Download - Presence Gifts - Happenings · PRAYER REQUESTS April 5-11 Members Dotsy Reynolds Peggy Covington Carl Anderson Our homebound and shut in members Jean Crouch ...



April 5-11


Dotsy Reynolds Peggy Covington

Carl Anderson Our homebound and shut in members

Jean Crouch Jean Haltiwanger

Ashby Scott Mary Ellen Kindley

Roy and Frances Shepard Peggy Coward

Denny Glennon Sam and Ava Nance

Henry Meacham, Jr. Annie Short

Mabel Mossor Myers Waddell

Juanita Sinclair Helen Goodman

Faye Poplin Claudette Brownley

Myra Waddell Krista Edwards

Aileen Traylor Doris Baxley

Marie Davis Elizabeth Alexander

Eleanor Page Bruce Simmons

Chuck Wright, Jr. Sunday: Nance McNeill Neal Parrisher

Vernon McDonald Richard Wright

Gabriel Rosales


Bailey Thompson Debbie McAdon

The Family of Kenny Long

The Family of Jim Iseman The Family of Joey Sheppard

The Family of Walter Lampley The Family of Lester Parks

The Family of Robert Coleman The Family of Chris Terry

The Family of Helen Millen The Family of Archie Bivens

The Family of Jim Gleason


Mike Snead The Family of Rev. James C. P. Brown


Nancy McInnis Morrison Prison Ministry

Earline Bray (Martha Scarborough’s sister) The Family of Paul Capel (Tim’s father)


Tommy Infinger Tom Ingle

Billy Baldwin The Family of Jimmy Hall

The Family of Keith Riggan Matthew McKenzie

Terry Lee Danny McLean

The Family of Lucille Covington Goodwin


John Wilson Betty Yount

Tommy Adeimy


The Family of Bill Eustler Olin Price

Martha Vetter Richard Phillips


Thank you for choosing to worship with us today at First United Methodist Church. Please sign the pew pad and pass it down. So that we may greet each

other by name, please return the pew pad to the starting point. If you would like to know more about the church, please speak to an usher or one of the pastors

Presence Last week’s attendance:

Sunday School: 87

Worship: 249


Operating Budget for 2015 $ 522,394.16

Operating Budget Needed to Date 130,598.52

Given to Date 125,647.17

Percentage Given 96.21%

Needed each week for the budget $10,046.04

Budget offering last week $12,980.50 Pennies for Zoe (Total to Date Collected) 9,272.50

Zoe pennies collected in March 32.00

Service for April

Ushers: Steve Webb Team

TV Ministry Duff Morse

Heat/AC Tim Capel and Steve Webb

Crucifer: Stephanie Barrett

Acolytes: Kalei Grant/Shelby Diggs

Nursery: Worship Service: Paige Bailey

Next week: Mindi Grant

Greeters: Jeff and Glenda Hughes

Debbie Morrison

Hedge Prayer: Discovery Young Adult Class

Hermitage Volunteer: East Rockingham UMC

Sunday Morning Fellowship: This Sunday: Jeff Hughes

Next Sunday: Glenn Alexander


Sunday April 5

9:30 am Sunday School Fellowship

9:45 am Sunday School for all ages

10:55 am Worship Hour

Monday April 6

Church office closed

Tuesday April 7 10:00 am Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Senior Pastor: Rev. Mike Sykes [email protected] Assistant to Pastor: Rev. Allison Farrah [email protected] Secretary: Cornelia McKenzie [email protected] Program Director: Mary Griffith [email protected] Choir Director: Statha Osborne/Chuck Wright Sexton: Al Floyd Organist/Pianist: Helen Alexander Caring for our children: Tabatha Miller

First United Methodist Church 10:55 am April 5, 2015

PO Box 637 – 410 East Washington Street

Rockingham, North Carolina 28380

Telephone No. 910-895-4027

Service is shown one week tape delayed on TWC Channel 15

Sundays at 7:00 pm

Order of Worship Worship is the way we Love God

10:55 am April 5, 2015 When the music begins, please prepare for worship through silent prayer and meditation.

Following the service, greet one another with joy and affection! _____________________________________________________________________________

Gathering Time and Welcome Sheila Gilmore, Lay Leader

Let Us Prepare our Hearts and Minds for Worship!

Chiming of the Hour Helen Alexander Prelude Crown Him Lord of All Martin Call to Worship And Can It Be? Forrest *Opening Prayer Rev. Mike Sykes *Hymn of Praise No.302 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today *Affirmation of Faith No.881 The Apostles’ Creed Rev. Allison Farrah *Gloria Patri No. 70 Glory Be to the Father

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen. Amen Call to Prayer Rev. Farrah Prayer of Confession Gracious God, you have walked patiently with us throughout our Lenten journey. You have celebrated our successes and our growing understanding of your love; and you have mourned our failures and rejections of your healing mercies. This day, as we have gathered to celebrate the joy of Easter, let us remember that we are to become “Easter People”, people of the Resurrection; people who know that what was thought to be impossible has been conquered. Forgive our stubbornness and fears. Fill us with your healing love and help us to become the disciples that you need to serve in this world. For we ask this in the name of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. AMEN. Words of Assurance Prayer Requests Chorus No. 2025 (TFWS) As the Deer

As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you.

You alone are my strength, my shield; to you alone my spirit yield. You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship you.

Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer Rev. Farrah The Worship of God with God’s tithes and our offerings

Offertory The Day of Resurrection Shackley Doxology No. 95 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen

Prayer of Dedication Rev. Sykes Children’s Time Mary Griffith

(Children 4-10 years old are invited to children’s church upstairs in room 410)

Reading from the Psalms Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Bill Rohleder Anthem He Shall Arise Fettke

*Gospel Reading Mark 16:1-8 page 66 Sermon He Is Not Here! Rev. Sykes * Hymn of Going Forth to Serve No. 318 Christ Is Alive Dismissal with Blessing *Choral Benediction Easter Alleluia Haugen *Chiming of the Holy Trinity *Postlude Paean of Triumph Smith

*Please stand as you are able

The flowers on the altar today are given for the Glory of God by Claudette Brownley in loving memory of her husband, Charles L. Brownley, and her mother, Carrie Brownley. Flowers on the organ today are given to the Glory of God by Bob and Rachel Ellwanger in honor of Helen Alexander for her birthday. Flowers on the organ today are given to the Glory of God by the FUMC Youth in honor of Statha Osborne for her birthday.

Again, FUMC members, your generosity and caring is so evident! Thank you for your support of the third UMW luncheon held on the 29th after Worship Service. We hope you enjoyed the menu-----we certainly enjoyed serving you. Because of your generous donations, we raised $750.00! Thank you, thank you! We will take a little break before our next luncheon, but we will be ready to serve you again soon! Daphne Smith

Youth will not meet tonight. Church office will be closed on Monday.

Wonderful Wednesday will not meet this week. The 2015 Haiti Mission Team will meet Sunday, April, 12, 19, & 26 at 3:00 pm in Room 101 for spiritual preparation. We will be studying the book,

Helping Without Hurting. Please make plans to attend each of these important meetings. Merry Makers!! Thursday, April 16 Meet at the church at 9:00 a.m. for a trip to the magnificent Ava Gardner Museum in Smithfield. Of course, a trip to Smithfield wouldn’t be complete without a stop at the Carolina Premium Outlets. The cost is $10.00 plus lunch money. Please call the church office to reserve your seat on the bus! Youth Free Carwash Fundraiser is Saturday, April 25th (please note new date!) with rain date of May 30. The youth are asking for pledges per cars washed-if you would like to help, please talk to a youth or Mary. All proceeds will be used for youth mission trips. We are honoring 2015 Graduates at the Methodist Men Breakfast on Sunday, May 17 and during Worship Service. We would like to make a DVD presentation of the seniors for the breakfast. Please bring pictures and information of your senior from birth to now to the church office by April 30th so we can make the DVD and put the information in the newsletter.

If you are interested in joining First United Methodist Church please see Mike or Allison.

Ponder this…

The great Easter truth is not that we are to live newly after death, but that we are to be new here and now

by the power of the resurrection.

Phillips Brooks

* * * * * * * * * *

Let us not then darken the joy of Christ's victory by remaining in captivity and darkness,

but let us declare His power, by living as free men (and women) who have been called by Him out of darkness into his admirable light.

Thomas Merton