learning: 1,Reactive Learning--(Reactive learning is governed by “downloading” habitual ways of thinking, of continuing to see the word within the familiar categories we’re comfortable with.) 2,Deeper Levels of Learning: If, on the other hand, we penetrate more deeply to see the larger wholes that generate “ what is” and our own connection to this wholeness, the source and effectiveness of our actions can change dramatically.

• We come to realize that both groups are talking about the same process – the process where by we learn to “present” an emerging whole, to become what Geoge Bernerd Shaw called “a force of nature.”


Deeper Levels of Learning

Thinking Doing


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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


Scenario Planning:

Step 1:Describing the visions of 5 or 10 Years latter.Step 2: Doing the SWOT Analyses.

Step 3: Sharing visions and reviewing the meanings. Step 4:Searching the great team.Step 5:Reviewing our resources.Step 6:Setting a strategic goals. Step 7:Performing the action plan.

Creating a Government Organizational Learning using the Presence Process


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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


Living Document of American History

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us.

The hero highly resolved that those dead should not have died in vain. This nation shall a new birth of freedom and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

The Post Keeps Abreast of

the Progress of the Society


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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


Reliability, Kindness, Efficiency, Creation

The Post Office Keeps Abreast of

the Progress of the Society

Creating a Government Organizational Learning using the Presence Process


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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005



Step 1:Inviting and explaining the rules.Step 2: Having a conversation on concerned issues. Step 3:Mutually listening and feeding back, speaking the true feeling.Step 4:Suspending the assumptions and trying to keep a empty mind.Step 5:Mutually inquiring with polite manners. Step 6:Feedbacking the common opinions and telling your affecting sentiments. Step 7: Ending the dialogue, everyone speaks

his gains for 1 minute.

Creating a Government Organizational Learning using the Presence Process


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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


Pay It Forward

Q1 : what do you see, hear in this movie? Q2:Which part of the movie moves you deeply, and which part do you remember ?Q3 : Do you have the same feeling as that of the movie?Q4 : What are the inspirations that you got from this movie?

Do you make initiative greeting to someone? Have you found something new today? (Postman Mr. Fred Factor,Mark Sanborn2002. Every Person’s Guide to Making the Ordinary Extraordinary.)

Photo of “Pay It Forward”


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Presentation on Presence Case Study in Vienna SOL 2005


• System thinking: Playing The game “Eyebrow Stick” for experience of Change.

• Changing Mental Model: Playing “paper cutting craft for experience of mental change.

• Virtuous Circle: Playing “tie ropes” for experience of communication and team Building.

Some Experiences of Learning by PA

Tie Rope Game for Team Building

Creating a Government Organizational Learning using the Presence Process
