Download - Preppies making Porridge - St Monica's Primary School · As you know, we have placed a very big emphasis on reading improvement during the year and the re- ... [ve learnt some interesting

Page 1: Preppies making Porridge - St Monica's Primary School · As you know, we have placed a very big emphasis on reading improvement during the year and the re- ... [ve learnt some interesting

75 Lorrimer Street Oakey 4401 Ph: 0746911067 Email: [email protected]

Newsletter 14th November 2018 Week 6 Term 4 “Inspiring learning for a better world.”

Preppies making Porridge

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Principal’s Page

Dear Parents/Caregivers

As you know, we have placed a very big emphasis on reading improvement during the year and the re-

sults are very promising with many of our students showing significant gains over the past 12 months. In

order to encourage our students to keep striving for improvement it is important to have good quality

reading materials available which matches the levels of student development. Over the last six years

several thousand dollars has been spent on purchasing new readers for classroom and home use. This is

in addition to library books purchased for recreational reading by students. The classroom and home

reading books do not have a long life as wear and tear is pretty taxing. We use much of the PM Reading

scheme for the teaching of reading. This is a tried and true scheme with associated teacher materials

and assessment devices for gauging student levels. We have just ordered another $2500 worth of mate-

rials which will in turn result in better quality of books being available for home readers. The upgrading

of reading materials is a long term, costly and ongoing project. Hopefully we will have some bright new

books by the end of the year or for the start of the new year. Keep a watch out for new books as the

come home. We will start at the Early Years level of the school.

Thank you to parents and staff who attended the ‘Open Forum’ on Monday afternoon. I’m told some

great ideas were discussed which will help guide the new Principal, School Board and P&F in strategic

directions for the future in areas of resources, facilities, activities and school growth.

We are starting to move towards the end of the school year with many activities on the horizon. Swim-

ming lessons start tomorrow, a second Prep 2019 Orientation morning is planned for Monday 26 No-

vember, a volunteers’ thankyou afternoon tea will be held on Wednesday 28 November, the End of Year

Concert will be held on Thursday 29 November and Years 4 to 6 will have a ball games afternoon here

against Oakey State School on Friday 30 November! In the last week of school, we will farewell the Year

6 class and on the last day of school we will join for a Thanksgiving celebration. It is important that stu-

dents continue to be at school every day, but I would suggest plenty of sleep during the new few weeks!

Thank you to Claire Matthewson and Mitchell Lancaster who represented the school at the Remem-

brance Day commemoration ceremony last Sunday morning. Their attendance contributed greatly to the

mark of respect afforded by this community to those who fought for freedom and peace.

Just a reminder that the final P&F meeting for the year will be held next Monday 19 November com-

mencing at 7:00pm. If you haven’t been to a meeting this year, please make this one a priority. Many



Mr Roland Poulton


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APRE Report Week 6 Term 4

***The School Family Mass on Saturday the 24th of November has been cancelled***

End of Year Concert Details

The concert will be held on Thursday the 29th of November beginning at 6pm sharp. All students will be performing a dance as well as a musical item. The concert will be followed by a BBQ and Disco, with the evening wrapping up by 9pm. Costume requirements were sent home in last week’s newsletter and have been discussed with the students. Please see me if there are any questions regarding this.

Spelling Bee

Mrs Anderson has been busily organising our annual Spelling Bee to be held in week 8 of this term. Stu-dents from each year level will compete on behalf of their house to win the overall trophy. The names of students and their competition day will be published next week so parents can come along to our morning parade to cheer them along. Individual winners from each class will receive a prize.

End of Year Celebrations

As the end of year quickly approaches, it is important to mark in your calendars some upcoming events.

Wednesday 5th December – 9am Mass to farewell our Year 6 students. The whole school will attend with our Year 6 students and their families invited to attend morning tea in the parish hall after-wards.

Friday 7th December – 10am – End of Year Liturgy and Farewell to Mr Poulton. Our end of year awards will be presented at this Liturgy and will be followed by morning tea for families and invit-ed guests.

Remembrance Day

Last Sunday marked the 100 year anniversary of the signing of the peace treaty to end World War One. I was joined by our school captains, Claire and Mitchell (and their families) at the Oakey RSL Memorial Ser-vice. Claire and Mitchell represented our school community with distinction as they laid a wreath on be-half of St Monica’s. Thank you to Claire and Mitchell for giving up their Sunday morning for this service.

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Teacher Talk


We’ve had a busy week in prep as we continue to fit in as much teaching and learning as possible before the end of the year. We’ve continued with our exploration of fairytales, this week concentrating on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. A highlight was making porridge and tasting it. We added honey, brown sugar, sultanas, cinnamon and grated apple. The sweeter ones were by far the favourites and some discovered a breakfast cereal that they’d never tasted before and actually enjoyed.

We’ve learnt some interesting facts about real bears and have successfully copied sentences from the whiteboard containing facts about these interesting mammals. They have an increased vocabulary, having learnt some new words in relation to this animal group. Test them to see how much they can recall!

Exploring ‘groups of’ during maths has been novel and the children have practised counting with some even man-aging to count by two’s ! We are continuing our daily practice of writing letters and numerals and many are mak-ing a marked improvement.

All in all a busy and happy week with a great little bunch of preps.

Mrs Jenny Shellshear

Year One

This week we have been looking at visualizing ‘changing words into pictures’ when reading. Students are looking at the ‘aw’ sound for spelling. During Religion lessons students are reading stories of Mary and the birth of Jesus. They are learning the Hail Mary prayer. During Mathematics students are exploring the language of chance. They have been reading, interpreting and representing data on graphs.

With only a few weeks left students have been busy with testing and fine tuning their skills in preparation for next year. Please make sure that all library books are returned this Friday.

Mrs Chris Conneely

Year Two

In Maths we are exploring division by grouping collections. We explored the division sign and how to show our mathematical understanding using a number sentence. This week we have explored the <le> spelling rule and have investigated parsing in grammar. When we parse we are looking for all the common and proper nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions and conjunctions in a piece of text. In Science we are exploring the pro-cess of metamorphosis and are investigating the different life cycles of animals and insects. Next week we are planning to design our Marble Runs for Design and Technology. We are in need of tubes and cardboard boxes. If you have any spare recyclable tubes or boxes, please send these in.

Mrs Rowena Staude

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Teacher Talk

Year Three

Welcome to Week 6.

I can’t believe how fast this term is going! In Year Three we have been doing a lot of revision and completing as-sessment tasks. In Mathematics, we are focusing on multiplication and division as well as symmetry. In English, we are revising parts of speech and finalising our poetry anthologies. We have also each created an artwork de-picting one of the Saints we have learnt about in Religion this term.

Miss Ayden-Skye Wolff

Year Four

Welcome to week 6!

This week we have been reflecting upon the parable of The Good Samaritan. Students were asked to reflect on the messages of the parable and share these with the class. We are currently completing our Maths testing which is focusing on converting between units of measurement and analysing data, which I’m confident the year 4 class will succeed in.

A reminder that although we are nearing the end of the term, the expectations surrounding punctuality and the completion of homework still apply. Thank you for your hard work during this busy time.

Mr Callum Duncan

Year Five

Thank you for the prompt return of your swimming notes. A reminder our first lesson is on Thursday so please

ensure your child has all of their requirements.

This week in English, the students have been writing narratives and focusing on the prefixes multi, over and super.

In Maths, we are consolidating our number knowledge and have completed assessments in multiplication, estima-

tion and time, whilst in HaSS, we are looking at the impact climate has on vegetation. In Science, we investigated

everyday gases and completed a soft drink fizz experiment to see what happened when we added water to bicar-

bonate soda and citric acid. The students enjoyed participating in this hands-on activity.

Mrs Kaylene Bruggemann

Year Six

Hello from Year 6

We have had a busy week in the run to the Christmas holiday period. Students are busily editing assignment work

in HASS, English, and Technology as part of semester two assessment. These assignments are due on Friday 16th


We have completed the teaching phase of the Maths unit on probability and the class will soon sit a test on this

topic. We have discovered that probability is not always an accurate determiner of outcomes.

With swimming lessons commencing on Thursday 15th November I have advised the children that they can wear

their swimming costumes to school as Year 6 swim from 9.00am till 9.40am. They must however change out of

their costume after the lesson.

Mr Mick West

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Weekend Masses

St Monica’s Parish

1st, 4th & 5th Sunday – Satur-day Vigil 6.00pm

2nd Sunday – 8.00am

3rd Sunday – 8.00am Cele-bration of the Word & Com-


Our Lady of the Annuncia-tion, Peranga

2nd Sunday – 10.00am

4th Sunday – 10.00am Cele-bration of the Word & Com-


Oakey: Saturday 6pm

Peranga: Sunday 10am

November 2018

Thurs Nov 15th Swimming Lessons

Mon Nov 19th P&F Meeting 7pm

Tue Nov 20th Swimming Lessons

Thurs Nov 22nd Swimming Lessons

Fri Nov 23rd Swimming Lessons

Mon Nov 26th Prep Orientation 9-11am

Tue Nov 27th Swimming Lessons

Wed Nov 28th Volunteers Afternoon Tea 2.15pm

Thurs Nov 29th Swimming Lessons

Thurs Nov 29th End of Year Concert, Disco & BBQ

Fri Nov 30th Yr 4-6 Ballgames with Oakey SS

December 2018

Tue Dec 4th Swimming Carnival

Thurs Dec 6th Year 6 Farewell Celebrations 9am

Fri Dec 7th Mr Poulton Farewell Liturgy 10am

Fri Dec 7th Last Day of School


Tue 29th January School Resumes

Sun 12th May Centenary of St Monica’s Parish

Fri 7th June Confirmation

Sun 9th June First communion



Monday 19th November 2018

Linda Leerentveld

Tanya Biltoft

Nicole Langton

Thank you ladies for

volunteering your time!

SUPERlearners Term 4 Week 5

SUPERlearners Term 4 Week 6

Prep: Jack M

Yr 1: Brielle

Yr 2: Girard

Yr 3: Corbin

Yr 4: Hannah

Yr 5: Tahlia

Yr 6: Franchezka

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Over 100 athletes competed in the final Aussie Kids Karate Championships for 2018 which was combined with the staging of the Australian Renbukan Karate Championships, held at the Toowoomba State School Mt Lofty on Sunday the 11th November 2018. Oakey All-Stars fielded a strong team again, with 6 students coming from St Monica’s.

In the Aussie Kids Championships Luke Young won a gold medal, Trinity Beutel and Emma Prentergast received silver medals, and Henry Young was awarded a bronze medal. In the Australian Renbukan cham-pionships Mitchell Lancaster was awarded third place in the Junior Male Kumite Division Three, and Edu-ardo De Moraes was second in the Junior Male Kumite Division One.

Aussie Kids Karate classes are held each Thursday afternoon from 4:30 pm in the Oakey State School Hall – everyone is welcome and the first class is free. We also offer both a junior and a senior/adult class. For further information go to or look for us on Facebook under Aussie Kids Karate.

Oakey PPP Seminar next Wed evening 21st Nov 6-8:30pm.

If we don’t reach minimum numbers the seminar will not be able to go ahead – the families of Oakey have asked for this – so please together lets encourage active participation.

The Power of Positive Parenting Seminar is FREE ….please share with your networks and families.


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Important Notices


Every school has student protection contacts that act as a point of call for reporting, advice or information. These people are provided

with training each year.

At St Monica’s, the student protection contacts are:

Kaylene Bruggemann

Rowena Staude

Susan Rodd

The school principal is also able to provide assistance for any students or members of the school community. You will notice posters

around the school making everyone aware of who he contacts are.

Crazy Sock Day

Centenary of St Monica’s Parish

Sunday May 12th 2019, 9am Mass followed by

Morning Tea.

Photographs of Marriages, Baptisms, Confir-

mation, First Communion at St Monica’s over

the past 100 years are required for Souvenir

Booklet. Please see Father Thomas or the

school office for further details.

Situation Vacant

Tuckshop Convenor needed for

the 2019 School Year.

If you are interested, come in and talk

to our current convenors who will

inform you on the workings of our

Tuckshop, or leave your name in the
